Final Days Of Waiting - DinarAngel Friday Morning Update

An early conversation this morning, with an individual, (who wishes to remain anonymous), has provided information that should help us to better understand our position and give us reassurance in these final days of waiting. This is his story about the incredible event we are about to finish:

He has been involved with this process for years and has watched it flow up to where we are today. This is the largest such event to ever occur in history, (209 nations), and it takes tremendous coordination to bring it forth. He has been through most of it for 22 years and, “we are on the good side of it now”, he says.

Many people have shown concern that there may not be enough money for Tier 4B when our time finally comes. He chuckled and said, "Feel confident, because there are plenty of funds...many zeros in the hopper", and he began to explain." It takes a lot of money to move money".

Twenty two years ago, certain ancient Chinese Families provided the so called "seed money", the initial gold, in order to make this entire event work. There were other benevolent, humanitarian sources as well that contributed, such as foundations and trusts, ie: the Germain Trust etc, that added to this because it was their desire to bring every nation, including even the third world countries, into a new prosperity.

It takes money to make money and that is what has been happening. Individuals with submissions would provide extensive documentation, (files), and follow exacting procedures to sell their holdings, (bonds, currencies & sometimes other offerings), to buyers. As those buyers would obtain their transacted "holdings", they would in turn trade them, creating the opportunity to buy more.

They would buy high value and trade on platforms, making more & more money and buy even more...creating a self fulfilling process that generated huge amounts of money that continued to make even more money and thus provide for the humanitarian aspects of this event.

Presently there are several sovereign buyers, in the past there were a lot of buyers from the Alliance. What took so long was that as transactions began from the largest down, documentation was often rejected due to even tiny errors on the KYC forms, only blue ink was to be used for signings etc....everything had to be perfect. All prepared documentation had to be transacted within 3 days of the signing, one minute over and all documents had to be remade, starting all over again.

Procedures have gotten stronger and faster, documents sharper in detail and the early delays caused by buyers not releasing monies to sellers in a timely fashion were eliminated. Buyers were prevented from issuing a contract unless they had proof of funds in hand which also prevented flipper buyers and other questionable activity. This took years to perfect.

The type of submissions entered, were based upon buyer's demand. Super Petchellis were desired first, then the Chinese Old Dragon notes and other valued currencies, until the present time. This process of sales was what generated the funding of today, in amounts so huge one would have difficulty in deciphering all the zeros in the totals.

There is a current "Hot List" from buyers which lists their present desires as ZIM of any kind including Agro Notes and lists various types of Old Chinese Dragon notes as well. These transactions are way above our Tier 4 level and we won't be dealing in this fashion. I only noted this as a description of what is happening behind the scenes for general knowledge.

When we go in for our exchange & redemption, the process has been fine tuned for us and it will be relatively easy. My contact is highly optimistic and is expecting great things over the rest of this weekend and next week....reset by the 14th and gold backed standard by the 30th. He believes that the release of the 800 # process would allow us, (4B), to begin our exchanges & redemptions without the reset being announced or anything being posted on FOREX. He believes we will go before any actual posting is put out there.

Hope this helps everyone understand the monumental task this has been and perhaps have us realize how we were destined to contribute to this great humanitarian event.

Keep the faith.



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