Francis Hunt and Andy Schectman Friday 2-24-2023

Reset Ahead: Controlled Demolition Of Assets | Francis Hunt

Liberty and Finance:  2-24-2023

March 2020 was the turning point for debt markets. Francis Hunt says the bond market bull is over. Extremely high rates are possible, even worse than in the Volcker era, says "The Market Sniper" Francis Hunt.

He believes the elite's goal is to remove assets from the people.

What mechanism will accomplish this? High interest rates will allow wealth confiscation from anyone in debt. "If you spike that interest rate, you can force people out of their assets."

Staying out of debt and leverage is imperative, he says.

0:00 Intro

1:30 Gold/silver ratio

13:45 Debt collapse

27:25 Real estate

32:00 The Market Sniper

How Gold & Silver Protect YOU | Andy Schectman

Soar Fiancially:  2-24-2023

The Great Financial Reset is upon us - in part 2 of our conversation with Andy Schectman, we discuss how gold & silver prepare you for the upcoming shake-up. Pay close attention!


MarkZ and Michoel Cottrell Friday Morning Chat....2-24-2023


Where Value Ends