Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, to the big call tonight it is Tuesday, August 15th and you're listening to the big call. We had a reach on last Thursday of 196 countries. That's right 196 and quite a few listeners course well over the 20 to 24 million mark think we're at 26 million 108. Oh, if memory serves me 26,million,108 listeners live to the call - and that's internationally that's globally that doesn't really include a free conference call line and replay here so good to know that we're getting out there. Hope you're part of that and listening in.

As far as the Intel goes.  This is really interesting, as I mentioned a little earlier and we're sort of that day by day situation where we've been told – we’re minutes away – this is getting ready to go -  All of these things that are banned phrases  on the Big Call now - - ha ha

Just kidding, but they could be - they're getting closer to being a banned phrase -  what we're really looking at is, things are really happening – I can’t  too deep in the weeds on this, but things have happened and started a couple of days ago - happening politically to move this thing forward - and keep the Chinese elders happy.

That's a good thing. What's going on there and you should be seeing something hopefully, coming out soon, like in the next couple of days to reflect that. But I can tell you that there are things happening in all 50 states with our martial law in seven of those states, and we've got forces ready to go – for different things. I will say this – the emphasis is on getting things done - Behind the scenes - and too, I'm just gonna say virtually eliminate the deep state in the next three to four days.

I've been told to pay close attention to what happened over the next few days. But it could be that the  action that takes place behind the scenes that clean up on aisle 3/4/5, etc that I've talked about, that may turn into becoming a cover for us going for our exchanges. We're not sure if that is the case. But it could be and I would say we would look for something to come out on the new EWS system - Emergency Wireless System, which is theoretically the confluence of the emergency Broadcasting System and the Emergency Alert System.

Not quite sure if that's totally fully integrated or not. But they use this new term EWS - emergency warning system as a way to bring out some of the information that we're looking to hear.

On a another front, we have the BRICS conference, this summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, starting at 22nd and going through the 24th of August. So that starts next Tuesday and goes through Thursday of next week.

At that conference now includes 93 member countries who are either in  or want to be part of the BRICS consortium of countries  - 93 that are all gold backed and ready to be gold back with their own currency. And also, it may be as I understand it, a new BRICS  Nation's currency.

They could be out and tradable - like the USN the American dollar will be which I'm understanding that that USN is traded now, the digitally but it needs to surface in terms of our own physical money that we put in our wallets and purses that that should be out prior to maybe two days prior which would be weird because as of Sunday, two days prior to the BRICS conference, or the BRICS summit in South Africa.

So whether or not we see that, which remember, this new currency has been out for at least a couple of years. And we had already at the redemption centers that we will be able to get some cash when we go in for our exchanges and redemption of Zim but we will also have it fairly soon in our teller drawers, but I don't know what they are going to bring that out. I'm not sure I personally I think that we need a public announcement about our new currency, which would be part of NESARA.

We are not going to be returning to the quote unquote gold standard.

But we have an asset backed that is primarily backed by gold - there's a large percentage of our dollar -  our new USN  that is backed by gold and other precious metals and oil and natural gas and other assets that are monetized for the purpose of backing our new USN. So there's a lot going on behind the scenes even now. Political change It's in the air and working and we should have evidence of that brought out so that not just I know about it. My Contacts know about it. Intel sources know about it. But when is mainstream America going to be aware of it? That's the big question.

That needs to happen. I believe for the Chinese owners to be satisfied. It's not just the behind the scenes thing. That is actually out and people are aware of it. But we'll look forward to that and praying for that to manifest itself.

Bondholders are still waiting their email notifications to give them access to funds that they would receive those today have access tomorrow. So far by time is call it on I don't have any indications that has occurred yet today.

And there I'm sure that there's anxious to get access to their funds as we are they get access to our exchange opportunities with our appointments and so on. So I think the next two to three days we're going to be really significant if we go this week.

Now, the other thing that is in play, believe it or not, is Iraq. Iraq is still saying they're going to put out a new rate and open their budget and pull it out  in their gazette -  possibly tomorrow -  which is  Wednesday – good printing day, or they might wait until Saturday and and the so called HCL the hydrocarbon law the oil and gas law has been called which has been passed a long time ago – would be implemented with the new rates with a new rate on the Iraqi dinar.

And that law determines what percentage of the oil profits and gas profits in Iraq are distributed throughout the country, especially into the region of Kurdistan because that was always a big point of discussion, whether that was going what percentage they would get, and I don't remember the percentage that they agreed upon - So I don't want to put that out.

 But that is that has been agreed to. It's just a matter of implementing that law and getting those monies sent to the proper places within the country.

So that's something we could wait all the way on Saturday for but possibly it could come out tomorrow or it could be printed in a special edition if you will, of the Gazette. Maybe before Saturday for that matter. But what it looks like is happening is these  cleanup and arrests and political things, all this stuff is going on right now -  should bring us to a point to the point where everybody is satisfied and we can move forward with our notifications by email us and then we call and set appointments and they say we go on our exchanges and redemption of zim.

So that's a lot to look forward to and it could occur this week or early next week. However, we understood that we would have this and have our USN out – if you will -  as part of NESARA before the BRICS summit starts Tuesday in South Africa.

Sort of a self imposed. Not going to use the banned  phrase “back wall” but it's self imposed timeframe where it should occur prior to that summit –

So today is Tuesday, the 15th - we could see some action here the next couple of days. It might drag on to early next week. But some of its going to depend on what happens you know when intel sources tell us wait to see what happens.

Wait to see. Well, we've been waiting to see a lot and we want to see these changes implemented. I assure you things are definitely happening behind the Scenes politically and with our military.

Everything's moving. They're just gonna let us know when they feel like they want us to know. That’s really what it amounts to

In the meantime.

We'll see what happens. We literally don't have anything other than a large window. By the end we are by the weekend because of what Iraq is supposed to do by Saturday. So it could be all the way to Saturday. But you know the weekend goes sometimes I'll say well, okay, let's just start first of the week. So you never know. This thing could pop they might surprise us. And that happens with what is going on currently as we speak behind the scenes.

I can tell you that on the time on the big call tonight. They call it in process. Everything started a massive effort to remove that activity.

So that's going to be ongoing for at least a couple of three days, maybe more. So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys. So let's do this. Let's pray the call out and then we'll see what the next couple of days or three days brings for us.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45


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