IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 1-6-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 1-6-20

biff   Doug check it out Tense clashes in Toronto over U.S. killing of Soleimani

5,651 views•Jan 4, 2020

Doug_W   biff need a link




LeLe   biff thanks. Hopefully people will wake up.

biff   Check out the third link LeLe

Dave   biff 20 peeps.....and.hardly tense maybe nosy

Doug_W   1/5/2020 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call w/ Pat, and Bobby 41min LINK

sandyf@crazy crypto Funny how Kap refuses to believe a chart the CBI published that reduced the money supply

Funny how some refuse to believe the financial statement published by the CBI.

JoeSchmoe   We are now at the 'tax talk' portion of the dinar cycle,  Next will be rate, since we just had time frame recently.

tman23   JoeSchmoe Tax on the dinar talk, the ultimate hype ... just as one old Tennessee man would greet by hello all my millionaire friends.... although all that’s positive ,the reality is NONE OF US KNOW EXACTLY WHAT LIFTING THE 3 zeroes entails ... and there in lies the speculation .... Lol....


tman23   Baxter We all suspected such and I suspect Trump won’t take an IOU or a check either...

Baxter   Nope.... He is pissed.. big time

Baxter   From what he has been through this year... I cant blame him one bit

Young_SC   Baxter Trump is making it known that the United States is in charge and he will not take any nonsense

Baxter   finally

tman23   beyond the point of horrible.... Trump is to America and the World today what Churchill was during his time ....looks like Northam in Virginia is going to be the gauge for 2020 when they go after the guns .... THE BREAKING POINT !

tman23   I was told by 99% proven reliable source that Hadr Ameri was arrested by US forces right after the strike on Solemani... but no print on it yet , next day few others were targeted and killed in a traveling caravan ... also was informed that November 13th there was to be the largest transfer of wealth in history, still looking but I find zip

tman23   Wow.... just looking at pictures of John Kerry meeting with 3 Iranian officials in Paris YESTERDAY.... I’ll go out on a limb and say they told him they were going to all out enrichment phase and his paychecks were being cut off .... what a piece of crap Kerry is ....and hanging on supporting Biden with his nose up Joes butt.... guess Bernie is going to be submissive again to the DNC as their candidate is obviously already chosen .... everything else is just the deep state dog and pony show

Chattels   tman23 There was a news article denouncing the arrest of Ameri us " fake news ".

chattels   Iraqi armed factions vow revenge for Shiite commanders’ killings  Shelly Kittles  on Jan 5, 2020

Read more:

chattels   Iraqi parliament’s resolution to expel foreign troops has no legal consequences

chattels    Why you may ask ?

chattels   Iraqi law does not originate in Parliament

According to article 61 of Iraq’s constitution, the Iraqi Parliament can enact federal laws, among other tasks, but cannot make decisions that fall within the Federal government’s codified responsibilities. This includes decisions about whether or not foreign military forces can operate within Iraq’s sovereign territory.

Furthermore, Article 60 and article 80 of the Iraqi constitution specify that it is the Iraqi president and the prime council of ministers (cabinet), led by the prime minister, who can send draft laws to the parliament. Thus, the parliament does not seem to have the power to force the government to carry out a parliamentary resolution.

chattels   “Today's parliamentary session was voted on by a parliamentary decision stipulating the cancellation of the 2016 agreement that states Iraq’s membership in the international coalition to combat ISIS, and there is no evidence to evacuate US or foreign forces, and the parliamentary decision is far from canceling the 2008 Iraqi-American agreement,” Husham al-Hashimi, an Iraqi researcher on extremism, said in a tweet.

“According to a legal expert who advises the parliament, there are precedents in which the Federal Court has cancelled more than once parliamentary decision like this. There is no legal or constitutional value to any decision made by the Parliament, since it is not among the duties of the Parliament to legislate decisions, and the government is not bound by any decision issued by the Parliament,” al-Hashimi added, explaining parliamentary resolutions were just “recommendations”.

chattels   “Basically, the session was a show. The decision simply asks Government to do whatever it should do to limit and gradually end foreign forces in Iraq, arms under Gov control only. No decision to expel trainers,” Sarkawt Shams, a Kurdish MP in the Iraqi Parliament, said in a tweet.

chattels   The US has thousands of troops in Iraq, along with a formidable array of military equipment including planes. They have been critical in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq, conducting combat operations in addition to advising, training, and assisting Iraqi forces. Their removal could severely impact the fight against ISIS.

chattels   Trump threatens ‘never seen before’ sanctions on Iraq after parliament votes to expel US troops

chattels   How should the Kurdistan Region respond to US-Iran crisis?

chattels   Having killed Soleimani, what retaliation can the US expect from Iran?

larrykn   chattels I don't think Iraq will kick out our troops, I heard this morning that if we were to be kicked , Iraq would have to pay for that big air base we just built, I dought they will do that

Chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Haitham Al-Jubouri, said that the strategic framework agreement (Iraq - America) approved in the year (2008) is still valid and we are committed to it and are not affected by the decision issued by parliament yesterday, as it focused on ending the presence Foreign military only and with a timetable.

chattels   Typical Iraqi construct. Accept the good and reject everything else.

chattels   larrykn How is one going to collect money from Iraq ?

chattels   good = benefits

larrykn   they will just not leave

chattels   larrykn Sounds dicey to me.

chattels   Dollar exchange rates rise in the stock market and local markets

Monday 06, January 2020

larrykn   I feel its about time that the US stands up for what we fought for and not let these people tell us what we will do or not.

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The dollar exchange rates rose on the Kifah Stock Exchange and local markets, on Monday noon (6 January 2020).

The prices of the Kifah Stock Exchange - Baghdad were 122,200 dinars per 100 dollars.

As for the selling and buying prices in the banking shops, they were: The price of selling the dollar = 123,000 dinars.  The purchase price of the dollar = 121,000 dinars

chattels   The foregoing numbers may be outside of the 2% variance.

chattels   larrykn I get it and my sense of pride is provoked by it all. but young Americans are going to die I am afraid.

Doug_W   2020-01-06 | 08:11  The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Monday, that the strategic framework agreement approved in the year 2008 is still in force, while he indicated that it is not affected by the parliament’s decision yesterday.

The committee said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy of it that "the strategic framework agreement (Iraqi - American) that was approved in the year 2008 is still valid and we are committed to it," noting that it "is not affected by the decision issued by parliament yesterday, as it focused on ending the presence The foreign military only and with a timetable prepared by the Iraqi government according to the readiness of our armed forces and the estimates of the General Command in coordination with those countries, which does not affect the nature of our relations with them in particular.

She added, "The mission of the presence of these forces has ended after the elimination of the state of the ISIS myth," calling for "not to be concerned about any deterioration in the economic situation."

She stressed, "We are in contact with all relevant authorities on this issue and are keen to maintain economic relations with all countries, including the United States, and in a way that serves the interests of our country in terms of security and economic, especially since there are large investment contracts between the two countries in important and strategic sectors that affect the economy and the daily life of the citizen." Iraqi. "

The House of Representatives approved the government’s mandate to end the presence of foreign forces on the country’s territory, in response to the assassination of Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and deputy chief of the PMF Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

larrykn   chattels they are dying now. and unless we stand to these people we will have that problem over here, I would rather deal with them there then here. I feel a lot of people have forgotten why we are in here in the first place,911

Doug_W   I have seen young Americans die and its the cost of freedom/ trust me I KNOW that cost!

Doug_W   Silver:$18.55

chattels   Doug_W I know that you well know the costs, but I was never in harm's way and I am too old to serve now, so I am hesitant to offer the life of someone else. I am not qualified to make such a judgment.

Doug_W   chattels I understand and I meant NO negativity to you I was just stating the facts as I know them to be true

Doug_W   As a young man I was very willing to fight for this Country even tho I was petrified

Doug_W   as I believe our young military is today and its SAD we have to be that way :(

chattels   Today is Army Day in Iraq, a National Holiday.

Doug_W   one of 364 holidays over there

chattels   Doug_W My nephew just finished Ranger school at Fort Benning.

Doug_W   chattels did he deploy then?

Doug_W   AND Bless him too

Chattels   Today, Sunday, the head of the Victory Bloc in Parliament, Adnan al-Zorfi, criticized the parliamentary vote for ending the foreign presence in Iraq, pointing to "losing a useful ally and winning an enemy that everyone fears."

Al-Zrafi said in a tweet on his Twitter site, that the (all) foreign forces' necessity is imposed by the (peoples) themselves if the pillars of the state are integrated.

"An angry people, an independent government and a broken political system do not mean integration," he said, adding, "We not only lost a beneficial ally, but won an enemy that everyone fears."

chattels   Doug_W Not sure of his orders at this time.

Futuremoney   I heard Iraq has voted to throw the US out of Iraq...getting better all the time...

Baxter   yep.... exciting times   but oh... we are gonna rV

futuremoney   US gone ..ISIS will take over

Baxter   yep... in a heartbeat   thats what Iran wants

futuremoney   don't know about that..Isis is so barbaric...   US...gone...

Al-Hakim: Parliament’s vote today is a step toward preserving sovereignty and strengthening Iraq's prestige in the region

The President of the National Wisdom Stream, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim, confirmed that the House of Representatives voted to oblige the government to end the foreign military presence in the country, "a step towards preserving national sovereignty and strengthening the prestige of Iraq in the region."

Al-Hakim called in his tweet on Twitter: "The government to develop and equip the capabilities of the Iraqi forces and protect the Iraqi airspace, lands and borders."

He also called "everyone to join hands and work for Iraq, all of Iraq, and serve its people."

Al-Hakim called for "expediting the selection of the head of the transitional government with the required specifications and preparation for early elections away from foreign interference."

The House of Representatives voted in an extraordinary session today on a parliamentary decision in the presence of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to compel the Iraqi government to preserve the sovereignty of Iraq by canceling the request for assistance submitted by it to the international coalition to fight ISIS in order to end military operations and achieve victory and liberation and the commitment of the Iraqi government to end the presence of any forces Foreigner in Iraqi territory and prevent her from using the Iraqi land, water and air for any reason.


Young_SC   Doug_W hmm interesting article that you posted Doug

futuremoney   may as well say that Iraq is gone too

futuremoney   they cant defend themselves at all...

futuremoney   looks like Trump is threatening sanctions on Iraq if they continue with this expulsion of the US...that's some more good news...

Andrewhatidid   NN futuremoney voting the troops out its actually a good thing not a bad thing and its only a few will be gone and you know why they will be gone bkuz when THE R.V. happen iraq becomes stable securitize and etc..... and they will spark thingz up for others foreign countries to follow the same foot step and reevaluating reforming and restoring their country state city continent and etc you should be worrying about your friends deep state dems that come back tomorrow just to cant handle the heat of the pressure they started.....

Andrewhatidid   thats what you should be worrying about not us we gucci over here and will be set for life iraq will be only the beginning.....

Andrewhatidid   when trump sends message out like that its him letting the deep state dems knows their era is over you should be worrying about your friends losing power and control not us......


More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Evening 1-6-2020


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