Delta, MilitiaMan and more Late Mon. PM "New Rate?" 7-14-2020



Coco:  In other words, are you saying the plan is for the Dinar to come out at .50 cents?  2 Dinars equals $1.00 USD.


MilitiaMan:  That is one powerful statement my friend.. That coming from parliament, as a statement in that there is a plan for 2 Dinar to equal one Dollar or .5 dinar / 1 USD..? ~ MM

MilitiaMan:  Is your view on what they are saying possibly inverse? The AMF is over $4 USD / 1 Arab Dinar.. Alak is going to the head of the AMF.. Seems odd to walk in to the top position at the AMF with such a weak and hard to defend calculation as that? Do you think that is odd? I do.. imo.. ~ MM

MoeApollo:  In my opinion, just based off the info shared here, Im thinking this might be the Finance Committee plan (as opposed to the Finance Ministry) & we know they're not big fans of this move. YET the fact that they are even talking figures?!?!? That is HUGE!!!

MilitiaMan:  IMO the finance committee is the same as the ministry.. They all know the story.. imo.. A good one it will be.. too. imo ~ MM

MoeApollo:  It's my understanding that there is a Parliamentary Finance Committee & a Finance Ministry (executive Minister Allawi & his team under Kazemi) Almost akin to what we have in the states where Steven Mnuchin & his team come up with a Budget (executive branch) that is sent to congress. Congress either rubber stamps it or comes up with a Budget (legislative branch) of their own to begin negotiation, debate & finally (when pigs fly) a vote.

If you're sayin they're all on the same page? I'm good with that ….. In any case...we are blessed!!!

Don961:  Private sector and building the national economy

Tuesday 14 July 2020  Baghdad / Imad of the emirate

 The call to encourage the private sector is one of the first policies required to be adopted to contribute to building the national economy, because of the need for local capital and not to rely entirely on oil imports, which sometimes do not meet Iraq's financial allocations to achieve economic growth.

Academic Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawi emphasized, "The imperative of private sector participation in the construction process, after the state has dominated all economic activities. To achieve this, the necessary legislative and institutional frameworks must be issued to encourage and attract private national investments, especially fleeing national funds, so investment law No. 13 is considered For the year 2006 and its amendments, an essential step in creating the appropriate investment climate so that investment can be encouraged to achieve economic reform through a greater role for the private sector.

He continued, "Since Iraq was not prepared to receive private investment, especially foreign ones, it must undertake a series of economic and legal policies that help in creating an investment environment that encourages the national investor and gives full confidence to ensure his rights through a number of measures, the most important of which is the need for a national framework of laws. The charters that form the ground for attracting investments, with an institutional framework in place to receive and encourage the movement of investments in Iraq and provide all the support required to develop investments. "

Investment activities

"Reforms should be made in policies and procedures regarding investment activities due to the multiplicity of investment departments in state ministries that often intersect with their policies towards encouraging investment, reviving national capital markets and increasing awareness of the importance of investing in securities with the aim of encouraging private savings and converting them into meaningful investments in sectors," he added. Productivity, development and qualification of the banking sector to be compatible with the movement of investment and dealing with international financial institutions, as government banks are still the dominant banking capital in Iraq, and government banks account for 90 percent of banking activity. 

Private activity

"The private activity in Iraq has faced obstacles in the forefront of which are the problem of financing and allocating resources, as well as the inadequacy of the investment climate, which created a lack of confidence in the creation of large national investments with the dominance of the public sector on the main economic activities, in addition to the economic policies that were adopted were directed to support the effort The military. "

The narrator said: "The options were limited in obtaining financing through public financial and banking institutions and across the Iraq Stock Exchange for the difficult conditions set by those banks, which often prevents the private sector from being able to meet them, as well as the weakness of non-banking institutions."

Bank financing

He stated, "It is known that a good financial and banking sector provides an appropriate environment for savers and investors and encourages the growth of investment opportunities and helps to develop organized work in private economic institutions, which facilitates monitoring the performance of their departments and encourages institutional development to openness and transparency in corporate management, but the banking system despite the importance Its institutions, however, it was not able to create an enabling environment to revitalize the private sector due to the restrictions and procedures followed in the activity of these financial institutions, as they follow the state and its policies.

MilitiaMan:  They clearly are telling us they are going to a market economy.. They have to enforce the need for the local economy to support the endeavor of changing the value of the IQD. Nothing new, but, now that it will be fresh it is reinforcement of the plan..They need the investors to be on board and that comes with sound banking..  imo ! ~ MM


Samson:  Observers: Al-Kazemi has no choice but to fight the whales of corruption, otherwise Iraq is going to the abyss

15th July, 2020
Political observers said that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi has no choice but to continue his battle against corruption and bear its grave and major obstacles, otherwise Iraq is going to the abyss.

Analysts affirmed that the Iraqi street and honest and patriotic forces support the prime minister with this campaign, especially since the government is embarrassed in front of its people and employees due to the lack of cash due to successive corruption and reliance on oil exports only. A political collision, but it will eventually hurt Iraq.   LINK


Samson:  TV: Al-Kazemi will be in Saudi Arabia on Monday for his first foreign visit

15th July, 2020

Al-Hadath TV reported, on Tuesday evening, that the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa
Al-Kazemi, will visit Saudi Arabia next Monday.

This visit will be the first foreign station for Al-Kazemi since he assumed the presidency of the Iraqi government last May.

Al-Kazemi will also conduct visits to Iran, America and Europe.  LINK


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 7-15-2020


The Four Different Types of Money