Bix Weir and PIR Thursday 2-20-2020

Bix Weir

ALERT! Silver, Cryptos, Stocks...Computer Market Rigging Controls ALL Markets!

RoadToRoota:  Feb 20, 2020

There is not a market or exchange on planet Earth that is not 100% controlled by computer programs run out of the US Treasury's basement and the New York Federal Reserve.

It's time we STOP playing their game!

Free Markets are the Road to Freedom!!

Bix Weir: 

When Apple Stock Slides...Humpty Dumpty Falls!!

RoadToRoota:  Feb 20, 2020

Apple Computer stock (AAPL) has risen 20% in the last 2 months to hit a $1.4B market cap even though manufacturing of their products has stopped!

Has Steve Mnuchen CLICKED his mouse TOO MUCH?!

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 02 20 20- 

What we are witnessing is the switching over of the Economic financial System

Something is going on behind the scenes.

Also IMF is meeting with Zimbabwe over their currency. Monday Feb. 24th in Wash. DC

This meeting is considered pivotal for the currency of their country.

Also News on Trade Bank of Iraq- they have a 68% jump in net profit- very interesting. They call it “Robust growth”

Trump is extending new banking laws by 30 days…….remember something is going on behind the scenes…..

China is burning their currency because of “The Corona Virus”

So pieces from Iraq, Zimbabwe, China, and the US show us something is going on behind the scenes.

The G20 meeting is this weekend as well.

There is a potential for something to be revealed this weekend. Possibly something unexpected.


Intel/Update from DinarAngel Thursday Afternoon 2-20-2020


Where Do I Store My Wealth?