Holly and Judy RV Updates for July 1, 2021

Holly Thursday RV News:

We have a new day dawning! The news is today, July 1st starts our new world with our new banking!

We have Iraq shutting down for extreme heat along with India shutting down.

We have heard so many times this is it to only be disappointed. From all the news from the multitude of sources this is a different time and place we are in now.

It’s always been about safety and security. The mass arrests globally and the security in place has made this safe now for us to exchange.

The world is ready and needs this to propel forward. We can not wait any longer. We are in the optimal place and all risk assessments have been completed.

We still need the adjudicated and fines and penalties to be released before notifications can go out. That can happen at any moment.

This is a transition not a transaction. Never, ever give up.

When you sign your NDA be quiet.   

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Thurs. 1 July June 2021

Compiled Thurs. 1 July 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Wed. afternoon 30 June our Military Intel Contact said to watch for Tier 4B notification overnight Wed. night 30 June to Thurs. 1 July morning. Adjudicated fines and penalties needed to be paid before the notifications, though we were in an any-moment timeframe coming up to a three day weekend.

The news was very quiet as people were gagged, though all sources were on board that this was our week, the optimal timing for this was now and we were in a now or never scenario. He asked again to keep prayers going up and advised that after you signed your NDA to keep everything about your exchange quiet!

As of 1:57 pm EST on Tues. 29 June the Department of Defense gave a release for lock down of rates & procedures for the Shotgun Start and Tier 4B notification.

The Global Currency Reset rollout was a military operation, meaning no one would know the exact timing of an Event that would cause tremendous chaos and invoke Martial Law around the globe. High Military DEFCON readiness was being maintained in anticipation of this Event. The US /Mexico Border was closed to all nonessential travel (a gradual shut down until The Event). A flurry of military aircrafts were still flying regularly overhead.

MarkZ: We have had first-hand accounts of debt forgiveness in Portugal on mortgages and taxes. In Iraq and Iran today the Banking systems stopped working. After sitting all day waiting my bond folk’s appointments were moved to tomorrow Thurs. 1 July.

Bruce: They were expecting Bond holders to receive access to their funds some time on Wed. 30 June. One bank source said they expected notification Wed. afternoon 30 June. NESARA was supposed to be active in the US on Thurs. 1 July – the second half of the financial year. You were going to be refunded any interest you paid since the 1940s on mortgages, car loans and credit cards.

The Global Currency Reset was expected to start at the beginning of a business day, going East to West around the globe from Australia to New Zealand, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Zurich, London and on to North and South America, ending in Hawaii.

As of Thurs. 24 June all 23 countries’ currency rates in the first RV basket were being traded on FOREX, although they were blocking the general public from seeing those new rates.

Late night Fri. 25 June was the actual Global Currency Reset, with the RV of 23 countries rolling out over this past weekend.

Our Military Intel Contact said that at 1:36 pm EST on Sun 27 June a DoD /UST release was given for funds to go live for NESARA/ GESARA globally (see below NESARA guidelines).

Indonesia has announced their currency, the Rupiah, will be backed by gold just like Russia, China and India, according to CIA sources. Portugal, Spain, El Salvador, Mexico, Brazil, Iraq and possibly up to 22 other countries have already announced GESARA and the RV to their nations, though have agreed to hold back on implementation until the US went.

That meant those nations were no longer pegged to the fiat US Dollar, but to the Chinese Yuan, which should greatly negatively affect the global economy this week.

Ten days after Tier 4B was notified to set their exchange/ redemption appointments, the General Public Tier 5 would be free to exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates.

Continue to hold the positive energy and see this done. We can assist by all of us collectively seeing this completed and feel how that feels. This was a transition, not a transaction. Never, ever give up. You could write it down for future generations that you participated in the greatest transfer wealth ever to happen on the planet. You had a front row seat and actively participated in making it happen.


1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare – a jubilee and forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the Income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury National Sales Tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate, non-essential new items only revenue for the government. Food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items be taxed.

5. Increases benefits for senior citizens.

6. Returns constitutional law to all courts.

7. Re-instates the original “Title of Nobility Amendment.” MZ: I believe it was the original 14th Amendment.

8: Establishes new congressional and presidential elections within 120 days of Nesara’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10: Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver and platinum and precious metals…ending the bankruptcy of the United State issued by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11: Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificates records as chattel, property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12: Initiates new US Treasury bank system aligned with Constitutional Law.

13: Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side with the US Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve Notes from the money supply.

14: Restores Financial privacy.

15: Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional law.

16: Ceases all aggressive US government and military actions worldwide.

17: Establishes peace throughout the world.

18: Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19: Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technology that have been withheld from the public under the guise of “National Security” including free energy devices, anti -gravity and  sonic healing machines.

20:  QFS: Quantum Financial System

21: QVS: Quantum Voting System

The Event: Whether The Event occurred because of the White or Black Hats, it would be a jolt of massive proportions with worldwide implications

The Event would be followed by massive global chaos, the RV Rollout and a takeover of the Main Stream Media, followed by education of the masses. We could expect a major disheartening False Flag, Stock Market and Bitcoin crashes, resulting in global Martial Law to help the general public shock and disbelief  = Pain!

In the Emergency Broadcast System Star Link Satellites that take over Mass Media outlets, seven Presidential Messages would be broadcast over three days. Disclosure of worldwide events past and present would also occur through three eight hour documentaries playing in several languages over the TV 24/7 globally during Ten Days of Darkness.

A Safelink Website would be provided for all Tier 4B currency/Zim holders worldwide in order to obtain exchange/ redemption appointments at Redemption Centers. Tier 4B notification emails would come primarily from Wells Fargo, though also would be sent by Chase and HSBC.

At the centers Tier 4B could negotiate a Contract Rate, or receive the Default Rate, both of which would be higher than the General Public Tier 5 Rate at the banks.

The banks would exchange currency at whatever international rate the Teller Window displayed for that day.

There would be ten or so days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.

After the ten or so days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end, unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center within that 30 day window.

Judy Note: If you have bought foreign currencies and/or Zim and have been following the Global Currency Reset on the Internet, you were considered part of Tier 4B. Information on the Shotgun Start and Redemption Centers applied to all Tier 4B members across the globe.




Read full post here:   https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/07/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-1-2021/



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