Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-23-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
You welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 23rd and you're listening to the big call all over the globe, with the help of the satellite team, they've connected us as always, to the star Link satellite system, and we are being beamed around the globe as we speak to as many as 200 countries in their own language. Some are getting it in English. Some are getting it in their own language. Three seconds after I say it, they receive it, which is pretty cool. I love it. Thank you. Sat Team for doing that. Let’s do this, let's pray the call in like we do every Tuesday and Thursday night, and then we'll, we'll just enjoy the time and the call together
All right. Thank you, Bob, that was really important. Very good. And let's it's quarter after a little after now. So let's get into the Intel and see where we are.
All right. Now,I did guess just get a little bit an update. While Sue was in her segment, and I stepped away and came back to the call. But here's what is going on. We have been looking to be notified since Tuesday, and it's already Thursday night. We have not been notified yet, the snow and the icy roads in the South were a little bit of a factor, but not as much today as they were yesterday.
You know, 13 and a half inches in Charmat, Louisiana. You know, 10 inches in Milton, Florida. We're on exit six or exit eight, something like that. On Interstate 10, we look I 95 through South Carolina -- Only one lane was open, one lane going north, one lane going south.
Today, this afternoon, we had enough melting where now I 95 is open. So you know, it's, I don't know how much the weather was good to push on this – But we did find out today that there was an issue with three countries, Germany, South Korea, and let's see what was it one of the African nations, and I'll think of it in a minute - And so these three were trying to connect to the Starlink satellite system.
They had some connectivity issues, but the main problem was they needed verification of their inground assets, their in ground assets. You say, what is that? What does that mean in ground if there were a country that was that had oil, natural gas, that might have precious metals underground, that might have both, could have silver, could have any could have jewels, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, all of that, all of those things that are in the ground that can be mined or brought up, like oil, that is considered an asset.
And the reason that's important is these countries, currency values are determined by the in ground assets, plus the assets that are above ground, okay, their supply of gold that they might have, or whatever. And it's just, it's just the getting the combination and the total of those assets.
Look for the United States. We've got a lot of gold, believe it on we repatriated the gold that was underneath the Vatican for 300 miles that went to the proper countries, including the US, you know, but these three countries were slow, and they basically were givenan ultimatum today.
Listen, we need the verification of these in ground assets, or you're out of the loop. We're going to go around you, and you won't be able to take part in the revaluation or in the exchanges. Well, guess what? All three countries got their act together and were able to get connected through the Starlink satellite system and get that information out to our treasury and make sure that we have the information needed. Okay, so that's really important.
So that looks like it took care of itself somewhere around 1:00 or 130 Eastern this afternoon. That was no longer an issue, no longer a problem. So then we heard, okay, that's good. And then we heard from one of the international banks that in an email to their banks, to their redemption centers, they said, prepare for Thursday and Friday. No check that. Sorry.
Prepare for Friday and Saturday, the 24th and 25th to be Gangbuster days. Gangbuster days and so then you will be talking to the redemption center people, and you will be very busy on those days. Okay, that's good. That's really good. We took that to mean that bond holders should be notified sometime tomorrow.
And I think the fines and penalties and all of that adjudicated settlements and farm claims, ranch claims, and Indian claims, all of that that doesn't go out tonight to them. It should be tomorrow. They get that. And then, of course, that includes CMKX. These are what we call the intermediaries, okay, bond holders are next - And then we in tier four, A and B, which is admiral’s group, and us in the internet group would go next. So I believe what I just mentioned this now will all take place tomorrow.
However, the latest piece of Intel says that the takeoff day for all of this is going to be Saturday. So we might see some activity - I think I don't remember to see our numbers tomorrow. One source said, Yes, tomorrow for us, the latest piece we just got - which was from the person in the treasury that was put in charge of appointing the pay masters for these groups in Reno, that person said, everything will be taking off for all of us on Saturday.
Now let's say that happens, we get our numbers, and hopefully it's before lunchtime. Let's say it's anytime before maybe we get that. We could roll some exchanges on Saturday and then Sunday is another exchange day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays, etc. So that is the plan, as it is now. I would love to say it's absolutely for tomorrow for us, but it is not for us in our group the internet group in 4b it looks like Saturday, so that is where we stand right now.
Not a whole lot else to add for that, except the information said that we'll be very excited about the rates. I think the rates are going to go higher, especially on Dong and are, and we know that they are contract on dinar, which tied to the per barrel price of oil, which is was in the low 80s. That's per dinar, by the way, and so that’s the latest we have on that.
And of course, the Zim it'll go only at the redemption center for the redemption of it, and the contract rate is only available at the redemption center. So we need a call and set an appointment. And the absolute maximum appointment time has been set at 45 minutes.
So the ones 30 minutes to 40 maximum 45 if you've got a box or two of bonds, let them know, because you might need a double appointment to handle those bonds. You might, I don't think you've got a lot of currency and you also have bonds.
Man, I don't see how you can get it done in 45 minutes. I just don't know. I know they go super fast on the Delarue machine, and can crank it out and get that done. But even setting up an account, setting up your quantum account, all of that, it takes a little time, and I know it's going to go fast, guys, don't go really going to be the fastest 40 or 45 minutes of your life, probably. And have fun with it. Just enjoy it. Pay attention, and you'll be fine.
Your NDA would last a minimum of 30 days, and then it could last as long as six months, depending on how they read you. If they read you as sharp, intelligent, going to keep your mouth quiet. Keep your you know, keep it quiet. Keep your mouth closed. You know, you might end up with just 30 days.
Look like you might be able to do that. Then they might extend it. And you could go two months, three months, even six months under an NDA undisclosed.
So let's see if there's anything else that I can think of right now.
Yeah, I think, really, what we're looking at is getting this thing started this week -- Med Beds are coming very quickly, even to the public. They moved it up. They moved the public notification of Med Beds up to Monday or Tuesday, 27 through 28 but it is based on dire need for the public, for us in 4B it based more on Zim holders and dire need the first priority into the Med Beds - okay, and the public that doesn't have any zim, it's going to be based on dire need, and that's still okay. That's it. That's what we're looking at.
And I think that everything is starting to come out in the way of some disclosure. Of course, the meds be a big thing for disclosure next, early next week, but even today, with the executive order that President Trump signed to declassify the the assassination of John F Kennedy June, John F Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr, has been put into it with declassified status, which should take up to 15 days for that to go through to the proper people, and then we should get disclosed maybe sooner than 15 days, but that's what's in the exit board.
So we'll see what happens on that. But I think we're going to see the start here of some really interesting disclosure events, wait till they deal with what happened on 9 /11 in New York. Yeah, that I don't know when that's coming out, but we'll see
Otherwise. Yeah, I think we're just really ready to go. And this is good. We should be excited.
It's really going to be exciting. You guys know why I'm excited about it, so let's think if there's anything else, nothing else the timeline looks like tomorrow for bond holders and the intermediaries. For us, it looks like notifications and set appointments and start exchangesand go right through and do something and so on. So that's right now we have, let's go ahead Okay, let's do this. Let's pray the call out, and then we'll take it from there.. Alright everybody, have a great weekend.
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