Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday March 11th and this is Spring Break call tonight – could be our last call – we believe - we will see – and you’re listening to the Big Call all over the globe – We appreciate your tuning in

Let’s move into the intel realm – I stated at the very beginning of the call that it appeared that this would be probably our last official Big Call - it “appears” – I want to give you a number of reasons why I believe that is – and I am going to tell you overall sort of what I am getting from several sources and one particular – Banker – specifically – talking about everything going – when I hear something like – everything goes – it all goes - everything is released - what I come back to is – ok what are you referring to “specifically”? What is going to go?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Thursday March 11th and this is Spring Break call tonight – could be our last call – we believe - we will see – and you’re listening to the Big Call all over the globe – We appreciate your tuning in

Let’s move into the intel realm – I stated at the very beginning of the call that it appeared that this would be probably our last official Big Call - it “appears” – I want to give you a number of reasons why I believe that is – and I am going to tell you overall sort of what I am getting from several sources and one particular – Banker – specifically – talking about everything going – when I hear something like – everything goes – it all goes -  everything is released -  what I come back to is – ok what are you referring to “specifically”? What is going to go?

What is released? What is happening? For example – I’m hearing Monday evening into Tuesday morning – and that’s primarily for our Tier 4 start – and notice I did not say Tier 4B – because Tier 4A regarding the groups that are based out west and Tier 4B have really been consolidated into Tier 4 – and as far as the banks are concerned they don’t designate a difference between them – They call us tier 4 - Alright – Internet group – groups based out west – and all that good stuff - all together

Let’s go through the list of things may be new and may have been seen to have been green lighted – to give us that “feeling” about Monday night into Tuesday - 

Starting with – Iraq – Did Iraq do anything yesterday?  With their rate?  NO!! They have said they would put it out or make it known Saturday – this Saturday – don’t know but kinds know what the rate will be but that is all good  - you do realize even as sovereign as Iraq is now they are reliant – I am going to say – on the US Treasury – the New Treasury – of the Restored Republic – giving them the go ahead to release the rate – and that is speaking from our US Treasury to The Central Bank of Iraq the CBI - 

Once that occurs – which should be Saturday – probably Saturday morning but we don’t know specifically that would be a “done deal” – So Iraq is sort of on deck – that is what’s happening there

The other thing is the Quantum Financial System - we have talked a little bit about for a long time – will be fully integrated – from the information I have – fully integrated Sunday night – this Sunday –

What also is going to happen is at that time – that would allow for the USN our actual United States new Currency USN – to be traded on the Forex – and between banks and so on – they are internationally starting at 8 PM Sunday night -  when the Markets open in China – and in the other countries in the Far East – so that is going to occur with the new  USN – fully integrated QFS – and a Forex that allows all of the currencies around the globe to be pegged to the USN – the gold backed dollar – That is BIG – Big news

Now when that occurs that is part of the very first fruits of NESARA – alright – let’s keep going…..

The other information – let’s talk about a little side note is that the USTN – The new USTN is what they call the new currency of the United States – our new currency should have written on the bills United States Treasury Note – nothing to do with the Federal Reserve - United States Treasury Note – is our new money – and that’s going to be available and brought into our banks and certainly into the redemption centers on Monday – so that is something that is occurring with our new money the USTN –

Now they are going to u se the 100 dollar bill – the 50 dollar and the new 20 dollar at the redemption centers and they want to very kindly request to us that if we do wish to get some cash that we take no more than $5000 new USTN dollars – primarily 100’s and 50’s as they would like to get that circulated into the system –

So we may accommodate them with that -  and honestly if you are not use to using cash at all  you don’t need to have any of it -  but some of us still use cash – and we might request some – at the time of our exchanges and zim redemption – so keep that in mind – That is a Monday event –

Alright – what else is happening that would point to a Monday/Tuesday start for us?  The stimulus package that is to be completed tomorrow at one point 9 trillion dollars – that is part of what we are calling NESARA –and we will get from what my understanding is $1400 per person – of course a certain age  18 or older to get that – and some families may get more - some may get up to – I heard today – up to  $5000 – If  you received the others as a check it is my understanding that is how you will receive it this time – by a physical check –

If you received it last time by direct deposit that’s probably how you will receive it this time as well - direct deposits are supposed to start for this package on Monday – and the physical mailing of the checks is supposed to go out into the mail Sunday for deliver starting on Monday -  they are coming out of Atlanta – and you can figure out when they may get to  you – 2-3-4 days –

That is nice but it is chump change compared to what we are talking about on this call – let’s see what else we can think of that has to do with that - we are getting word that the notifications to the bond sellers - those funds – that 1% of the bond holders money is supposed to be released Monday night/Tuesday morning - 

That is another indication of what is happening for us coming up – everything seems to be pointing to that  - now – we’re going to keep going –

The prosperity packages are to start to be delivered after sunset tonight – now not all of them or that many of them but I believe there were over 300 prosperity packages that were going out starting after sunset tonight – This is also something that will be important for people that are signed on to those prosperity packages for quite some time

Beyond that our notifications are probably going to be coming in that same time frame of Monday afternoon / Tuesday morning – at this point that is what I have - so far – it’s a possibility of notification is coming out slightly earlier – ONLY a possibility – but Monday afternoon / evening into Tuesday morning for email notification from Wells Fargo servers as well as 800 number notification that I am supposed to receive that I will send out as indicated and any paper work that I would receive regarding that -  and I will send out accordingly 

So that is why everything looks like that is our time frame – let’s keep going …… there is a little bit more –

We are supposed to have 15 days to do our tier 4 exchanges and zim redemption - but we are to be completed with that by the last day of this month  the 31st of March so that by April 1st the public or tier 5 will be able to receive Forex rates – which would be the standard rates for these currencies that would appear on the Forex and on the bank screens from the Forex

That will be significantly less that what we will receive as tier 4 for that 15 day period – now for us to get 15 days in – more than likelh our start date will probably be Tuesday the 16th this coming Tuesday – That would allow for that period of time to elapse for the public to start on the 1st of April

So we have NESARA sot of being worked in pretty much Monday with the new USTN currency at the bank – the gold backed currency that we have and the whole world is going to be backed by either gold or precious metals – precious gem stones – or oil or any number of assets above ground and below ground assets that will give them a value for their currency – there is a heck of a lot more gold out there than we ever thought and if you ever heard the people that said - :all the gold in the world – that was ever mined  – would fill up a basketball court and go  12-15 feet high in gold blocks – that is a lie and way way below what the true amount of gold it is – just so you know

We are looking  …. And by the way ….. you realize that Sunday 2 am is the beginning of Day light savings time – so ha ha don’t be early or late for Church –

Now – I think we have – without getting into ways(?) we’re going to be in very good shape on this thing – Those that have the longevity in their project – we’ve talked about the structured payout going form 15 y ears all the way to  300 years – for you to get type of interest rate and rate on the zim for that you have to have the longevity  - sustainability and the multi-generational aspect to your projects – now will you live that long? Some will some won’t - so what?

What happens is we have a technology that is coming that could really allow us to go the distance – and get back to the days of Methuselah and Noah – if you will – it is very possible – now before you write me off – this is why the banks and redemption centers have a structured payout term that could go as long as 300 years – because they said it their language due to a new advancing in medicine and technology – ya think????

I think so and I think we are about to learn a whole lot in the next few years about that – and it’s coming –so lets be aware of that –

In the meantime – you should have  (and remember what Bruce is NOT)  - what you have is a need for trustees – successor trustees – beneficiaries – successor beneficiaries – that will take  you down for a long period of time  so that there is a lineage to what it is you have attempted to do with your projects – so if you have a 150 yr project or you have projected it would last 100 years or 200 yrs – you need to create a hierarchy that can take that and oversee that project and handle the funding for it  for a long - long time – so keep that in mind

You should have your own trust attorney – an attorney to help with structures for your project –  however it is designed by your attorney you get with them and make sure you have plans for longevity  

Beyond that  right now – I think that is the bulk of what I have received since the last call and I think everybody is going to be amazed at the experience from a financial point of view and just from a point of view from learning how the new system with our banks we have had in the past is going to radically change as they become facilitators for the Quantum Financial System and I am sure there will be some education we will get on that transition that is taking place for  us  and the banking world and what will happen to the banks and their day to day operation

I think with everything we have happening this weekend – starting as early as tomorrow with the passing of the1.9 trillion  to Saturday with Iraq doing their thing with the Dinar – to Sunday night at 9 or the markets to be opened and trading the USN with all these other currencies that are pegged to it down to notifications – prosperity packages going out  - everything -  we’re in the midst of it – We are in it -  we are in it to win it – and I’m looking forward to the completion of this -  - and this is probably our final Big Call – and so I look forward to being in touch with you by email in the very near future -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:06:50

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 Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday March the 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning everyone all over the globe – we appreciate you

Now it’s time to talk a little bit about where the intel puts us today – you remember we had - uh – it was a little bit lean on Thursday as I remember - Tuesday was pretty good but Thursday was a little bit lean and we know that some of the faucets have been turned off – and there is very little dripping out in the way of intel –

However, I think what we have tonight is going to make up for that – it will be effective for us ok – One thing I want to bring up so I don’t forget it – is regarding the process of the redemption center protocols – where we go in – we sit in front of two or three people and we pony up our currency and it gets counted and verified through the DeLarue machine and so on and so forth –

 Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday March the 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning everyone all over the globe – we appreciate you

Now it’s time to talk a little bit about where the intel puts us today – you remember we had - uh – it was a little bit lean on Thursday as I remember  - Tuesday was pretty good but Thursday was a little bit lean and we know that some of the faucets have been turned off – and there is very little dripping out in the way of intel –

However, I think what we have tonight is going to make up for that – it will be effective for us ok – One thing I want to bring up so I don’t forget it – is regarding the process of the redemption center protocols – where we go in – we sit in front of two or three people and we pony up our currency and it gets counted and verified through the DeLarue machine and so on and so forth –

Remember we talked months ago now – about a video that was about a 4-6 minute video that we would see – then it got 15 mins – then it got cut down – and so on -  well I asked about that just yesterday and it appears that what they are going to do -  they are NOT going to air that video when we get there – it’s sort of orientation video – it’s going to tell us a lot of things that if you’ve been a listener of the Big Call for a long time you probably  already know – there might be a few things that you/we don’t know –

My understanding is they are going to make that video available to us upon request – you can get it either on a memory stick or CD or DVD – I’m not sure which but probably on the DVD - so if that is more convenient for you to use –

But that way it’s primarily for people coming In and they have no advance knowledge of anything – they just know they have currency – it’s worth more – they’re going to exchange it blah blah  blah – ok

 You are in the advance class – as Sue would say – you’re in the Master Class – because you have been listening – some of you have never missed a call in 10 years – and by the way – if we get to the 15th of March – if we get there – which I hope we don’t – before we get notified and start our exchanges – tonight being the 9th  - If we got to the 15th  I would be reaching and coming into my 17th year of these currencies --  cough cough – starting my 17th year of owning these currencies - not about knowing about them but “owning” them – So – when We’ve been in this long enough we are ready to go –

So when it comes to other information other things have been going on – I know for example Wells Fargo has been having more and more conference calls for their wealth managers and the people involved in all of this – they did one Saturday- it was a long one – the one on Sunday afternoon was 3 hours –

There is at least some info that can be gleaned from the Saturday call – if not from the Sunday call as well – and one thing that I find very interesting – and caught my attention -  remember we have talked about structured payouts -  where we could go 25 or 50  years or maybe more – well my most recent understanding – and realize this is “recent” news – the significance of it is that - the point of it is – the structured payout that we have talked about – can actually go from 15 years ---  are you sitting down????? All the way up to 300 years –

The reason they stated that was because of the advances in science and technology and medicine – So they may have received a heads up on some of the MB technology that we have briefly spoken about in the past -  that is interesting – they also want to know – do you have successor trustees – and officiaries  in your trust work that can take you beyond your life into 200 – 300 – years – if you have projects that has that type of longevity – which a lot of us do – so the question is- do you have anyone that can take over as trustee once you get started here that can make sure you have the longevity of the funding for your projects =

Something to think about – make sure that you have … and it might not be  your kids – or your grandkids -  it could be – but might not be - you will want to see what that is because this is quite a responsibility that you are passing on to somebody in a successor trustee capability –

So this is why you would want to get with your trust attorney pretty quick – they want you to have something in place theoretically when you leave you should have a very bare bones trust in place – if not your actual final trust paperwork ready to go - Obviously I am not an attorney – I don’t play one on the radio so make sure you look into getting the right trust attorney for yourself to put these various structures together – that you might require

For people that have an exorbitant amount of currency - and there is no way to tell what that is right now – you do have ridiculous high capability – in my opinion for an annual percentage rate of return in your structured payout - - far more than we knew – I am not even going to say what that interest rate is on the phone – here on the call – but it is substantial –

Beyond that let’s talk about where we are in the process – where we are with Iraq – You know that by now that Iraq could have done their thing many times over by now- but they – and the CBI – Central Bank of Iraq – is the governing body that controls the rate of the Dinar –

However – even though Iraq is considered a sovereign nation now – they are still subject to the Treasury  of the United States to more or less give them the go ahead as to when to release the new rate

Now we have heard from Fallujah – one of our contacts is from there – and he is saying – that tomorrow morning Iraq time - Wednesday morning – is when they expect to release and out this rate out – that would be not too far from right now – it would be later tonight because they do have an 8 hour advantage over the East Coast - 

Now I would say that will occur if the Treasury has gone ahead or will go ahead and give them that ability to put out the rate – We understood that today we find that Iraq has a I think the term “deadline’ and I hate the tern deadline - because we just blow through deadlines in this thing and have forever – There’s a theoretical deadline let’s call it for Iraq to do this on Sunday the 14th - which happens to be our Daylight Savings time as you know – so I find that interesting

Could we be there tomorrow Wednesday … or Saturday – those are the 2 days that the official news goes into their official record copy gazette – at least in the terms of the printed version – they have a digital version as well that information can go in at any time – but the printed version is release on Sat and Wednesdays = You know that Saturday is their first business day – of the week in the middle east – I find that interesting – so will they make it?? Will they do it?? Tonight?? Which is in the morning in Iraq – Let’s see - Let’s see what happens –

We’re understanding that they are supposed t Doesn’t mean that we’re going to see it here necessarily – till we’re ready to go -- ok – but we do know that the rates are going to be fantastic – I think even a little better than we thought - we don’t really talk about rates per say – specifically on the call I try not to do that – so we do not really go there –

I have been told though that anyone who has the Iranian Rial at least for a short period of time – that could be on par with the Iraqi Dinar – which is interesting – I wasn’t thinking it was going to be that close  but obviously the next door neighbors trading partners and the theory is they are going to be on par – maybe exactly the same = or with a dollar of each other – in value - for those that might have the rial

Let’s see – what else? So that is the part about Iraq – In talking about what’s happening with the bonds – and the sellers of bonds that are supposedly being hydrated – let’s start with tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 – My understanding is that all tier 1 – 2- and 3 participants have been paid at least their 1% of their total – which means they have liquidity to that extent – tiers 1 – 2- and 3

Tier 1 as I remember is primarily governments – around the world - we understand we have a total of 47,000 government and military that have been paid – already - does not mean they have everything - but they at least have the 1%

The reason they get 1% - and you say that is not much - but it is –it’s a lot depending on what you have – but that’s why they don’t want to overheat the economy too fast with too much liquidity coming to the market at the same time – that is why the slow roll out –

So tiers 1- 2 and 3 are complete - tier 4A – the groups we talked about out west – and tier 4B is  us the internet group - basically I’m saying we’re next – ok – we’re next –

So—what has to happen before we get started with our exchanges is that the bonds need to be paid out to the bond sellers – they need to see their 1 – 1 ½ % and some cases - they have started receiving that – now the bonds that are paying out were supposed to be paid out last night  - Sunday night - they were supposed to pay out yesterday – there was a slight pause due to some system check possibly with QFS – making sure the SWIFT was not involved in the transfer of any funds anymore – ok – but the pause lasted about an hour and then it resumed –

Now from this point on the bonds that were being paid out of Miami included Railroad bonds - German Bonds – some infrastructure bonds – some insurance bonds even Mexico bonds – all of these and maybe the Peruvian bonds - lots of these bonds are being acted on and paid out supposedly tonight / overnight or tomorrow morning – we’ll see how that shakes out – there’s been a little delay in that

Those at least need to be initiated if not completed before we start

The timing for us to go – we’re hearing that the Emergency Broadcasting System is being tested now globally – we have already passed our  testing for EBS and the United States - but the same system globally is being tested now – started around 5 pm this evening Eastern – around the globe - and you say why? Why is that needed? Because the information that we’re looking to have brought out here on our EBS needs to be shared globally – that’s why it’s being tested now – in other countries –

We’re hearing that something major – and I hate the idea of announcements – because they never seem to happen - I know – but something major is stated to happen tomorrow between10:15 and 10:30 am – Eastern –

I do not know what it is – I have some ideas as what it might be – but see if it’s relevant ad relative to the EBS it could just be the start of something on EBS tomorrow morning – It could be – we don’t have what it is but it was brought out with the information about the testing of the global EBS –

Now when it comes to the timing of this  ne of the major banks was saying that they expected  this to go today – unfortunately that did not happen – and yet for us – on 4A or 4B - so we set that aside – the other major bank which happens to be the lead bank in this whole process is suggesting that it would  be this week -- did not commit to a day – I have heard of a window that was given to me today that took us from tonight to all the way to Saturday – and this is from a really good source – and I think it is a pretty big window – to be honest it’s a very big window –  But I think any one of us would take it - if that window stayed open and we got this done between now and Saturday –

With Iraq’s – theoretical - I am going to call it  deadline of Sunday the 14th  we should make that – especially if they reveal the rate tomorrow morning –

So – we have a lot to look forward to this week – I believe we are in really good shape for this to go now – and I don’t think we are being lied to – we know there have been some things that have NOT happened - - we know this has been a moving target – for YEARS - we know that the QFS  has come on line – the USN – our new gold backed US Dollar -  essentially -  our US currency is being traded already globally - we know that the new internet system through the StarLink  triple satellite orbiting system – is in place - and at least in theory has been synced as of last Sunday  - so I think pretty much everything is lined up and ready to go

We know the Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the US Treasury – we knew that - we knew this all a  year ago -  and it finally took place a week ago  / 2 weeks ago tomorrow

So that is primarily everything that I wanted to bring to you tonight – could this be our last call? It very well could be – but as I mentioned things change – new things come into play – that we don’t know about but its okay - we can deal – and we are going to be rewarded for our faithfulness  - I want to thank everyone for listening  - we are closing in on it -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins  1:14:08

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-4-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Thursday March 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – where ever you live and thanks for being a part of the call tonight - We should have a nice call tonight – I look forward to it

Let’s talk a little bit now about where we find ourselves now – (chuckle) This is not an easy night for intel – because – even though I have a little bit to share with you – it’s not like it was a week ago – I told you Tuesday that the faucets were starting to be turned off as far as intel – at least from some of the bank sources we have – they have all but gone away - they really have – they all have disappeared – Every once in a while we’ll catch something for the wealth manager or somebody that you know – something meaningful that is coming from a major bank –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Thursday March 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe – where ever you live and thanks for being a part of the call tonight - We should have a nice call tonight – I look forward to it

Let’s talk a little bit now about where we find ourselves now – (chuckle) This is not an easy night for intel – because – even though I have a little bit to share with you – it’s not like it was a week ago – I told you Tuesday that the faucets were starting to be turned off as far as intel – at least from some of the bank sources we have – they have all but gone away - they really have – they all have disappeared – Every once in a while we’ll catch something for the wealth manager or somebody that you know – something meaningful that is coming from a major bank –

Let’s start with what we do know – when it comes to what we thought would happen on Tuesday night – 2 nights ago - it might occur Wednesday – was that Iraq was supposed to come out with their new rate - whether it was in the budge – whether it was actually brought out – and put up on screens – so that we would see it – that did not happen - 

I am convinced it will NEVER happen – UNTIL –until the US says go ahead and put it out – because we are ready to go – meaning with our groups tier 4A and 4B  - so they have been able to do this for ever – for a long time – they have known what the rate was going to be – it was solidified – it was locked in - using that kind of terminology - our contact in Fallujah  got back in touch with us and said that he would let us know Saturday or Sunday morning what happened with the rate –

Now remember – Saturday is another day – nothing gets published in the gazette -  which is their official record -  getting published in the virtual and physical printed version - Here’s the thinking - If it does happen on Saturday – and remember they’re 8 hours ahead of the East Coast – then we could very well see it -before … and this is the theory – ok – their first business day of the week is Sunday – so could they change it on Saturday in time to make the change for business on Sunday? –

I think that is why our contact in Fallujah is suggesting he’ll call us Saturday or Sunday morning with that information - Now it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen then – it’s our next window if you will – for a change of the Iraqi Dinar-

Beyond that we know that one is suggesting a go on Monday the 8th and we all know that #8 is a very big number for the Chinese Elders and would love to have it go on the 8th - it signifies new beginnings and financial prosperity – so there’s that -

We have been informed – even though it was hard to min this one down - we might get started Thursday or Friday – and it is still possible – but we do not have it confirmed – there is nothing to confirm that - no indication to us - a lot of it is because the intel sources have dried up f a certain percentage – people are on zip lip / lock jaw -  or a Gag Order – NDA’s – you know – it’s getting tight –

You know I told you Tuesday night this is kinda of a good thing –It’s a good indicator because in one sense even though we are not getting g any information it looks like we are very very close - and maybe we are – still very very close

And…… as far as us starting – as tier 4B – the groups out west and so on – nobody has received any real liquidity - nobody had even received 1% of their total funds – even the bond sellers who had bonds and sold them 6-8 weeks ago – are still waiting for even a small percent  of their bonds –

All of the accounts have been set up – access cards – biometric finger reading – everything is good but have not received email from the wealth managers saying they have access to funds now to have liquidity – to gain access to those funds in their account – and whereas we understood that some of those bond sellers would receive those emails either yesterday or today – it seems that the bond sellers have been pushed – just like we have

So it may very well be that nobody gets anything until all of us get something and it might not be until – we hope by Monday – or on Monday we go forward -  it would not surprise me if you know – this is orchestrated to start on the 8th  but – it’s a number – it’s an important number to the Chinese but this is primarily  a decision made between our Military and Treasury – and certain other people that are working to make all of this go together – you know – it has to be coordinated - 

And you know there is stuff going on behind the scenes – all kinds of things – we know the QF System is fully operational – ready to go – wires being sent out ledger to ledger – are happening internationally and in less than 15 minutes - it’s a very positive thing that the QF System is up and operational

The other thing that is new – and we talked about it Tuesday night briefly – the StarLink Internet System – it was initiated I believe it was Monday - 8:15 PM and still receiving connectivity – and is supposed to be fully integrated and synced up by Sunday –

Now that is a very positive thing for us to have that with 3 synced orbiting satellites - because not only is it going to give us the privacy without interference – for new social medial platforms which are not available right now – but it’s also going to be a sender of 6G telecommunications where right now we have 5G using towers – satellites will send 6G signals without the negative EMF coming from the towers at close proximity

There’s probably a few other things going on out there but as far as we are concerned we are still on a very close day by day – but as far as “confirming” tomorrow or Friday I mean tomorrow or Saturday – this week is screaming back – we do not have that - we don’t have that – so let’s just stay patient – like we have been – we look for clues – things to manifest – and we look forward for this blessing to come through

I am going to suggest that we keep our eyes open – don’t believe everything that you read because – really – if I’m not getting very much in the way of intel from banks and other sources – not too many people are either – I have a feeling – Thanks everyone for listening -  


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins  1:06:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-3-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call – it’s Tuesday March 2nd and welcome from all over the globe – thank you for listening to us tonight –we hope to have a really good call – hope everybody is doing well – we are beginning to see signs of Spring around the country and we hope you are welcoming some warmer weather wherever you are –

Let’s talk a little bit about the intel we’re getting or --- in some cases – not getting – because what’s happening and what we’re seeing today is that some of the intel faucets are being turned off to where sometimes there is only a drip coming out of the faucet and of course that is a good sign and a bad sign

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call – it’s Tuesday March 2nd and welcome from all over the globe – thank you for listening to us tonight –we hope to have a really good call – hope everybody is doing well – we are beginning to see signs of Spring around the country and we hope you are welcoming some warmer weather wherever  you are –

Let’s talk a little bit about the intel we’re getting or --- in some cases – not getting – because what’s happening and what we’re seeing today is that some of the intel faucets are being turned off to where sometimes there is only a drip coming out of the faucet  and of course that is a good sign and a bad sign

The bad sign is that you might not get as much information as we have had or looking forward to having like we had on Thursdays call which was full of intel –

We do have some tonight to bring to you  - the good news portion of that is that when things get tight – when people become tight lipped or zip lipped – and not allowed to share – under a NDA  or a GAG order  - they have just literally been told not to communicate – that’s a very good sign that things are close –

That is probably the best indicator that we are right there – almost ready to start -  so that is something we have to learn to work with or work around – not see it as a problem but an opportunity – and the opportunity has presented itself with information from slightly different sources sometimes but what it tells us is even though we know the redemption center schedules were to come out today with new schedules -  we knew something about the old schedules –

We know that they are prepared to do exchanges and redemption of zim in a process that would go from – let’s say – the end of the week Thurs/Friday – possibly tomorrow but Thursday / Friday through the 14th of March – and what’s interesting about that is that is lining up with what we’re hearing about the takeover of the media sources (TV Radio and so on) and the possible insertion of Emergency Broadcasting System  / Emergency Alert System –

So… that is excellent timing for those to kick in as cover for our exchanges – They may just be super imposed if you will on the same timeline –

When it comes to the timeline – if we started – let’s say 4th or 5th  and through the 14th tier 5 is supposed to kick in on the 15th which would be the public  with lower rates – so the rate change would take place between the 14th and 15th and it’s quite possible that the public would go at that time through the 22nd maybe even all the way to the end of the month – we don’t know yet -  but I’m encouraged because I believe we could very well hit that timeline that I mentioned about tier 4B going –

In the case of tier 4A – the groups and so on – some that are based out West – that timeline looks like it might coincide with our notification – their notifications may coincide with ours which for all intents and purposes our shotgun start –

Now le’ts go back to tier 3 – a lot of the tier 3 people are bond holders which became bond sellers have been locked into essentially a tier 3 – they do not have their bonds any more – they have been traded – sold and now they are waiting for liquidity – well when these bond holders did their thing – some out of Miami – some out of Reno – Zurich -  when most of these transactions took place – they were given in some case a little walking around money in terms a debit card – but it wasn’t a whole lot – not a whole lot at all – in terms of total value of those bonds –

So they have been waiting – many of these people that we know have been waiting for at least 6 weeks and some longer in some cases – to gain access to their accounts -  but when they set those up-  just recently – some have had to set up a brand new account – even though they may have already had one with Wells Fargo – they set up a brand new account with Wells and they also did what they needed to do to scan finger prints -  thumb print – for their biometric finger print reader – they also did what they deeded to qualify for a titanium account access card  - that is my title for it – this is NOT a debit card – not a credit card – it is a card used to access your master account / mother lode account

We will also get these titanium cards – and they are made of titanium - titanium account access cards to access our mother lode account at Wells Fargo Bank or a Wealth Management Center – these are not at this point – to be utilized at home or on a home computer

The idea is now that we are under the QFS that uses Blockchain technology in conjunction with CIPS the funds transfer are no longer considered Bank Wires but considered ledger to ledger transfers – under the QF System – and these happen very very quickly - in fact in less than a minute – and you can literally see that the funds are in that account -  across the globe -  Inside the United States should be able to transact in 25-35 seconds –

No longer since last Wednesday are any wires going through our Central Bank which was the old Federal Reserve – the Federal Reserve as you know from last Thursday’s call has been taken down and there are several stories as to how long – an hour? Some say 2 hours – others said from 6 pm – 10 pm is what I heard – so it does not really matter – it’s just that those systems was absorbed by integrated into the US Treasury –

We told you that well over a year ago – that would take place -  it did last Wednesday – and as you know the IRS has also been integrated into the US Treasury – and we can expect some very positive things to happen

Let’s go back to our timeline for a minute – we’ve got at this point – if it holds – we have tier 5 starting on the 15th  of March – the 15th of March is also an important date for NESARA – we believe it could be one of these 2 things or possibly a combination of the two –

We believe there could be an announcement pointing to debt forgiveness or it could be the start of debt forgiveness – on the 15th of March – for us – meaning the announcement about that  the information  olet’s call it – would be disseminated about NESARA could happen starting the 4th or 5th of this month and go all the way through the 14th  and that could be 10-11 days of disclosure – if you will – of what has really been going on   here and around the globe

So we will have to see what form it takes – but it could be highly educational for us to stay tuned to these broadcasts - and see what actually is transmitted to us –

So we have the QF System – fully integrated – started to be activated last Wednesday and I believe we had all but 7 countries currencies aligned for trading on the   QFS as part of the  Forex – and is part of using our USN as a currency to be pegged to  ok – globally – pegged to the new USN – and we also heard and saw evidence of our new USTN currency – which is United States Treasury Note – noticed no Federal reserve  mentioned – on the money -  of this new money –

The USTN has been seen coming out of ATM’s in Germany - Switzerland – and Hong Kong – they have our currency – our new currency  before we do – but it will come soon enough

In addition to that we heard the new platform – for  the internet – is under the auspices of the United States Space Force in a new system with 3 satellites called the starlink system – StarLink Internet System  using these 3 orbital satellites and that way the Dark Web and some of the other bad aspects of the internet would no longer be part of it – that was supposedly activated last night and today was still being worked through on it connectivity

So when does it switch over?  Has it switched over?  I do not know – but that is something that is also good because that is a satellite system will leap frog us over 5G and into 6G for cell phone service – so we will see how that comes about and manifests –

I have heard that is a much safer way to receive cell phone information satellite streaming and so on – because of using it from satellite as opposed to using the cell towers – was supposed to have been early March –

Beyond that the timing – I’ve got 2sets of information that give  us some idea of our timing – we have Wealth Managers  one at a lead bank -  that was suggesting that this thing could be release tonight – in which case – if all things worked like they should – we should get notified tomorrow -  and we could get notified  and set appointments and maybe start Thursday – that is one set of information coming from a top tier bank wealth manager

Now another piece of information came from another source – military  - that talked about tier 4B  - the internet group – getting notified on Thursday and starting exchanges on Friday – so we sort of have a wed/thur/Fri  approach in play right now and we believe based on these 2 separate sets of information and it may very well be that in the case of the groups that are based out west – we know their paymasters have seen liquidity in their master accounts ready to downstream to the participants of those groups – and maybe in some cases some of those paymasters have already down streamed to the accounts but have not informed the participants  in those groups  that the money is already  there –

So they are looking for notification I am talking about tier 4A as well as bond holders – current bond sellers – are looking for notifications in the form of emails tomorrow or Thursday and we in tier 4B are also looking to be notified through the Wells Fargo servers as well as certain of us that might get the toll free numbers and be able to disseminate those as well –

We know that the toll free numbers - the plan is to release up to 1.4 million emails across the country in 2 batches and possibly in 2 separate time releases – one released and then another 1 or 2 hrs later

So there are a lot of new things we can look forward to – one being working with our master account and when you do get your titanium access card and you have  your fingerprint scanned in the system  -  you realize that the screen you are looking at you are the only one – if you want it that way -  that needs to see what is on it – Even your wealth manager – those people in the bank are not really entitled to see that unless you give permission –

I think we are going to see banking take on a whole new light moving forward with QFS and with the role the bank will play with us and it is exciting -  - it is going to be different  more than anything we have known – so be prepared for that change


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:09:16

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-25-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-25-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 25th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in tonight – this could be an amazing call we expect tonight –looking forward to imparting a lot of good information to you in the intel segment – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight – We look forward to having a good call tonight

I want to be done by 10:30 so I am going to just rock and roll – There is a lot of stuff that has been happening behind the scenes for the most part – yesterday and today and I am going to try to create for you – sort of a time-line of events that happened – and the significance of them

No 1 - we knew Iraq was going to put out their rate - their budget – they were going to have it available at somewhere in the 3:00 to 3:30 AM time today Eastern time – and our understanding is that the trading platform for these currencies – the Forex – is in the new QF System –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-25-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 25th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in tonight – this could be an amazing call we expect tonight –looking forward to  imparting a lot of good information to you in the intel segment  – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight  – We look forward to having a good call tonight

I want to be done by 10:30 so I am going to just rock and roll – There is a lot of stuff that has been happening behind the scenes for the most part – yesterday and today and I am going to try to create for you – sort of a time-line of events that happened – and the significance of them

No 1  - we knew Iraq was going to put out their rate - their budget –  they were going to have it available at somewhere in the 3:00 to 3:30 AM time today Eastern time – and our understanding is that the trading platform for these currencies – the Forex – is in the new QF System –

Now at 2 am Eastern time today – the trading of approximately 22 or 23 currencies that – going up in value – were available this morning to be traded on the System – so that occurred early this morning

Let’s go back though to yesterday – and talk about what occurred yesterday at 10 am  - on Wednesday and that was the shutting down of our Federal Reserve System – and the Fed Res went down and that was not allowing any  bank wires to go through the Fed Reserve anymore – that was the plan to disable that system under the old SWIFT system which was that payment system that’s been used forever as you know -
Now that was taken down but it was absorbed – if you will -  absorbed by our new US Treasury -  The Treasury for the Restored Republic – it was absorbed or integrated – it was supposed to have been integrated in 72 hours or less and it was actually absorbed by 6 pm last night (Wed PM)

So from 6 am until 10 pm Eastern Standard time that was accomplished – which is wonderful – so now  - we are no longer on the same central bank system globally – That’s big –

The other thing is with the integration of that –as part of the Quantum Financial System - and which the banks tend to refer to as  the “Block Chain System” – because it does use blockchain technology – it allows for banking to take place as all the testing was done as point to point without going through a central bank   - like the federal Reserve – That’s really big  

This allows us to do bank wires as ledger to ledger transfers now – in less than one minute  Globally! And no longer are we supposed to be subject to – remember the days of waiting 2-3 days for a bank wire to clear – or come into your account?  Up to 10-11 days for international wires to clear – in some cases and that allows the central banks to hold on to the money and trade it internationally  while you are waiting to be paid – let’s say – and so that is changing –

The idea of paying bank fees to send money that is gone – there are a lot of things that are going to be changing here – alright let’s keep going –  We’ve got that new Quantum Financial System that is going to really help us – to get to work with our projects

On that same vein – there are 111 trillion dollars currently held by our new Treasury – that are taxpayers money - now we know people have been following NESARA and GESARA - people that know what has happened by using your birth certificate to convert you as channeled property to be traded as a commodity – those days are over and we should be getting new birth certificates – don’t know exactly when on that  -

What’s interesting is all of that – that 111 trillion dollars – a little over 4 trillion of it is designated per state – to the states that have indicated they want to be part of the new Republic –

Right now we have Texas that has already declared their sovereignty as a Nation State – remember the ads for Texas tourism?  That said Texas is a whole other country – do you remember those?  Well guess what? It’s true – it is a whole other country now- it is it’s own sovereign nation state  - they were only one vote in the legislature about a week ago apart from that happening  - and removing themselves from the Union

Now – what’s interesting is there are 37 states so far that have indicated that they would like to be part of that movement if you will - a part of the new Republic -  the Restored and New Republic –

That is what we are going back to  - back to the old Constitution  and that is the trend – it’s happening and each of those states would be receiving a little over 4 trillion dollars each to use towards infrastructure  - roads – bridges – over passes etc – railroads  stuff like that - 

That is why I was told months ago to not include those in our projects because we got that – that is something the government will handle and they are by paying the states a portion of that money to use for those projects

Now under NESARA – which we are sort of in the midst of starting now – should kick off on the first of March – That is Monday!!

We are getting word that President Trump will speak at the CPAC Convention which starts late tonight and goes through Sunday – He is going to be a Keynote Speaker – at 5 PM Eastern Sunday – and I would not be surprised if he did mention something about Texas becoming their own sovereign Nation State –

Now – what else might he mention?  I don’t know - but I hope that he gives us some indicator of NESARA which we really - realize to do what we are doing right now – trading the USN – the number of countries’ currencies that are actually pegged to our new USN  currency – all but 7 countries – globally  have attached themselves in the new QFS in the trading platform – for trading currencies with us under the USN – and they’re pegged to it -

Now that is taking place – that actually occurred today at 4:30 pm – the total integration activation of the QF System – so this is hot off the presses - 4 pm makes sense because the markets close at 4 Eastern – A half hour is usually what trading after the bell takes place  - and so 4:30 that’s when it was completely activated -fully activated –

It’s really a beautiful thing to see where we are now  because I have been told this weekend – Friday – Saturday – Sunday – is going to be an AMAZING Revelatory  weekend – Things are really popping – Groups – based out west – are to be notified of the funds to be in their accounts for their liquidity –

Bond Holders are supposed to be notified that they have access to funds -  sometime this weekend – We could get notified - Initially I was told we would be notified Monday and start Tuesday – that may still hold  up  - however – recent news indicates we might get notified and that means with email notification and 800 numbers could be sooner than that –

So this is a really important time for us to get everything moving forward or your readiness – for yourself – your projects and everything else – this looks like we are almost “there” for “GO” time

The thing we are looking for with NESARA  is the debt forgiveness and that will be explained obviously in its entirety  - supposed to take place starting the 15th of March - that is also the designated date when tier 5 “John Q Public” is going to  be notified

So things are looking good for us in Tier 4A and tier 4B – we know the redemption center staff is readied – with regular schedules for tomorrow – and we are at the point where everything is connected now – and I think everything can move forward  - So I think that is everything I wanted to bring tonight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:04:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-23-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-23-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 23rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight – We look forward to having a good call tonight

We’re only 2 ½ weeks away from Daylight Savings Time – I’m always curious to find out when Daylight Savings time is – and it’s Sunday March 14th - that is exciting don’t you think –

The intel tonight is going to be short and sweet – there’s not a whole lot out there and some of you might know that already by what you’re reading or not reading – I can tell you there are a few things out there that are pointing toward our timing being very close - now – for me to say that ………

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-23-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 23rd  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight  – We look forward to having a good call tonight

We’re only 2 ½  weeks away from Daylight Savings Time – I’m always curious to find out when Daylight Savings time is – and it’s Sunday March 14th  - that is exciting don’t  you think –

The intel tonight is going to be short and sweet – there’s not a whole lot out there and some of you might know that already by what  you’re reading  or not reading – I can tell you there are a few things out there that are pointing toward our timing being very close - now – for me to say that –

I know that things are happening and have happened in Iraq to make the reveal for the release of everything – tentatively scheduled for pretty close to 11 o’clock Iraq time Thursday  - you take 8 hours off that and you have the east coast time –

So we’re looking for some action to take place probably on Thursday – and it could be that we get notified on Thursday and go for exchanges on Thursday - It’s possible that we would get notified tomorrow but I don’t have that confirmed in any way -  not at all – that is only a projection on my part and it may be completely out there –

I would say Thursday is looking very good for us – I know that some platform out of Zurich  was released today at noon eastern  at 1% and that’s a nice number and that would be some form of bond program – what we usually call a platform – so ----that means things are moving this way –

Beyond that we know that redemption center staff came in today and were given a schedule for the next 12 days – should that total time be necessary and that’s another good sign – and beyond that what we need to do is spend a little time with your projects over the next couple of days –

There has been a high percentage of clean up that has already taken place – there’s a little bit more to go but that is happening – and it is a very positive thing for u s – and we just know that the QF System is been ready  - remember we had this incredible cold throughout most of the country I think – really – from North Dakota all the way to the Reo Grande  and even into Mexico – we had snow in areas that don’t normally get snow – and that did slow us down –

We had connectivity issues in 286 of the banking institutions and redemption centers and that got taken care of over the weekend – however we’ve got a number of redemption centers and banks that had water issues – and somewhere in Arkansas – Texas - with frozen pipes and so those issues are obviously being taken care of – and hopefully all banks and redemption centers will be back on line in time for us to go

I am very encouraged by what we’re hearing and knowing that some funds have already started moving the way it needs to move with one of these platforms – I think we’re probably looking at our shotgun start that will affect all of tier 4 and possibly some tier 3 holders as well –

So that is basically all that we have – there has been a lid put on intel and we have been put on  more than a GAG order – I would say it’s very quiet and they want to keep anything from leaking out that is crucial – so that is why you are not seeing or hearing much right now - that is a very good sign - a very good sign – Let’s hope that everything we’ve talked about is coming to fruition in the time frame that we have and we will be able to receive this great blessing  - Thank you everyone for listening – Take care of yourself -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK      Intel Begins 54:24

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-18-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-18-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight – We’re excited about our call tonight and we’re excited to have you here with us

Ok so let’s get into it a little bit now – We got some information today that came through – some of it came through recently – in the last 3-4 hours - which is good –

You know this we have had heavy snows – super cold temps – all over the country – that and in addition to a couple other factors has made this a very slow rollout –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-18-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight  – We’re excited about our call tonight and we’re excited to have you here with us

Ok so let’s get into it a little bit now – We got some information today that came through – some of it came through recently – in the last 3-4 hours - which is good –

You know this we have had heavy snows – super cold temps – all over the country – that and in addition to a couple other factors has made this a very slow rollout –

We were really looking at getting started early this week - had we not had the snow and this ultra freezing cold – you’re looking more into like Tuesday - BUT…… that didn’t happen  and I think I told you Tuesday night that we had a factor of this …. Especially look at Texas – with between 4-5 million people without power – and as a result – now listen ….. Texas had the largest number of currency including the zim bonds OF ANY STATE –

Texas is the number one player – Florida is number two and California is number three – I could keep going – but the point is … redemption centers could not all be open as I suggested Tuesday night – and I come to find out yesterday the 286 banks and redemption centers were not answering a ping to them –

In other words they were not open – they did not have juice - they were not ready to answer that they were not open and ready to go – 286 and that was nationwide – but the primary concentration of that was in Texas – and they were being pinged from Reno – the Texas depository – and Miami

So…. I do not know what that status is now – But….I believe that many of those are able to be contacted – but I don’t know if everyone is back on line yet – I would not think so but I think that tomorrow or Saturday some should be back on line – and that is important – cause – remember we had stress tests going on to all the banks inside the US – and then the next day – overnight we hand bank stress tests globally -  and that was stressing the QFS to see if it could take the testing required that would be needed for the great number of exchanges that are about to take place

So fortunately we did hear that the global stress tests also went well and I don’t think there’s an issue and everything is ready to go from that perspective – but we needed to wait on that to happen –

Beyond that we have the weather - it really threw a monkey wrench into this thing  - I think now that the storms are moving  - as of this morning I think Texas had less than a million without power which is much better than 4 million –

I would say this week has been an important week for the testing and for us to get everything back on line and I did not anticipate anything for us to start this week – and I still don’t tonight –

However…..I am hearing from certain of our top bank that we are looking very strongly for a Tuesday start could be an early morning based on the time schedule from what I am hearing – and the question would be whether or not we get notified with our emails and toll free numbers before Tuesday – in other words – there was a possibility we had heard - of a Saturday notification for a Monday afternoon notification – 

I believe the last information ruled out Saturday but did not rule out Monday afternoon – so ….I think somewhere between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning we should be able to have the email notifications and quite possibly the toll free numbers – So that is the tentative schedule / timeline –

Beyond that – which is the most important part the most important aspect of this – I know that Iraq did pass their budget – they did everything they were supposed to do and yet I do not believe that rate is going to be put out yet – but I know they are prepared to - there is the timing - to that alone – they are not going to put it out until they are ready to get started –

Beyond that …. We know that tomorrow that certain Petchili and Super Petchilis Bonds are going to be transacted out of Miami and we know that certain people are waiting for notification that their funds are there and ready to go and I am referring to the bond holders that became bond sellers and the bonds have gone extremely slowly on purpose –

They have several organizations monitoring those to make sure – absolutely sure that the people that are going to receive the monies from these yellow dragon bonds - railroad bonds - etc  that they are legit – and true owners of these and the funds will be used in the right direction – that is something they have been watching very closely from a security point of view already - and will continue

I am excited we are about ready to get started –


Bruce’s  Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:06:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-16-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 16th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight –

Well here we go – it’s Tuesday – another week - I’ve got a little bit of information for you but it’s been a little bit light out there today – and for the last few days – really – we’ve got some information that’s saying that we have at least a 2 day series of testing – that amounts to stress tests for the banks - - yesterday we had a stress test on the banks in the United States through the QF System – and today and tonight and overnight we believe that stress test extended globally to all of the banks around the world to totally stress test the QF System –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 16th   and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we welcome you and appreciate you being back with us tonight  –

Well here we go – it’s Tuesday – another week - I’ve got a little bit of information for you but it’s been a little bit light out there today – and for the last few days – really – we’ve got some information that’s saying that we have at least a  2 day series of testing – that amounts to stress tests  for the banks - - yesterday we had a stress test on the banks in the United States through the QF System – and today and tonight and overnight we believe that stress test extended globally to all of the banks around the world to totally stress test the QF System –

We know that the system has been activated in some aspects for a while sometime but has not yet fully come on line and become fully activated yet – Our theory is that these stress tests banks are going through are to see how the system will handle the influx of big sums of money from these exchanges globally – so far the system performed beautifully - we will see how they do today and tonight and overnight –

What’s amazing is that it looks like that once that QF System is completely been active and activated globally – that would give us the go ahead to begin with what it is we’re waiting for

We had thought that we would get announcements today – we did NOT – but we know that with these tests being completed it probably pushes us off until at least tomorrow – it could be this week but we don’t know for sure – We are not getting that tyoe of information –

We know that certain exhanges of currency for dinar dong and Afghani had been taking place for days now – several days and a lot of this is in conjunction with the contract between Iraq and the United States  for people returning to Iraq -  they are going to use those people to rebuild that country and so this is something that we’re aware of – we know that these are ongoing – continuing for at least a week -  we’ve been doing this for a couple weeks or more -  and its all good –

Now as far as the bond people - we are hearing that the bond people are expecting to be paid tomorrow – by that I mean they are expecting to be notified so that they have liquidity – access to their funds - and it wont be the whole thing -  but a percentage from ½ percent to 1 ½ percent – that is what is anticipated as early as soon as sometime tomorrow –

Now did the weather slow us down?  I think it is quite possible – look – we had over 4 million people in Texas without electricity – that had to affect not only the individual but people working – redemption centers – banks -  could have been under a black out situation – and we know this is happened and happening tomorrow as well –

So did the weather have an effect – some people say NO I think it did – however – the stress test going on with our banks   - the QF System when fully operational I think will be able to handle this influx that these tests are testing to see what it is capable of

We’ve got so many things trusts that have moved into position - St Germaine / Rodriguez so the system itself is loaded up so to speak and ready to be not only fully tested – fully implemented I believe or activated and hopefully right away – I don’t have an exact time for that to happen but I believe that will occur after these tests are completed which should be tonight or overnight  - and morning -  So that is going on right now –

Additionally  there was a conference call yesterday between Chase bank and 3 affiliate banks in Iraq – a 2 ½ hour call  - Sunday – there was a final conference call so to speak with banks globally -  not only here in the US – but around the globe I think that was in advance of the testing – that was going to be done –

So in other words the point is could we have gone before these series of test were completed – I don’t think so -  I think that is why we are waiting for that to occur

Could there be other factors that might have us continuing our waiting game - we have heard some things I cannot confirm this is going to make or break us – as far as our timing on the release but we have heard that the 19th which is Friday – is when several supreme court cases will be not only heard cause the evidence has already been presented – I believe but they will be discussed and hopefully will be a verdict or multiple decisions will be arrived at –

Is this something we have to wait for? I’ve heard from once source that it might be – before we can go – but we will see these are very important cases that deal with election issues in a number of states across the country –

This is something we need to be aware of – whether it’s going to get better in the next couple of days and the testing with the QF System -  could be done -  I think we are positioning our selves for release hopefully before next week but we don’t really have it laid out  - we heard that today was a back wall for this to go – anytime I hear that I just sort of – I don’t roll my eyes but I think we’ve heard that and they get moved so they are not that meaningful  for us any more

There are certain times when I’m sure people need to feel that this is going to go and certain parties between the Treasury and the DOD – Chinese Elders – everybody is always meeting on when the proper time would be to go -  and this is again a situation where we get the green light here for the groups to start paying out and then we haven’t had any evidence that the groups have actually paid to their recipients -  or the recipients  of these groups out west are seeing anything – yet

So this has gone on all last week – all of last week this was the situation – and every day from Wednesday on  - Tuesday on – they were pushed to “another day” – another day – to another day –

So it is hard to pin this down – and you know that by now – you know that the intel can be good one minute and an hour later something changes -  or something else comes up -  we know that – we’ve experienced that – I have experienced that for 10 years on the Big Call – and 6 y ears before that time – just knowing certain things needed to be completed

So hopefully we are almost there with the idea that the stress testing being completed tomorrow  and then we can get moving  forward -  I know everybody around the globe is anticipating this and so I’m anticipating along with you – Thank you everyone for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  Intel Begins:  1:02:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-11-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you being back with us tonight –

Well let’s talk a little bit about where we are right now – we had a call Tuesday night – we had a little bit of information but not a whole lot – things are getting kind of tight and quiet – lot of people are under gag orders - we were able to glean some information today which was very helpful –

We had heard as of last night actually and earlier today that certain groups that are based out west were looking to be started or getting notified on that this afternoon but did not happen - we were a little sad to hear that but we found that one of our top bank sources is suggesting that certain groups could receive notification as early as tomorrow evening – so we will see how that manifests – looking forward to that coming through

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 11th   and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you being back with us tonight  –

Well let’s talk a little bit about where we are right now – we had a call Tuesday night – we had a little bit of information but not a whole lot – things are getting kind of tight and quiet – lot of people are  under gag orders  - we were able to glean some information today which was very helpful –

We had heard as of last night actually and earlier today that certain groups that are based out west were looking to be started or getting notified on that this afternoon but did not happen - we were a little sad to hear that but we found that one of our top bank sources is suggesting that certain groups could receive notification as early as tomorrow evening – so we will see how that manifests – looking forward to that coming through

Also…. I want to clarify some things – as far as we are concerned in tier 4B OI think we might want to keep a close eye on the weekend and also early next week ok – and that should help to get what we’re looking for manifest and started with the blessing that we’re expecting –

The other thing that is important is that we got a clarification on the NDA process – We had talked earlier on the Big Call a few weeks ago I guess it’s been now – about the idea of getting some version of a one sheet NDA with your notification – it’s not exactly like that – the clarification of that is -  this is to give you a heads up – they used the term “fore-warning” – let’s call it a “pre-advice” - you will get some information in your notification that will tell you about the upcoming NDA that you will be signing at the redemption center - 

The difference is you will not have to print that out – you do not have to send anything back in  - it is just to give you a heads up on what to expect but it will mention that you are NOT to purchase any more currency – once you get the notification and call to set up appointment –

Ok so that is a word to the wise – obviously take it very seriously – I know that we are all excited and looking forward to bringing our humanitarian projects out – we also have a plan to do that and to that with great excitement –

Rates are not a question – not a problem – everything is good as far as that goes – I would just say we’re very very very close - and it’s finally coming to fruition - we have a 3 day weekend coming up - President’s Day  on Monday and banks will be closed –

It does not mean that you could not get notified however – we will see what happens over the weekend and we should be in good shape for early next week –

We have to know that this is going to be released when everyone feels that the security is where it needs to be and the cleanup has been adequately handled – This could be a really good weekend for us and early next week


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins:  1:06:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-9-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you being back with us tonight –

Let’s go to the all-important intel segment and see if we are any further along than we were last Thursday – Probably the most interesting thing that we’re getting is – intel itself - the sources are starting to really dry up – because we are so close - we’re really trying to get the best information accurately as possible as we can - we always do that – but in these last days it’s a little harder to get exactly what we are looking for – and that is --- when are we going to receive the toll free numbers and the emails – and to start setting our appointments and then go – that is the bottom line for us – and what we are really looking for

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 9th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you being back with us tonight  –

Let’s go to the all-important intel segment and see if we are any further along than we were last Thursday – Probably the most interesting thing that we’re getting is – intel itself - the sources are starting to really dry up – because we are so close - we’re really trying to get the best information accurately as possible as we can - we always do that – but in these last days it’s a little harder to get exactly what we are looking for – and that is --- when are we going to receive the toll free numbers and the emails – and to start setting our appointments and then go – that is the bottom line for us – and what we are really looking for

Alright - let’s go back and see where we are as of today – primarily this morning and midafternoon we got some information about what’s happening in Iraq – and it always seems that Iraq has one more thing to do – you know most of that is pantomime – it’s just the fact that Iraq is doing things according to their government but guess who’s holding a lot of the puppet strings? That’s right ….. our government is essentially our people are working very closely with Iraq to make sure that everything they have to do is done but not ready before we are ready to start – tier 4A and 4B –

It’s a continuous game of playing catch and not going too far out – we know that the budget for 2021 in Iraq was a big deal and it was passed - but not published - it was passed – ok – and why wasn’t it published? Because that would have exposed the new rate for the dinar –

Well – tomorrow – Wednesday – could be the very day that the budget is published in the gazette – and further to that – because Wednesday and Saturday are the 2 big days that the physical paper form of the gazette is published – it is their official record

Now what has been happening - there are a number of middle eastern nations as we know and these nations have come together with their own platform to trade currencies amongst themselves – digitally – and that digital platform is something that needs the Iraqi dinar to have a new rate and to have it asset backed currency – which it is – and to have it digitally involved in this platform which uses blockchain technology for the various nations to be able to trade back and forth with their currencies digitally –

Now – that platform, I understand, if Iraq has everything together – which would mean the rate – to be exposed – that is supposed to occur  with trading tomorrow morning at 9:30 am Baghdad time – only a couple hours from now (in terms of live call time) and if that occurs not only does that move Iraq further along – with a new rate and a new ability to trade with a digital format using blockchain technology but also I believe it moves us forward in terms of our starting time –

We had thought that our notifications were definitely going to come in the first couple of days of this week and here we are Tuesday – so the latest information was that we are not going to be notified today which we were not – but rather possibly in the next couple of days- Wednesday or Thursday – and it’s possible we get notified tomorrow but don’t start exchanges until Thursday –

What is important about this time window of Wednesday or Thursday is that the Chinese New Year starts Friday the 12th of February – and the intention of the Chinese Elders is for these exchanges and zim redemption to begin in tier 4A and 4B – prior to the start of the Chinese New Year – so there seems to be a desire to get this started this week Wednesday or Thursday –

Now – they really don’t want  us to know when it’s going to start and this did come from someone inside the new Treasury – of the Restored Republic – and I think that is about as close as we can get to what is really happening and what is going on – and that is what’s really valuable to  us right now is to find out - is this happening as quickly – finally as we hope it is – like right now – and so we are just going to have to see where this goes and see if this week is the week we’ve all been hoping for –

It’s really interesting that there’s not a whole lot else other than what’s expected from Iraq tomorrow morning early Iraq time – and what we’re hearing about even the bond payouts that we’ve talked about for weeks that have still not manifest in the sense of liquidity and access to funds –

Again – that is something we are looking to happen and may happen in concert with our start – meaning with toll free numbers and setting appointments

It actually could be the bond holders and those affiliated with the bonds that have been traded – that start  may essentially be part of the shotgun start  - we thought those guys would have been paid and have access to funds weeks ago  but they haven’t –

Now – we understand we have digital USN currency since about Sunday night we understand that China has it ready to go – Australia is ready - there were 2 other nations that we were waiting on to connect to the digital platform to the QF System but I don’t know if those 2 nations are or whether are already connected or not –

But the things that are happening globally – to get ready for this and the possible start of a NESARA  announcement regarding this is imminent – we just have to see when it actually is going to start – but we think that we’re right there where hopefully the Chinese Elders get their way and we get this started before their Chinese New Year start on the 12th (Friday)

So that is really what I wanted to bring to everybody today – it’s not a whole lot but hopefully it gives you a picture of how close we really are – I am excited about it – still as excited as ever - and looking forward to getting resolution to this – hopefully before Friday – so let’s see where it goes


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK       Intel Begins:   1:01:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-4-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 4th and you’re tuned into and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - we’re glad to have you here –

Let’s talk about where we are in the intel world – this is when we try to figure out where we are – in this process - and being tonight is Thursday – we brought pretty much information on Tuesday - tonight is – ummmm – we have some information that lends us to believe that we could be where we need to be still this week –

But there is other information that takes us and moves us to the first of next week – of course many of you say this is the normally the trend – if we do not have it by Thursday – it tends to follow to the next week – and that is true – that has been the tendency –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 4th and you’re tuned into and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - we’re glad to have you here –

Let’s talk about where we are in the intel world – this is when we try to figure out where we are – in this process -  and being tonight is Thursday – we brought pretty much information  on Tuesday  - tonight is – ummmm – we have some information that lends us to believe that we could be where we need to be still this week –

But there is other information that takes us and moves us to the first of next week – of course many of you say this is the normally the trend – if we do not have it by Thursday – it tends to follow to the next week – and that is true – that has been the tendency –

We heard some things about bond payouts – that were supposed to occur last night and today  - the bondholders that are bond sellers were supposed to be receiving their liquidity - especially on the yellow dragon bonds – railroad bonds - and so on –

They are still paying those out and those funds are being put in position of various participants accounts – the bond sellers accounts – but they still have not had access to them yet – it is possible that they get access tomorrow (Friday) but we’ll see – will not affect most of us - most of us are not bond holders other than the zim - and the zim that we have we will do at the same time we have currencies to exchange

So…. What we have heard is – and this comes from one of our main banks – it is still going to happen for us – and I heard a clarification of another banker that deals with redemption centers and staff and so on – that Saturday was in play - Now I still heard from a couple other sources that said Saturday is in play for notifications and I also heard that the redemption centers – some personnel need to be in place on Monday at noon -  meaning they’re not needing to be there for us tier 4B – which is primarily their function – until Monday at noon

Now if that’s the case – that moves our notifications from Saturday to probably Monday morning – and that is NOT absolute – that is the latest information that we got today – that puts us there for notifications and toll free numbers –

Remember the email notifications that are coming from the Wells Fargo servers are going to be around 1.4 million emails – and they do know how much currency you have because they have talked to all of the sellers – all of the currency sellers including ebay – have released that information to the Treasury -  so they know – and unless you have been gifted  they might not know how much they have – but if you have purchased  they know what currencies you have and generally speaking how much you have -       

We all know that the totals may have changed – if we have gifted - they know that already – now one thing that is important when it comes to the email notification - 2 things :

We’re pretty sure that the email notification will contain a NDA – non disclosure agreement – with – probably as an attachment to the email – that you received – so that when you get that from Wells Fargo and you call to set your appointment and so on with one of the 2 numbers that are in that email – it is also supposed to have 2 things- a personal identification number for “YOU” the recipient of that email – your own personal ID #

And you are also supposed to have a simple one page non disclosure agreement – what might the NDA say? It might say that you are not to talk  with anyone about the setting of this appointment – about where you’ve set it -  the day or time – or anything else surrounding the currencies or your appointment time –

It needs to be kept quiet – and that will probably be in the NDA – and also you may be prohibited from purchasing anymore currency at that time – in other words they don’t want you to go out and try to buy more currency -

Once you set your appointment – you’re not going to tell them on the phone how much you have – you will just verify that you have dinar – dong – zim - whatever you have – let them know that - I do not believe they are entitled to know the amounts -  they may already know the amounts or think they know but they are not supposed to ask you that on the phone -  so do not surrender that over the phone –

The NDA though probably will preclude you from purchasing anymore currency and they’re basically wanting you to keep very very quiet regarding the appointment

The personal ID# that should come in the email is going to be for you to enter on a dial pad –  or said verbally – when you call the toll free number – but I am not 100% sure how that is going to be used  or instructed to use – but you will know and probably should print out the email when you get it – so you can have it as you may be requested to bring that with you to appointment –

Beyond that …. Today we know that Australia according to – this is from a person involved in a bond transaction – told us that Australia is entering or about to enter their codes into what we believe is the GFS – so that they can begin exchange or possibly trade with the United States in USN – our new asset backed currency and my understanding today is  there are 3 countries – one is Australia – that needed to enter that information into the QF System – 2 other countries besides are y et to go -  not sure who those are –

But it is coming to the point where that should say that our gold backed currency which we call the USN -  in digital form – is either already in process of being traded or is about to be -  so that is very encouraging for us –

We are at the point of waiting for the NESARA legislation to be brought forward and announced in some form or fashion - there may be an announcement of some kind tomorrow – late afternoon  and I am hearing that  there is intention to possibly initiate at 6:30 PM tomorrow night Eastern time – Don’t know exactly what that’s going to look like or what would be said – but there is something to be said for getting the information that has been hidden and not really put out on the media to be put out – so we will see if anything from that happens starting at 6:30 PM Eastern tomorrow (Friday) – if anything “unusual” happens as far as that goes

The concept of getting this started is one that we know we’ve been waiting for quite a long while – we had heard that this was going to be the week – but we’ve heard them say that to us before – MANY TIMES – but they have missed it every time –

We heard this week early that we were going to get started by Tuesday or Wednesday and what happened was something happened with the Treasury to slow it down and not allow it to go forward – it’s almost like the game that Iraq and the United States have been playing one step forward two steps back – because Iraq had basically passed their 2021 budget – they passed the portion of the HCL that gives Kurdistan a certain percentage of the budget – we believe it was agreed at 12.6% and everyone was happy and all that good stuff – and then we find out – maybe it hasn’t fully passed and there might be a few more things to discuss –

I think those are stalling techniques – that basically in principle everything has been done – but they are making it seem like more needs to be done

But bringing the budget out in the gazette which we thought would happen yesterday is now set to come out Saturday – in two days – maybe that will happen we can’t set a watch by that - all I know is that it is intended to bring that out on Saturday and publish it in the gazette – which would make the dinar rate visible – It might also be on line in a digital format –

It’s something that is happening but it’s happening in regards to us – whenever we get started – it seems we’re not going to have that out or in the gazette finished completed until we get started and notified to set our appointment and start our exchanges – so we just have to wait on that – I don’t think it’s a huge thing for us – we know that Iraq is a big part of this but so are all the other countries that are going into the first basket with rates that are going up and they are somewhere in the vicinity 20-22 of those currencies we believe – so we’re just going to have to see how that shakes out

Other than that  - that is pretty much what I wanted to bring out tonight – there’s not a whole lot other than seemingly a change in the timing and then there’s the possibility of an announcement tomorrow and I think we are going to see more and more announcements next Tuesday / Wednesday that we should be looking forward to – Let’s hope we are notified and underway


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK      Intel Begins 42:20

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