Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 12-21-23

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 12-21-23
Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

2024 will be the year known as The Restructuring of the US Debt.

Investment funds continue to play a significant role in US debt restructurings. They are sophisticated investors who are able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions to find new ways to deploy capital and maximise their investments.

In the most prominent of these recent trends, investment funds have found increasingly creative ways to achieve short-term gains through new investments in distressed companies while at the same time positioning themselves to obtain longer-term pay-offs. In achieving these goals, investment funds adapt existing tactics and strategies to new situations and new aspects of US restructuring practice.

The new developments discussed offer excellent examples of the creativity and flexibility that can mark investment fund activity in US debt restructurings and demonstrate how borrowers and other institutional lenders are adapting their restructuring strategies in response to the participation of investment funds in restructuring transactions. Global Restructuring Review Link


When will smart contracts be on the Stellar network?

Many assets will be merging together creating price action volatility in the first part of 2024. These fluctuations in prices will be seeking price stability that will never come until Protocol 20 comes into play on January 30th, 2024 if the vote to move forward with this new digital economy goes through.

The movement from a fiat system that has an artificial value to one that has standard values based upon digital assets supported by the commodity market will usher in the need for technological economic mechanisms to bring in real values to our Global Markets.

In January, we are going to see many transitions in the banking system and markets. Each of these are strong forces that will need direction solidified by Quantum Financial System mechanisms capable of bringing them into equanimity through artificial intelligence and smart contracts ensuring both sides of a trade are secure and efficiently processed inside cross border international trades.

Look for Soroban smart contracts to roll out the new digital asset based trading system. These new technological agreements between countries and companies from around the world will begin the process of layering numerous network connections across borders.

Look for new alignments to begin taking place never seen before in history to coordinate opportunities befitting countries that have never had the opportunity to engage on levels ever seen before. It is part of the Level Playing Field that will begin to create price pressures on all assets across all sectors of the Global Market.

These new technological mechanisms will bring the Banking System and the Global Markets into correlated values based upon standardized digital protocols.

© Goldilocks

Stellar Link


Protocol 20 is bringing smart contracts to Stellar. They're adding the ability to code complex financial agreements and applications that live right on the blockchain.

Even better, it'll be accessible for developers across different languages like Rust, Go, and JavaScript.

Plus, it works with Stellar's existing account model so integration should be straightforward.

Coin Codex Link


The Road to Protocol 20

* Important news: Protocol 20 releases are available today! Today, we announced the release of a full suite of software that supports Protocol 20, which will bring Soroban smart contracts to Stellar.

*  Additionally, the Stellar network validators decided on a date for the vote to upgrade the Mainnet to Protocol 20 - meant to happen on January 30. Get set for a phased rollout that's all about rock-solid stability and top-notch security.

* If and when the vote goes through, it will be followed immediately by  Phase 0, which zeroes in on stability and rigorous testing. In Phase 1, builders can dive in, deploying contracts on Mainnet for meticulous testing and monitoring.

* And the moment we're all waiting for—Phase 2! User-ready Mainnet signals the start of smart contracts on Stellar. Expect enriched functionalities, matching DeFi transactions of other blockchains.

* Kudos to the Stellar ecosystem for putting stability and performance first. The Stellar network is marked by transparency, collaboration, and meticulous preparation.

*  Stay tuned for updates as we continue to build, scale, and elevate. For now, here is the roadmap to Mainnet and the phased approach for a smooth transition.  Stellar Link


Key dates:

[COMPLETE]: December 18 — Testnet successfully upgraded and reset

[COMPLETE]: December 19 — Protocol 20 versions of Stellar Core, Horizon, Soroban RPC and the Stellar SDKs released

January 30, 2024, 1500 UTC — Mainnet upgrade vote



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