IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 1-17-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 1-17-20

Chattels   There have been at least two news reports placing Ameri in Iraq at meetings between the political blocs for different reasons,

chattels    Are the reports reliable ?

Sparky   ...chattels ...Maliki newscasters,,,

chattels   Pentagon: We continue to plan and redeploy and look forward to resuming operations in Iraq


chattels   Military spokesman for Iraqi PM: the PM did not approve the resumption of US military operations in Iraq.

chattels   Iraqi politician says there are moves to restore confidence in PM Abdel-Mahdi. He is the only one that can save Iraq economically. His resignation was part of a foreign conspiracy. LINK

chattels   How can anyone know what is really happening in Iraq much less what will happen. It is a " crap shoot ".

Sparky   ...chattels ...everyone knows, Iraq would fold like a pup tent, if US got out...

chattels   Voting Abd al-Mahdi a renewed mandate would likely cause further social explosion followed by more abuses & targeted killings. And when it reaches an uncontrollable groundswell in the summer, Abd al-Mahdi can be made to resign again. But that would buy them 5 more months. Genuis.


Sparky   ...chattels ...however, your viewpoint is as sound...

chattels   Sparky... What a journey !

  Sparky  ...chattels ...kind of reminds me of " Jonny Quest " , and Haji..... targeted killings...

Sparky   ...chattels ...what a mess. crazy a it seems, ...I,m still bullish on Iraq and future currency increase of IQD...

chattels   Sparky... I am feeling crazy or foolish myself, but not so optimistic as you.

Sparky   ...chattels ...I'm glad we are on this thing, my friend, help make it a worthwhile investment of time...I certainly know more about political scandal than I would have otherwise...

Sparky.   ..chattels chattels ..or...or...we are way ahead of the game...and retire weathy and considered geniuses ourselves...possible outcome as well...

chattels   Sparky... I just want to get lucky. No genius here.

Sparky   ...chattels crack me up...blessings on you...

chattels   Sparky... God Bless us every one.

Sparky   ...chattels you may or not know, many in Dinarland favor your opines...

Sparky   ...chattels ...right or wrong, you give the cold, hard facts of this matter...and back it up with articles.....hope to catch you on the I'm pretty certain that

Sparky   ...that I will appreciate a legal " sudden wealth syndrome "...would also follow sudden wealth for me.....chattels ...level headed...we are fortunate to have you with us in this endeavor...

Sandyf    @tman23 I had been busy following up on Hadr Al -Ameri , whom I was told was arrested by US forces after the air strike on Solemani ....

Sandyf    Yes, it was reported on 2nd Jan that he had been taken into custody by US forces, but then photographed at the funeral on the 4th Jan, that is how reliable reporting is.

Sadr was back in Kurdistan on the 13th Jan

Brings this statement into question.

"So question being , HOW DO YOU FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT WHEN 2 of the largest winning blocks Sadr and Ameri..and one is missing other is sitting in Iran as his Iraqi people call for less Iranian influence ? "

Wilder   Is Iran at a tipping point? Protesters wanting leaders to step down.

 chocolatiere   Jo Yes it's true , the Global NWO luciferian elites have a rule to tell in advance (sometimes 10 years in ahead of times what they are going to do .. they also use Hegekian dialectics ( which is create a problem and solve it with their agenda .. they use movies ,songs , politician speeches .. I remember Bush the father talking about this wonderful new world order. .

 Kissenger talked about it and of course global elite David Rockefeller , he talked a lot about world depopulation . And of course we all know about their age a day to distabilized 11 countries 4 still remain which is Iran ,North Korea ,Syria ,Cuba .. the plot thickens . Well Jo God bless you ,keep safe

chocolatiere   Their agenda . Typo error sorry ..

Jo   chocolatiere Yep

chattels   Barzani: The presence of the American forces is necessary for Iraq and the parliament’s decision set a bad precedent

Editing Date: 1/17/2020 13:07 •Barzani: The presence of the American forces is necessary for Iraq and the parliament’s decision set a bad precedent

[Follow-up] The Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, said that the decision of the Iraqi parliament to remove American forces from Iraq was not a good decision as it was taken by the Shiite bloc only without consulting with the other major components in the country.

Stating that "it is better now is the serious participation and dialogue between Iraq and the United States on the future form of the deployment of the United States because the presence of American and coalition forces is necessary for all of Iraq."

chattels   '"................. interview with Al-Monitor, ............... "

chattels   A slight rise in the price of the dollar against the dinar on the local stock exchange

Friday 17, January 2020

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded today, Friday, an increase in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

And the prices of buying and selling the dollar of banking companies, the selling price of 122 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price is 121 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

Chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – At least 11 American troops were injured in the Iranian missile strike on Iraq’s Ain al-Asad airbase last week, the US military confirmed on Thursday after previously denying there were any casualties.

chattels   "While no US service members were killed in the Jan. 8 Iranian attack on al-Asad Air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast and are still being assessed," US Central Command spokesman Captain Bill Urban said in a statement, AFP reported.

chattels   The US had advance warning and most of the 1,500 US servicemen and 500 soldiers from other coalition countries were in bunkers when the missiles struck.

chattels   Have a fine day all..

larrykn   chattels it amazes me how you bring the news in and then people complain because you bring the news in. I for one say let them find the news themself. I'm done.


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 17, 2020


Thursday Night X22 Reports 1-16-2020