Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-30-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody. It's a big call tonight. It is Thursday, january 30TH and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Thank you for being here tonight. And we look forward to having a good call tonight. I know Sue will have some cool things to tell us tonight. I know Bob will too, and hopefully I'll be able to round the call out with some good information for everybody.
All right now, let's take a look, and we'll see where we are on the Intel train right now and move us right on through.
The first thing I want to talk about is the redemption centers and redemption center personnel, because the people that, the people that we know that are going into the redemption centers to do our exchanges are on call through the weekend.
That means, usually it's a one hour call, sometimes 45 minutes. It just means that they are notified. Okay, boom. We have the email saying, Go. We have the email that says the numbers are out or coming out, and it's time to rock and roll in the redemption center. And then they get in there, well, they're on call between, let's say, Tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They're still on call.
And Saturday. Okay, this is a little bit more involved, so I'm going to back it up a minute. There is a video conference call around noon, we think on Saturday. Now what's that about? President Trump wanted to make sure that Iraq was ready to go and to bring out their new rate, and that rate would theoretically be in their new budget, which is being passed, probably by the weekend or say, so it could end up going in to the printed version of the Gazette and the virtual version of the Gazette On Saturday or Sunday.
The rate is supposed to come out, supposed to come out tomorrow night, or it could end up being Saturday morning, but we believe that it could come out to where things could start happening around noon on Saturday. And here's the reason we're saying that -- two aspects to this.
Number one, President Trump sent our Treasury Secretary Scott I pronounce his name, Bessent , some say best, since whoever you want to pronounce it, B e s s e n t Scott Bessent was sent, there you go, sent to Iraq to make sure that they got everything done – the new rate – and everything was ready to go from Iraq’s point of view.
And so he was told don't come back until. Don't fly back. And he's got a really pretty large security contingent with him. He said, Don't come back until this - until you believe it's done. So he's planning to fly back and be home to the states by noon Saturday, because he's going to be on that video conference call as the secretary of the new treasury.
I have to say “new” because this is, this is the Treasury for the restored republic - our new treasury. So I said, we'll get the call from the plane. Is he going to make the call here? Where?? We're not really sure 100% but it looks like he expects Iraq to have their rate out by noon, Saturday, Eastern Time, Eastern Standard. So Saturday is the first of February. Hummmm? We'll see.
The other thing we'll see is we found out that one of our currency dealers - pretty well known was told they'd be either changing the rates at noon on Saturday or they would be removing current certain currencies from being for sale.
Let me put bit this way. We all know that the Zim is on par with our US, dollar soon to be USN dollar, United States Treasury note, and we just still call it dollar. It's on par with that.
And so obviously, at that rate, based on the denomination of the Zim - that's not going to be for sale anymore, that's gone, Dong probably gone, dinar gone, if it's even being sold now, in other words, these currencies that are going up markedly in value probably not only have the rate changed, that they would be sold at a new rate that's not even available for sale, that's a good thing.
That is something they're supposed to make those changes, they can sell, but they can't sell. What the rates are and all that stuff doesn't take place around it on Saturday. All right, so you got a video conference all around noon Saturday. We've got the change, excuse me, the change in the rates at the pre dealer. and we have the new rate on the dinar being theoretically published, along with the budget for Iraq either Saturday or Sunday, and then set remembering that Sunday is the first business day
So based on that information and what we're hearing from other sources, some of whom have several redemption centers that they're over, are saying, keep an eye on the weekend. It could be there over the weekend with notifications, or it could end up deferring to us very early next week for notifications and exchanges
I believe. Well, we know Wells Fargo treats tier 4A, which we tend to call the admirals groups, and tier 4B which is the Internet Group. They tend they call them all tier four. They don't distinguish between a and b, like, like I do, and I've done it for a reason, because of various reasons.
So now we think, now we believe that tier four will go together. We believe that tier3 bond holders will receive access to their funds when we're notified and start setting our appointments like let's say we're notified Monday, when we set our appointments to start Tuesday.
We believe that the tier bond will tier bond holders access to their funds on Tuesday.
What am I supposed to do with this perfectly good geek ad on my left during the big call? So a little aside there, if you kind of love cats like me.
So I'm gonna say likelihood is good for us finally to come to an end of this ride. And I thought initially it would be when I heard it was going to be about five days. I think I told you guys that on Tuesday. I thought, okay, we're going to get notified Friday, tomorrow, the 31st and start on the first. Well, it might be more like notified first or second or third, and start early next week
Now we can pretty much write off any increase in Social Security this month that's gone. We can write off the idea of R & R this month. We have one day left to go. We can write that off for this month, and hopefully we'll get soon next month. Debt jubilee is part of NESARA - our USN currency is there, available and ready to start - Is part of NASARA and GESARA, because, obviously, not just United States, but other countries.
They have their currencies, asset backed and ready to go. Supposedly, at this point, there are no more problems with that – the countries that were lagging behind on confirming their in ground values came through. I think we're we just have to say in the present, in the now, and look toward our future by taking one step at a time. I think we're very close.
My assessment is that we're going to have something here very early next week. We get notified as early as Saturday or Sunday, and then get started to exchange maybe on Monday or Tuesday. That's where we are right now. That's what it looks like. And hope you guys realize that all I'm trying to do is bring you what I'm hearing, and that's what I'm hearing.
So excited about where we are,
It's very important that you get the highest rate that President Trump wants to have, dinar at the contract rate. And also, by the way, the contract rate on dinar is not to the North Sea Grant crude price, as we were told initially, it is actually, as I've mentioned before, it is the selling price of a barrel of oil.
And they're selling to Turkey, they're selling to Egypt, they're selling to other countries in the Middle East that are not oil producers, and that is, that is good, and right now it's substantially higher than the North Sea threat price. So we're going by what Iraq is selling their barrel of oil for. So you've got that so everybody have a great weekend,
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