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Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economics Updates Saturday Evening 7-6-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


"Ripple President Monica Long explains the dual role the forthcoming RLUSD stablecoin could play alongside XRP for developers and payment utilities."

1. Some customers will prefer to transact in USD, so the stablecoin is the better method. 2. Sometimes a bridge asset is unnecessary. 3. XRP is a neutral crypto FOR USE as a BRIDGE ASSET. 4. XRP can move more than just currency, RLUSD only moves US dollars.

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


"Ripple President Monica Long explains the dual role the forthcoming RLUSD stablecoin could play alongside XRP for developers and payment utilities."

1. Some customers will prefer to transact in USD, so the stablecoin is the better method.
2. Sometimes a bridge asset is unnecessary.
3. XRP is a neutral crypto FOR USE as a BRIDGE ASSET.
4. XRP can move more than just currency, RLUSD only moves US dollars.

"Ripple sees XRP as essential for efficient cross-currency or cross-token settlements, particularly for long-tail assets and currencies. Long cited instances with the sub-Saharan African region, Europe, and the Middle East where costs can be very high amid insufficient liquidity. In these scenarios, fees can exceed 10% of the payment, making XRP crucial for the transactions."

© Newshounds News™

Read more   The Crypto Basis



"At a campaign fundraising event in June, former president Donald Trump styled himself as something that would have seemed unlikely not long ago. He said he would be the crypto president," tech executive Trevor Traina, who attended the fundraiser, told Reuters that month."

"By May, he declared that the US should be the industry's global leader in the space."

"The numbers back the point. According to a May report from Public Citizen, the cryptocurrency sector is becoming a titan of political funding that's hard to ignore."

"About half of young voters surveyed by Grayscale said they will consider a candidate's crypto position before voting."


© Newshounds News™

Read more:  Business Insider


"Which Banks Are Using Ripple?
Ripple’s network of banking partners has continued to grow as the blockchain expands its global reach and influence. Moreover, the number of potential partners is expected to increase as Ripple Labs tries to move forward from its lengthy legal battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)."

"The following banks are confirmed to have been working with Ripple:

*Santander (USA)
*Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canada)
*Kotak Mahindra Bank (India)
*Itaú Unibanco (Brazil)
*IndusInd (India)
*InstaReM (Singapore)
*BeeTech (Brazil)
*Zip Remit (Canada)
*LianLian (China)
*IFX (U.K.)
*TransferGo (U.K.)
*Currencies Direct (U.K.)
*Airwallex (Australia)
*SEB (Sweden) 
*SBI Remit (Japan)
*Siam Commercial Bank (Thailand)
*Krungsri (Thailand)

On the flipside Ripple may be a faster and more affordable blockchain network than Bitcoin and Ethereum, but it is outclassed by modern networks like Solana (SOL) regarding speed and efficiency."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:  Daily Coin



This will be an issue for many US citizens going into the digital age as privacy concerns accompany KYC/AML (know your customer/ anti-money laundering) laws.

"Authorities in Vietnam have introduced a facial recognition requirement for all digital payments of 10 million dong (about $390) or more made in the country. The measure, which has already raised questions about privacy and security, requires all money transfers made through banks or e-wallets to involve face scanning on smartphones via banking applications. According to the State Bank of Vietnam, the obligation aims to “ensure the security of online and bank card payments.”

Newshounds News will be keeping an eye on these new laws and will report on their advancement.

© Newshounds News™

Read more:  Agenzia Nova 



"The committee is unveiling the standards later in July, culminating a years-long process."

"The Basel Committee met on July 2-3 and made policy decisions on issues that included disclosure of banks’ crypto exposure. A disclosure framework for banks’ crypto assets was proposed in December 2022 and opened for comments in May 2023.

"Updated standards will be published later in July, according to a Bank for International Settlements (BIS) statement."

This article is dated July 3, 2024, up-to-date news regarding BIS and BASEL 3
@ Newshounds News™

Read more:  Coin Telegraph


Venezuela’s Digital Asset Remittances Hit Yearly $460 Million

"Venezuelans have recorded an increased amount of remittances with crypto numbers surging in the last one year."


*"Venezuela recorded $5.4 billion in remittances last year."
*"Out of this number, over $460 million were crypto transactions."
*"Global adoption of crypto assets continues to soar with more use cases."

"Venezuelan citizens have recorded a surging number of cryptocurrency remittances with figures above $460 million in the last 12 months.  Generally, remittances in the country have grown due to harsh economic conditions that led to huge numbers of migrants. The figure shows a growth in crypto adoption in the last year in Latin America and other jurisdictions."

"Venezuelans Embrace Crypto Remittances"

"Venezuelans have increased their crypto usage for transactions as general figures have spiked in the last year. According to data from the Inter-American Dialogue, Venezuelans remitted about $5.4 billion contributing 6% to the gross domestic product. To put growth in perspective, the figure is almost a 75% surge from 2021. "

"Crypto remittances were up to $461 million, totaling 9% of numbers per Chainalysis data.  Manuel Orozco, director of MigrationRemittances, and Development at the Inter-American Dialogue noted that while the figures are high, a large number of migrants cannot afford to send remittances. “The number of Venezuelan migrants that are sending remittances has jumped 50-60%. It’s not a higher percentage because the rest of the migrants cannot yet afford to send money.”"

"Venezuelan remittances spiked after the country faced an economic crisis leading to migration with about 30% of households receiving money from foreign countries. In the last 10 years, over 7 million Venezuelans have left the country sending money back home through digital methods. While traditional remittance methods appear slower and more expensive, crypto assets provide an easier route. However, crypto users back home face certain regulations on some digital asset exchanges with many calling on pro-industry laws."

Globally, Crypto usage has soared.  Traditional means of remittances have huge rates attached, while crypto is a much faster and cheaper way to send remittances.

@ Newshound News™

Read more:  CoinGape


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Economist’s “News and Views” Saturday 7-6-2024

28 Countries Joining BRICS: What Next?

Fastepo:  7-5-2024

According to a Russian newspaper, Izvestia, 28 countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS, either as full members or partners.

This information was confirmed by representatives from one of the association's countries during the BRICS Foreign Ministerial Council in Nizhny in Russia. The list includes countries from different continents including Palestine.

However, Palestine, which is not yet fully recognized internationally, has expressed interest in joining as an observer state or partner.

Please note that the timing of this expansion has not yet been confirmed. Some sources, such as the Russian Prime Minister, have mentioned that it will be discussed during the BRICS summit in 2024.

28 Countries Joining BRICS: What Next?

Fastepo:  7-5-2024

According to a Russian newspaper, Izvestia, 28 countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS, either as full members or partners.

This information was confirmed by representatives from one of the association's countries during the BRICS Foreign Ministerial Council in Nizhny in Russia. The list includes countries from different continents including Palestine.

However, Palestine, which is not yet fully recognized internationally, has expressed interest in joining as an observer state or partner.

Please note that the timing of this expansion has not yet been confirmed. Some sources, such as the Russian Prime Minister, have mentioned that it will be discussed during the BRICS summit in 2024.

However, other sources believe that it will be further discussed next year. Regardless of the timing, it is important to discuss this expansion in more detail.

 This video will detail all 28 countries interested in joining BRICS and analyze their potential contributions, including how their membership could expand BRICS' influence and economic clout globally.

 The analysis will consider the economic, political, and strategic implications of this expansion, providing insights into how BRICS could evolve in the coming years.

Argentina Faces Reality: Renews RMB Currency Lifeline, Expands China Trade For Economic Survival

Sean Foo:  7-6-2024

While Milei preaches dollarization, his economic moves is actually drawing Argentina closer and closer to China. Not only did he secure a vital currency lifeline, he is expanding trade with China with more agricultural exports. Here's why Milei did a dramatic U-turn towards Beijing!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Milei's U-Turn On China

2:51 Scrambling For Currency Lifeline

6:00 Argentina Needs More China Trade

 9:17 China's Latin American Strategy

 11:39 Milei Needs Chinese Investments

Bullion Bulletin - JULY 5, 2024

Miles Franklin: 7-5-2024

Bullion Bulletin is a compilation of videos from Andy's week of interviews. In this compilation, you'll find a variety of engaging and informative content featuring expert analysis and discussions.

Jim Rickards: If They Pull This Plug Right Now, There Will be a Reckoning Upon Us

Daniela Cambone:  7-5-2024

“The problem now is if you pull the plug, it will be chaos,” warns Jim Rickards, New York Times bestselling author. In an exclusive interview with Daniela Cambone,

Rickards also states that the U.S. is caught in a financial war, with the U.S. dollar being threatened by BRICS nations and their new currency. Even though the U.S. dollar will remain the world’s reserve currency, the BRICS currency could become a successful trading currency.

 “That’s how confidence is lost in the United States, slowly at first and then suddenly. So we're not at the 'suddenly' stage yet, but we're getting really close.”

 Watch the powerful interview to learn more about Rickards' thoughts.


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Saturday 7-6-2024


Tishwash:  Sudanese congratulates Iranian president-elect

 Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani stressed, today, Saturday, the importance of continuing coordination between Iraq and Iran at the highest levels and in all fields.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated in a statement that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani congratulated Masoud Pezeshkian on his election as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

In a telegram sent to Pezeshkian, according to the statement, the Prime Minister expressed his "wishes for his success in his duties," stressing "the depth of relations between the two friendly neighboring countries, and the importance of continuing coordination at the highest levels, in all fields, and in a way that serves common interests."   link


Tishwash:  Sudanese congratulates Iranian president-elect

 Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani stressed, today, Saturday, the importance of continuing coordination between Iraq and Iran at the highest levels and in all fields.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated in a statement that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani congratulated Masoud Pezeshkian on his election as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

In a telegram sent to Pezeshkian, according to the statement, the Prime Minister expressed his "wishes for his success in his duties," stressing "the depth of relations between the two friendly neighboring countries, and the importance of continuing coordination at the highest levels, in all fields, and in a way that serves common interests."   link


Tishwash:  US messages to Iraqi leaders: Dollar cash flow may stop

Prominent Kurdish politician, Masoud Barzani, sent messages to Iraqi political leaders, stating that the entry of some factions into the Israeli-Iranian conflict may prevent the flow of cash dollars into Iraq. 

Politician Mishaan Al-Jubouri said that Barzani informed the leaders of the Coordination Framework that the American siege will be imposed on Iraq if Washington's interests are attacked. 

He added that Barani also informed the leaders of the Coordination Framework that America can stop the flow of dollars to Iraq and cause harm to the country, but Iraq is unable to cause any harm to America   link


Tishwash:  Prime Minister's Advisor: Iraq in the process of paying off long-term development loans to the World Bank

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Saturday, that zeroing out the debts to the International Monetary Fund reflects Iraq's high and solid creditworthiness, while indicating that Iraq is in the process of paying off long-term development loans to the World Bank.

 Saleh told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Iraq has entered into about 5 programs with the International Monetary Fund since 2004 until the end of 2018, including 3 credit readiness programs, and all of them were characterized by providing loans whose function was to support the state of stability and economic reform in Iraq in two directions. The first: loan programs, as Iraq received loans from the International Monetary Fund to help it overcome economic crises, as these loans included supporting the general budget and financing economic stability programs, especially during the war on ISIS terrorism."

He added: "As for the other direction: in the field of economic reforms, as the International Monetary Fund usually stipulates that countries that receive loans implement certain economic reforms. In the case of Iraq, these reforms included improving the management of public finances and the banking sector, enhancing transparency, combating corruption, and reforming the energy sector."

He pointed out that "these loans did not exceed $5 billion per loan, and the actual withdrawal from them will not exceed $3 billion or more in each case, and according to a repayment program that takes place every 6 months with grace periods of two years before repayment with a moderate annual interest that usually does not exceed 4.5%, and the terms of these loans do not exceed five years."

He pointed out that "Iraq has repaid the loans that were withdrawn during the past twenty years according to regular payment mechanisms and are close to zeroing out unless they are all zeroed out today, which reflects the high and solid creditworthiness of the Republic of Iraq in repayment before the international financial community in particular and towards multilateral international financial organizations in general."

He continued: "But certainly there are long-term development loans that belong to the World Bank that are still in place, which is another development financial organization, and are worth a few billion and are in the process of repayment, and some of them are still in the process of committing to withdrawing them to spend them on completing development projects contracted with the World Bank, and they are also long-term soft loans."

He stressed that "cooperation relations continue between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund in various fields, including providing technical advice and supporting economic policies," noting that "the relationship between Iraq, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank is important for achieving economic stability and sustainable development in the country."

He pointed out that "Iraq has been a founding member of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank since 1945."  link


Tishwash:  The Iraqi Private Sector and Improving the Investment Environment in the National Development Plan 2024-2028

During the past three months, the Ministry of Planning and the specialized work teams have made efforts to prepare and prepare the National Development Plan 2024-2028, the draft ofD which addressed in detail the main challenges facing the Iraqi private sector and the main objectives aimed at achieving its effective contribution to improving the investment environment.

While I agree with what is stated in the plan, we emphasize the need to add the basic pillars stated in the private sector development strategy.

For the years 2014-2030, and in particular its three time periods, its four pillars, its four pillars, what has been achieved since its launch in 2014, and what has not been achieved.

 It is also necessary to state what has been achieved from Iraq’s Vision 2030, which clearly outlined the path to achieving a “strong and developing private sector.”

In addition to determining what has been achieved during the implementation of previous national development plans and the economic, financial and banking reform strategy included in the government program of the current government and what is the real role through which the private sector should contribute with government participation and support in managing the overall economy. This requires providing a legislative environment and a stable business environment and focusing on the axes that aim to build sound preliminaries for the transition to a complete economic reform. This is what we all agree on, but this requires the government and the private sector in all its banking, industrial, agricultural, energy, health, construction, tourism and service sectors to participate and cooperate in implementing the transitional, medium and long-term economic reform strategy.

This means involving the private sector in a greater role in economic decision-making and leading the market institutionally and legislatively through the following: 

1- Contributing with the government to improving the business environment in Iraq and providing an encouraging investment climate to attract national and foreign capital in accordance with the government’s program and encouraging and stimulating the achievement of partnerships between the public and private sectors in financing and developing development projects that have achieved implementation rates. 

Good and its allocations are included in the general budgets of 2024 and 2025

 2- Contributing with the government to creating a new legislative environment based on Article (25) of the Permanent Constitution, the strategies and laws related to economic reform, the private sector development strategy, its pillars and specific contents, in a way that ensures its activation and leadership of the market in the future.

3- Maintaining and activating the partnership, dialogue and cooperation between the private sector and the government by taking rapid measures to activate the Private Sector

Development Council and start its work under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, enacting a special law for it and forming a joint advisory council from the government and private sectors linked to the council that includes experts from the various economic sectors nominated by the council members and provides its advice and works according to a special system approved by the council.

 4- Contributing with the government in developing policies, mechanisms and strategies and participating in following up on their implementation to resolve the transition to time-programmed stages to a market economy. 

5- Working with the government to provide additional sources of funding for the state’s general budget by adopting the development and diversification of resources towards raising
the percentage of resources other than oil in the gross domestic product, by activating the real economy and diversifying sources of national income.

 6- Work to encourage the establishment and development of small, medium and micro enterprises in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, including the formation of specialized institutions for this purpose and issuing a special law to develop and advance these projects and determine their economic feasibility and benefit from the Riyada initiative launched by the Prime Minister and the National Lending Strategy launched by the Central Bank on 5/25/2024. 

7- Cooperation in financing and ensuring the implementation of central plans to provide infrastructure to encourage and develop the private sector in industry, trade, agriculture, tourism, health, energy, construction, strengthening and services. 

8- Activating the role of specialized banks and private banks to provide soft loans to the national private sector, as well as finding solutions to the problems of taxes and accumulated interest incurred by owners of projects that have stopped production, and setting a short- and medium-term financial policy. 

 9- Coordination and cooperation with the relevant ministries and financial and statistical institutions, especially the Ministries of Planning and Finance, in building a financial and statistical information base and ensuring its transparency.  link


Mot: Things Like This -Ya Just Can't Make up!!!!

Mot:  Hah - They Say its Gunna Beeeee Hot!!!!


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Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder  Saturday AM 7-6-24

Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot

Economy  Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot  Information/Report..   The Oil and Gas Law is one of the sensitive laws in the Iraqi state, as it is one of the axes of the ongoing conflict between the central and regional governments over oil imports.

The center of the dispute over the law is that the region wants to control the oil revenues in its lands according to its mood without the supervision of the federal government, while the political forces do not want to grant this privilege to the region because it gives it a kind of separatist independence, so to speak.

Since the first session of the Iraqi Parliament in 2005, the draft oil and gas law has been stuck in the drawers, as disagreements prevent its approval in its final form.

Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot

Economy  Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot  Information/Report..   The Oil and Gas Law is one of the sensitive laws in the Iraqi state, as it is one of the axes of the ongoing conflict between the central and regional governments over oil imports.

The center of the dispute over the law is that the region wants to control the oil revenues in its lands according to its mood without the supervision of the federal government, while the political forces do not want to grant this privilege to the region because it gives it a kind of separatist independence, so to speak.

Since the first session of the Iraqi Parliament in 2005, the draft oil and gas law has been stuck in the drawers, as disagreements prevent its approval in its final form.

After 18 years, he announced the formation of a committee to draft the law and present it to the government and the House of Representatives.

The committee formed between Baghdad and Kurdistan to draft an oil and gas law includes the Minister of Oil, the Minister of Natural Resources in the region, the Director General of SOMO, and senior staff in the Ministry of Oil, in addition to oil-producing provinces such as Basra, Dhi Qar, Maysan, and Kirkuk.

Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot Ea31c5d3-92af-43f1-a17b-8b349f7d84ca

Iraq exports an average of 3.3 million barrels of crude oil per day, and black gold constitutes more than 90 percent of the Iraqi treasury's resources.

Article 14 relates to oil revenues in the Kurdistan Region and their audit by the Federal Audit Bureau.

The Iraqi Oil and Gas Bill regulates this vital sector for Iraq and the management of the country’s oil fields through a single national company, with revenues deposited into a single account.

The financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, confirmed in statements that accelerating the approval of the federal oil and gas project law in the House of Representatives as soon as possible will establish a stable national roadmap for investment and production of the country's primary sovereign resource, which is oil and gas.

He explained that this "natural resource contributes directly to Iraq's gross domestic product by nearly 50 percent, and has an indirect impact on our country's total economic activity by no less than 85 percent."

Saleh said, "Adopting a unified national oil policy, and achieving optimal investment and production in Iraq's oil area, starting from the southern fields and going up to the northern and regional fields, is an important and strategic matter in the matter of benefiting from opportunity costs in the optimal and harmonious operation of the current Iraqi oil policy."

The draft of the Iraqi oil and gas law available to parliament stipulates that the responsibility for managing the country's oil fields should be entrusted to a national oil company, supervised by a federal council specializing in this matter.

For its part, the Kurdistan Oil Law indicates that the Iraqi government has the right to participate in the management of fields discovered before 2005, but fields discovered after that are subject to the regional government.

In 2022, the Federal Court in Baghdad ordered the region to hand over the oil produced on its territory to Baghdad, and to cancel contracts signed by the region with foreign companies. The matter went so far as to invalidate contracts with many foreign companies, especially American and Canadian ones, by the judiciary in Baghdad.

After years of exporting oil alone via Turkey, the Kurdistan Region must, as of late 2023, abide by an international arbitration ruling that gives Baghdad the right to fully manage Kurdistan’s oil.

As a result, exports from the region stopped. An interim agreement signed between Baghdad and Erbil stipulates that Kurdistan’s oil sales will be made through the Iraqi State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO), while revenues generated from the region’s fields will be deposited in a bank account at the Central Bank of Iraq or one of the banks approved by the Central Bank of Iraq.

Oil and Gas Law.. The Unsolvable Knot 7de13617-1067-4c34-ac1f-eeeb319b03ca

Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, MP Dhurgham Al-Maliki, revealed that the Coordination Framework and the State Administration Coalition discussed the oil and gas law with Masoud Barzani.

Al-Maliki told Al-Maalouma Agency, "The committee discussed the draft law in a professional manner and completed most of its paragraphs, but the government requested its withdrawal to make amendments to it, indicating that the law is still in the government's possession."

He considered that "the obstruction of the approval of the annual budgets is due to the oil disputes between the center and the region, indicating that the approval of the law has become an urgent necessity due to its ability to resolve 90% of the disputes between the region and the center."

He stressed that "the legislation of the law is governed by political agreement, not professional agreement," calling on "political forces to pressure the government to send the law for the purpose of legislation." LINK

Parliamentary Oil Committee Reveals Details Of The Oil And Gas Law And The Reason For Not Legislating

Policy   Information / Baghdad..  Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, MP Dhurgham Al-Maliki, revealed today, Saturday, that the Coordination Framework and the State Administration Coalition discussed the oil and gas law with Masoud Barzani.

Al-Maliki told Al-Maalouma Agency, "The committee discussed the draft law in a professional manner and completed most of its paragraphs, but the government requested its withdrawal to make amendments to it, indicating that the law is still in the government's possession."

He considered that "the obstruction of the approval of the annual budgets is due to the oil disputes between the center and the region, indicating that the approval of the law has become an urgent necessity due to its ability to resolve 90% of the disputes between the region and the center."

He stressed that "the legislation of the law is governed by political agreement, not professional agreement," calling on "political forces to pressure the government to send the law for the purpose of legislation." LINK

Parliamentary Oil Committee Calls For Speeding Up The Legislation Of The Oil And Gas Law

Economy  14:19 - 2024-07-06  The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee called on political forces on Saturday to pressure the government to send the oil and gas law to parliament for legislation.

Committee member, MP Dhurgham Al-Maliki, said, "The committee discussed the draft law in a professional manner and completed most of its paragraphs, but the government requested its withdrawal to make amendments to it, noting that the law is still with the government."

He continued, "The delay in approving the annual budgets was mostly due to oil disputes between the center and the region, noting that approving the law has become an urgent necessity due to its ability to resolve 90% of the disputes between the region and the center."

He stressed that "the legislation of the law is governed by political agreement, not professionalism," calling on "political forces to pressure the government to send the law for the purpose of legislation."

US Messages To Iraqi Leaders: Dollar Cash Flow May Stop

Local    Economy News – Baghdad  Prominent Kurdish politician, Masoud Barzani, sent messages to Iraqi political leaders, stating that the entry of some factions into the Israeli-Iranian conflict may prevent the flow of cash dollars into Iraq.

Politician Mishaan Al-Jubouri said that Barzani informed the leaders of the Coordination Framework that the American siege will be imposed on Iraq if Washington's interests are attacked.

He added that Barani also informed the leaders of the Coordination Framework that America can stop the flow of dollars to Iraq and cause harm to the country, but Iraq is unable to cause any harm to America.   194 views 07/06/2024 -

Will The Exchange Rate Reach 1600 Dinars?

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Economic expert, Munar Al-Abidi, confirmed that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market may reach 1,600 dinars in the coming days after the Central Bank reduced the money supply.

Al-Obaidi said that the parallel exchange rate in the local market changes as a result of supply and demand, noting that it is expected that the value of the dinar will decrease against the dollar in the coming days and reach the 1,600 dinar barrier.

He added that the reduction in the sale of cash dollars in the local market by the Central Bank is the main factor behind the rise in the value of the dollar, and the price will depend on the provision of hard currency from sources other than the Central Bank, which are very limited and almost non-existent sources.

The Central Bank decided to prevent exchange companies from giving dollars to travelers at their headquarters, but rather limited them to airports only, with the aim of preventing them from being exploited by some parties. 80 views 07/06/2024 -

 Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes, and adversity is not without comforts and hopes.  - Francis Bacon

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.  - Anne Bradstreet

The good things that belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.  - Marcus Annaeus Seneca

One who was adored by all in prosperity is abhorred by all in adversity.  - Baltasar Gracian

Prosperity provideth, but adversity proveth friends.  - Queen Elizabeth I

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News Dinar Recaps 20 News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar-IQD-AI-Economic & Digital Impact Critical-JPMorgan-100% Completion Port Authority-Customs

Iraq Dinar-IQD-AI-Economic & Digital Impact Critical-JPMorgan-100% Completion Port Authority-Customs

MilitiaMan and Crew:  7-5-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar-IQD-AI-Economic & Digital Impact Critical-JPMorgan-100% Completion Port Authority-Customs

MilitiaMan and Crew:  7-5-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Friday Afternoon 7-5-24

A Government Policy To Control The State's Public Finances 

 Iraq 07/03/2024  Baghdad: Huda Al-Azzawi   Iraq has suffered throughout the previous years from the inability of successive governments to control spending, both operational and investment, and to control expenditures in all sections of activities approved by the state’s general budget,

until the current government - according to what specialists see - was able, through its policies, to control the state’s public finances through... Implementing automation and electronic governance programs, as well as moving towards balancing programs and performance and not just balancing items.

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial and Economic Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

A Government Policy To Control The State's Public Finances 

 Iraq 07/03/2024  Baghdad: Huda Al-Azzawi   Iraq has suffered throughout the previous years from the inability of successive governments to control spending, both operational and investment, and to control expenditures in all sections of activities approved by the state’s general budget,

until the current government - according to what specialists see - was able, through its policies, to control the state’s public finances through... Implementing automation and electronic governance programs, as well as moving towards balancing programs and performance and not just balancing items.

The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial and Economic Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

 “Within the scope of implementing its financial policy, the federal government has diagnosed that building the federal general budget on the principle of the so-called budget items alone does not provide an adequate basis for controlling financial transactions.” And reassurance of expenses, both operational and investment, in terms of performance and correct targeting of the activity spent on efficient". 

He stated,  “In this regard, the scope of financial responsibility required moving in two parallel directions to raise the efficiency of public finance and financial discipline. The

 first is:

     automating public finance work in revenues and expenditures,

     introducing digital systems, and

     relying on electronic governance through the contents that the government program came up with, and the


     focusing on directing... Public spending, especially investment spending in implementing public projects,

     aims to balance programs and performance in a gradual and systematic manner, to

     ensure efficient implementation and

     evaluate the performance of expenditures without disruption, delay, or waste of public money.” He pointed out,

  “This is what the current financial policy has taken by adopting disbursement programs that provide oversight and evaluation of multi-faceted activities that concern broad sectors and activities and are currently called (special programs), without implicitly abandoning the budget items that will be an integral part of the budget.” Special programs or programs as a first stage.” Saleh stressed,

  “Based on the above, the country’s financial system is currently being modernized in a successive manner with two pillars (financial automation and modernization of government accounting) and in accordance with the principles of digital control and the adoption of program principles in implementing and managing public budgets in a gradual and systematic manner within the framework of the economic reform policy.” And the country's finances.

 For his part, the academic researcher in financial affairs and development, Aqeel Jabr Ali Al-Muhammadawi, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

“It is not possible to implement the management and control of public financial flows with high efficiency without evaluating and analyzing the financial situation, and the sustainability of public finances on solid financial foundations and methodology and a financial mentality.”

 “A new specialist with more accurate and sober financial models that transcends areas of functional and institutional dysfunction in public financial decisions and procedures, which will provide legal entities and public government institutions with additional objective information that can positively impact the quality of administrative decision-making and decision-making taken by government bodies, councils and departments.”

 He added,  "This indicates the necessary need to prepare a comprehensive financial methodology from experts in the accounting and financial specialization, more than economists, in order to develop


     financial indicators,

     national accounts,

     financial practices,

     banking supervision,

     financial and real estate credit,

     financial insurance, and others

 according to concepts, and to provide specialized and advanced financial analysis."

 And more accurate and sober, taking into account differences in the areas of building, formulating and setting standards and metrics according to standard models, as well as financial practices and applications and statistical resources from various governmental and non-governmental institutions.”    

Oil Prices Are Heading Towards New Gains

Economy |05/07/2024  Follow-up - Mawazine News   Oil prices were little changed in early Asian trading on Friday, but were on track for a fourth straight weekly gain and remained near their highest since late April on hopes of strong summer fuel demand and some supply concerns.

Brent crude futures, which have risen 7 percent over the past four weeks, were down 2 cents at $87.41 a barrel by 0143 GMT .

U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures, which have risen 9 percent over the past four weeks, were up 9 cents at $83.97, above Wednesday's settlement. The U.S. market was closed on Thursday for the Independence Day holiday.

Oil has been rising this week on expectations of higher summer demand in the United States, the world's largest oil consumer.

"Market sentiment has been supported this week by signs of increased transportation and escalating geopolitical tensions in the Middle East," analysts at ANZ Research said in a note on Friday.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported a massive 12.2 million barrel draw in inventories last week, compared with analysts’ expectations for a draw of 700,000 barrels.

On supplies, Reuters reported on Thursday that Russian oil producers Rosneft and Lukoil will sharply cut oil exports from the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk in July.

Meanwhile, Saudi Aramco cut the August price of its flagship Arab Light crude to Asia by $1.80 a barrel above the Oman/Dubai average, highlighting the pressure OPEC producers are facing as non-OPEC supplies grow.

Ports Announce The Completion Of The First Phase Of Networking By 100 Percent

Money  and business  Economy News - Baghdad

The consultant for the border crossings networking project, Ahmed Ezz El-Din, confirmed today, Friday, that the authority has made advanced progress in the electronic networking of the crossings, pointing out that the first phase of the networking has been completed.

Ezz El-Din said, "The first phase of the networking of the ports has been completed 100%, and all border ports have been connected with optical cable and the highest-spec infrastructure of network devices and servers has been established," stressing that "all devices are currently connected to the Border Ports Operations Center at the Ports Authority."

He added that "the network connection means that digital transformation and automation of systems will be available, and its implementation will be direct," noting that "the border crossings management program has been implemented and a live image has been transferred from sonar devices directly to the operations center."

He stated that "the port and the operations center were audited via live broadcast, which leads to combating corruption and reducing pressure on workers at the ports and monitoring the movement of trucks and goods from their entry to their exit."

95 views  07/05/2024 -

Slight Increase In Inflation Rate For Last May

Friday 05 July 2024 14:13 | Economic Number of readings: 227  Baghdad / NINA / The Ministry of Planning announced today, Friday, a slight increase in the inflation rate during the month of May, by (0.1%).

The official spokesman for the ministry, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said that "the General Authority for Statistics and Geographic Information Systems monitored this increase in the movement of prices in the Iraqi local markets in all governorates."

He explained that "the recorded increase rate came in comparison with the inflation rate recorded during the month of April that preceded the month of May," noting that "the annual inflation rate witnessed an increase of (3.4%) during the month of May compared to the same month of last year 2023." / End 5

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 Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don't work out. That's when I've really learned.  - Carol Burnett

Those things that hurt, instruct.  - Benjamin Franklin

Pain is the root of knowledge.  - Simone Weil

Life can be real tough ... you can either learn from your problems, or keep repeating them over and over.  - Marie Osmond

Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.  - Ralph Waldo Emerson,.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

World Turns its Back on the Collective West - News from the 24th SCO Summit

World Turns its Back on the Collective West - News from the 24th SCO Summit

Think BRICS:  7-5-2024

Discover how the world is shifting towards a multipolar world order, prioritizing regional cooperation and economic integration.

 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) emerges as a key Eurasian alliance driving this transformation. In this discussion with Clive Ettia and Anastasia of Think BRICS and Rhod Mackenzie of ‪@SCOBRICSInsight we delve into the SCO's significant impact on regional stability and global geopolitical dynamics, focusing on its member states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, and the new Belarus.

We explore the economic resilience fostered by the SCO amidst global challenges like fuel shortages and sanctions on Russia, and how alternative trade systems and financial innovations are being developed to counter Western economic pressures.

World Turns its Back on the Collective West - News from the 24th SCO Summit

Think BRICS:  7-5-2024

Discover how the world is shifting towards a multipolar world order, prioritizing regional cooperation and economic integration.

 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) emerges as a key Eurasian alliance driving this transformation. In this discussion with Clive Ettia and Anastasia of Think BRICS and Rhod Mackenzie of ‪@SCOBRICSInsight we delve into the SCO's significant impact on regional stability and global geopolitical dynamics, focusing on its member states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, and the new Belarus.

We explore the economic resilience fostered by the SCO amidst global challenges like fuel shortages and sanctions on Russia, and how alternative trade systems and financial innovations are being developed to counter Western economic pressures.

At the recent summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin underscored the SCO's role in shaping a more equitable international system.

 We examine the complex relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan, highlighting their strategic maneuvering within the SCO. Additionally, we discuss India's pioneering efforts to create an alternative to the SWIFT financial messaging system, promoting rupee trade settlements and enhancing economic sovereignty.

Join us as we analyze the SCO's proactive stance in global affairs, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering regional cooperation and economic integration.

 This video provides a comprehensive understanding of how the SCO is positioned as a cornerstone of stability and development in Eurasia and beyond.

While this video offers an in-depth analysis of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's (SCO) influence on regional cooperation, economic integration, and geopolitical tensions, it does not cover detailed individual profiles of the SCO member states or their internal political dynamics.

The focus is primarily on the collective actions and strategies of the SCO rather than specific national policies.

Additionally, this video does not delve into the historical formation of the SCO or its early years of development. For those interested in the origins and initial challenges of the SCO, further research and separate sources will be necessary.

By concentrating on the current and forward-looking aspects of the SCO's role in the multipolar world order, we aim to provide viewers with a clear and concise overview of its contemporary relevance and future potential.

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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Friday AM 7-5-24

Urgent| An Economic Expert Warns: We Are Close To The Moment The Dinar Collapses Against The Dollar

  July 4, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer   Economic expert Ziad Al-Hashemi warned, today, Thursday, of the collapse of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar in light of the presence of rising factors.

 Al-Hashemi said in a blog post on the (x) platform, followed by “Iraq Observer,” that

 “(dollar exchange rates) are on the threshold of 1,500 dinars and are likely to rise further, after the US Federal Reserve banned Iraqi remittances in Chinese yuan, due to suspicions of smuggling, money laundering, and financial fraud.”

Urgent| An Economic Expert Warns: We Are Close To The Moment The Dinar Collapses Against The Dollar

  July 4, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer   Economic expert Ziad Al-Hashemi warned, today, Thursday, of the collapse of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar in light of the presence of rising factors.

 Al-Hashemi said in a blog post on the (x) platform, followed by “Iraq Observer,” that

 “(dollar exchange rates) are on the threshold of 1,500 dinars and are likely to rise further, after the US Federal Reserve banned Iraqi remittances in Chinese yuan, due to suspicions of smuggling, money laundering, and financial fraud.”  

He added:   “It is expected that this ban will cause an increase in demand for the cash dollar within the parallel markets, and this may push the Iraqi Central Bank to return to implementing more stringent measures that will increase the state of anxiety and turmoil in the markets.” Al-Hashemi continued:

  “During this week, we witnessed the cessation of selling the dollar to travelers through approved banking companies and restricting it to sales outlets inside the airport only.

 This measure will cause more rapid demand for the dollar from the parallel market, especially with the start of the travel season.” He continued: “As I mentioned in previous attached tweets, the Iraqi Central Bank has not been able, more than 18 months after the exchange rate crisis, to dismantle and solve the exchange rate problem, as the factors of rising exchange rates are still effective and influential.”

He pointed out that   “what happened in the last period was merely a postponement of the moment of the collapse of the dinar against the dollar, by numbing the markets with an imaginary stability as a result of a huge sale of the dollar that could decline sharply with any decision from the Federal Reserve that turns the tables on the central bank’s actions, and this is what happened today.”عاجل-خبير-اقتصادي-يحذر-اقتربنا-من-لحظة/    

The Central Bank Urges Reporting Cases Of Corruption

 July 03, 2024     The Central Bank of Iraq encourages witnesses, experts, and whistleblowers to report cases of corruption, in accordance with Article (9/second) of the Law on the Protection of Witnesses, Experts, Informants, and Victims No. (58) of 2017 related to rewarding whistleblowers for corruption cases.

 This bank indicates that the informant is rewarded for reporting cases of corruption if it leads to their disclosure, within the basis and amount of the reward according to a system issued by the Council of Ministers.   Central Bank of Iraq   information Office   3 - July – 2024    

A Government Source Announces The Size Of The Debts Collected For The Trade Bank Of Iraq

 Economy    Yesterday, 20:59  Baghdad – IA   A government source announced today, Thursday, the volume of debts collected for the Trade Bank of Iraq.

 Speaking to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), the source said,  “Within the framework of the effort made by the government in the field of financial and administrative reform of the government banking sector, and based on the directives and continuous follow-up of the Prime Minister to restructure the due debts (government and private sector), which benefits the Iraqi Bank.”

 For TBI Trade, the following results were achieved during the last period of the government’s life:

1. The total debts collected and owed by the government sector, including the balances of the Kurdistan region, and paid to the Iraqi Trade Bank until 6/30/2024 amounted to approximately one trillion and 630 billion Iraqi dinars.  He added,

 "2. The total debts collected and owed by the private sector and paid to the Iraqi Trade Bank until 6/30/2024 amounted to approximately three hundred and forty-eight billion Iraqi dinars,

 3. The total amounts collected to the Ministry of Finance IRAQ2 account, which represent expired and canceled credit balances, It amounted to approximately fifty-three million dollars.  He continued,

 "Work is continuing to settle other debts in this area, in coordination with the entities issuing those credits."   

Nassif: “Capital” Circumvents Iraqi Law And Drains Iraqi Funds Through The Currency Auction

 Policy     2024-07-03 | 2,923 views   A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Representative Alia Nassif, revealed today, Wednesday, that the  Capital Bank is circumventing Iraqi law, while indicating that  it is draining Iraqi funds through the currency auction.  Nassif said in a tweet on "X", "Capital Bank agreed with the National Bank to circumvent Iraqi law by opening an account for Iraqi clients at Capital and then making investment transfers."

She added, "Huge sums are deposited in Iraqi dinars and then transferred and received in Amman in dollars as part of an organized operation to smuggle money into Jordan," indicating that  "Iraqi funds are being drained through the currency auction."نصيف-الكابيتال-يتحايل-على-القانون-العراقي-ويستنزف-الأموال-العراقية-بمز    

Stopping Dealing In Chinese Remittances, Whether Temporary Or Permanent.. Al-Kazemi Reveals The Details To Al-Sumaria

 Special Sumerian     2024-07-04 | 3,920 views Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Moeen Al-Kadhimi, revealed today, Wednesday, the  reason for stopping Chinese transfers in the “yuan” currency, while indicating that  the matter is temporary until investigation mechanisms are found.

Al-Kadhimi said in an exclusive interview with Al-Sumaria News that “China’s transfers in the yuan currency have been temporarily stopped Until audit mechanisms are found.”  Al-Kadhimi added, "During the past period, we have found significant manipulation of Chinese remittances."إيقاف-التعامل-بالحوالات-الصينية-مؤقت-ام-دائمي-الكاظمي-يكشف-لـ-السومرية


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Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

I have always grown from my problems and challenges, from the things that don't work out. That's when I've really learned.  - Carol Burnett

Those things that hurt, instruct.  - Benjamin Franklin

Pain is the root of knowledge.  - Simone Weil

Life can be real tough ... you can either learn from your problems, or keep repeating them over and over.  - Marie Osmond

Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economics Updates Thursday Evening 7-4-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

WHAT IS A TIER ONE BANK? "Banking regulations known as the Basel Accords require banks to have different types of capital on hand. These liquid and cash assets balance out the risk-weighted assets that banks hold. This increases banks' stability, which increases the stability of the overall financial system. " "Tier 1 capital is the primary funding source of the bank. Typically, it holds nearly all of the bank's accumulated funds. These funds are generated specifically to support banks when losses are absorbed so that regular business functions do not have to be shut down.  Under Basel III, the minimum tier 1 capital ratio is 10.5%."

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


"Banking regulations known as the Basel Accords require banks to have different types of capital on hand. These liquid and cash assets balance out the risk-weighted assets that banks hold. This increases banks' stability, which increases the stability of the overall financial system. "

"Tier 1 capital is the primary funding source of the bank. Typically, it holds nearly all of the bank's accumulated funds. These funds are generated specifically to support banks when losses are absorbed so that regular business functions do not have to be shut down.  Under Basel III, the minimum tier 1 capital ratio is 10.5%."

"What Do the Basel Accords Do?"

"The Basel Accords are international banking regulations that ensure banks have enough capital on hand both to meet their obligations and absorb any unexpected losses. They are set by the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS)."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:  Investopedia

Crypto Industry Is About to Boom, Is Outperforming the Internet: Architect Partners

The digital asset industry added more than $750 billion in value in the first half of the year, the report said.

—The cryptocurrency industry is starting a major growth phase, the report said.

—Architect Partners said the industry added more than $750 billion in value in the first half of the year.

—Crypto, the stepchild of the internet, is outperforming its predecessor at the same part of their respective life cycles, the advisory firm said.

The digital asset industry is beginning a major growth phase and is in a far better place than it was two years ago, investment bank Architect Partners said in a quarterly report published last week.

© Newshounds News™

Read More:  Coin Desk


"ISO 20022 is an ISO standard for electronic data interchange between financial institutions."

"Over the next four years, ISO will revolutionize the banking sector by improving efficiency, data quality and the ability for organizations to establish enhanced controls."

"Over 70 countries have already adopted ISO 20022 in their payment systems including Switzerland, China, India and Japan. SWIFT, which begins its own migration journey to ISO 20022 in November 2022, estimates 80% of global, high-value payments by volume will be processed through the standard by 2025."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:  The Global TreasurerWikipedia



"In its foundational documents, including summit declarations and joint communiqués, BRICS emphasizes key principles like respect for sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, and a commitment to a multipolar world. These documents typically revolve around topics such as trade, investment, technology, and sustainable development."

BRICS and XRPL: A Surprising Convergence
"Surprisingly, within the realm of these documents, a unique convergence with blockchain technology, particularly Ripple’s XRPL, becomes apparent. The mention of XRPL within BRICS documents reflects an acknowledgment of the potential of blockchain technology to reshape the global financial landscape. This recognition indicates that the member nations of BRICS perceive blockchain as a strategic enabler for enhancing financial systems, fostering transparency, and promoting efficient cross-border transactions."

"Ripple’s XRP Ledger (XRPL) stands out in the blockchain space due to its focus on facilitating real-time, cross-border transactions with minimal fees. Unlike traditional financial systems, which can be slow, costly, and subject to intermediaries, XRPL’s decentralized nature allows for seamless peer-to-peer transactions, enabling faster remittances and lower fees. So, the integration of XRPL technology could potentially streamline trade and investment between BRICS member states, promoting economic growth and collaboration."

© Newshounds News™

Read more:  All Coin Buzz


Vietnam's Digital Payments Landscape: A Look at the Emerging Trends

Vietnam's digital payment ecosystem is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by a tech-savvy population, government initiatives, and innovative financial solutions. Over the past decade, the country has seen a surge in digital payment adoption, making cashless transactions a way of life for millions of Vietnamese people.

Vietnam's digital payment revolution is marked by a shift away from cash transactions toward convenient, secure, and efficient digital payment methods. E-wallets, QR code payments, contactless cards, and innovative fintech solutions have played a pivotal role in reshaping the country's payments landscape.

Read more:  FinExtra


Japan Is on a Web 3.0 Hot Streak, and the World Should Take Notes

From its cultural heritage to cutting-edge technological advancements, Japan is where ancient customs and modern marvels converge.

The unique blend of tradition and innovation reflects Japan’s strategic positioning within crypto.

Putting regulatory clarity into practice

Despite crypto’s evolution from a speculative investment to an asset class contributing to a balanced portfolio, governments worldwide remain conflicted about how to regulate it.

While it’s not atypical for regulatory bodies to disagree on how to oversee financial instruments, the approach to crypto assets continues to be divisive.

India, for example, has no centralized authority handling crypto regulations and offers no guidelines for settling disputes when dealing with digital assets, leaving investors to trade at their own risk.

The absence of regulations allows unmonitored practices to flourish – and without appropriate safeguards, criminals can and do benefit from the lack of oversight, leaving law-abiding citizens to suffer.

Without laws, there are no legal ramifications, and crypto has magnified this issue before when people or organizations have gotten away with crimes due to legal shortcomings.

{{This is why putting the Regulations into place is so important.}}

Read more:  DailyHodl


Learn what you need to know before you invest in a virtual currency | Investopedia

☝An excellent article if you are new to crypto


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Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Thursday Afternoon 7-4-24

In An Economic Analysis.. Indicating The Most Prominent Reasons For The Variation In Dollar Prices In Iraq

Time: 2024/07/04 Read: 1,586 times {Economic: Al Furat News} The economic expert, Salah Nouri, indicated that the American embargo is one of the most prominent reasons for the variation in the dollar price in Iraq.

Nouri explained via {Al Furat News} that: "Another reason that affects the disparity between the parallel market price of the US dollar and the official exchange rate is the US ban on each of {Russia, Iran, Syria}."

In An Economic Analysis.. Indicating The Most Prominent Reasons For The Variation In Dollar Prices In Iraq

Time: 2024/07/04 Read: 1,586 times  {Economic: Al Furat News} The economic expert, Salah Nouri, indicated that the American embargo is one of the most prominent reasons for the variation in the dollar price in Iraq.

Nouri explained via {Al Furat News} that: "Another reason that affects the disparity between the parallel market price of the US dollar and the official exchange rate is the US ban on each of {Russia, Iran, Syria}."

Nouri added, "Therefore, goods and merchandise cannot be imported from them through financial transfers via the electronic payment system of the Central Bank of Iraq, but rather by obtaining the dollar from the parallel market, i.e. increasing demand for it."

Stability of the price

In addition, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed the stability of the dollar exchange rate against the dinar despite its significant rise today, reaching 1,500 dinars.

Salih told {Al Furat News} that the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq is based on the rule of international reserves, which is the highest in the history of Iraq and its monetary policy, as foreign currency covers more than 100% of the total currency currently issued.

In view of the strength of the official central exchange market, the exchange rate of the dollar to the dinar in the parallel market today in our country does not constitute any relative importance in influencing the stability of the general price level, which has become stable in its components and trends due to the influence of the official exchange rate factor currently dominating the financing of foreign trade (imports) amounting to 1320 dinars per dollar.

The selling prices in the field of exchange in the local markets with the closing of the main stock exchange in Baghdad today, Thursday, recorded 149,750 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase amounted to 147,750 dinars for 100 dollars.  LINK

Government Source Announces The Amount Of Debts Collected For The Benefit Of The Trade Bank Of Iraq

Trade Bank of Iraq  Banks  Economy News – Baghdad   A government source announced, on Thursday, the amount of debts collected on behalf of the Trade Bank of Iraq.

The source said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "within the framework of the government's efforts in the field of financial and administrative reform of the government banking sector, and based on the directives and continuous follow-up of the Prime Minister to restructure the due diwan (government and private sector) that benefit the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI),

the following results have been achieved during the past period of the government's life:

1. The total debts collected and owed by the government sector, including the balances of the Kurdistan Region and paid to the Trade Bank of Iraq until 6/30/2024, amounted to approximately one trillion and 630 billion Iraqi dinars."

He added, "2. The total debts collected and owed by the private sector and paid to the Trade Bank of Iraq until 6/30/2024 amounted to approximately three hundred and forty-eight billion Iraqi dinars. 3. The total amounts collected to the Ministry of Finance's account IRAQ2, which represent balances of expired and canceled credits, amounted to approximately fifty-three million dollars."

He added, "Work is ongoing to settle other debts in this area, in coordination with the entities issuing these credits."  76 views 07/04/2024 -

Al-Sudani: Iraq is witnessing the highest growth rate in the region

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani confirmed today, Thursday, that Iraq is witnessing the highest growth rate in the region.

The Prime Minister's media office stated in a statement received by "Al-Eqtisad News" that Al-Sudani "sponsored today, Thursday, the annual celebration of the National Job Day, which was held at the government palace in the capital, Baghdad, where 50 distinguished employees in various fields were honored, who were chosen by specialized committees; for their excellence in job performance."

Al-Sudani praised the "distinguished employees who worked hard and deserved distinction. This selection of male and female employees proves the strength of the Iraqi and the principles, confidence and positive energy he carries," stressing that "the martyr who sacrificed himself for Iraq and the Iraqis remains the first distinguished one."

He added, "We commend the initiative to honor distinguished employees, and appreciate the efforts of the relevant committee and everyone who contributed to this initiative, which confirms the ability of employees in the public sector, and negates the negative image of them, as it highlights the loyal, competent, productive and honest employee," noting that "there are other numbers of distinguished employees who perform their duties with dedication and high efficiency."

He pointed out that "the stories of distinguished employees are worthy of consideration and enhance confidence in government employees, especially since some of them were able to transform the difficult circumstances and challenges they are experiencing into success, distinction and dedication in the public service they provide to citizens,"

 indicating that "one of the people of determination achieved excellence over his colleagues in programming, as well as the insightful student in Shatra who excelled and overcame her health conditions, which is a case of creativity that we have the right to be proud of."

During the ceremony, Al-Sudani addressed the "pivotal and essential role of the public sector in building the country, and its undertaking of implementing the government's program and priorities, in addition to its importance in improving the country's situation in all fields, as Iraq is witnessing the highest growth rate in the region, and the government sector must perform its duties in this regard."

He stressed that "the government has, in less than two years, made significant progress in working and addressing challenges in all areas, as our country possesses natural and human resources, some of which have not been invested to this day."

105 views 07/04/2024 -

The Central Bank Explains The New Mechanism For Delivering Dollars To Travelers

Economy | 04/07/2024   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, today, Thursday, the new mechanism for travelers to receive foreign currency (dollars), which will be exclusively through company and bank outlets at international airports.

The bank confirmed in a statement that "the goal of the new mechanism, which will come into effect on July 14, is to deliver the dollar to the real traveler and pass sound transactions, in addition to facilitating travelers' access to the dollar more quickly."

The Central Bank reviewed the "new mechanism for travelers to receive their share of foreign currency (dollars) by the traveling citizen going to the authorized exchange companies, spread across all cities, to hand over the amount in dinars equivalent to the citizen's share of the dollar according to the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iraq."

He pointed out that "the company will work on entering the data of the traveling citizen and uploading his name on the electronic platform of the Central Bank of Iraq and handing him a receipt confirming the process of depositing the dinar, to receive the cash dollar inside the airport exclusively," indicating that "upon completing the departure procedures, the amount will be handed to him in dollars through the outlets available at the airport, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

The statement noted that "the Central Bank decided to allow exchange companies to receive more than one share during the week, in order to achieve full response to travelers' requests."

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

Adversity comes with instruction in its hand.  - Anonymous

Mistakes are often the best teachers.  - James A. Froude

Pain, indolence, sterility, endless ennui have also their lesson for you.  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and   strengthens it.  - William Hazlitt

Wisdom comes by disillusionment.  - George Santayana

You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something.  - George Bernard Shaw

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Willem Middelkoop: The Big Reset - How Power and Pricing is Shifting Away From the West

Willem Middelkoop: The Big Reset - How Power and Pricing is Shifting Away From the West

Palisades gold Radio:  7-3-2024

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Willem Middelkoop, author of 'The Big Reset,' to delve into his insights on the anticipated transformation of the international monetary system and its effects on global finance and investment strategies.

Published in 2007, 'The Big Reset' garnered considerable attention after the financial crisis in 2008 due to Middelkoop's beliefs regarding the impending collapse of the dollar system as a result of mounting debt and economic instability.

In this conversation, he reflects on how his viewpoint has progressed since 'The Big Reset's debut and the emergence of Bretton Woods 3.0 from the eastern world, as well as the shift towards commodity-based currencies.

Willem Middelkoop: The Big Reset - How Power and Pricing is Shifting Away From the West

Palisades gold Radio:  7-3-2024

Tom Bodrovics welcomes back Willem Middelkoop, author of 'The Big Reset,' to delve into his insights on the anticipated transformation of the international monetary system and its effects on global finance and investment strategies.

Published in 2007, 'The Big Reset' garnered considerable attention after the financial crisis in 2008 due to Middelkoop's beliefs regarding the impending collapse of the dollar system as a result of mounting debt and economic instability.

In this conversation, he reflects on how his viewpoint has progressed since 'The Big Reset's debut and the emergence of Bretton Woods 3.0 from the eastern world, as well as the shift towards commodity-based currencies.

Middelkoop highlights the importance of gold in the context of evolving reserve currencies and its function as a hedge against currency devaluation. He underscores the significance of comprehending the process rather than fixating on timing when anticipating these financial transitions.

Discussing potential alternatives to the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency, Middelkoop acknowledges China's expanding influence and burgeoning gold reserves. He asserts that the transition will unfold gradually with minimal impact on daily life for western residents but issues a warning of potential harm to Europe in the power struggle between the U.S. and China.

 Moreover, he voices concerns regarding economic and geopolitical risks, particularly escalating tensions among major world powers that could lead to significant military confrontations.

Middelkoop shares his investment portfolio strategy, dividing it equally among equities, real estate, liquid cash or Bitcoin, physical gold, and silver.

 He advocates for diversification and caution in response to the inflation of bond and equity valuations. Middelkoop believes that commodity-backed currencies and base metal producers present opportunities for underpriced investments. Middelkoop also addresses the difficulties faced by the silver mining industry due to jurisdictional risks, low silver prices, and a lack of incentives for exploration.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 - Introduction

0:45 - The OG Reset Book

 8:10 - Hindsight & Timing

13:05 - Pozsar & Dedollarization

17:47 - Gold Vs. Fiat History

20:45 - A New Gold Standard?

 23:30 - Global Debasement

29:38 - Dollar Replacements?

33:15 - BRICS 'Trade' Currency

36:39 - Hegemony & Conflict Risks

44:02 - Dollar Weaponization

46:08 - Silver & Physical Deficits

48:44 - Central Banks & Silver

 53:36 - No New Silver Finds??

56:45 - Jurisdictional Risks

 1:00:07 - Portfolio Weighting

 1:03:09 - Signposts Ahead?

 1:05:33 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode

- Middelkoop emphasizes gold as a hedge against currency devaluation in the context of evolving reserve currencies.

- He highlights China's expanding influence and growing gold reserves as potential alternatives to the US dollar.

 - Middelkoop advocates for diversification in investment portfolio, including commodity-backed currencies and underpriced base metal producers.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Thursday 7-4-2024


Tishwash:  Iraq is “crowded” with all kinds of holidays: Businesses are halted and employees “are not compensated” for
official working hours

Hardly a week goes by in Iraq without one of its days being a holiday, paralyzing Iraqis and making some of them “happy” and others “grumpy,” especially with the cessation of work in official departments.

 According to the reading of specialists and researchers, Iraq is the country that witnesses the most disruption in official working hours. If the federal government does not declare a holiday, it authorizes the governorates and districts to make the day they want an official holiday.

 The official holidays in Iraq for the year 2024 are as follows:


Tishwash:  Iraq is “crowded” with all kinds of holidays: Businesses are halted and employees “are not compensated” for official working hours

Hardly a week goes by in Iraq without one of its days being a holiday, paralyzing Iraqis and making some of them “happy” and others “grumpy,” especially with the cessation of work in official departments.

 According to the reading of specialists and researchers, Iraq is the country that witnesses the most disruption in official working hours. If the federal government does not declare a holiday, it authorizes the governorates and districts to make the day they want an official holiday.

 The official holidays in Iraq for the year 2024 are as follows:

January 1, New Year's Day

January 6, Iraqi Army Day

April 10th for three days, Eid al-Fitr

May 1, Labor Day

June 16-20, Eid al-Adha

June 26, Eid al-Ghadir

According to expectations, the Islamic New Year will fall on July 7.

July 14, Revolution 14 (public holiday)

According to expectations, July 16 will be the tenth of Muharram (an official holiday), and the birth of the Prophet Muhammad will be on September 15.

October 3, Iraqi National Day

December 10, Iraqi Victory Day.

All of these holidays are official, and are specified by an official law voted on by Parliament on May 22, 2024, for Iraqis to enjoy, excluding the weekend, which is designated as (Friday and Saturday).

Earlier, economic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi said:

*Year = 48 weeks

*Total official holidays per year (Friday and Saturday) = 96 days

*Total official occasions in the year = 22 days

*Total number of official holidays per year = 118 days.

According to Al-Marshoumi, these holidays “are added to religious occasions and emergency holidays such as rain and high temperatures announced by the central government and local governments, which are estimated at about 22 days a year, the highest in the world, while there are 8 official holidays in England and Wales, which is considered one of the fewest number of holidays in the world.”

He continued: “The total number of official and unofficial holidays is 140 days, and the total number of annual working days is 225 days,” noting that “the total number of employees’ salaries, including self-financing and contracts, is 70 trillion dinars.”

Al-Marsoumi pointed out that “the average daily salary is 192 billion dinars, which represents the daily loss from the disruption of work, while the total financial losses from unofficial holidays, except for Friday and Saturday, may amount to 4.224 trillion dinars, and the total financial losses from official and unofficial holidays, except for Friday and Saturday, amount to 8.448 trillion dinars.”

Most Iraqi cities and districts contain shrines for the masters and infallibles, and if the anniversary of one of their martyrdoms falls, the governorate declares an official holiday that includes all its departments, or it is designated in a specific district or district, as happened with the Babylon Governorate Council.

The council said in a statement today, Wednesday, that it had “voted to suspend official work in Al-Hamza Al-Gharbi only for tomorrow, Thursday, on the occasion of the martyrdom of the grandson of Al-Abbas, peace be upon him.”

Unlike Al-Marsoumi, economic expert Dhurgham Muhammad Ali does not see any losses incurred by Iraq due to official holidays, while he pointed out the existence of “benefits.”

Ali said in an interview with “Eshan”: “Official holidays in Iraq do not constitute major losses for government departments because most government departments are service-oriented, not productive.”

He explained that “the increase in official holidays leads to a reduction in electricity consumption, traffic congestion and fuel. On the other hand, there are no major economic losses resulting from the holiday because the departments are only service departments, and most of the departments that are in contact with citizens’ lives, such as health, emergency services and others, continue their work.”

He pointed out that "the economic losses come only from the fact that the number of working hours for employees is less for the same salaries, and this is not considered a direct loss." link


Tishwash: Carrying the Kurds' "dreams"... Barzani in Baghdad

 The office of the President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, announced that the party leader will visit Baghdad today, Wednesday (July 3, 2024), to hold a series of meetings with Iraqi officials and political leaders.

Barzani's office said in a statement received by Baghdad Today, "The party's leader will visit Baghdad today to hold a series of meetings with political parties and political leaders."

He added, "The budget, the formation of the local government in Kirkuk, the Sinjar issue, and the election of the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament will be among the main topics in his meetings."

According to local reports and Kurdish sources, the visit was described as not to discuss pending files, but rather as a final culmination of the end of all technical and legal discussions on all current files, at least those related to salaries and political crises, while the major files related to the oil and gas law and the file of resuming the export of the region’s oil, which has become a vicious circle between Baghdad and foreign companies operating in the region, continue.

Barzani's visit also coincides with the Turkish incursion and ground operations it is carrying out in northern Dohuk within the Kurdistan Region, while these operations came in accordance with a prior agreement between Baghdad and Ankara during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad  link


CandyKisses:  Al-Gizani: Barzani’s visit is the culmination of a positive movement between Baghdad and Erbil

{Politics:Euphrates News} A member of the General Assembly of the Hikma Movement, Sami Gizani, promised the visit of the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, "coronation" of a positive movement between Baghdad and Erbil.

Al-Jizani, during his hosting of the program {Free Word} broadcast by the Euphrates satellite channel this evening, said:

- Barzani's visit came to consolidate relations and the state of clarity and transparency is present in Baghdad and is the culmination of a positive movement between Baghdad and Erbil.
- Baghdad remains the sponsor, and the country can for everyone under the constitution and laws to regulate the relationship with Erbil.

-The Sudanese government of Mohammed Shia has 3 elements of a force and is {a parliamentary arm, a coalition of state administration, and the personality of the prime minister}.

- Personal desires weaken the building of the homeland, and there are parties working to make crises and harmony and peace do not benefit them, and we need to make ranks and it is in Iraq's interest that Baghdad and Erbil are strong.

- Iraq emerged from a major crisis after the victory over the terrorist ISIS, and the sounds of starrel are working to create a repelling environment for the meeting, politics and the economy, and today we need a national voice that represents all Iraqis and the coalition of the state administration is a successful model of Iraqi unity.

- The size of the problems during the many 20 decades between Baghdad and Erbil and there are parties in the region talking about issues contrary to the constitution. We believe that the Constitution and the decisions of the Federal Court are enough to solve all crises. Therefore, there is a desire on the parties to whistle them and the conviction that dialogue is the only way to solve the problems.

- Dialogue is a health condition and the political player has every strength in dismantling the scene and Barzani's visit to the coordination framework and the state administration reflects the state of maturity in the political scene.

- The personal contract affected the political scene between Baghdad and Erbil, and the dialogue will end the crises, and internal stability will block the way for foreign interference in Iraqi affairs.

- The exit of the international coalition forces from the country must be an Iraqi non-political decision, and the localization of salaries for the region's employees is a force for Baghdad and Erbil.

The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, arrived today, Wednesday, in the capital Baghdad on an official visit, where Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, who in turn confirmed that he has come an important way in building trust between the federal governments and the region, while Barzani pointed out that the Sudanese is leading the state with intentions that have reached everyone to this comfortable situation.

It is noteworthy that after a break that lasted about 6 years, the President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, visits Baghdad, in a sign of the positivity of the current relations between the Kurdistan region and the federal government.


Mot: Red Skelton - Two Highway Patrolmen & Two Texans & Frogs.............

Mot: Listen To Lee Greenwood’s New Rendition of ‘God Bless the U.S.A.’ ...................

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Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Thursday AM 7-4-24

"Short-Term".. Al-Sudani's Advisor Explains The Reasons For The Continued Rise In The Exchange Rate

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, revealed the reason for the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate in local markets, while stressing that this rise is short-term and does not constitute any relative importance in affecting the stability of the general price level.

Saleh said in an interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", "Despite the fluctuations in the parallel or irregular exchange market, whose short-term fluctuations are the result of noise from colored or confusing information originating from international or regional circumstances, or the issuance of some regulatory instructions adapted to foreign currency, which some speculators are trying to exploit to generate a trend of fateful profits in the exchange market, it can be said that the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq is still based on a strong foundation consisting of the country's international reserves." *

Noting that "it is the highest in Iraq's history through the management of its foreign reserves, resulting from a surplus in the current account of the balance of payments at a significant rate that may reach (positive 7% of the country's gross domestic product)." He indicated that "foreign currency covers a percentage of more than 130% of the total currency currently issued into circulation."

"Short-Term".. Al-Sudani's Advisor Explains The Reasons For The Continued Rise In The Exchange Rate

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, revealed the reason for the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate in local markets, while stressing that this rise is short-term and does not constitute any relative importance in affecting the stability of the general price level.

Saleh said in an interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", "Despite the fluctuations in the parallel or irregular exchange market, whose short-term fluctuations are the result of noise from colored or confusing information originating from international or regional circumstances, or the issuance of some regulatory instructions adapted to foreign currency, which some speculators are trying to exploit to generate a trend of fateful profits in the exchange market, it can be said that the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq is still based on a strong foundation consisting of the country's international reserves." *

Noting that "it is the highest in Iraq's history through the management of its foreign reserves, resulting from a surplus in the current account of the balance of payments at a significant rate that may reach (positive 7% of the country's gross domestic product)." He indicated that "foreign currency covers a percentage of more than 130% of the total currency currently issued into circulation."

Saleh added, "In light of the strength of the official central exchange rate and its role in financing nearly 90% of the private sector's foreign transfer transactions, excluding the government sector, the dollar-to-dinar exchange rate in the parallel market does not constitute any relative importance in its fluctuations in influencing the stability of the general price level, which has become static in its components and trends due to the influence of the official exchange rate factor currently dominating the financing of foreign trade (imports), amounting to 1320 dinars per dollar."

 He stressed that "this lack of influence is embodied in the state of stability of the relative prices of goods and services to a large extent, as the average annual inflation in our country does not exceed 3%."

He continued, "Based on the above, and in light of the strength of the foreign reserves supporting the Iraqi dinar, the value of which as liquid foreign assets exceeds $100 billion, the official exchange market, as a general trend, will remain dominant in containing any colored noise or ambiguous information that affects the parallel exchange market in short periods, due to urgent international or regional political events here and there, or in adapting some of the instructions regulating the monetary market, as we noted above."

He added, "After the decline of the dollarization phenomenon in domestic transactions, especially in contracts, obligations and payments within the country since last year and its legal prohibition, the parallel exchange market has become such that its general effects today only form a narrow economic scope of prohibited transactions practiced by informal markets, and at a rate of 10% of the total supply and demand transactions for the currency."

He stressed that "the stability of the dinar to dollar exchange rate that the country is witnessing even in the secondary markets above is a real and solid stability, and is derived from the strength of the impact of the price and quantity factors of the monetary and financial policies and their integration in imposing overall price stability in the country, and containing inflationary expectations that were caused by the parallel exchange market forces during the past years."

 He added in his speech that "the irregular secondary market, due to the freedom of external transfer, falls under the influence of the official exchange market rate, whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing with the fixed official exchange rate."134 views  07/04/2024

An Economist Explains The Reasons For The Dollar’s ​​Rise And Sets A Condition For Its Decline - Urgent

Economy |Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Financial expert Alaa Jaloub Al-Fahd revealed, today, Thursday (July 4, 2024), the reason for the rise in the dollar price again in the parallel market.

Al-Fahd said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is witnessing an increase, decrease and fluctuations as a result of the Central Bank of Iraq taking new measures regarding selling the currency to travelers and delivering the amounts exclusively from the airport," indicating that "there are also those who are trying to raise concerns with any new measures taken by the Central Bank for the benefit of some speculators."

He explained that "the Central Bank of Iraq has announced more than once that it will continue to sell the currency and cover all needs, whether for import or travel, and there are no concerns," adding, "But there are those who are trying to spread some negative concerns for the sake of profit."

He added that "the Central Bank of Iraq controls all monetary policy measures and the financial situation is reassuring," expecting that "the dollar exchange rate will decrease in the parallel market if all transactions are restricted to the electronic platform of the Central Bank of Iraq."

The exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar witnessed a noticeable increase during the past few days, as the selling price reached 150 thousand for every 100 dollars.  LINK

Al-Sudani's Financial Advisor Reveals The Reason For The Continued Rise Of The Dollar And Confirms: Short-Term

Posted On 2024-07-04 By Sotaliraq  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, revealed on Wednesday the reason for the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate in local markets, while stressing that this rise is short-term and does not constitute any relative importance in affecting the stability of the general price level.

Saleh said that “despite the fluctuations in the parallel or irregular exchange market, whose short-term fluctuations are the result of noise from colored or confusing information originating from international or regional circumstances, or the issuance of some regulatory instructions adapted to foreign currency, which some speculators are trying to exploit to generate a trend of fateful profits in the exchange market, it can be said that the fixed exchange rate system in Iraq is still based on a strong foundation consisting of the country’s international reserves.”

Noting that “it is the highest in Iraq’s history through the management of its foreign reserves, resulting from a surplus in the current account of the balance of payments at a significant rate that may reach (positive 7% of the country’s gross domestic product).” Indicating that “foreign currency covers a percentage of more than 130% of the total currency currently in circulation.”

Saleh added, “Given the strength of the official central exchange rate and its role in financing nearly 90% of the private sector’s foreign transfer transactions, excluding the government sector, the dollar-to-dinar exchange rate in the parallel market does not represent any relative importance in its fluctuations in influencing the stability of the general price level, which has become static in its components and trends due to the influence of the official exchange rate factor currently dominating the financing of foreign trade (imports), amounting to 1,320 dinars per dollar.”

 He stressed that “this lack of influence is embodied in the state of relative stability of prices of goods and services to a large extent, as the average annual inflation in our country does not exceed 3%.”

He continued, “Based on the above, and in light of the strength of the foreign reserves supporting the Iraqi dinar, the value of which as liquid foreign assets exceeds $100 billion, the official exchange market, as a general trend, will remain dominant in containing any colored noise or ambiguous information that affects the parallel exchange market in short periods, due to urgent international or regional political events here and there, or in adapting some of the instructions regulating the monetary market, as we noted above.”

He added, "After the decline of the dollarization phenomenon in domestic transactions, especially in contracts, obligations and payments within the country since last year and its legal prohibition, the parallel exchange market has become such that its general effects today only form a narrow economic scope of prohibited transactions practiced by informal markets, and at a rate of 10% of the total supply and demand transactions for the currency."

He stressed that “the stability of the dinar to dollar exchange rate that the country is witnessing even in the secondary markets above is a real and solid stability, and is derived from the strength of the impact of the price and quantity factors of the monetary and financial policies and their integration in imposing overall price stability in the country, and containing inflationary expectations that were caused by the parallel exchange market forces during the past years.”

He added in his statement that “the irregular secondary market, due to the freedom of external transfer, falls under the influence of the official exchange market rate, whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing at the fixed official exchange rate.”

The dollar price recorded a rise today, Wednesday, with the closing of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, reaching 149,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, as the price recorded this morning 148,500 dinars.   LINK


Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

By becoming more unhappy, we sometimes learn how to be less so.  - Madame Swetchine

Every experience, however bitter, has its lesson, and to focus one's attention on the lesson helps one overcome the bitterness.  - Edward Howard Griggs

A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.  - Edgar Watson Howe

It is from the level of calamities ... that we learn impressive and useful lessons.  - William Makepeace Thackeray

When I have listened to my mistakes, I have grown.  - Hugh Prather

We only think when we are confronted with a problem.  - John Dewey

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