How to See Right Through a Liar

.How to See Right Through a Liar  

By Dr. Marcia Sirota

Everybody lies, that’s nothing new. What matters is the type of lie a person is telling. White lies are usually told to spare someone’s feelings, and are often less hurtful than brutal honesty. The type of lie I want to discuss is one that’s told for the purposes of control, manipulation or profit.

Those of us in the West believe that we’re free to make our own decisions and live our own lives, but this isn’t always the case.

Many people and institutions want something from us: our money, power and votes; even control over our bodies, and they’ll resort to lying in order to achieve their goals.

How to See Right Through a Liar  

By Dr. Marcia Sirota

Everybody lies, that’s nothing new. What matters is the type of lie a person is telling. White lies are usually told to spare someone’s feelings, and are often less hurtful than brutal honesty. The type of lie I want to discuss is one that’s told for the purposes of control, manipulation or profit.

Those of us in the West believe that we’re free to make our own decisions and live our own lives, but this isn’t always the case.

Many people and institutions want something from us: our money, power and votes; even control over our bodies, and they’ll resort to lying in order to achieve their goals.

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Wise Words, Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Wise Words, Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

.A Basic Skill We Should Have Learned as Kids

.A Basic Skill We Should Have Learned as Kids

By David Cain of Raptitude

The phrase “Don’t get emotional” implies that we normally aren’t.

Most of our news headlines can be interpreted as emotional responses gone overboard, becoming crime, scandal, corruption, greed, and bad policy.

The fact that these reactions are newsworthy seems to reinforce the idea that emotions are sporadic and exceptional, little whirlwinds that appear around significant events, making the odd day or week wonderful or awful.

But if you pay attention to your emotions as you read these headlines, it becomes obvious that even in our most mundane moments — reading the paper on a Monday morning — we are always feeling some way or another. Even a casual glance at a newspaper will begin to stir up familiar feelings like fear, amazement, disgust, admiration or annoyance. We’re never really in “neutral.”

We’re living through emotional reactions all day long, even to events as tiny as hearing a text message arrive, or noticing a fly in the room. Our emotions aren’t always overwhelming us, but they are always affecting us, coloring our perceptions and opinions about ourselves and our world.

This is the “fish in water” effect at work — because we are immersed in our emotions’ effects every moment of our lives, we tend to talk about them only when they’re exceptionally strong.

Even when it’s not obvious, though, emotions are the force behind almost everything we do. They’re the only reason our experiences matter at all. If every event triggered the same emotion, it wouldn’t matter to us whether we got out of bed or not, whether we were sick or healthy, or whether we thrived or starved.

All of our values and morals, all of the meaning we perceive in life, stem from our knowledge that there are some very different ways a person can feel.

A Basic Skill We Should Have Learned as Kids

By David Cain of Raptitude

The phrase “Don’t get emotional” implies that we normally aren’t.

Most of our news headlines can be interpreted as emotional responses gone overboard, becoming crime, scandal, corruption, greed, and bad policy.

The fact that these reactions are newsworthy seems to reinforce the idea that emotions are sporadic and exceptional, little whirlwinds that appear around significant events, making the odd day or week wonderful or awful.

But if you pay attention to your emotions as you read these headlines, it becomes obvious that even in our most mundane moments — reading the paper on a Monday morning — we are always feeling some way or another. Even a casual glance at a newspaper will begin to stir up familiar feelings like fear, amazement, disgust, admiration or annoyance. We’re never really in “neutral.”

We’re living through emotional reactions all day long, even to events as tiny as hearing a text message arrive, or noticing a fly in the room. Our emotions aren’t always overwhelming us, but they are always affecting us, coloring our perceptions and opinions about ourselves and our world.

This is the “fish in water” effect at work — because we are immersed in our emotions’ effects every moment of our lives, we tend to talk about them only when they’re exceptionally strong.

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Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People

Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People

By Stephen Covey

The Seven Habits are not a set of  separate or piecemeal psyche-up formulas -- In harmony with the natural laws of growth - they provide an incremental - sequential - highly integrated approach to the  development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness -- They move us progressively on a Maturity Continuum from  dependence to independence to interdependence -- p48-49

#1 Be Proactive

#2 Begin  With  The  End In Mind

#3Put First Things First

#4Think Win/Win

#5 Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood

#6 Synergize

#7Sharpen The  Saw

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Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People

By Stephen Covey

The Seven Habits are not a set of  separate or piecemeal psyche-up formulas -- In harmony with the natural laws of growth - they provide an incremental - sequential - highly integrated approach to the  development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness -- They move us progressively on a Maturity Continuum from  dependence to independence to interdependence -- p48-49

#1 Be Proactive

#2 Begin  With  The  End In Mind

#3Put First Things First

#4Think Win/Win

#5 Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood

#6 Synergize

#7Sharpen The  Saw

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