Fleming Friday PM Update 12-31-2021

Fleming Friday PM Update:

Good morning, afternoon, evening.

We wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year as we are waiting for the verification that the codes have in fact been entered.  We are hearing good things that could very well lead to us exchanging and redeeming during the month of January 2022.

If the codes have been entered for the German Bonds and the German bonds see liquidly on Monday January 3rd, 2022, then we will not be far behind.  The German bonds have to go first and then comes tier 4B.

The other thing of interest is the fact that Iraq is now part of the AIIB.  That does away with the Petro-dollar.  China is now partners with Iraq in the oil fields of Iraq while the contract took 8 months to write and get signed off on. 

Part of the agreement was to pay Kuwait because the money that paid to the US Treasury to pay Kuwait was kept by the Biden Administration through the US Treasury.  So Iraq threw their hands up in the air and stated that they were not going to deal with the Biden Administration anymore. 

Then the agreement with China between Iraq and the IMF/BIS brought Iraq into the AIIB so that Iraq did not have to depend on the United States to hold anything up anymore, in order for them to join the AIIB Iraq had to depeg from the Dollar which they did.

All we are waiting for the verified proof that the codes have been entered and that there is liquidly when Monday comes.

We have a lot to look forward to and hopefully everyone does what they are suppose to  do then we will have a very good month and year.

So again Happy New Year.



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