IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 3-6-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 3-6-20

Xyz   The central bank demands citizens to stop dealing in banknotes

Baghdad  Today, Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq called on citizens to stop dealing in banknotes to prevent the transfer of corona.

Where he called Central Bank officials to refrain as much as possible from dealing in banknotes in order to guard against Corona virus and called for electronic payment.

Xyz   Israeli Researchers Announce Breakthrough in Coronavirus Treatment

A group of researchers in northern Israel said Thursday they had achieved a “scientific breakthrough” in treating coronavirus. At a press conference, researchers of the Migal Galilee Research Institute said that the breakthrough had come while they were doing research on coronavirus in birds. A treatment had been discovered which cured the birds infected with coronavirus, and clinical trials at Israel’s Volcani Agricultural Research Institute had confirmed the treatment’s viability.

The basic coronavirus in birds is very similar in patterns of infection and effect of the virus in humans, and the genetic structure of the virus in both humans and birds is very similar, the researchers said. As a result, the treatment developed for birds could be applicable to humans – and they believed that an effective treatment could be developed for humans within three months, they said.

David Zigdon, Chief Operating Officer of the Institute, said that “there is a great need for an immediate solution to human infection of coronavirus, and we have been working to do that nonstop.

The solution we are developing against COVID-19 virus has proven effective, and we believe a version for human treatment can be ready within eight to 10 weeks. That would be followed by a 90-day test period to ensure safety. The treatment we developed for birds is given orally, and the treatment we are developing for humans will also be given orally.”

Director of the Institute Professor Dan Levanon said the speed with which the treatment could be used would depend on regulatory approval. “Under the current conditions in which the disease is causing terrible losses, I believe that state regulators would be very lenient in the various stages that the treatment must pass before it is approved, of course ensuring that it will do no harm via side effects and the like. Under normal

Chattels   Iraq's Dysfunctional Democracy  by David Ghanim Ph.D. (Author)This book examines Iraq since 2003 and argues that a new democratic Iraq cannot be grounded on destructive politics of victimization, narrow nationalism, sectarian confessionalism, and a consensual, power-sharing political arrangement.

chattels   Rockets fired at Green Zone today 2nd time this week

chattels   There were reports that Tehran told its allies in the Hashd to lay off such attacks because the focus was going to be on parliament forcing the US military out of Iraq but with the govt deadlocked over a new PM it looks like these incidents will continue

chattels   Talk about zombie political initiatives: the biggest idea coming out of the Iraqi political establishment since the failure of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi is to just let caretaker PM Abd al-Mahdi stay on until early elections are (theoretically) held in December.

chattels   [Baghdad-Ain] The former Deputy Prime Minister, Bahaa Al-Araji, confirmed today, Thursday, that there is a trend to keep Adel Abdul-Mahdi as prime minister.

chattels   "there is a move by the President of the Republic and members of Parliament to find a candidate for prime minister, and I believe that Adel Abdul Mahdi will remain,"

chattels   Power vacuum in Iraq

chattels   As the PMU’s plan for preserving its influence through Allawi’s Cabinet has failed, it is taking another look at Abdul Mahdi, hoping to keep him in power. Abdul Mahdi, who has strong ties to Iran, originally was chosen as prime minister in October 2018.

He was considered a compromise candidate and struggled to form a Cabinet. In November, he resigned (pending the ratification of a new prime minister) under pressure from some Shiite religious leaders and mass protests against government corruption and Iranian influence.

Askari also said that following Allawi's withdrawal, “The best option is to keep Abdul Mahdi in the prime minister's office. The only obstacle against him is the religious authority view that led to his resignation. This can be changed now.”

Read more:

chattels   Abdul-Mahdi, although he had said he would leave office if his successor was not ratified by March 2, said that instead he will take a voluntary absence and hand over his duties to the head of his office, Abu Jihad al-Hashimy, and some of his Cabinet members.

This is a tactic to prevent President Barham Salih from taking on the duties of the prime minister, as the Iraqi Constitution allows.

Read more:

Chattels   With Hillary’s upcoming testimony under oath before Judicial Watch attorneys, make sure you’re up to date with the details of the Clinton email scandal by watching this exclusive interview between Judicial Watch Senior Attorney Ramona Cotca and Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on the ex-secretary’s misconduct.

etexfishermanWhitelions: please explain to me how the RV can happen without a rate change in the Dinar and Dong?

Whitelions   etexfisherman you tell me what one has to do with the other how are they connected ?

Whitelions   etexfisherman they are two very different country's so there is no way they are connected It would be like saying Canada could regulate the USA currency just because some guy on a computer said it was so. Do you know what I mean?

etexfisherman   Whitelions: I reckon the I am wondering what are they going to base the payout on without a revaluation of the currency of Iraq and Viet Nam?

Zig   etexfisherman : Do you believe in a so-called "GCR".....

 Whitelions   etexfisherman It dose not work that way when meiar RV there money 2 years ago they shocked the world and they did not base it on any other country but on what was going on in their own country , when Iraq RV it will be based on pre devalued money, and what the market will bar now . It has nothing to do with how much money is in circulation they have that already factored in and taken care of with the banks and how they will collect the money from them . Us as single person holders don't matter because we will take it to the bank and they will take care of it.

Etexfisherman    Yes, I am inclined to believe there are forces at work trying to get that accomplished. I also IMO believe the Globalists are resisting strongly and the Rothschild's control over 500 trillion dollars to fight it with, plus these Globalist Central Banks are buying gold like it is going out of style and on top of that are coming up with their own crypto currency.

The Global Currency Reset is pertaining to asset backed currency leveling the playing field in trade. But as for the RV how do they pay out at the exchange without a rate change from what they are now? You must believe the GCR has everything to do with the RV, and if so please tell me how it supersedes the countries playing more fairly by raising the rate of their currency.

Whitelions   if your thinking there are people out there that hold more that 5 to 10 million dinars right now you would be right BUT there are not as many as you think now ,the gurus took care of that with all their BS people sold it off and to this day still are , most hold a million or less . Over all less than 1% of people in the world are dinar holders .

  Whitelions   ( You must believe the GCR has everything to do with the RV, and if so please tell me how it supersedes the countries playing more fairly by raising the rate of their currency.) your words not Mine and no I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE GCR Just so were clear on that .

Whitelions   this is a country coming back from a long war nothing more and nothing less it will do what every other country in the world has done coming out of war they will ajust the value according to what their country can back and get it close enough to market value to work in the world Iraq has assets out the wazoo and needs know other help and can rv into market at a very competitive rate .

Whitelions    o ya and to tell Baxter his dime might be worth 15 cents just to mess with him lol

I personally think the GCR has a direct effect on a nation revaluing their currency, but only in that the goal set forth for the 209 nations on board with the GCR is 1:1 leveling the field for all nations. IMO, they can still avoid raising the value of their currency if they want.

However, April 6 when the rule goes into effect when manipulating currencies will have an effect on them being allowed to trade. I ask you what I did because it just doesn't make sense to me how anyone can exchange without a determined rate to exchange at. If you know, that is what I wanted to know. What am I missing in this process that would allow the exchange?

Whitelions   etexfisherman I do not know what the rate will be but I do know it will be a as close to oursas they can get and above kuwait by a few cents

Etexfisherman   Well, I won't ask again. I just know a lot of people are under the assumption this exchange is tomorrow or next Tuesday. How can they possibly know that without a rate change taking place first. I thought perhaps there is something I don't know about this that would shed some light about the exchange without a rate change. You mentioned the Iraqi Dinar would be without a doubt higher than the Kuwait Dinar. How do you know that. I know Kuwait told Iraq not to raise their rate higher than them.

Baxter   Whitelions... I will take that Fifteen Cents..for my DIME....

Baxter   thats the best offer I have had.. in years...

6 Mar 20, 11:52 AM Young_SC   etexfisherman Iraq is alot richer then kuwait, that was long ago that kuwait stated that. Its different now. Imo Iraq should have the highest currency rate in the world

Chattels   Iraqi Crisis Action Cell suspends all government agencies’ working hours except Health & Security agencies until 15 March due to Corona Virus. 41 Corona Virus cases in Iraq & 3 deaths. LINK

biff   Chattels what do you think about the CBI making all the moves

chattels   Iraq suspends school & university hours until 21 March. LINK


chattels   biff What moves seem significant to you ?

biff   Exchanging currencies because of the corona virus. Cleaning money

biff   Going to a digital currency

chattels   Corona threatens to postpone the parliamentary sessions that will resume next Monday

Editing Date: 3/6/2020 18:24 •

chattels   The Central Bank of Iraq called on merchants and citizens to deal with electronic payment tools (cards, points of sale, mobile wallets) and avoid dealing in paper money, in order to preserve public health.

The central bank stated, "This measure came after following up on international reports that warn of the ability banknotes to be a carrier medium for viruses, including the Corona virus."

biff   I know they want to go polymer bill

chattels   biff I do not read " going to a digital currency " into that news.

chattels   Seems like a health related precaution effort.

biff   That would crazy about money carry germs

biff   all money

hattels   Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet. And bills are a hospitable environment for gross microbes: viruses and bacteria can live on most surfaces for about 48 hours, but paper money can reportedly transport a live flu virus for up to 17 days.


biff   I watch a episode of the X Files where someone contaminating money in a bank with virus. Caused a big panic

chattels   biff Iraq and the X Files likely have more in common than we would like or suspect. :)

biff   lol

chattels   Again not much news today, but there sometimes is news later in the day or evening.

chattels   " The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope." - John Buchan

chattels   Golf is much the same.

Biff   Chattel whos next in line for PM

chattels   biff The news i read has turned to the likelihood that Abdul Mahdi will stay on as the Caretaker PM until the elections.

biff   ok

chattels   biff I really do not think that there is anyone they can agree upon and even if they could he would be a compromise candidate like Mahdi and to some extent Abadi before him. Weak and ineffectual.

biff    Abadi is my choice

chattels   In a Parliamentary system the PM is a creature of Parliament. Substantial change in Iraq must come from the Parliament, IMO.

biff   true I know this is a new Govt format the Iraqis

chattels   The greatest danger is that Parliament continues to be dysfunctional and the populace revolts and some military strongman steps up / in, IMO.

chattels   Dangerous to a democratic Iraq, but it may be all that Iraqis understand.

biff   But we have all new generation of Iraqis

chattels   Depending upon the autocrat maybe it could be a good thing.

biff   Iran Lebannon dayum the whole middle east

chattels   biff Yes, but the Iraqi elite still control and the new generation are indoctrinated / brought/ bought into the patronage system all the time

chattels   The increase in population may make it increasingly difficult for the elite to create " jobs " or fund a payroll.

biff   Every guru I tried to talk to about this investment have never stepped foot first in Iraq.

chattels   There is a potential breaking point in every society between the " haves " and the " have nots " I think.

biff   I agree

chattels   biff I have never been to Iraq.

biff   I love the story " al baba and the forty thives "

chattels   I love history and archaeology and would like to go for that reason.

biff   I went to one biblical site in Iraq " abrahams well" in al anbar province;

biff   Saddam tried to drain it

chattels   biff Were you in the military ?

biff   US Army restored it

biff   Yes im retired

chattels   biff Thank you for your service.

biff   I was a contractor in Kuwait and Iraq during the war

chattels   I have a nephew that just became a Ranger.

biff   I was off the coast of Vung Tu during the last days in Saigon

Doug_W   biff were U an "E" or an "O"?

chattels   biff What age are you, late 60's ?

biff   Evacuating Vietnam

biff   yes 60s

biff   USN

Doug_W   biff were U an "E" or an "O"?

biff   E\

Doug_W   Thank You

biff   I talked to a Kuwati about the invasion of Kuwait. He told before saddam invaded Kuwait had all the bank in the country and was suppose to the Dubui

biff   Iraqi own them big time

Biff   exchanging Saddam notes

Etexfisherman   Chattels: I agree, that nasty filthy money could have the virus. If I was you I send it to me and let me protect you.

Zig   Whitelions may be the most optimistic person I have ever met in this....

Baxter   Now Parliament may not meet due to the coronavirus... give me a break

Dave   Zig Kim Been telling me Iraq released from sanctions for

Baxter   Dave... the most important ones.. I believe they have... the rest wouldnt stop this

Dave   Whats Almost mean regarding or out?

Baxter   I dont think chapter 7 has anything to do with this..

Dave    IMF would argue that

Zig   So many variables in this....

Dave   Look at the Chapter 7 nations,,,,,20 ish .......Not Global currencies......wonder why


Americans More Worried About Running Out Of Money Than Dying


Friday Night X22 Reports 3-6-2020