Economist’s “News and Views” 2-11-2025

Vince Lanci: "Basel III, Tariffs, & Demand Are Setting Stage For Gold Market Reset"

Arcadia Economics:  2-11-2025

Amidst tariff confusion, strong institutional gold demand, and the implementation of Basel III in the US, Vince Lanci reports that we're seeing conditions fall in place that could facilitate a gold market reset.

 To find out more about what he's seeing, and why he feels that way, you'll want to see today's show!

Why Sound Money Matters: Daniel Diaz on Gold, Silver, and Financial Freedom

The Morgan Report:  2-11-2025

In this discussion, David Morgan interviews Daniel Diaz, Executive Director of Citizens for Sound Money, about the growing movement to make gold and silver legal tender in the U.S.

Diaz shares his personal story, legislative successes in states like Louisiana and New Jersey, and ongoing efforts in Florida, Missouri, and South Carolina.

 With education initiatives, lobbying efforts, and a new Super PAC, the movement aims to restore financial freedom and push back against government overreach.

GOLD RUSH TO NYC: Is something BIG About to Happen?

Taylor Kenny:  2-11-2025

A major gold shortage is unfolding at the Bank of England, gold delivery wait times have jumped from days to months, and a mystery buyer is quietly accumulating massive amounts of gold on Wall Street.

 At the same time, the gap between spot and futures prices is widening, something we haven’t seen since 2020, when the financial system almost collapsed


00:00 Wall Street’s Gold Hoarding Begins

01:07 Gold Shortage at the Bank of England

 02:13 Why Spot and Futures Prices Are Diverging

03:58 Is a Mystery Buyer About to Break COMEX?

05:37 Could Gold Be Revalued Soon?

07:13 Paper Gold Won’t Save You—Get the Real Thing

08:50 How to Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late



Some “Iraq News” Posted by Clare at KTFA 2-11-2025


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 2-11-25