Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Thursday 8-27-20
.Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Thursday 8-27-20
Zig :Thanks Dinar Recaps https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
8/07/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call With Pat & Bobby 1 hr 19 mins Replay LINK
8/26/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call 1 hr 19 mins Replay LINK
xyz ‘Corruption remains endemic’ in Iraq: UN rep
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The perpetuation of corruption in Iraq amongst a deepening economic crisis was emphasized by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq at a Wednesday Security Council briefing. “Corruption remains endemic, and its economic cost untold as it continues to steal desperately needed resources from the everyday Iraqi, eroding investor confidence,” said Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert in her virtual address to the council.
The top UN representative to Iraq reports that poverty is trending upwards by over 10%, and that more than three million Iraqis cannot meet their food needs.
“Economic trouble is never far from humanitarian concerns. Iraq is expected to experience a 9.7% decline in GDP. Oil revenues, severely affected by a steep crash in oil prices, have nearly halved,” said Hennis-Plasschaert, demanding that the Iraqi political class allow for reforms to take hold.
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Thursday 8-27-20
Zig :Thanks Dinar Recaps https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
8/07/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call With Pat & Bobby 1 hr 21 mins Replay LINK
8/26/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call 1 hr 19 mins Replay LINK
xyz ‘Corruption remains endemic’ in Iraq: UN rep
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The perpetuation of corruption in Iraq amongst a deepening economic crisis was emphasized by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq at a Wednesday Security Council briefing. “Corruption remains endemic, and its economic cost untold as it continues to steal desperately needed resources from the everyday Iraqi, eroding investor confidence,” said Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert in her virtual address to the council.
The top UN representative to Iraq reports that poverty is trending upwards by over 10%, and that more than three million Iraqis cannot meet their food needs.
“Economic trouble is never far from humanitarian concerns. Iraq is expected to experience a 9.7% decline in GDP. Oil revenues, severely affected by a steep crash in oil prices, have nearly halved,” said Hennis-Plasschaert, demanding that the Iraqi political class allow for reforms to take hold.
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was not spared from criticism in the SRSG’s address.
“In my briefing in May, I emphasized that, in the Kurdistan Region, as elsewhere in Iraq, transparency, fighting corruption, freedom of expression and fundamental reforms are of critical importance. I must repeat that message today,” she added.
Large protests have erupted in the Kurdistan Region in recent weeks, with demonstrators, predominantly in Sulaimani province, demanding their months-delayed civil sector pay from the government and denouncing a recently introduced wave of pay cuts to cope with the economic crisis gripping the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/260820204
8/07/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call With Pat & Bobby 1 hr 21 mins https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0002.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetHD%2FD9RMW%2FaHyxz
8/26/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call 1 hr 19 mins https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0002.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetHD%2FD9RMW%2FaHZzI
Xyz The Central Bank warns a UAE bank
On Wednesday, the Central Bank of Iraq warned the "Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank" that contracts must be concluded with companies licensed by the bank, indicating that a commission will be imposed in the event of non-compliance.
The Central Bank said in a statement that "based on the decision of the board of directors and taken in its session numbered the number five hundred and ninety-six after one thousand, it was decided to approve the granting of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank a final and final deadline until December 31 of 2020 to contract with companies licensed by this bank." .
He added, "Otherwise, a commission will be imposed on every movement that passes through the national exchange of 500 dinars, to be borne by your bank and not the customer."
The Central Bank of Iraq was established as an independent bank under its law issued on the sixth of March of the year 2004, as an independent body, and is responsible for maintaining price stability and implementing monetary policy, and supervises 10 commercial banks, 26 private banks, 16 Islamic banks, in addition to 19 foreign banks. About 6 financial institutions and 31 money transfer companies http://www.sotaliraq.com/2020/08/26/البنك-المركزي-ينذر-مصرفاً-إماراتياً/
Xyz Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament: We hope to reach a strategic agreement between Erbil and Baghdad
Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr. Bashir Haddad, expressed his hope for a long-term strategic agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, referring to a recent visit by a delegation from Erbil to Baghdad to complete the talks in this regard.
Dr. Bashir Haddad said: "A delegation from the Kurdistan Region will soon go to Baghdad, for dialogue on oil issues, the budget, border crossings and Article 140 of the constitution."
He added, "It is not clear at present whether the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government will personally go to Baghdad or not, but it is certain that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s delegation will head to Baghdad."
Bashir Haddad: Iraq is looking for support from NATO to stabilize the foundations of stability
The Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament explained, “What is important for us is that the two parties reach a long-term strategic agreement, on the condition that the Iraqi government adheres to the agreement and deals with it in accordance with the constitution and sends financial dues to the Kurdistan Region and applies the terms of the agreement as it is, and the Kurdistan Region must also abide by the agreement.” He applies it as it is, only then can a long-term strategic agreement be signed.
Dr. Bashir Haddad stated, "It is not logical that there is a new agreement every year, or for the region to enter into new negotiations with Baghdad whenever the Iraqi government changes," stressing that "this situation cannot continue, and we hope that there will be a long agreement." Duration within the framework of the constitution ». http://www.sotaliraq.com/2020/08/26/نائب-رئيس-البرلمان-العراقي-نأمل-في-الت/
xyz Parliamentary Finance asks the government about the economic reform program
The Parliamentary Legal Committee telegramed to the government to ask it about the reason for the delay in sending the economic reform program despite the end of the prescribed period.
The head of the committee, Deputy Haitham al-Jubouri, wrote to the government in a document - (Al-Mada) obtained a copy of it: We refer you to the law of domestic and foreign borrowing to finance the fiscal deficit for the year 2020 No. (5) of 2020 that Article Seven obligated the introduction of the economic reform program within 60 days, and because the date The vote was on June 24, the legal period has passed, and this is a clear violation of the law.
The House of Representatives voted in its session held in the last quarter of last June, on the domestic and foreign borrowing law.
Article 1 / (a) of the law stipulates: A percentage of not less than 15% of the loans shall be allocated to be spent on investment projects and the development of regions, and priority is given to the governorates with less funding.
B: The ceiling of external borrowing is (5) billion dollars, and (15) trillion dinars of domestic borrowing, by authorizing the Minister of Finance to issue treasury transfers and bonds.
Article 7 of the law stipulates that: The Council of Ministers shall present a program for economic reform to the House of Representatives within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of approval of this law.
While Article Eight stipulates that: This law will be in effect until the end of the fiscal year 2020 or until the approval of the Federal Budget Law, whichever is earlier. http://www.sotaliraq.com/2020/08/26/المالية-النيابية-تسأل-الحكومة-عن-برنا/
xyz The Supreme Judicial Council participates in a meeting to discuss the evaluation of the legislative and institutional framework for the anti-corruption system http://www.sotaliraq.com/2020/08/25/مجلس-القضاء-الاعلى-يشارك-باجتماع-لمنا/
Zig If a link takes you to the Arabic version and there is no "English" link on that page, simply copy the URL and google it....usually you will see a "translate" this page link in the first listing......
Xyz Fox News host Tucker Carlson says teen who shot protesters was ‘maintaining order’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-host-tucker-carlson-125000164.html
sheila One man's opinion: (8/27) Iraq News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrlzAUl6S1w
Zig No offense intended to the so-called "Gurus" that I have recently invited to come here via their Youtube channels and emailing....I am a joker.....Love all of you peeps! :hug: lol
Zig This Chat can have a maximum of 1,000 registered members.....FYI....but if people register and never post I will eventually delete those....always can register again......
123789 @Zig...I think ppl want to have discussions about the RV and the details we hear daily. Once ppl see the three word bickering posts btwn 3ppl its a turn off. This new room needs to have thoughtful adult discussions about what we are all hoping for...the RV and our exchange.
123789 We read daily, through different channels, that the RV and Gesara are right around the corner...it will happen Tuesday..yada yada yada. Many folks are on the brink of eviction and other horrible life disruptions, so we all want to have this exchange . Lets all talk about this...what is real? What is utter BS?
123789 I for one want to either **** or get off the pot, this incessent kicking of the can is tiresome and makes disbelievers out of honest ppl who simply want security and a bit of piece of mind.
Doug_W when / IF it happens we will all know almost instantly that is my 2 cents
Zig 123789 : Discuss anything here that you wish....but always expect to get opposing views....hopefully respectful.....lol
123789 @Doug....We should discuss what we read every day. If it's all BS, which I kinda agree, than why are we all here. I am here bc I want to believe its true, but every day it's lost hope and I certainly am not one to believe any of the other "info" that surrounds this RV... I don't buy into the deep state cabal, rescued kids on cruise ships, celebrity arrests. So what info on these sites is real and what info is horsecrap?
123789 Heres an honest question for everyone: If the gurus like Judy and her Fleming Military guy, Bruce, MarkZ are putting out info/intel every day...do you think they believe it? Do you think they know the dates will pass with no new intel? Are they knowingly sending out bad intel? If so, what is their motivation? What do they get out of leading on eager honest folks? How can they still believe after years of false info?
123789 I know Bruce sells pills and presentations..so I see his angle...
123789 I'd be ashamed if I were wrong everyday and thousands of ppl were affected by my actions/words.
Zig 123789 : Yes, many of those people are making money from this....one way or another....so I would watch for that....some of it is obvious but some is not to most people.....
Zig Some have monetized Youtube channels, etc....
123789 And why do so many folks just believe without questioning anything. They simply Trust the Plan...after years and years. At some point you stop believing the kid fell down the well.
123789 Desperation leads to blind faith
123789 Sorry for the ranting guys, best of luck to all. Hope someone posts here if/when the RV happens.
Doug_W they will
Zig 123789 : Rant all you want here...and don't be a stranger....do what you want in here....not kidding about that....NO MODS....and mostly I am not here....this is rare for me today....
Justthefact! Hows the RV coming? lol :$$$: :$$$: :$$$:
Dave Justthefact! Thought Iraq parliament still aint in session......fer months and months.....Still no art 140 hcl etc.......
Dave private banking laws for foreign investors been passed yet.....?
Dave Justthefact! you mention Iraq still ch7.......can they go global with their currency while under Ch7?
Zig In case anyone does not know: "Justthefact" is KAPERONI
Justthefact! Dave UN chapter 7 has nothing to do with IMF Article VIII which is needed for more acceptance internationally.
Dave odd that sanctioned countries cant trade currency internationally
Dave what would be the pupose of sanctions then?
Justthefact! Iraq needs to meet the conditions of IMF Article VIII and then ask them to accept them into it so as the IMF says..." sends a positive message and a favorable business climate."
Justthefact! Dave UN sanctions has nothing to do with monetary policy
Dave so sanctioned countries can trade internationally.....?
Justthefact! The dinar is already internationally recognized
Dave go trade it on the Forex........NOT!
Dave Banks wont touch it here
Justthefact! Just not accepted or convertible by most financial institutions because the Iraqi banking system is not in Article VIII
Justthefact! Dave That is because the financial system in Iraq, not the dinar
Justthefact! There is no trust in Iraq as long as they sit in Article XIV
Dave but INTERNATIONALLY recognized.....just not traded OK.....
Xyz 9 arrested after 'suspicious vehicles with out-of-state plates' stopped on 4th night of protests in Kenosha https://www.fox6now.com/news/9-arrested-after-suspicious-vehicles-with-out-of-state-plates-stopped-on-4th-night-of-protests-in-kenosha
Xyz 8-27-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am told to expect details on the rollout of the lower denominations sometime in October with the rollout in late November thru December. If this does not happen it will be delayed further. This news tells me that they plan to complete the project to delete the zeros late this year, but will not move to the global markets on FOREX with the currency until very early next year 2021. They are still currently under OFAC sanctions. My contact sees things maybe changing as a result of Al-Kazemi’s visit to the US this week.
Sheila @TWW been busy?
xyz Spectra Tell me in my face. What were trying to prove in the morning?
TWW sheila oh yes...did u read my email I sent u
Sheila @TWW been away from laptop. just read email. thank you.
TWW did it sound familiar
TWW They all have their own Time table but r now talking abt it thanx to the UAE
Sheila come one, come all
TWW yeppers
Sheila middle east time table is like watching grass grow.
TWW Im not a complete fraud as say here, when Im in the know, Im in the know just cant share some thingz
Sheila face value until proven otherwise is how I operate
Sheila Mind is like parachute. Neither one helps you in any way unless it's open.
TWW :Smile:
Sheila just want more financial comfort than what I have at this moment.
TWW the big confort is our way
TWW *coming
Sheila hope so. help myself. help family, friends with medical situations. help strangers anonymously.
TWW but all needs some help. only many peeps want to known due to pride
Sheila I need no accolades when helping people. Doing that now. Will continue to help, just on larger scale.
TWW it i wonder how many dinarians will help the needy when thizbreak thru. Or will they b like many lotto owiners will b broke in the matter of yrs
Sheila I have gained so much peace in my life the last 20 years or so. Many will suffer lottery syndrome. Hungry soul. Lack contentment. Money will go almost as fast as it came.
TWW selfish people agree
Sheila spend slow, spend smart
TWW invest smart, beware
Sheila spend my money's money before touching principle
Sheila (8/27) EXCELLENT NEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYrmX5fK4hA
Justthefact! sheila You need to educate yourself there is no RV. No possible cannot happen not how monetary policy works. Might as well believe Santa is coming. Just guru nonsense.
Sheila Justthefact! You need to find someone else to pick on cause I am not listening to you. You lack background in socio-economic history pertaining to currency values throughout war-time cycles. Get some learning from this perspective. And quit stamping your feet like a child throwing a temper tantrum. It's quite boring. lolol lolol
Justthefact! sheila socio-economic history? lol How about 42 trillion? That is basic math! There cannot ever be a significant RV of the dinar.
John Frank has stated Kuwait Devalued & ReInstated both in One Night.
Justthefact! John Frank has stated I disagree that they did that..but even if I am wrong, Kuwait never had 42 trillion in circulation.
sheila Justthefact! I will be quietly laughing on my way to the bank. Have a great life!!!
Sheila Justthefact! I do not accept your words. They stay with you. Your words are a reflection of your true self. Again, have a great life!
John Frank has stated As 5 to 8 Trillion Dinar in the country rest is Unrecognized outside of the country ignorant moron
Justthefact! All you need to do is google Kuwait and the central bank to learn they never had that much currency.
John Frank has stated Rec only has 5 to 8,000,000,000,000 Dinar inside the country and the rest is outside of the country to be used and applied for basil three compliant you dumb ass
John Frank has stated Iraq only has 5 to 8 TrillionDinar within their country and the rest is outside the country to be used for basil three complaints you dumb ass
Justthefact! sheila It is easy to try and turn it on me. But I am just the messenger. The facts don't lie. If you read the documents you would know the truth and you would not blame me.
Justthefact! John Frank has stated Show me proof they RV in Kuwait. Prove the money supply
Justthefact! The truth hurts. You have been scamed
Justthefact! Iraq has over 42 trillion in Iraq. That does not include what is outside the country. That is well documented
John Frank has stated The money supply has nothing to do with the rate
Justthefact! Its called chunky money.
John Frank has stated The money supply just that it’s the amount of money physically in circulation has nothing to do with the right
TWW Justthefact! U R wrong abt the RI Kuwait in the early spring of 1991...Was 05 cents & overnight went to #.48usd, I know that for a fact
TWW * 3>48
John Frank has stated Iraq only has 5 to 8 TrillionDinar within their country and the rest is outside the country to be used for basil three complaints
TWW *3.48
TWW sheila u know what Im talking abt from last week
Sheila @TWW Yes
TWW sheila The Open Society pays him very little to spread misinformation for him to go to chat rooms and to spread :Crap:
TWW 50usd weekly
Sheila TWW petty cash yet enough to buy 1 million vietnamese dong. he is a closet foreign currency speculator!
TWW sheila I think I bought for 75usd for a Million dong bk a few yrs ago
sheila TWW That's why he does the chat trolling. To support his currency purchases.
sheila TWW Never heard of The Open Society.
TWW sheila Open Society is a foundation Soros owns & funds with
sheila well, now we all know the RV is real
TWW Thatz were he funds Antifa, Caravans at our boarder, USA riots & the DEMONRATS
WW sheila how do u kno the RV is real now
sheila Don't know about those connections. Just know if someone as powerful as Soros is trying to dissuade the masses from having foreign currency, then this is definitely real.
TWW aaaa yes
TWW I wish all countries would freeze his assets all over world starting their own countries first
Sheila working from the ground up
TWW sheila George Soros,[a] Hon FBA (born Schwartz György, August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-American[b] billionaire investor and philanthropist.[10][11] As of May 2020, he had a net worth of $8.3 billion,[12][13] having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations.[14]
xyz BUMMED OUT Melania Trump ‘refused to move to White House until the Obamas’ toilet had been ripped out & a new one installed’ https://www.the-sun.com/news/1379443/melania-trump-refused-white-house-move-obama-toilet/
sheila I just remember the story I read about him breaking the Bank of London on currency trade (believe it was 1980's).
TWW he done that through out the world
sheila he has been busy
TWW he is not allowed to return to his birth country of Hungry
8/07/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call With Pat & Bobby 1 hr 21 mins LINK
8/26/20 Dinar Perspective Roundtable Pre-Recorded Call 1 hr 19 mins LINK
Zig GM As I posted yesterday, I have provided the materials and now it is up to the current and future members to do the sculpting This Chat Room is 3 weeks old today, still too early to predict how it will go...but it is not up to me, it is up to you as I have no control over who participates here, etc....so if you like a chat with NO MODS and NO BANNING please participate....
Zig I realize that it is very early in this "experiment" but I am already seeing things that I don't like...quite a few people have posted once or twice and then have disappeared...quite a few people have registered but have not posted....the chat room is showing early signs of becoming a small group chatting daily...I hate that...
If this trend continues into late October I probably will close the chat...and then open it again if something should occur in a positive way with the Dinar...I don't need to do this...wanted to try things MY WAY....Again, it is still early but trends are starting that I don't like....Just wanted to tell you this as you folks out there have the power to keep this going....Okay....later....Stay Safe!!!!.... :)
Zig If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link ZIGPLACE - Cbox
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-25-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-25-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 25th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Glad everybody could make it in again – we’re looking forward to having a nice quick call tonight because I know many people are wanting to watch the convention tonight -
Guys, this is it – we are close – if you listened to Sue and where she was in her segment she was saying we could be there in a few days – and we really should be – I’ve seen different things I’ve listened to various people – I’ve got certain people that I go to as my main intel source – so on and so forth - so this is no different – but what we’ve got today is showing the number of groups we have are in a state of flow - meaning – the groups that are considered the Admiral’s group – the tier 4A – the tier 3 – the SKR’s - all of those accounts are being funded -
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-25-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 25th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Glad everybody could make it in again – we’re looking forward to having a nice quick call tonight because I know many people are wanting to watch the convention tonight -
Guys, this is it – we are close – if you listened to Sue and where she was in her segment she was saying we could be there in a few days – and we really should be – I’ve seen different things I’ve listened to various people – I’ve got certain people that I go to as my main intel source – so on and so forth - so this is no different – but what we’ve got today is showing the number of groups we have are in a state of flow - meaning – the groups that are considered the Admiral’s group – the tier 4A – the tier 3 – the SKR’s - all of those accounts are being funded -
In other words just figure it as a lot of little rain drop buckets representing each of the people in these groups each of the SKR’s and tier 3 and so on - they are all collecting the rain which is the blessing – they are filling up – the paymasters are overseeing this – checked and vetted and audited as they are going in to make sure that they are going into the right place – with the right people – that they are being vetted for the last time – they have been tested –
The QFS has been beta tested - it actually – what’s so cool about it is and the reason we love it is that it can’t be hacked – and the reason is that every time a transaction with QFS there’s a quantum signature that is put on each transaction – it cannot be duplicated – it cannot be hacked into – it’s like it’s a physical signature that takes place under the QFS –
The other thing I think is interesting about it is – we’ve got the coming of our gold standard money - the USN - and the USTN – is what we call the US Treasury Notes – that currency backed by precious metals – predominantly gold – silver and other precious metals and other assets – referred to as asset backed – instead of “gold backed” –
That currency that we are going to have now - the new returned to gold backed dollar called USN –United States New – is what that stands for – and sometimes we use USTN – United States Treasury Note – but the point is – every transaction that is made when these funds go in digitally into the various accounts of the team members of the group members of the Paymasters in those groups they create a specific signature – and what is beautiful about that is those funds are being place now into those group categories –
Depending on the bank it really doesn’t matter whatever bank it is they are going in there – now when they go in there and the people have account information – let’s say you are a member of a particular group - you have the acct information - and that comes to you – you will be able to access the accounts but the account will probably have a hold on it until when – hold meaning that liquidity they would have access to is NOT available yet - for them to tap into –
So – here’s what’s happening that is being put into place on all these different groups tiers 1 2 3 intermediates - 4A a d what triggers it for accessibility – is the tier 4B receipt of our numbers – and when we start setting our appointments – and I believe when the first redemption of appointment is attended by a tier 4A internet group member like one of us - when that first appointment is achieved - my understanding is that is when total liquidity is available for all previous groups and that we essentially triggered it with setting of our appointments and going in to our appointment and getting our redemption of Zim and exchanges of currency initiated – that will initiate the liquidity move and the hold on those various accounts – these members can see them – those holds will come off and they will have access to their funds –
That represents what is called a shot gun start and the shotgun start is going to be the access to funds that we trigger by pulling that trigger of that shotgun – just like in a shotgun start scramble golf tournament where everybody is on a different hole 1-18 with a group of 4 – and when that shotgun goes off and they do use a start pistol actually - when the shotgun goes off everybody starts playing from the hole they are on at the same time – and that is where the term shotgun start comes from – ok – at least in my mind – it is very exciting – there is not too much else other than I’ll tell you from some bank sources that we like very very much – they’re looking at tier 4B and that is us – the internet group - to get started as early as tomorrow – (Wednesday)
There are other people that are looking very hard at Thursday - for us to get started and I think that is cool either way - and then as far as going in - setting our appointments and going in it could be Thursday or Friday - I am going to say right now from Wednesday to Friday is prime time – That is really looking good
Could it slip to Saturday? It is possible yes – could go but I believe it is to start this week - I believe that is what most people believe and that is kinda where I am too but I am going to give us a 3 day window - to start any of those days – Thurs or Friday – I believe those are the most likely –
Now when we go to when the Tier 5 which is the John Q Public - start is still scheduled for the 8th of September which is Tuesday or the 9th – Whenever that is and the Public starts – back us off from that 10-12 days we should be starting this week to give us adequate time at the redemption centers before the rates changed – the back screen rates are gone and the tier 5 is able to go in
We know the Iraqi Dinar is supposed to be showing internationally with the new rate when the public starts but it could start a little bit before – we heard today of next Tuesday – a week from tonight – that could be when it shows up internationally - obviously we are going to have a rate on the front and back screen – for Dinar and Dong and certainly the Zim is going to be there so that we can redeem at rates we talked about before –
I don’t want to go into that but you know roughly where you can be and some of this stuff is really wild – because the redemption center that we call – when we call the call center – remember there’s 6 regional call centers throughout the US and there are still what amounts to 10,000 redemption centers – in the US – quite a few - some in Canada as well - but when we call to set those appointments we will get routed directly for most of us - to the redemption center nearest to the zip code we give them when we are asked which one we want to use - maybe where you live - where you work – or where you might think one to be –
As long as I have been in this I still don’t know exactly where the redemption center is where I would go - I have an idea but don’t know - I am going to suggest we use that system like it is designed to do – it is designed so we can make that call securely - my understanding is we do not tell them how much Zim we have but just that we have as our first currency - and then if we have other currency we tell them about that as well
We should get routed and ideally when we get switched over to that redemption center we’re going to connect with the person who may be the person who will be working with us on our actual redemption and exchange - That is the understanding I have - it may not be that way everywhere across the country – and this is especially for Zim holders – I think they want to create that connection with you personally from the first call all the way to when you walk out of the redemption center –
There’s not too much else that I can tell you about that I haven’t mentioned already over the last 8 ½ years on the Big Call - We are in good shape – to let everything go – I think this should be our week – trying not to call it – I think everything is pointing towards it – and I’m just giving you what I’ve got – I’m giving you the same thing I get and that is looking very strong for Wednesday – Thursday – or Friday of this week
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 49:42
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-20-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-20-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 20th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Now, let’s talk a little bit about some intel – let’s talk a little about where we are tonight and why we’re not fully celebrating in joy quite yet – let’s see first we got to talk about the Iraqi delegation that came in and I think I mentioned this to you on Tuesday’s call – they made it in at 11:30 am Monday – This was a delegation of nine total (9) and we had a delegation of 26 in the room for meetings –
They started the meeting yesterday at 5:45 PM went for half hour – and then this morning they resumed meeting at 8:15 am and don’t know exactly how long they went today –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-20-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 20th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Now, let’s talk a little bit about some intel – let’s talk a little about where we are tonight and why we’re not fully celebrating in joy quite yet – let’s see first we got to talk about the Iraqi delegation that came in and I think I mentioned this to you on Tuesday’s call – they made it in at 11:30 am Monday – This was a delegation of nine total (9) and we had a delegation of 26 in the room for meetings –
They started the meeting yesterday at 5:45 PM went for half hour – and then this morning they resumed meeting at 8:15 am and don’t know exactly how long they went today –
So they had their meeting – we know that they did accomplish some things – I think they did sign off on a few things - not sure on the specifics – and two of the delegation went back to Iraq already today – and 3 more are coming from Iraq tomorrow –
We know the majority of the people in the delegation are waiting around to let this agreement period settle for a day - that is what I heard earlier today - before I heard 3 more people were coming to from Kurdistan representing interest up there and 1 more representing the electricity interest for the country as a whole – could be a minister of electricity – it could be that simple – so those 3 are coming in so they can meet tomorrow –
So ---- are we going to see a rate change for Iraq anytime soon? We think they usually do that on a /Wednesday or a Saturday – we heard there was a new rate – it is not as high as the in-country rate that I talked about last week – so I am not sure what is going on there – or what that actually is if it has changed
And we know what the timing looks like – they may do something more internationally on Saturday – as far as the rate is concerned for Iraq – so we still have Iraq meeting there with 2 that have gone home and 3 more arriving for meetings tomorrow - So that sort of takes care of where we have Iraq right now
The other things that we expected – several people – I’m not the only one – we’re looking for something to pop – between Wed – Thurs and Fri – I don’t know if we’re going to get anything specific but I do know this - I did get from a top banking source – that the switch was pulled at 4PM this afternoon - now – what exactly happened? I think they did that – they pulled that because QFS which uses block chain technology has been doing beta testing on various types of things for weeks and probably longer - and my understanding is that is done now – and the QFS is lined up ready to go
We also heard from the same individual that at 2 am tomorrow Friday – the liquidity will be released – now my question is to always go deeper and find out more than I’m getting for a simple statement like that –
Liquidity to be released at 2 am Eastern – What does that mean and who is it being released to? Right? – Could it be released to make liquid the SKR’s? Could it be made liquid and liquidity released for the intermediate groups that still have not been funded? You know those groups were between tier 3 and tier 4 – the larger – Fines & Penalties – Adjudicated settlements – Native American tribes – Farm claims etc etc - There’s a number that filled that –
We know that we have 4 private humanitarian church groups – one of which was supposed to start today – with appointments set – I don’t believe that has yet occurred - those again are out there on deck – ready to start –
So what will happen tomorrow after 2 am Eastern for liquidity - we’re just going to have to wait and see what we find on that – because – it could be regarding tier 3’s - skr’s being made liquid and having available funds – lot of accounts have a hold on them – some of the owners can see these accounts - see the money in there but a hold on accessing the funds – this we know is taking place –
We had heard that after Pres Trump met with the Iraqi delegation along with the other US contingent – that this would roll out shortly after today – now maybe it did if we count 4 oclock as a start time and then tomorrow at 2 am as liquidity release – but I just have a feeling – there were just a few more things that Pres Trump was trying to get done today before he left to go to Pennsylvania –
I’m not quite sure where that stands now - they may all be complete – I know Pres Trump is a man of his word and he gets things done so we have to believe that if this does not get released tomorrow – my understanding is it’s a couple days away - I usually think of a couple as 2 and a few as 3 –
Does it mean something could happen Saturday? I don’t think we can write that off – even though we usually do talk about next week – and look it could go to that – not saying it won’t – I’m not trying to call it – I’m saying one of our sources who gave us previous information said – be aware of the next couple of days and don’t write off the weekend as a possibility
So I am going to say we are on a day by day basis – we could get something meaning for us on a day by day basis –it’s really important at this time to say “am I ready” ? for this to go on a day by day basis - most of us would say yes –
So beyond that in terms of where we are – we are still waiting – that is where we are - still waiting – for some aspect of finality - there may be more that Pres Trump needs to do - we realize he did a wonderful job with the Peace Accord - the Peace agreement he put together between Israel and UAE – and that may actually be a template for more middle eastern countries to come on board with that form of agreement – maybe there is a little more to that –
Yes Pres Trump is the unifier – he wants to unify North and South Korea as well – into one nation as “Korea” - that is coming - there are a lot of things out there that he’s doing internationally – and he’s also working on another second trade deal with China - behind the scenes – there are things going on there - he did put together an opportunity for people that had those 1902 Chinese Railroad Bonds – to be paid by China – and there was a group based in Tennessee and a woman handling those for people who had those bonds throughout the country –
My understanding was that last Monday Pres Trump arranged for those people to be paid on those bonds – there was an excessive amount of interest that had compounded he was able to negotiate with those bond holders to where the excess interest from around 1970 something – to present was in the over 1 trillion dollars – enough that he was going to set that money aside for our infrastructure in all 50 states -
He is always looking at trying to look at making things work for everybody – You realize by executive order he extended the unemployment for people for 300-400 a week where Congress would not pass anything for you – He did that by executive order – there are all kinds of things that he has done and is continuing to do for the American people
I am excited about where we are – I know this is not an easy time for any of you but I know we can find the joy in every day things if we look – if we search for it – Thanks everyone for listening Have a great weekend -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins: 56:06
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 18th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Ok let’s cut to where we are now – we’ve got some really good things that have come in since last night and this morning – up until around noon or so - so – the over and under on everything is this – We have for example a private humanitarian Church group -1 of 4 – these are private groups – that got word that they intend to go in for exchanges sometime this week – this is another group that is outside of the so called Admirals Group - or the groups that are based out of Reno – Now – I think that is a very positive thing – There is more detail to it but because it is a private group I really can’t talk about it –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 18th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Ok let’s cut to where we are now – we’ve got some really good things that have come in since last night and this morning – up until around noon or so - so – the over and under on everything is this – We have for example a private humanitarian Church group -1 of 4 – these are private groups – that got word that they intend to go in for exchanges sometime this week – this is another group that is outside of the so called Admirals Group - or the groups that are based out of Reno – Now – I think that is a very positive thing – There is more detail to it but because it is a private group I really can’t talk about it –
Now – the other thing is that we are hearing that the groups that are based out west – a lot of the principals – or leaders in those groups are being told to get ready to come out to Reno – or they are already out and are getting ready to - as Paymasters to pay out in the next few days –
So we are in the position where we believe the money has been moved sufficiently to Paymasters accounts to begin to hydrate the individual group member’s account –
Let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq’s delegation – which we believe has al-Kazemi – Alack – Shabibi – others – arrived around 11:30 yesterday – (Monday) and as you know from what’s out there on the blogs – supposedly we are to hear from that group – to talk about their sovereignty – possibly talk about sanctions that have come off – and that is supposed to be on the 20th – it could be sooner – but it could be on Thursday so that is big –
Now – what is happening tomorrow – we understand – from one of our bank sources – one of our high up sources that Iraq should have a new rate tomorrow – I told you what their in country rate was a week ago – but this is something their supposed to have a NEW rate – I don’t know how public it’s going to be – but it is supposed to come out tomorrow-
You know as well as I do – Wednesday is an official publication day / Gazette day – Maybe something will be said in the Gazette about that – and it may – I don’t know this – but it may mean that Iraq comes to the announcement portion of what they are supposed to do with President Trump – it may be tomorrow – instead of Thursday -- I don’t know that – I’m just wondering if that might be the case –
Because of that – the other thing we’re hearing was regarding the pardon that President Trump gave to be Susan B Anthony today for the charges she had when fighting for women’s voting rights (women suffrage is what they called it ) and my understanding is she – they had to do that and so essentially pardon her from those things – because she could be appearing on another currency for us – and I think it may be another coin – it could be one of the gold or silver coins that were supposed to be minting - so that was a very positive thing –
In conjunction with that we also heard that after that pardon which I think was a little before noon today – between 11 and noon – in that time frame – from 24 to 36 hours after that pardon we were supposed to get started with our notifications for our group tier 4B the internet group - so that would be tomorrow or Thursday – if that holds to be true –
The other thing we are getting from a Treasury source is talking about – we should have money in our hands either by Thursday or by Friday –
We could start anytime between – I think -- based on the information – yesterday and today – we could get notified and start our exchanges Wed / Thurs/ Fri of this week – It’s hard to say }”exactly” when but I think we’re in good shape – for it to happen –
So the majority of everything that I’m hearing is talking about something going for us this week and I know something has to happen with some of the groups out of Reno but we also know there may be sort of a shotgun start to an extent with 4A and 4B – It may not be exactly the same time – 4A could go a little bit ahead of us - it could go a day ahead of us or even 12 hours ahead of us –
I think the possibility of us going closely with 4A as 4B is very very possible – so I am very excited about where we are – it was looking very quiet after Tuesday – and into Wednesday - and then last night and today –things started coming together –
We started to see some things coming together – and we’ve got people for example that are independent – VIP’s - Whales – that have been told by their major funding organization – one of the major banks - that they would have access to those funds at about lunch time tomorrow (Wednesday) well if tier 3 / Whales are going to receive their money as early as tomorrow – or Thursday - we should not be far behind that – at all – we should be pretty much close to getting notified and setting appointments at the same time that they are being hydrated – or made liquid – and having access to their funds –
So – things are coming together – things are coming together – even accounts that use to be closed by Wells Fargo cause they were set up to be used for Dinar – those type of accounts that we were all told to set up to use to exchange our Dinar into – remember that? Back in the days some of you people that have been here a long time –
I am understanding that Wells sent letters out to people to tell them that they have been exonerated from being called fraudulent in those times because they set those up for those currencies to be exchanged into - letters were delivered by Fed Ex – so I look at that as a very good sign – of how the banks are trying to clean the slate before we get started - especially Wells in this case -
That is just a little bit about what I am hearing that is pointing towards something for us in the next 3 days - let’s hope so – let’s believe for it – Thank everybody for listening tonight
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins: 1:09:50
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-13-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-13-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 13th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Alright let’s talk abou t some intel now – On Tuesdays call I gave you a little more than you realize because we talked about Iraq – the in country rate of the Dinar – we mentioned that Al-Kazemi and Iraq and we believe Shabibi and others will be coming to meet with the President to announce their sovereignty – should be on the 20th - so we kinda need to get going – between now and then –
It’s fairly obvious – now – the other thing is – we did talk about interest rates when you start your payouts would be offered - the offer I mentioned to you as an APR of 12% - it appears it could go as high as 15% - I had a call today from someone that we know that knows someone who is in a very good situation having had a bond transaction complete – and their account as a hold on it – could be off by anytime tomorrow through Monday noon but in the meantime he was offered a 15% APR on his money –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-13-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 13th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Alright let’s talk abou t some intel now – On Tuesdays call I gave you a little more than you realize because we talked about Iraq – the in country rate of the Dinar – we mentioned that Al-Kazemi and Iraq and we believe Shabibi and others will be coming to meet with the President to announce their sovereignty – should be on the 20th - so we kinda need to get going – between now and then –
It’s fairly obvious – now – the other thing is – we did talk about interest rates when you start your payouts would be offered - the offer I mentioned to you as an APR of 12% - it appears it could go as high as 15% - I had a call today from someone that we know that knows someone who is in a very good situation having had a bond transaction complete – and their account as a hold on it – could be off by anytime tomorrow through Monday noon but in the meantime he was offered a 15% APR on his money –
It just goes to show you what is going to be available and remember he did not ask for anything – he was “offered” to him – don’t be surprised if you get offered – and this is IF you are a Zim holder – not if you are just a regular currency holder – so if you are a Zim holder with a structured payout you can actually be offered between 12% and 15% APR – I found that out today
So – the other thing about it is – the structured payout itself – it looks like the banks want to limit that to 25 years - and that would be great – 25 yrs of a structured payout with guaranteed interest every quarter for 25 yrs – is hard to beat –
Could that be negotiated longer? We’ll see – I don’t have the answer to that – I’m hoping it can be – but it might be on an individual basis – you are going to have a lot of power when it comes to negotiating – because of you being the account holder – just keep that in mind – you may be able to negotiate the structured payout beyond 25 yrs
That is what to me is attractive – that it would come in routinely every quarter without me having to worry about investments - I don’t want to even consider investments – I am considering humanitarian projects – and seeding this money into peoples’ lives – not only in the US but around the globe – so I do not want to be burdened by trying to create income with investments – I love the fact that the banks are going to do that part for us –
So – what else did we learn on Tuesday night? That is still good for today? We learned that all of the bonds – the various colored bonds were transacted and completed and we heard that the boxes of bonds – and this is new - the boxes of bonds – meaning boxes of the Zim bonds were completed yesterday – Wednesday
So – that means we are moving forward to what should be our ultimate goal and that is getting the toll free numbers and the emails to go out with the toll free numbers in them –
Now – you’ve got that happening but you also have paymasters that have been made liquid and all they’re waiting for from what I understand in group settings is they’re waiting for the GO signal so they can enter the codes and release payouts - to their group members – individual participants –
What we don’t have is liquidity becoming available - in other words – we’ve got the liquidity in the accounts – a lot are seeing their accounts – like the example I gave you today – but they have a “hold” on them – until that “hold” comes off no one sees the actual liquidity – they can see it but can’t spend it – they cannot get access to it
I think this is just – what this is - is probably affecting a lot of tier 3’s as well maybe had 1% accessibility to their accounts – tier 3”s tier 4A’s and 4B’s – probably when we get notified that is when the liquidity is going to be available to the other Whales – VIP’s - tier 3’s and so on - to that extent I think we’re looking at a shotgun start –
Now – the timing for this – let’s talk first about today – what President Trump announced in a press conference this morning I believe at 11 am – or around noon – President Trump talked about peace agreement – a peace treaty between Israel and the UAE – United Arab Emirates - and they were supposed to be the last hold up for peace – in the Middle East – one of the toughest nuts to crack – and it ended up they had been working on this for quite a while – they bought it – brokered it – the deal has been reached – which gives us the hope for a complete peace accord throughout the Middle East –
I believe that cornerstone of peace is so important because I believe it represents a part of just GESARA – which if you read GESARA you know that world peace is part of it – reaching that I believe today is a milestone whereby world peace is truly the achievable and may essentially like the kingdom of God be at hand – so we will see how this comes about in the next several days – Pres Trump is going to have a delegation from both countries – Israel and the UAE at the White House for an official signing of the agreement over the next 2-3 weeks –
So obviously we will see what happens there – but I really think that this is what we need – I heard today the expression – and this could be valuable for us - Once we have world peace – the GCR can release – and I hope that what we’re saying is that we have in affect the first fruits –of world peace – and maybe it’s more than that –
Maybe it actually demonstrates and represents world peace which would be part of GESARA and therefore we should have the GCR release – we have one more presidential order that is supposed to be made tomorrow and I think we have a couple coming yet over the weekend and it looks like – we cannot write the weekend off - we can’t say nothing is going to happen until -
Now listen – nothing may happen – until Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday of next week but we have heard that the availability of funds and the liquidity access for a lot of these accounts could start as early as tomorrow morning
Let’s talk about the redemption centers – I told you that the girls and everyone at the redemption centers ok – everybody – not just the girls – were doing tests – exchanges of bank wires – monetary transfers – and that they were doing it in trust state – within the states – within an individual state – and they tested that up until 2 pm Tuesday afternoon and then at 3 pm they switched over and tested interstate transfers – meaning across state lines – they did that until 7:30 pm Tuesday – so we had 4 ½ hours of that testing –
So what they have shown is that the QFS was checked for glitches – I think everything went just fine – nothing that I heard was an issue – and these were large transfers of money – they were practice but they were large transfers – of up to a billion dollars
Remember anything transferred domestically should really occur within 25-30 seconds – and that’s any time it’s done 24 x 7 x 365 – so the point is that testing program appears to be complete
The redemption centers were dark yesterday – everybody is on call – and the same thing was true after a couple hours in the redemption centers today – once they spent a little time there they were released to go home –
Now – we will see whether anything different happens between now and the weekend – the beauty of the QFS is that it could get launched for us at any time – I would not look for it on a Sunday though – but I think that it puts Friday and Saturday still in play -
And to be completely candid – nothing may happen for us over the weekend maybe not – I think they are planning to get this thing done and they’re doing everything behind the scenes that we can barely see to get it done – so that is the gist of what’s happening – it’s a very positive movement – of funds – into the right account – and pretty soon those funds will be coming into our accounts
So – we’re not quite there – but I’m encouraged by what I heard today and what I’ve gotten over the last couple of days and realistically we may get some very positive information over the next couple of days - let’s see – don’t worry though - I wouldn’t preoccupy yourself with it – I would say stay with whatever you’re doing and plan A and be prepared for this to release at any moment
I was told yesterday that at 3 am this morning we go from an everyday possibility to an every minute possibility – we can watch for it any minute – so that puts us in a perspective of a little closer time frame
The public is supposed to get started on September 8th some said Sept 1st and I might have said that in the past – I think I did – but the correction is the latest we got and that was yesterday – was the public which I call tier 5 will start on Sept 8th – so we will have time – probably a full 2 weeks or so at least for our tier 4B exchanges
So I wanted to tell you all that and get this information out maybe clarify a few things – thank you all for listening
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 56:50
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-11-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-11-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 11th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Let’s be bold enough to tell you what’s going on from an intel perspective – This being Tuesday we did have a period of time between our Thursday night call and today and of course I received after Thursday night’s call a slug of information I wished I had for the Thursday night call itself – so a little bit of what I’m bringing tonight I already had as early as last Thursday night – so let’s just get into it – and see where it ends up tonight
One thing that came to me was the question of these various color dragon bonds – we had yellow bonds – white bonds – blue bonds – red bonds – and purple dragon bonds – five categories of color – and the first and most valuable were and are the yellow dragon bonds – they were actually processed first and they were done – by sometime Friday – I believe – they represent a value of approximately 1.26 Trillion Dollars each – so obviously extremely valuable and when you have several of these – 10-20 of these and you have boxes and boxes of these – that turns into lots of money real fast – so picture that and then picture them paying those out and having those funds in the account where you can see them and then more than likely some type of pending message that would allow for those to be available in some cases that I know as early as tomorrow – Now when I say available – I mean liquidity – the availability of funds –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-11-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 11th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –
Let’s be bold enough to tell you what’s going on from an intel perspective – This being Tuesday we did have a period of time between our Thursday night call and today and of course I received after Thursday night’s call a slug of information I wished I had for the Thursday night call itself – so a little bit of what I’m bringing tonight I already had as early as last Thursday night – so let’s just get into it – and see where it ends up tonight
One thing that came to me was the question of these various color dragon bonds – we had yellow bonds – white bonds – blue bonds – red bonds – and purple dragon bonds – five categories of color – and the first and most valuable were and are the yellow dragon bonds – they were actually processed first and they were done – by sometime Friday – I believe – they represent a value of approximately 1.26 Trillion Dollars each – so obviously extremely valuable and when you have several of these – 10-20 of these and you have boxes and boxes of these – that turns into lots of money real fast – so picture that and then picture them paying those out and having those funds in the account where you can see them and then more than likely some type of pending message that would allow for those to be available in some cases that I know as early as tomorrow – Now when I say available – I mean liquidity – the availability of funds –
Now- then you have a situation where the black bonds were being hypothecated and so on and were processing through then we found out Saturday that we thought all of the bonds were completely done – they had NOT been – there was a stop and it was because there was a routing number that did not match up – did not really look like it was supposed to go where it needed to go and that put everything regarding the bonds on hold until they solved that problem and corrected that situation
Then they restarted Friday night at midnight and completed and I think they were doing these possibly together or one color group at a time – it’s kinda hard to say – but they started at midnight on Friday night – then another group on Saturday night – and all through the weekend and in to Monday – and my understanding is that all of the five bond categories plus the Zim bonds – not ours that we’re doing of course – but the other ones that are generally were in either Zim platforms – tabletop meetings – those larger quantities were completed – ALL bonds were completed TODAY by 2 PM Eastern –
What I heard last Thursday night was – after all of the bonds are completed then WE WILL BE GOING – and whereas the bonds looked like they were going to complete earlier in the weekend they actually finished today –
Now does that mean that we should be going maybe tomorrow? It could mean that – We know that the bond portion is done – we knew that there were quite a few servers that needed to be rebooted - reconnected - and that was supposed to have been completed by Saturday afternoon – and I know there still some people in the northeast getting power turned back on – that could be important to have where our redemption centers are concerned – I am sure they got priority the banks tier 1 etc to get power restored – in the northeast – as a result of the hurricane - all of that seems to be fine right now –
Now let’s talk a little about Iraq – Iraq has definitely revalued the currency – I know what the rate is - IN COUNTRY – that means in that country of Iraq – and it’s between $8.50 and $9.00 – I’ll just tell you that –
That doesn’t meant that is what we’re going to get here by the way – Our rate could be significantly higher – In fact – yesterday – when the ISX came on for the first part of the week - our week – Monday – they - that’s the Iraq Stock Exchange - they were trading but they shut it down after the first half hour of trading -
Why would they do that? The reason they did that was because during that time the Iraqi Dinar was also trading and going too high – Now they shut it down because they did not want the value of the dinar to exceed what their expectations were for it – my understanding was in that half hour of time the market was open the Dinar increased 50% in value –
So – I don’t know exactly where that puts us – I know roughly what I’ve heard – where we should be – but all I can say is regarding Dinar and Dong – specifically - I think you have absolutely nothing to worry about and it wouldn’t surprise me if both of those could be in double figures – now that would be a front screen look
So we don’t even worry about that – we’re moving on beyond that – and now let’s talk a little bit about the redemption itself – we know that we’re going in – we’re going to be getting a new NDA – they are working on those today - recrafting a new NDA for Zim holders at about 3 ½ pages and the one for non Zim holders – regular currency holders – we’re looking for something in the vicinity of 1 ¾ - 2 ½ pages – not going to be super long – hopefully they are making it a little bit easier to understand and easier for us to work with –
Now – realize this – they will be treating Zim holders a little bit differently than they will with everybody with just Dong & Dinar – or rupiah or afghany the reason I say that is because the Zim holders as you know the value is going to be so great that we are going to be offered these structured payouts – I personally want it – I want it to happen and I’d like to make interest on that account for at least 25 years and maybe I can negotiate for longer –
The rate of interest that they are willing to pay as a Zim holder to keep it in that bank that you do your exchange in - your mother lode account – is what I call it – some call it master account – to keep that stable – that’s what the banks want – they do not want you taking a ton of money out and moving it around – I told you years ago I did not have any intention of really moving the mother lode account of money – I want to keep it there –
Well the bank is going to reward you for that and my understanding today was – and things do change as you know - from one hour to the next – but earlier today the word was the banks will offer us up to 12% APR – interest on our Zim redemption funds –
Why would they go from 6 ½% to 9 ½% to 10% and now we’re talking around 12%? Well the reason they would want that is they would really like to give us incentive to keep those funds in those redemption banks – the tier 1 banks that we used in the redemption –
We know that the bank carries a different roll now than it did before with us – banks are working for us and with us because the funds will be digitized and that will manifest and show itself up at our bank through the bank screens – but they will essentially be held by the Quantum Financial System – through the blockchain technology used in QFS –
Now there is a connection between the Quantum Financial System and the Treasury where the physical assets - gold precious metals – and other assets that are held by the treasury will essentially back that value of our currency and reflect that in our bank screens amounts that we see on screen –
Now I don’t know exactly how that works with the treasury mirroring the banks but I can tell you the roll of the banks will be different and I believe we will be able to work much more closely with the bank than we ever thought we could before – I am going to say that if we are bold when we come into the redemption center to do our redemption and exchange of currency I believe that we should look at the 2-3-4 people across the desk from us as part of our team –
In other words – they would do well to embrace us and try to do their best to win us as clients / customers and keep us – you know retain customers – customer retention is going to be very important for the banks – because the longer they can keep that money essentially with them the more they will have a chance to work with investments and trading and so on they can make money off of our money – which is what a bank does –
I have no problem with that – I look for the bank to help us in almost more of a fiduciary responsibility and I think that is primarily because – for example – the home office – a family office opportunity should very much be a part of our team - moving forward – based on what they offer and what they have as far as a concierge service for us we are going to be very interested in seeing what the family office situation would look like – whether with Wells Fargo – HSBC – Chase – or any of the other tier 1 banks –
I think this is going to be a major learning experience for us obviously when we go in and do this and how we come out and what information we gather in the first few weeks is going to be very valuable for us – so what I would say is –because those bonds have been completed – I believe that we are very close and some people already have the concept of tomorrow or Thursday – I think that is very possible – I think I’m safe with saying that even though it’s not my goal or my job to try to “call it” – I’m not doing that – I am basically giving you what I am given – ok – this is just me passing on the information that I am hearing
So beyond what is happening there – we know that Irag is coming with Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi and 6-8 people to the United States and they are supposed to meet with Trump and declare their sovereignty in public somewhere around the 20th of this month - I do see us going and having this done and well done before they come and make that appearance and make the announcement -
There may have to be a couple other things that need to be accomplished – President Trump did quite a few of them on Saturday with the executive order - extension of unemployment at $400 a week – just everything he talked about Saturday – he has moved it forward – and I think we are going to be getting more information and possibly another announcement or two tomorrow – so things are moving in the right direction and we’ve got things we can check off the list as accomplished –
But what we really need obviously is the roll out of these 800 #’s and the emails from Wells Fargo Servers which could – at least I have one time frame for them – at around noon Eastern tomorrow – that would allow for all the banks to be open all across the country 9 on the west coast and 12 on the east coast – that would help us A LOT in moving this thing forward –
We know today they were testing the QF System which allows for Bank wires / monetary transfer – within the state – they were working on those this morning early morning – 2 pm - as a form of “practice” – testing the system to make sure there were no glitches – my understanding is that went well - and after a break of an hour they started on transfers that would cross state lines - cross border transfers - still domestic – still inside the US –
These transfers now – have a time where they should complete in 25-30 seconds – now you remember if you have done any bank wires how long it would take for those to be accessible – to the receiving party - as long as 8-10 days sometimes - because the banks were trading on our money – and making money on our money - that is gone -
Middle man is gone – in the Quantum Financial System – it’s sending bank to receiving bank all within 25-30 seconds on a domestic transfer and they have even used the term ledger to ledger transfer –
International transfers we’re still looking at under a minute – that is 24 x 7 x 365 - any time any day – boom – as long as you can initiate it can be received very very quickly - I believe the system is without fail so that is a very good thing for us – because we are going to be interested in the security of our funds – we still want to diversify – somewhat – they will still see every transaction that is done – and I don’t think there’s any -- let’s put it this way – the value of those accounts is nothing like it used to be 20-30 years - so everything is above board – transparent – banks are our friends - let’s see how that comes together for us – it’s going to be a situation where hopefully we come out of the redemption center shaking our head with a smile on our face – knowing we have entered a new paradigm – this is a new way to bank and a new way to live for us –
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:05:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-6-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-6-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 6th and here we are all tuned in ready to go for the Big Call - This is getting down to the wire – we’ve got a little bit of intel – but not a whole lot to give tonight – it’s been very very quiet today – I know a few things that are happening since Tuesday night’s call – you’ll see because the intel segment is going to be short - there’s just not that much new to report – and I gave a pretty good segment on Tuesday night –
What I can tell you and Sue can bear witness to this – she lives in the North East – the storm that came through (Isias) has really done a number on New Jersey – New York – parts of Connecticut and so on – in the North East - so much so that the banks in that area especially the NY area –192 servers were down – they did come back up to an extent – one hour before the Big Call tonight there were still 141 servers yet to come on line so that means we had 51 that came back on today – but we still have 141 to go –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 8-6-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday August 6th and here we are all tuned in ready to go for the Big Call - This is getting down to the wire – we’ve got a little bit of intel – but not a whole lot to give tonight – it’s been very very quiet today – I know a few things that are happening since Tuesday night’s call – you’ll see because the intel segment is going to be short - there’s just not that much new to report – and I gave a pretty good segment on Tuesday night –
What I can tell you and Sue can bear witness to this – she lives in the North East – the storm that came through (Isias) has really done a number on New Jersey – New York – parts of Connecticut and so on – in the North East - so much so that the banks in that area especially the NY area –192 servers were down – they did come back up to an extent – one hour before the Big Call tonight there were still 141 servers yet to come on line so that means we had 51 that came back on today – but we still have 141 to go –
Does that mean they will be ready overnight or some time tomorrow - it’s hard to say – wouldn’t think it would take that long but sometimes it does – electricity has been out in a lot of those areas – certainly NJ had 1 million without power – total in that area a little over 3 million – they are getting people back on now - it just seems that this could be an excuse - but it really is “real” in the sense that these servers are down and they are being worked on to get them back in service –
On the other hand – the other things that are happening – what we heard yesterday – was that when the dragon bonds – and there are 4 different colored sets of these bonds – these are historical dragon bonds – yellow – red – blue – and black – we knew yesterday morning – they had completed all of the yellow – which was a pretty big segment of those bonds – but they had the other 3 to do –
They were going to try to do all 4 colors of those bonds at the same time – but when they got into it – the numbers got to be too big and they stopped the concept of doing all of them at the same time - they did the yellow first and are trying to get the rest completed –
Now – where does that stand? I don’t have a certification on when those are or will be complete – we know that certain bonds were completed in the Miami area but realize – these could be propagated all over the globe – in the normal cities – like Zurich – London – quite possibly in Hong Kong – or Beijing – Usually these are done in NY – Miami – possibly in San Francisco -
These are still – I think something that needs to complete – let me say this - let’s say – that the servers get put back into service tomorrow (Friday) sometime – I doubt they get 141 done overnight - but it is possible - and let’s say that all of these bonds that are in some process of completion – they get completed –
What we understood from somebody very close to the situation – was that once those bonds were completed then we could start – meaning we would get the notifications – we would get the email notifications from Wells Fargo servers and we would get the 800 # coming to me to disseminate – next step after all of those bonds were handled we had the impression that was not going to take too much longer yesterday for those to happen –
So what I’m saying is – here it is Thursday night we transitioned into what is known as the weekend – starting tomorrow in a way – and I’m going to say – don’t write off this weekend - - we heard last week it could be a weekend event - I think it’s possible but not absolute that we get something moving for us over this weekend –
As long as everyone is connected to QFS now and is no longer part of the Western Banking System – which included the SWIFT wiring system – if everybody including China by that I mean the CCP China – is off of the SWIFT as of Sunday night are we not ready to move forward with our exchanges –
I have also understood that there is much much lower resistance from the Cabal – in fact I have heard that there is that negative influence on us – has been quelled to the point where we can move forward – We obviously need a green light from the DoD and Homeland – to move forward – My understanding is the treasury has already given the go ahead - to begin –
We know that paymasters have been made liquid – and are ready with the funds to disseminate to their participants accounts – and yet at the same time - we believe that those paymasters are waiting for the “go” signal – the green light to be able to do that – some of them need coding or codes to be entered so that once they have the money in those accounts and once those codes are given “BOOM” it’s like flipping the switch – they can go ahead and activate those payouts – to the groups –
So we’re in some state of completion in that – of course money is moving – it’s been moving for six months – it’s moving in great numbers – everywhere but to our accounts – yet – but I believe possibly once those servers come back on line we are golden – once we have confirmation – that all of those bonds – the Chinese Dragon Historical Bonds have been handled – then we should be good to go –
That’s really about everything that maybe in the way of this coming through – I know what you are thinking – “there’s always something” always something – I know – I think the same thing – I think there is always something it seems to come up to hold this up – so what I’m going to ask you to do is to keep in mind what Sue told us to do – to pray continually - with the prayer of letting the light the energy of our prayer affect the outcome and reveal with the light of Christ reveal the darkness and dispel the darkness-
That is what we all need to do – everybody within the sound of my voice live or on the replay – use your prayer – and if you know how to use your heavenly prayer language – if you have that gift – pray this thing into existence so that beautiful marvelous light of God will just dispel the darkness of the dark side of the enemy and we can get this party started
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 58:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-4-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-4-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Now I’m just going to tell you what’s going on from what I’m hearing in the way of Intel – and we’ll probably have this call wrapped up by the top of the hour –
What I’m getting – it’s like what Sue said in her segment – we were under the impression that we could go today or tomorrow - we had this over a week ago – because we knew that if it didn’t go last week – one of the sources that is extremely well connected was talking about today or tomorrow –
Now - To me that is still an ongoing possibility – meaning not today but tomorrow – we’re not there yet – I know some things that have happened – that are continuing to go on – and one thing that happened last night – all currencies came up live on the screens last night at 11:15 PM Eastern – the only currency that was not up was the Zimbabwe Zim Dollar
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-4-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – Now I’m just going to tell you what’s going on from what I’m hearing in the way of Intel – and we’ll probably have this call wrapped up by the top of the hour –
What I’m getting – it’s like what Sue said in her segment – we were under the impression that we could go today or tomorrow - we had this over a week ago – because we knew that if it didn’t go last week – one of the sources that is extremely well connected was talking about today or tomorrow –
Now - To me that is still an ongoing possibility – meaning not today but tomorrow – we’re not there yet – I know some things that have happened – that are continuing to go on – and one thing that happened last night – all currencies came up live on the screens last night at 11:15 PM Eastern – the only currency that was not up was the Zimbabwe Zim Dollar
Now – the Zim was supposed to make it to the screen about the time we started the Big Call – around 9 PM Eastern - it was going to come up and be live – So – why couldn’t we go today? It’s hard to say exactly – maybe that was the reason – maybe it wasn’t - we know that the ………. (Pause) ……. Alright here’s the question for the Big Call audience -
Who was the last country to come off the SWIFT system – ad on to the QF System? Well if you are like me – you would guess Venezuela or North Korea and so on – you might have another guess – neither one would be right – the correct answer is China - How can that be? How could China be the last one to come to the party?
Cause we are dealing with the Chinese Communist Party and we are talking about a large influence that is not exactly the ummm …..let’s put it this way…… it could be considered Deep State – and so they finally came on to the QF System off the SWIFT on Sunday night – I actually believe it was about 10 or 11 PM Eastern time - when they actually came off -
So – I found that out yesterday – and then realize – ok – ok what’s going on with the groups? What’s happening there? We know that some of the Paymasters ushered to go in to Reno – made it in – did whatever they needed to do – which is usually vet themselves – by the group members KYC – something like that - they did that for the most part and returned back home last Friday –
Now it doesn’t mean there’s not continuing activity going on out there – because I believe there is - and we know some groups are continuing to vet their paymasters – send out new up to date KYC information for the group members – and so on – But overall – we believe that everything is complete that needs to be done - regarding the groups – as far as we can tell – as far as we know – things are generally very quiet out there – and a lot of sources have dried up – there are a few sources that are sort of still out there – but sometimes the information that you get is rare – It may not be forthcoming – as much as it was in the past –
Now – as far as us going – I know that we all are ready – somewhat anxious to go – been ready for quite a while now – most of us – You know I cannot say absolutely tomorrow is our day – You know I cannot call that – I’ve been told to be ready tomorrow - But I’ll tell you that we’re going to have a really wonderful time when this does go making a call using the 800 number – on we have 6 different regional call centers throughout the US – that will be setting your appointment with the redemption center that you have in your zip code – when you indicate your zip code to the person – either automatically on the phone – meaning through a computer or you communicated it to a person live and you let that person know you have Zim – if you do – if you do have Zim – you let them know and they will connect you directly to the redemption center and quite possibly to the person that might be not only setting your appointment but could also be working with you when you get to your appointment –
Now the bank system itself – under the QFS is a different animal from what it is we’ve all learned in the past – and we know it’s going to be different because the roll that the bank is going to take with us will be far different - #1 we are no longer going to be at the retail side of the bank – the bank branches that you go into normally go up to a teller window or work with a loan officer so on - you are going to be working with the private side of the bank – which is private banking – wealth management with Wells Fargo – Abbott Downing – and some of the other people that are in private banking from other banks –
And yes – your funds will be held initially by the bank – digitally – they are essentially held through the US Treasury and that is the only entity that can truly protect your money – as far as insurance you can forget the FDIC and all of that – there is no way any insurance agency could insure the amount of funds we will have – so the best way to look at it is the assets of themselves that are backing our currencies and even our own USN currency - the assets are the gold – the silver – the other intellectual properties – the other assets that we have that back up our currency and our dollar at the Treasury –
So – it’s going to be a different game – the banks will take a slightly different role with us being – you know –wealthy if you will – with the value not only of the Zim but the other currencies we are going to be exchanging - and so bottom line is the relationship that we have with our private banking team or wealth managers and not to mention the private office capabilities we will have –
If you are new to the call go to the Wells Fargo website and look up “Private Office” – see what they say – it’s been so long ago - 6-8 yrs since I looked that up – it should be there – and it will tell you what the opportunity it would be for you to have a private office – normally a private office is for generational wealth transfer – primarily – let’s say you have a business that’s worth 50 million dollars – and you go to sell the business – you take those proceeds and your wealth management team in your private office would help you to distribute those assets and create the proper trusts for you and so on so they can properly be handed down over generation or two – or more to the people you want to have those assets
That was the original theory behind private offices – when we come in we are not selling a business – we’re going in as brand new super wealthy people that are looking to do major things for the world – and do a lot – with philanthropy and humanitarian giving – and so on –
So some of the same principles that they have been using will apply to us – but they are going to be there as a major concierge service for us – not only with wealth but also travel - a new home – work with realtors - they can do a lot of things – they can do a lot of things that we might need – so be aware of they are going to be there to work with us –
The whole relationship of the bank is an institution for us changes – no longer are we subject to the bank – or begging for a loan – or this or that – but rather we are going to be able to dictate to some extent – I mean this in the lightest of terms - dictate to the bankers not the other way around –
When you have this type of wealth - you are the one who’s going to be in control of the situation – Now be very careful to read your Non-Disclosure Agreement – very carefully twice before you sign it – make sure you understand it – If you take an attorney with you – you are welcomed to do that to be on your side so to speak when it comes to any of the legal agreements that you are going to be signing – and this could be not only NDA but also could include signing off on the rate situation – you want to agree to – currencies & Zim - also you could be signing off on the interest rate you could earn and also the structured payout if you are a Zim holder – under normal currency transfer exchange there is no structured payout for that – but you do have some things that you will be interested in looking into and getting your signature put to –
So – we do understand there is a 2% exchange fee but the 2 % is handled with 1% being covered by Wells Fargo who is the lead bank for this – and the other 1% covered by China – so as far as I know that is still the case and has not changed
I think we are basically all ready to go - we know security has always been an issue – we know that some cities have had some issues with the rioting – looting – and tearing down statues / monuments and so on
I believe that mostly that is in check now – but I know that the DOD has to sign off with Homeland security give the green light to the Treasury to release the “go ahead” for Wells Fargo to release the 800 numbers to me and also the emails that are on the Wells Fargo servers still would be released – we heard that was going to take place and all 52,000+ emails – probably closer to 600,000 by now - but those will be released and I believe in 4 different transactions - and it could take a few hours to get those out –
My understanding is that when they send the first group of emails – the first batch – of those 4 batches – and I am supposed to get the call with the toll free number and I may even get a call ahead of time to give me a heads up that they are coming – but we’ll see how that goes – So I am going to suggest that everyone be prepared
So I am going to say at this point we are believing for this to come – fairly quickly – and maybe – just maybe it is as we have heard - the intel has been overall very supportive – very good – but we still have to realize that we can’t really move forward with this until we receive the 800 numbers or the email – or both So everyone stay in faith on it – believe in it – believe for it – Thank you for listening -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 48:48
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-30-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-30-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – this beautiful night
Let’s talk a little bit about the intel that we have for tonight – We did a call 2 nights ago on Tuesday and you got close to 30 mins of information from me – tonight we’ll just try to ameliorate that with a few things that are maybe new –
So first of all – guess what happened on Wednesday morning – yesterday morning we had the re-evaluation of the Iraqi dinar as international – in other words – their rate was posted internationally but NOT available yet here in the US – we are not going to see the rate evidently for maybe a few more days - we’re thinking Monday at this point –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-30-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody – this beautiful night
Let’s talk a little bit about the intel that we have for tonight – We did a call 2 nights ago on Tuesday and you got close to 30 mins of information from me – tonight we’ll just try to ameliorate that with a few things that are maybe new –
So first of all – guess what happened on Wednesday morning – yesterday morning we had the re-evaluation of the Iraqi dinar as international – in other words – their rate was posted internationally but NOT available yet here in the US – we are not going to see the rate evidently for maybe a few more days - we’re thinking Monday at this point –
Now it could come in if something happens overnight tonight to usher that new Dinar rate in – we could have it tomorrow – on some great sites - and on the bank screens – but so far today it has been blanked out - so I think it may end up – it is my opinion that the Iraqi Dinar rate in the US will be visible either on the day of our tier 4B exchanges or the day before –
For example – if we start Tuesday it might show up on Monday – it’s hard to say –
Now – for the Iraqi Dinar to be international – which it is – the USN – our new designated 3 letters for our new money – which is USTN – United States Treasury Note – for that to occur – we would have to have our USN in play internationally which it also is –
There was a soft announcement made – Tuesday – for that to occur – but was not an announcement that was made publicly – and you know what? It may not be made for quite some time – until the new money – the USN’s which are being printed now – will come out – and we are not sure exactly when that will be – so we’ll see
Now I think at our redemption centers – I believe we will get the new $100’s and $50’s – that are being printed now in 2 locations – by our Treasury – not by the Fed but by the Treasury – and remember the new Federal Reserve has been rolled in and under the auspice of the US Treasury – along with the IRS is also rolled in and under the Treasury Dept – and those are changes that are taking place that are good for us -
So – the other thing about Iraq is that – I’m not positive – but I believe the holiday EID – started yesterday – Wednesday – and my understanding is that many Iraqi citizens – living in Iraq – were compensated with 75,000 dinar – that is an in country situation for Iraqi citizens up to a certain economic level – don’t know it is affecting everybody but it affects certain people up to a certain level – receive that – and you know gifts are given in the country as part of EID and my understanding is that would allow them to certainly buy a lot of nice gifts for each other as part of that holiday –
So – we are looking for that to show but it may not show until Monday or possibly Tuesday – we will have to keep an eye on it - it could show the day before we get started – or on Tuesday if in fact that is the day we start – and right now that is what it looks like – right now –
I heard some things today – I’ve heard some talk about tonight – tomorrow – I heard a suggestion of the 800 number coming out Monday – I’m not sure they are going to come out Monday – they wait and just come out Tuesday – but overall – I am tired of saying that money is moving – but it is – Money is moving in great quantities – and yes some exchanges are taking place globally – now – already – but this is not due to a massive email campaign or 800 number release –
It’s due to the individual banks that have called their own customers who might have left a business card with their name on it – saying hey when this goes call me – I’ve got Dinar – call me - some are getting called and setting up appointments and they are going yes today – tomorrow – probably Saturday – and so on – into the banks –
Far as we know not the redemption centers yet – because we believe that the 800 numbers or the system that is obviously going to be used with 6 call centers throughout the united states to book appointments in the redemption centers – we call them redemption centers because that’s where the Zimbabwe bonds that we have will be redeemed – they can also be redeemed at any tier 1 or tier 2 bank – but the preference is to get in to the redemption center where we will have representatives from several banks as well as Abbott Downing and depending on who the main banks are that are there they will have people there with Wealth Management to assist us –
So that is going on – right now we Know that travel monies – and itineraries – are being sent out to group leaders who are being called to come in – to go out west – and to travel to be there and some may have already hit the road and already been over there whether driving or flying – and others are coming soon - because I think a lot of that activity with the groups may be starting tomorrow and go through the weekend –
So there is activity happening – there are people who are receiving funds – we know that the military was paid out – and had liquidity on Dong & Afghani but only 25% on dinar – at least initially – ok – and so that is happening – those funds are available –
In the case of the prosperity packages – I mentioned that we had information that suggested that they have all been delivered but will not have liquidity in those checks or whatever set up to go to the bank to get the accounts set up for the prosperity packages would not start until the first week of August –
There are several things that are going to start in the first week of August – let’s talk about them - #1 we’re approaching seeing some things come through from NESARA and what I’m suggesting is that we have seen some evidence people have been compensated for their debt forgiveness –
Now when we say debt forgiveness is part of NESARA – part of the debt jubilee – I’m referring to – it’s like they are getting refunded the interest that they paid in on a loan – not the principal – just the interest – that was charged - this goes way back into – I think all the way back to the 1930’s – and so we will get that back in some form or fashion probably by direct deposit – because I know in some cases where it’s taken place already it was IRS that sent those funds to a person’s account – and those funds are pending – until the first week in August – that is just next week – coming up –
So – what my understanding is the interest that was paid on home mortgages – credit cards – auto loans – boat loans – etc - those types of loans and possibly – not sure what the story is on student loans – whether the whole loan would be forgiven or just the interest on the loan – I don’t know that - we’ll have to wait and see how that shapes out –
But all of this is part of our debt jubilee / NESARA – a new tax system is going to come whereby personal income tax / federal personal income tax is supposed to go away – Federal and State under NESARA – we’ll see when that happens and then a consumption tax is supposed to come instead of that which would be on new items purchased – not used – cars or previously owned homes - not food nor medicine but on NEW items – that you buy would have between a 14% and 17% tax - whatever is settled on – added to – like a valued added tax in Europe – this would be something we would have here – that would be collected by the state and shared between State and Federal Gov – a certain % would go to the state and a certain % would go to the Fed Gov – to the Treasury –
So we will have to see when that comes through – here we are halfway through 2020 – and we don’t know when it would start – if it would start in a new tax year – next year – possibly – I don’t know - we’ll see what happens –
Now there’s another thing – that is coming – that’s not really related to our blessing but could be a blessing in of itself – President Trump spoke a couple days ago and mentioned it again today – not in exactly these words – I am going to paraphrase – remember the stimulus checks either by check or direct deposit or debit card – those $1200 for an individual and $500 per child up to age 18 if I remember correctly – those stimulus checks I believe are going to go also again in the first week of August and my understanding is – I don’t have this written down – but my understanding is those stimulus checks would go out every month through the end of the year – that would theoretically - if I’m right - remember this is what I’m hearing - if I am right that is Aug – Sept – Oct – Nov - Dec - 5 months of those stimulus checks – so let’s see if that happens – that is going to be a nice boost to our economy and I also think they are going to try to figure a way to continue some form of additional unemployment for those that are still unemployed in the country
The other thing about - debt forgiveness – will be only for bonafide US citizens hard to say exactly how many that is – but will be substantial percentage of the population that will receive the debt forgiveness – so that is going to take some time to get all of that put out -
My understanding is we are looking at a start in the first week or so of August and going for 31 days – and I am referring to the people that will be receiving these sums of money as part of the NESARA – but it’s hard to say – I don’t know if they are going to be - how it’s going to be announced – or if we will receive some sort of individual notification about it – I just don’t have that –
As far as anything else that is relevant - to us right now – we know that the redemption centers staffare still on call to go in – we know that the call centers have all be tested and we’re looking to receive notifications for tier 4A and 4B – supposedly as a shotgun start hoping for Monday notifications or Tuesday for both – so we will see how that shakes out – I think if we stay patient through the weekend and look forward to this we should be in pretty good shape – there is still some clean up that is ongoing in certain cities – but I think DOD and Homeland Security will give the green light for this to go relatively shortly – so let’s see what happens with it – it sounds like it’s going to be a great week next week -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 51:27
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re trying to get all our energy up and get it all together here and welcome regardless where you’re listening from all over this globe thanks for tuning in -
Well guys, let’s bring out a little intel – we always do that last – save the intel for last – and I want to bring out some things that have been happening since our last call on Thursday - there is always that 5 day gap – and we usually get a few significant things that happen – and then sometimes we get things that I forget – and then we get some intel in the last day or so –
This has been a little bit light in the last couple of days – However - I am going to string together a few things for you to consider –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 7-28-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday July 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re trying to get all our energy up and get it all together here and welcome regardless where you’re listening from all over this globe thanks for tuning in -
Well guys, let’s bring out a little intel – we always do that last – save the intel for last – and I want to bring out some things that have been happening since our last call on Thursday - there is always that 5 day gap – and we usually get a few significant things that happen – and then sometimes we get things that I forget – and then we get some intel in the last day or so –
This has been a little bit light in the last couple of days – However - I am going to string together a few things for you to consider –
Alright – lets first just talk briefly about Iraq – Now you realize that we have basically held the puppet strings for Iraq for years – I hate to say it that way - it sounds rude but I know that Iraq has been responsive to the request of the US government and specifically to the Trump Administration –
We have a very good relationship overall with Iraq and there was something that was mentioned that I saw on a video clip today – it was interesting – because I saw it as something that was taken by an ABC reporter and this was a question to President Trump – I don’t know the background of it – but think it was fairly recent –
The President was asked about the facilities we built in Iraq – we built several bases there - I think 6 – maybe more – but we built some really humongous bases – the one in the green zone up north – there was supposedly one of the runways 15,000 feet long – and that seems a little excessive for the heavys 747’s and the airbus 320 – heavy large planes - those types of aircraft don’t require much more than 7,000 feet to land on and some runways are in excess of 7,000 or 10,000 feet and this one was 15,000 – so it’s set up to probably land and take off in both directions I would think and that would work –
Remember this is “military” aircraft – primarily – coming in and out – the comment was President Trump said that to this reporter that we would be paid back by Iraq for the infrastructure there that we have built – and when the reporter asked how was that going to happen – President Trump said we have (and I believe this was the number) 25 billion dollars of their currency – meaning new Iraqi dinar – he put it as 25 billion - that may be an accurate number – or it may be more than that but the point was – it would easily suffice to pay the cost of the infrastructure that we built in Iraq –
Of course the point was – we have that in our treasury – that amount of dinar or more – my personal feeling is it is “more” – but that would easily cover that investment that we made in terms of – not the men’s lives that we lost of course – there is no amount of money that will pay for that – but the fact that we built what we built there –
What’s really cool is that he mentioned that we have 25 billion dollars of their money - that is just a hint to us who understand what that means – now here’s the other thing – remember the people that were bad guys – arrested – about to do exchanges or in the middle of an exchange – dinar / dong / etc – do you realize that when these people who were arrested – weren’t good people and they were going to do nefarious things with the money – do you realize that money was seized by our people and deposited in the US Treasury –
I have a feeling that we have quite a bit of currency and Zim in our Treasury – that will be exchangeable at some point – and redeemable when it’s Zim – at some point in time -
I have heard time and time again over the years that money was seized when certain people were arrested - they were trying to do exchanges – some were coming in as specialties – VIP’s some were part of tier 3 blah blah blah - so – it’s interesting to me – to try to realize how much of that foreign currency has been seized –
Now let’s cut to where the timing appears to be – we have heard from certain high up bank sources that are well elevated as part of the Wells Fargo crew – no no…not the right wording – negative – in other words – these are the high high high net worth individuals that are working in behalf of Wells Fargo – You know who I’m talking about –
So – these individuals are saying as early as yesterday – we are looking really good and be ready for Tuesday or Wednesday - well Tuesday is about over – so I don’t think we’re going to see anything for us in Tier 4B today – but maybe tomorrow is a different story – we’re just going to have to wait that out –
We are on – I would say – a day by day account right now – the information that I’ve received from one of our Forex people is pointing towards today/tomorrow or next week – Tuesday/Wednesday of next week
What happens in the 5 days in between? We’ve been told since the QF System has been in place that any particular day is as good as any other day – for a start – We know the bankers don’t typically go in on Sundays – some do – we know they work half days on Saturdays – I get that that – but the concept is that even if this doesn’t go tomorrow – could it go between tomorrow and next Tuesday/Wednesday? I don’t think we can write off any particular day – there seems to be a push to get this done by the end of the month - which is Friday –
So – if we do that – we’ve made it!! We got it done within this month – I don’t know if that is going to be the case - it could be – there are things point to it happening kinda – like right away – and then we understand from some of the top group individuals that the groups that are based out west – are ready to go – once the last of the KYC (know your customer) information has been sent in – and that they have exactly an updated view of who everybody is within those groups – remember there are quite a few – there are 100 paymasters - and an additional 20 - so that’s 120 paymasters – and that is beyond the core - The core has 30 paymasters –
So my point is – there is more information evidently required - once that info is brought in on the KYC on the individuals in those groups they should be ready to go –
Has that been something to hold us up a little bit? It could be – what about security? You know – I told you on Thursday – that we had Federal Troops that had been Martialed - Martialized – or deputized as US Marshals to help in the cities around the country – we first stated with 24 and ended up being some 26 cities – Well as of two days ago – we’re down to 5 cities – they’ve done the work in 19 of the cities and there’s 5 to go – So that is moving along nicely –
Ultimately I believe that it is a question of security – Does DOD and Homeland Security – feel that we are ready to go - and there may be a couple other agencies that obviously have to weigh in –
But once we get that nod that things are good and the green light is given that is when theoretically we should get our Tier 4 A and Tier 4B release of the toll free numbers – It will be the shotgun start that we’ve talked about – staggered slightly slow maybe – but not by much maybe hours maybe a half day –
We don’t know – but I really believe we are that close to where we could go any day now – probably not start on Sunday … no ……But could we go between now and Friday – yes – does it have to flip over to next Tuesday/Wednesday - I don’t know that – I don’t see why – but we will see – we’ll keep an eye on it - I would say be ever vigilant –
What about the Military? The military started – they exchanged – this was months ago – they exchanged on the bases – it was dinar and afgahny - at the bases – because that is where they served –
Now many of the military bought the dong – and Zim – since that time –so they exchanged and were given SKR’s initially – and they also were not made liquid at the time but were made liquid starting last Saturday – a week ago – they started with liquidity – and they’ve been paid out on the Dong and Afgahny and 25% liquidity on Dinar – some of these guys had duffel bags full of dinar – and ended up being a lot – they will be paid out on the rest in the upcoming future –
Otherwise – so we know the military has been taken care of – we know that a lot of the SKR’s have been paid – we know that CMKX was to get started in the next day or so – we know that the Prosperity Packages started being delivered last Friday at 7 PM Eastern – and that the Prosperity Packages were going to go out – but that liquidity would not be available until the first week in august - so they are definitely staggering the payouts of some of these things –
The rest of the intermediate groups I don’t know where we stand on that but some of the intermediates may go at the same time as the tier 4A and tier 4B – it may be a shotgun start to that extent – we know there is pressure from China to get this thing done – every time we turn around – there is something about that – and I believe that is real – we do have that urgency to get it done -
I believe we are within days – but it is hard to say when – we don’t get it other than what I got – like I said yesterday about the timing of going today or tomorrow which today is too late – tomorrow is possible and then of course the Forex contact is talking about next Tuesday/Wednesday
So whenever it comes we will be vigilant – we’ll be ready – we will be there to get the numbers out and obvious sly the emails from Wells Fargo will be released at approximately the same time – that I get the number –
So all we can say is stay with your Plan A – embellish it if you need to – keep doing what you’re doing – I really think that over all everything is moving through – we want to be in a good secure situation – which it is getting there and we definitely want the groups lined up and ready and fully vetted with their KYC information - and we want to be prepared before we go in to do our appointment exchanges and our Zim redemption – Everything is lined up – I don’t think we have too far to go – Thanks everyone for listening
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:04:24
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe
Now all we need is everything to go in the way of our blessing and then we can really move forward – Let’s figure out kinda where we are right now – Sue was talking in terms of practice and be ready with presentations over the next 4 days – What we had received last night was pointing toward something occurring in the next 4 days from last night – and it may still – it may still occur – 4 days from last night would be Saturday around 8:30
Now – does that still hold up where we could be notified in that period of time? I think we could – but we do have additional information that takes us a little further through the weekend – I am not going to call it or suggest it is going to happen this day or that day - because it really now is down to the point where the most important thing is for us to be prepared – and also to just be ready for any particular day when it might come – because #1 you don’t quit your day job – you don’t quit your plan A that got you here – if you do not have a plan A you should have one by now – and get one –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 7-23-20
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe
Now all we need is everything to go in the way of our blessing and then we can really move forward – Let’s figure out kinda where we are right now – Sue was talking in terms of practice and be ready with presentations over the next 4 days – What we had received last night was pointing toward something occurring in the next 4 days from last night – and it may still – it may still occur – 4 days from last night would be Saturday around 8:30
Now – does that still hold up where we could be notified in that period of time? I think we could – but we do have additional information that takes us a little further through the weekend – I am not going to call it or suggest it is going to happen this day or that day - because it really now is down to the point where the most important thing is for us to be prepared – and also to just be ready for any particular day when it might come – because #1 you don’t quit your day job – you don’t quit your plan A that got you here – if you do not have a plan A you should have one by now – and get one –
The Plan B which I call your “blessing” – is right around the corner – but we don’t have it yet and until we have it keep doing whatever you’re called to do in the meantime –
Now let’s talk in general terms a little bit about money movement – there has been a lot of talk and you probably read something about a lot of money has been in movement – a lot of money is moving around – to me that is all good – and it’s true – but how does it affect us?
How does it relate to us? Now we know that 3 super large tranches of funds were made yesterday - yes 3 separate tranches – and those were being paid out to hydrate and pay out to the global collateral accounts – among others and these are safe accounts throughout the globe and various countries to accumulate these funds that are going to be used to pay out certain groups – to pay out us – to pay out the bond – trading and so on that is going on – and I would say that is a good sign
Now – there was a meeting last night from 11 PM – 12:30 AM – Eastern time – and in that 90 min meeting they were to decide when to release the global collateral accounts – and we had sort of a step one step two step three simplification of the process –
Step one – was to have Judy Shelton installed as part of the Federal Reserve – she is actually going to head the Fed Reserve – that was acknowledged yesterday –
Step two – was to release the global collateral accounts – which we don’t know if they are released yet but that is next to do –
Step three – and this is a simplified process- to notify us in tier 4A and 4B so that we could begin to set appointments and do our exchanges – and Zim redemption -
So…. Step one is complete – Step two is in process – but I don’t know what time they determined – they were going to determine the time last night during that meeting on when to release the global collateral accounts – I assume they agreed on a time but I do not know what it is –
Alright – so that is where we are in that process – additionally there are other things that are happening – of course – behind the scenes – some of which we know – I remember there was information about the 24 different cities that needed to be assisted so that the looting / burning / whatever we want to call it that was taking place – in those cities – to come to a STOP – and that started early this morning –
So, how that’s going I can’t really say – but you remember we had the issue at the Chinese Embassy in Houston - and while that was happening – we also had something connected to it that was being prosecuted if you will with clean up over in the island of Awaho in a major way – that was related to what was going on with the CCP Embassy
So there are things that are happening that we are aware of like that – Beyond that – something like currencies / rates / all of that - Let me tell you where we are -- #! We are not talking about currencies and rates – but we do talk about the fact that globally the QFS is completely on line – and all countries are now hooked up and a part of it –
The Swift System is gone – so that cannot be used anymore by the Cabal to try to move funds and the Blockchain protocol is system for the Fencen digital and so on that involves Bitcoin and probably some other outfits like that is working and functioning fine –
So – we’ve had to wait for certain of these things to complete over the last few days – now – what else is required is hard to say – I’m sure there are some other things that need to happen – although I did hear that there is a possibility due to the pressure that’s being exerted on us to get this party started – to get it done by a certain time in the afternoon tomorrow –
That may end up being something of importance to us – However we do know the Military was being paid out for their exchanges that were previous on as early as last Saturday – so we have started I this country and the greatest smallest city out west is underway and things are happening there – flights are coming in – and money is moving there – what I don’t know is who its moving to – usually we do – but now things are so quiet it is hard to pin that down –
I can tell you this much – Money is moving in some major cities like Zurich – Hong Kong – Miami – London – and what’s happening there - in my opinion – is that these are cities where boxes of bonds are being made liquid – and being paid out – now today yesterday -
Now those bonds being paid out could include Zim bonds – in large quantities – in so called table top meetings - it can be that funding that comes from those transactions are part of a greater move of funds into the system – so where do we stand? I believe what’s going to happen is that these intermediate groups that we’ve talked about for months now need to be paid – maybe ahead of us or about the same time we get started – it may be more of a shotgun start than we even realize
We know the tier 4A and 4B will probably go virtually simultaneously - like a shotgun but it may also be that these individual – sovereign groups that are part of the so called intermediate groups – they may go when we go as well so there is no distinct advantage o one group over another – that is yet to be seen –
So we are going to have to watch out for that – we know the Military is getting squared away – and that they still may be in something where they have the accounts they can see maybe they’re pending - they may not have full access in other words – they may have only partial access – so this is something that is hard to get the details on - but I know that everything is moving forward and we’re in a different place now than we were Tuesday - than we were last Thursday - etc
Obviously we all want it to happen right now!! But we know we have to wait for this to come through all the way – and you know that President Trump is doing the best he can to make sure this whole thing goes down exactly at the right time – when perfectly safe – for us to do our exchanges – and this has been a real problem in some of these cities having the burning / looting / destruction of buildings and so on – so be glad that the President is taking charge and is putting National troops in place – to help those cities where the governors and mayors are just watching it burn – not doing anything -
Be happy that the President is doing that because we need every part of the country to be available for exchanges to begin – now certainly some places they’re going to do in different locations than they anticipated – we have over 16,000 redemption centers in the US alone – and so we’re going to be looking forward to getting our exchanges done as soon as it’s humanly possible –
I think we’re looking good between now and the weekend but there are also people I’m hearing from that are talking about early next week – so we could push to that point – I hope not - Every day now counts the same – there’s no advantage over a Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday - verses Friday / Saturday / Sunday – because under the QFS everything is different – and everyday can stand on its own as a possible day to start - that is the difference we have now that we did not have a while back –
Let’s talk about something else we want to get out and that is the concept of Hot words – H O T words – When you go in for the redemption of your Zim and your currency exchange - you will be given a Non Disclosure Agreement – and that NDA is something you will read over / ask questions if you have any - make sure you understand what it says – and then you will sign – give your signature to it –
Now that means that anything regarding the exchange appointment or the location – or the people that worked with you - ALL OF THAT – much less the concept of your currencies – the rate – all of that – is PRIVATE and IS NOT TO BE DISCUSSED - so much so that not only are you under that NDA for what we believe will be 3 months – 90-91 days – under that NDA - but there is also a period of time when NSA and probably CIA and god knows who else – will be listening to your phone calls they know who you are – they are going to be watching your social media – any kind of social media that you are on – they are looking to hear HOT words –
Ok what are HOT words? – Zim – rates – currency rates – any of the currencies – the redemption center – the address – the people that exchanged you – the rate you received on your structured pay out – your structured payout - your 25 yrs or ever how many you negotiated that to go - everything that happens after the exchange is forbidden – so that means that you need to keep your mouth shut – after this exchange / redemption / or both –
You literally cannot talk about it with anybody - you can’t talk about it on the phone - no texting / messaging / or anything – You have got to keep this on the down low!!
Otherwise – what could happen? You could get your funds called back – pulled back away from you – and your future projects – This is NOT a time to go to the corner bar and buy rounds of drinks and celebrate like that – You CAN’T DO THAT!!
This is going to be the quietest celebration you’ve never heard!! Because you cannot say these HOT words - they are going to be picked up like key words – on a search – and I am sure they have all the algorithms and all of that noise put together to pick up that stuff – and I don’t want anyone on the Big Call to lose anything because of what you might say or put out on a social network platform or anything –
I am trying to press this in – This is a time for silence – after this thing goes the only thing you can do is go into a closet and close the door and maybe scream – or go down on your knees and say a prayer of thanks because we don’t want anyone to lose this - we’ve all worked too hard to get here – to be here –
I cannot promise you it’s going to be this week or even by the weekend – but I know that things are moving forward – the funds are moving forward – certain people are being paid – I know – but not us –
So let’s just stay with it – let’s watch this thing come to us – let’s be prepared for it – I think it is exciting what is going on – most of it behind the scenes – we cannot see – but a few things we can see – and what we’re hearing is that things are moving forward and we will get this thing done for us - let’s continue to believe for that
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 58:28