Holly and Judy RV Updates Monday AM 7-5-2021

Holly Monday Rv News:

I just read there were more tunnels found in NE cities that had traps. I know they had to clear the tunnels out before we could go and it was all about the children. Let’s hope they finally got all the tunnels cleared out and rescued all the children. We are winning. It has taken a long time but we are winning.

 Also there were 30 governors that were going to do something over the July 4th weekend and that got stopped. The waiting has been long and hard but necessary to make it safe and secure for all humanity.

The Dubai funds are not liquid yet. All is funded but not liquid contrary to what anyone else says. The fines and penalties have not been released yet.

Once both of these go then you can expect notifications but not before.

This is a transition not a transaction. Never, ever give up.

When you sign your NDA be quiet.   

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 5 July 2021

Compiled Mon. 5 July 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Sun. 4 July our Military Intel Contact reported that at some point between Sun. night 4 July and the early morning hours of Mon. 5 July, Tier 4B would receive notification (according to time zones) to make foreign currency exchange/ Zim redemption appointments.

According to a signed agreement between the Chinese Elders and the US Treasury Tier 4B appointments would begin on Wed. 7 July. 

The notification would contain a notice of several pages in length that outlined what you would be allowed (said to be phenomenal) with your debit card issued at your exchange.

GESARA /NESARA debt forgiveness was rolling out in 17 countries of the Alliance, plus in an additional 11 countries (28 total) that forced the RV/GCR on Sat 26 June.

El Salvador, one of the 28 countries, reported “BREAKING NEWS: El Salvador’s Congress will delete all their citizens credit history and force 5 million people to go back to zero debt.

The Deep State was losing big time:

Elsa was no longer a “hurricane” and continued to weaken so the Cabal didn’t get the weather warfare interference they wanted.

The Northern California DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) fires were only serving to expose the last remaining feeble DEW weapons the Cabal has so that the Military and Space Force could take them out.

Child and human trafficking over the border with Mexico has increased, though was exposing Cabal half-wits involved in it from the CIA and FBI.

Military arrests, Tribunals and BLM and Antifa Deep State riot threats in western cities have been neutralized by military Special Forces operatives infiltrating and taking out leadership who were planning riots and violence.

Ten Days of Darkness with activation of the Military Emergency Broadcast System to all TV and radio worldwide. Further arrests as all governments worldwide stand down (Wed. 7 July to Sat. 10 July?).

GESARA Blockchain Elections with all new people and governments 10% the size of what they were now.

NESARA Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency. Global Currency Reset (GCR) NESARA GESARA Act St-Germain Trust: https://rumble.com/vhisrh-quantum-financial-system-qfs-and-global-currency-reset-gcr-nesara-gesara-ac.html

Gesara and Nesara were Live!!!, Charlie Ward, Frog News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqO6BvT75-gz

Read the full post here;  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/07/05/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-5-2021/


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"Tidbits from TNT" Monday Morning 7-5-2021