Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-10-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-10-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and looking forward to a really good call tonight

So I tell you what let’s do – let’s get into where we are on the intel point of view – and we’re in pretty good shape right now – we really are – I know sometimes it’s hard to see it – you are drawing pictures from the Big Call and maybe information that is coming on other sites and other calls – I don’t know – but I will say this – everything that we’re hearing right now -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-10-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and looking forward to a really good call tonight

So I tell you what let’s do – let’s get into where we are on the intel point of view – and we’re in pretty good shape right now – we really are – I know sometimes it’s hard to see it – you are drawing pictures from the Big Call and maybe information that is coming on other sites and other calls – I don’t know – but I will say this – everything that we’re hearing right now - 

Let’s talk briefly about the election - it was a week ago today right – seems like a month ago – no we do not have a clear result that has been made public – however I do believe we are going to see the results pretty soon – there are legal challenges – there are legal things that are going on behind the scenes that will come to the fore  front soon enough – and I think this is an especially important time for us all to be patient and to wait for the actual true results – all we want – I don’t care what party your affiliation you are or what voting line you were on – I believe we all want a fair and free election with a true result   an accurate result -  and I believe we are going to arrive at that –

I think our patience is being tried during this time – not only because of the election and waiting for results – but also based on the fact that this ride has been going on for quite a long time – here we are about to complete 9 years of the Big Call - I don’t want to even think about starting a 10th year so I’m not going to suggest it –

I really think it’s getting -  you know it’s been a long time and somebody that has been in it for 16  years like me and some of you have been in that long -  maybe a few people longer – most of you not as long – but I have been tracking this for quite a long time – and it’s the kind of thing that many people have stepped away from it – some are right there with it  on a daily basis – I know many of you have listened to the Big Call for most of the 9 years – I appreciate that – I am thinking we are just about ready to call it The End –

Now – here’s where we are coming from – first of all –let’s try to draw some conclusions - Number 1 was this – redemption centers staff is off tomorrow (Wednesday) Veterans Day – most banks – not all – are closed – it is a National Holiday – I do not think you will get mail delivery – whatever – it’s a National Holiday –

Although some banks are open – the redemption center staff starting Thursday is a day of being on call 40 minutes – They were on can for 1 hour – now we are on call with 40 minutes notice - That means – in 40 minutes of receiving a text or phone call or an email they need to be at the redemption center – at their desk – ready to go - that is the status they are going to be on starting Thursday –

What else is significant about Thursday – the country of Iraq is planning to have the investment law passed – and the investment law contains the actual in country rate of Iraqi Dinar – it would be in the law - in the writing of the law and so that is when it’s supposed to be passed and made known – Thursday –

Now – even though they were supposed to make their international rate known last Saturday –I’m not sure that happened -  they were also supposed to pay their people their salaries on their Qi card – I don’t believe they were paid their salaries and I believe they will  be paid and with an increase in most cases – a significant increase – to pension funds – salaries and so on – that is supposed to occur on Thursday – whether they caught up with their back pay or not -  was supposed to go way back to April I don’t know – but I believe we are going to see a new Iraqi  Dinar rate in the investment law – that’s supposed to be on Thursday – Remember Iraq is about 8 hrs ahead of East Coast time zone - 

Now as far as where the rest of the country is- we are in the understanding that the bond holders are about to be paid and we don’t know whether tier 3 SKR’s were paid out – or not yet - we heard they were to pay them out starting yesterday or today and I don’t know if that has occurred yet - it may not have – and the more this thing drags on the more likely it is that all parties that ae waiting on funds will probably get paid about the same time that we set our appointments for our exchanges

Now – we are hearing some things very significantly about payouts and this should be to the groups – bond holders – even on the zim holder platforms are supposed to be paid out starting between 8 and 9 PM eastern tomorrow night (Wednesday)

One of our sources is calling tomorrow our “Christmas Eve” – that same source is calling Thursday  “Christmas” – now this is from one significant source – I know there are people who will not agree with  but I believe it’s quite possible  so we’re just going to have to wait this one out – to see if that is what it is – it’s very possible – we thought we would go shortly after the election – it’s been a week – there were some things that had to take place – although we also heard some announcements – are supposed to come out starting tomorrow – they may do something on Veterans Day -  but they are going to bring out certain announcements between now and the 14th – Saturday – between the 13 and 14 could be significant  for announcements – so keep an ear out starting tomorrow –

And then be prepared for the possibility of Wednesday/Thursday – it is conceivable that we get notified with emails and 800 numbers tomorrow – it is conceivable – personally I think because of the other information that it is more likely that we’ll get them sometime on Thursday – and if we get them on Thursday morning we’ll set appointments and probably start Thursday afternoon – so let’s see if that happens –

I think they are going to want the banks to be open and the redemption centers to be staffed before the numbers come out – because its ultimately it’s the redemption centers that are setting appointments for zim holders at the actual locations where they will redeem that currency – those bonds – so they’re part of the call center chain of events –

Meaning if you are a zim holder the theory is you will speak to someone at the redemption center when you get transferred to them when you entered your zip code – let them know what area you want to exchange in and they enter that in and you get  a chance to speak to that person and set the appointment – so when you go in you will actually know the person that you are going to talk with about the redemption of your zim

Remember 2 800 numbers – one for zim holders and other currencies and one for non zim holders – other currency ONLY – two numbers  - you will know which one based on if you have zim bonds or not –

So tomorrow is our Christmas Eve - we’ll see  - I’m not going to call it – just telling you what our sources are telling me – I feel good about it  - I feel really good about it – and I’m looking forward to this coming to it’s final conclusion –

Many of you might have seen a text come through yesterday – an email – about request for prayer for the President as his lawyers entered the information they needed regarding the election with the supreme court yesterday at 5 PM eastern – and pray for the “truth” pray for an accurate and true result from the election – and that’s what all of us believe in our heart wants – so let’s continue in that thought

So we are really waiting for that notification – and to start and waiting for the final decision which might take a little while – it might not be as immediate as we want it to be – for the election - we are just going to have to be patient for that as well –

So I want everybody over this next little bit of time now consider whether or not your presentation is in the position you want it to be – if you are a zim holder are you prepared to talk 5-8 minutes on your projects and job creation – longevity -  and all of those things that we’ve talked about in the past -

Thanks for listening everybody -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  55:19

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-5-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-5-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and looking forward to a really good call tonight

Ok – let’s get over into the intel a little bit – and Bob asked me to talk a little bit about what we need to bring to the redemption centers or the tier 1 banks if you’re going to use those – anybody that is a zim holder will use the redemption centers - tier 1 banks can do regular currencies like Dinar / Dong / Rupiah and so on – so ----- let’s talk a little bit about that –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-5-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and looking forward to a really good call tonight

Ok – let’s get over into the intel a little bit – and Bob asked me to talk a little bit about what we need to bring to the redemption centers or the tier 1 banks if you’re going to use those – anybody that is a zim holder will use the redemption centers - tier 1 banks can do regular currencies like Dinar / Dong / Rupiah and so on – so ----- let’s talk a little bit about that –

When you bring your brief case for your information in an organized way – of course you want to bring your currency – don’t forget that – also bring some basic information about you – which would be your identification – photo ID – driver’s license - student ID – Passport – and you are offering something that shows where you’ve been living – if you have a utility bill – gas bill – cell phone bill –

They want to see that you are a real person that has a real address – you can bring your phone as far as we know – you may have to leave it inside your briefcase and not have it out – I would say probably have it turned off – if you even bring it in the redemption center – If you have a fire arm – do not bring that into the redemption center – leave locked in glove compartment

Also you want to bring your project information – maybe 3 copies of that – one for yourself to read over – and a copy to hand over to the personnel - I don’t think we need to overload them with paperwork –

If you have a more involved business plan – something that is 50 – 100 pages long – a more detailed business plan – I would say bring it – but don’t plan to go into it – or leave it behind with them - maybe just hold it up flip through the pages – and say “this is a more in depth business plan that we/I have put together” – just to let them know that you have done some research

As far as anything else you need for identification – the project information -  you leave behind with bullet points on the project  - you’re also going to think about bringing anybody that you would like to have exempted from your disclosure agreement because they are working closely with you as a team member – somebody that you might need to share some information with about the – not necessarily about the redemption appointment of course - but just about your own financial situation  - because they are involved intimately  with you on your projects – these people should be put on a list that would exclude them from your non disclosure agreement – so  you could in fact have a discussion with them if you wish  - so bring that as a separate list to be added as an addendum to your non disclosure –

Beyond that – as far as what to bring – that probably is everything I can think of that would be vital to make sure you bring and keep with you – identification – proof of address – more than one is fine – project information – obviously your currency – your NDA – and if you have an idea of a house you’re interested in moving to or some land you need to pick up to purchase -  you know you’re going to be asking them for a proof of funds letter –

So just having those numbers ahead of time would be nice to know if you have a home you are thinking about buying  - you might ask them for a proof of funds letter – that would be slightly greater than the purchase price of the house - If the house is 1.2 million  you do not necessarily want to ask for something 10-20 million – just make sure you cover any property – I would personally do it on an individual basis – some people use a proof of funds letter for multiple properties – that would be okay – but I think to set it up where you would have one you could –

Here’s the other thing - when you do your proof of funds letter – especially if you use a large amount – I don’t think I would leave it with the realtor – I think I would present it to the realtor and if he has any questions – just have the call your private banker – as part of your home office team – you know your wealth management team at the bank – if she needs to – or he needs to – because you don’t want your personal information getting around the office at the real estate company or who knows who else might make a copy of that and give to somebody else – about your own personal wealth – you do not want that either –

If you go in there with enough credibility or enough of a good relationship with the realtor – you might not even need a proof of funds letter – you might just be able to say – “I assure you could call my banker if you like but I have the funds to purchase this house” or this property – it depends on your situation or what they ask for and what you need to provide – but that is something I would not leave with them – I don’t know that they wouldn’t necessarily pass that around the office –

So let’s talk about where we are today – obviously people are concerned about the election – the results of the election – whether we have a result or when – it’s hard to say exactly – I have some idea of the when but I think what is really important is to realize the sources that I have are telling me that – our blessing in terms of the GCR and the revaluation of these currencies is happening apart from the election process – and we are going to call it an election process because in some very real way it is on-going –

We don’t have a stated result yet – although – if you heard the president speak around 7-7:30 tonight – it is something I am glad he came out with and stated what he did – I think we are going to be just fine and I think we should get the results – I would think in a few days – we should get something – even with the  a lot of the legal wrangling that is and will be going on – I have a feeling we are I that process now –

So – what I am going to say is – I think – from what I’m getting from all sources – this process for us – meaning the blessing we’re looking for – is on-going and moving toward us such that one of the larger banks that we talk to – tier 1 bank – is suggesting that we should be there either – he said it this way- Saturday or Tuesday and of course we would love for it to be Saturday – but it might not be – and we could push to Tuesday -  I’m sure we would all say that is fine under the circumstances – that’s ok

I would say – it’s important to realize this has started and I think the first or second domino has already fallen in the far east - we understand there is liquidity over in the far east – places like Hong Kong – China – in other countries in the far east –

We’re finding out that bonds have started paying out as of last Monday and that was a week ago yesterday – Now – the bond holders which have been over 111 thousand – globally – that have pre acted deals through Hong Kong / Zurich some in London – Miami and Reno  - Some of the bonds from those bonds have been restricted to 2% or less – of the total – meaning that is how much these bond holders would have been able to access so far –

S0 – that is important in that bonds that are being paid out and there are so many different ones – colors – yellow dragon bonds – red dragon bonds – all of these different bonds – Chinese – Railroad bonds – and so on These bonds are sort of having happened now so that when we go – including the zim – boxes of zim – large quantities for these platforms and so on – are being traded and so we’re at the position where we still go after some of the groups get started and I’m hearing – although I don’t have this confirmed – I’m hearing that we’re still looking for the green light to come from the Dept of Defense – before the Treasury can release a lot of these funds – 

There have been some very large tranches have come in from different global accounts – some of these quite large - there were 2 or 3 that were 43 zero account from tranches that had come in  - these generally are sent to collateral accounts around the globe or safe havens for this type of action to keep it out of prying eyes – and unwanted hands – these are also funds that are being sent to our Treasury that are not connected to the Federal Reserve – as many of those were at one point

Since we are positioning away from the old Federal Reserve to one that’s being in boarded – if you will – into the US Treasury – so there are a lot of things that are changing and moving up to what we’re looking for from NESARA and GESARA – but the NESARA we’re looking for – a lot of that newness will come in little bites – I don’t think it’s all going to come out before the end of the year necessarily – but we should get some activity from NESARA and it will probably take a while for the whole thing to roll out –

I don’t know what the timeline is but I am hearing we should get another shot of the stimulus and I don’t know whether it’s something that can be done directly from the Treasury to continue what we already had – when was it we got it?  My thinking is and I have heard that we might get the $1200 or $1400 a month but it could also include some back months – where we could have several months of stimulus in a sense coming out – now that might be something that would come out to sort of help to level the playing field for people who are not part of what we are a part of –

We’re in a situation where – we’re going to be the ones essentially helping humanity with our projects – a lot of people would be thrilled to get the stimulus money and get that added up – paid out – I heard some things could happen here in the next coming weeks –so let’s see what happens on that –that could be interesting how that goes out

As far as anything else timing wise we have had a few sources that have said just be patient – like we haven’t been right? We’ve been super patient - just be patient and see what happens in the next few days – One major bank said keep an eye on Saturday and also on Tuesday so we’ll see what happens for those – maybe they will be significant for us – hopefully we’ll get a chance to move forward and get out appointments set and go in and get everything started

Other than that – there’s not a whole lot else that I think I’ve had since Tuesday night and that’s really because sources are tending to dry up with NDA’s and Gag orders –

I know the redemption center staff is off today – I don’t know what their schedule is for the upcoming weekend – I would say do not write Saturday off – and keep in mind of course if we go beyond that more than likely we’re going to a Monday or Tuesday – and quite frankly I don’t know if we will start on a Monday – we might not start until a Tuesday – so we might leap right over Sunday and Monday

We have heard of course – that the public keeps getting pushed back as we get our start delayed – we did hear that Iraq is going to pay their – and we heard this from Iraqi citizens that they are going to pay their citizens that are legitimate legal citizens of Iraq on Saturday -  on their Q cards -  so they will pay them this coming Saturday and they should pay them at a NEW  RATE -  whatever that rate is we don’t know what it is yet – we know they had a new in country rate – we know they had an international rate – and let’s see if they update and increase that – we may find out and we may not – but that is supposed to happen in a couple days on  Saturday

So let’s keep an eye on things – let’s stay calm and stay in faith for an conclusion of the election – which will be favorable for us and I think that is everything I wanted to say tonight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins at 57:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-3-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-3-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 3rd Election Day and you’re listening to the Big Call – You are wondering – why have a call on election day - we’re going to do a fairly short call – hopefully in the 50 / 60 minute range and then let everyone catch the incoming results from the election which is going to keep us up for a while tonight –

First of all I have an apology to make because we had it wrong – the information I had on our last call was indicating that we should receive our numbers prior to the election and of course that did not happen – so I am sorry – I apologize for that – we had information that made it look like we were going to get it actually yesterday and that just didn’t happen - so – sorry about that - because I am ready for this to go just like everybody else is –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-3-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 3rd Election Day   and you’re listening to the Big Call – You are wondering – why have a call on election day -  we’re going to do a fairly short call – hopefully in the 50 / 60 minute range and then let everyone catch the incoming results from the election which is going to keep us up for a while tonight –

First of all I have an apology to make because we had it wrong – the information I had on our last call was indicating that we should receive our numbers prior to the election and of course that did not happen – so I am sorry – I apologize for that – we had information that made it look like we were going to get it actually yesterday and that just didn’t happen - so – sorry about that - because I am ready for this to go just like everybody else is –

Realistically – it seems that the election had to take place first – obviously it did take place  but it seems like there were reasons why we did not go before – Now QFS is lined up and ready to go – I just heard this evening that the yellow dragon bonds are going to pay out at 3:30 in the morning EST – that is going to help – that may be the first domino that needs to fall for our groups and the internet group and so on to get started – I am excited about that –

I’ve heard it put a couple of different ways - but our timing appears its going to be contingent upon the announcement of the election results – In other words – sort of the finality I would hope from electoral college perspective and not a popular vote total – that could take a little longer because some of the states have allowed for a few extra days – and in some cases up to about a week for popular votes to be tallied –

However I have heard – this is the most recent – I have heard that once the votes are tallied – and I am going to hope this is referring to the Electoral College votes – ok - delegate votes - once those are tallied – 24 hours later we should be notified and start going into the banks

So – I have had 3 different people tell me today that looks like Wednesday or Thursday – now it does not probably mean that we’re going in tomorrow – but we could get notified tomorrow – that’s possible –

Probably the more likely scenario would be notifications Thursday and start on Thursday - that is if this intel holds out to be true – I have every reason to believe it could be very well be true – so we’re going to hope for that’s the case –

I know that Iraq who already had a rate its an international rate – on the forex – actually it’s been on the forex for a week now - it’s supposed to get a new rate I believe it’s going to be tomorrow  but could be Thursday – I don’t know what the new rate will be – but it all sounds good –

Now – the other thing is – you know we do not talk much about the rate on the call and you know I am not supposed to -  just can’t really go there - but we did find out just real recently that if you would like a back screen rate you have to ask for it – there has been some cabal influence – and said we could not have access to back screen or contract rate -  that appears to be false - that appears to be incorrect – We should be able to ask for that if you wish – even if you are a Zim holder - so that is exciting and encouraging –

It really won’t matter in the big scheme of things – even if you have a lot of Dinar or Dong – but because the Zim is so valuable and worth so much more that it will basically it will cover any lack that would be in any other currencies - it will more than compensate for that –

So – I am excited about where we are – and what is happening – to give you an idea for example – the redemption center staff that we know about - were off yesterday and off again today for election day – that doesn’t surprise me -

However – yesterday evening for a couple hours there was a huge conference call which I think was probably the end all be all of conference calls – video conference calls – it included HSBC – Wells Fargo – Chase – US Treasury – Homeland Security - portion of the Secret Service which has to do with currency probably – all bank managers – bank VP’s – redemption staff – wealth management – private bankers – all of those people - probably all people above the teller level – was to be on this call – yesterday evening

Tomorrow there are plans to go in for staff for 4 hours – and see what happens – do not know what time – but what is interesting is we’re in a situation where redemption center staff is basically on a one hour call - where they can be called and need to be seated ready to do business at their desk within an hour – that is interesting – cause that means they could respond if something were to happen they could respond and go in quickly  -

So they told us we were not going to get anything yesterday or today – but it’s possible based on I think – somewhat of the election result – how quickly that comes in – tomorrow is in play - Thursday is in play – and no one that I’m talking to is going beyond Thursday - I’m just saying - I’m just saying – that is what I am getting –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  46:52

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-29-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-29-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – We’re getting close to the end of the month – close to Halloween and I hope everybody is getting ready for day light savings time on Sunday Nov 1st - We’re going to lose another hour of daylight so I am not very excited about that – obviously – Everybody be prepared to adjust your clocks accordingly – the good news is the phones and TV’s will change automatically - so that’s good - Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Ok why don’t we talk a little bit about intel that we have – it’s so strange Thursday and we know that we try to gather what we can between the last call Tuesday night and tonight and we do have a little bit to talk about – We are in the waiting game notification – that’s pretty much what we’re doing – and the reason I say that is we heard yesterday evening – Wednesday night – that we have a 51 hour window from 9 am this morning to noon Saturday where we have heard from some pretty good military sources that we should be notified - so that we could set our appointments

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-29-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 29th  and you’re listening to the Big Call –  We’re getting close to the end of the month – close to Halloween and I hope everybody is getting ready for day light savings time on Sunday Nov 1st  -  We’re going to lose another hour of daylight so I am not very excited about that – obviously – Everybody be prepared to adjust your clocks accordingly – the good news is the phones and TV’s will change automatically - so that’s good - Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Ok why don’t we talk a little bit about intel that we have – it’s so strange  Thursday and we know that we try to gather what we can between the last call Tuesday night and tonight and we do have a little bit to talk about – We are in the waiting game notification – that’s pretty much what we’re doing – and the reason I say that is we heard yesterday evening – Wednesday night – that we have a 51 hour window from 9 am this morning to noon Saturday where we have heard from some pretty good military sources that we should be notified - so that we could set our appointments

Now – here we are Thursday night – that would give us tomorrow and Saturday about noon Eastern time – unless these hours change – but for right now till noon on Saturday for us to be notified by the emails from the Wells Fargo servers and also the toll free numbers coming to me which I am supposed to have – to put out to the community – as you know

So we are in the middle of that window right now – as far as the redemption centers go – we know that even though the staff was not really in the redemption centers today and I understand tomorrow they are going to have meetings in the banks and redemption centers with a number of attorneys both from the bank and also from Homeland Security - we do not know what that is all about - we’ll see - but that is really interesting

So in other words I’m not really sure what’s going on with the staffing even though the staffing is generally set up to where they are on call with a one hour notice – In other words once they receive a call or text - to be at the redemption center ready to go at their desk within one hour - that is the standby mode they are in right now – so that if things do release they can respond quickly - to be ready to take our phone calls and set our appointments –

Beyond that we know that some redemption centers have been doing some exchanges last week – we told you that -  these were customers from the banks and there’s also the situation where some customers as you know – some individuals have gifted certain currency – we know that -  we know that many of us have gifted 1-2-3 or more people – whether it’s been Zim or other currencies – many of us have been in a position to do that – and the Treasury knows that we have gifted a number of people but they don’t really know who they are –

Some of the redemption center staff are finding out who a lot of these people are through the people that donated the currency to them - and they’ve been involved in the last few days in doing some exchanges with the gifted individuals - they have received very little of the amount – maybe up to 2% of their total – but they signed NDA’s and are ready to go forward  - so there are some things happening -  behind the scenes – and I just wanted to bring that out as well –

Now here’s something else that is really important - you remember we heard that Iraq needed to get a rate out there on the forex – they needed to get the dinar – the newer Iraqi Dinar up and it was put out on  forex approximately 6 PM Tuesday night Eastern time – because at 6 PM tonight it had been on the forex for the last 48 hours – and that is really good – and we have some idea of the rate – not the exact rate but some idea and it’s highly favorable and it’s about in that range that Dr Shabibi said that it would support way back when he spoke to the International Chamber of Commerce – and many of us saw the video on that – and know the individual who asked Dr Shabibi what the Dinar would be worth – and he answered it – if you remember that you will know what I’m talking about –

So – it is good to know that the Dinar is out there internationally - tradeable – and has been on the forex for the last 2 days –

Now as far as anything else that is pertinent – for us – we know that it’s important for us to stay tuned to our emails – kinda watch that - now will we be notified and will this go before the election?????? 

My understanding is there is an attempt to get this done for us before the election which is next Tuesday – Now - If we were to get started – let’s say Saturday for example – if we were to get started – we had numbers we could set appointments and actually start on Saturday we would power right through the weekend – I mean Sunday would go just like any other day – so don’t say because it’s the weekend after tomorrow – that it “ain’t” going to happen – because it could –

Now – I think the President has expressed – some have heard this from other sources – that he wants this to be done before the election – Saturday is the last day of October – there was also some thinking in this past month that we needed to get this started by the end of the month – well Saturday is the last day of the month - it is conceivable

It is also Halloween so be very careful out there if you are out and about – Saturday night –

So – we have sort of a self-imposed deadline and you know we don’t like deadlines – they are like back walls – they get moved – and we don’t know if this one will – we don’t know – we’re just going to have to see if we get notified by noon Saturday  - is which we have as of last night – that may have changed – the problem with this as you know – it’s like shooting at a moving target because things do change hour by hour day by day – and just when we think we’re ready and set to go – oh – something else needs to be done – oh what about this –

Right now – the biggest obstacle would be getting this thing out to us before the election – It’s just a gate Nov 3 -  we all know about and we know we all expect to vote

On the other hand – if we did get started – let’s say by the weekend – what a great cover that would be for us doing our exchanges with everybody going out to vote – and including us – we need to get out and vote and I am convinced this is our responsibility moving forward to evaluate where we’ve been and where we can go –

President Trump is someone that does want this to happen for us  - even though we’ve had some obstacles and have been some things in our way that had to be dealt with – we know that getting the SWIFT system to go away which was at midnight Tuesday night was a major accomplishment – because as of 12:01 AM Wednesday morning we were exclusively to be on the QF System and with that QF System is supposed to be the USN – the new US Dollar – that was also to be a part of the QFS and part of our new start Tuesday night  starting one minute after midnight

So there is such a thing as being in a waiting mode – that is where we are again – things are looking very positive from the aspect of the forex – The QFS - the Dinar – Zim – there’s always contracts that need to be renewed or signed all of that – is part of a game but of course making sure that enough of the Deep State is done away with – moved out of the - way – that is all a factor and is ongoing  - I am going to suggest that we are all in position to move forward  -

Thanks everybody for listening once again


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  49:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-27-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-27-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Let’s talk a little about where we are on the intel front – there are several things I want to bring up to you today – Let’s see …. Where so we want to start with this - Let’s start with what has been happening since last Monday - That was a week ago yesterday - I remember on Thursday’s call I called the exchanges practice exchanges – that was a little bit of an exaggeration - they weren’t practicing - they were doing exchanges - they were doing approximately 30-40 exchanges per day – that we know about – in at least one redemption center we have connections to - and the thing to know is probably that was happening throughout the country – not at just one bank but we understand at all tier 1 banks – all of the other tier 1 banks that are connected to the redemption centers –

So…. Who are the people that are going in? These are clients of the banks – these are people that the bank had a list of that knew they had currency and when this was ready to go to let them know – these people had to have accounts with the bank for over 1 year –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-27-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Let’s talk a little about where we are on the intel front – there are several things I want to bring up to you today – Let’s see …. Where so we want to start with this - Let’s start with what has been happening since last Monday - That was a week ago yesterday - I remember on Thursday’s call I called the exchanges practice exchanges – that was a little bit of an exaggeration - they weren’t practicing - they were doing exchanges - they were doing approximately 30-40 exchanges per day – that we know about – in at least one redemption center we have connections to - and the thing to know is probably that was happening throughout the country – not at just one bank  but we understand at all tier 1 banks – all of the other tier 1 banks that are connected to the redemption centers –

So…. Who are the people that are going in? These are clients of the banks – these are people that the bank had a list of that knew they had currency and when this was ready to go to let them know – these people had to have accounts with the bank for over 1 year –

So that is what has been happening last week and I understand continuing even now – there’s some interesting things to find out – we know that the bonds – the people that were involved with the bonds in Miami and other cities across the globe had completed those and I believe they completed those by last Thursday - maybe Friday – and some of the people that were from Zurich had actually gone back to Zurich –

So… there’s the situation where those have been traded and purchased but yet they have also only received walking around money – not the big money that represented the bonds – whether its boxes of dragon bonds – zim bonds – all their assets – the real funding we find out yesterday - the “real” money “big” money – from these bond exchanges – will come to these individuals when we get notified – so to a great extent – even the bond traders have – the bond recipients  are reflected on a shotgun start –

They will not get the big money paid to them until we get notified to start and set our appointment – so they are sort of in that same mix – Now – when it comes to the other groups we’ve talked about the groups that are based out west – the core group – we talked about the 120 paymasters under the leader that’s based out west –

I mean – these groups – to our knowledge have NOT received anything but walking around money or pocket money – so far on their transactions – all of the people in those groups had ponied up currency and bonds and had received a SKR for that – To my knowledge those SKR’s are still there and we understand that the upper paymasters have funded all the way down to the lower paymasters but at that point is where it seems to have stopped -

We don’t have any further payments downstream to the participants or recipients in those groups – so we are on sort of a standby mode there – it looks like - It’s very difficult to say whether or not the intermediate groups have completed – even the intermediate groups between tier 3 and tier  4 are seemingly on standby until we get notified – hence – the entire thing – the entire thing may be set up with a shotgun start – where one goes we all go – or something like that –It seems like nobody is going to get paid until we get our notification –

Now – let’s go back for a minute - we know that there’s been training down in Miami for a lot of people in other parts of the country on – people from Wells Fargo – that are learning about the new QF System – getting really good detailed training on it – and also learning about the new USN – our asset backed currency of the United States – USN instead of USD our Fiat dollar –

It’s good that they are getting that training – and it’s good they are training them on the actual physical currency – our new money as well – pour new money that we will get – but we don’t know when that is going to actually surface –

Now let’s talk about the QFS – this is something that we do know – remember how we’ve talked about the SWIFT System running in parallel with the QFS – we talked about it last month – earlier this month – and it appears that has been happening – running those two systems together so that they could use it to do some clean up on aisle 3 as a result of the SWIFT –

My understanding is – we’ll see how this works out – but I’ve been told by very good sources that at midnight tonight (Tuesday) the SWIFT System will no longer be used – that we will transition at 12:01 AM tomorrow (Wednesday) morning the 28th to QFS exclusively – I think that is important and could be quite significant – that that is taking place – tomorrow –

Now let’s talk about something else - regarding our government – you know that we’ve been in the process of going back to our Restored Constitutional Republic – and we have 3 branches – of our government – we understand that they have taken the alleged legislative branch to the new Restored Republic – President Trump represents the Executive Branch – to the Restored Republic -  and with the swearing in of Justice Amy Conney Barrett – we have a complete Justice Department with the Supreme Court position having been filled last night and again this morning with another ceremony  - I think that is very significant now as a result of her appointment to the Supreme Court – NOW we actually have a complete Restored – 3 branches  of America as a Constitutional Restored Republic going forward -  I believe that is significant  - I believe it is very significant in as much as the QF System being on solely without the SWIFT tonight is also very significant –

Now – timing is very interesting – let’s go back to the redemption centers – we know that there is a schedule out – I am going to suggest it’s not going to be at just one bank – it could be several banks – redemption centers to start early tomorrow morning and go til late tomorrow night – this is also to be the case not only Wednesday  but Thursday – Friday – and even Saturday with extended hours – so that is four days – starting Wednesday – take it through Saturday  which is the last day of  the month

If – and this is a big IF – If we were to be notified and be able to set our appointments they believe they could get the majority of zim holders at least in in that period of time – in 4 days -  Is it going to happen???  That is the 50 Trillion zim question - because we just don’t know exclusively yet – They do not want us to know when this is going – we probably know more than they want us to know now –

So ---- that means that they are available to do exchanges at the redemption centers in a big way – we have had a very slow roll out as you can tell – or we would not still be here – doing the Big Call – this has been painfully slow for a lot of you – I know – I’m going to suggest that we all take a look at ourselves and really make sure that we stay on our plan A – until plan B for blessing comes through –

What I’m saying is – if you have a job – stick with it – if you don’t have a job – get one – because we have got to be able to keep everything going until this blessing comes through – Realize this is 16 years for me – we are coming up on completing our ninth  year of the Big Call  and I would just have never thought it would take as long as it has – but certain milestones are being met – certain things are being accomplished – but you know what – we don’t know if there is more to go -  or more to do – between the US and China – the other countries involved with China and NESARA are relatively  in good position of all of this -  but most of it is going to come down to us probably and China – Are they ready?  Are we ready??  This is the main question – this is what we have to ask ourselves –

I believe that we are moving forward and we can see things happening – we Know of certain things happening but we don’t know everything that is happening – We don’t everything behind the scenes – we can only see a few thangs that we have privilege to know about - and where as I would love to say that we are at the end of the ride – I really cannot in good conscience say that - I believe we were - as you know – call to call – I was told last Thursday that this would be my last call – I’ve been told that at least 3-4 times and so far – guess what? We’re still here – we’re still trying to give you the best information that we can  and try to elevate and lift you up so everyone can handle this as we go forward –

Basically – the time is close – we just don’t know if there is anything else that needs to be done – we know the currencies that are in our exchange – 9 currencies – 9 countries’ currencies that are going up in value – and we know the majority of those – there are other currencies that are going to stay the same and others that will go down some – to level the playing field – we know that –

We know that President Trump is doing a wonderful job  keeping peace in the middle east and they just added the Sudan – to the Peace Accord - We’ve got maybe 5 maybe 6 other middle eastern countries that are trying to come on board – as part of that agreement – I don’t know if they’re going to be on board between now and the election but I would hope we have a little progress in that area – we already had 3 countries for sure that are part of the Peace Accord with Israel – so we will see – maybe get the entire middle east I believe - 

And then we have of course other things that we’ve done that are very positive as far as that goes – I know there are some saying that things won’t happen until after the election – how many times have I been told that ??  And y et I see progress that indicates that we could go any day now – it doesn’t mean that we are – it just means the information is suggesting that we could and we will see what happens in the next couple of days but you have to be realistic and say this is a day by day basis – we don’t know when the notifications will be released –

So ---- I am going to leave you with that – maybe we are there – we will just have to wait and see -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:   45:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-22-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-22-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 22nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight – We are going to try to do the call in an hour or less tonight so you can watch the remaining debate

Now let’s go to where we are right now in terms of intel – I’ve got a few things to bring to you tonight – I said on Tuesday night to keep an eye on the next couple of days – We did get a start to everything happening at 4 am on Wednesday Eastern day light time - and it was basically involved in the bonds and boxes of bonds and other assets that were being exchanged or traded I guess you could say in Reno – Miami – even in Dallas and also in London – Zurich and Hong Kong - So all of those cities have been actively going with bonds and boxes of bonds – large assets even boxes of zim bonds for several days – and midnight last night all of that was complete – all of that trading was complete – and that was good –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-22-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 22nd  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight – We are going to try to do the call in an hour or less tonight so you can watch the remaining debate

Now let’s go to where we are right now in terms of intel – I’ve got a few things to bring to you tonight – I said on Tuesday night to keep an eye on the next couple of days – We did get a start to everything happening at 4 am on Wednesday Eastern day light time -  and it was basically involved in the bonds and boxes of bonds and other assets that were being exchanged or traded I guess you could say in Reno – Miami – even in Dallas and also in London – Zurich and Hong Kong -  So all of those cities have been actively going with bonds and boxes of bonds – large assets even boxes of zim bonds for several days – and midnight last night all of that was complete – all of that trading was complete – and that was good –

And we heard that certain paymasters had left Miami  to go to Zurich and certain paymasters this morning had left Miami to go to another area – so basically where it puts us was that form of completion allows the rest of the groups to get started today and we heard that the primary paymasters some cases in some of the groups – and I am going to say this probably would apply to the core group as well as others – primary paymasters started to down stream funds to the secondary paymasters which when they got the right signal it would come out from the leader out west but it might also originate in the Treasury is where we’re thinking for that green light to go on – to allow the continuance of the down streaming of funds from primary to secondary and secondary paymasters to the actual participants or group members –

That is supposed to have taken place approximately 6  o clock  - Central time  which is weird since we usually put things in eastern time -  but I got that one in terms of central – and then there was a feeling that there would be some liquidity felt and received by the privates – some are whales – approximately 8 o clock  and we did not get a time zone – whether it was eastern or central on that –

What it tells  us is we are in the midst of it happening now – for some of these groups that are prior to us going – what it’s telling us we’re moving through albeit it seems ridiculously slow for us for waiting the internet group  - but we know a certain of these things have to happen first and that is what’s going on now –

We’ve been told from several sources  - I’ve been personally told it will not go past this weekend for us – meaning for the internet group – as far as I know the week still ends on Saturday and then Sunday begins the new week – Now we do know that what’s so strange is there are people that we talk to that were put on a GAG order this morning at about 10-10:30 in the morning Eastern -  and they’ve been told that they cannot talk to some of our contacts until Saturday 3 PM Eastern –

Why is that? What is going to be significant about 3 o clock in the afternoon on Saturday where the GAG orders would come off paymasters or attorneys – or whomever it is they are talking to?  It makes you wonder whether or not something is going to be complete by then – We don’t know the answer – we can only project that it might be that since we are supposed to be notified so that we can begin to set appointments by or on Saturday - by the end of the week – there is something very curious about that particular time on Saturday –

WE also know that banks have new customer service hours – enhanced customer service hours at banks that normally would not have hours that would go this late - we know the week days customer service times and this could be for phone calling – this could be for getting questions answered – or any number of reasons for a bank to offer this to their customer – but we know that the new hours are going to be from 8 am 11 pm during the week - Saturday it starts at 9 am and goes to 10:30 pm – Sunday – customer appreciation – customer availability  is available from 10:30 am until 8 pm

This should correspond to us in terms of our setting appointments and going in to the redemption centers and for our exchanges  and redemption of zim - but I find it odd that particular posting of new customer service hours is going to be put on bank windows on Saturday - to be instigated on Sunday – in other words with new hours on Sunday -  so it’s very strange but I believe that is being done for us – in some way or fashion that is new hours that are going to be there for us – so it’s hard to say exactly what all that means but it is interesting that banks are going to be available at least by phone and it may not just be one bank it could this is true for all tier 1 and tier 2 banks – that is what I am hearing –

So we will see what that looks like and I’m sure what it means is their availability for answering questions and so on  is enhanced with those new customer hours - 

Really – I think we are coming down to where – if this is going to go by the end of this week – which I’m calling Saturday then we’re in really good shape –

Also I just heard about a half hour before the call started tonight that President Trump is going to issue an executive order  probably tomorrow that will allow for what could not be passed in the house due to resistance from the Speaker of the House – relief package for the CC Virus and everything that came with that - stimulus package – remember there was talk about 1.2 or 1.4 trillion dollars and they could never get consensus and never get it passed -  your Congress not at work -  to get something done –

My understanding – President Trump – he will issue an executive order which will allow for 1.8 trillion dollars to be funded for the stimulus and the virus relief etc etc – with very specific guidelines to it I’m sure – that will not include bailing out poorly run cities across the country - From what I understand tonight it’s supposed to come out starting Monday and Tuesday of this coming week –

What is that going to do also? Let’s say we have our numbers and we set our appointments and we’re starting our exchanges and redemption – I believe by the President doing that – he’s actually allowing some additional liquidity to come out for the normal citizen that does not know about what we know about – so they can also be hydrated financially to an extent as we will also be – Maybe that is some way to begin to level the playing field – I thought you would be interested in knowing about that executive order – might be issued tomorrow but it should start with funds going out electronically and maybe by mail as well – Monday and Tuesday of this coming week –

So that’s everything I wanted to bring to you tonight – I wanted you to catch the debate in as much as you want to tonight – and thank you for listening - Let’s see what happens in the meantime -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  43:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-20-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-20-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight – I was just telling Bob and Sue before the call – you know -- This could be our last call – at least that is what I am being told about my own call – let’s see if that happens –

Let’s talk a little about where we are – it feels like we’re saying Sayonara! And we kinda are – at least in our expectation is great for something very proximate to now – I will say this - you know I’m not wise if I try to call it - I have been telling you for 9 years what I have been hearing – and so – to start with - let’s just go to what’s happening at the redemption centers over the last few days - two conference calls that went on yesterday – from 11-2:30 – which was 11-1:30 and 1:30 – 2:30 - Homeland Security on the first one and then Treasury/Federal Reserve and White House Representative on the second one –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-20-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight – I was just telling Bob and Sue before the call – you know -- This could be our last call – at least that is what I am being told about my own call – let’s see if that happens –

Let’s talk a little about where we are – it feels like we’re saying Sayonara! And we kinda are – at least in our expectation is great for something very proximate to now – I will say this -  you know I’m not wise if I try to call it -  I have been telling you for 9 years what I have been hearing – and so – to start with - let’s just go to what’s happening at the redemption centers over the last few days - two conference calls that went on yesterday – from 11-2:30 – which was 11-1:30 and 1:30 – 2:30 - Homeland Security on the first one and then Treasury/Federal Reserve and White House Representative on the second one –

Now there have been practice things going on in the Redemption centers to get ready for us – and that’s all good – and that continued today – more practice – getting ready – making sure everyone is up to speed - What’s been happening in the world of boxes of bonds – assets – boxes of Zim bonds have been pay outs of those – in basically Hong Kong - Geneva – London – Miami and Reno – yesterday and today –

Now those are probably not completely done – those will continue to pay out for quite some time – and because of the vast amounts that are included in those – especially the boxes of bonds – they go on and on and on -  that’s ok – that doesn’t mean that we’re not going – cause we are

So that is what has been happening – We’ve got some contacts in Europe that are talking about everything releasing in terms of the funding to – I am going to call it SKR’s – probably a tier 3 – the remaining intermediate groups to be paid out – and we’re looking at all of this to start at 4 am Eastern tomorrow - That is going to be a great start to the paying out of some of the remaining fines & penalties – adjudicated settlements – farm claims – etc etc  - going on starting at 4 in the morning – that is big --- very big

Now it will continue to go at different times around the globe tomorrow – but the US starts in Miami paying out – these bonds and Zim platforms and all of that stuff early tomorrow morning –

Now – what does this mean for us??  There is information saying that we could start possibly being notified as early as tomorrow afternoon – Let’s see if that happens – if that happens could we start tomorrow? Maybe – could we start Thursday?  More likely – we’ll see what happens – It’s a heads up – just letting you know what I am hearing -  not calling it  - just saying – this is what I am getting –

When it comes to this GCR - we’ve got 9 currencies that we know of that are going UP in value and many of them as you know are going UP significantly - the rest of the remaining currencies will be split in terms of approximately split in terms of those that will stay the same for now and those that will go down in value –

Let’s look at some that we think will go down in value -  we believe that the British Pound – Sterling may go down in value to equal the USN – they could go – it may not be immediate but they could go beyond par with the dollar – so could the Euro - and  you know the Euro may not last forever - countries may go to their own individual currency – at some point –

I don’t think it’s going to be right now and immediately – but I think they could and remaining currencies around the globe for the most part will make adjustments over the next 6 months or so – slight adjustments and that will come through probably once a month for maybe 5 months

Now – the other thing is what about for example – Cuba – guess who’s printing new money for Cuba? And where? We are !!  At Guantanamo – for that country – the other countries that are redoing their currencies – Honduras – we are doing theirs’s – we’ve got the Bahamas – remember those who have been there – the Bahamian dollar? It was either – I can’t remember whether it was  2 Bahamian dollars for 1 US dollar – I think it was that – might have been on par 1 to 1 – the few times I went – I can’t remember – so that – you’re looking at a new currency there –

I understand there is a new one in Puerto Rico as well that will be made – I don’t know if we’re going to be doing that one for them – I would think we might - you know they are US protected – that is where the Federal Reserve was located – that’s where it was based at for the United States Corporation Inc – was based – Whatever Puerto Rico is going to do with the currency – they should have their own -

So….I would think that Canada – the last time I looked and it’s been a while – don’t hold me to it – was somewhere the Canadian dollar was worth about 70 US cents - I don’t know but would think at some point the Canadian dollar would go and be on par with the US dollar -  we’ll see –

Mexico for right now will stay as it is – Mexican Peso will not change yet – What about for example the North Korean currency? What about Iran? What about a few others? They will not change yet – Even though you have Rial – go ahead and take it - to the exchange -  you will be able to exchange it at a very capable rate –

And talking about rates ….. we don’t really do in detal – let’s start with the Zim – people are concerned somewhat about what they are going to get on the Zim – I’m going to say this – If you have a 100 T Note – or the equivalent of 100T note – Beyond that – if you have more than that – of course many of you do -- that’s where your presentation will come into play – for negotiating what it is you should get for your remaining Zim above 100T

Now….it’s going to depend on your projects – how well you come across – all of those factors will be weighed in but I will say this – your ability to receive very good rates on any remaining Zim is very very strong – Much stronger than I actually thought it would be - so you are going to be fine – Believe it or not the rates are the least of your concerns -

Dinar and Dong much higher than we all thought – front screen rates – much higher – you will be just fine – So don’t sweat it – don’t sweat it at all – don’t even think about it – it’s going to be wonderful – Everybody is all set

I believe this is coming to us and we’re ready to move on and get this done – it appears that they are ready – and with everything happening – with politics – so much happening right now in the world – we’re going to have I believe a lot of cover for when we go in – now – there are some hot spots across the country – we know that – we know there are still some hot spots – they have been taking care of the last several days to make allowances for that -  and because of that when you call in to set your appointment you may have to give your zip code and you are given options where you want to go for redemption center –

You may have to drive a little further than you thought – maybe up to 80 miles away in  some of the hot spots areas so be prepared for that possibility – and if that’s the case allow enough time to get to your redemption center – and be there no more than 10 mins early – They really want this to run like clock work – they don’t want people waiting around for more than 10 minutes before it’s your time to go in –

Remember your NDA’s are going to be good for 90 days  that means you should be considering getting a new cell phone and a new email address -  about 48 hours after this goes so that you can just speak about business and not be tempted to talk about anything – about the exchange – about anything that we can talk about right now - redemption – exchange – rates – none of that – you should be focused on if you like where you’re living – interested in a new house – a new car - vacation - what are you going to do??

You don’t have to do projects in week 1 – we are going to get together and get some strategic planning started – but we’re probably not going to get started on projects for at least 2-3 months - Take your time and enjoy this -

Probably your calls will be tracked for quite a while – by the QFS – in other words the QFS will monitor every financial transaction you do and all of that can be seen  - they want to make sure that none of this money goes to anything nefarious - anything that could be considered bad – Antifta - etc – NONE of that !!! We have a system now that will keep everything above board totally legit -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins 1:05:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-15-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-15-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Let’s say we have a few things to bring up for everybody tonight that we’ve not heard yet and I am going to try to give you an idea of the timeline that we are still on and how we got there –

We have information that we received today ad remember – things are starting to get very quiet – there are sources that we use to speak to that are under gag orders – there are some that are under non disclosure agreement - it is getting a little tougher to get the type and amount of intel that we had in the past - that in of itself is a good sign –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-15-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in – looking forward to having a good call tonight

Let’s say we have a few things to bring up for everybody tonight that we’ve not heard yet and I am going to try to give you an idea of the timeline that we are still on and how we got there –

We have information that we received today ad remember – things are starting to get very quiet – there are sources that we use to speak to that are under gag orders – there are some that are under non disclosure agreement - it is getting a little tougher to get the type and amount of intel that we had in the past - that in of itself is a good sign –

What I’d like to share tonight – No 1.  we have proof or verification that at 2 am this morning Eastern time – the Sovereigns (Elders)  some call them the Royals – began paying out today – and they should be complete by sometime tonight –  This is important -  this is the first domino – of a line of dominos that are starting to fall –

The other thing  to do with that is that tonight at approximately 10:30 PM Eastern we are anticipating the payouts if you will  of the collateral accounts – now what happens as a result of those accounts paying forward to the paymasters is we see the transition  that takes place conversion of the USN from the USD  - 

In other words we finally see the conversion of  our fiat dollar which is only backed by the faith and credit of the United States Government – We see that converting to a gold backed or asset backed dollar  the USN –  That is to take place tonight at approximately 10:30 PM Eastern – probably about the time this call is over –

That is very encouraging – another major step in this entire process –

Now what is next is the idea of the intermediate groups that still for the most part have not been paid – these would be groups that find themselves between tiers 3 and 4A – 4B - The intermediate groups include – adjudicated settlements – Fines & Penalties – we believe that the Native American Tribe has been paid – at least we’ve got some evidence of that – don’t know if they’ve completely been paid – we hope they have -  The Farm claims – CMKX – and so on –

Now some of these – I think there are approximately 16 or 17 intermediate groups – some of these groups may have already been paid in USD – some of them – probably some of the adjudicated settlements may have needed to be paid due to contractual obligations needed to be paid in USN – before they were paid – tonight allows that to take place – The conversion of USD to USN which we’ve been looking for quite a while – is to take place – so that would be next –

Now -  those groups should happen fairly quickly – I don’t believe they need to be sequential  - I believe they could happen more or less at about the same time – that puts us to the point where we have the  core group – which that core group would be next and that group only amounts to about 500 – 600 individuals which is only dealing with Dinar – an original group called the core group through the man who is in charge out west and that group would go next we believe -  and that should happen because finally we have a rate on the Iraqi Dinar – they’ve done what they needed to do -  so now that group can go forward –

After that we have about 26 or 27 additional groups that are based out west that would be next to go – so how long would that take?  The theory is all of those their paymasters are lined up to where they should be able to see funds in their account as USN I am going to say in the next couple of days - where they could begin their payout - possibly – I am going to say “possibly” over the weekend into early next week

So where does that put us in tier 4B or the internet group? I believe it puts us in a position where we should see something in the beginning or middle of next week –for us – this is the latest and most accurate information that we received today and there’s several reasons I think for it – It’s not something because we are in a sequence of payouts -  it’s  unfortunately not something we can say “umph” we’ve got the gold standard – we’ve got the USN - we’re going to be paid today as well  -  it’s just that there is a sequence and we are in line –

Look at it this way -- we are ahead of one group and that is tier 5 – the Public – I told you on the last call that we were to start and go through the end of October – I still believe that will be the case for us – and will still give us adequate time for about 10-11 days of exchanges and redemption of Zim - before the public would start after the election  - somewhere in the vicinity of the 5th of November - 5th or 6th somewhere in that range

I’m excited because I’m seeing that first domino fall today and I think we could call the USN conversion maybe the second domino - and so on and so forth- and these are all going to fall sequentially – spo that we will be where we need to be when it is our turn –

Now let’s talk a little bit about what’s been going on – the redemption center staff has been going in – they have – even on last weekend  -  on Friday and Saturday - they were there 4 ½ hours each day just checking and running through tests for the phone systems – the hard line and cell phone system - everything is being positioned to get started – because we sometimes get the information that things are happening in the next day or so –

Today it came out a little more detailed so we’re able to say it’s going to take a little while to get where we need to be and for our exchange to take place – on tier 4B – the internet group – it’s just going to take a little longer –

Now here’s  another piece to of this whole puzzle – we know of some small private groups that have exchange and redeemed their zim – this has been going on for a little while – not brand new - these people – sometimes group of 5-6  sometimes as many as 12 -  sometimes just a single individual  - these private groups have received what we call walking around money that has been as little as $80,000 or up to as much as $245,000  - they received that for the most part on the day of their exchanges  - but the so called real money – the bigger money that they would receive have NOT received yet

I am hearing as of today – they should receive up to and these are two very important words – “Up to” 20% of their total exchange – fairly early next week - between Monday and Wednesday – ok – so that means that they have agreements to receive and there are a lot of variables to this - based on the Zim – if it is a lot – or not a lot – so on and so forth -  a lot of variables –

Some people little private groups – will receive 1 1/2%  - some will get maybe 5% - a few might get more – maybe 12% - this is all based on those of us who are left over getting started with our notification by around that same time – so where we feel like you know it’s been a long time and we’re going to be waiting a bit longer – they are still going to coordinate so that the liquidity for the little groups we were talking about that have already gone -  the real liquidity will happen approximately at the same time that we set appointments and go in for exchanges –

I hope that gives you some perspective on how large this thing is and how detailed it is and it’s not a simple flipping a switch – otherwise we would have been done before –

So – I did want to bring that out – I’m thinking that is the majority of what I wanted to tell you – I know there was one other thing I wanted to mention to you but may have to bring it out later –

This is something where we need to stay patient as we have been – Realistically this is a process that we’re in the middle of – there’s some other things that are interesting that are going on that I wanted to mention – We are right smack dab in the middle of what is being termed “ten days of darkness”  -

Now realize this is NOT the “ten days of disclosure” – this has to do with what you have been hearing and reading about social media -  banning conservative view points - banning certain people - banning you tube accounts - that type of information is what I’m referring to – we are in this ten days of darkness – about half way through it – and whereby the social media is being looked at very carefully and some individuals are going to be subpoenaed to come before select intelligent committee  and so on -  this is what’s happening

Now there are other things happening which they want and I say they – this is the cabal – trying - this situation is going to call for keeping an eye on food distribution centers – there is something that is planned to disrupt the trafficking of food to super markets etc and so on – in different parts of the country that are hubs for food distribution -  Obviously the persons that protect us are aware of these and will take appropriate action to protect those areas –

I wanted to let you know we had heard a while back that this could be a time when we need to take some precaution and make sure that we have adequate food supply in case of a food disruption issue – So check your pantries and food supply to see if you might not need to bolster those in the next couple of days –

And…..we should have – if my math is right and we are on day 5 lets’ say of the ten days of darkness – before we see a great light -  which is predicted -  we could go Tuesday or Wednesday before that happens

Now further to this ten days – is we do have major targeted individuals let’s say – that are being picked up and that will probably continue a little longer as well – there could be some slight cell phone service disruption but I don’t think it’s going to be anything major = and I think the same could be true for some glitches in the internet service – but we’re just going to have to be careful and be vigilant to make sure that everything is all set and fine -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  Intel Begins:  1:04:44

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-13-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-13-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call

This is an interesting time as the information that we’ve received being this is Tuesday and we get things and we got some great information over the weekend that was looking so solid for us – even to start today – In fact there was something that we might – “might” get the toll free numbers released yesterday afternoon – and of course we went through the whole day without them - we thought oh well okay – surely it will come by late or mid-morning today – “no it didn’t” –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-13-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call

This is an interesting time as the information that we’ve received being this is Tuesday and we get things and we got some great information over the weekend that was looking so solid for us – even to start today – In fact there was something that we might – “might” get the toll free numbers released yesterday afternoon – and of course we went through the whole day without them - we thought oh well okay – surely it will come by late or mid-morning today – “no it didn’t” –

So….. we say to ourselves ok I had one source – a treasury source that talked about us going tomorrow – we have certain people that have gone in and done their exchanges and redemption of Zim that have been put on a GAG order – 2 hours before the start of the Big Call – and I’m thinking – ok – that is pointing towards something happening tonight and possibly overnight tonight  and it could be catching up with some of the groups- some of the intermediates – it could be a number of different things that could get started  as far as that goes

We know that from Iraq’s point of view they had some White Papers that were to be delivered this morning to the parliament with the rate of the Iraqi dinar in that paper work and instead of delivering it this morning 7:30 Iraq time – it was actually done yesterday – and voted on yesterday –

So it’s being enacted into Parliament today – that was a very positive thing to get something a little earlier than they said it would happen - that is really a positive thing –

So when we look at what is occurring – and where we are – we believe we are getting down to it – there have been a few people that have talked about – oh maybe this won’t go until after the election – we do not have that – I don’t think that is what we’ll have at all - What we understand is the President wanted this to go 6 weeks before the election – and we did not get that – Now tonight – as of today we are 3 weeks before the election

We know when we get started we will go through the end of October – and we know that the Public – which we call tier 5 won’t start until about the 5th of November – so yes we have plenty of time if we start in the next couple of days to go through the end of this month with no problem whatsoever

Some people that have been doing private exchanging are getting access tomorrow afternoon to what we’re going to call a pretty good percentage of their total exchanges – a very good percentage

Everybody that has done something recently has got what we call walking around money – but it is more than just pocket money – it could be $200-250,000 something like that – to hold them over until they get more access to their redemption total – and certain people that I know of are going to get access to it – at least that is what we’re understanding – through certain attorneys – that will happen tomorrow afternoon

Now does that mean we’re going to start tomorrow?  It doesn’t necessarily mean that but it looks good for that – it looks really good for that – and so whereas we did not get a heads up or anything else yesterday – we did not receive it today – it’s been very quiet – we know that a certain number of people in these small private groups are under a GAG Order – not to speak at all – since 7PM tonight –

There’s definitely a “Hush”  out there – and we are not getting the volume of information over the last couple of days that we would have had a few weeks ago – because more and more people are under NDA’s and are also under GAG Orders – and sometimes the information faucet just stops dripping and we don’t get what we’re thinking we’re going to get –

We know that the redemption center staff went in on Monday at 11 am and were only there 3 ½ hours – We know that the testing of the hardline phone systems and the cell phone call centers system were tested for 4 ½ hours last  Friday and 4 ½ hours on Saturday –

Everything tested out fine and this was nationwide – all over the country- tested out - everything is good – everything is ready - we know that there are major targeted clean-up  is the term I use - for the “A” word – and that clean-up is underway and should be underway for the next several days – for key targets – we’ll see how that goes – we may or may not find out about it –

But with everything that is coming to the surface now – and you can go and find out all over what I am talking about that went viral yesterday – or the day before -  There is quite a bit of targeted clean-up yet to come but what is out there is kinda mind blowing -

So without going into that – I just want to say  everybody is in a situation right now of expectation for this to come through – don’t know what day – of course we’re hearing “this is our week” I don’t really like that expression -  as you know -  we have heard that so many times – it doesn’t mean that much anymore – but I do believe that things have moved to where with Iraq out of the way now – we should be ready to take advantage of everything that God is going to bring to us -  This is a blessing

There will be 2 numbers – one for Zim holders plus other currency and another number for other currency NOT including Zim – 2 different numbers that we’ll put out -

I’m excited about where we are – I really am – obviously I’ve been excited before but I really think we’re getting down to it – I believe President Trump wants this to go before the election and it should have been way before – so we’ve been held back by a few things – we were wanting for documentation to come in from the World Court – that took 3 days -  that came in – it’s hard to say what other things have been problems or issues – but I think what we’re hearing is everything is good to go  -

I don’t know why we did not get started today – or yesterday – it might have had to do with Iraq getting that rate in the White Papers – and getting Parliament voting on that - they did that yesterday so I think we are all good to go now –

So….. don’t worry about the rates – they will be great - don’t sweat it – that is pretty much what I wanted to bring tonight – there’s just not a huge amount of intel – it’s something that we’re seeing and hearing that is giving us the impression that things are very close and maybe this was our last call tonight – we’ll see – We shall see


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link    Intel Begins:  1:00:22

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-8-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-8-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Bruce, why do you call it the Big Call? Why is it so big? Well when it first started I came up with the name Big Call because it stood for Blessed Ideas Group - many people on the call had wonderful ideas they have wanted God to bless and that is what started The Big Call –

Welcome everybody for tuning in – we have a very significant call tonight – I am going to bring some things in the intel segment and this could be a very important call for everybody - I am excited

We do have some important intel to give you tonight - and I am going to bring it out in just a minute – This intel is something I think I have – not going to say “exclusive” but it is something I have not heard before – Anyway, and I am happy to be able to bring it to you because I think it will be very meaningful to all of us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-8-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday October 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call  - Bruce, why do you call it the Big Call?  Why is it so big?  Well when it first started I came up with the name Big Call because it stood for Blessed Ideas Group - many people on the call had wonderful ideas they have wanted God to bless and that is what started The Big Call –

Welcome everybody for tuning in – we have a very significant call tonight – I am going to bring some things in the intel segment and this could be a very important call for everybody - I am excited

We do have some important intel to give you tonight - and I am going to bring it out in just a minute – This intel is something I think I have – not going to say “exclusive” but it is something I have not heard before – Anyway, and I am happy to be able to bring it to you because I think it will be very meaningful to all of us –

Now – first of all – we did get confirmation again on the Iraqi Dinar – on the rate – it is a rate for us – ok like I talked about Tuesday night – it’s a very strong rate and I think it will match up nicely with the rate they are supposed to be offering us on the Dong as well – Now we don’t normally get into specifics on that so we are not going to do that tonight - but I will say this- we did get word from a Hong Kong contact  that at 4:18 in the morning Eastern Time - everything was open to go into Redemptions and exchanges – for some people –

This would have been – not for us – cause we have not been notified yet – but the point is it got started early this morning and it probably started over in the Far East – and maybe in Europe -  but what’s important for us to know is that about 12 hours later at 4:25 in the afternoon Eastern Time – the first domino essentially was to fall – that meant that groups that had trusts and nonprofit – foundations – those type of groups were to be started today – (Thursday)

So we have had what we believe to be the beginning – the first fruits – the start of our redemption – Now – when will it be our turn? I personally think we have some groups to go through – not only the Core – not only some of Admirals $ A’s – all of these need to get started and notified and when that happens I know there is a start time for us that is coming –

It may not be this week – let’s just say it that way – because…… understanding is…….that when we do start we will go through the end of the month -  we are not going to finish by the 14th  or the 15th  - we can take all the way to the end of October – 

So…. Our start time may not be quite as soon as we thought it was – Tuesday even – so this thing is progressing but it is a slow roll out – we don’t have to tell you that - but the good news is that it has started – and we are in the mix and it’s coming – but you are going to have to hold on to your patience a little bit longer before we get notified to go

Now this is the part I wanted to tell you that I am going to call “almost exclusive” – I don’t know of anybody else that knows this yet - not even Sue –

When we get notified you know there has been chatter about the safe link secure web site - the emails that are coming from the Wells Fargo servers are coming from SafeLink website server – That is where they are emanating from – we have 4 servers – one for each major time zone in the country – as you know we’ve got Eastern – Central – Mountain and Pacific time - 

Now…. My opinion is…..that Alaska and Hawaii will probably come out of the Pacific server with 4 servers that’s my gut -  probably notified through the Pacific server - these probably will release at the same time but obviously it would be different times in each time zone – that is one aspect of it –

The other aspect – there are several parts to this – the next part is that the emails that come out – and remember the last count we had was 527,000 – it could be plus or minus on that – probably + - but those emails should go out the same time – I don’t think they are going out in batches - I don’t think so – I think they will go out from the 4 servers and at the same time - we’ll see

Now with those emails will come – get ready ---- drum roll please ………. 2 X 800 numbers – 1 800 number is for people who have Zim - and other currency or just Zim – whatever you have and if  you have Zim you will have 1 number for that – if you do not have Zim you will get another 800 # to use -  that will be coming in  that email and guess what  else you’re going to have?

Let’s finish up on that – The 800 numbers – so what you’re going to get is an 800 number and you will know if you’re a Zim holder to call or not to call -  If  you have other currencies but not Zim you will call the other 800 number

If you’re a Zim holder more than likely you will connect directly to the redemption center that will be taking care of you  - you are going to be offered when you call in and put in a zip code – I don’t know if you will do it verbally or key that in – could be you will do one or the other - when they have the zip code they are supposed to offer you 2 or 3 redemption center locations to go to – 2-3 to have a choice of -  within 80 miles of your home or office that you can choose one to go to  -

Now… you’ve made your choice – let’s say you are not a Zim holder – you have dinar and dong – when  you call your 800 number – it could be fully automated  - it could be – we’ll see – Just don’t know that yet

Now here’s another aspect to this ….. they do not want  you to discuss any aspect of setting your appointment  - the redemption center location – the bank – none of that is to be known – so guess what you’re going to get? More than likely you will get with that email and one size fits all Non Disclosure  Agreement – NDA –

It’s going to be fairly simple but it will cover a lot of the basics regarding setting appointment – where it’s located – all of those things are covered under it so you do not discuss with anyone - - That should be in that NDA that will probably come as an attachment with the email -  you will have to read it – very-sign it – and send it back to that safelink web site

That is what I got this afternoon- and I had to pull to get it – but it was very important – so expect an NDA – with the email – expect two 800 numbers -  1 for Zim holder sand 1 for non Zim holders and for God’s sake do NOT share any of your information with anyone because once you set that appointment guess what? You are tracked by NSA from the time you set your appointment till the time you go to your appointment and until you get home where ever home is – after your appointment for a period of at least 1 hour –

There is something to the idea of being quiet and not sharing anything ok on these public blog sites or anything  for at least 90 days  - these NDA’s – and this does not include the NDA that you are going to sign in the redemption center – that is going to cover different things – like your currencies – your rate – your bank accounts – structured payout – your interest rate – as well as rate you get for your currency – All of that is going to be under another NDA – Non Disclosure Agreement – Not to be discussed – for at least 90 days -  we understand – could be shorter for some – it’s possible but it could be longer for other people – they may put you under a NDA for 6 months –

Basically this is a private transaction – it’s yours to keep absolutely private – and I remember telling you a couple weeks ago about the idea of having an agreement that was an exclusion for primary contacts to your project/s – primary contacts that could be listed that would exclude them from the NDA – you better draw that up and have it printed and take with you for any primary contacts that are project players with you - if you have anyone –I have some – we all have a few – ok – and so make sure that you have that to take with you  - that is going to be your NDA exclusion –

Remember I am not an attorney nor accountant – nor CPA –I don’t play one on the Big Call -  however – I am going to suggest that you do some kind of little agreement that will let them know that you have a list – it might be just one person – it could 2-3 or half a dozen people that you feel you need to talk to about your project/s and maybe disclose some of this information – but it better be people that you are working with

So you could title it Primary Contact Exclusion Agreement – something to that effect - that sounds official doesn’t it?  You list the names of the people that you would like to exclude from your NDA so that becomes an addendum to your Non disclosure agreement when you get during your exchange appointment –

So that is information about the way this is going to work – I know a lot of people think it’s going to work one way and some think it’s going to work a different way  -- this is the way I  am understanding from an attorney that we talked to – let’s see how it rolls out – but I think you should be prepared for that and be prepared to sign preliminary NDA with the email that you get -  if you don’t get an email you’re going to be calling from the toll free number you get Big Call Universe -  and if you get that number it is because they do not have an email for you – maybe you were gifted the currency – there are a number of people who have been gifted currency  and they do not have emails for these people –

The number should go out to a few of the frequented sites for a period of time – the only way I am going to communicate with you after this goes is by email – no more public calls -  We may or may not have a call next Tuesday – we will see – they do not want us to know when – we don’t know when but we know it’s close – We hope you enjoyed the call and the intel tonight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  Intel Begins:  1:00:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-6-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-6-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call thanks for tuning in - we’re looking forward to a nice call tonight – I have some information to give you I am very excited about

Let’s take this thing and see where the intel is leading us - Here is where we are – We have been waiting forever and ever and ever for Iraq to make a rate change that we could know about or believe in – We’ve heard of different rates in country – we’ve heard of rates that keep going upon their Qi cards for the citizen of Iraq and we know some people that have Qi cards and they tell us sometimes what the rate is if we convert it

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-6-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday October 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call   thanks for tuning in - we’re looking forward to a nice call tonight – I have some information to give you I am very excited about

Let’s take this thing and see where the intel is leading us - Here is where we are – We have been waiting forever and ever and ever for Iraq to make a rate change that we could know about or believe in – We’ve heard of different rates in country – we’ve heard of rates that keep going  upon their Qi cards for the citizen of Iraq and we know some people that have Qi cards and they tell us sometimes what the rate is if we convert it –

So what we did receive and got confirmation about was that Saturday was the day that Iraq finally put out a new international rate on the new Iraqi dinar – it was just $1 less than Shabibi had predicted that the dinar could support in US dollars back in December I believe it was of 2012 – I might have the date wrong but it was in 2012 when he was addressing the US Commerce

He said the Dinar would be able to support a rate of $16 and our understanding is that the rate which was $15 was put in the Gazette on Saturday – and Saturday was a day of total celebration in the country of Iraq – That was a big deal - that is a big check mark – and we can put on Iraq – I think we can say they have met all of their financial – they call monetary reforms - 

They have completed their monetary reforms – revalued their dinar – put it in the Gazette – and celebrated on Saturday - you folks know that their first day of business in Iraq is Sunday – did the celebration continue? I don’t know – it could have - but I thought that was good that we could put a check  on Iraq and color it done

Now – there are people that have said that within 48 hours of the revaluation of the dinar it would be extended internationally – and we would have the complete Global Currency Reset – that would theoretically be within 48 hours of sometime last Saturday –

Now – I can’t speak to that – however what we are getting is that the intermediate groups – certainly the farmers claims – other adjudicated settlements  and there are many – I think 18 – that have been or either about to be paid out – and then we have 27 different groups most of which we know is under the admiral -  there are other groups though  - those are yet to be paid out because contracts that have been let have the provision that for those groups to be paid out   it has to be with asset backed  dollars gold backed dollars – and that would be the USN –

We are currently waiting for that USN to be converted from the USD and we believe that transaction is supposed to take place either yet today or tonight and that is a very big deal   because its taking us from a fiat currency USD to an asset backed – at least gold backed or partially gold backed – in a good percentage – to the USN – with the currency coming out – the new money – actual bills -  coming out as the USTN – US Treasury Notes – which have been printed – we have the new notes the banks have the new notes – and the redemption centers have the new notes – and those are going to be ready to be dispersed whenever that is designed to come out –

The new coins – as I mentioned to you before – they pulled all the old coins they could get – pulled the silver out of them and reminted new half dollars / quarters and dimes – with the proper amount of silver in each coin and it’s my understanding that the new coins have been delivered to the banks – some a week ago – and some in that same time frame to other banks - So – we did get confirmation on that

As far as our timing – once that conversion is made that is when the core group – tier 4A groups can be notified by email or phone – and then they will be able to access and see their accounts as hydrated and then be able to go to the banks and get access to a certain amount of those funds – that is what we are expecting to happen in the next day or so

We also received word that there was a 48 hour clock that started at 1 PM today whereby within that 48 hrs which would end Thursday at 1 PM – Eastern time – everybody that we’re talking about the groups and including us - would be started and have funds that we can get access to – so we are in that 48 hour window – now –

It sounds pretty significant to me and I was very pleased to hear that was the situation - we thought for a long time we should be there Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday – and it looks like we should have something within that 3 day period based on the 1 PM clock start today – Eastern time – I am very very happy about that – This looks like it is finally going to come through for us

Now we do think there are groups that need to be paid out – We know that emails are supposed to go out with co - ordinance  and numbers in them so we can set our appointments – we know that the redemption centers staff was in early today – but then sent home -  after 1:30 PM – and they are coming in at 9 AM tomorrow – and…… we don’t know….. but I think we’re looking at  the possibility of something major happening for us either tomorrow or Thursday – so we’ll see how that manifests  - I am very excited that this is apparently coming down to the wire –

We know as far as – we talked about this too – what are you going to do if you are a Zim holder for the first 90 days? Let them know how much you need – that’s until the structured pay out begins to pay you interest – and in the 91st day you will be able to receive your first interest payment –

I told you I was planning to use a spill over account with my main bank as the account where the interest would be placed into – or spilled over from the mother lode account into that secondary account

We talked about if you were not a Zim holder you could get access to up to $250 million in the first 90 days - if you’re a Zim holder I said you could get up to $500 million in the first 90 days

That is for people who are not doing programs / projects - the project holders / participants will get a larger percentage – they should be able to get and ask for 8-10% of the total to be available right away to last for the first 90 days

What you don’t know is what you will be able to negotiate for and I know we will have some limits – from what I understand you have to go in strong and negotiate your Zim rate – see what they are for you – try to negotiate a fair rate that you are happy with at your first appointment – if you are not happy with that you can possibly set a second appointment for later –

They really  don’t want you doing that in the first week to 10 days because they are trying to get everybody in  and get all the exchanges done and the Zim redemptions done in that period of time that we have talked about –

Tomorrow is Wednesday and you’ve got the 8th which is Thursday - I don’t know how much time they are going to give us to exchange before the public starts - probably at least 8-10 days for us before the public would start

They were looking to start the public on the 15th but I don’t know if that would give us enough time – I bet that gets pushed back a few more days for the public – not us – we are looking good – we are really strong right now - so keep that in mind – that you will be able to receive between 8 and 10 % of your total if you have projects and redeeming your Zim


 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  53:38

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