Thank you to all the subscribers to our Early Access program…we thank you for your continued support.

We are excited to offer this new service to keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest Dinar and currency news.

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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday AM 6-18-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday AM 6-18-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Washington, D.C. — Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Rostin Behnam today announced the Commission will hold an open meeting on Monday, June 24 at 9:30 a.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

Members of the public can attend the meeting in person, listen by phone, or view a live stream at

The Commission will consider the following: Final capital and financial reporting comparability determinations and orders for certain nonbank swap dealers domiciled in Japan, Mexico, the European Union (limited to France and Germany), and the United Kingdom

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday AM 6-18-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Washington, D.C. — Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Rostin Behnam today announced the Commission will hold an open meeting on Monday, June 24 at 9:30 a.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

Members of the public can attend the meeting in person, listen by phone, or view a live stream at

The Commission will consider the following:

Final capital and financial reporting comparability determinations and orders for certain nonbank swap dealers domiciled in Japan, Mexico, the European Union (limited to France and Germany), and the United Kingdom

Applications of ForecastEx LLC for Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization and a Designated Contract Market   CFTC    Live Stream


Stellar: Blackrock and Franklin Templeton Fuel Tokenized Treasury Crypto News Flash


JUST IN: Cryptocurrency Earthquake at SEC - Head of Crypto Unit Resigns - Bitcoin Sistemi | Bitcoin Sistemi


June 17, 2024 Goldilocks' Daily Breakdown Podcast Link


Mastercard Collaborates with Thought Machine to Modernize Banking | Finance Magnates


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“Tidbits From TNT Tuesday 6-18-2024


Tishwash: Basra's wish: The stability of the governorate makes it an attractive city for international companies

The security committee in the Basra Governorate Council confirmed the stability of the security situation in the governorate.

Committee member Ali Talib told Al-Furat News Agency, "The security situation in Basra has had a positive impact on its status, as it has become one of the cities that attracts diplomats and ambassadors, in addition to the presence of major international oil companies in the province, and they are now working in Rumaila."

He added, "The security situation is very good in the governorate and allows all companies to work and invest in it."  link


Tishwash: Basra's wish: The stability of the governorate makes it an attractive city for international companies

The security committee in the Basra Governorate Council confirmed the stability of the security situation in the governorate.

Committee member Ali Talib told Al-Furat News Agency, "The security situation in Basra has had a positive impact on its status, as it has become one of the cities that attracts diplomats and ambassadors, in addition to the presence of major international oil companies in the province, and they are now working in Rumaila."

He added, "The security situation is very good in the governorate and allows all companies to work and invest in it."  link


Tishwash:  Iraq is the first Arab country in developing oil pipelines

Iraq ranked first, as the most developed Arab country for oil pipelines, according to data issued by the specialized Global Energy Monitor platform, until May 2024.

The Arabian Gulf is among the most important regions witnessing oil pipeline construction projects globally, in light of the leadership role it plays in the global market and its possession of huge crude reserves.

Iraq topped the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines, and the oil pipeline projects - proposed and under construction - reach 3.83 thousand kilometers, divided between 75 kilometers under construction and 3.756 thousand kilometers proposed.

The marine export pipeline project, with an investment cost of $416.9 million, is scheduled to be implemented during the years 2024 and 2025, and will be implemented by the Dutch company Royal Boskalis.

This comes as the country implements plans to increase its oil production to 8 million barrels per day by 2027, contributing to Iraq topping the list of the most developed Arab countries for oil pipelines.

It is noteworthy that Iraq has about 15 lines for transporting oil, with a length of 2.09 thousand miles, and 10 lines with a length of 1.53 thousand miles for transporting petroleum derivatives, according to data issued by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). link


CandyKisses:  Shameless and unacceptable statements... Al-Sahhaf calls for restraining the American ambassador

Information / Baghdad.

The spokesman for the popular legal movement, Mohammed Al-Sahaf, on Tuesday, rejected the US trusteeship over Iraq, calling on the government to rein in the new US ambassador Tracy Jacobson.

Al-Sahhaf said in a statement to the Information Agency that "the new US Ambassador Tracy Jacobson's provocative statements have floated a set of UN resolutions."

He added that "the intervention of the new Washington ambassador to Baghdad is negative and reprehensible and a clear interference in the affairs of a sovereign state," noting that "the Iraqi people reject the American trusteeship of Iraq."

"The US ambassador's statements are rude and unacceptable, and it is not the Iraqi people who are subject to US tutelage," he said.


Tishwash: Parliamentary Legal: Representatives enjoy vacation and there is no emergency session

 The head of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives, Rebwar Hadi, confirmed today, Monday (June 17, 2024), that there will be no emergency session to elect a Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Hadi told "Baghdad Today", "Members of Parliament are now enjoying the legislative recess, and there is no talk of an emergency session regarding the election of a Speaker of Parliament."

He added, "The issue of choosing a speaker for parliament requires political consensus, and there is no consensus yet regarding choosing the president."

It is noteworthy that the position of presidency of the House of Representatives has been vacant for more than 7 months, with the House failing more than once to elect a president due to the lack of consensus among the Sunni forces in electing one of the candidates.

In the latest developments in the file, the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mukhtar Al-Moussawi, confirmed on (June 9, 2024) the existence of a political consensus to resolve the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives after the Eid Al-Adha holiday.

Al-Moussawi told "Baghdad Today", "There is a political consensus to resolve the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives after the Eid al-Adha holiday, and there is no intention to keep Mohsen al-Mandalawi on the part of any party in the coordination framework."  link


Mot: Solar and Wind together - Who Could Ask fer More!!!!  

Mot: .... how bout sum -- International Potholes

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 6-18-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 June 2024

Compiled Tues. 18 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Iraqi PM Sudani has announced on Iraqi TV that before the end of the holiday, which was this Wed. 19 June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate, access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations.

That much awaited for announcement of an Iraqi Dinar revaluation was the kingpin of the Global Currency Reset for 209 Sovereign nations of the World’s currencies to go gold/asset-backed.

Such would essentially dissolve the privately-owned-by-Cabal Banker’s Federal Reserve and IRS, plus officially bury their fiat US Dollar. The fiat US Dollar was said set to be revalued downward on Sun. 23 June 2024 – and cause a major Global Financial Crisis.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 June 2024

Compiled Tues. 18 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Iraqi PM Sudani has announced on Iraqi TV that before the end of the holiday, which was this Wed. 19 June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate, access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations.

That much awaited for announcement of an Iraqi Dinar revaluation was the kingpin of the Global Currency Reset for 209 Sovereign nations of the World’s currencies to go gold/asset-backed.

Such would essentially dissolve the privately-owned-by-Cabal Banker’s Federal Reserve and IRS, plus officially bury their fiat US Dollar. The fiat US Dollar was said set to be revalued downward on Sun. 23 June 2024 – and cause a major Global Financial Crisis.


Global Currency Reset: (Rumors?Opinions)

Mon. 17 June 2024 TNT: “This is going to be a life changing week.”

The “electronic issue” spoken of during Friday’s call was completed. It was an international transaction that had to happen, for us to proceed to this point.

Over the weekend the old ATM’s in Iraq were emptied out by the CBI, replaced with new machines, and loaded with the new, lower denominations.

On Mon. 17 June 2024 Sudani announced on Iraqi TV that before the end of the holiday, which is Wed. 19 June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate and access to the new ATM’s and the lower denominations.

Bank appointments are expected to be set for 30 minutes.

The current Dinar rate is showing at $4.49 during the call. Tony’s Iraqi contact stated it should be between $4.50-4.60, by the time that it goes. Tony’s US bank contacts expect it to be between $4.50-4.65.

Bank staff is expecting it at any time now, because of the successful international transaction that occurred over the weekend.


Mon. 17 June 2024 Wolverine: “It’s definitely happening, Guys. Bond Holders are getting paid. The Pentecostal Group is supposed to be paid. It’s a big process, millions of people. It started to roll out in June, will go through July and be finished by mid August.”

Mon. 17 June 2024 MarkZ: “I’m getting information on some really weird things that are going on. People with good credit and good incomes are having their loans not approved. One banker said that the US Dollar was going to devalue on Sun. 23 June.  I’m getting from many sources in Reno that Sat. 15 June 2024 evening they released 1% to Bond Holders. That should kick off a cascade event.”

Sun. 16 June 2024 Banker: “Lots more info being shared about bond holders being liquid, will keep you folks in the loop.”

Mon. 17 June 2024: Quantum Financial System and the Tier 4B Internet Group – Dive Deep Into the World of Currency Revaluation, Redemption Centres, and NESARA GESARA Payments – American Media Group (


Global Financial Crisis:

Here is the list of countries that were set to join BRICS. The BRICS Summit is October 2024: Africa; Algeria; Morocco; Nigeria; Chad; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Senegal; Zimbabwe; South Sudan; Asia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bahrain; Indonesia; Kazakhstan; Kuwait; Palestine; Pakistan; Syria; Thailand; Vietnam; Sri Lanka; Türkiye; Latin America: Bolivia; Venezuela; Honduras.

Moscow stock exchange (MOEX) suspends all trading in dollars, euros as global shift away from western currencies accelerates:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  They put these ATM machines out in order to put out the lower notes...These ATM machines will teach the citizens about the lower denoms and it will teach the bank employees about this as well too...There's going to be a stampede of people that will be rushing into the Iraqi dinars...These ATM machines are now being impregnated...

Mnt Goat   ...the economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, proposed an “unusual” idea to establish a sovereign wealth fund. ...Unlike the CBI reserves that are mandated by the IMF to cover the government expenses in time of emergencies, the SWF is more flexible and gives an additional pad of money for stability and security. This fund will also cut down the reliance  on oil revenue and help them move more quickly out of the rentier economy.  WOW!


No need for cash iqd iraq banking system

Nader:  6-17-2024

BREAKING NEWS - OPEC Power Alliance in Trouble?

Edu Matrix:  6-18-2024

BREAKING NEWS - OPEC Power Alliance in Trouble? This is urgent news surrounding Iraq, OPEC, Saudi Arbia, the UAE and global oil prices.


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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 6-17-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 6-17-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

The stock market has finally reached a topping phase. Look for the markets to begin leveling out and retracting at any moment.

Long-term fundamentals indicate that we are heading into a reset zone. These zones do not happen overnight and can sometimes take months to complete their cycles.

Even though most stock assets have turned towards a downward trend, the tech stocks in NASDAQ are holding many of the indexes up at the moment.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 6-17-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

The stock market has finally reached a topping phase. Look for the markets to begin leveling out and retracting at any moment.

Long-term fundamentals indicate that we are heading into a reset zone. These zones do not happen overnight and can sometimes take months to complete their cycles.

Even though most stock assets have turned towards a downward trend, the tech stocks in NASDAQ are holding many of the indexes up at the moment.

Many tech stocks are currently overvalued, so it is important that we watch this sector of the market as well closely.

We are currently in a tech bubble, but all bubbles do burst. The only thing keeping this Market from going to its real values lies in the fact that the government keeps pumping it with money.

Even if money does continue to be placed into the system to hold it up, I want you to know that we are heading into a movement that will take us into real values behind the scenes.

© Goldilocks


E140: What Really Happens to Infinite Banking if the Dollar Collapses or Hyperinflation |  Living

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article



"XRP Officially Decouples From Bitcoin"

In financial markets, decoupling happens when the returns of one asset class moves in a different direction from their expected or normal pattern of correlations with other assets.

The days of XRP and Bitcoin rising and falling together appears to be taking new paths. Perhaps, Ripple is about to leave the nest.

Is XRP developing a life of its own based on its support levels or financial support systems giving it life?

Maybe, just maybe, we have a new leader of the pack. Ripple appears to be ready to "run with the wolves."   Trading View

© Goldilocks


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More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 6-17-2024


Tishwash:  What are the consequences of Saudi Arabia’s decision on the global economy?

Professor of Economics at Al-Maqal University, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, revealed the implications of Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the economic agreement with the United States of America.

Al-Marsoumi stated in a blog post followed by “Al-Eqtisad News” that “Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the economic agreement, known as the ‘Petro-Dollar’ agreement, which was signed with the United States in 1974 for a period of 50 years and related to pricing oil in dollars, would encourage other oil-producing countries to sell oil.” In currencies other than the dollar.

He added, “It is expected that this decision, if actually implemented, will weaken confidence in the dollar globally, decrease its value, raise interest rates, increase inflation levels, and weaken the US bond market.”  link


Tishwash:  What are the consequences of Saudi Arabia’s decision on the global economy?

Professor of Economics at Al-Maqal University, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, revealed the implications of Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the economic agreement with the United States of America.

Al-Marsoumi stated in a blog post followed by “Al-Eqtisad News” that “Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the economic agreement, known as the ‘Petro-Dollar’ agreement, which was signed with the United States in 1974 for a period of 50 years and related to pricing oil in dollars, would encourage other oil-producing countries to sell oil.” In currencies other than the dollar.

He added, “It is expected that this decision, if actually implemented, will weaken confidence in the dollar globally, decrease its value, raise interest rates, increase inflation levels, and weaken the US bond market.”  link


Tishwash:  Advisor to the Prime Minister: Iraq is safe from any international financial risks

Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq ranked distinguished among international groups that follow the best banking compliance systems, which makes it safe from any international financial risks, indicating that the international community also praised the solidity of the financial and banking system. .

Saleh told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Cash issuance mechanisms are one of the exclusive powers of the Central Bank of Iraq as it is the issuing bank based on its Law No. 56 of 2004,” indicating that “what is published here and there about problems with cash liquidity is far from the institutional basis.”

 The well-established monetary authority in Iraq, which is one of the most important authorities concerned with the issues of the availability of cash liquidity and the stability of the payments system, which contributes to the sustainability of the stability of transactions in the national economy.

He added, "Managing cash liquidity, building the monetary foundation, and controlling liquidity levels in the country are subject to the principle of a long-term plan that is consistent with achieving the operational objectives of monetary policy in order to achieve the intermediate goals of stability and sustainable economic growth and determine the stability of long-term cash flows."

He stated that "Iraq occupies a distinguished rank among the international financial groups that follow the best international banking compliance systems, which makes our country safe from any international financial risks," pointing out that "Iraq is a cornerstone of regional and international financial cooperation institutions in the scope of combating money laundering and money laundering crimes." Crime and terrorism."

He stated that "Iraq recently received clear, positive praise for its strong anti-money laundering policies at the Financial Action Organization conference for the Middle East and North Africa region, which was held in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and it is a testimony from the international financial community that confirms the solidity of the financial and banking system in Iraq with the principles of compliance and the integrity of financial and banking operations." . link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  The ATM machines IMO are being loaded up.  IMO we have some US military forces protecting these ATM machines that are being loaded with he lower denomination notes that will reflect a new exchange rate...They are distributing them all over.  Banks are assigned to fill them up with lower notes.  I don't know if they're doing it now or if they have done it or they're in the process of doing it.  That's the phase I believe these ATM machines are in right now.

Walkingstick  When they load or if they have loaded them up [new ATMs], the note count has already been determined.  The note count for each individual machine has already been accounted for...These machines will be the state of the art...State of the art has nothing to do with a program rate.  If it was they would have had the state-or-the-art with the program rate for the last 20 years...The CBI is desperately trying to put out the least amount of currency at the onset before they release the new exchange rate.  Because once they do this, if needed, they will be able to add to this note count as the value is needed.


BREAKING: 97 Countries To Attend BRICS 2024 In Russia *How You Can Invest NOW*

Ashley in Africa:  6-15-2024

De-dollarization: 27 Countries Ditch US dollar

Fastpo:  6-17-2024

Countries and regional groups are increasingly diversifying away from the US dollar in trade transactions.

This trend, known as de-dollarization, aims to reduce dependency on a single currency and promote economic stability by utilizing a mix of currencies.

By embracing their own monetary units more prominently, nations seek to lower geopolitical risks and bolster local economies.

This evolving landscape is reshaping global trade and finance dynamics and has the potential to alter the significance of the US dollar in the global economy.

In this video, we delve into the recent shifts by various countries towards reducing their reliance on the US dollar in international transactions.

We explore the motivations behind these decisions and provide insights into their economic strategies.

 Furthermore, we analyze the de-dollarization initiatives within the BRICS+ bloc, focusing on the substantial measures these nations have implemented to broaden the scope of currencies used in global trade.


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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-17-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-17-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

EBA Announcement:

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched their comprehensive technical standards. This is for their Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulations, and it has been completed ahead of the July deadline.

These guidelines will provide financial and technical safety in the Web3 sector within the European Union (EU).  

Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet built on blockchain technology. It will take our banking system into a Decentralized Financial System that is an open bank data system allowing for third-party connections and much safer to use. It gives the user more control over their finances.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-17-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

EBA Announcement:

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched their comprehensive technical standards. This is for their Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulations, and it has been completed ahead of the July deadline.

These guidelines will provide financial and technical safety in the Web3 sector within the European Union (EU).  

Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet built on blockchain technology. It will take our banking system into a Decentralized Financial System that is an open bank data system allowing for third-party connections and much safer to use. It gives the user more control over their finances.

These new published standards will serve as guidelines going forward in the following areas:
* liquidity requirements,
* stress testing programs,
* asset reserves,
* and recovery plans.

"The EBA’s guidelines also encompass regulatory oversight on asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and e-money tokens (EMTs). ARTs maintain stable value by linking to other assets or fiat currencies, while EMTs represent digital versions of traditional fiat currencies, including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)."

With this announcement, the European Banking Authority is now able to move forward with their fully regulated Markets in Crypto Assets.

The new Digital Asset Based Trading System in Europe has just taken its first step into the new Quantum Financial System. This new regulated Digital Financial System is now the model going forward for the rest of our countries around the world.

We're still waiting for these regulations to become law on June 30th, 2024. Our world is changing financially and personally. Europe took the first step into this brand new world. Many will follow. Coin Trust

Congratulations Europe!

© Goldilocks


BOJ Announcement:

"The Bank of Japan on Friday said it would trim its vast hoard of government bonds as it cautiously steps away from its long-running ultra-loose monetary policy."

As you can see, several countries are beginning to pull back on bond buying and use of the US dollar.

This decrease in the use of the dollar and increase in local currencies around the world will begin the process of leveling the playing field in the currency markets.

New demands on local currencies that have not been used in years will begin to surface new price actions.    Barrons

Stay tuned!

© Goldilocks


Open Banking | Youtube


Web 3 | Youtube


Dollar Dominance in the International Reserve System: An Update | IMF


BRICS Gold Backed Currency Announcement:

"BRICS Plans Gold-Backed Currency Launch by September: Potential Boost for Bitcoin and XRP"

Saudi Arabia will sell oil in local currencies, moving away from the US dollar after 50 years.

The decision could drive Bitcoin and XRP prices to new highs, impacting global financial markets.

Crypto News Flash


This New S&P 500 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Is Growing 5 Times Faster Than Its Industry | The Motley Fool


XRP Announcement:

A reliable currency-converting resource lists XRP as a currency alongside Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), stirring discussions within the community. | 
The Crypto Basic


"Don't Buy Into This Crap", Catherine Austin Fitts Warns "AI Is Digital Control" | ZeroHedge


There’s a fake petrodollar news story doing the rounds that Saudi Arabia and the U.S. had a 50-year contract in which Saudi agreed to settle all its oil sales in U.S. dollars. Supposedly, this is meant to foreshadow the end of dollar dominance and is good for cryptocurrency prices. Except there was no such deal. | Ledger Insights


👆The dollar is being used less and less. I just wanted to update you on a news story that was found to be fake.

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“Tidbits From TNT” Monday 6-17-2024


More than 100 suspended laws in the Iraqi Parliament

Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Muhammad Anouz, revealed on Sunday that the Iraqi Parliament is suffering from the disruption of more than 100 laws, including important laws that were withdrawn by the government to make amendments to them.

Anouz told Shafaq News Agency, “Among the suspended laws are the Flag Service Law, the National Oil Company Law, and the Federal Civil Service Law, in addition to many other laws.” He added, "These laws were withdrawn in an official letter by the government with the aim of amending them."

Anouz explained that "other important laws that suffer from obstruction in the House of Representatives are halted for political and technical reasons, including the General Amnesty Law and the Federal Court Law." 

He expressed his hope that "these laws will be passed during the next legislative term. link


More than 100 suspended laws in the Iraqi Parliament

Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Muhammad Anouz, revealed on Sunday that the Iraqi Parliament is suffering from the disruption of more than 100 laws, including important laws that were withdrawn by the government to make amendments to them.

Anouz told Shafaq News Agency, “Among the suspended laws are the Flag Service Law, the National Oil Company Law, and the Federal Civil Service Law, in addition to many other laws.” He added, "These laws were withdrawn in an official letter by the government with the aim of amending them."

Anouz explained that "other important laws that suffer from obstruction in the House of Representatives are halted for political and technical reasons, including the General Amnesty Law and the Federal Court Law." 

He expressed his hope that "these laws will be passed during the next legislative term. link


Tishwash:  Al-Badri: America is using pressure cards to maintain the presence of its forces in Iraq

 Political analyst Saeed Al-Badri said on Monday that Washington continues to use pressure cards against Baghdad in order to perpetuate the presence of its forces inside Iraq and the region.

Al-Badri told Al-Maalouma, “The American administration has no seriousness in removing its forces from Iraq, as it is using pressure cards in order to perpetuate the presence of its forces in Iraqi camps and lands.”

He added, "The government's position must be clear by dropping the pressure cards used by the American administration."

He stated that "the presence of American forces inside Iraq raises concern, and is considered a destabilizing factor for the entire region."  link


Tishwash: Iraq Seeks to Boost Economic Ties with Lebanon, Syria

The head of Iraq's National Investment Commission (NIC), Dr. Haidar Mohammed Makkiya, has met with the Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade, Mr. Amin Salam. During the meeting, Makiya affirmed Iraq's desire to expand cooperation in the investment sector.

The NIC chairman stated that the Iraqi government aims to achieve integration in economic and trade relations between Iraq and regional countries, including Lebanon.

The meeting included discussion of the project to rehabilitate the existing oil pipelines between Syria and Lebanon, with investment funding by the Iraqi side, while safeguarding the sovereignty of both countries and working on extending an Arab optical fiber communications network.

He added that the commission works to provide an attractive investment environment for businessmen and foreign investors through the implementation of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, which guarantees investors' rights. The law also offers necessary advantages and facilities to ensure the success of investment projects.

For his part, the Lebanese minister expressed his government's readiness for joint work to develop the sector in vital areas.  link


CandyKisses:  Iraq is preparing to establish a project that changes the oil map. Does it affect energy producers?

Economy News - Baghdad

Iraq's budget for the current year 2024 allocated an amount of $4.9 billion to establish a pipeline that extends from Basra in the far south of Iraq on the waters of the Gulf, to a city of Hadithi, located in the far west of Iraq within the Anbar border province with Jordan and Syria, which means the return of life to the Iraq-Jordan project, which has been witnessing political opposition inside Baghdad for years, and the export of Iraqi oil through Jordan to the world through the Mediterranean, considering that the project was mainly related to the construction of the oil pipeline through two stages, the first to Haditha, which is the longest, and the second to enter the neighboring Jordanian territory.

The project has for years witnessed controversy over economic feasibility, along with opposition from political and armed forces and parties allied to Tehran, describing the project as allowing Iraqi oil to reach the Israeli occupation, but the proposals provided by oil economists and experts confirm that opening a third export outlet for Iraq other than the waters of the Arabian Gulf and Turkey will give Iraq an advantage over Iran and Saudi Arabia in terms of export diversity, especially in times of military and political tensions in the Middle East.

Iraqi Oil Ministry adviser Ahmed Al-Omar said that the arrival of the pipe to Hadith, western Iraq, means the possibility that Iraq will transport its oil not only through Jordanian territory and then Aqaba, but also through the Syrian port of Baniyas. Al-Omar added that “the project will change the map of the oil industry and its production in the region and give Iraq a great advantage over other oil neighbors.” By approving the amount allocated for the start of the project, according to age, the government will start working on the implementation phase, stressing that Iraqi companies will work on it, and the pipe will be implemented through the Iraqi Ministry of Industry as well.

a strategic project

The Director General of the Oil Projects Company, Ali Ward Hammoud, said, “The Oil Pipeline Project in Hara is considered one of the most important strategic projects of the oil movement in Iraq, and it enhances the economy by enabling the country to export oil through new outlets.”

He added that "oil produced from the southern fields is exported through our ports and loading points overlooking the Gulf, which is the only outlet for most Iraqi oil currently, and with the presence of geopolitical challenges in the region, the Ministry of Oil has taken it upon itself to diversify the export outlets, as it has prepared during the past decade a study of the northern export system with the help of the most important international consulting companies and develop appropriate plans to develop new export outlets to serve the expansion of oil production in the country through licensing rounds offered by the Ministry.”

He continued that "a modern Basra pipe falls within this trend, and the size of the tube is 56 knots, and a card that provides the export of two million and 250 thousand barrels per day, and it will be manufactured by Iraqi hands, and the bulk of it will be made by the Iron and Steel Company of the Ministry of Industry. It provides new export outlets for Iraqi oil to the countries of Europe and North America, in line with the development road project and the government's endeavor to make it a corridor for global energy, in addition to its role in transporting goods between East and West."

He stressed that “there is an intention to connect the pipeline in the future to the port of Tartus on the Mediterranean, after the achievement of the appropriate security conditions in Syria, through a pipeline that is established for this purpose and connects a modern warehouse to the port of Tartus,” according to him.

Iraq towards new markets

According to Iraqi political sources, the beginning of the project was in 1983, when the Iraqi and Jordanian sides agreed to extend a pipeline from Basra to the port of Aqaba on the Red Sea, passing through Jordanian territory. At the time, the two sides demanded guarantees by the United States so that Israel should not target the pipe.

The sources state that the Sudanese government of Mohamed Shiaa is seeking to start the project as soon as possible, because the pipe represents a new type of Iraqi energy export outlet, specifically oil, and it also offers the opportunity for Iraqi oil to reach new markets in Europe, as well as economic gains and sustainable and diversified financial returns, in addition to participation and investment in international manufacturing sectors.

Although the financial budget of Iraq for this year included the new pipeline project with an estimated amount of 6.5 billion Iraqi dinars ($4.9 billion), the deputies of Basra Governorate confirmed that they would obstruct the project.

A member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Hadi Al-Salami, said that “the strange thing in this project is that he was rejected by most Iraqi parties during the period of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's (previous) government, but the parties themselves currently agree with it, and we do not know what the reasons, especially that the information is scarce about it, and we do not know the reasons for the government's secrecrecy on it.”

Al-Salami explains that “politicians and deputies in Iraq do not have enough information about the pipe project, and we are demanding to know the economic feasibility of the project from the point of view of the government.”

The consultant in the international transport economy Ziad Al-Hashemi pointed out that "the Basra-Aqaba pipeline project is a strategic project to raise the level of cooperation between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt, and enhance the level of inter-regional relations, whether political, security and economic, and that the passage of the oil pipeline through a regional state such as Jordan, will not exploit this pipe to pressure Iraq in the future, and this ensures the smooth flows of Iraqi oil flows without hinderance."

Al-Hashemi continues by saying that “the project raises fears of exploiting the line in the Israeli entity’s repliement of Iraqi oil in response to assumed Western requirements or pressures.”

Al-Hashemi added that "one of the problems that may face the project is the rejection by some regional pivotal countries to hinder Iraq's attempts to diversify Iraqi oil export ports to the West, in addition to security pressures and problems in stability, which are still an obstacle to the completion and success of any Iraqi project, not to mention the possibility of opening new outlets for corruption inside and outside Iraq because of the high cost of construction."

In turn, oil expert Kovnd Shirwani considered that “the modern Basra oil pipeline project falls within the framework of the first phase of a project that extends to the port of Aqaba in the Mediterranean, which will provide a new export outlet for Iraq.”

He continued that “we also believe that it is necessary to revive the Kirkuk-Ceyhan line, which was transporting up to 400,000 barrels per day, in addition to an investment possibility in the transport of Nineveh and Salahuddin oil and a card that could reach up to one million barrels per day, which provides important export outlets to Iraq.”


Mot: Eating in the 50s

Mot: .... The Excitement of 22 MPH

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 6-17-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 17 June 2024

Compiled Mon. 17 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: Rumors/Opinions

Sun. 16 June 2024 MarkZ: “I’m getting from many sources in Reno that last night (Sat. 15 June 2024) they released 1% to Bond Holders. That should kick off a cascade event.”

Sun. 16 June 2024 Wolverine: “Guys I’ve just been informed that a meeting just ended that confirmed Bond People are being paid their 1% and Whales are travelling to Reno and some are already there. Notifications are coming. Get ready everyone, it’s going to be a massive week.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 17 June 2024

Compiled Mon. 17 June 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: Rumors/Opinions

Sun. 16 June 2024 MarkZ: “I’m getting from many sources in Reno that last night (Sat. 15 June 2024) they released 1% to Bond Holders. That should kick off a cascade event.”

Sun. 16 June 2024 Wolverine: “Guys I’ve just been informed that a meeting just ended that confirmed Bond People are being paid their 1% and Whales are travelling to Reno and some are already there. Notifications are coming. Get ready everyone, it’s going to be a massive week.”

Sun. 16 June 2024 Banker: : “Lots more info being shared about bond holders being liquid, will keep you folks in the loop.”

On Sat. 15 June 2024 Iraq finished deploying the latest ATM machines in all banks.


Global Economic Crisis:

Sun. 16 June 2024 Saudi Arabia just ditched the US Dollar:

Sun. 16 June 2024 California is asking the federal government to bail out their 37.9 billion dollar deficit. All other 49 states are now required to send their money to California!


The Quantum Financial System QFS (Rumors)

This is the Great Financial Shift leading to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”

All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country. This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other major asset that the country has.

Only two Crypto Currencies will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM! All others, not backed by assets, will disappear by the end of 2024.

Quantum software and computers make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.

All banking transactions will eventually be conducted in QFS.

Banks as we know them will change dramatically.

QFS will hold all money in “Digital Form”, although it will still be asset-backed.

All money transfers (moves) will contain at least 50 movement records, which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main surface server farms.

All cash movements are kept in permanent records. So there is NO fraud or criminal activity that cannot be traced.

All people will have a “digital wallet” account with QFS rather than with a bank. This digital wallet is 100% secure.

You can use your “Debit Card” directly from this account.

You can transfer money with 100% security to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   The investment law is being passed.  You'll see it very soon.  They have no choice. Sudani is extremely happy about it because that's how you're going to be able to get these new contract with the new exchange rate.

Paulette  Community Reminder ["He pointed out that the new currency entry does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about ten years, pointing out that this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the dynamics and mechanics in order to preserve liquidity In the market" This 2016 article says.They will coexist with 10 years.]  Exactly! And, this was further clarified that active trading in the Market Place will be upwards of two years while through the banks it would be at least 10...This is what I believe will be told to the citizens when they bring out the Fils and lower notes...IMSO, it won't be a week or 90 days or even 180...Nor will they be cancelling the 3-Zero series for at least 10 years...They are currently following the Dr Shabibis plan to a "T"...


Iraq's Dollar Exchange Rate Holds Steady Amid Eid Al- Adha Holiday

Nader:  6-16-2024

IQD Increases in Value Vietnam Gold Issue

Edu Matrix:  6-16-2024

BREAKING NEWS: IQD Increases in Value on June 16th Vietnam Gold Issue Currency News; Iraq: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnam Dong, ZiG Currency, Haiti's Currency, Gold, and BRICS Currency Plans.

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Economics, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

The Sound of Silence Is Getting Louder

The Sound of Silence Is Getting Louder

White Hat Auxiliaries  Briefing #204

Salve Citizens!   I hope this finds all of you in good health and prospering.

First, I did make an inquiry about any releasable news concerning the SGRP. ** I was given the following answer:   "Way too sensitive right now."

This answer, in regards to the current status of the SGRP, is congruent to several other peripheral matters of high finance that are also, interestingly, described as sensitive. I say this from direct observation and not based on hearsay or rumor. I find this quite interesting, indeed.

For now, that's it on the clandestine world of international financial intrigue.

The Sound of Silence Is Getting Louder

White Hat Auxiliaries  Briefing #204

Salve Citizens!   I hope this finds all of you in good health and prospering.

First, I did make an inquiry about any releasable news concerning the SGRP. ** I was given the following answer:   "Way too sensitive right now."

This answer, in regards to the current status of the SGRP, is congruent to several other peripheral matters of high finance that are also, interestingly, described as sensitive. I say this from direct observation and not based on hearsay or rumor. I find this quite interesting, indeed.

For now, that's it on the clandestine world of international financial intrigue.

I have decided to no longer maintain a crypto suggested buy list. The reason is simply because I don't think it's particularly important at this stage of the game. The projects that stand to give the most value are already widely known and there are endless resources on the net for evaluating them. This, and also because the time it would take to properly maintain and update such a large list is getting prohibitive.

What we will do in the future is feature any valuable ideas on an À la carte basis, in the discussion section, as such ideas are found and time permitting, across many sectors, and not just crypto.

For those that take the time to read WHA, this is only fair, rather than posting a list that anyone can view external to the rest of the site. I will leave the current list up for two more weeks for those who wish to copy it or otherwise need it for whatever reason.

We maintain a sizeable repository of crypto advisory feeds, so if you have any questions on an idea, we can certainly research and provide any feedback on many ideas if you should need general questions needed. But the site list will go.

It's an election year, and the political commentary has been colorful, to say the least. As I see it, politics is an obsolete, irrelevant, outdated and increasingly dangerous method of tending to the needs of a technologically developing world.

Adherence to this archaic form of societal management is creating increasing levels of competitiveness among nuclear-armed nations who are jockeying for control of planetary resources. So as long as we have to suffer under this retarded planetary management scheme, be sure you are ready for anything that politics can cause, which is usually nothing useful or good for your health.

I once again thank you all for the wide array of commentary and information being shared in the discussion section. Continue to use it to share whatever you wish to help further the understanding of the world in which we live.

For now, that's it.

The Empire thanks you for your service.


** SGRP --  SPAR Group is a leading global merchandising and marketing services company providing an extensive range of services to retailers, consumer product brands, and distributors around the world. With more than 55 years of experience, 25,000+ experienced merchandisers, on average 250,000 store visits a week across the countries we serve, we have developed a reputation of expertise in scale, agility, and solutions.

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Afternoon 6-16-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Afternoon 6-16-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

EU Basel 3 Announcement: The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) is a comprehensive suite of capital rules. They are developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as part of Basel III. Their intentions are to apply these rules to banks' wholesale trading activities.

The EU plans to delay FRTB because moving first would put EU banks at a competitive disadvantage to US banks.

This is a coordinated effort globally. Where one goes, we all go. Europe has given themselves a back wall date of January 1st, 2025 to to fully implement Basel 3 requirements. It looks like they have moved into a place that other countries are going to have to catch up to going forward.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Afternoon 6-16-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

EU Basel 3 Announcement:

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) is a comprehensive suite of capital rules. They are developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) as part of Basel III. Their intentions are to apply these rules to banks' wholesale trading activities.

The EU plans to delay FRTB because moving first would put EU banks at a competitive disadvantage to US banks.

This is a coordinated effort globally. Where one goes, we all go. Europe has given themselves a back wall date of January 1st, 2025 to to fully implement Basel 3 requirements. It looks like they have moved into a place that other countries are going to have to catch up to going forward.

Look for gold to be reclassified during this time and the digital economy to go ahead and move into its mass adoption. ICMA Group

© Goldilocks 


"Lagarde Urges Governments to Respect Global Trade Rules"

Remember what we said the other day about Trade Wars beginning, and how, Treaty Agreements are signed at the end of them.

Trade Wars are attempts by countries to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions.

This will cause distortions in prices that will have to be reset under new Treaty Agreements that are universally signed.

Look for this to come at a time when Basel 3 Capital Requirements can be implemented into a new financial order.    Bloomberg

Here we go.

© Goldilocks


Here is the list of countries that will join BRICS:

* Africa:
* Algeria;
* Morocco;
* Nigeria;
* Chad;
* Equatorial Guinea;
* Eritrea;
* Senegal;
* Zimbabwe;
* South Sudan.
* Asia:
* Azerbaijan;
* Bangladesh;
* Bahrain;
* Indonesia;
* Kazakhstan;
* Kuwait;
* Palestine;
* Pakistan;
* Syria;
* Thailand;
* Vietnam;
* Sri Lanka;
* Türkiye.
* Latin America:
*  Bolivia;
* Venezuela;
*  Honduras.

BRICS Summit October 2024


Figure Technology Solutions has launched Figure Connect, its blockchain-based marketplace for private credit. Outside of the qualified mortgage sector, most loan purchase agreements (LPAs) are bespoke, making them illiquid. Figure’s is promoting the use of standardized sales terms and documentation to make the market more liquid.   Ledger Insights   Figure Technology Solutions


Bitcoin Suisse, one of the largest digital asset players in the country, has issued a digital bond via the Obligate platform. When asked for more details about the bond, Bitcoin Suisse told Ledger Insights that it is a technical prototype with a 12 month maturity, available only to qualified investors.
Ledger Insights    Bitcoin Suisse


Marui, the large Japanese department store, issued a digital green bond in May. Not only did it use blockchain, but it was also directly issued to its customers as investors, with Securitize Japan providing the blockchain platform. Besides the digital bond, the green investment also has a blockchain angle.

It was a small digital bond issuance of just Yen 170 million ($1.1 million) with the investment available to Marui’s EPOS credit card holders. The 1% interest on the bond is partially paid in EPOS points and partly in real money.

The bond proceeds are intended to purchase a renewable energy power plant, although the small print also allows for energy-efficient building upgrades. Marui is partnering with Updater (formerly Minna Denryoku or Minden) for the renewable energy plant.

Updater has a blockchain-based platform, Enection 2.0, which tracks the source of renewable energy, allowing business buyers to pair electricity sales with energy attribute certificates (EACs) for green energy.  Ledger Insights   Marui   Enection 2.0   Digital Bond


BIS launches Toronto Innovation Hub - Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise


Testimony of Chairman Rostin Behnam Before the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate | CFTC


PCPD Corporate Video | Youtube


FADGI is part of a broader effort by NARA to move away from paper-based processes towards digitization.

Federal Agencies Digital Guideline Initiative (FADGI) guidelines are mandatory for federal agencies and affiliated organizations when digitizing archival records. 

The guidelines went into effect in June 2024 as part of the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) effort to move away from paper-based processes. By June 2024, all permanent records archived in the National Archives must be digitized and meet FADGI three-star quality standards.    Digitization Guidelines    Government Technology Insider


Seeds of Wisdom Team Presents

The Goldilocks Daily Breakdown Podcast:

Are you too tired or too busy to read the daily Goldilocks articles that keep you up to date on the GCR?

We have you covered with a new podcast called the Goldilocks Daily’s.

Tune in each day at your convenience and listen to Mr. Anonymous break down the articles the Goldilocks Team brings to this community.

Mr. Anonymous will read each article for you and explain them in layman’s terms.

Listen on the go, in the car on your way to work, while walking the dog, or exercising at the gym. Listen anywhere, anytime, but listen and stay informed.

The New Goldilocks Daily’s - you’re sure to love it!

Goldilocks' Daily Breakdown Podcast Link

Goldilocks' Telegram Room

Goldilocks' Q & A Classroom Link 


What Iraq Must Do Before RV Can Happen | Youtube




BIS Survey: 94% of Central Banks Exploring Digital Currency – Featured Bitcoin News


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday PM 6-16-2024



The industry opens the door to investment in the Al-Qaim phosphate plant

 6/12/2024  Baghdad

Anbar Governor's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Aziz Khalaf Al-Tarmouz, announced today, Wednesday, that the Al-Qaim phosphate plant will soon be transferred for investment after a hiatus that lasted for more than 15 years.

Al-Tarmouz said, "A large number of investment companies have submitted their papers to obtain this investment opportunity."

He added, "It is hoped that the project will be referred to one of the international investment companies within approximately 45 days."



The industry opens the door to investment in the Al-Qaim phosphate plant

 6/12/2024  Baghdad

Anbar Governor's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Aziz Khalaf Al-Tarmouz, announced today, Wednesday, that the Al-Qaim phosphate plant will soon be transferred for investment after a hiatus that lasted for more than 15 years.

Al-Tarmouz said, "A large number of investment companies have submitted their papers to obtain this investment opportunity."

He added, "It is hoped that the project will be referred to one of the international investment companies within approximately 45 days."

He continued, "The value of the investment contract is about 3 billion dollars, as the plant is considered one of the most important sovereign strategic projects that serve the
economy of Iraq and Anbar."

He explained, "The Ministry closed the tender a week ago, awaiting its referral to the relevant international companies."  LINK



 Revealing the embezzlement and waste of 200 million dinars of public money in an Iraqi governorate


The Federal Integrity Commission revealed, on Friday, that an arrest warrant had been issued against a former official in the Samawah Municipality Directorate. For embezzling nearly two hundred million dinars of public money, in addition to issuing an order to bring in two officials in the directorate.

The Government Information and Communications Office indicated in a statement today that the work team consisting of the staff of the Authority’s investigation office in Muthanna, which moved on (6/12/2024) to the Samawah Municipality Directorate, revealed, after investigation, auditing and review work, the existence of financial violations and cases of embezzlement of money. This year, it was carried out by the former municipal collection official, explaining that he cut off the collection receipts for the real amounts owed by the citizens and collected from them, and tampered with the second copy of the “carbonated” receipt by registering it with amounts that were less than the real amounts actually deducted.

The office continued that the accused was paying the smaller amount to the directorate’s fund. Based on the “carbonated” copies that he tampered with, explaining that the audit work concluded that as a result of tampering with the receipts and distorting the amounts and their dates; In order to overcome the payment delay period, an amount of (198,920,467) one hundred and ninety-eight million dinars of public money was wasted.

He continued that the judge of the Integrity Investigation Court in Muthanna issued an arrest and investigation order against the accused, the former collection official in the Samawah Municipality, in addition to bringing in the accounts, control and internal audit officials there, based on the provisions of Article (315) of the Penal Code.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick  These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...

Nader From The Mid East   Article:   "Iraq Bulks Up Gold Reserves, Inch Up World  Rankings"  Quote:  "Their holdings have grown to 145.7 tons, a bump of over 3 tons compared to 142.6 tons the previous month.  This enough to nudge Iraq one spot higher in the WGC's global ranking, landing them 31st place out of 100 countries."


BRICS: $517 Billion in Unrealized Losses Hits US Banking System

Geopolitical Analyst:  6-15-2024

While the BRICS alliance is strengthening its banking system, the US seems to be on a downhill.

In the last three years alone, 15 US banks collapsed renewing fears of financial instability across the homeland. Banks such as the Republic First Bank, Citizens Bank, First Republic Bank, Signature Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and First State Bank, among others, collapsed in the last three years.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) published the latest report that the US banking system is looking at an unrealized loss of $517 billion.

The FDIC also stated that US 63 lenders are currently on the brink of insolvency.

The banks are now saddled with more than half a trillion dollars on the balance sheets in their papers. The development shows that the US banks are at risk while the central banks of BRICS are massively accumulating gold.

While the unrealized losses are only on the balance sheets, they could become a liability when the banks require liquidity.

The number of lenders on its Problem Bank List rose significantly last quarter, reported FDIC. This puts the US banking system under pressure as BRICS is dumping US treasuries and the dollar.

 In the last seven months alone, BRICS member China has sold $72 billion worth of US treasuries.

The BRICS alliance is also spearheading the de-dollarization movement by convincing developing countries to end reliance on the dollar.

The number of banks on the Problem Bank List, those with a CAMELS composite rating of ‘4’ or ‘5’ increased from 52 in fourth quarter 2023 to 63 in first quarter 2024.

 The number of problem banks represented 1.4% of total banks, which was within the normal range for non-crisis periods of 1% to 2% of all banks.

 Total assets held by problem banks increased $15.8 billion to $82.1 billion during the quarter,” read the FDIC report.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Some “BRICS News” Sunday 6-16-2024

BRICS SUMMIT 2024: What is on Agenda?

Fastpo:  6-15-2024

The BRICS Summit 2024, set to take place in Kazan, Russia, in October, will address several critical issues and priorities under the theme "Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security." 28 Countries Joining BRICS With Names and Capacities:

The summit's agenda includes the expansion of BRICS membership, with the addition of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, aiming to bolster the group's global influence. Economic and financial cooperation will be a focal point, with discussions on using national currencies in trade to reduce dependency on the US dollar, and the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025.

BRICS SUMMIT 2024: What is on Agenda?

Fastpo:  6-15-2024

The BRICS Summit 2024, set to take place in Kazan, Russia, in October, will address several critical issues and priorities under the theme "Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security." 28 Countries Joining BRICS With Names and Capacities:

The summit's agenda includes the expansion of BRICS membership, with the addition of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, aiming to bolster the group's global influence. Economic and financial cooperation will be a focal point, with discussions on using national currencies in trade to reduce dependency on the US dollar, and the implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025.

Political and security coordination will be enhanced to address international and regional threats collectively. Cultural and humanitarian collaboration will also be emphasized, promoting cooperation in science, technology, healthcare, and environmental protection. The summit will advocate for a multipolar international order and fair global financial systems, reinforcing the principles of international law.

 Over 200 related events will be organized throughout the year, showcasing the comprehensive efforts of the BRICS nations to strengthen global development and security.

 In this video, we will explore the main agenda of the upcoming BRICS Summit 2024, shedding light on the key priorities and collaborative plans of the BRICS bloc in preparation for the event.

What Next?

BRICS+ Massive Expansion Signals Western Policies Failed, Iran in BRICS |Prof. Mohammad Marandi

Lena Petrova:  6-16-2024

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi is an academic at the University of Tehran and a political analyst. Professor Marandi and I are discussing the recent news with respect to the BRICS bloc, economic development aspirations for the global majority and what Iran’s full membership in the BRICS+ means for its economy.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Sunday 6-16-2024


Tishwash:  this was in Iraq's news

Venezuelan Minister: We are close to producing one million barrels of oil per day

Venezuelan Oil Minister, Pedro Telechia, announced that his country is close to producing one million barrels of oil per day for the first time in more than five years. “We can officially say that we have exceeded 950,000 barrels per day this month,” Telechia said during an official event in the capital, Caracas, adding, “We are very close to producing one million barrels.” Oil production peaked in 2008 with 3.5 million barrels per day, but declined years later due to strict US sanctions.

Last month, Washington re-imposed sanctions on Caracas six months after easing them, in response to "the government's continued repression of opponents before the July elections."


Tishwash:  this was in Iraq's news

Venezuelan Minister: We are close to producing one million barrels of oil per day

Venezuelan Oil Minister, Pedro Telechia, announced that his country is close to producing one million barrels of oil per day for the first time in more than five years.

“We can officially say that we have exceeded 950,000 barrels per day this month,” Telechia said during an official event in the capital, Caracas, adding, “We are very close to producing one million barrels.”

Oil production peaked in 2008 with 3.5 million barrels per day, but declined years later due to strict US sanctions.
Last month, Washington re-imposed sanctions on Caracas six months after easing them, in response to "the government's continued repression of opponents before the July elections."

However, Spanish energy giant Repsol has received permission from the United States to continue operating in Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Oil Minister said last month that he was optimistic that Venezuelan oil production would reach one million barrels per day soon, for reasons including the agreement with Repsol.

Telechia is also the president of the Venezuelan oil giant Petroleos de Venezuela (Pedivesa).
Venezuela's production reached 910,000 barrels per day by the end of May, according to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
The country's production fell to less than one million barrels per day in 2019 when the United States imposed sanctions following the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro a year ago.

By 2020, the number was less than 400 thousand barrels.n  link


CandyKisses: Sudanese on Eid: We are committed to the sovereignty of Iraq and the extension of the hand of law

On Sunday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani congratulated Iraqis on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

Al-Sudani expressed, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, his calls for more goodness, security and stability for the Iraqi people and the peoples of the Arab and Islamic worlds, and also called for mercy and victory for the people of Gaza, stressing the need to respond to aggression from them.

Al-Sudani stressed the renewal of the covenant with the Iraqi people of all categories and sects to continue to work hard and diligence to achieve all the provisions of the government program, which aims to meet the demands and aspirations of the Iraqi people and face the challenges and difficulties that stand in their way.

Al-Sudani added that the government continues to shoulder its responsibilities towards Iraq's sovereignty, extending the hand of law, liberalizing and developing the economy, achieving progress and development, creating creative opportunities, and combating social ills and corruption throughout the country.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, also offered his congratulations, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, and called in a statement, received by Shafaq News Agency, for concerted efforts to enhance security and stability and support the construction and reconstruction movement.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives renewed his call on the international community to stop the Zionist aggression against Palestine and the countries of the region, stressing the need for serious and immediate action in order to break the siege on the Gaza Strip to bring in urgent humanitarian aid.


CandyKisses:  Iraq's oil exports to America rise significantly in a week

The US Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq's oil exports to America rose during the past week.

The administration said in a table seen by Shafaq News Agency, "The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from 9 major countries amounted to 6.120 million barrels per day, up by 363 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 5.757 million barrels per day."

She added that "Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to 228,000 barrels per day last week, up by 102,000 barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 126,000 barrels per day."

The administration pointed out that "the most oil revenues of America during the past week came from Canada at a rate of 3.974 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 987 thousand barrels per day, followed by Saudi Arabia with an average of 278 thousand barrels per day, and from Nigeria at a rate of 208 thousand barrels per day."

According to the table, "the amount of US imports of crude oil from Ecuador was at a rate of 149,000 barrels per day, from Brazil at a rate of 134,000 barrels per day, from Libya at a rate of 87,000 barrels per day, and from Colombia at a rate of 75,000 barrels per day."


Mot: ... Have a Very Happy ~~~~~~

Mot: .. the ole chip off of ~~~

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