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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-24-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-24-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big call tonight. It's Thursday, August 24th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're tuned in from and we love you and we're glad you're here. We look forward to having a great call tonight.   And I look forward to bringing you guys the latest best intel that we have to date.

All right, let's talk about Intel and let's see if we can find out where we are - what's going on and where we stand right now.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-24-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big call tonight. It's Thursday, August 24th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're tuned in from and we love you and we're glad you're here. We look forward to having a great call tonight.   And I look forward to bringing you guys the latest best intel that we have to date.

All right, let's talk about Intel and let's see if we can find out where we are - what's going on and where we stand right now.

Well, we did hear from some of our bondholders today, a little later this afternoon. And it's looking like what they're getting from sources in Switzerland, that things are moving along where they should be getting notified tomorrow and have funds either tomorrow or Saturday.

So that's good - good for bondholders to get their access to funds. That's sort of something we've been keying off under tier four to see what happens with tier three. The last time we talked we had ourselves going before the bondholders went -

Now I'm thinking it might be a little more parallel - it might be similar in terms of when we all start.

The information that we are getting about tier four is that we should be notified Saturday, or this is another source that either Saturday or Monday at the very latest.  Meaning we get the toll free numbers either Saturday or Monday At the very latest.

Now there was something that occurred tonight, six o'clock central time, which I don't know why we put in central because it was an East Coast thing in Atlanta for President Trump was arraigned and I heard even before the big call that that would not really amount to much.

And what I did here was that within 24 hours of that, let's call it so arraignment - Today we will be getting the RV started. And that would be tomorrow night at seven. So there's a possibility something could come out even tomorrow or tomorrow evening.

But we know certain people are telling me that we need the public to see the political movement, the political change that is imminent, to take place on mainstream media - for the Chinese to feel comfortable releasing everything - they're not comfortable with the current administration.

So will this February least once something is made mainstream, very possible, and it's very possible that happens by Saturday or by Monday - So this is really interesting time for us to witness this.

And I don't know what else to say other than we're either waiting for that to take place which is imminent. Or we’re not -   We have sources that are saying that's not a factor.

It's not this political change does not have to take place for this to be released. So some say yes, some say no --  I will say that we need to see that take place -  I believe that - I believe it is so close that it will happen by the weekend or by Monday at the very latest. Monday is the 28th and I think there's a lot that can happen in the next couple of days.

Even President Trump said on a Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson interview. He would be busy that night and the next day and then we would be busy for the next three days. So I don't know exactly how we're going to take that. But we'll take that and we'll look to see what that does for us and how that comes about.

Now - I've been looking into what is happening over in Lahaina on Maui - And you guys know I've mentioned that we want to incorporate that as part of rebuild America and try to get help to those people. We know the white hats are currently delivering water and food - from helicopters - And they have food and a number of tons of water that were hopefully gently dropped in the area for the citizens or residents.  

It's a complicated situation. But I think if we get to the bottom of it, we're already planning on how to get supplies there by barge - To the island to stage  building materials  and so on in a couple different areas .  And we're you know, we already have a provider of steel we're in touch with so there's quite a bit that is sort of pre planning right now

See how quickly we can assemble a team which we've got some people that are interested in helping with that - assembling a team to look into and just check out what needs to be done - What the situation is - doing some research and finding out where everything stands. So that's something I'm looking forward to being a part of and helping to execute as part of rebuild America.

I know the BRICS conference was to end today and I believe it did. We know they had seven I believe six additional countries that they absorb into the BRICS consortium - and the BRICS has put together primarily as an alternative to the Fiat US dollar and I know there are 20 or 30 some odd I believe, I don't even know what the number is. It's like 35 or 37 countries that are already part of the BRICS Consortium.

But we have the plan is for all of Africa, which is a lot of different nations to be part of the BRICS. And I think they're gonna end up being a very large currency block if you will. I do not expect a BRICS currency.

But we expect each of the countries that are admitted into the BRICS to have their own asset backed currency. A lot of them are gold backed already -

And I believe they need to have asset backed currencies. They need to mint and print. They need to mint coinage, new coinage and they need to print new currency that is asset backed - just like we're doing and what we already have, with the USN - United States Treasury note currency, the so called banknotes those have been printed for a few years now.

They are definitely in the redemption centers. And they're probably in most if not all tier one and tier two banks in the vaults maybe in the teller drawers I don't know, in every case, but you know, that's something that should be brought out as part of the NESARA - the fact that we have an asset backed currency again.

And the fact that the dollar if you think it's strong now and it was with nothing backing - Imagine having it backed by gold and other assets, and just how strong it's going to be as the world as a world dominant currency with other BRICS nations currencies as well.

So everything in Iraq yesterday we heard had a much higher rates in Iraq on dinar - I say, much higher - And that's really good news.

And we know that they even intend to offer those of us even who has zim - a higher dinar rate. Iraq wants us to have a high rate on the dinar - and it will be - and I'd love to tell you what I know about it, but just suffice to say that higher than we thought it would be, And that's a good news.

And then I think the dong is going to come in with a very, very, very high rate as well. compared to what certain people have said it was coming in at. We know it's much higher because we know what the bank screens are telling us.

But the good news is, this looks like it is imminent and it is coming in a matter of days. But one source said from Thursday all the way to Saturday. Now the source today gave me Saturday or Monday at the very latest - And then we'll see what happens is as a result of the arraignment  -

 I'm gonna say that's what happened. Today. That's why they were able to say 24 hours after six o'clock Central tonight  the RV could start -  So -  you've got that.

Now.   I appreciate what everyone has done to stay with the patient. It has really been good for our patients. It's been an example of long suffering. I know a lot of people have counted on this for a long time. And you know we all have Look forward to it and we look at it and then we can get back inside and just give a sigh of relief that we have it and that we're moving forward with our projects

So looking forward to it. Let's keep an eye out for emails.

We'll have it for future calls. If we do any more. We will be some podcast type calls. Not so many live calls. I don't think we'll do really any more live calls. But if we do some podcasts and you're gonna want to hear what we're doing, or what we're doing about Lahaina what we're doing about rebuild America, what we're doing about the veterans, some good ideas. so we're going to be putting all those together and I'll be speaking to you guys in the form of a podcast, getting the link in the email that you can listen to.

That's really everything I've got for tonight so far. So let's see where this takes us through the weekend. Today is Thursday, and we're looking for some action, possibly tomorrow evening. It's not Saturday, or the word is Monday at the very latest. So let's see how that comes about. Let's see what happens with that.. Thank you for listening all over the globe. We appreciate you.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-24-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:25:35

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:09:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:16:16

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight  it is Tuesday, August 22ND and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody around the globe. We're not getting out to as many countries as normal because the Starlink system is tied up. Connect interconnectivity for emergency broadcasting and for emergency alert system and emergency wireless system – and all kinds of things - so we have Canada – US – and we have Mexico - Australia and New Zealand. So that's our reach so far as we know, tonight, so we'll take it from there.

Well, where are we, in the wait, right?

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight  it is Tuesday, August 22ND and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody around the globe. We're not getting out to as many countries as normal because the Starlink system is tied up. Connect interconnectivity for emergency broadcasting and for emergency alert system and emergency wireless system – and all kinds of things - so we have Canada – US – and we have Mexico - Australia and New Zealand. So that's our reach so far as we know, tonight, so we'll take it from there.

Well, where are we, in the wait, right?

We were under the impression that we would get announcements from PresidentTrump on Saturday. That was pushed - We thought  today, Tuesday - we didn't get the announcements per sey.

And so now we have some new information that sort of repositions us for, I believe, for announcements and for notifications. First of all, let's go back and we know that the BRICS summit meeting, starting today, in Johannesburg, South Africa, the 22nd goes to march 23rd and finishes on the 24th. We understand that BRICS announcements are going to come out Thursday the 24th .

We had understood that the bondholders would get their emails giving them access to funds and get those emails one hour after the BRICS announcements were to be made this Thursday, giving them access to funds, Friday.

Okay, what about us - well, we were told that we will be notified today  - set appointments and start tomorrow - that has not yet happened. Whereas we will go actually before the tier three bondholders we get access to their funds.

So okay, that's kind of a flip from what we had thought would happen. We thought we'd go within 12 hours of bondholders getting liquidity, but now we're getting ahead of them.

Okay, now cut to the information of today, which was minimal.

There is a lot going on right now with military  doing cleanup globally, with certain hotspots around the globe.  And they're very active. They're very busy getting things taken care of. And also the TV networks are being told, expressly to report the truth about what is coming out politically and other ways or they could be in violation of treason - that report actually came out on Fox News tonight.

So it's some serious business. The TV networks you know, our mainstream media has been telling lies for so long. They wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them upside the head. But the truth is about to hit him upside the head and they're going to bring it out or face serious consequences.

So you should watch to see what happens in the next three or four days from a news accuracy and truth in reporting point of view.

Now, I also believe one reason and maybe the only reason that we are not able to access multiple --- the guys we're trying to get us to 200 countries tonight on tonight's call - 200 and get to the 30 million listeners for the big call tonight.

They accessed as much as they could. They were only able to access codes that would get us to Canada, , the US and Mexico. Then they were able to add Australia, New Zealand to the mix - which is great. But our huge reach that  we were getting the last belief was not able to be obtained using the Starlink satellite system because we believe Starlink is being tied up with EBS – EAS - EWS - financial connections that are taking place because of the BRIC nations.

We've got somewhere in the vicinity of 60 to 90 countries that wants to be part of the BRICs. I call it a consortium with asset backed currencies that they can basically have as a trading partner as all of these BRICS nations and either gold backed or assets fully back currency

 And we're at the point now where obviously the US and is asset back and been trading digitally. Now we just need for that announcement about our new USN dollar, our asset back United States Treasury dollar to be made known.

And it could be that was one of the announcements that we're looking to hear earlier today that did not surface - but with the shifts in this it could be tomorrow. It could be Thursday. It should be before the BRICS announcements come out on Thursday. But don't be surprised if it doesn't because a lot is going on right now to jockey for position with all the currencies that are going asset backed around the globe

And of course our USN - my understanding is we're going to be trading with Canada and Mexico and using our USN  here as sort of a regional currency – we’ve got in the Middle East, the golden dinar happening there - and then of course you have all the individual nations and basically all of Africa.

How ever many total countries there are in Africa and they're a bunch of them - all of Africa is moving into relationship directly with the BRICS

And many of those many countries are already at the BRICS summit today. And my understanding was Russia was going to be there with President Putin and President Xi of China was going to be there and you know, just a lot of world leaders. And so we have world leaders here from Iraq.  That is really good.

And we understood that Iraq was going to make their back pay to the Iraqi citizens on their debit cards Thursday, they go to October of 2022. All of those back pay funds that go all the way from now back to October of 2022 will be paid and available to them Thursday.

Now can we draw a conclusion that maybe we will also be able to have access to funds from our exchanges on Thursday. I don't know if we can draw that parallel but I know that military source is giving us a timeline that takes us from tomorrow through Saturday to receive notifications and begin exchanges.

So tomorrow is Wednesday -  that's the first day opportunity is a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, four day window. Let's see what happens. We're looking for announcements about President Trump about NESARA

First of all, I think the main analysis is the overturning of the 2020 elections, NESARA, the USN currency which is  was part and parcel of NESARA - and then of course looking to see for the political announcements  as they've come to fruition. Now maybe more than five total announcements - might be seven. Who knows how many - and I was told that the announcements we're expecting today. It could be Tuesday, Wednesday.

Although it looks like it might be Wednesday or Wednesday, Thursday and there's - realize there is so much going on behind the scenes that you and I don't really see. But maybe through the glass dimly we might see 20 or 30% of what's really happening. I want to say this too, for the last five or six days there have been information about a con job variant that is out there ready to be leached upon us - and global lockdown and masking and that kind of thing.

I think it's fear mongering it's definitely nothing that would happen under the restored Republic, which is what we're looking for and with the return so, take that as fearmongering take it and set it aside. It's not going to be part of who we are

Wish I could bring you the full story and truth Lahaina a little too soon to do that I think - you have a pretty good grasp of what actually happened and so I'm gonna withhold that story for a little while. but I'll let you know we're planning to help in the rebuilding effort in Lahaina and as part of rebuild America. So we're gonna look into that and research and find out exactly what's going on where they stand, and how we can help.

We are definitely on a day to day – hour by hour basis.

There's so much going on behind the scenes that we can't see -we have to just believe that everything's coming to fruition and we are going to see this in the next several days, maybe next couple of days.

We know that political change needs to take place before that happens. But I believe from what I understand today, that political change is already in the works and underway.

So read that how you think you should read that.

So everybody  thanks for listening tonight and I do hope we get announcements from President Trump and email notification in the next couple of days. Keep an eye on your emails and lets see what happens.

It'll be interesting. It's gonna be wild and realistically, when we use the EBS or the Emergency Broadcast System the emergency system or the emergency wireless system, The EWS is supposed to be the merger of those other two systems.

However it comes out  this disclosure that we're looking for - it's not going to be 10 to 12 days of disclosure. It could end up being  4 months disclosure. There's so much re education, and re clarification  of our history  -and what's really been going on.

The theory is it might take till the end of the year to get all this information out to us – don’t know how – if it is a certain amount of hours day or how this thing is gonna work yet – we’ve heard theories  of least eight hour segments three  times a day. blah, blah blah.

We don't know that. we just don't know how it's gonna come out. But beware that its going to be different - I thinks it's going to be new, I think its going to be exciting - we know a lot of what the truth is we don't know everything – but we really know a lot of what it is.

Obviously what we need to do is get our exchanges and redemption of zim done – get that out of the way – be ready to get our debts paid - to get our new homes - cars, whatever we’re doing to line that up -  the projects lined up -  started on that in a couple of months - We will get started as soon as we can. We've got a lot of preliminary stuff still -Don't worry. We're going to contact you by email.

And many things are starting rebuilding veterans retreat network, pastoral retreat, network, and international. All those help. Lahaina Maui as rebuild International. I don't know if there's some part of America. I know they wanted to separate away from the US but I don't know if that's a real thing or not. Either way I love Hawaii. We love the people of Hawaii, and we love to help make them whole.

Pay that's what we're gonna be doing and working directly with the Hawaiian people.

That's our goal. So we'll be all over that. you guys have a great night tonight and tomorrow. let's see what happens in the next several days between tomorrow and Saturday. Let's see if this thing come through for us.  Everybody have a wonderful night


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:09:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:21:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, August 17th and you're listening to the big call -  thanks for listening all over the globe. I was informed that we would be trying to reach 197 countries tonight and looking for about 26 million listeners in those international areas and say what difference does it make and why do I bring that up?

It's to let you guys know that that is our community of currency holders out there. globally. That's what the call is directed to. And it's literally targeted to those people who have currencies just like you do. And I love that and it was a big surprise when I found that out. But I really think our community which you're a part of is big call universe is bigger than we thought it was. And so that's really cool.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, August 17th and you're listening to the big call -  thanks for listening all over the globe. I was informed that we would be trying to reach 197 countries tonight and looking for about 26 million listeners in those international areas and say what difference does it make and why do I bring that up?

It's to let you guys know that that is our community of currency holders out there. globally. That's what the call is directed to. And it's literally targeted to those people who have currencies just like you do. And I love that and it was a big surprise when I found that out. But I really think our community which you're a part of is big call universe is bigger than we thought it was. And so that's really cool.

You're not alone. And even though sometimes, you might feel alone in this, and you can't talk to your spouse like they're not a believer, you can't talk to your other friends. you've lost friends over this. I get. I've been in it 19 years. I understand everything that everybody's gone through. But let me just say this - I'm excited that the community is larger than we thought - and that big call is getting out to so many people around the globe

Okeydoke Well, here we go and let’s see how much I can recall to bring out to you guys tonight because there is a lot that we learned yesterday and a few tuneups and touch ups that we got today, which are interesting. Let's sort of create our own timeline tonight. 

Starting with today or tomorrow, that's Thursday or Friday - The bondholders are to receive brand new NDAs those are to go out either today or tomorrow. My gut feeling is probably tomorrow.

So they get those. They have to return those digitally and sign those digitally, or have their paymaster also co sign those NDA returns back to let's call it headquarters, which would be Wells Fargo.

And those returns by the bond sellers  - let’s call them - and intermediaries have to get back  by tomorrow night – Friday night , then the process and you'll see why this applies to us in a minute - and these are tier three bondholders - then they're to receive their emails Saturday from the bond pay masters that will give them access to funds on Monday ot Tuesday, this coming week.  That's the process that they're in.

A lot is going to happen next week starting really over the weekend. So let's comment about the weekend first, to go all the way to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 22nd  23rd  24th  of August - That as you guys know are the dates for the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Very important, very big.

 At least 93 countries probably more that have ascribed to the BRICS consortium and that each country as a sovereign country has their own gold backed currency – and already has it.  Let me put it this way - for membership into the BRICS - Let's call it a consortium.

For membership into it they need to have an asset backed actually gold for the most part - Gold back currency of their own.

Okay, so that's been going on. And every time we turn around the number of countries gets larger. Today, I understood that that would represent approximately 85 to 88% of the countries around the world would be part of the BRICS. Remember the BRICS started with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, B R I C S. And to those initial original five countries, we've added quite a few and we're somewhere up around - Gosh, 96 and probably more by the time of this show tonight.

All right - So you've got that set up. And I told you guys Tuesday night, that that appears to be a timeline where we need to get everything that we're doing – done in accordance with if not before the BRICS summit begins Tuesday.

Alright let’s back up on our timeline. We were here through the weekend and made it to Saturday. And now we have information that says that President Trump will be receiving international let's call them guests from several countries.  Russia, China,  Turkey  Indonesia,  Iraq, at least five or six countries coming  to the conclusion a delegation if you will, small delegations with lot of security. He'll be meeting with these leaders over the weekend.  And that's a really big deal.

I wish I could give you more information about that. But suffice it to say that this is all happening prior to Monday, which is a very big day for the world.

I think what we're going to see from President Trump is three to five announcements made by him possibly in conjunction with so many other leaders that don't know that I'm only putting that out there as a possibility. But we're gonna have I believe that announcement one of the five announcements if I'd get made that major announcements, one that we've been looking for for a long time is about NESARA.

Okay, NESARA to be announced sometime Monday. The next announcement would be an announcement about our new asset backed currency known as the USN. United States news, what that came from USN. We also use the term United States Treasury note USTN to designate our banknotes, our currency

So that announcement is supposed to come out with an announcement about the money that we have now, the Fiat dollars, it's not backed by any real assets – only the full faith and credit of the US government - that is going away. It's already gone away. Pretty much fully internationally except for Canada - US and Mexico. still usable here. And I believe we'll be able to use it in the United States, if not North America, which is Canada, US and Mexico - its considered North America, right.

So it will be used in the United States for another three months. I don't know when the cutoff date will be. So if you have tons of USD fiat currency stashed in your mattress, and cans out buried in the yard, you might want to consider spending it or turning it in for the new currency. So our new USN bank notes we hear from our bank sources will go out next week.

I don't know if it'll make it Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday when it comes out. But I think you know, there already have already been at the redemption centers for months and months. I think some have had it for well over a year because we've heard about when they first got there.

The banks if they have them already, which I think a lot of them do, like the tier one bank to they'll have them in the vaults, probably already in teller drawers in the vaults and then they'll use those when they're told to to bring those out for us  - or for the public.

So those two announcements dealing with NESARA and the USN and President Trump on Monday. Now, three, possibly three more announcements  would be political announcements, but I don't know exactly what they're going to be about. I have an idea what I hope they're about we'll see what  that looks like. Now hold on this come out.

It would seem to me that something is vitally important as NESARA, and really, in turn, GESARA for the global economic - Okay, those should come out approximately the same time.

And NESARA something that important as well as our new money, our new currency - We already have the digital USN going and trading and have for a little while, but this will bring our new folding money if you will, our bank notes out - and we should be able to know about that on Monday  and then the political announcements would follow that, I think, but five, three to five announcements on Monday by President Trump.

Now how would they bring those out? I believe they would have to use something that would allow all of mainstream television and radio media to cover it. Well, a lot of the mainstream media has not really been up to speed as far as reporting the truth of things as you guys know.

And I believe, remember, we've got the emergency broadcast service, EBS, they've got the emergency alert service - EAS and we have the new EWS - emergency wireless service  and by the way the Emergency Broadcast System and emergency alert system. It's used our phones for a number of things.

So that’s happening -  we have that companies are happening in terms of the EWS  happening now. In other words, Monday, Tuesday is coming up hold on one second.   Okay.

Sorry there's sort of blank space here. But I did get a call and it was sort of pertinent to what I'm saying about political announcements that we're looking forward to

Now I would not be surprised if they use the EWS emergency wireless system, or EBS or EAS all of them to get this news out and if mainstream media doesn't come to the party on this and say, say it accurately. I'm sure our military is ready to take those networks over and make sure that the news is accurate.

I also thimk that we could have some form of early disclosure coming out that would come out behind these announcements. Maybe not the same day, maybe not Tuesday, or Wednesday might come in fairly, fairly. shortly.

And I'm excited about this week because what we're hearing is that after those announcements, and the interesting thing about this is generally speaking, when President Trump announced something, it had already taken place.

That may be the case with the USN and bank notes - our currency in the banks. they could be there ready to go Monday. But it might be that they'll go after the announcement is actually made on Monday. So we'll see how that goes -  those announcements could trigger some things for us  - could it  trigger the emails that we are to receive to set our appointments for our exchanges, its possible on Monday, but I'm hearing it's more likely Tuesday. We'll get those emails with the 800 number set our  appointment and go in on Tuesday evening, or Wednesday for our exchanges and redemption of zim.

So we're in in tier four. we're in a tuesday Wednesday Motif right now, that appears to be where we are.

Now, on the 22nd  which is Tuesday. There was a lot that is going to start. There's a lot of in there's so much and some of it's a little sensitive that I can't quite bring it out but be prepared for the possibility, a lot of things happening, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, like I said, I think we should get notified Tuesday and we should start exchanges on Wednesday, and then take off from there.

I know that we have a really good situation with the rates for those of us who might have Zim They have a fixed rate that they plan to offer us on our dinar It's very good very high.

There's also have the planned rate to offer us if we assume for any dong We also have and the rest of it is just going to be whatever the front Banks screens are. Okay, let's go back to our timeline.

What is Iraq going to do - when are they going to maybe bring out their new rate,  print it in the gazette - and all of that on Sunday? We believe the Prime Minister is here. Could he make  the announcement from here or would that new rate and the opening of the budget and the HCl law which has been passed and needs to be implemented and so on.

Would that be announced here or would that come out on Sunday or Wednesday? We don't know the answer to that yet. It could be Sunday, or it could which is the first business day remember that? In the Middle East - It's Sundays a first business day and then Wednesday is another major day because that's when usually the printed version.

Okay, so I am back and I need to make one change here in my little system and one moment let me see here.

Okay. Okay, the other thing that I want to say Intel wise is this is this is a very important week for us. I think we're going to see major changes in our stock exchange by Tuesday or Wednesday.

I think as they transition to the USN, and there'll be some changes in place there. We have heard that we will be on an entirely new financial system, which is the global financial system of the of the

of the world and everything that is coming down that we've been looking for is taking place and should be starting Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday because this is these are the dates that the BRICS summit is, is underway, those three days.

And these some meetings, as I mentioned, are taking place primary to or preliminary meetings before the BRICS summit, but it's going to be a global phenomenon. And I believe we're gonna get really good information that come out from these announcements. And, and I really think we're starting really starting afresh this coming week. So I wanted to say that get that out to you.

 Now I wanted to just thank everybody for listening to the call tonight. Wherever you are around the globe. So thank you everybody for listening. This is looking very solid for next week. Let's see what happens. Let's pay close attention to what happens on Monday for announcements and then we'll take it from there. All right, everybody, have a great weekend.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-17-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:21:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, to the big call tonight it is Tuesday, August 15th and you're listening to the big call. We had a reach on last Thursday of 196 countries. That's right 196 and quite a few listeners course well over the 20 to 24 million mark think we're at 26 million 108. Oh, if memory serves me 26,million,108 listeners live to the call - and that's internationally that's globally that doesn't really include a free conference call line and replay here so good to know that we're getting out there. Hope you're part of that and listening in.

As far as the Intel goes.  This is really interesting, as I mentioned a little earlier and we're sort of that day by day situation where we've been told – we’re minutes away – this is getting ready to go -  All of these things that are banned phrases  on the Big Call now - - ha ha

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, to the big call tonight it is Tuesday, August 15th and you're listening to the big call. We had a reach on last Thursday of 196 countries. That's right 196 and quite a few listeners course well over the 20 to 24 million mark think we're at 26 million 108. Oh, if memory serves me 26,million,108 listeners live to the call - and that's internationally that's globally that doesn't really include a free conference call line and replay here so good to know that we're getting out there. Hope you're part of that and listening in.

As far as the Intel goes.  This is really interesting, as I mentioned a little earlier and we're sort of that day by day situation where we've been told – we’re minutes away – this is getting ready to go -  All of these things that are banned phrases  on the Big Call now - - ha ha

Just kidding, but they could be - they're getting closer to being a banned phrase -  what we're really looking at is, things are really happening – I can’t  too deep in the weeds on this, but things have happened and started a couple of days ago - happening politically to move this thing forward - and keep the Chinese elders happy.

That's a good thing. What's going on there and you should be seeing something hopefully, coming out soon, like in the next couple of days to reflect that. But I can tell you that there are things happening in all 50 states with our martial law in seven of those states, and we've got forces ready to go – for different things. I will say this – the emphasis is on getting things done - Behind the scenes - and too, I'm just gonna say virtually eliminate the deep state in the next three to four days.

I've been told to pay close attention to what happened over the next few days. But it could be that the  action that takes place behind the scenes that clean up on aisle 3/4/5, etc that I've talked about, that may turn into becoming a cover for us going for our exchanges. We're not sure if that is the case. But it could be and I would say we would look for something to come out on the new EWS system - Emergency Wireless System, which is theoretically the confluence of the emergency Broadcasting System and the Emergency Alert System.

Not quite sure if that's totally fully integrated or not. But they use this new term EWS - emergency warning system as a way to bring out some of the information that we're looking to hear.

On a another front, we have the BRICS conference, this summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, starting at 22nd and going through the 24th of August. So that starts next Tuesday and goes through Thursday of next week.

At that conference now includes 93 member countries who are either in  or want to be part of the BRICS consortium of countries  - 93 that are all gold backed and ready to be gold back with their own currency. And also, it may be as I understand it, a new BRICS  Nation's currency.

They could be out and tradable - like the USN the American dollar will be which I'm understanding that that USN is traded now, the digitally but it needs to surface in terms of our own physical money that we put in our wallets and purses that that should be out prior to maybe two days prior which would be weird because as of Sunday, two days prior to the BRICS conference, or the BRICS summit in South Africa.

So whether or not we see that, which remember, this new currency has been out for at least a couple of years. And we had already at the redemption centers that we will be able to get some cash when we go in for our exchanges and redemption of Zim but we will also have it fairly soon in our teller drawers, but I don't know what they are going to bring that out. I'm not sure I personally I think that we need a public announcement about our new currency, which would be part of NESARA.

We are not going to be returning to the quote unquote gold standard.

But we have an asset backed that is primarily backed by gold - there's a large percentage of our dollar -  our new USN  that is backed by gold and other precious metals and oil and natural gas and other assets that are monetized for the purpose of backing our new USN. So there's a lot going on behind the scenes even now. Political change It's in the air and working and we should have evidence of that brought out so that not just I know about it. My Contacts know about it. Intel sources know about it. But when is mainstream America going to be aware of it? That's the big question.

That needs to happen. I believe for the Chinese owners to be satisfied. It's not just the behind the scenes thing. That is actually out and people are aware of it. But we'll look forward to that and praying for that to manifest itself.

Bondholders are still waiting their email notifications to give them access to funds that they would receive those today have access tomorrow. So far by time is call it on I don't have any indications that has occurred yet today.

And there I'm sure that there's anxious to get access to their funds as we are they get access to our exchange opportunities with our appointments and so on. So I think the next two to three days we're going to be really significant if we go this week.

Now, the other thing that is in play, believe it or not, is Iraq. Iraq is still saying they're going to put out a new rate and open their budget and pull it out  in their gazette -  possibly tomorrow -  which is  Wednesday – good printing day, or they might wait until Saturday and and the so called HCL the hydrocarbon law the oil and gas law has been called which has been passed a long time ago – would be implemented with the new rates with a new rate on the Iraqi dinar.

And that law determines what percentage of the oil profits and gas profits in Iraq are distributed throughout the country, especially into the region of Kurdistan because that was always a big point of discussion, whether that was going what percentage they would get, and I don't remember the percentage that they agreed upon - So I don't want to put that out.

 But that is that has been agreed to. It's just a matter of implementing that law and getting those monies sent to the proper places within the country.

So that's something we could wait all the way on Saturday for but possibly it could come out tomorrow or it could be printed in a special edition if you will, of the Gazette. Maybe before Saturday for that matter. But what it looks like is happening is these  cleanup and arrests and political things, all this stuff is going on right now -  should bring us to a point to the point where everybody is satisfied and we can move forward with our notifications by email us and then we call and set appointments and they say we go on our exchanges and redemption of zim.

So that's a lot to look forward to and it could occur this week or early next week. However, we understood that we would have this and have our USN out – if you will -  as part of NESARA before the BRICS summit starts Tuesday in South Africa.

Sort of a self imposed. Not going to use the banned  phrase “back wall” but it's self imposed timeframe where it should occur prior to that summit –

So today is Tuesday, the 15th - we could see some action here the next couple of days. It might drag on to early next week. But some of its going to depend on what happens you know when intel sources tell us wait to see what happens.

Wait to see. Well, we've been waiting to see a lot and we want to see these changes implemented. I assure you things are definitely happening behind the Scenes politically and with our military.

Everything's moving. They're just gonna let us know when they feel like they want us to know. That’s really what it amounts to

In the meantime.

We'll see what happens. We literally don't have anything other than a large window. By the end we are by the weekend because of what Iraq is supposed to do by Saturday. So it could be all the way to Saturday. But you know the weekend goes sometimes I'll say well, okay, let's just start first of the week. So you never know. This thing could pop they might surprise us. And that happens with what is going on currently as we speak behind the scenes.

I can tell you that on the time on the big call tonight. They call it in process. Everything started a massive effort to remove that activity.

So that's going to be ongoing for at least a couple of three days, maybe more. So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys. So let's do this. Let's pray the call out and then we'll see what the next couple of days or three days brings for us.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:21:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight it is Thursday, August 10th and you're listening to the big call. And we're welcoming everybody wherever our signal is going all over the globe with our special technology that actually targets currency holders around the globe. And I can't get into how that works, but I think it's terrific. And that's why we had a week ago - I don't know what the numbers were for Last Tuesday's call, but I know that we can go we had 24 and a half million listeners, and that might be before they shared the link or had maybe more than one or two people listening at the same time. So who knows what the total numbers are, but we're happy that the call is getting out. And we're getting we're getting information that we have out to currency holders and listeners of the big call. So big call universe this call is for you   Let's, let's go into the Intel segment - a lot of different things today.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight it is Thursday, August 10th and you're listening to the big call. And we're welcoming everybody wherever our signal is going all over the globe with our special technology that actually targets currency holders around the globe. And I can't get into how that works, but I think it's terrific. And that's why we had a week ago - I don't know what the numbers were for Last Tuesday's call, but I know that we can go we had 24 and a half million listeners, and that might be before they shared the link or had maybe more than one or two people listening at the same time. So who knows what the total numbers are, but we're happy that the call is getting out. And we're getting we're getting information that we have out to currency holders and listeners of the big call. So big call universe this call is for you   Let's, let's go into the Intel segment - a lot of different things today.

The interesting part about where we are, is that we're getting the direction that things are going to happen soon, but we don't know exactly when - we did believe that we would get notified by today.

It was going to be Wednesday or Thursday we would be notified  - and we'd be exchanging Thursday or Friday - hasn't happened. Bondholders are looking to be notified possibly tomorrow, which is Friday and get their access to funds on Friday or Saturday - And that's something that none of the bondholders except the super whales have received their 1% of their funds.

The Super whales, which would still be part of tier three, receive 10% of their total. That's all they're gonna get. Because the 90% that they agreed upon months and months and years ago, would go directly into NESARA and GESARA for humanitarian projects.

Now that's not the case with us. If we want to exchange and keep everything for ourselves, we can do that. Most of us have designated a certain portion, at least of the Zim, if not other currencies to be utilized for humanitarian projects - You know  

I think I told you guys years and years ago, that the value of zim was so great. My plan was to utilize all of it for humanitarian projects. And some of you guys might agree with doing that. It's up to you.

But the regular bondholders - the ones that we know and talk to their paymasters are saying they're looking for these guys to get those emails that will give them access to funds, spendable funds, but it's projected like it has been for a while to be, lets say tomorrow and the next day. But will that happen?

We just don't know. We hope it does, because we're tied to the tier three bondholders getting access to funds because of the so called shotgun start. That puts us getting notified 12 to 14 hours after they get their notifications by email. So we're tied to that in some way to be notified ourselves.

And to take that concept further.  Say well, what's going on internationally? Well, let's talk about the BRICS countries.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

Well, the BRICS nations have a summit that's going to be in Johannesburg, South Africa, on the 28th on the 22nd through the 24th of this month 22nd to the 24th they are supposed to have a BRICS consortium, gold backed currency has all of these nations. And there's five in there now plus, others that have joined and maybe another 40 that want to be admitted into this consortium. of gold backed currency countries.

There's, it's going to be a big deal, and it's already a big deal, because these countries  are trading their currencies back and forth. And it's expected that they will have a gold backed currency within the BRICS nations somewhere in that either right before, during or after that summit in South Africa.

Now, we, as you know, the USN - We've got that out digitally, and we'll have it out soon enough, but it's supposed to be announced somewhere between the 18th and the 21st of this month.  So just prior to the BRICS conference or BRICS summit in Johannesburg, so we know that announcing the USN as our asset backed currency - we talked about Tuesday, we're not truly going back on the gold standard.

But in a sense our currency is highly backed by gold and other currencies  - other assets -  like other types of precious metals, oil, natural gas, intellectual property, all of these things that will back our USN and give it the value that it has - So that's something to keep an eye on.

Now. What happens for us between now and then, Could we get notified here in the next day or so and get this party started for currency holders and Zim holders to redeem their zim?    We all hope so obviously.

The other thing that is going on -  this morning at 4am. And I'm not positive whether this was Iraq time at 4am or 4am. Eastern I couldn't get that confirmed by the time of the call.

However, the visa direct payment systems. The DPS - visa direct payment system was instituted to be a lot like Zell which is used inside the United States to transfer funds from individual to individual. Well, this visa direct payment system has been designed and been in the works for many years. I know some of the people that have been working on that and it's designed to send funds internationally, person to person – directly - like as if we're using Zell.

But this is something that supposedly started today or they had the ability to start today - and it was something that we heard was going to be started in Iraq today, but it's a global system. It's something that could be used in all 209 countries.

And if it in fact got started in Iraq this morning, which we haven't confirmed, we're having difficulty getting the confirmation out of Iraq. However, if that did happen, then everything's moving forward in that light. And that's another thing that – quote un quote - needed to be done was the institution of the visa, direct payment system. Now that that's in place, I think that moves us that much closer to what you and I are looking for.

Okay, now let's see what else we know.

First of all, is the timing, obviously, that we want. We've got the concept of getting notifications - to bondholders being notified -  us being notified -  We know that the redemption center staff has been going in since last Tuesday, two days. ago. And our understanding is that he's still going in waiting for these numbers to come out. And for them to be able to set the appointments on the redemption center end - And once we get these numbers

There's one other thing that's an important point that's supposed to happen tomorrow - And that is that you guys have heard me talk about the Emergency Broadcast System, the Emergency Alert System. Oh, I got another one for you. We believe this is the merger of the emergency broadcast and emergency alert system. It's called the E W S emergency wireless system.

And this is what our spooks in our military guys are talking about now. The emergency wireless system will be tested at approximately 2:20pm tomorrow afternoon Eastern, daylight time - based on that we think its a test. It could be more than that. We don't know if it could be more. Maybe it's a free trigger to something. Maybe it's not but I think it's good the way that it's at least designed to be tested tomorrow as the emergency wireless system EWS.  So we'll see how it comes out.

The other thing is we have international martial law in place now, globally, martial law. We have martial law inside the United States and seven states currently and in approximately 60 cities that are considered hotspots around our country.

Speaking of hotspots I wanted to bring up and I should have brought this up far earlier in the call about the fires that took place in Maui  Hawaii, in the Lahaina  area where I've been at least seven or eight times – I’m pretty familiar with what it used to look like. And it appears from our sources that these fires were intentionally set by deep state.

Now, we know that the same type of thing happened in California you might remember where homes were destroyed when trees weren't even affected.

Now in the case of the Lahaina, you know, we lost evidently that huge big Banyan tree ( ) over there in Lahaina which was a huge thing for the people and for all of us can appreciate that. The length and longevity of that tree. I understood that I don't know this absolutely understood it that was taken out in this fire. Also a number of businesses and shops and homes on both sides of Main Street in Lahaina -  it's devastating for them. I think they're so far they found 39 and lost their lives.

We mourn for them. And we just I mean that's a very special place on Maui. And I know the people are absolutely devastated over there.

What I'm proposing is that when we do get this blessing that rebuilding Lahaina or rebuilding Maui, in that sense, will be one of our first activities to go over there and help people rebuild. And I've got some ideas about how we're going to do that. So we'll see how that comes about. But that's, that's really terrible, and it's just something that I can't understand why that happened. But I know that that's what the Deep State has done and has done evidenced by what they did in California.

So to our Hawaiian brothers and sisters on and I understand the Big Island also might have had some fires over on the Big Island of Hawaii.  And your Hawaiian brothers and sisters.  I just are aloha is with you we give you our Aloha.  And we look forward to seeing that area, rebuild and lives restored.

You know? So let's see what happens. We'll see what you guys do about that. If you want to make that a project or if you have another project and you need a way to create that and make that a real thing.

Now we do want to pray about those who lost everything over in the Lahaina in Maui. And it just was super, super devastating. And we'll make it a rebuild. Rebuild site. Rebuild America Okay, that's what we need to do.

I think guys, all we can do at this point, the same thing. Stay positive. See this future happening for you?

Exactly when it's unveil. We'll have to see how it goes in the next few days. Maybe something happens before and during the weekend. Maybe it starts again next week. We'll just have to see what happens. But let's go ahead and pray this call out. And then we'll look into over the weekend. We'll see what else is happening. Usually I get something after I finished the call. Usually I guess something the next day, but we'll have a call next Tuesday if we don't have this beforehand, okay.  Let's pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:21:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August the eighth and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you're located around this globe. I know on last Thursday's call, we reached 24 and a half million live listeners.

And that's a record. That's the biggest number we've ever received, that we have confirmation that from that they did in fact listen to the call – its  incredible technology that our team has put together so that they can receive the big call. One and a half 1.2 seconds after I speak it they immediately simultaneously translate it into a number of different languages.  We were in 199 countries with 24 and a half million live listeners. That doesn't include any replay people that might have clicked the replay link on the replay email that they were sent on the email link.

We've got some good things to bring to you tonight.  Well, let's cut to where we are on the Intel tonight.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August the eighth and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you're located around this globe. I know on last Thursday's call, we reached 24 and a half million live listeners.

And that's a record. That's the biggest number we've ever received, that we have confirmation that from that they did in fact listen to the call – its  incredible technology that our team has put together so that they can receive the big call. One and a half 1.2 seconds after I speak it they immediately simultaneously translate it into a number of different languages.  We were in 199 countries with 24 and a half million live listeners. That doesn't include any replay people that might have clicked the replay link on the replay email that they were sent on the email link.

We've got some good things to bring to you tonight.  Well, let's cut to where we are on the Intel tonight.

First of all, a couple of days ago, I'm gonna say two or three days ago, we were looking forward from about three or four different sources to this going meaning notifications either Tuesday or Wednesday, meaning today or tomorrow.  And then that would be setting appointments and exchanging the currencies and redeeming the Zim on Wednesday or Thursday.

Now, the way it stands now, we have not received notifications today. So it sort of takes today out of the mix, but it definitely makes Thursday and Wednesday. Or Wednesday and Thursday, definitely in play.    Wednesday from what we're hearing from several sources today.

It's looking like we should get notified tomorrow on Wednesday. I don't know what time. I don't know if it'll be morning or afternoon. I also don't know if we're going to start exchanges tomorrow, meaning in the afternoon, or evening or whether we would only set appointments for that would begin on Thursday. I know that the redemption center staff have been informed to be there today. And to be there a plan to be there. In some cases for 12 or 16 days straight.

Some redemption centers will not need to be open for more than about 11 or 12 days. Some of the busier higher demographic redemption center areas will go as long as 16 days that they pretty much know who the currency holders are. When we go in for that first portion of Know Your Customer, meaning who are you?

What do they have? About us? Do they have our name or phone number or social security numbers? Do they know for example, what currencies we purchased in some cases? Yes.

Do they have your email? Yes.

So they know your customer is going to be a matter of you putting up a nice photo of yourself and an ID for example, a passport or driver's license or both if you have them and then showing them a utility bill or a cell phone bill showing the address where you're currently staying. And when you show them to that and they go ahead and match that up and say okay, yep, that's what we thought. And then boom, that's that thing. Only might take you 15 to 30 seconds to get that portion done.

Of course, they're going to want to say what currencies you have pony those up. And you let them count and authenticate and verify those with the delarue machine.  And you'll be actually sitting in front for the most part of three people - three different people, and they'll be working feverishly to count and verify your currency on the delarue machine.

And then make sure that you have a good idea how much of each currency you believe you have over these things. You have a lot of counted all up. Maybe you've done all that.

And you know, for example, how much are you have how much do you have how much Rupiah - how much Afghani how much zim - how much Bolivar you have Venezuelan Bolivar, whatever, whatever the currency is that you're bringing in and there are about 23 currencies that are going up in value. And we know obviously several that are going up substantially in value

All right. So when you go in and they're counting that I want to make sure that I have a typed sheet that shows how much currency I have in each one. Like how much dinar how many  - How much Dong - how much zim -  all of that.

So that when I this is what I say I have let's see how like you guys count compares to it that way okay. All right. I see you see that that much okay, and they start doing it. And then when they go through and say Well, you're right about this, you got that many dinar boom check it off. And you got that many dong, check it off, to get that much zim. Okay, check it off.

But bottom line is it's good for you to know kind of what's going on. They're going to be counting going through it very fast very quickly. And they have laptops that are connected to the delarue machines that are going to be able to upload their newest laptops, by the way to the Starlink satellites.

That's pretty cool. So everything is set up for us to go through that. And then we'll be talking about rates. We'll be talking about your projects if you're a Zim holder. And even if you're not, let's say all you have is Dong but you still have projects, boom, you want to let them know that now that would allow you for example, let's say you have Dong and no other currencies and you have a rate that's been offered you that you might be able to negotiate that higher because you're doing projects and because that's your only currency.

If you're a Zim holder, there's you're not going to be able to negotiate your dinar or your dong up in value. You just see what they offer you. The zim is going to be so much bigger. It's going to cover basically more than cover everything that you want to do.

Once you get the currencies done the next thing is for you to do your project presentation, five to eight minutes for all your projects, everything. So that means you need a good outline form of presentation that you can present and then leave a copy of it with them.

They'll pick your project ideas, run it scan it in  computer, make sure that you're not duplicated with, you know 10s of 1000s of other people around the country that are doing the same projects. It also might come in handy. If they say well we've got you know, 800 currency holders that have this very similar project. It might work that there'll be some collaboration possible.

And I think when we get our website and everything ready to go, when we find out that we've got so many listeners that want to work on rebuild America, so many people that were looking into this particular aspect of their presentation, their projects, it might be that we will help to collaborate people, regionally. Work with people. We're gonna have to look in every every aspect of this before we do it. But I think it's very possible that we'll collaborate across the country and possibly internationally as well.

You know, that rebuild international intends to start in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Bahamas. Those three countries wanted to start it. And so obviously it helps, for example, as Bob has two very strong connections, or the Dominican Republic. So we'll see how that takes us and where we go with it

Beyond your presentation obviously, you're gonna get a quantum account set up for you. The Quantum account is where the bulk of all of your exchange goes into.

It's not interest bearing, but it is the account that is like a United States Treasury backed account. Okay, the quantum financial system is tied to it. And your quantum card will give you access to that quantum account where you can move funds from it to up to three different banks that will be connected to it.

I'm using obviously Wells Fargo initially, and we'll see if I add a couple other banks to that. But to move initially from your day of exchange to get access to funds, you'll have a certain amount that you can put into your Wells Fargo primary account is what I'm calling the main bank account. And in my case, I'll probably use the trust name or my umbrella trust to use for that particular account.

Now we're not going to be able to set up multiple accounts in the redemption center that day, there'll be far too much to do in 40 minutes to do that. You might be able to get a primary and secondary account with Wells, and that would be it. I think that would be it.

Alright, once we get our accounts, we also have our quantum account. You got a biometric fingerprint or thumbprint on that a password and email and things tied to it. So there's there's a lot to getting that card out. And then in your primary wells account, you're going to need a credit debit card on Wells that you'll have. And then you'll have that information to set up so that you can start using that right away.

Beyond that, you're going to obviously have your account set up your bank accounts, and most of the banking type questions and banking things you'll need to go to the bank the next day or a couple of days later, to take care of those questions.

Also, they're going to give you a book I the last time we heard it was 55 pages of who's not to give money to who not to donate to. Okay, you want to stay with that. You don't want your account frozen because you didn't listen to that or didn't read a book.

You're gonna get a one or two page list of perks that the bank is going to offer you. It could be interesting to take that home and consider that - they'll also give you at  the end - you're gonna get an opportunity to take some new USN currency or new money and I think they want to keep it under $8,500 per person.  I might take five grand that would be it. No more than that in cash.

Take that. And that's only if you're used to using cash. You don't have to take any of it if you don't want and then you'll also get a cue phone if you're a Zim holder. I can't speak to all the other currencies because they don't have that. I know they've provided us the new cue phones which are basically like a satellite phone that works on the Starlink satellite system. And it works all over the world where you're not bouncing off cell towers you're bouncing off of the satellites themselves.

And so that is supposed to be free for you. And my understanding is at this time that it's a free service for you. Now, we'll find out that that's what I've heard. So we'll see what happens with the Q phone.

Also you're supposed to get a certificate, good for $1,000 for a new laptop, and you want to take that to one of eight different retailers that they have listed out that you can use that certificate to buy a laptop for up to $1,000 Okay, or I guess anything at that store designed for the laptop.

Then beyond that, that's about all that they were going to do In your in your 40 minute time.

Even I've been told if you have a duffel bag of currency, and some of you guys do, they'll still knock that out on the delarue machine and get that counted in them for you and get you out of there in 40 minutes. That's not going to be touchy feely. It's not a warm fuzzy. You're not there to make new friends.

This really is a quick business meeting where you're laying it all out there in the done and getting out of there. And then you can go out with a smile on your face and take a drive back to your home your office or whatever and celebrate privately

There will be security there. There'll be a US Marshal there in case there's any shenanigans or funny business that will take somebody right up out of their chair with the bracelets on taking them out of there. Okay, so realize this is serious business.

You are allowed to have your phone, but you cannot have your phone on where you're taking the picture, no video or audio recording of it. It's just there you might as well say put it on airplane mode. Put it in your briefcase, or your purse. You can have it but you can't have it as a recording anything video or audio.

So, we are so many another thing the BRICS nations, which you know, the BRICS originally started with Brazil Russia, India, China, and South Africa. They've all been gold backed for a while now quite a while probably, I'm gonna say years, two years. And there are about 40 - 60 other countries that want to align and be part of the BRICS consortium Right? Well, there is a meeting -  a large get together that will be taking place in Let's see the 22nd 23rd 24th of August.

In Africa, I don't know where but that is going to be where the BRICS nations are coming out and supporting the idea of a gold backed currency. Now realize we're not calling our USN gold backed even though it's primarily backed by gold. They're using the term “asset backed”.

Because there are other assets that are backing our currency besides gold, and they may never use the announcement that we're back on the gold standard. I don't think they will ever say that or that we're gold back. Point is we have a USN asset backed currency that has been traded now for a couple of weeks - and we believe the actual physical money that we put in our wallets, that currency should be out in the banks. It's already in the redemption centers should be out in the banks for us - for us and other people to get, I would think, possibly middle or later this week.

It's hard to say exactly. Don't set your watch by that but it looks it looks like once we get started, which hopefully is by Thursday - If it's not tomorrow afternoon, it could be vice versa. And then we're off to the races and we've got a new currency and everything else.

Now the latest I had on our connection to the med beds is proximately eight days after we start our exchanges we'd be able to set our appointments for the med beds, so that's always a little subject to change, but just beware that.

I think that's everything I wanted to bring out that is current that I can remember - I know that there's there are things happening politically now as we speak that happened yesterday - and I think there'll be more things that will be taking place as a result. there's clean up on all aisles  all over the country. I think they are.

A Few Spots Went Silent While Bruce Was Speaking So Some Transcription  Was Unavailable

And it looks like yeah, it looks like you know there are some areas they're using the term martial law in seven or eight states and they're using the term partial martial law, which is the like martial law. 

Martial law is In a lot of other parts of the country is going to be like martial law light, but I think it's it's good to know they're prepared for so called hotspots around the country. And you know, when political change takes place, and the truth comes out, and some of these things might upset some people, majority  _________ bruce faded out   areas.

Yeah, they're all good. I'm excited about everything.  Bruce fading again ---- getting a phone call he says  - call I had to take now.  Hold on one second

So that's what I wanted to share tonight. I wanted to bring that out.

 But I want everybody to sort of enjoy this time of exchange. I want you to take a little time off. You got to take care of any personal debt you got. You got to take a little vacation, maybe pick up a new car, you're looking at a house or an upgrade in your house.

All of those things are going to keep you busy for a little while - while we put our project ideas down. Activate or tune in or else and we figure out exactly how we're going to put all this together.

Then, in the meantime, guys, it is Tuesday night let's see what tomorrow brings. If we have everything and we're underway by Thursday, we might have a celebration call Thursday night but there's no guarantee of that at this point. We're just looking for toll free numbers and to get everybody setting their appointments with the redemption centers and then going from there, to their exchanges, and so on. Alright, so that's what I wanted to say.

Thank you all the listeners that were beaming out to we had 24 and a half million last Thursday's call globally in 109 countries. And hopefully we have good reach tonight as well. Thank you those that have been listening for 12 years. Appreciate you very much. And those that are new, we still appreciate you to probably have new listeners on every call. Let's pray the call out.

Everybody have a good night tonight. God bless you, and let's see what happens over the next few days.

Let's see what happens over the next few days.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-8-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:21:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, August 3rd and you're listening to the big call.

Now, last Tuesday two nights ago, We actually did reach 191 countries - And we had just under 20 million live listeners. Tonight my team is saying that they're gonna get the call out to 198 countries - so we won't know how many that is  probably tomorrow or the next day, but that's, that's really I'm encouraged and I'm excited that the big call is reaching just about every country on the globe. So that's a good thing. And Iraq, we are open to go into Iraq tonight. So that's good.  Welcome Iraq and all these other countries out there. That's wonderful.

All right  Let's go into where we stand right now, from an Intel point of view on the blessing  - we're getting information that is suggesting first of all, that they had intended to release this yesterday to us. That was the plan to let that go. It didn't happen, because it appears that there may be three things that still are needing to be done.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, August 3rd and you're listening to the big call.

Now, last Tuesday two nights ago, We actually did reach 191 countries - And we had just under 20 million live listeners. Tonight my team is saying that they're gonna get the call out to 198 countries - so we won't know how many that is  probably tomorrow or the next day, but that's, that's really I'm encouraged and I'm excited that the big call is reaching just about every country on the globe. So that's a good thing. And Iraq, we are open to go into Iraq tonight. So that's good.  Welcome Iraq and all these other countries out there. That's wonderful.

All right  Let's go into where we stand right now, from an Intel point of view on the blessing  - we're getting information that is suggesting first of all, that they had intended to release this yesterday to us. That was the plan to let that go. It didn't happen, because it appears that there may be three things that still are needing to be done.

And I said okay, what are the three things to our best knowledge and maybe, maybe one or more of these is already done. But the three things appear to be one, the political change that we've talked about -  that's one thing because the elders want that to happen before all the funds are released for us. Number two, we need the Emergency Alert System and the Emergency Broadcast System or to be merged into one - one system EAS and EBS to get out the information that needs to be put out.

And that could be in the form of what we would call disclosure. Okay. That was number two. Number three was the announcement of NESARA and internationally for GESARA, but for us right now for what we need - we're looking for the announcement of and a little bit of information about NESARA.

Now, we do understand that some parts of NESARA and the debt jubilee is to start really right after we get notified and set our appointments and start our exchanges. We have heard that the - remember we talked about restitution and reclamation allowance - That money that is that is ours - That was traded on our birth certificates or marriage licenses, our divorce decrees, our death certificates, all of that money our tax money since we started – really - since we started working - of the interest that we pay on credit cards on home mortgages, on bank loans, personal loans, all of that - All of that, holding about 17 different variables on that.

Those monies are to come back to us - And this is what I heard as of yesterday - Between the time we start our exchanges, and I'll get to that in a moment - time we start the exchanges, and between that time and the middle of the month of August, which I'm calling August 15th .

So that is really going to be good. That's going to be a lot of money for a lot of people that are not even involved in the currencies, especially people 60 years and older that can opt to take that as a one time payment, a lump sum  payment.

And I don't know how we're going to elect to do that yet. I've yet to find that out. But we know that for those that are getting Social Security, supposedly, that restitution or reclamation allowance would be paid into that account. Where you normally get your Social Security per month.

So we'll look into that. Find out if we have another call. I'll try to enlighten you on that. I'm not sure we will, though, based on the information that we have so far.

As far as the timing. We only track the bondholders to see when are they going to get their notifications, which comes out by email of what their liquidity and access to those funds. When will they access their funds those funds in their accounts?. The asnswer appears to be right now for the bondholders Monday or Tuesday – Monday or Tuesday.

 Now, what about us? We're sort of running like a shotgun start with two or three bondholders  when would we get notified. The latest information I have so far this afternoon is pointing toward Monday or Tuesday for notifications and Tuesday, Wednesday, or exchanges Monday or Tuesday for notifications - Tuesday or Wednesday for our exchanges and redemption of Zim to begin.

So rates are changing at the banks every day with new rates with the trading that's going on globally.

We know that the BRICS nations have basically dumped the USD Fiat dollar that we had in this country for a long time. – and that is a good thing  - And we know that we are in control of the global financial system – okay - through the quantum financial system and a starlink satellite system.

And we also know that as a this is as of midnight two nights ago that the black hats in the military are no longer an issue, but a longer problem that all the military is under the proper leadership of our real commander in chief. And you guys should know by now that really is and we are in full control finally, of HAARP. You guys go ?? HAARP   What is that? What do you mean like a harp?

No, HAARP and I can't tell you what it stands for exactly.

(High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program)   INFO LINKS   

But this is a system that was created to help control the weather and provide rain and drought stricken areas or farmers and so on to produce crops where they were losing crops, not only here in the US, but other parts of the world. Well, it got taken and taken over from its rightful use and put in the wrong hands. And that's been many years now and that's one reason we've had so many hurricanes in Florida, and back to back hurricanes like a week apart. We've had all these weather phenomena that needed that would manmade through the system, and it was the Cabal that was running it –

Now we are in full control of it. And hopefully now it could be used when necessary to provide rain in around stricken areas. You know, I would hope that it's used properly and I know that it will be so that's a really big deal. We’ve got the Quantum Financial System -. We've got all the military on the same page. We've got HAARP –

And so now we just need to get - we just need to make sure that we have - and I don't know that we haven't but I was supposed to find out - Obviously after the call tonight. Like a lot of things happen. I'll get that information after the call is over. But I believe by tonight we should have the integration of the the Emergency Alert System with the Emergency Broadcast System.


And I would say our new currency needs to be announced as well as part of NESARA - our new asset backed currency. They may not call it gold backed. That's right. The point is its the USN and it's been trading digitally - And now physically - it needs to be in the banks.  - It has been for months, but it needs to be brought out so the public is aware. Hey, we have a new asset backed currency our new money does asset backed and that needs to come out and I believe that as part of this and our political turnover that we're looking for, needs to be manifest and and talked about as well.

That's what we're looking to have happen here. And if we're going to get started Monday, Tuesday a notification does need to happen by the need to happen. I had a call in the middle of Bob segment that led me to believe that some things that were looking to happen may happen already today. So I'll be checking on that to see what I can learn about what actually may have transpired  in the way of those areas by just discussed.

So they want us in and out of the redemption center in 40 minutes. They want us to go in if you're married with a spouse, if not you go in. You can go in with an attorney And you can also go in with a close family friend or advisor If necessary, but you would need to let them know that you're through the call center using the toll free number.

And yes, we will be using toll free number I think it might just be one 800 number that we use. And we'll be able to set an appointment based on the zip code as to what redemption center would be the one that we want to use, whether it's a zip code where we live, where we work, or another area where we just know what the zip code is because there's a redemption center there. All Zim goes through the Wells Fargo monitored redemption centers.

Now when the redemption centers are closed in about two weeks, when there might be some stragglers that might have zim or found that they had zim and didn’t know it. Those people would go to Wells Fargo Bank to redeem that Zim after the redemption centers are closed. So keep that in mind.

But if you're smart, you will go ahead and use toll free number - Set your appointment. Give yourself enough time to get there. Don't be over 10 minutes early. Do not get there more than 10 minutes before your appointment time. And that way you'll be in good shape.

You'll get there and you'll be able to do your do your appointment and get in and get out of there in 40 minutes. That’s an amazing feat. This is not going to be a touchy feely, this is not going to be a warm and fuzzy. This is going to be getting this business done. This is good.

They know who you are, for the most part if you bought currency they already know - and if you bought it they have your email - they've got your email, your phone number, your name, your social, they've gotten a lot of KYC - Know Your Customer - all you have to do show ID - which use a passport or driver's license when you don't have to have a utility bill.

You know it shows your street address be live. And that way that way they'll say Hey, okay, this is this person. And then boom after that. It's going to be quick. The proofing up your currency, counting up verifying it on the Delarue Machine. You'll be basically in front of a group of three people. Three people

If you have bonds – There’s a fourth person will be dealing with sheet bonds, like German bonds, Chinese bonds, railroad bonds, all that stuff. Most of us have currency and a lot of us have the Zimbabwe  dollar currency which is a bearer bond.

Okay. We'll be presenting three people. And one of those people already knows everything basically that they need to know about you. And then the you're going to basically go through and proof up your currency. They're going to verify we'll be setting up an account for you with Wells Fargo, and then you'll be also setting up a quantum financial system account QFS account with what I call a quantum card, which is a way a cue card and that's the way to take funds that are put into your quantum account and move them into your primary or secondary Wells Fargo account.

They want you to have no more than three different banks that will be connected to your quantum account. Overlook no more than three banks so you'll be able to move funds into one two or three banks as needed. Okay, so you got five, eight minutes to do a presentation.

Make sure you have a presentation and especially for world class, the best form And then once you get on your presentation you finished that you'll be getting your card done  - your credit debit card that you can use on your Wells Fargo primary or secondary account to get that  - and you'll be getting a book a 55 page book unless it's increased on who not to contribute money to send money to look at that go through that.

And then also want to they probably will give you a two or three page saying on the benefits or the perks  - the perks that the bank would give you by staying with them. And they'll be just free deals or things that could be pretty interesting. We'll have to see what they look like. We'll be able to afford anything we want. But some of these might be nice. Alright, so then they're going to kick you out.

And then when you walk out of there, you can take a deep sigh of deep breath and start smiling. Oh, don't forget they're gonna give you a cue phone. No, they won't tell you anything about it. They're just gonna send you out with it. and it also sent give you a certificate up to $1,000 that you can use to purchase a new laptop at one of eight different retails stores.

That's a lot. I can barely say everything that's going to happen in 40 minutes. you're going to be doing everything that you are convey on us  or any kind of celebration, celebration, assume that we know of.

That's a lot. I can barely say everything that's going to happen in 40 minutes. You're going to be doing everything that and listen guys, this happens. Hopefully it will be Monday /Tuesday, turning into Tuesday, Wednesday for exchanges - Be very diligent and careful about celebration. Remember, you're not supposed to you know you got to keep your mouth shut on this thing.

You're not to disclosure – you’re going to be under an NDA for at least 30 -60 days and a nondisclosure agreement. So you're not going to discuss with anybody. You can't talk about rates.

The only people you can exclude from your NDA are people that you let them know, on a sheet that you've typed out, your project partner, maybe maybe an attorney, maybe a family member, certain people that kind of know about it, that you would want to share certain aspects of the information with that are exclusions to the NDA. That's an addendum that you would have to bring a sheet say these people might be two or three could be six, seven or eight, these people I’m excluding from my NDA, and they turn that off and get their signature on it. And then you know, they would approve that basically they're proving that  - So that's what we're gonna say.

Now, it is interesting that Tuesday is the eighth of August. And as you guys know, is a big number when it comes to China. And it could very well be that that is either - either the day that the notifications go out to us, or it could be the first day of our exchange.

So it's like Monday, Tuesday or Tuesday, Wednesday, depending on how you look at this. Alright, so that's pretty much everything I wanted to say to everybody tonight. Thank you

So that's really what I wanted to say to you guys.

I think things are happening and bondholders are looking forward to being paid. We're looking forward to being notified you will get a toll free number to us to call and set your appointment. So if anybody says something different, They're not really up to speed. All right. so let's pray the call out. let's stay in prayer and faith for this and let's speak it into existence as we walk and do everything that we're doing on a normal life,


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-3-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00 

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight.  It is Tuesday, August 1, and you're listening to the big call. We're going out tonight with our signal to 90 countries and the only country that has blocked us from going in so far that we know is Iraq.  Why is Iraq blocking communication from the United States? They don't want to hear anything that is untrue from our old treasury, The Rothschild treasuries that are blocking communications from the United States, but we were in 182 countries on Thursday's call, with over 16 million live listeners. Listen to the call live. And tonight with 190 countries, we should be pushing 16 -18 maybe more, more than 18 million tonight. So I’m excited to be here for the call tonight, and I've got some great Intel. So let's see how that pans out.

Alright, here's, here's where we are Intel wise.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight.  It is Tuesday, August 1, and you're listening to the big call. We're going out tonight with our signal to 90 countries and the only country that has blocked us from going in so far that we know is Iraq.  Why is Iraq blocking communication from the United States? They don't want to hear anything that is untrue from our old treasury, The Rothschild treasuries that are blocking communications from the United States, but we were in 182 countries on Thursday's call, with over 16 million live listeners. Listen to the call live. And tonight with 190 countries, we should be pushing 16 -18 maybe more, more than 18 million tonight. So I’m excited to be here for the call tonight, and I've got some great Intel. So let's see how that pans out.

Alright, here's, here's where we are Intel wise.

There were a couple of countries that were slow on the uptake as far as getting Base lll compliant and we had Vietnam come to the party three days ago. They got Basel three compliant and Zimbabwe, that gold back by noon yesterday. So these are Eastern Time, Eastern Time.

So it's a good thing that Vietnam is good to go. Zimbabwe is good to go. Because that gold backing the Zimbabwe dollar is what's going to give us our one to one with Zimbabwe. You know what I'm talking about when it comes to that -  two countries in South America were slow on getting Basel lll compliant in there by compliant limits - Brazil, a big country and one was Venezuela. But they are now Basel three compliant as of noon today.  So that's good.

As far as we can tell by the sources that we have, everything is done on the banking front except for what might be considered political issues. And you guys know where I'm going with that. If you've seen anything about the testimonies that were given yesterday, on Monday that completely and I didn't see them or hear though, but I know they took place and the partner of Hunter Biden testified and I believe that is going to set everything rolling - and I've heard today this evening was as a result of those testimonies that - just use the term heads will roll.

Now, let's hope that that is the case with everything and that's supposed to happen - when I say that supposed to happen. It should happen tomorrow. So we're going to have to pay attention and see what comes out of that.

The Emergency Alert System, or actually the Emergency Alert is just like the alert system you get on your phone, When you've got an Amber Alert or weather alert, that kind of thing, right? The emergency broadcast system is being used on television and radio. And there was an EBS, there was supposed to come in last Wednesday. - Last Wednesday a week from tomorrow, And that was stopped - Believe it or not by three different computers.

One in the UK one in Virginia or places are we surprised and one in Germany. And these three computers defeated What was supposed to be the triggering of the Emergency Broadcast System. Now, they have solved that problem.

They found the people that were involved in that and taking care of them. And I am completely blown away by the numbers of people that are being arrested.

And I can't even go deep on this but I've liked it but numbers you wouldn't imagine in states that you wouldn't think would be that high.

So there's all kinds of things going on that we don't see. No, you're not gonna read about it, and you're not gonna see it.

You're not gonna see it on the on mainstream television. They're not gonna bring that out. It's not until it's way past that these are significant numbers that are happening every day. And they're going like clockwork. So that's all good.

Now, here's where we stand. We know the banks are pretty much ready to go ATM machines are being ready and loaded with our new USN currency - our new money -  that's happening. And then we've got a situation with our let's just say our lead bank. Some of the very very highest people that are leaving, are saying that we're supposed to get notified tomorrow

And then we're supposed to set appointments and start James on Thursday. Now, I'm only saying that because that's what it gets. very, very top source.

because I don't know when the heads are gonna roll. If they happen in the morning. I think there's a good chance we should get notified tomorrow, federal requirements and start on Thursday.

All right. Now, that information is coming from more than one person. We have other redemption centers that we know the status in and available to begin taking our appointments by phone, and I have to stop and say one thing there is an individual who's been out there a long time.

I don't know what kind of listenership he has anymore, but he seems to be coming against the concept of the 800 numbers and redemption centers. And I'm sorry, but that's just not the case. I mean, the 800 numbers are real. We are going to get the number may not be more than one should be one number.

We're going to get it in an email coming from the Wells Fargo servers for call centers to be used for regional call centers to cover the entire United States and for Canada as well. Mexico maybe as well. But these for somebody who say that's like saying that Zim is not real, or the Dong is not going to happen. Or I know that people have opinions and these, this guy has got some weird stuff.

But don't buy that. Listen, he's talking about getting 800 numbers to the various banks across the country out to you. That's not what we're talking about. Anybody can look up the 800 number for any bank now. that's, that's not going to help you. but I'm talking about the specific toll free number that will be used to contact the call center that will route your call to based on your zip code that you enter to the closest redemption center in that area code in that zip code rather.

Now, this is a real thing. There are people that have been training on this for years. The Redemption centers have been waiting just like we have. They've been going in for zoom calls, conference calls they've been training, they've done testing exchanges. All of this has been going on all over the country

We happen to know the people that are sending out the schedule for all of the redemption centers across the country. Well over 7000 So they are real. You're not going to have to call up.

I just can't understand somebody that's been in this along is so contrary to what I know is true. It just blows my mind - Boy, but you know, that's just what it is.

So when you see that or you read that, just set it aside, and you know that it's not true. It's bogus. This is going to happen when everything is ready from a political point of view, because the funds are supposed to be released for us and for the bondholders tomorrow night, and Thursday.

That's what I'm understanding. So that happens, a political nightmare that's been happening for the last three years is minimized and goes away, then we should be in much better shape – and we can go forward-

Because in the current political scene, the Chinese elders would not want to release this for us until that is minimized - until that scene is handled. And I understand that I get that. So beware of those forces are still at work to try to keep this from us. So we need to stay in prayer to pray in and speak the blessing into our lives. Literally speak it out loud, not silently. God wants us to pray out loud

That's what he wants. And so that's what we're gonna do - We're gonna pray to call out in a few minutes and that's the attitude and that's the stance that we're going to take. Because everything from a banking point of view, appears to be ready.

 Our  USN is ready to go - monies have been moved to the redemption centers - They're in the bank vaults. Certain banks have collapsed, we know that - they're going to be going away. Some of the banks all of the well 90% of the chase banks have already started changing the name of Chase Bank to Chase Financial Services and they put that signage on the outside of the branches - and the permanent sign lighted sign guys are coming in in 30 days to put permanent signs up.

Inside the bank, Chase is going to be calling it let's say they're gonna be calling it Chase Wealth Management and Financial Services. That would be the kind of sign that would be inside the bank, but it's too big on the outside that looks stupid.

So they're only going with Chase Financial Services on the outside. And I wouldn't be surprised if many of the banks are going to take that leap and do something similar.

And just so you know, this does not affect us, but the super whales. These are guys in tier three that have hundreds of boxes of bonds of sheet bonds and they're worth a ton of money. But those super bond holders and those super whales, as they're called Super whales are going to get a 10% of their total exchange of bonds, the sale of the bonds –

The 90% in their case goes to funds NESARA and GESARA  interests are and which is used, obviously for humanitarian needs.   That does not affect us.

It affects super whales, the biggest whales. And so I thought, okay, they get to keep 10%  - 90% of what they had  goes to NESARA and GESARA -- - good.

Now, what was the Emergency Broadcast System announcement that was supposed to have been made last Wednesday? Maybe it was a test. Maybe it was a system wide test. I don't know.

But it was stopped. And now they've got that problem remedied where it can go wherever they decide to do it. I would think we would be getting an EBS announcement on television and radio to give us some “disclosure” on a variety of things. Maybe it is eight hour segments three times a day, for however many days. It could be. It's not 10 Days of Darkness. That's Judy seems to slip that expression. It's not 10 days or 12 Days of Darkness. It's really 10 days of disclosure.

That’s what it is, the only darkness has taken place in our cities and parts in the United States that they expected to have an issue with. They've shut off cell service - for example and internet in areas where they were doing the arrest, or where they were taking down these individuals.

And we know that because we know based on the area codes of certain phone numbers that the phones were messed up. It wouldn't work. Maybe you guys have had situations where your phone was just all of a sudden it wouldn't work or it was down for a number of minutes and the Internet was down or whatever website all of that could be related to the arrests.

 And the other thing is that we should -- ?? I lost my train of thought Forget it.

All right. So I'm really looking forward to getting something in the way of a notification. Hopefully, tomorrow. Now, this guy wouldn't have said unless he believed that's  what's going to happen. So I know that there's some political action that needs to take place - to placate the Chinese elders - I understand that - And we need that to happen t. We need these guys to come in. and and we need some heads to start rolling.

Believe me as far as us you know the timing, I can tell you the rates are continuing to go up. The Dong is is terrific. And the dinar is very good. Extremely good way more than we thought they were looking for like  10 – 15 % Increase in the dong  and in the dinar to take place over the next 24 to 48 hours - looking for nice increase 10 – 15 % increase – and both rates  are excellent  right now - this is coming right up the bank  screens today

Things are definitely happening. I do want to see some political change take place we need some evidence of that – and then I think we are home free - another thing going on. Okay. Let's just  stay with it -  Now. That's what I wanted to bring tonight. I want to go ahead and pray the call out.

And I want everybody to pray for this corporately -  meaning all of us as a body of believers - corporately that's what it means. That being said, everybody, okay, we want to we want to speak the manifestation of this blessing into exixtence.

Oh, thank you listeners called Big call universe, all over the globe that have heard this call tonight and have a call or as many as 12 years

 All right, everybody have a great night and let's see what happens in terms of our notifications. Possibly tomorrow. All right, let's see what happens. Bless you guys.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:30:55

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   53:13

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-22-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:03:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it is Tuesday, July 25th and thank you for tuning in and listening to the big call.

Now our reach was 96 countries on Thursday. So hopefully we're still in that same range tonight. So wherever you're getting the call, hopefully you're getting it either in English or in a language that you understand. So thank you for that.

This is interesting because, you know, some of our sources aren't really responding back to text, the emails, the phone calls, they really, really kind of go under gone under, in some cases, a fourth NDA, a fourth NDA - so it's like okay, we're not going to be able to get information there in some cases.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it is Tuesday, July 25th and thank you for tuning in and listening to the big call.

Now our reach was 96 countries on Thursday. So hopefully we're still in that same range tonight. So wherever you're getting the call, hopefully you're getting it either in English or in a language that you understand. So thank you for that.

This is interesting because, you know, some of our sources aren't really responding back to text, the emails, the phone calls, they really, really kind of go under gone under, in some cases, a fourth NDA, a fourth NDA - so it's like okay, we're not going to be able to get information there in some cases.

A few sources had one of those phones called ??  those temporary phones, it's that you can call on - So they have burner phones that are no longer operative, or they have they took their burner phones away.

Now, primarily this would be at banks or redemption centers, that's found out or knew, they have burner phones, and they confiscated their burner phones

This is what we're dealing with. This is the level of secrecy that they want to continue to have. Fortunately, we have enough sources that we still are able to find out what we need to find out as far as the information

Alright, so as far as we can tell, and we can tell this by the fact that we know the Iraqi dinar is trading up. We know the rates that are on the redemption center screens, front screens we know that they're substantial and very high. And I'm not talking about a contract rate. That's a separate animal. We've talked about that before. This is the front screen rate that will be offered to us.

We also know that dong has been pulling up the rear and going up in value as well. And it's now at a significant point where it is and it's pushing. It's pushing a number. Just like the dinar is pushing a number. And they're right they're up against it. And those rates are actually from yesterday. So today, I would think that they still could be climbing upward when it's interesting. and we'd love to know that we’d love to see that

As far as the timing for this. Here's where we are.

The USN is coming out and should be I don't know if it's going to be announced announced or just useable and out  - alright let's go back and fill in the blanks here.

The new financial system, which would include the quantum financial system, in conjunction with our new currency – the USN in conjunction with the Starlink  System - the CIP system and the FinTech -  all the technical aspects of it are all lined up ready to come online and be fully integrated and implemented starting at midnight tonight.

And I've had I've had a timezone of 24 hours between the start or the integration of the new financial system At midnight tonight Eastern. it's not that far away, But an hour and a half away and through midnight, Wednesday night.

So a 24 hour period of full integration into the new quantum financial system.  So that's good.

Now what goes with that?

Do we get something about the new USN - our asset backed currency? We have heard they weren't gonna say we were back on the gold standard. I don't know really, why not. but I don't think you can look for that. but our new currency is asset backed.

Now let's stop and pause for a second. and say, wait a minute. what about the new money? What about us going into the redemption centers? If we want some of our new cash? The word is we're supposed to get up to $8,500 if we want, you don't take it if you're not a cash person, you don't want to take a nickel of it.

But if you like having a little bit of cash, don't go crazy. Maybe 2500 – or 5 grand whatever you're comfortable with.

But here's the interesting thing. Just yesterday, we have contacts that are at the redemption centers that literally were moving boxes that were 18 inches wide by 18 inches tall. That's a cube 18 inch each direction.

And four boxes. One box was hundreds, one box and 50s. One was 20s and one was tens.

So those four denominations that are called right  denominations  of those bills are USN - United States Treasury notes are full. Those boxes were slammed full and heavy.

But they were being moved into a redemption center.

I just think that's interesting timing. Most of the redemption centers I know had the USN’s already.

Most of the banks have USN in the vault - maybe in drawers in the vault.

But bottom line is they are going to be ready for us at the redemption centers with the new USN currency, our money.

Now that you know about the timing of that and you know about the new financial system, bondholders had been told that they will get access to funds I believe it's going to be Wednesday or Thursday. That's tomorrow or Thursday. My gut is it will be Thursday for the bondholders to get their 1%  

So where are we left? Well, I was told by a redemption center person that we would receive our notifications either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Today's Tuesday, okay, it’s gone now we're looking at Wednesday or Thursday Okay. And just maybe, maybe if it's tomorrow that we get notified which another source believes that is going to be the case. And Thursday looks really good fot the  start of exchanges.

Alright, let's throw another piece into the puzzle here.

We have a contact that's tight with Citibank in a different state. And he was able to say that the Citibank banker who he has a relationship with says that Citibank was going to be able to start exchanges On Friday, the 28th.

So I'm looking at that going, Okay. I wonder if that's when we'll start or could we start sooner than the bank would start?

We’re also hearing  We've been talking a lot about tier 4 or tier 4B for the internet group . What about the general public tier 5?

The tier 5, we're understanding what it started around the second or third of August. Okay. And they would be using obviously - they would be using regular banks  - they wouldn't be setting appointments like we are. We're setting appointments using the toll free number, and we get that and putting that out and then you call it set your appointment that way.

All right. So let's see if we can make this a little bit more. not confusing, but a little simpler.

So we know we're getting notified today, write that off today's gone - could have come overnight, and wake up to it. Yeah, that's possible. It's very possible, but it looks like Wednesday. or Thursday, for notifications  and it looks like the start of exchanges will be Thursday, Maybe Friday, based on the Citibank report, But remember that’s not dealing with the redemption center, that's just a regular bonafide CitiBank branch.  don't read too much into that.

We have also heard from one of our bond holder paymasters that we're looking at the USN coming out Wednesday. The NESARA  and GESARA on the 27th which is Thursday. And the implementation  of that for the rollout of NESARA for us possibly on the 30th  - three days later of this month of July. Now remember July’s got 31 days right so it's it could have could come out on the 30th or 31st.

My belief is that most of the NESARA that directly affects us is going to be in August and we didn't get the Social Security increase that we thought we might get in July. And we did not get restitution or reclamation allowance yet.

Since it didn't happen already, since it didn't happen already. In July. I'm writing it off until maybe August. Maybe that's when it comes out. It's not going to matter for us anyway, but it's nice to know for other people that don't have currency.  Nice to know because it's going to be substantial.

So we've been looking for this type of political change. I've mentioned it on the big call several times. And I think that it's it has direct impact on us and our start.

So let's see if there's anything else that comes to mind.

Okay, thank you Sue - So the latest input we had on the med bed start was to be August 3, for the start of appointments for the med beds. Now. I contend that date has been pushed back and moved based on the RV and exchanges being pushed back and moved. So that is the most recent date we have.

And then that sounds like that'll hopefully that will hold up and we can get started on our exchanges this week.  Okay, so that's what I wanted to bring to you for the night.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  RREPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   53:13

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-22-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:03:50

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:25:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-15-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-13-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-8-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:06:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-6-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:18:18

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, July 20th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you are around the globe. We love to have you here and we love spreading the information that we have and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, and letting everybody know what the status is. We're glad to have Bob back on the call after his trip from Costa Rica, and we look forward to hearing more about that conference that he was on. So thank you, everybody for listening -

Tonight guys - this is a strange one, because we do have some information, and some Intel that lends us an opportunity to think where we really are.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, July 20th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you are around the globe. We love to have you here and we love spreading the information that we have and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, and letting everybody know what the status is. We're glad to have Bob back on the call after his trip from Costa Rica, and we look forward to hearing more about that conference that he was on. So thank you, everybody for listening -

Tonight guys - this is a strange one, because we do have some information, and some Intel that lends us an opportunity to think where we really are.

We've had this thing come and go -. So this moving Target's been moving. There appeared to be a couple of things - That one thing that is not a factor, but I bring it up because the information is out on the blog. So the BRICS nations have an announcement that they're moving from this month to the end of August, somewhere in the 23rd or 27th. I believe it was of August about the gold backed currencies that are part of the BRICS consortium.

And I understood today there were two countries that were held up in joining because of their status on that they wanted to be part of the BRICS, but for some reason they were not quite qualified to be on in a consortium yet, but believe it will be rectified

Now. I'm bringing it up, but it has nothing to do with the RV and us going or our numbers is a separate related, somewhat related topic – just in case - If you're thinking that might have something to do this, it does not.

Now, we obviously are in a position where we love hearing news about the United States, USN - our actual new asset backed - primarily gold, but asset backed currency - Now digitally, we're trading our USN on the screens – Iraq has been trading their dinar – their new what I call new Iraqi Dinar -  on the screens – and so with a lot of other countries. And also they have it on what's called the ATX Forex the assets that is asset backed Forex.

This is a separate for a number of nations that are considered fully asset backed that are trading between one another on their currencies. So we sometimes use the term ATX Forex, at FX actually AT FX being traded alongside the Forex - And that's good to know.

The other thing is from what we can tell, redemption centers have been ready to go for quite some time. quite some time. The people are trained, They've gone in for conference calls. they've had schedules of the appointments. They've had their personnel staff being able to come in over a period of time blah blah blah, all of that’s cool, but we've been told today, and some of the intel is like an hour and a half old.

We've been told that the redemption centers are now on high alert as of tomorrow, which is Friday. And the information we have from another source directly connected to the process is that we should be there for our notifications tomorrow, and Sunday. Well that's the weekend, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

We could get notified anytime within that period. The bondholders which we key on a lot - the bondholders, we understand have received their paymasters have said they have the green light Yesterday, the 19th of July, The paymasters had the greenlight to send out emails to their bond sellers that they have access to funds.  They have access to their funds

Now we don't have confirmation that they have been received or that they have access to funds now - that email might have given them we haven't seen email yet. but the email might have said you have access to funds tomorrow, which would have been today the 20th – or the 21st

We don't know I haven't been able to get a confirmation that before this call tonight. So -  but we understood that they were supposed to get that email yesterday from the paymasters of those bond sellers.

Now, we'll just take that for what it’s worth - the funds that are moving for us, and for the bondholders are in place at the banks. They did disseminate the funds from Treasury to have them available for us to go in for exchanges and also for the redemption of zim  and our understanding is that everything, as far as we know is ready

Now What could be holding this up – we’ve talked about a political change that needed to take place – our understanding is that maybe the case that political change in the administration may need to happen by today  at  three o'clock. I don't know that that happened.

But that political change may need to take place completely before this is released to us. The longer we wait and the longer  everything seems to be ready or in process of being ready the more it appears that that needs to take place. So I would not doubt it at all.

So I'm looking forward to the political change taking place for us to get our email releases for me to get the toll free numbers, which I'm supposed to get and I'll be able to put it out at least two or three ways, one – I’ll be able to have it when I get which I don't yet – will put it on our website, which is big call universe COMM

And we will do an email blast to everybody that we have email registration for if you've registered on the call universe comm with your email to receive the 800 number - we'll send out an email blast which will include that number. I know that I'm supposed to be able to do that. I supposed to be able to text it to a few people which I may not do because voice to text is not as reliable.

And of course I'll be able to I would be able to put it out live on the big call if I had it.

Now here's the dilemma. Oh sure. We'd love to do a celebration call. I'd love to put out the number live on the call, although that would be fine. But our next call isn’t until next Tuesday if we had it all. And my plan is to not do a call Tuesday. But to just get you guys what you want, which is the number so that you can call the call center and get routed to the redemption or in your zip code or in the zip code that you choose.

When you enter your information I'm assuming it's going to be on a dial pad as you enter that basic information about the currency you have. This is I don't know this but what if it says press one for zim press two for dinar etc.

So you should be able to enter that information and then of course, enter your five digit ZIP code. It could be the zip wherever you work, if you want to do if you know that there's a redemption center in that area, or it could be one where you live if you know there's one nearest  - either way whatever zip code you enter, they're going to connect you either a direct link to the redemption center where you literally are connected directly and speak to a live person at the other end or they give you a toll free number or a number for your local area to call.

You see so that you call it say you're in Charlotte and you have you know you want to get a direct call to the redemption center where you're going to get a 704 area code and the phone number to the redemption center.

Okay, if you're in Charlotte, and if you're out in the east or Wilmington, you get an 919 area code in other words, you'll get a number that you can get a call to set up your appointment directly with a person on the other end, who most likely will either be assisting you in your exchange and redemption of zim or at least be there at the redemption center when you get there. So it's sort of the initial beginning of a relationship with the redemption center.

Remember the process to know your customer  - KYC - they know all those emotions unless you can get them to. If you've been gifted zim, they have no email for you. Well, more than likely, probably a bunch of you guys that have been gifted zim -

So remember that. That's what I'm supposed to do is fill in the blanks for those that don't have an email for so that you have a way to find the toll free number.

So I know we're going to provide that and you know, you'll have to be able to contact and make your appointments -  My understanding is that once the numbers come out and we call and we're setting our appointments, it could be the same day, next day, when we go in or whatever it is. They should go for two weeks  between 14 & 15 days straight at all redemption centers.

 So they can pick up any straglers that might be hospital that might be out of the country, or whatever given time to set an appointment and get back so that they can take care of their ecxchange and move on with their lives.

So not much information today. I know all we're really wants to know is “when” -  they don't really want us to know when but we have a window again. we have a nice big window from tomorrow through Sunday. Let's see what happens with this window. Let's see if they get political change made, they want to get made.

And otherwise, rates are going up. We did get an update yesterday, yesterday, and the rates are the least of your worries. Don't worry about it. They're gonna be fine  

And that really guys wraps up everything that I've had to bring tonight. So it was short segments, short and sweet. We're just looking to see what happens. I like things are looking like they could go anytime from Sunday. Let's watch it.

Alright everybody, I want to go ahead and pray this out. If I do want to thank everybody

So let's go ahead and let's all keep an eye on our email for the weekend and see what develops.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   53:13

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-22-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:03:50

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:25:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-15-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-18-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-18-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

everybody so the big call tonight is Tuesday, July 18. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe. I know we had a really good reach. On Thursday we had 94 countries 91 countries on Tuesday's call, with the 6.7 million live listeners listening to the call, and half a million listening to the replay, which was what 7.2 million total. That's in addition to free conference call, and anybody who listens to free conference call replay or a replay link. So that's pretty good reach. And that's right along with the probably the most that we've had in a while. So thanks for joining everybody tonight

I don't think we are going to have another call. I really don't. I don't think we're going to have one. All right. So why do I say that?

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-18-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

everybody so the big call tonight is Tuesday, July 18. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe. I know we had a really good reach. On Thursday we had 94 countries 91 countries on Tuesday's call, with the 6.7 million live listeners listening to the call, and half a million listening to the replay, which was what 7.2 million total. That's in addition to free conference call, and anybody who listens to free conference call replay or a replay link. So that's pretty good reach. And that's right along with the probably the most that we've had in a while. So thanks for joining everybody tonight

I don't think we are going to have another call. I really don't. I don't think we're going to have one. All right. So why do I say that?

So first of all, yours truly was awakened at 7:02 this morning, which is a little earlier than I like to awaken, but I was given some information that led me to believe I might just get something delivered, which would have the toll free numbers.

Now, my understanding a little later in the day was yeah, like there needs to be some changes made to some paperwork. And I thought, okay, all right, fine. So hopefully they made those changes, and everything is set to go. Now. What I'm saying is, I don't know when I'm gonna get delivery, but I know it's pretty quickly here pretty soon.

What we are hearing from Iraq is their budget for 2023 is opened. And of course that has the actual dinar rate in it that they use to calculate the budgets. What I didn’t asked was, did everything get printed in the Gazette Sunday? That was the plan - was everything that would be in the Gazette Sunday.

It might have been that was the intention, and I did not have clarification on whether that happened. And even if it didn't, it doesn't really matter to us at this point.

What happened earlier today is every bank, every bank head, meaning – President -  the Vice President, of every bank around the globe, was notified to be prepared to chain communication to their bank personnel. That everything is to be started within 24 hours.

Now it is up to each individual bank to an extent as to when they will do start doing exchanges. And I can tell you right before the call tonight oh man bank communication phone calls emails was at a fever pitch?

You know, a lot of this stuff comes down to the fact where even and we know we've been through it, too. We've been told things were gonna happen and something didn't happen. And so we can't completely fault the banks for sitting, sitting back and kick back and not necessarily being ready. But they've been told under no uncertain terms to be ready.

Rearding windows when would it start? It would start tomorrow. We've got we have we have where our seating will play – 24 hrs starting today. Really meaning tomorrow is definitely in play. And tomorrow because of what I should have received today, and was fully intended to receive today – did notreceive yet. And that's the operative word Y E T? Because the day is not over yet. You catch my drift -

But I believe what one we've got information from two of our redemption centers. And one is saying notifications to us will come out between 930 and noon tomorrow. Let's see if that holds up. And we've also been told bondholders will get their emails, giving them access to funds. Their emails would arrive after 930 In the morning, and they would actually have access to funds before noon tomorrow.

These are bondholders - now we have another step. We receive that email we see toll free number we call the call center. And then we're routed to a redemption center in our zip code that we select to set our actual appointments. And I believe there's a chance we'll get these emails after 930 Sometime that'd be 931. It just means between 930 and probably noon and then we'll set up and there's a possibility that we will actually set our appointments and redemption center for some time tomorrow afternoon.

And if not, we should set our appointments for Thursday. So either way whenever we get the toll free number in an email from Wells Fargo - That to me is game over  - or game on .

 However we want to look at it because that's really what we're looking to receive. And from that point on we go and we are able to get started setting our appointments and going into our exchanges and redemption of Zim.

Now trying to think if there's anything else that even matters at this point,  any really political changes put any updates on that? Well, the latest update we had today was supposed to be by by by biden -  I don't know if it was that was what we were told by a certain number of contacts. And I don't know if that's true, or if it's in process. But I'll say one thing. We have been told and confirmed that President Trump would be back either on the 22nd or 23rd of July - 22 Is this Saturday - 23 is Sunday. So we'll see how that goes and what has to occur in the next couple days to make that happen. That's all we have anything political.

So we've got a really good and the reason I'm pretty excited about what should be happening tomorrow is because I was told that I would see something today - and I might still - so that's - that's exciting to me. That's telling me it's right there. It's right here. And I think it's a very positive step that they're they're taking to make this thing happen and to get it done.

I love the fact that all the bankers, all the heads of banks have been contacted. This is to go and to let their people know, it's real and it's starting. And we're underway. We've got certain people that we were hoping to hear from related to Charlie Ward that are no longer able to talk. They're under a fourth NDA. And it's precluding them from speaking to our people.

So I'm excited about where we stand right now, you guys. I think this is the closest we've ever been to having it actually manifest. And I'm excited about that.

That's what I wanted to bring to the call tonight about where we are. I look forward to this manifesting and I think we're gonna see something tomorrow, so stay tuned your emails. Remember?

My understanding is they want me to get the word out to people get the toll free number out and doing it on our website.  So it'll be on bigcalluniverse. com when  we’re able to get it and put it on there. And also, we should send out the emails more than likely tomorrow. I don't see us going out tonight. It would be tomorrow, some time.

But you guys, the only reason that makes any difference that we have an email list to send out the toll free number is some people that were gifted money or some people that change their email - they may not have your current email address - they being the Treasury and the Treasury has obviously given all that to  Wells Fargo and then Wells Fargo emails are loaded and ready to go out.

But people change emails or move or whatever they may not have everything that they need. So we're looking to sort of fill in the blanks. People that are listeners to the big call can go to big call and register their current email if they already haven't. If you already have we've got it. Okay and we'll be sending out a blast of emails with the toll free number on it.

Sort of a congratulations, email. And that could go out tomorrow, but you should be looking to your emails sometime tomorrow morning, mid morning, if they've come in before noon, and then you can set your appointments and get started. So that's what I've been told. That's what I've heard. And that's pretty much everything I wanted to share tonight.

 Oh everybody have a wonderful night tonight. As I said I don't expect to do another call. Let's see what happens with Sapporo brings and then hopefully we'll we'll see you on the other side. Do keep up with your emails from us. Because we will communicate with you when we do a call.

Enjoy some vacation time and breathe. Remember smell the flowers. Blow out the candles. Okay, all right, everybody. Have a good night. Everybody. Have a great night and have a wonderful time tomorrow. Let's pray the call out

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   40:50

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 1:01:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   53:13

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