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Frank26 and KTFA Members "The Month of September" 9-12-19


Iobey777:  WOW!! The month of SEPT video was HOT!!!!! SIZZLING!! Thank You FRANK and WALKINGSTICK for the wonderful "teaching"!! I  believe I got it!!

Let's see now...1st week, CBI meetings, education for the citizens, billboards, txt message to the citizens, flat screen TV, TV messages, Visual Aids...they have all been around for a while! All in Frank's opinion!

Walkingstick called and we amended our notes..

2nd week(this week)..Iraq Private banks learned of the 5 year plan...the citizens are being told what it is as the Private banks are being told!

3rd week...the last of the visual aids will come out, ATM's, NSCN's, fils, (after they have lifted the rate!) They will be told where to go and get them and what to do!

 IMO..all in Frank's opinion..4th week...possibly the same and they take it to the last Nano second!! WHEW!!!!!!

Remember what Frank said yesterday...IMO..." ONCE THE CBI SPEAKS, IT'S PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE"!!! 



September 12, 2019



Samson:  Announcement of the opening date of Baghdad airport for 24 hours for passengers

9/9/12 11:46

The government has set the opening date of Baghdad International Airport for 24 passengers and citizens.

The personal secretary of the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief, Lt. Gen. Mohammed al-Bayati, said in a press statement that "the first of October next is the deadline for opening Baghdad airport 24 hours to passengers and citizens."  

"The rate of administrative and logistical preparations has reached more than 75 percent for the full opening of the airport," he added.  LINK

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Samson:  Sources: Saudi Aramco delegates 9 banks to lead roles in its initial offering
12th September, 2019

Saudi Aramco has mandated nine banks as joint global coordinators to lead its initial public offering, according to two sources familiar with the matter

Aramco chose JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia, the sources said

They also chose Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Citi, HSBC and Saudi Samba Financial Group

Those companies and Aramco did not comment on the news   LINK


Samson:  Abdul Wahid: The two Kurdish parties steal 700 million dollars a month from oil and customs

12th September, 2019
The head of the new generation movement, Shaswar Abdul Wahid, accused the two Kurdish parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union, of stealing $ 700 million a month from oil and customs.

"The two Kurdish parties are stealing $ 200 million a month from the border outlets and nobody knows where that money goes," Abdel Wahed said in televised remarks.

He added that the two parties are also stealing up to half a billion dollars a month from the export and smuggling illegally, noting that "the region exports 450 thousand barrels of oil per day."    LINK


Samson:  Local official reveals illegal exchange doors in Ninewa budget for 2019

12th September, 2019
Revealed the Nineveh provincial council member Mohammed Ibrahim, Thursday, for the doors of the exchange of illegal Nineveh budget for 2019.  Ibrahim pointed out, "the existence of great corruption in the supplementary budget of 2019 put forward by the provincial council yesterday."

The council member, told Mawazine News, that "there are doors of purely illegal and unknown and we as an opposition bloc withdrew from the meeting because there is great corruption."

Ibrahim said that "70 million dinars have been allocated to guards guarding the night and money to paving the streets did not exaggerate too much and there are necessities in the devastated devastated province has not been addressed at all."

The government of Erbil decided to send a Kurdish delegation to Baghdad, next week, to discuss the budget file and the proportion of the region, while an invitation to the committees of finance, oil and gas, and legal in the House of Representatives to visit Kurdistan, which insists on returning the region's share of the general budget to 17%, which is prepared "A legitimate right", while Kurdish lawmakers threaten, they will hinder the passage of the budget law for next year, before getting the previous rate. The draft budget law for next year, set the share of the region by 12.63%.

It is noteworthy that there are differences between the federal government in Baghdad and the provincial government on the share of the Kurdish financial has been set at 17%, before the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in early 2014 cut the region's share of the federal budget after political differences.   LINK

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