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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Music. Welcome everybody to the big talk tonight. It is Tuesday, February 4th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for coming in. I can tell you this much. We're going to have a shorter call tonight. Bob is under the weather. I'm under the weather. Sue is not under the weather. She is the weather. And so I have Intel, which is very good for us tonight, but I'm going to give it up in a fairly quick manner. And I'm sure Bob has something to say as well, but we're going to kind of cruise through this call a little faster than normal. Let's pray to call in,
All right, let's go ahead and move into the Intel segment, guys, it's not going to be very long, but I do have some good information to give you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Music. Welcome everybody to the big talk tonight. It is Tuesday, February 4th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for coming in. I can tell you this much. We're going to have a shorter call tonight. Bob is under the weather. I'm under the weather. Sue is not under the weather. She is the weather. And so I have Intel, which is very good for us tonight, but I'm going to give it up in a fairly quick manner. And I'm sure Bob has something to say as well, but we're going to kind of cruise through this call a little faster than normal. Let's pray to call in,
All right, let's go ahead and move into the Intel segment, guys, it's not going to be very long, but I do have some good information to give you.
What we're hearing is, and this is coming from redemption center leaders, and one of the leaders is over seven redemption centers. We've got one guy that's over seven, another guy that's over six, another guy that's over three, and then we have the individual redemption centers. We've got four others that we talked to that are over individual redemption centers.
So what I want to impress upon you is that Iraq did what they were supposed to do last Sunday, which is their first business day, they brought out a new rate, and they passed an amendment to their budget, and everything appears, from Iraq's perspective, to be a go right now -- moving forward for us.
The other thing is that we got information passed on to us today that says that bond holders will be getting notified Tomorrow at five different times with their emails, and that's starting at 10am, 11am, 12, one o'clock and two o'clock. So that's going to apply all over the country to bondholders, getting their emails and then getting access to their funds in their accounts, either tomorrow night or Wednesday – So that’s really good news, we want those guys to get it. That's tier three
Now, what we’re getting from multiple redemption center leaders is that are supposed to get notifications, which is our email, starting tomorrow - aroun10 o'clock in the morning. And we should, based on that, happen around 10 o'clock morning tomorrow, we should be able to set our appointments – and start exchanges – 3 hrs later which would be afternoon tomorrow, and if not, we would start on Wednesday.
If not, we would start on Thursday. So it's looking very good for us, and that would be tier 4A and 4B going together and getting notified, we believe as early as 10am tomorrow, which is Wednesday.
So that's very exciting. The other thing is, there's been a couple videos out that have a very very low dinar rate that has been like in the 3.27 range.
That's not really the case, and certainly it's not the case for us XXX XXXXXXXX was to make sure that we would get the high level rate on the dinar, as well as other currencies. And for example that rate is nowhere near where we're going to be with the contract rate they intend to offer us -
Anybody know what a hundo is does? I know Bob does and Sue does - Keep that in mind. I believe that’s where we are going to be on it -
So that's extremely good - you know that the Zim is on par with the USN at 1.00 (dollar)
The redemption centers don’t have the ATM’s for the bank and the bank, the new software installed yesterday and today is giving them - shou ld h ave – in other words = use the ATM’s at the banks to get cash – USN probably either tomorrow or Wednesday. It would start with the USN -- you would be able to take out $2,000 twice a day, I don’t know that y ou would need to - I’m going to say don’t do it unless you absolutely have to but that’s a lot more cash than we're used to having - probably a lot of us. So keep that in mind.
The other thing is, the rates of the bank screens were up this morning, and they were not up at the redemption centers today, but they fully expect to be up by tomorrow, at 10 o'clock in the morning. I believe we're going to have that tomorrow. That'll be that would be a cool thing.
Also, the other nice piece that we got in the way of a in the way of an email today was that the redemption centers will be 100% staffed and ready to go tomorrow at 10am -- Now this means they would be ready to go to for us to center appointments and possibly Start exchanges tomorrow, but it's not 100% clear.
We might just be setting appointments tomorrow and starting exchanges on Thursdays, so we're gonna have to see what happens tomorrow. But we should be getting our emails tomorrow, starting at around 10am
that would be good we've got right now, as of today, we had four 60% of redemption centers all staffed /standing ready to go today and Tomorrow, the remaining 40% will be up and rolling tomorrow by 10am
So it’s a big day today, and it's going to be a bigger day tomorrow. And hopefully we not only get our numbers around 10 in the morning, but we set our appointments and can start exchanges, hopefully tomorrow afternoon, and if not tomorrow, it should be Thursday, so I think we will probably plan to have a celebration call on Thursday I know some of us aren't going to care. You're just going to go and and do whatever you’ve got to do So be aware and watch out for, for the emails to come in tomorrow – starting around 10 am
And I think that's really everything I wanted to say tonight, to prepare to move forward. Think that’s everything we needed to say,
Good night formula for me is kicking in. We'll thank everybody else that helped to get this call and support this call like most of you have for 13 years now. Thank you so much for everything everyone has done.
Now we plan to do on Thursday, even if we get numbers, because we'd like to do a celebration call. Let's see what happens tomorrow and Thursday and see if everything is rolling, because that's what we should try to do. Celebrate this together and remember, remember XXX XXXXX has set this thing up where we should be setting our appointments to go to redemption centers, not if you want the best rates on then are you, Iraqi, didn't you need to go to the redemption center, and if you have zim, that's the only place right now, the Zim is going to be redeemable. So let's take that and run with it.
Let's pray the call out, and then I'll turn the call out, Thanks everybody for listening for 13 years. We will talk Thursday.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:12:5O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:23:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody. It's a big call tonight. It is Thursday, january 30TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Thank you for being here tonight. And we look forward to having a good call tonight. I know Sue will have some cool things to tell us tonight. I know Bob will too, and hopefully I'll be able to round the call out with some good information for everybody.
All right now, let's take a look, and we'll see where we are on the Intel train right now and move us right on through.
The first thing I want to talk about is the redemption centers and redemption center personnel, because the people that, the people that we know that are going into the redemption centers to do our exchanges are on call through the weekend.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody. It's a big call tonight. It is Thursday, january 30TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Thank you for being here tonight. And we look forward to having a good call tonight. I know Sue will have some cool things to tell us tonight. I know Bob will too, and hopefully I'll be able to round the call out with some good information for everybody.
All right now, let's take a look, and we'll see where we are on the Intel train right now and move us right on through.
The first thing I want to talk about is the redemption centers and redemption center personnel, because the people that, the people that we know that are going into the redemption centers to do our exchanges are on call through the weekend.
That means, usually it's a one hour call, sometimes 45 minutes. It just means that they are notified. Okay, boom. We have the email saying, Go. We have the email that says the numbers are out or coming out, and it's time to rock and roll in the redemption center. And then they get in there, well, they're on call between, let's say, Tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They're still on call.
And Saturday. Okay, this is a little bit more involved, so I'm going to back it up a minute. There is a video conference call around noon, we think on Saturday. Now what's that about? President Trump wanted to make sure that Iraq was ready to go and to bring out their new rate, and that rate would theoretically be in their new budget, which is being passed, probably by the weekend or say, so it could end up going in to the printed version of the Gazette and the virtual version of the Gazette On Saturday or Sunday.
The rate is supposed to come out, supposed to come out tomorrow night, or it could end up being Saturday morning, but we believe that it could come out to where things could start happening around noon on Saturday. And here's the reason we're saying that -- two aspects to this.
Number one, President Trump sent our Treasury Secretary Scott I pronounce his name, Bessent , some say best, since whoever you want to pronounce it, B e s s e n t Scott Bessent was sent, there you go, sent to Iraq to make sure that they got everything done – the new rate – and everything was ready to go from Iraq’s point of view.
And so he was told don't come back until. Don't fly back. And he's got a really pretty large security contingent with him. He said, Don't come back until this - until you believe it's done. So he's planning to fly back and be home to the states by noon Saturday, because he's going to be on that video conference call as the secretary of the new treasury.
I have to say “new” because this is, this is the Treasury for the restored republic - our new treasury. So I said, we'll get the call from the plane. Is he going to make the call here? Where?? We're not really sure 100% but it looks like he expects Iraq to have their rate out by noon, Saturday, Eastern Time, Eastern Standard. So Saturday is the first of February. Hummmm? We'll see.
The other thing we'll see is we found out that one of our currency dealers - pretty well known was told they'd be either changing the rates at noon on Saturday or they would be removing current certain currencies from being for sale.
Let me put bit this way. We all know that the Zim is on par with our US, dollar soon to be USN dollar, United States Treasury note, and we just still call it dollar. It's on par with that.
And so obviously, at that rate, based on the denomination of the Zim - that's not going to be for sale anymore, that's gone, Dong probably gone, dinar gone, if it's even being sold now, in other words, these currencies that are going up markedly in value probably not only have the rate changed, that they would be sold at a new rate that's not even available for sale, that's a good thing.
That is something they're supposed to make those changes, they can sell, but they can't sell. What the rates are and all that stuff doesn't take place around it on Saturday. All right, so you got a video conference all around noon Saturday. We've got the change, excuse me, the change in the rates at the pre dealer. and we have the new rate on the dinar being theoretically published, along with the budget for Iraq either Saturday or Sunday, and then set remembering that Sunday is the first business day
So based on that information and what we're hearing from other sources, some of whom have several redemption centers that they're over, are saying, keep an eye on the weekend. It could be there over the weekend with notifications, or it could end up deferring to us very early next week for notifications and exchanges
I believe. Well, we know Wells Fargo treats tier 4A, which we tend to call the admirals groups, and tier 4B which is the Internet Group. They tend they call them all tier four. They don't distinguish between a and b, like, like I do, and I've done it for a reason, because of various reasons.
So now we think, now we believe that tier four will go together. We believe that tier3 bond holders will receive access to their funds when we're notified and start setting our appointments like let's say we're notified Monday, when we set our appointments to start Tuesday.
We believe that the tier bond will tier bond holders access to their funds on Tuesday.
What am I supposed to do with this perfectly good geek ad on my left during the big call? So a little aside there, if you kind of love cats like me.
So I'm gonna say likelihood is good for us finally to come to an end of this ride. And I thought initially it would be when I heard it was going to be about five days. I think I told you guys that on Tuesday. I thought, okay, we're going to get notified Friday, tomorrow, the 31st and start on the first. Well, it might be more like notified first or second or third, and start early next week
Now we can pretty much write off any increase in Social Security this month that's gone. We can write off the idea of R & R this month. We have one day left to go. We can write that off for this month, and hopefully we'll get soon next month. Debt jubilee is part of NESARA - our USN currency is there, available and ready to start - Is part of NASARA and GESARA, because, obviously, not just United States, but other countries.
They have their currencies, asset backed and ready to go. Supposedly, at this point, there are no more problems with that – the countries that were lagging behind on confirming their in ground values came through. I think we're we just have to say in the present, in the now, and look toward our future by taking one step at a time. I think we're very close.
My assessment is that we're going to have something here very early next week. We get notified as early as Saturday or Sunday, and then get started to exchange maybe on Monday or Tuesday. That's where we are right now. That's what it looks like. And hope you guys realize that all I'm trying to do is bring you what I'm hearing, and that's what I'm hearing.
So excited about where we are,
It's very important that you get the highest rate that President Trump wants to have, dinar at the contract rate. And also, by the way, the contract rate on dinar is not to the North Sea Grant crude price, as we were told initially, it is actually, as I've mentioned before, it is the selling price of a barrel of oil.
And they're selling to Turkey, they're selling to Egypt, they're selling to other countries in the Middle East that are not oil producers, and that is, that is good, and right now it's substantially higher than the North Sea threat price. So we're going by what Iraq is selling their barrel of oil for. So you've got that so everybody have a great weekend,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:12:5O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:23:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-28-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-28-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, January 28th and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again to hear what we have to offer tonight on this platform we know as the big call.
All right, let's do this - let's, let's talk about Intel Bob, and let's get this rolling here. All right, so let's do that -- Now I have a little bit of a disclaimer to say right now, two different things. One, you guys know that I've been doing this for quite a while, and I would never try to tell you anything that it's not true.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-28-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, January 28th and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again to hear what we have to offer tonight on this platform we know as the big call.
All right, let's do this - let's, let's talk about Intel Bob, and let's get this rolling here. All right, so let's do that -- Now I have a little bit of a disclaimer to say right now, two different things. One, you guys know that I've been doing this for quite a while, and I would never try to tell you anything that it's not true.
I would do my best to vet the information that I get, and also to use discernment on what I should bring and how to tell you about it. Now you guys know that I don't create any intel. My main handler that funnels the Intel say, does not create Intel. The Intel is coming from multiple sources.
I know some of you wonder, well, why don't you ever tell us who you, who you're getting this from, or whatever? Well, I can tell you some of these people are, let’s put it this way. They're not public figures. They're behind the scenes people. Some of them are computer people that that manage and have put up the Starlink satellite system. Some of them are military. They go pretty high up.
Some of them are what we call redemption center operatives. Generally, they're all the leader of the redemption center where they work, or in some cases, some of the people are over six redemption centers, or seven redemption centers, or three redemption centers. Those three particular cases and some are bank bond people that help redeem the bonds that are out there.
Some are executives, high up, executives with Wells Fargo, and we don't always get the information that we're looking for. Some and more recently, more people are under new NDAs. More people have been told not to say anything to certain people, and it's been getting a little harder to get the information that we want and get it's been a little bit tough, but we generally have something to bring out on every Tuesday and Thursday night that is relevant.
Now, it may only be relevant for a period of time before the information is added to what we already have. We get enhanced information timing things that help to tend to help us explain where we are or why it didn't go or what we still need in the way of to happen behind the scenes.
So this is really changing scenario, and you guys know that by now, I'm sure. But I've been told by one of our sources said this is like a military operation that can change at any moment. And I think he was right. I think we've seen that. Certainly we've been very close, at least in the minds of our sources and the very good sources, and yet, for some reason or another, we didn't go. It wasn't ready. We just didn't go.
So I'm telling you right now that there are certain people on two calls that are out there, that you guys know about, that are speaking against the concept of redemption centers, as if they don't matter or don't exist, the banks, banks, banks are the only way to do these exchanges. And it's so unbelievably untrue, because the people that are in charge of the redemption centers, we know the people that send out the emails that they get from Treasury Wells Fargo to go out to the redemption centers across this country, and there are, I believe it's over 10,000 redemption centers in in the United States, not including what there is in Canada, which is overseen by HSBC. The ones in us were seen by Wells Fargo.
The ones in Mexico and further South and Central America and so on are also seen by Uncle Santander, which is Santander Bank. HSBC has a lot of the international locations in Europe and other countries. I contract primarily on, of course, the United States and Canada, a close trading partner and neighbor to us. Also, I get information out of Canada, and it's very helpful and it's very positive.
So just be aware that if we miss it, or we miss date, or something happens like that, that try not to shoot the messenger. I'm somebody that brings you the best of what I hear - and, you know, listen, there are times when things come out and I’m not happy with what I’m getting and I'm saying wait a minute -that is bringing this into play or that into play.
Why hasn't that been done? Whatever I don't I'm not 100% I'm not a lay down when it comes to getting this information you guys to know. It affects me, affects Sue - it affects all of you. If I get something that I that seems like it's not right –
I heard something the other day, I don't know about that. That does not seem to be accurate, find the next day or so that same person will give you some information that will clarify it. Or they go okay, I see what I see what that was all about.
Now let me tell you where, where we are, what we're hearing. Let's talk about Iraq for a minute.
Iraq, Was sent half a billion dollars in Fiat dollars, in other words, the money that we currently have in our wallets and not in our purses. If you're woman, they would send this half $1,000,000,000. 500 million by the Biden administration before this past election, the 2024 election, and they were trying to support and delay the RV and our start?
Well, I heard this yesterday, that those monies, they need to be picked up in Iraq. Iraq still believes that if you're in Iraq listening to this call in Arabic, let me tell you, for the most part, not everybody, but for the most part, Iraq still has more faith in our fiat dollar, which has nothing but the full faith and track record essentially, of the US government behind it.
Now that's about to change – In a matter of a couple of days, we'll have our USN and USTN, United States Treasury note currency out. I believe it'll be I heard today between 24 & 36 hours for that to occur.
Now, in the meantime, Iraq has Fiat dollars that they're not supposed to be using. Fiat money outside of the United States is worthless. It has no value.
Now what's going to happen is the people that have this money in Iraq need to exchange it for low denomination Iraqi dinar, and I believe they're doing that right now and continuing to do that until that's that's all gone, or that those Fiat dollars that were brought over by the Biden administration will have no value
All right, so that's one of those little things that may have been holding this up, and they continue to hold it up for a little while, but not very long. I don’t think it's big enough to hold this thing up for more than a few days.
The other thing that I find very interesting is that the timing for this? We know that we have an asset back, dollar, our USN, which is United States note - You know, come to United States. New digitally, ready to go. It is ready to go. The timing on it looks to be 24 to 32 to 36 hours from now, and we'll all be all set -- in the redemption centers for the past year and a half our US Treasury notes, which is our new currency, our new our new folding money is in the redemption centers, and it's shrink wrapped. It's shrink wrapped and ready for us.
The banks also have it, probably in the vault - maybe in drawers, but always in the vault. It's not in the teller drawers yet, not at the teller stations. So that's ready to go. And when we get in for exchanges at the redemption center, we will get, we can have, I don't want to take more than $500 in cash in the new US Tia notes. They just think too much cash could be security risk, and we could end up, you know, losing it or something. So that's part of it.
So we have the belief that what we’re hearing from some of our other sources that are bond holders or bond pay masters, is that the release of funds, and let's go back and talk about this, the release of funds tonight or overnight.
Tonight is for the fines and penalties adjudicated settlements, the CMKX, the so called intermediaries, which are farm claims, ranch claims and possibly Native American claims, all of those fit into a category, category that we call intermediaries. They're sort of between tier three and tier four, but they are occurring along with funds going out for bond holders that should receive emails. Bond holders should receive emails tomorrow, telling them that they should have access to their funds on such and such a date.
Okay, so here's something else that I found very interesting. One of our stronger international redemption center leaders said that we would get this – our notifications within five days, and that was including tomorrow, or actually included today, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, which is the first of February, Saturday that we would have this on, or by the first of February.
Now, the latest information so far that I received today is talking about the possibility of getting something over the next 24 to 36 hours. That sort of brings in the possibility of Wednesday, Thursday. Now they could directly based on the idea of five days, could take us all the way out to Saturday, which is February 1. So I guess I'm trying to narrow it down and say it's possible.
Hold on. One moment. Sue. If you're still there, I'm going to take this call real briefly. Thank you Sue. All right, so when we look at this, look at the concept of it could go in a couple of days. I'm saying tomorrow and Thursday are in play, but it could just stretch us out to Fridays, Saturday or Saturday, Saturday, which means we could get notified Friday and start Saturday.
We could get notified Saturday, start Saturday and kick off the weekend. Or, if everything gets completed like we hope, we might be looking at something in the next couple of days before the end of the month.
As far as R and R is concerned, I was told not to say it won't happen this month, as it still could three days left though, I’m not very confident in that and I definitely don't feel confident increase in Social Security in the month of January, like we had been told, this is again, where the Intel morphs and changes as the situation changes as time goes by.
But we'll have to see when, when that comes out now when we get our new USN currency announced , when we get it out, and we're part of a golden era right now, okay, President Trump is referring to this as a start of a new golden age.
He's referring to the gold backed USN dollar, and he's warned of symbolic things in the past, like the like, for example, he might wear a gold pie, or he might have the White House lit up in gold lights. That was happened a few days ago that took place. So there's symbolism, but you have to look for it.
And we're getting sort of teased on the idea of no income taxes. Well, you remember back it was brought out that they're looking at a so called fair tax, which is really a consumption tax, which that's all part and parcel of NESARA
And so they've been hinting at these things and teasing, and they're talking about this bill and that bill, well, NESARA is a bill that was passed a long time ago, but it was never enacted, and I believe President Trump will enact that. And as part of it, part of that is having an asset backed currency again for us, because, look, a lot of the countries around the world are already gold backed, and we'll be gold backed and backed by other precious metals and other assets, the USN, and We'll have the strongest dollar. Will have the strongest currency again in the world. So that's all happening for us that's coming in.
So I'm looking forward to a really good week, rest of the week, and possibly weekend, and I want everybody to stay positive for it and I'm going to do best I can to bring you the best version of the intel that I get as we vet. And I haven't gotten anything else new tonight like I'd hoped before ending the big call - so obviously I’m hoping I'll have something more but Thursday, but hopefully we get this thing to kick off by the big call, or before it, in which case Thursday night's call would be a celebration call.
So I'm excited about it and looking forward to it - So let's, let's get ready to just the next few days to the result of this, and to have everything that we're looking for come through when we get those emails and can set the appointments, realize our dinar contract rate is only available at the redemption center.
Number one, if you have dinar. And two, the Zim is only redeemed at the redemption centers. So that tells you, right there, you really have to set up an appointment with 800 number, which is very simple, and you'll set that up for a redemption center that's closest to your zip code, and you'll be taken through on this, not very much.
And then you'll be connected to a redemption service person, I believe a live person, will actually finalize the urban setting and answer a few questions for you. Okay, so be aware of that. Look for the emails that would come from Wells Fargo if you're in the United States, and probably HSBC, data and Central or South America, all right, and let's do this, pray call out, and then we'll take it from there.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:23:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
You welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 23rd and you're listening to the big call all over the globe, with the help of the satellite team, they've connected us as always, to the star Link satellite system, and we are being beamed around the globe as we speak to as many as 200 countries in their own language. Some are getting it in English. Some are getting it in their own language. Three seconds after I say it, they receive it, which is pretty cool. I love it. Thank you. Sat Team for doing that. Let’s do this, let's pray the call in like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night, and then we'll, we'll just enjoy the time and the call together
All right. Thank you, Bob, that was really important. Very good. And let's it's quarter after a little after now. So let's get into the Intel and see where we are.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
You welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 23rd and you're listening to the big call all over the globe, with the help of the satellite team, they've connected us as always, to the star Link satellite system, and we are being beamed around the globe as we speak to as many as 200 countries in their own language. Some are getting it in English. Some are getting it in their own language. Three seconds after I say it, they receive it, which is pretty cool. I love it. Thank you. Sat Team for doing that. Let’s do this, let's pray the call in like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night, and then we'll, we'll just enjoy the time and the call together
All right. Thank you, Bob, that was really important. Very good. And let's it's quarter after a little after now. So let's get into the Intel and see where we are.
All right. Now,I did guess just get a little bit an update. While Sue was in her segment, and I stepped away and came back to the call. But here's what is going on. We have been looking to be notified since Tuesday, and it's already Thursday night. We have not been notified yet, the snow and the icy roads in the South were a little bit of a factor, but not as much today as they were yesterday.
You know, 13 and a half inches in Charmat, Louisiana. You know, 10 inches in Milton, Florida. We're on exit six or exit eight, something like that. On Interstate 10, we look I 95 through South Carolina -- Only one lane was open, one lane going north, one lane going south.
Today, this afternoon, we had enough melting where now I 95 is open. So you know, it's, I don't know how much the weather was good to push on this – But we did find out today that there was an issue with three countries, Germany, South Korea, and let's see what was it one of the African nations, and I'll think of it in a minute - And so these three were trying to connect to the Starlink satellite system.
They had some connectivity issues, but the main problem was they needed verification of their inground assets, their in ground assets. You say, what is that? What does that mean in ground if there were a country that was that had oil, natural gas, that might have precious metals underground, that might have both, could have silver, could have any could have jewels, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, all of that, all of those things that are in the ground that can be mined or brought up, like oil, that is considered an asset.
And the reason that's important is these countries, currency values are determined by the in ground assets, plus the assets that are above ground, okay, their supply of gold that they might have, or whatever. And it's just, it's just the getting the combination and the total of those assets.
Look for the United States. We've got a lot of gold, believe it on we repatriated the gold that was underneath the Vatican for 300 miles that went to the proper countries, including the US, you know, but these three countries were slow, and they basically were givenan ultimatum today.
Listen, we need the verification of these in ground assets, or you're out of the loop. We're going to go around you, and you won't be able to take part in the revaluation or in the exchanges. Well, guess what? All three countries got their act together and were able to get connected through the Starlink satellite system and get that information out to our treasury and make sure that we have the information needed. Okay, so that's really important.
So that looks like it took care of itself somewhere around 1:00 or 130 Eastern this afternoon. That was no longer an issue, no longer a problem. So then we heard, okay, that's good. And then we heard from one of the international banks that in an email to their banks, to their redemption centers, they said, prepare for Thursday and Friday. No check that. Sorry.
Prepare for Friday and Saturday, the 24th and 25th to be Gangbuster days. Gangbuster days and so then you will be talking to the redemption center people, and you will be very busy on those days. Okay, that's good. That's really good. We took that to mean that bond holders should be notified sometime tomorrow.
And I think the fines and penalties and all of that adjudicated settlements and farm claims, ranch claims, and Indian claims, all of that that doesn't go out tonight to them. It should be tomorrow. They get that. And then, of course, that includes CMKX. These are what we call the intermediaries, okay, bond holders are next - And then we in tier four, A and B, which is admiral’s group, and us in the internet group would go next. So I believe what I just mentioned this now will all take place tomorrow.
However, the latest piece of Intel says that the takeoff day for all of this is going to be Saturday. So we might see some activity - I think I don't remember to see our numbers tomorrow. One source said, Yes, tomorrow for us, the latest piece we just got - which was from the person in the treasury that was put in charge of appointing the pay masters for these groups in Reno, that person said, everything will be taking off for all of us on Saturday.
Now let's say that happens, we get our numbers, and hopefully it's before lunchtime. Let's say it's anytime before maybe we get that. We could roll some exchanges on Saturday and then Sunday is another exchange day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays, etc. So that is the plan, as it is now. I would love to say it's absolutely for tomorrow for us, but it is not for us in our group the internet group in 4b it looks like Saturday, so that is where we stand right now.
Not a whole lot else to add for that, except the information said that we'll be very excited about the rates. I think the rates are going to go higher, especially on Dong and are, and we know that they are contract on dinar, which tied to the per barrel price of oil, which is was in the low 80s. That's per dinar, by the way, and so that’s the latest we have on that.
And of course, the Zim it'll go only at the redemption center for the redemption of it, and the contract rate is only available at the redemption center. So we need a call and set an appointment. And the absolute maximum appointment time has been set at 45 minutes.
So the ones 30 minutes to 40 maximum 45 if you've got a box or two of bonds, let them know, because you might need a double appointment to handle those bonds. You might, I don't think you've got a lot of currency and you also have bonds.
Man, I don't see how you can get it done in 45 minutes. I just don't know. I know they go super fast on the Delarue machine, and can crank it out and get that done. But even setting up an account, setting up your quantum account, all of that, it takes a little time, and I know it's going to go fast, guys, don't go really going to be the fastest 40 or 45 minutes of your life, probably. And have fun with it. Just enjoy it. Pay attention, and you'll be fine.
Your NDA would last a minimum of 30 days, and then it could last as long as six months, depending on how they read you. If they read you as sharp, intelligent, going to keep your mouth quiet. Keep your you know, keep it quiet. Keep your mouth closed. You know, you might end up with just 30 days.
Look like you might be able to do that. Then they might extend it. And you could go two months, three months, even six months under an NDA undisclosed.
So let's see if there's anything else that I can think of right now.
Yeah, I think, really, what we're looking at is getting this thing started this week -- Med Beds are coming very quickly, even to the public. They moved it up. They moved the public notification of Med Beds up to Monday or Tuesday, 27 through 28 but it is based on dire need for the public, for us in 4B it based more on Zim holders and dire need the first priority into the Med Beds - okay, and the public that doesn't have any zim, it's going to be based on dire need, and that's still okay. That's it. That's what we're looking at.
And I think that everything is starting to come out in the way of some disclosure. Of course, the meds be a big thing for disclosure next, early next week, but even today, with the executive order that President Trump signed to declassify the the assassination of John F Kennedy June, John F Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr, has been put into it with declassified status, which should take up to 15 days for that to go through to the proper people, and then we should get disclosed maybe sooner than 15 days, but that's what's in the exit board.
So we'll see what happens on that. But I think we're going to see the start here of some really interesting disclosure events, wait till they deal with what happened on 9 /11 in New York. Yeah, that I don't know when that's coming out, but we'll see
Otherwise. Yeah, I think we're just really ready to go. And this is good. We should be excited.
It's really going to be exciting. You guys know why I'm excited about it, so let's think if there's anything else, nothing else the timeline looks like tomorrow for bond holders and the intermediaries. For us, it looks like notifications and set appointments and start exchangesand go right through and do something and so on. So that's right now we have, let's go ahead Okay, let's do this. Let's pray the call out, and then we'll take it from there.. Alright everybody, have a great weekend.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 21st and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody from all around the globe, as we are currently under day two of the new Trump administration and the new Trump presidency. And I'm excited as a result of everything that happened yesterday during the inauguration and the new direction that our country is going in now - so I'm excited Let's go ahead and pray the call in
Bob. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let's, let's talk about where we are in the Intel world. First of all, I want to say something that I found out.
Oh, I don't know when was it? Maybe between the last call we had, which was last Thursday, and then five nights later we've got the Tuesday night call. Well, in the last what I'm going to call it, three or four days, I heard something that really blew my mind.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 21st and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody from all around the globe, as we are currently under day two of the new Trump administration and the new Trump presidency. And I'm excited as a result of everything that happened yesterday during the inauguration and the new direction that our country is going in now - so I'm excited Let's go ahead and pray the call in
Bob. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let's, let's talk about where we are in the Intel world. First of all, I want to say something that I found out.
Oh, I don't know when was it? Maybe between the last call we had, which was last Thursday, and then five nights later we've got the Tuesday night call. Well, in the last what I'm going to call it, three or four days, I heard something that really blew my mind.
And that was you guys, know, I've been talking about, this could go at any moment. This can go under Biden. This can go before President Trump gets back into the Oval Office. This can Well, you know what? I was misinformed, and I misinformed you guys.
This could not go before President Trump made his way back into the Oval Office, and the information we were getting might have been coded, and we took the code wrong, or whatever happened.
But I have a MEA CULPA??, but my fault, my bad. I just wanted to tell you guys, I'm sorry that I misinformed you about that Intel. Because one side of me was saying, I don't know, I don't know if it's going to go before Trump's back. I don't know.
And the other was saying, Well, I'm being told again, I'm being told it can go out. You know, we can get this thing started? Well, evidently, the truth was, it couldn't go until after President Trump is back in.
The good news is he is back in as of yesterday, the 20th of January, probably would have saved us all a little bit of headache and a little bit of worry and a little bit of whatever.
But now that we've crossed that threshold that President Trump is back and just killing it on executive orders and policies and getting back hostages and everything, finishing the wall. You know, guys, I don't know I, I don't know about you, but I just, I just have to put the last four years in our rear view mirror. Yes, we did some good things. And I have good news.
And the good news is that we are moving forward. Listen, we had heard that we would start today, Tuesday, with our notifications and set appointments to start tomorrow.
And then we were told later on this afternoon, like two or three of our better sources that, nope, it wasn't going to be today, but it is going to be tomorrow. Well, fortunately, we asked, Why didn't it go yesterday? Or, excuse me, why didn't it go today Tuesday?
And it ends up that there were three factors. One was to get the proper green light from the US Treasury, and that is the new Restored Republic Treasury
That number two, we needed Iraq to do something, which we think is publish their new rate, Wednesday, tomorrow morning, in their Gazette, their official publication could be a new rate or the published in the Gazette.
That's my gut on it, because we don't know it absolutely and three, Iran, oh, my God. What about it? Well, President Trump had a meeting with two of his generals discuss the problem in Iran, and had to do with the funding of solve that problem on the phones with Iran at 1:30 today.
So are all three of those things out of the way? I think they will be once Iraq does what they are going to do, and that will sensibly be tomorrow morning by putting the new rate in the Gazette. Let's hope that all three of those things are no longer issues that we have to deal with.
We are moving forward now. Here's the remember, I had a timeline, which I like a timeline? I like to see things in a linear fashion that are happening like that.
One aspect that was we have to pay off the fines and penalties -- adjudicated settlements - like CMKX and any others that are there and intermediaries, which are Farm Claims - Native American claims, those were already paid, but not sure if everything's complete on that.
Any other intermediaries that would be considered like, that's like first, and that should happen overnight, tonight or tomorrow morning, overnight tonight or in the morning, and then at nine o'clock in the morning tomorrow, that's Eastern Time, we should have the admirals groups funded either into their individual bank accounts, which could happen in some cases, or most likely, into their quantum account that they Need to activate with their quantum card, just like we have to activate our quantum account after our exchange so that. And then, when will they get notified?
Do they get notified right nine in the morning, or do they notifications to confirm what has happened for them throughout the day tomorrow? And then when are we supposed to be notified? Well, we're supposed to be notified at noon, and it's noon in each time around noon.
Don't hold me to 12 noon exact, but it could be exact. Could be a little before, a little bit after it's going to be around noon, because one of the one of the pieces came to us talking about when we're ready to pop our champagne corks at lunch tomorrow. So that's signifying lunchtime or noon.
We should be getting our notifications on tier 4b or the Internet Group. Now my theory has been for a couple of years, at least. It would make sense if it was noon in every time zone. Noon, Eastern, noon central, noon, mountain and noon pacific and even noon Alaska, noon Hawaii.
As we go through from east to west, and it appears that that was correct, that that would be the case. So in a way, it's a staggered start from tier 4b with us getting notified essentially an hour apart, based on the time zone that we're in, eastern central mountain or Pacific.
So that's what was brought out to me today with clarification. And I just think we're looking very good to get started with this. I You know guys, I hope they have solved whatever the and I know that they have whatever the problem was with with Iran.
I know that Iraq has already and not ready, ready and not ready, and they should be ready. We know their lower denominations are out, not only in the ATMs, but also in the airport kiosk and also in businesses throughout the country. And so how much more ready to have to be?
Do they have an international rate?
Yes, and we've known this, and it seems like they were going to get new international rate on Sunday this past Sunday, but I haven't been able to confirm it, and our contacts in Iraq don't want to put that in writing. They don't want to send it to us in a text or an email.
So we don't we don't really know exactly where it is now we know that our rate at the redemption center for the dinar is they plan to offer us the contract rate, which is tied to the per barrel price of oil and use North Sea Brent crude, if you want to check that, that seems to be about The price that Iraq is selling oil for and we know that we have a rate on Dong That is very good, and we know that the Zim is on par with the US dollar.
Now, one other thing that is interesting for us is when it comes to the direction, was I going?
Well, we're looking to get notified tomorrow, and with any success, we set our appointments tomorrow that could start in some jurisdictions as early as Wednesday afternoon - some markets with us, with different demographics may start on Thursday.
So Wednesdays, setting appointments Thursday exchanges start. Except in some markets, they might start on Wednesday, but there's a high concentration of currency holders , like in parts of Florida, in other parts of the country, Texas, maybe, you know, they may start a little earlier.
They might start tomorrow, afternoon, evening, provided the numbers do come out around noon, central time for Texas, Eastern Time, of course, for Florida. So we're excited to see all that occur and see that begin.
As far as we know, and that's always a caveat, as far as we know, there is nothing else to hold us up from going. Really, we should get, we should get some disclosure of events in the month of February and March, and we should have those of us who are currency holders that are going in for currency exchanges and redemption of the Zim currency, slash bond, as they do Consider it a bond because of its intrinsic value.
So we will get recently complete that thought. So we're going to be doing that at the redemption centers and realize this, but the Zim is not something that's going to be handled at the banks. You need to set an appointment to go into the redemption center to redeem your Zim
Also, there's no contract rate for the dinar, as we're being told at banks, but only at redemption centers. So it's really a good idea to set the appointment and go in your appointment done in 40 minutes or less.
And if you're a Zim holder and you've got some you've got projects, you want to let them know in probably more like three to five minutes. We used to say five to eight minutes. Probably you have about three to five minutes to explain the overview check.
And that's eally great. It's going to go quickly. I think the appointment go just, boom, boom, boom. It's going to go pretty quickly. There's a lot to get done. You know, with the setting up of your initial account and your account, you've got a Wells Fargo account and a quantum account.
You know you'll be signing the NDA early in the oil and it's probably right at the beginning, when you're when they're going through the Know Your Customer, see who you are. They know who you are already.
So even the identification of who you are with your ID, with your utility bill, it's going to go very quickly. They're not, they don't they don't want receipts, bona fide currency. You're fine. That delarue machine is going to take off running, and it's going to count and verify currency quickly - Multiple currencies.
Just help them out. If you've got several, four or five different currencies, make sure you have each one in a separate little, little envelope, or saying where, you know where they obviously do Dong, and then do dinar, and then do Zim they probably will want zim first, but whatever, and then rupiah - Afghani.
And don't forget your Venezuelan Boulivar, if you have that and so on, they'll just go right through them and keep a tab on it. And what I was going to say is your r, and r, if you're a currency holder, it could very well already be in your quantum account.
So the idea of getting a direct deposit into your Social Security bank account, not your social security, but in your bank account where you get your Social Security, if you're 62 and older and already, okay, here's, here's the thing.
We found out that the servers that handle social security are limited in that they can't deal with anything over $500,000 - okay, so the point is, they're not capable of hailing the amounts as a direct deposit to our accounts because of the server limitation. So we should see our lump sum r and r lump sum coming to us at the redemption center.
Now, what they do with other folks that aren't on Social Security, that are 60 and older? I'm not quite sure. And you know, there are three tiers of groups.
The first tier, let's call it called Group A, are people that are 30 to 45 years of age. They'll get their R and R restitution reconciliation allowance is another word I said their R and R over three years. So three times 12 is 36 -- 36 monthly installments. Let's call it to them, and that should start in the month of February.
Okay, people of that age group, 30 to 45, to 60, that there's a group that will get theirs over two years. 2024 12 times two is 2424 moments, they will also begin to receive there in the month of February.
So we're the ones in the group say. We say anybody that's 60 and older that is exchanging currency should have it in there, in their quantum account and then your quantum card to move those funds from your quantum account into your wells, Fargo primary account, and then eventually, when you get account set up, if you need to, you'll have secondary accounts under the primary and both of those primary and secondary Wells Accounts will earn interest at a rate of at least 12% which is phenomenal.
And I'm going to ask that mine would be paid out as well percent as APY and that's received that I'm going to take it quarterly. I think it's probably payable monthly, but I'd rather take it as a lump sum every quarter and see that in my account that way.
So it would obviously take 90 days for that interest to be accrued and for it to be applied and put into that account without going to do it. We'll see, obviously work with that.
So that's really the gist of what I had to say tonight. I don't know that there's anything else that we need to know right now but to get the toll free numbers, which is tomorrow at noon, ish, noon ish, tomorrow, and then we should be able to call set our appointments in exchange on Thursday, with some exceptions that might be going In high demographic care services tomorrow, afternoon or evening.
When we get that and we'll also start any podcasts that I do, that does that, we can forward to you, and then you click on them and just listen to them, you know, at your own choice, but we're going to communicate with you after these numbers come out. If conceivable Thursday, we would do a celebration call tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday. I believe we will probably still do a short celebration call Thursday night at the regular time.
So stay tuned for that possibility. All right, so let's pray the call out, and we'll look forward to giving everything that we're looking for tomorrow. Let's do that.
Thank you big call universe for tuning in and listening over the past 13 years. Everybody have a beautiful night's sleep tonight. Let's see what occurs.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-21-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, January 16, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again for us, with us, and thank you everyone for paying attention and riding this long ride with us again. We love you and we thank you for tuning in. We love the fact that we still are getting out the call, all over the world. Thank you Sat team for doing that.
Let's switch gears for a minute. Let's get into Intel. It's getting closer, guys, I can tell you, I was looking for the possibility of us to be notified today, but we did hear and I got a text very early this morning
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, January 16, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again for us, with us, and thank you everyone for paying attention and riding this long ride with us again. We love you and we thank you for tuning in. We love the fact that we still are getting out the call, all over the world. Thank you Sat team for doing that.
Let's switch gears for a minute. Let's get into Intel. It's getting closer, guys, I can tell you, I was looking for the possibility of us to be notified today, but we did hear and I got a text very early this morning.
That was 4:54 this morning. And no, I wasn't up reading it at that hour. Sorry. I caught it a little later in the morning, but it said that the dinar, the Iraqi dinar, which is the linchpin of all of the currencies that are going up in value, these exotic currencies that are going up into Normal trading ranges, was on the Forex today, and it was on this morning at 4.19 and since that time, it increased up on the forex to 4.52 this afternoon, and it's probably still going up.
And as you guys know, forex trades around the clock in different markets that are watching it and up and trading it. But that's pretty cool, and it doesn't mean our rate is going to be there, or even the bank rate is going to be there. It could be higher, and I know it is higher now than that, even at the banks.
But we're most concerned with the dinar at the contract rate, which our contract rate on the dinar is tied to North Sea Brent crude oil, which seems to be the price that Iraq is sold their oils for
it's within $1 or so of whatever the North Sea Brent crude price is, and if it's 80, well, that's what the contract rate is, and that's the North Sea Brent crude price yesterday. So it sort of it fluctuates a little up, a little down, but it's it's trending up, it's trending higher. So that's a good thing to be aware of
What I like is the fact that we do have some contacts that are important. One of the major banks, that's kind of international bank that is over international redemption centers, is indicating that the latest indication was that we would be in that there would be releases tonight and overnight. Tonight,
I think this is referring to notifications to bond holders, to platform participants or their their leaders, their pay masters, and also, when it says releases overnight, it's possible that we wake up To notifications tomorrow. I say possible, because the same banking institution is suggesting that we could, and I'm going to say that's the operational word. Could be notified Friday or Saturday and begin exchanges prior to the three day weekend.
Or let's put it this way, prior to Monday. Monday, as you know, is Martin Luther King Day, and it's also Inauguration Day, and the banks is a federal holiday, and the banks will be closed. And because of that, I don't think we're going to see any activity on Monday for us.
But if we get started tomorrow with numbers and we exchange starting Friday, tomorrow, 17th, we would do Saturday the 18th, and we would skip over Monday and resume on Tuesday, or we would skip over Sunday, excuse me, and Monday. No, I've got that wrong. I'm going to rewind that in my mind.
If we started tomorrow, and we could start exchanges on Friday, we would also go Saturday and Sunday at the redemption centers, not the banks, but at the redemption centers. Then we would skip over Monday and resume on Tuesday. That's if it were to start Friday or Saturday. That would be the the timeline. which is exciting.
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Now, listen, I have been told two different things. I've been told that we would get started Friday or Saturday, and I've also been told we could start if they don't let it go, and that's how they put it if they don't let it go this three day weekend, really it's four day if you count Friday, and they tend to count Friday, but if they don't let it go Friday or Saturday, then We're looking at a Tuesday start after President Trump has been inaugurated on Saturday at noon.
Now I've been told forever that we don't have to wait on President Trump to get back in the saddle, back in as he's already been commander in chief. And some say he's always been President. I think he's, I don't want to say what I think, but I think that for him, for us to get this prior to his inauguration, would be fantastic. That'd be awesome. I'd love to see it tomorrow or Saturday, and right on through, enjoy the inauguration and go from there.
Now, if it doesn't happen and we see it on this on the 21st which is Tuesday, then so be it. Then what I've been told in the past about he doesn't have to be back in the White House for this to go was it for us?
And I was misinformed. But there's a there's a high possibility, if the releases started tonight and I think we're talking about releases to bond holders to platforms to tier four. If that starts tonight and tomorrow morning we wake up to it, or we get it tomorrow and start setting our appointments in a teaching then we're so much the better. And I'm excited about that possibility, so I'm presenting both sides of what I have heard.
The latest thing we got from that major international bank was Friday, Saturday. The earlier information we got from that major bank was, if they can, if they let it go this weekend than we get obviously, and if they don't let it go, we'd start Tuesday, the day after President Trump is sworn in
on inauguration day. Now this is more information that I found interesting was, remember, we talked Tuesday about one inaugural ball that was advertised, one with specific The All American ball, and that's, you know, on Capitol Hill at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
And that's on the 18th, which is Saturday. But we found out that there are 29 gala events and balls, you know, inaugural balls, that are scheduled in the DC area, most of them in DC, some in the outer outlying areas like Arlington Virginia, and one in Baltimore, I think, is at the harbor, one of the major hotels at Baltimore Harbor.
So quite a bit scheduled, quite as planned, evidently. And it just was released, I guess, today. But that's interesting. I mean, there's 29 and, yeah, one was at the MGM, I don't know what, if it's grant or just MGM hotel in Baltimore Harbor, so in the DC area, that's going to be that's really good
I'm looking forward to watching that. I'm looking forward to that. I believe it's going to be a good eastern time on the 21st it's Martin Luther King Day, both on the same day, and I think that would be a good thing to do
Now, in addition to that, that's really the intel we want to know. When we want to know what's going on. This is redemption centers. We're talking about. We're talking about contract rate on the dinar at the redemption center. Nobidy knows where they are - I know where a few of them are, because we know five leaders of redemption centers personally.
But beyond that, it's a matter of just getting that toll free number – using it – calling it . You call it, setting your appointment. Boom, off you go. Gonna be great. Make sure you don't forget courtesy when you go in, you know, and if you do, you better drive home again, if has but be careful, guys, and don't arrive more than 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time, not more than 10 minutes.
And this thing should run like a well oiled sewing machine, like a Singer sewing machine, and they're ready for us. I know they're ready after all this time and prep. I think they're actually ready.
The most you can take at the redemption center, in terms of new currency United States Treasury notes, is $500.05 bills, five smackers. That's it.
They don't want us going out with more than 500 bucks. If you want more cash than that of the new money, you're going to go back later to the bank, maybe the next day or so.
We can only assume that the new currency will be out in the banks when we're in for our exchanges, it should be, should be operational, or it should, let's see, the banks have had it for a year and a half.
So have the redemption. They've had it the new currency. They just don't have it in the telcos yet. But they might soon - like this by a couple of days. They might not bring it out till Tuesday.
Don’t know , just saying, but we can come there with 500 different and it comes out of your total. You're going to get aQ phone as well. If you're a zim holder, one per customer Q phone. It's a satellite phone that work all over the world. It's like a satellite phone with using the starlink satellite system and it is secure to move money from your quantity into your primary and secondary bank accounts.
So we'll see what's going to be able to do. I think it's going to be kind of amazing that we can do that, you know, securely. Let's see what else.
We don't have time if they're coming out tomorrow, if, if they're coming out Saturday, when they're coming. We just don't have it. But we did hear later tonight that we had an image of a green light. You know green light means go. Of a green light indicating everything is a go. Releases have begun and will continue overnight. Now that's what I'm getting. I'm only giving you what I received. ‘
You guys have a great weekend. This should be an excellent weekend between the timeline that we created, starting Tuesday to the to the Martin Luther King day on Monday and the inauguration on Monday. And then we're we are definitely off to the races, if not before we would be on Tuesday, off to the races, and maybe as early as Friday or Saturday. So let's pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big call tonight, Tuesday, January 14th and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again - thank you Sat team for getting the call out to so many people and so many nations across the globe.
All right, I guess I gotta get my thinking cap on and see how we can bring out things that we need to know right now. I’ve got several things I’m going to put in some form or fashion in an order, which will help to create a timeline for us. I always like to see time lines to see where we are, what's happening in the next few days, and where are we going, and how we're going to get there. And that's sort of what I'm going to try to paint this picture for you guys tonight.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big call tonight, Tuesday, January 14th and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again - thank you Sat team for getting the call out to so many people and so many nations across the globe.
All right, I guess I gotta get my thinking cap on and see how we can bring out things that we need to know right now. I’ve got several things I’m going to put in some form or fashion in an order, which will help to create a timeline for us. I always like to see time lines to see where we are, what's happening in the next few days, and where are we going, and how we're going to get there. And that's sort of what I'm going to try to paint this picture for you guys tonight.
Initially, we're going to say President Trump has given the green light to our new, restored Republic treasury. Let's call it based at least temporarily in Reno Nevada to activate - was the word - activate the new United States note, which we call the USN, or the currency we call the United States Treasury Note - the USTN- to activate that. And that instruction was given to occur between last night, which was Monday night, and Wednesday morning, which is tomorrow morning.
So we're looking at that activation of the USN, which is part of GESARA, along with all the other asset backed currencies in the world. And certainly it's a part of NESARA - in terms of letting the people know, hey, we have a new asset backed dollar we don't have with the USD.
And so we should be getting excited about the possibility that what we've been looking for, which was I've been looking for, anyway, is an announcement about the USN, about, you know, the asset, asset backed dollar, that we have, and all of that as part NESARA and I think we're about to see that .
The other thing that we're seeing is that we're getting from a limited amount of sources now that some of these are are pay masters over the bond holders are getting sort of an order of which dominoes are falling. That's the first, second, third and fourth Domino.
And it appears in the first domino is the Is the bond holders getting their emails letting them know when they have access to funds, that first access to funds to be scheduled for either tomorrow or Thursday for the bondholders,
The second domino they call platform trades. These are, these are zim platforms that certain people entered into with up to five 100 T notes. This was in the past a few years back, and this was something that would be paying out over pretty much one year, 13 months, I think.
So that's really something that we're looking for to be the second domino to fall, and third domino should be what we refer to as the admirals groups. And there are multiple groups under the admiral, and there might be more than one Admiral, by the way, we know of one in particular.
And then the fourth Domino is us in tier 4b or the internet group.
Now, our understanding from wells, Fargo's point of view is that tier four is this tier four? They don't distinguish between 4A and 4B I've done it in the past and continue to do it because people want to know, what about our group? What about the Internet Group, the largest group that is primarily listening to the big call and looking online for other information.
Well, I believe that tier four, A & B or tier four, will go pretty much together - this whole rollout, which we've used the term shotgun start is supposed to roll out over 48 hours. Now I think 48 hours basically starts when the USN is acknowledged -- activated -- and the theory is that it should happen by tomorrow morning – we don’t have a time for it - but I'm going to say, if it is to happen by tomorrow, it would happen by noon tomorrow. **
So there is, there is an order to things on the release of these – now somewhere in the mix is the so called intermediaries, people like CMKX, adjudicated settlements, fines and penalties, farm claims, ranch claims, Native American claims, and there may be one or two others, but that's what I'm bringing up, is as what we're calling the intermediary groups.
Now those groups should be paid kind of when the bond holders are notified, I think that's also going to be triggered within the next 48 hours, but it may take longer two days to pay all those. But I don't think it necessarily should -- I don't think it should, but we'll have to see. Keep an eye. We may not even hear about some of those unless you're in C M K X, you know, unless you're in a situation where, where you know your farm or ranch was taken from you, or whatever, and now they're going to make it to you. They're going to at least pay you for it, you know, we'll see what that looks like.
I had understood our Native Americans were already compensated, but maybe they weren't, maybe not all of them. So it's hard to know everything about that. So there's the next couple of days of things - we should get, our notifications, I believe in the next day or two, we could get it Wednesday. We could get it Thursday and start.
I'm sorry I don't have anything that takes me on Thursday in the way of what we're talking about with this RV with a blessing. Okay, so, I mean, we heard from CW, and he says his associates said, Well, we're still looking at Charlie Ward’s Thursday, and maybe we are, and maybe we get numbers tomorrow, and all we do is set appointments. We start on Thursday. That's possible. I hope we get numbers, set appointments to start tomorrow, but we'll have to see.
This is one of these I have to wait and see. And I hate that expression, but it is one that we have to sort of do right now.
Let's go beyond that. Let's talk about a couple of things. One, this really blew my mind, my new understanding as of yesterday was we're going to actually be offered an interest rate. This is my currency rate. This is a rate of interest that would be paid on our primary and secondary bank accounts.
This does not pay on out of a quantum account. It pays on the money that we move from the quantum account using our quantum card to get into our accounts and then move that into a primary - my case, Wells and secondary Wells accounts, and they're offering us 12% interest, annual, percentage yearly. That doesn't make any sense, but APY for five years? For the first five years, 12% per year? Why in the world would they offer and we don't have to negotiate that.
That's nothing that we have to negotiate like we thought we were gonna have to negotiate upwards of five to 10% Well, this is 12% and you know why? Because when we transition from the USD, the Fiat dollar, to the USN, with the USD, basically on its way out, and we can still use what we have here, but with it on its way out, the banks will be broke. They need our funds in our accounts so that they can stabilize themselves and have the wherewithal for Basel III Basel IV compliance.
So I mean to get that type of interest rate on the amounts that we're talking about moving into our primary and secondary. And I say secondary, let's say we have a primary account, the main account that's under the name of the trust, and then we have accounts underneath that that are sub accounts, still under the protection of the trust. But let's say they're, in my case, using four LLC accounts, and so those accounts would be sub accounts to the primary, but all those accounts, as I understand it, sub and the primary account, will earn 12% interest for five years.
I don't know if it's compounded daily. I don't know how often is compounded, but I think we can ask for the interest to be paid out to us monthly or quarterly, every three months, I'm going to go for quarterly for me – For me to see that number and deal with, okay, that's a number I have to give away, invest whatever I'm going to do With it, bless people. Is for rebuild America used for whatever, right? And I think it's a little easier than to try to keep up with monthly for me. So that's what I'm going to do, try to do.
The other thing is, what else? What about ???
Let's go with a timeline then, all right, so that has taken us all the way Thursday, with the potential start for our exchanges tomorrow and Thursday and then Friday. We go right on through-
Saturday the 18th - I know that there are a couple of events that are planned, and one of which is a private meeting in Northern Virginia for President Trump and his cabinet choices. That'll be a great little get together for them, they'll probably have a great time.
Also on Saturday the 18th, there is a ballroom inaugural ball that's going to be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill, and that'll be probably, that's a big, big deal, big event. And I believe they have tickets for sale for that now, and there are three levels of participation. I'm not sure if the top level is full, I think it is.
But anyway, that's something that's going to be great for people that are in DC area and they want to attend. It, my understanding, I don't know this, of course, but my belief system is that President Trump make a cameo appearance at most of the inaugural balls that are, that are planned, and even though they talk about other locations and so on, there's nowhere that shows where they are or when they are, yet, it's kind of a 404, page not found - one of those deals.
So stay tuned for that, and it would be last minute. Sounds like last minute. Less people in the know already know about it. It's just not being advertised. That's very possible. So that's Saturday.
That Sunday. President Trump is supposed to make an appearance to the tune of the Unknown Soldier, and I don't know if that’s Arlington National Cemetery or somewhere else, but it's that's what he's supposed to do Sunday, and he has a maga rally, make America great rally at the capital Center in Washington, DC, for the caps play hockey, their home sheet of ice. And so that's that's going to be going on Sunday,
Monday, we have inauguration one put it as a swearing in, or he is sworn in on Monday the 20th. It's also Martin Luther King Day. Martin Luther King, Jr, and so believe it will be a bank holiday.
And so I think for that reason, the R and R, if we're moving into to Tuesday now on the 20th - Help me out - the 21st should be of from the 21st 22nd 23rd 24th Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday should be when we are seeing and receiving our restitution reconciliation allowance.
And I told you guys on two or three occasions how that's going to work out for ages that are 30 to 45 --45 to 60 and 60 and above. Get theirs as a lump sum – We’ll see how it'll shake out for everybody. But it should occur within that time frame. 21st 22nd 23rd 24th somewhere in there,
And there's discussion that we might have our increase in Social Security this month in January, but I don't know if it'll start tomorrow or the fourth Wednesday, which is the 22nd or whether it's not even going to happen this month or not.
I don't know until it will, but I can't say for sure that it will. And I know increase is what I'm talking about. Getting that increase amount has not happened in the first two Wednesdays for Social Security recipients, - So I'm not sure whether it's going to happen for anyone else this month or not. Debt Forgiveness, Jubilee, all of that is part of NESARA, and we're just going to have to see --
One thing that was brought to me today. Thank you, Trish for on I think it was truth social that President Trump talked about, not the Internal Revenue Service, but an external revenue service, and he talked about receiving monies from other countries around the world that are doing trade with the United States, getting trade tariffs and so on - paid to us. And I tell you, he didn't say we see the end of the I S, but that is part of the NESARA.
We will have a flat tax - It's not called of value add tax, but they have in Europe, but it's called a consumption tax, and that tax would be approximately 15% and maybe 14 or 15% but that's in boarded meaning, contained in the price of new goods, new new products, not on used items, but only and not supposed to be on any pharmaceuticals.
And I'm not sure if it's going to be on food or not. In the grocery store, I do not think it's on food, but in restaurants, we could still pay a tax in the restaurants, I'm not sure about it, but that but for us the not to have to pay income tax, federal income tax, or state income tax, and I'm not even I don't even know what property taxes will exist or not.
I've been told they won't, but we'll have to see how it all comes out. So the Fed is dead, the Federal Reserve's gone, the USA corporations dead. Forget that the new restored Republic of the United States, and President Trump will be sworn in as president of the restored Republic.
So there's your timeline starting tomorrow, starting last night to tomorrow morning for the USN to be activated. By the way, our accounts for now are mirrored with the QFS system. And essentially, when that occurs, all of our accounts will be in the QFs system, protected in there. I think we're just protected right now.
You realize that the US Treasury, and when I say that, I'm talking about the new treasury, just picked up $17 trillion dollars ? Where did they get that money? You think certain people had tried to move funds in offshore accounts, and because QFS picked it up and now put those funds to the fees. Yep, that's a nice piece of change 17T
What about this so called national debt? What are they? Where is it? 35? 36 trillion? something like that, and climbing. I'm being told it doesn't need to pay back -- fiat currency was incurred by United States Incorporated, which is defunct. I think that's just something that the media still has to try to work with, but it's not even a thing. It won't even be paid back. That's kind of cool. Let's see where else can we go?
I think that's really what I wanted to say about intel – about our timeline. Remember, we've got the possibility of numbers coming out tomorrow or Thursday, and then exchanges starting either tomorrow or Thursday. Is what I'm getting and telling you guys, what I'm hearing from the best sources that we have still available. Not every source is available. - These are
And then we've got the Fridays kind of a question mark. If we start exchanges tomorrow or Thursday, we'll go right on through the weekend. Not sure about Monday, because it is MLK Day and it's also, you know, the Inauguration Day will be a lot going on - we’ll see , but I know this thing should go right on through.
Does President Trump have to be in as inaugurated as President for us to get the RV? I've been told no, he does not have to be back in as president for this to happen. So we're pushing it closely. We're getting there, but let's see what happens in the next few days . Okay, that'll answer it for us. If we get numbers, the answer is no, we just push right on through set upon this and go
Med beds availability, if you're in dire need, if you're in hospice, if you're close to the pearly gates, yeah, you can get in really soon. I've been told as soon as day after the exchange
That's for dire need. And it doesn't hurt if you're a Zim holder, by the way, that's probably the biggest thing you can be, besides being dire need get in quickly.
Still by referral basis, you can have six referrals. Make sure people know that you're referring. Name, Phone, yeah, that's even better, you have all of those, and obviously put the top of your list number one would be your most dire need. If there's Zim holders that that's better for them, they're not just whatever.
Let's see if there's anything else. I think that's everything I needed to tell you guys.
Have a wonderful night let’s pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:43
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody that's within the sound of my voice. Thank you. Big call universe for tuning in again, all over the place, literally, in countries that the United States does not own or control. Yet, who knows, right? Still early – ha ha just teasing. Well, thank you guys for tuning in, yet again, let's, let's open up the call with a word of prayer.
All right, let us get into the so called Intel segment. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday nights call, and I got a little information. I put Intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I'll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on?
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody that's within the sound of my voice. Thank you. Big call universe for tuning in again, all over the place, literally, in countries that the United States does not own or control. Yet, who knows, right? Still early – ha ha just teasing. Well, thank you guys for tuning in, yet again, let's, let's open up the call with a word of prayer.
All right, let us get into the so called Intel segment. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday nights call, and I got a little information. I put Intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I'll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on?
Let's call it Wednesday morning. -Yesterday morning – hold on -- was it was going on Tuesday, starting in the morning, they were starting to ping between redemption centers banks, using the Starlink satellite system in conjunction with the QFS, the quantum financial system.
All of that was happening, not only here, but around the world, all banks, all redemption centers, pinging through the Starlink system and touch and connecting through the quantum financial system -that was to occur and in at about 10 o'clock at night, last night, which was Wednesday night, and it ended up going four hours longer, which we put at 2am in the morning.
So they wrapped all that up at 2am in the morning, this morning, Thursday morning. And then the point was when those banks and redemption centers had completed all of the pinging around the world, the rates on the screens would become live.
Now that's in banks, on bank screens, and in redemption centers, the rates on their screens would all be live as of 2am in the morning this morning.
Now it's been a little tough to get detailed information on this. It’s probably just as well -- we did understand that there was a conference call yesterday from noon to Eastern that would have incorporated all of the redemption centers, leaders and bank managers, at least bank managers throughout the country, the US.
And then what was interesting was that there were two main, main things that they discuss, from what we've heard on this conference call, one of which was that these currencies which we're exchanging, they are not a taxable event.
Now, how long have I been on doing a big call? 13 years. We've known that forever, but some people did not know that it was a non taxable event and it was designed to be way on purpose.
Well, certain people in the deep state would like to say differently, some of the bankers and so on on the call, thought that they had heard that it was taxable. Well, it doesn't matter what they heard. It's just not true. It's a non taxable event.
Now, the income that you earn from interest being paid on your account in the bank that interest is called passive income, and it will be taxed, but the event itself, the exchange of currencies and the redemption of Zim is not taxable, okay, so that's important.
And the other thing that was brought out was they went back and forth, I guess, and discussed this in a way that was definitive. Finally, remember, I've been telling you guys to ask for the contract rate on dinar, if you have Iraqi dinar, and that would be substantially higher.
I know roughly what it is. It's much higher. And I was told that they discussed this on their conference call, and it was determined previously that everyone with the Din would be offered the contract rate.
So that's a win right there. Not the front screen rate, not the bank front screen rate, but the contract rate for dinar. And so that should be the case.
Now here's the caveat. Let's say you go into a reception center, but you have dinar and they don't offer you the contract rate, then ask them for it. I believe they will. But in case something fell through the cracks, you go ahead and ask them. Or if they don't offer to you first, okay, that's the way I'm going to handle it? Okay? That takes us through conference call.
Now what we had heard yesterday was that there was going to be a possibility to get the toll free numbers either late this afternoon or early tomorrow morning?
Well, guess what? It wasn't late this afternoon. Was it? What does that mean? That makes early tomorrow morning look pretty strong right now, and the chances that the theory is that we would set appointments Friday tomorrow, Friday the 10th and exchange. If we don't get started exchanging tomorrow, it would be Saturday the 11th of January.
Now let's talk about R and R. I just heard this evening that restitution and reconciliation allowance would occur after the inauguration of January, 20 of President Trump. We had heard in the first 10 days of January.
Today, the ninth, I don't think so, we got new information that said it would be sometime this month, but it would be after the 20th, which is Inauguration Day. Now that's referring to R, and R, I can't speak to Social Security. That was supposed to happen in the month of January, and still could, the increase could still occur.
But realize what we are talking about - as that has nothing to do with the RV, some people have conflated those two subjects, and we believe, based on our sources, that we are ready to get started with numbers coming out to us tomorrow With the emails from Wells Fargo.
I know that yesterday, funds were moving globally from the Rodriguez Trust, which is humongous and never seems to have a bottom to it. Funds were moving for NESARA and GESARA globally, and we'll just have to see what what occurs with that and when that occurs.
But it should be after Inauguration Day, and I don't know how soon, but it should be between then and the 31st which is the last day of January. So we'll keep an eye on that, although we really are more important, what's most important to us right now in for our exchanges and our redemption of zoom at the redemption centers, setting our appointments, Lord willing tomorrow -and then going, if not tomorrow, then Saturday, for our exchanges.
And if we do that, and we do start Saturday, we would they would be open Sunday, and you go by the weekend, but that's what the plan is, as as it stood tonight, a half an hour before the big call.
But we're just going to have to kind of watch that and see how it all goes now. I don't think there's anything related to the exchanges or anything else that is coming to mind right now that we don't already know, but this is the latest and most up to date that we have.
And I love to be up to date and give you the latest thing I've heard, and we've got some pretty good sources that that do still try to talk to us, not everybody that we want to hear from is able to, but I guess we have just enough to give you an Intel segment that is the best that we can do.
Okay, all right, you guys, that's what I wanted to say tonight. I got to thank Sue for a wonderful job. It's really strong tonight. And Bob, excellent. Too great to hear the sale is continuing until sometime Monday it looks like and thank you for sharing with us about your projects, about the electricity and about the water project, fantastic, and thanks for continuing to stay a little bit longer.
So let's go ahead. I want to thank GCK. I want to thank Pastor Scott for hanging in there continued healing for you, Brother, let this be the last we hear of a stroke. Let you be completely, totally healed. And in Jesus name and and thank you, Jeannie, for continued support setting in your prayer requests or your prayer and your praise reports and all things to come with. Thank you sat team for getting the call out again, all that.
And thank you big call universe for every week that has participated in listening to the big call for many years, 13 years now, so let's just go ahead and pray the call out. We'll say good night,
Have a great night. We should have a great weekend. We'll see what happens, and we'll be in touch by email. So stay in touch with us by email. Make sure you're registered on big call universe.com, and you'll get, you'll get an email when we get to set it out, and we'll take it from there. We'll be in touch with you. Thanks, everybody. Good night. God bless you all.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 7th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all around the globe, wherever you're located. We're glad you joined us – we’re going to have a good call tonight and looking forward to it. I've got some pretty good intel to give you guys, but before we get into that, I would like to go ahead and pray to call in, like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night
You know, guys, I want to pray in a request now that is fairly recent since 10:30 Pacific time this morning, we heard that there were major fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. They think they call it Pacific Palisades, but they're referring to it as Palisades, and these are hurricane force type winds, Santa Ana winds that are fueling this fire.
All right, let's cut into Intel, and let's see what we have to talk about tonight. What's very interesting to me is that we are hearing we heard from Iraq yesterday that President Trump had spoken with President sudani of Iraq
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, January 7th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all around the globe, wherever you're located. We're glad you joined us – we’re going to have a good call tonight and looking forward to it. I've got some pretty good intel to give you guys, but before we get into that, I would like to go ahead and pray to call in, like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night
You know, guys, I want to pray in a request now that is fairly recent since 10:30 Pacific time this morning, we heard that there were major fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. They think they call it Pacific Palisades, but they're referring to it as Palisades, and these are hurricane force type winds, Santa Ana winds that are fueling this fire.
All right, let's cut into Intel, and let's see what we have to talk about tonight. What's very interesting to me is that we are hearing we heard from Iraq yesterday that President Trump had spoken with President sudani of Iraq
Now let's cut to the banks and redemption centers for a moment, banks today are getting rates on their screens that are fluctuating. That means they're trading. They're moving up and down, whatever is going on with those currencies and trading.
The Redemption centers today, however, are not seeing rates on the screen. And that's okay, because the rates that are going to show up, and it should be tomorrow, should be tomorrow are going to reflect new values, higher values, and I believe the Iraqi dinar is one that will show a higher than what was on the screens the last couple of days.
Now we've heard it has RV, 1 -2-3-4, times already, or whatever, already, and maybe it did, but this is a way that Iraq is going to put out their rate internationally, and so that we can see it too here in the United States, sometimes we're blocked on it.
Now, the other thing is, when it comes to the Forex, the Forex rates, affect the Bank screens, the bank rates on the screens, the redemption center screens are not coming off of the Forex. They're being I don't want to use the term manipulated, but they're being controlled by other aspects, and I think that's really going to be good. Really good.
So what we're hearing from several sources today was that we will have, tomorrow will be a day of releases, which I believe we're talking about financial releases to the banks globally.
And I'll come back and finish that statement in a minute.
What's been happening since early this morning? Like o Dark 30, early this morning is that all of the banks and redemption centers around the globe have been pinging back and forth through the Starlink satellite system, which is directly connected to the quantum financial system, so StarLink / QFs.
And this is happening, and should be happening until possibly as late as 4am tomorrow morning. That was supposed to be complete by around 10 o'clock tonight, which it's just past that now Eastern time.
But I think really, it could be done now, or it could be done early morning tomorrow, morning, and I continue my statement before about what is happening beyond that, those paying things that are happening. Why do we need that? This is the first time every bank and redemption Center have been interconnected on the StarLink system, okay? And that's how it's all going to fly.
So it's really good that that's happening now, and that should be the last thing that we have happen in the way of readiness prior to us getting notified
Now, I said we were supposed to be getting releases tomorrow. That's referring to finances going to the banks, to wherever that needs to go around the globe tomorrow, and we may get our notifications either tomorrow or Thursday.
It looks like we could get them tomorrow and start exchanges on Thursday. It's possible we can get them if we get our numbers early enough tomorrow that we could exchange tomorrow afternoon.
But right now, my guess is based on the information so far, today and tonight, as late as eight o'clock Eastern tonight, the information is pointing toward us getting notified tomorrow, or, I don't like the or or Thursday, and exchanging on Thursday.
And I know you're thinking, Charlie Ward’sThursday. That's true, but realize this, Tomorrow is Wednesday, January, 8, and the eighth, remember, is a key number for China and the Chinese elders, I think they would like to have us to be notified, at least notified, if not started our exchanges on tomorrow, the eighth of January.
So that's that is really where we are right now. Now we always wonder, what about our R and R and our social security and all of that stuff and the NESARA - Well, it's like Bob mentioned, tomorrow is the second Wednesday. We had one on the first, and then we've got one tomorrow on the eighth.
And I, I do not know whether we're going to see an increase in Social Security tomorrow. It's supposed, according to our social security source, we're supposed to have it this month of January, but we don't necessarily get the increase on the first, second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month.
So let's see what happens on that - R and R is supposed to occur this month. I don't know for sure when it occur and whether we see it at the redemption center like we’ve heard before, that may have changed, but we'll have to stay tuned and see what happens on that. But as far as everything else is concerned, we are moving through --
President Trump made a wonderful speech today with some questions for the press for about an hour and 6 minutes, and he talked about, you know, Canada. He talked about Greenland. He talked about the Panama Canal, and maybe getting it back and getting it out of the hands of China that's got two ports on either side of the Panama Canal and the fact that we're paying way more than anyone else is for our US ships and our Navy
But we are in a very good place right now. I would hope that we get notified tomorrow, and whether we start exchanges Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Thursday is looking very good right now. Saying that to you guys like, I get this information, I go through it, I vet it, and we just do the best we can to bring you what I'm hearing. That's what I'm hearing. So we'll see where this goes.
Okay. The other thing is this, I wanted to get into this briefly about the med beds, because we did talk about the med bed one hundreds - people are just loving that. and I got this information day to confirm there are 26,450 med bed centers in United States does not include what's in Canada doesn't include what's in Mexico doesn't include what's around the globe. They have it positioned where med bed centers are all over the world now,
26,450 med bed centers in the United States - and the cool thing about that is each center has two med beds in it, two of the holographic med beds. That's the way to go, and I'm looking forward to getting in there post haste. So I just wanted you guys to know that's a lot of med bed centers, and we've got plenty and we've got them - they're strategically placed around the country, and I'm excited to begin that ride shortly after we begin our exchanges - very shortly, and I'm sure many of you are as well , and I think that's everything I wanted to say.
Three, about the new class that Sue has starting, but not a question about anything else. No RV flags. You know this and that I'm having problems with my PayPal account. None of that for that, you go right to PayPal, call them up and ask them to help you. That's what their customer service is for.
Okay, so that's what I wanted to say tonight,
If we have another call Thursday, which we should and the reason I say we should is because I want to do a celebration call. We get our numbers tomorrow or Thursday. I want to do a celebration call, and that then I think that what we should do will be a long call, just be a short call, 20 minutes, probably for Sue and Bob and I to get on our thank you’s and our goodbyes.
So thank you Bob. Thank you. GCK, thank you Jeannie. Thank you Pastor Scott. Thank you everyone the Sat team. Thanks everyone who has contributed to Paul. Let's all stay in faith and believe for this to manifest for us tomorrow where we get our toll free numbers and can call and set our appointments.
So let's pray the call out,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome Everybody and Happy New Year - Welcome to the Big call. It is Thursday, January 2, 2025 and you're listening to the big call. I'm glad everybody's here. Thank you sat team for getting the signal out all over the globe to as many as 200 countries we believe we've been to before. And thanks for tuning in everybody, whether you're no matter how you're listening, if you're listening live, or if you're listening on Memorex, meaning on the recorded line, or on the replay link. So thanks for coming in.
So let's move into where we are on Intel. I can tell you guys, today is the second we supposed to get notified today. I think I led up to that on Tuesday’s call ifI remember right - we were supposed to get notified day after New Year's and get started today with exchanges.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome Everybody and Happy New Year - Welcome to the Big call. It is Thursday, January 2, 2025 and you're listening to the big call. I'm glad everybody's here. Thank you sat team for getting the signal out all over the globe to as many as 200 countries we believe we've been to before. And thanks for tuning in everybody, whether you're no matter how you're listening, if you're listening live, or if you're listening on Memorex, meaning on the recorded line, or on the replay link. So thanks for coming in.
So let's move into where we are on Intel. I can tell you guys, today is the second we supposed to get notified today. I think I led up to that on Tuesday’s call ifI remember right - we were supposed to get notified day after New Year's and get started today with exchanges.
Well we had a couple things that happened behind scenes or they used them behind the curtain. And we sort of found out what they might have been. We think we know. And now everything is moving forward at the regular pace.
Now let's talk about Iraq for a minute. Iraq has had a new rate. They brought a new in country rate in or New Year's Day. We heard about this New Year's Day, and it looks like they are about to let's see at let's see at midnight tonight, Eastern Time, which is only what a little less than two hours away now Iraq, on their time, will bring out the start of what they've been talking to the people in Iraq about on TV, and I Think on billboards, in term with standards. I think they refer to them as billboards - we would call them in Iraq.
And what it amounts to is, you know, they pull most of the three zero notes, the higher denominations, the 25k dinar notes, the 10k the 5k, the 1k those are all of the high three zero dinar notes.
Now those are notes that we have that we're going to be able to exchange at a very high rate, very high but in Iraq, they're removing the three zero notes, like our 25k 10 Ks, five Ks, 1k notes, and they're exchanging those with 25 dinar, 10 dinar, five dinar, one dinar, in other words, without the three zeros. Now that's not us. That's not us. Here, we’re going in the opposite direction.
We're getting huge rates on the dinar that we have, but the in country citizens of Iraq, they've known about this for years, but it's finally coming to be where they will actually exchange. I'm going to say over this weekend, maybe sooner, they will exchange and get the new money.
Now, what are they calling the new money? The new money, as they term it, is a lower denominations, sort of equivalent to the money that we have our cash money. In other words, they'll have 100 dinar, they'll have 50 dinar, they'll have a 20 dinar, a 10 dinar, and probably five dinar, kind of like us with our under dollar bill, 5020, 10 and five, and I don't know even what we're going to do with our I guess we'll still have our singles, our $1 bills.
They tend to have coins at the lower levels. I remember when this first came out, 20 years ago, I bought a pack of dinar that included a 100 dinar coin and a 25 dinar coin. Those were two coins.
Can I find them now, 20 years later? No, they can't see anyway, but I can't find them. Hopefully they're still somewhere, because I love to use the hundreds in our point as a ball market when I play golf with Bob.
But the cool thing about this is that this they made that they're making those announcements on television in Iraq. They're using those so called standards, which I think are billboards to talk about it, and they're ready to get started with that.
I'm going to call it 8am in the morning, Iraq time tomorrow, which is in a couple of hours. So there you start with that. Now, what does that mean for us? We were supposed to get started today. We look like we could get started in a couple of days. They're calling it the weekend
Now the weekend for us, traditionally, guys, is always Saturday and Sunday, right? Well, sometimes in this business, they tend to start think of the weekend as starting Friday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
So somewhere in that timeframe, I'm going to say as early as Friday and as late as Sunday, we should be getting our notifications by email with the 800 number, and we should be able to get started with our exchanges. Whewwwwww
I went super long on my Intel on Tuesday night’s call - I guess I felt I needed to fill but really, I'm not going to fill them, but I'm going to tell you one little thing about the Quantum access card. quantum card and our quantum account,
I just want everybody to realize that once you're exchanged monies from your currencies and from your zim that are redeemed as a bond, those all go into your quantum accounts.
Then you need to move those funds that don't grow any interest at all in your quantum account. It's a safe Treasury backed gold backed account. When that, when you need to bring some money into your primary Well’s account or a secondary Well’s account or another bank, when you get them set up.
Okay, thatmoney needs to be moved using your quantum card. It's three times thicker than a normal credit card. It could be made of titanium. I don't know. It's supposed to be metallic. It should be pretty sturdy, and it has three chips in it, one chip to record your biometric finger or thumbprint, one to record the account information that you have, and one for probably the balance of information that you have in your account.
Okay, now that card is used when you want to transfer funds, funds from your quantum account into your bank accounts, and I've been told you can link three different banks to the quantum card. I'm going to start with Wells, stay with Wells, and maybe I'll add one or two more accounts to it.
I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do, but you guys do what you want to do. Now, the thing I want you to know about the quantum account is how to activate it. You activate it with a biometric fingerprint or thumbprint. Okay, that's recorded that goes in there.
And of course, you've got a brand new username and a brand new password for the username, and then you have an all new five digit pin code, five numbers, okay, that you create. That's another thing.
And you also have a brand new email that you're setting up explicitly for this purpose, with a password into that email. How many things is that biometric finger thumbprint, one, two is your name, three is your password for your user. Four is your five digit pin code. Five is your new email. Is your password to get into your email. I think that's everything to get you into your quantum account, and then you earn some interest on the interest negotiable, and it's very it's a very strong interest rate you can negotiate to.
The lower the money you have, in terms of all these exchanges and zim and everything, the more you have, the lower your interest rate will be. Earning interest that makes sense. You got trillions and zillions of dollars worth. You really don't need a pretty high interest rate at all. You don't really need the money.
But if you've got, let's say that money, you had a low on their individuals. Let's say, instead of billions or trillions, trillions, you might end up getting a higher rate. You can negotiate that rate up higher, and they'll work with you on that.
I'm trying to think if there's anything else that, there's nothing else I can think of other than when you call, I believe they're going to ask you, either with an AI voice or a person, when you get called the 800 number at the call centers, you're going to give them your name and you're going to give tell them the zip code where you want to exchange,
in other words, either your Home zip code or your business zip code or your let's say you're traveling, and you know a zip code in the area where you're staying, and you want to exchange in Georgia, when you really live in Texas or whatever, but you're on the road or whatever, you've got your currency with, and now you're going to call in and set your appointment
Now the emails that come out which we should get over this weekend starting, I'm going to say Friday, maybe Saturday, maybe Sunday.
Whenever those come in, you should have some instructions on when you are to call. Please obey those instructions whenever it tells you what day and time to call. Go ahead and do it. Do it that way.
Okay, one other quick thing about med beds, and then we'll go –
The med bed - When you go in for your Med bed appointment, you have the opportunity to refer six people to go in when they are able to. So you want to have a list of those six by name and phone number, maybe address too, if you know it okay, but certainly name and phone number so they can contact them come in and to give them an appointment.
Now, if they are zoom holders and they're older, they have dire need, like they're really hurting physically, they have priority. They will be given priority - they want the Zim holders.
Now it could be refer people that don't have any currency. It could be, I know a couple, and I plan to refer one or two like that. But if you refer somebody and they have currency, make sure that if they have zoom or any currency, that they let them know when they go in for their exchange that they need the med bed they're looking forward to getting a med bed appointment as soon as possible.
And when you go in and you give the name, the name will be in the computer for them. And then when they go in, let's say, after you exchange, their name will be in the computer.
I see, yeah, Bruce, put this person in, and then they put themselves in, and then we'll see them put them in, so they'll have they'll know that this is a real person with a dire need or not.
So we don’t know where each individual med bed center is. We've got, well over 6000 med bed centers in the US alone. I think that is a low number I think is much higher now. But don't worry. Yes, you'll sign an NDA so that you do not discuss where you went for this Med bed treatment, you will not tell who helped you, and any of the specifics like that. Just keep it to yourself
Now will people see you differently if you have physical changes made and you've been de-aged from 70 something down to 28 Oh, yeah. They will notice - they won’t understand it - they'll be shaking their heads - what happened to you? Are you the same person? Well no not really but sort of - in some ways - I still have my knowledge etc but maybe some things have been tweaked -
Now, remember one more thing that I mentioned on Tuesday, kind of late, and hope everybody caught it. If you have dinar and you would like the contract rate, which is substantial and moving up as we speak today, ask them for it politely. Yes please I would like the contract on the dinar please. Did that. If you have dinar – I don’t care if you got two or three notes, or you got, you know, 20 or 50 million dinar, and you're not limited. And this is something that's been out there and it's repeated itself. There are no limits. If you've got 100 T notes of zim, you’re going to get the same - I don’t care if you’ve got 20, quadtrillion in zim, to 100 notes or 50 T notes
Okay, so there's no limit, they do not restrict you because you have a lot - but what’s going to happen is all of that is going to wind up in the quantum account, and then you get to move that, you know, a few billion at a time, let's say, into your bank account, and then you'll earn interest on what is moved into your bank account
All right, that's all I was going to bring up today. I think it's time to go ahead and pray the call out and see how this thing - it comes out for the weekend, for us, okay, I think that's really what I wanted to say tonight – I’m glad we got it all in –
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-2-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 31st - New Year’s Eve and you’re listening to a special big call tonight. And I want to just welcome everybody, and thank everybody that's been listening for 13 years to the big call. Some of you might be new, some of you might have been listeners for quite a long time. I want to let you know that Bob, who is our third cohost, won’t be on the call tonight - we miss him, but he also said to wish everyone, in big call universe, a very happy and prosperous New Year in 2025 -- So we echo what Bob’s thoughts are so let's go ahead and pray the call in --
As far as intel goes, we're in a really good place right now. I wanted to do a fairly short call tonight because I know people are kind of wanting to celebrate New Year’s Eve and maybe watch rocking New Year's Eve or some other show and watch the ball drop and all that good stuff.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 31st - New Year’s Eve and you’re listening to a special big call tonight. And I want to just welcome everybody, and thank everybody that's been listening for 13 years to the big call. Some of you might be new, some of you might have been listeners for quite a long time. I want to let you know that Bob, who is our third cohost, won’t be on the call tonight - we miss him, but he also said to wish everyone, in big call universe, a very happy and prosperous New Year in 2025 -- So we echo what Bob’s thoughts are so let's go ahead and pray the call in --
As far as intel goes, we're in a really good place right now. I wanted to do a fairly short call tonight because I know people are kind of wanting to celebrate New Year’s Eve and maybe watch rocking New Year's Eve or some other show and watch the ball drop and all that good stuff.
Well, that's cool too - but at one minute to midnight, eastern time tonight, one minute before midnight, and GESARA and NESARA get into being - they actually activate and start one minute before midnight tonight, so that the entire new year starts off in NESARA and GESARA.
That means, what we've heard is we should have, I'm going to say “should” we're supposed to have an announcement globally on New Year's Day tomorrow about NESARA and GESARA - I don't know who's going to make it. Don't know when it's going to be -- just keep your eyes open and if it happens and you catch it, great. That's cool. That's big.
NESARA includes, you know, our new currency, which is also part of GESARA - our all new worldwide currencies that are asset backed, which all of them are supposed to be, by now -- have an asset backed currency, backing it by gold, silver, precious metals, in the case of Zimbabwe, precious gems and diamonds and stuff sound in the ground could be backed by oil, natural gas, intellectual property, all kinds of these assets, most of which are commodities, will back our currency.
We have a lot of gold backing our currency, but we have other assets that are also in the mix to back our currency
Now we're looking to have a brand new USTN the United States Treasury note, no longer Federal Reserve notes, and we're going to have those coming out fairly soon. We're supposed to have NESARA and GESARA revealed to us in the first 10 days of January. Well, tomorrow's the first.
I don't know if they'll mention anything specific, or whether we'll get an emergency broadcast system, an EBS announcement tomorrow, it would seem that we would -- that it would seem that would be a global announcement, because this is a worldwide new activation called GESARA, global economic, strategic and Recovery Act -- NESARA, national economic, strategic and Recovery Act. That's us. That's the US.
So we're going to have to keep an eye on that and see how that all comes together. But guess what's included in NESARA for us here in the States, restitution and reconciliation allowance. We used to say reclamation allowance. I think the term they prefer is reconciliation allowance, restitution and reconciliation allowance. That is happening
We're also going to get an increase in Social Security for those that are on social security, and it'll be a significant increase, not a cost of living allowance, not 5% or 3% or whatever it's going to be, it's going to be substantial. It'll be a really big amount. And so that's going to be happening.
And of course, R and R is going to be big. And I'll just review quickly R and R if you're 60 and holder, and you get it as a lump sum payment to you. And if you have a if you're receiving Social Security now, you have an account that's tied into that. So you can get it direct deposited every month, usually the first, the second, third or fourth Wednesday of the month. Some people get it earlier than the Wednesday of the month. They get it on the Saturday proceeding.
The other thing is, the people that are youngest, and I'm going to say the starting age 30 to 45 - that's when it starts 30 years old to 45 -- in that 15 year age group, those people will receive their R and R paid to them monthly over three years. So 12 times 3 is 36, 36 payments that will come to you monthly in some form or fashion of a bank account.
Now let's go to the next group. The next group is 45 to 60. That's group two. Group two will receive their their R and R over two years. So 12 times two is 24- that’s 24 monthly payments of your total r and r divided by 24 and that's what you'll get if you're 45 to 60 in that group.
And then, of course, like I said, anything 60 and older received at a lump sum payment, not from Social Security, but in a similar way that you receive your Social Security. That's a direct deposit, lump sum. One payment, lump sum. That's it.
So that's really going to be interesting for those of us who are in the currency, especially those that are in the dim. It's going to be nice. It's not going to make or break us, but it's going to be nice to have it.
Now, let's go into just a couple of things about the redemption center -- When we get notified. I haven't even talked about that yet, have I - we are supposed to be notified tomorrow, first of January, in our emails and set our appointments either tomorrow or Thursday, which is the second of January.
Now, reason I don't know it is because it was brought to us in the context that the email should tell us when we are to call to set our appointments , when - day and time -- it may start slightly so that everybody doesn’t call in immediately. It should be in the email as to “when” to call, so pay attention to that, and that way you can call and set your appointment and the thinking is based on yesterday and today - that we would receive that email call and set our appointment and start exchanges on Thursday, January 2 -- So we could get notified tomorrow. It's possible we could also get notified on Thursday and set our appointment.
And I'm going to say it right now, even though we expect to receive that and go in for our appointments and do our exchanges, it's quite conceivable that we will have a true celebration call on Thursday night. That's Thursday, January 2. I think we would probably like to do one. So just a “Heads Up” So I try to give you guys a heads up so you can plan if you want to do that.
All right, so we know the redemption centers - We know that the staff, the leadership and the staff of the redemption centers are going in Thursday, 9am on the second to be ready for us at 930 at their desks.
So that shows us a fairly early morning start for what we're expecting. And then we'll go right through Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, we'll go right on through and get pretty far into the month of January. I don't know if it will go through the 14th, 15th, 19th , 20th we don't know.
But it will go as long as it needs to be, as long as there are appointments for the demographics, for that area, there are only two things that you're going to do when you call, initially the 800 number. You could get an AI voice, you could get a human being, or you could get both. But when you call in, you give them your name and your zip code that you want to where you live or where you work or where you know you're going to be for an exchange, they'll find you the closest redemption center to that zip code and direct you to a live person, hopefully, if not an AI voice that will handle the rest of your call.
And so that would be good setup. You'd want the directions sd to where it is so you can plug it in your GPS, or whatever you know. You want to know exactly where it is you want to notice a set time appointments are supposed to be scheduled 40 minutes apart -- 40 minutes. They don’t want to take more than 30 or 40 minutes to do your wholde appointment , and that's a lot to get done in that period of time.
If you have bonds, sheet bonds, or a box or two of sheet bonds, let them know that so that they can make the allotted extra time you would need to go through and verify those bonds, okay, just be aware of that.
All right, let's see what else can we talk about regarding Okay, step one, when you go in and you’re welcomed into the redemption center is when you sit down, you'll be introduced to a few people, and you'll pony ID, photo ID, driver's license, or student ID, government ID, whatever you've got. Pony that up so they can see, and then they'll know, yes, this is who you are. We know of you. We don't know of you, whatever.
And they'll be able to get started – but at that time you'll sign a non disclosure agreement so that anything that you anything you witness there stays private.
How long will the NDA last? It could last 30 days. It could last six months. They're going to depend on what you how you comport yourself, how you speak and how you handle yourself, just how sharp you seem to be from their perspective.
Okay, so an interesting thing for all of us to know whether we're going to get the lowest NDA period of 30 days, or whether we could go as high as six months, all right now that's what I wanted to tell you about the redemption center experience I haven't really talked about before.
Let me say, if there's anything else regarding the redemption center, I think I went through it in pretty good detail last Thursday. So if you haven't heard that call - pick it up before this recording is over and sent up to be picked up by the replay number or a replay link. Okay, so really, that's what that is.
Now, Sue anything else that we talked about if you're still listening, anything else that we talked about earlier that needs to be spoken and covered by night, you may be stepped off. Okay, that's fine.
What's really important go in you've got everything that you need. Take a couple of blue writing pens, blue ink writings, that way, you've got an authentic personal signature on documents that you can tell what the originals are because it's blue ink, not black ink, that when you copy it with a photocopier, it looks the same as the original. This way you've got your original document signatures in blue ink. So take a couple of blue bic pens, or other writing pens that you like that you can take in with you.
Some redemption centers are sharp enough where they have those, but I'm not sure that that's going to be the case everywhere. So you might want to bring your own pins, just so that you can keep your authorized signature apart from any copies that would be made to you.
Let’s see …. What else do? When it comes to the med bed,
Sue, was there anything else? We had a couple of things you and I talked about about med beds. There was something else that I just covered the idea of blue pens - NDA? Talked about that. Was there anything else otherwise, I'm going to finish up my Intel.
Be aware of that's how they're going to introduce the med bed by referral, personal referral, and eventually the word will get out public, find out about it, the public at large. But right now, who are the people they're most interested in? Zim holders, people with projects, people that have dire health needs.
Why Zim? Because Zim is obviously going to create a lot of wealth they want you to be living long enough if you have projects that will go 100 200 or 300 years to be around to see those projects through to fruition. So that's what they'll be able to do by by putting you in the med bed.
So it's all good, and I'm excited about it now. I've told you that it's quite possible we will have our notifications tomorrow, New Year's Day and be able to set appointments for Thursday, second of January, whether we can't set them until January 2, I don't know. Not going to be the case, but we'll find that out when we get the emails, the instructions sheet in the email as to what we can say
All right, I want to thank Sue for doing a wonderful job for the big call. I think it sounds like one more call Thursday, which would be a celebration call, if the information we're getting is coming through for us, every reason to believe we are going to get this next two days by Thursday, starting Thursday.
Now we'll we'll stay on top of it. Guys, enjoy your new year's rocky meet. Enjoy the Rose Bowl watching in the morning in Pasadena, California. That's always fun. All that, and we're going to have a great celebration, call Bob on Thursday night. This is our pre celebration. I just had so much Intel to give you guys, let me think it's anything else I can tell you, very important about a contract rate for the dinar at the redemption Center
I found out last night that that we have to ask for a contract rate at the redemption center, they have a very good rate, but it's about a third of what it would be at the contract rate, they have a very good rate on dinar, and if you don't ask for the contract rate, you'll Get that other touch screen rate at the redemption center going to blow away the rate at the bank.
Don't even go to the bank. Forget it. But they want people to have projects to get the highest in our rate, which is the contract rate.
Doesn't mean you have to sign a contract or aim for it. It just means that it's a special rate that's being given to people with products that want to do things to benefit humanity. So I'm going to ask for we're all going to ask for, may I please have the contract rate on Question mark. That's it, and they'll be more than obliged to to extend that to you.
That was one thing that I that was different. We did say it that way before we said they would offer it, well, they'll offer it. After you ask for it, must ask for the contract rate under norm, and it's three times or more higher than the rate that would be on the normal front screen at the redemption center.
And Dong is moving up in value, and it will also increase a little bit more. It's in a really range, and you should all be very thrilled with what that redemption center rate is on the Dong. So that's what I wanted to say tonight.
Let’s pray the call out, and then we'll look forward to having a great time at midnight. Remember NESARA – GESARA all kick in at one minute to midnight, Eastern time tonight, as we transition into the first of January, the New Year,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 54:44
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK NO TRANSCRIPTION
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, December 26TH Boxing Day, and wonder if Jeannie will mention that. And you're all welcome to the Big call. I appreciate everybody coming in this day after Christmas, and we're gonna have a really good call tonight. I think, I hope we don't go too long. I want to get it done and let you guys enjoy your holiday, and let's We're on the second day Hanukkah too - day two of eight. I believe it is. And everybody just enjoy the holiday.
All right, let's go on into the so called Intel segment. Thank you, Bob, very much for that. Intel wise - Well, I have to say we were told to look for this Christmas Eve day, Christmas day maybe. And then that turned into well might not be overnight. Christmas. It could be this morning the 26th it could be this morning until noon. Then I heard more information today that said, Well, it's going to be if it's not. This is what I heard last night, if it's not today, it will be over this weekend, this weekend coming.
And I thought, okay, here we go again. Good push to the weekend, but I have to tell you, we did hear from a group of very informed individuals that are part of this process.
They're part of the release. They said the release is coming very shortly. And that's one of those terms I'm not a fan of, very shortly. What does it mean? Does it mean hours? Does it mean days? Well, in this case, it means a couple of days. Releases are coming very shortly.
Keep your britches up. And here it comes. Hold on your britches is what I meant, yeah, release. The release is happening shortly. Yep, and keep hold on to your britches, meaning pants. Hold on to your pants. It's coming.
So `I think what I've heard since then and these were extremely valuable people that were bringing this to us. I mean, the highest of the high we are looking for a green light from treasury / slash/ Wells Fargo to release this to us over the next couple of days a weekend. Now for them, the weekend is starting on Friday and Saturday. Really believe, from what we're hearing, we're going to get this either tomorrow or Saturday, and depending on what time of the day we get it. We could start exchanges right away.
And also, Sunday will be a day the redemption centers will be open. If we start tomorrow or Saturday. We don't have a leapfrog to Monday. We would go right through including Sunday and we know that redemption centers, depending on the demographics of the area, could be open as late as 10 or 11 o'clock at night, and they'll start somewhere around nine, 915 in the morning.
So they've got two, maybe sometimes three, shifts of people that will be working. There's not nine stations. This isn't nine stations of the cross or any of that stuff. This is you sit down. They will you will be have a group of two to four people across from you that will do everything right there, at that desk or at that table, they'll have laptops.
They'll have a Delarue machine to count and verify your currency. They'll verify who you are with a photo ID like a passport or a driver's license. I was told we don't we no longer need to bring a utility bill to the redemption center. So I've got wine in my portfolio. If they want it, I've got it. Don't. It won't come out.
The point is, all you need to do is get in there. They'll pony up your currency. They'll verify it, they'll let you know what that is, you know what the rate is for that particular currency, and they'll total it up. And at the end, they'll have a big total of all of your currency, including Zim.
They'll offer you a contract rate, which is the per barrel price of oil that Iraq is selling their oil for. Like to Turkey. Turkey is buying a ton of oil from Iraq. They might be selling to Egypt. They could be selling to other countries in the Gulf region as well. But I know roughly what per oil price is per barrel, but it can fluctuate. It can go up or it can go down. They're supposed to offer us the contract rate, which I said, is the per barrel pipe of oil, okay, per dinner, whatever it is, so that it's a win, win, it's a win. It's a win for the bank. It's a win for the person helping you with Exchange.
Once they do that - you have total you know what it is. You'll next be setting up your quantum account. You'll have you'll have your biometric finger or thumbprint to put in the system. We've got that - they've got a new user name and a new password for the quantum account, then you have a five digit PIN code that you'll create for the quantum account, and then you'll also have a brand new email and a brand new password that's all tied to the quantum account.
Okay, and so once you have that set up, now it's time to look at moving funds from your quantum into your primary Wells Fargo account. You end up with $100 billion in exchanges. Well then you just take whatever you want, 5 billion or whatever, 2 billion, and put it to your primary account that has to last you for 60 days.
They want to see how you do removing your money legitimately in the first 60 days after that, you get access to everything in your account and can move it at will, okay, but you will earn interest. Or if you want to earn interest, you can in your primary and secondary bank accounts with Wells Fargo, but you negotiate that, and you can negotiate a pretty good percentage as an annual percentage, yearly APY, annual percentage, yearly paid on the money, not in your quantum account.
Remember, quantum earns zero, nothing, not a vient day, nothing. But when you move funds into your primary wells account, at that point you can begin earning interest on it.
Now, for me, a rate of interest. I'm not looking to get greedy on it, but I'll take some interest, and I'll also ask it to be paid quarterly, meaning once every three months.
That way I know the amount that I have to invest in or get rid of, and bless people with, but for the next quarter comes out, so it kind of keeps you moving through some of these funds. And obviously, to begin with, before you earn interest in the first 90 days, you know you'll have to take the money from your quantum account and use it to buy a new house, maybe maybe a car, maybe some land.
Whatever you're doing. I have, obviously, a lot to do for the projects, so I'm going to be tapping into that. I'll also set up some accounts that are what I call secondary accounts under the primary each one for four separate LLCs that I already have set up so I'll be doing it that way, but master trust holds the primary account everything underneath it, but then I'm using LLC accounts for the LLC projects that those go under, okay, now you've got the quantum you move funds in.
Forget credit debit card from wells, Fargo. That's what you actually use stuff with. That's one way you can do it. You have charge capability with it. You can move funds from it. You can use it as an ATM card, but remember, the quantum card is used as an ATM card ever only used to move funds from your quantum account into your primary or secondary bank accounts.
Is not a card to go out and charge things on. You don't use that in a restaurant. You keep it super, super secure and safe. Only you know where it is, and if you need to get access to it, move some funds, you can do it.
So keep it safe and don't lose it. Okay, not going to be easy to replace. Don't lose it, keep safe, you're somebody that always loses, your keys or loses this – turn over a new leaf in 2025
All right, so now you've got that. You've got funds that have moved now they should have some of the newUSN currency at the redemption centers. By the way, this process is only at the redemption centers. You're going to get the contract rate on the Dinar at the redemption centers, you're going to get the on par with the USN rate on the Zim at the redemption centers, you're going to get the little higher rate on the dong you're going to get at the banks, at the redemption centers. I know what it is, but I ain't supposed to tell you all what is right now, but I know what is.
The other thing is, once you're done with that, okay, what is left? What is left? I think after you get your funds moved, you got your credit card, you've got your your quantum card, your credit debit card, you're not supposed to set up multiple accounts.
Forget the idea of getting certified checks. That's old school. That's like three years, five years ago. So you're not going to get cashiers checks. You might be able to arrange a couple of proof of funds letters for real estate. I don't think I need them, but I'll probably get one funds letters for a couple of places beyond that, they'll probably give you a business card for a wealth management person, ultra high net worth person, somebody that you can meet with days later or whatever to set up the rest of Your accounts. You know, need to get that in.
Go over things, but really it's one, one and done on this thing, you're going through it, you're getting it done. You leave list of perks, which are benefits for being a customer at the bank, and you can look through those, see if there's anything you like, and let them know later that you would like maybe that particular perk for you. And then they should get, I don't think you're going to get a certificate.
That was an idea before that. You will not get a computer or a laptop. You will not get that. You will get a Q phone, which is basically a satellite phone. Starlink satellite system should work anywhere in the world. I do not know how that works with a provider of that service.
The phone itself is supposed to be free to you as a satellite phone, and I think it probably uses Starlink, and it may incorporate cell towers as well. But listen, it should work everywhere, all over the world. It should work everywhere. So whatever the deal is, the Q phone is supposed to be secure enough that you can actually transact from your quantum card.
Okay, transact and move funds into your bank, your bank accounts, so it should be completely secure. I'm going to see how that all works, guys. We have to see how that comes together. And basically, I think you get that last and they kick you out the door and you're gone. Then in 30 to 40 minutes for everything, everything that you have to do, and, oh man, that’s going to be good -
Its going to be like these guys make a touchdown, and they go out and celebrate they'll get a 15 yard penalty pack on to the next play because they did it. I don't know why they still do that, but they do. I know they're excited about winning and the score and all that, but guys, let's not over celebrate.
Don't go to the bar and say Hi guys, I'm rich. I'm flying around for the whole house. You know, don't do stupid stuff like that. You know, be a generous tipper. Don't stupid. And let people say hey, you know, no, all you're going to do is create people wanting to follow you out of the restaurant, follow you to your car, gets back into the house. You guys got to learn to stay on the downlow.
I'm talking to myself -- I got to be on the Downlow Now. I can't be up even what I'm trying to say. Just keep it simple, sweetheart. And this, this whole thing with the exchanges and the redemption zoom at the redemption center, it's going to go quickly, go like even setting up new accounts. You know it's going to go quickly. So it'll probably all go in 30 minutes.
If you have a lot of currency, it might take 40 just to count it all and go through it. And if, if you have bonds, sheet bonds, individual sheet bonds, or a box of bonds, you can bring that let them know when you talk to the redemption center, when you're setting your appointment. Hey, I've got some sheet on.
So how many do you have? Well, I've got 10 sheet bonds, or I've got a box of sheet bonds. I've got two boxes of sheet bonds that can handle it at the redemption center, but you're going to need more time for that too, that you better pack a lunch, like I said last time with that, because it's going to take a lot of hypothecate and go through all that, get the products of it, make sure that it's all above board and legal.
Don't try to pull any tricks over man. They see that coming. Forget it. Don't try to pull it on any of this, be honest. And I don't know what's going to happen with the R and R you guys, the RNR is supposed to kick in part of NESSARA in the first day, days of January.
Well, is it still going to be there for us when we go into Exchange before the first let's see. I don't know. I almost don't want it. Then I want it to come to the bank where I get my Social Security now, so I don't care either way, but we'll get it's just a matter of when, as far as social security increase during that in the first 10 days of January, just like our and on restitution, rehabilitation, allowance, um, I've broken that down for you before. I don't know there's anything else really pertinent.
What we need to do just when you call to say your appointment, you should be transferred with your zip code. Here's the only thing you need to tell on the phone. What the latest is, when you call in, you'll give them your name, and it could be an automated voice, give them your name and tell them your zip code. That's it.
Then you'll get connected to a person at the other end, we should be able to center that corresponds with the zip code that you do, and then you'd say, Okay, I've got, you know, you don't have to tell them what you have. You don't have to tell them what currencies you have. I don't know what they're going to ask you at their dentist center, other than they should get directions to you.
I don't know if they're going to email you any kind of confirmation. I doubt it, but they should give you idea of where it is, how to get there, what time your appointment is. Appointments should be set up every 40 minutes, and hopefully they'll stack up nicely and you won't get delayed. Don't get there more than 10 minutes early and prepare. Have your currency all laid out. You know, you don't have to make copies of your currency, please, really, yeah, I'm going to make copies of million.
You know, Zen notes give you a break. They don't need receipts for where you got the currency. They know everybody. That's a zoom holder, unless it was gifted. They know the currency holders. They already know who you are. All the KYC part is just going to be verifying who you are to them. That's going to take like, two minutes, one minute, and then we're getting into verifying and counting the person
So it's going to be a much quicker process than we thought. And let's see what else. All right, so that's good out of there. And then you'll be able to remember this idea, guys, the only reason we want to make sure you've registered your email on bigcall universe.com is so we can you by email. If we do any more calls, there'll be like podcasts, and we'll send you a link in your email that you can click on, and they'll be me talking, or Bob and I, or maybe Sue Bob and I doing something, something like that, but we aren't going to be doing live calls that we intend to once this goes, once we have numbers, we'll just probably do that and put it in the Email. Now only email you if we have the email for you, so send us not registered on big call universe.com that's what you do.
You register with your email, and that way we will send out an email to everybody with the 800 number, so you'll have it in your own email from us, and you'll also get have it on our website. We'll put it on the website.
When we get it, we'll put it on the landing page of big call universe.com, okay, and that's really it when it comes to when we talk about the projects we talk about, rebuild America, rebuild International. If you've been on the big call for a while, you know what that's going to be involved in that websites to build out. We've got to do that and decide exactly how we're going to communicate with you.
In future. We probably will do regional meetings in different parts of the country and that way people that live in that area can come and meet us. And then we can, we can talk about certain states, certain regions, certain states, some of you have already stepped up to say, I'd like to be the leader. I'd like to be a leader in this retreat or that state, and I'm aware of that, and we're going to be working on that.
And then, of course, the idea is to stay in touch with you, with plans for the veterans record and the store retreat network. That's going to be good. We're going to get those started too. We've got a lot to do in the first several months of the year.
We need some time to get our stuff straight when it comes to real estate moving or whatever, all of that has to happen and but I think we'll be communicating with you, so make sure that you do register so we can be in touch with you by email.
I am still looking for at least 5000 big call listeners from big call universe to help rebuild America and rebuild international COVID handy if you are somebody who lives in the Bahamas and somebody that lives in the Dominican Republic.
Thank God, Bob's got good contacts in the DR if you are someone that lives in Haiti, you know, we might need some help in Haiti. I speak French and Spanish, you know, a couple other languages, and I just think I'm going to use that French in Haiti if I need to. And if they're not impossible to deal with, you know, we'll work with Haiti.
.So we'll see how that goes. You know, gonna be a new experience, but I'm prepared with the new prime minister president and sit down with him and speak English or French for them.
So I want to thank everybody for listening.
Let's see what happens over the weekend. Weekend starts tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, primarily Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Let's see what happens over the weekend, but let's go ahead and pray the call out. Want to thank Sue. Thank Bob so much.
Everybody have a wonderful night. Let's have a great weekend and a really beautiful, safe New Year's Eve. Say no craziness all this far to lose anybody, anybody else we've already lost. Let's not lose anybody doing something stupid on New Year's Eve or anytime. All right, hang in there, you guys. Let's pray the call out --
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-24-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16 https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0002.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetHD%2FHsCgW%2FHLNt
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:54
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Hello everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 17, and you're listening to the big call. Glad you guys could join us again. Welcome everybody around the world, as we are only eight days from Christmas, and I guess we've kind of got to get going if we're going to get this before Christmas, right? Well, I hope I can speak to that in my Intel segment. So stick around. Let's see. Let's see what we can do
All right, let's go into where we are for the RV, and I'll try to remember every detail I intended to bring. Let's cover this aspect first.
We you know, Jeannie mentions, in her prayer and praise time, she mentions, you know, debt forgiveness. Debt Jubilee, we talk about R and R, restitution reconciliation allowance. Restitution reconciliation allowance. We talk about the increase in Social Security
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Hello everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 17, and you're listening to the big call. Glad you guys could join us again. Welcome everybody around the world, as we are only eight days from Christmas, and I guess we've kind of got to get going if we're going to get this before Christmas, right? Well, I hope I can speak to that in my Intel segment. So stick around. Let's see. Let's see what we can do
All right, let's go into where we are for the RV, and I'll try to remember every detail I intended to bring. Let's cover this aspect first.
We you know, Jeannie mentions, in her prayer and praise time, she mentions, you know, debt forgiveness. Debt Jubilee, we talk about R and R, restitution reconciliation allowance. Restitution reconciliation allowance. We talk about the increase in Social Security
Well, finally, a couple days ago, we spoke with our social security contact person that said, No Social Security increases will take place in January, and R and R will take place in January. I'm going to cover what r and r is in terms of the three age groups.
The three age groups are age 30 to 45 let's just call it group 1 -- 30 to 45 and they're going to receive their R and R in 36 months, 36 monthly payments. So three years of payments for that group that is aged 30 to 45
Now from 45 to 60, that's our group two. They will receive two years of payments, monthly, which would be 24 monthly payments, and that's how they're paid out.
Now I don't have the information on how they're going to be contacted to let them know their bank account information and so on. All that's to follow.
The third group is age 60 to 100 and change however old you are, age 60 to over 100 that's the third group, and that group is to be paid a lump sum payment, one time lump sum payment, one time out over 11 years, one time payment, and it was supposed to be paid to the same bank account that you get your Social Security direct deposit into so that may be the same for everybody. I think that's what they're going to do.
They know that information. And then there was the thought of, well, wait a minute, we are going to have it in our quantum account ready for us at the time of our exchanges, when we go into that, wait a minute, not if R and R doesn't start till January. We're planning on right away and I will cover that in a few minutes.
All right, that's a little bit I’m not sure how that's going to work for those of us that have currency that are over 60years and older and will be receiving a one time payment, lump sum payment, and it could be substantial - because all of this includes taxes that you paid, income taxes -
federal income, state income. It includes interest that you paid on credit card, mortgage interest, bank loans. That includes the trading of your birth certificate as a tradeable bond type instrument, birth certificate, death certificate, includes a marriage license for tradable and divorce decrees for tradable. Summary, all right, so all those are instruments that are created those we get those funds too. So all of that is substantial -- it’s hard to predict how much it could be, but it could be substantial.
All right, now let's go back to cover that. Let's go so the other direction. Let's talk about a Iraq - Iraq has come out with a new rate on the dinar, and it was just a hair under $8 and it was in country rate in country, being in Iraq, and it's a rate on Morning that's yesterday, wasn't it? Yeah, Monday morning, at 9am Iraq time,
They paid out all the contractors that were military contractors and contractors that are construction contractors. They paid them all out back pay. They went all the way back to August, August, September, October, November and December were all paid out yesterday morning, Monday morning, at 9am Iraq time at the new rate.
So that's significant. That's significant that does not include hydro carbon law proceeds, the HCL or oil and gas law proceeds. It doesn't include pension payments, retirement all of these things are additional they show up in other accounts for the Iraqi citizens.
The other thing about the new rate is Iraq had our total trumped around in Iraq to 158 countries came to celebrate. Representatives of 158 countries came to celebrate, along with Iraq, their new rate last week, Sunday, and they may still be doing it could be continuing, but they're all very happy that the dinar rate is virtually double what it was just a few days prior.
So that's great. We're happy for Iraq and all of the 158 COVID that sent representatives donations to help celebrate this great move into sovereignty - certainty and into a new day for a Iraq.
So we've got a Iraq - got our R and R and our social thing handled.
Here's my opinion. We're getting very close to the end of the year 15 days until` January 1, if that's what I heard right from what Jeannie said today, I think most of the aspects of NESARA , and even GESARA probably will start somewhere in that vicinity next year, 2025
I don't know that for a fact, and in fact, I'll say this, what's going on with the USN dollar even today, we heard that banking systems, computer systems in the United States are beginning to process the change - process the change from the USD, our Fiat based dollar, to our assets backed dollar, the USN, USD to USN.
Beginning of that transformation is taking place, starting today, with bank systems, with computer systems. That's happening
Now. Here's another thing that I'm glad I was able to bring out today. I don't know very much about crypto currencies. My feeling and the people that we talk to, our sources believe, why do you need crypto when you have Zim? Right, nothing's going to touch the value of what the Zim is worth now to us and what we bought it for,
However many of you there in the Big Call universe may have XRP cryptocurrency. XRP, in some way, is a mechanism that will allow the US n to come live to be, to be live has to do with the asset backing of our USN currency, our new currency, our new dollar, and the value of the XRP.
Now if you have XRP and you have a hard wallet, which is a virtual wallet, and you want to sell it, or some of it, you can do it at the redemption centers.
When we go in for our exchanges, redemption centers will be buying XRP and giving the daily rates for it. That was all brand new to me in the last two days.
So there is something to that. And if you want to hold it, if you have it, you just want to keep it, you know for the investment aspect of it, you can do that. They are offering to buy it at what we would call a favorable daily rate. So keep that in mind and bring the information for your virtual, hard wallet and your XRP if you have it and want to sell it, let's see what else you know.
The timing of this thing is really interesting, because we had been under the impression that we would and this came in since our last Thursday over the weekend, a little bit more information today and yesterday and today that we believe we were in the range to be notified and go on a modified calling in a modified shock. And start with tier three, the bond holders and tier four A and B.
Remember Wells Fargo does not distinguish between tier four a and tier 4b tier four a, we tend to call the admirals groups and other groups like that, the tier 4b group we refer to as the Internet Group, and that's the group that I'm speaking to on the big call, and that's who those people, that is, by far and away, the largest group.
It's not a private group, though. Remember, it's not my group, not Bruce's groups, not the big call group, it is tier four, be the Internet Group, okay? And they want us, obviously, to go to the redemption centers to get the highest rates. And some of the rates are distinctively higher for the redemption centers.
Now let's go back to where I was a minute ago about the idea of us being notified as early as today. Well, we did not get that, and it's getting later and later tonight. So I have heard confirmation that emails have gone out to the banks managers and to center leaders or principals, or they call them operatives. Those went out at 8am in the morning, this morning.
This morning is Tuesday, the 17th of December. Those went out at 8am eastern standard kind of work, so that part is complete. We are under the impression that those have been received. And in those emails, we don't know exactly what they say. We don't have that.
We believe that they have something giving the recipients an idea of when they are to receive calls, when are they going to receive appointments from calls, so that exchanges can begin. And of course, we're focusing primarily on the redemption centers, and the redemption centers having appointments set up for us.
Now, today, we also heard that our notifications to us, which are coming from Wells Fargo, with a toll free number – we assume it’s a 1-800 number but that number will come in an email to us, and we're used to the call centers, and then get transferred to the redemption center that is closest to our zip code. And well, how do they know what our zip code is?
Because we enter that as part of our information, and we give that when we call in the 800 number, assuming we're to use a dial pad to put in some basic information about our currencies, not the amounts, but just which currencies we plan to exchange there'll probably be a numerical code to correspond with each currency or the main currencies. I'm not positive about how that's going to work, but that's what we've heard. So we'll see how that works.
Anyway, when you set your appointment, you'll be transferred to either with a direct transfer, or give it another number to call to get to that redemption center that is closest to the zip code that you entered.
Okay, now here's the other thing, the emails that went out this morning at 8am should have included the information as to when we are to begin notifying our call centers and letting them set the appointments for us with our help.
Okay, what I've heard is that we will get the emails that we're looking for, which would contain 800 number overnight, tonight or tomorrow, and quite possibly wake up to those emails in the morning.
And then, once we read those emails, have a cup of coffee. We or have coffee first and read the emails and then call to set our appointment tomorrow, which is Wednesday, the 18th - Now that's one week before Christmas. It's cutting it close. But if that happens, And we hope it will. We believe it will – based on the information we are getting from the Wells Fargo bond pay masters - should that happen, then we're off to the races and we're good to go. We set our appointments.
Theory is if we get our numbers overnight or in the first thing in the morning, we would set our appointment and be able to go with Exchange starting tomorrow. That is the hope, the positive expectation of what should happen.
So that's that is cutting it closed. Because its only a week before Christmas - But I think we‘d all take it. And I think we'd all say, well, they made it. They wanted us to have this before Christmas, and here it is. That's what I want to experience. That's what I want to say when I received those emails.
So let's hope that is the case. I think the USTN or United States notes, the currency itself, is in the banks already, and it's also at the redemption centers, and they don't want us to take a bunch of that cash out. We can test and the numbers keep changing on how I'm not even going to go there, you'll find out how much, if you want some new currency, how much you can have taken from your balance.
I don't know. I don't know that it matters. I think we can whatever the money that we have now, the USD fiat currency that we have now in our wallets and purses and so on, that will phase out over about a three month period. And I don't know if that starts January one or starts before then the new money is going to come out. I've heard in about two weeks.
Well, guess what? 15 days is the first of January. Are they going to bring our new UST currency out after the first and then we get access to it when we go into the redemption center for our exchange before then, I don't know what is on that. We'll see it's not a big deal either way,
but the big box stores are leading the way in terms of removing Fiat company with two distinct drop boxes in the big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe's and probably some other ones, like Walmart, the big box Costco. These guys have a box for USD and a box for UN and they'll do drops those two boxes based on which currency it is. And
so it's not like we have to worry about it. It's going to happen, and we're going to be part of it, and we're going to use our USD or Fiat dollar here in the United States until such time as they say, Okay, no more. That's done. So let's do this. I've given you the timeframe we believe we're going to have. I've told you some of the particulars.
We know that the banks are in the process of upgrading and connecting with XRP and the USN and all of that, started today and will continue, and we believe that we are to be notified or in the morning and get this thing started for us. I'm excited about it, and I know you guys are very excited, and I'm hoping we can all have the kind of Christmas that we really want this year now
So thank you for listening big call universe. And I would just say we don't know if we're going to have another call. We don't know if we're going to have a call Thursday, today being Tuesday, but let's see what happens tomorrow. See what happens, and then we'll just plan accordingly.
Happy Festivus for the rest of us. And just, I just think it's been to bring the big call to big call universe, and we're going to see happens. I'm not in control of any of this. I only bring you what I hear. That's what my job is, to bring you this information, and then hopefully we can all vet it and just look forward to this happening one week before Christmas, let's pay the call out, and we'll move on, and we'll see what happens in the morning or tomorrow,
Everybody Have a blessed night, and let's see what tomorrow. Good night, unless you guys.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 56:16 https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0002.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetHD%2FHsCgW%2FHLNt
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:08:50
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-3-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-28-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-2124 REPLAYLINK Intel begins 1:10:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:12: 21
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:54