BRICS Nations JUST STUNNED Everyone With Massive Gold Buying Spree | Huge Threat To The Dollar

BRICS Nations JUST STUNNED Everyone With Massive Gold Buying Spree | Huge Threat To The Dollar

Tech Revolution:  7-27-2023

In a rapidly changing global economy, a new financial powerhouse emerges, reshaping the dynamics of international trade and monetary policy. The BRICS, an alliance of five major emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are paving the way towards a bold economic future.

As the world's leading economies, the BRICS have been making strategic moves to secure their financial sovereignty. Join us as we delve deeper into the rise of the BRICS and their quest to shape a new financial frontier.

Russia's been telling them how crucial it is to tie their shiny new currency to gold, which could shake things up for the U.S. dollar. They're aiming to challenge its dominance and global reserve status.

The news is that they're already busy hoarding gold like there's no tomorrow! In just 18 months, these BRICS nations have ramped up their gold buying like nobody's business. And China is leading the bloc, snagging a whopping 102 tonnes! Russia doesn’t fall behind either, with 31.1 tonnes in the past six months, and India finally jumped back on the gold train, adding 2.8 tonnes to their reserves after more than a year.

That's some serious gold-stacking action! So why all this gold fuss? Well, it turns out gold is considered a pretty safe investment, way more reliable than the unpredictable U.S. dollar with all its debt-related risks.

The BRICS are probably thinking, "Why rely on the dollar when we can back our new currency with gold?" Smart move, I'd say! This whole BRICS gold-backed currency situation might just give the U.S. dollar a run for its money.

 If more countries jump on board the BRICS train, their currency could become the top choice for international transactions! Imagine that.

So, the BRICS are cooking up something exciting for their August summit in South Africa. Things are getting pretty interesting, don't you think? So with all these happening around Gold, the entire precious metals gang is soaring to new heights like superheroes, with eye-popping gains that are making heads spin.

And guess what? It's just the beginning of these precious metals. As we’ve mentioned, the tensions between some big Western economies and Russia, along with other BRICS countries like Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, are reaching a boiling point.

They've decided to step up and challenge the almighty U.S. dollar's dominance. That's like the cool squad joining forces against the big boss! Now, let's rewind a bit.

Remember those crazy money-printing schemes after the pandemic hit? Well, they caused global inflation to skyrocket and unleashed a cost-of-living crisis like never before. As a result, there's a movement gaining steam called "de-dollarization," where folks are trying to reduce their reliance on the mighty dollar.

These emerging market economies are feeling the pressure, facing rising inflation, weakening currencies, and getting all jittery about U.S. interest rates. So, they're like, "Hey, let's diversify our money game!" And what's their secret weapon? Gold!

Since 2022, central banks worldwide have been on a gold-buying spree like never before. Russia, China, and India, representing the BRICS gang, are leading the charge. They've got plans to stack up a whopping 700 metric tons of gold, worth a staggering $49 billion by the end of the year. Seriously, it's gold fever out there.

 In 2022, central banks bought over double the amount of gold compared to the previous year, setting a record high in demand. And guess what? They're about to do it all over again this year! Gold is like their secret weapon against the dollar's domination.

And what about the other metals? So, get this, silver prices have shot up a whopping nine percent this week. Can you believe it? And that's not all. Gold has broken out to six-week highs, oil prices are at a two-month high, and even Palladium joined the party with a six percent breakout. Copper prices are up eight percent, and platinum decided to jump on the bandwagon too with a seven percent breakout.

It's like a Commodities Fiesta. Oil is not missing the party either, rocking at two-month highs with over 5% gain. In the coming days though, we've got a heads-up for you—the FED is going into a blackout period.

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