"Dubious Sources Create Skewed Information"

"Dubious Sources Create Skewed Information"

By  Ron Giles - 10.24.19

I am not going to delude myself into thinking that anything I write in this post will change the runaway narrative of useless streams of dubious information that has permeated a lot of the reporting on IDC. This dubious information has now become an IDC narrative that builds on concepts and ideas that are contrary to and skew the truth.

Reference: Judy Byington’s Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 20, 2019

Comment on Judy’s reporting;

Judy reports on the information she gathers from many different sources on the internet. That means she is only parroting/reporting on what other people say. In her disclaimer, she mentions that it is up to the individual reader to use their own discernment. Taking everything, she writes as being the truth goes against the disclaimer.

It is wise to read the disclaimer from time to time to keep this fact in mind as one reads the post instead of just skipping over it and going on to the new information being reported.

Thank you, Judy, for your efforts and willingness to do a great service to IDC readers. You are appreciated and revered for what you do.

That being said, let's dive into the fray and see where it takes us. First, Let’s take a look at what one segment of the following report has to say in Judy’s post on October 20, 2019. My comments will be in italics

1. There have been very heated meetings in Reno. There are those in Reno (like Mnuchin) who do not want Tier 4B to go. They know they can't stop it but are trying their best to slow it down. There are those in security and the White Hats who are not legit and who don't want this to happen. The Powers That Be do not want us in control and don't want us to move forward with humanitarian projects.

Ron Giles:  Reno is not activated yet and is not involved in the decision-making process of the RV. The decisions are in the hands of the Alliance in coordination with the Chinese Elders and Grandfather. When our funds are determined to be safe; the RV/Redemption will take place without prior notice.

2. The military changed protocols, procedures and policies, and that has created a bottleneck that is very hard to get out of.

Ron Giles:  The Military is a dynamic responsive organization and fully capable of making changes in response to the enemy’s moves. They are not a bottleneck. There is no room for blaming anybody. We are at war.

3. China is tired of the hype and all is being moved from Reno to Hong Kong. We are hoping that by this being transferred to Hong Kong that a lot of the bugs, politics, and quibbling is stopped. If Hong Kong is taking it over it means the 2% fee will not be paid to the US Treasury.

Ron Giles:  There are no designated headquarters for the RV in any city. When the decision is made the 800# will be released and the RV/Redemption will begin everywhere in the world at the same time. All go or no go has always been the mantra and still is. All RV/Redemption funds will go into the QFS.

The QFS is not a bank, it is a Financial institution in service to mankind. There will never be any fees or taxes on our funds, not even the payments from the structured payout interest payments. These funds are for humanitarian projects and no entity will ever tax these funds as income tax. NEVER!

4. There was a group of the Chinese running some work through Reno, and someone in Reno stopped them – they were stopped 4 times. This week they put something on it that led to a specific computer and person who kept stopping it. He was arrested. They tried again and a 2nd person was arrested and did it again – now we are waiting to see what happened. Interpol was brought in by the World court. Second time Interpol made the arrest.

Ron Giles:  Speculation only with no supporting info, only drama-useless information.

5. We know many of our calls go directly to Trump and Chairman Xi – They know what we are saying. We don't provide intel – we provide information.

Ron Giles:  All information calls are monitored but not by Trump or XI or another world leader, they have other work to do. The Alliance keeps track of all conference calls to see what damage is being done. Damage = crimes = Criminals = jail time= justice.

6. You give a zip code where you want to exchange. Then you tell them if you have Zim and/or currency. If you have Zim will be transferred to a live person at Redemption/ Transition Center, you will be going to and they are the only one who will get your name. When you arrive at your appointment, you will complete an information sheet about who you are. Next, you will meet with those who will do the actual transaction and they are the only one who gets your name. Then you will request to meet with a wealth manager.

Ron Giles:   When you call the first 800#, you will be given a new 800# to call to make your appointment at a redemption center near your zip code, or an authorized QFS agent bank. The use of Wealth managers will be a choice you make on your own if you think you need one. I will not be using any bank-sponsored wealth managers.

They are involved with making money for their clients which is against the rules for Exchange/Redemption funds. Most bank associated Wealth Managers have no training in humanitarian work and thus are not a good source of information or counsel.

A person with an MBA degree, one who has expertise in structuring a business model, would be a better source. Reason this out; If wealth managers were so good why is it that we lightworkers are getting the money instead of governments, banks or their wealth managers? We are the ones who will do the heavy lifting of mankind out of poverty and lack consciousness. We are the pure in heart, not them and that is why we have been given the opportunity to serve.


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



4 Laws To Generate Wealth


Frank26, TNT, X22 and more Friday Night 10-25-19