Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-16-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-16-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 16th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Well let’s talk about it – Let’s see where we are – Let’s talk about first of all there is a 48 hour thing that we are right in the middle of right now - in fact we are toward the end of it - What happened – yesterday morning - the final gold backed bonds – Chinese bonds – they were negotiated in London – were wrapped up at 4 am or close to 4 am Eastern Daylight savings time yesterday – at that point – you take another 48 hours and that was supposed to be the time of everything releasing – that would be a little after 4 am Eastern time tomorrow – (Wed)

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-16-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 16th  and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Well let’s talk about it – Let’s see where we are – Let’s talk about first of all there is a 48 hour thing that we are right in the middle of right now -  in fact we are toward the end of it -  What happened – yesterday morning -  the final gold backed bonds – Chinese bonds – they were negotiated in London – were wrapped up at 4 am  or close to 4 am Eastern Daylight savings time yesterday – at that point – you take another 48 hours and that was supposed to be the time of everything releasing – that would be a little after 4 am Eastern time tomorrow – (Wed)

Now what is supposed to release is all new algorithms in place – all new rates on the screen and the Forex – and the bank screens – and with that the opportunity for the toll free numbers to be released by email – as you guys know the 527,000 + emails that are on Wells Fargo’s  servers are to contain the number – those are to go out – I am supposed to get the toll free number to put out – not only on our web site but  also we’ll have it to give to certain individuals - and I’m sure there will be people who will get the number – it’s not as exclusive as we once thought –

I think there are three that are supposed to get the actual 800 number and then I’m sure they’re going to put it out on the prominent websites – so we will see how that turns out –

The email process from Wells Fargo is supposed to go out in 4 batches – and it’s supposed to take about a half hour in between the release of batches – so we’re looking at maybe a 2 hour period to release those numbers – and again – like I said – 

I don’t know whether I’ll be able to get the number at the beginning of the release – the middle  - I really don’t know – I just don’t know yet – they really have not informed me very well – on what that whole procedure is going to look like – all I know is that I’m supposed to receive a packet in person of some information – whatever that is –

So that is what is looking good – so far for tomorrow – You guys know that we never “call it” – on the Big Call – I tell you what I’m hearing - whether it comes through as I’m speaking it or not is to be seen - but the information overall is very positive – about this wrapping up the middle of the week – well – middle of the week is Wednesday – that’s looking interesting –

What else can we bring up? Regarding the exchange itself – a couple points – If you have currencies NOT including Zim – let’s say you have dinar and dong – and you have the exchange that takes place – when you exchange those currencies – it’s a non taxable event – how many years have I been saying that?  9 years – I am in my 16th year – but when you do that exchange – you will have full access to all of that immediately –

It’s good to have that confirmed – there’s no wait – no 26 hr wait – nothing like that – you should be able to have full access to your exchanged funds immediately –

In regards to the Zim – and we know that what  you want to do – obviously – I think if you are a Big Call listener for the most part – you’ve got projects – whether you’re going to partner with us or not – there are projects – but the point is – the Zim is going to be decided based on to a great extent on the amount that you have - we are not going to do rates – but I’m just going to tell you if you’ve got one quad or less – and in case you do not know what a quad is – its 10 X 100T Notes –  (100Trillion Notes)

If you have that or less – you have a better opportunity to negotiate a half way decent rate – If you have more than that – and more is really not a good thing – when it comes to Zim – the more you have the lower the rate will be – but they will offer you something and you can try your best to negotiate that –

Another point about the exchange – we had talked about a period of time when the structured pay out that could be 20 yrs 30 yrs – 50 yrs – you have the capability if you want – and I am thinking about going this way - to go for 100 years – structured pay out –

Well you ask will I be around that long? – well who knows – it’s possible with the technology that’s coming to the forefront – to really de-age and extend your life – quite a bit – you guys don’t know yet but I do and Sue and Bob do – we are aware of it - we are aware of what’s possible – so don’t write off the fact that you might not be around – you could be –

What I’m saying is they consider a generation to be 80-90 yrs – so let’s say your project is something you think – whether you’re here or not – doesn’t matter – the main thing is the project going to go 80 or 90 years? – If it can – and  you can show that in your presentation the longevity of  your project – then  you are looking at the possibility to negotiate an interest rate (not a currency rate) that 80-90 yrs could get  you 6.75% APR – remember my plan is to be paid every quarter – every 90 days –

Now let’s say you have projects that you believe will endure and go beyond that to 2 generations - 160-180 years – you could negotiate up to a maximum of 9.45%

So – that is just something you can keep in your mind – when it comes to setting up your structured pay out if you are a Zim holder – If you’re not a Zim holder you do not need one - If you are – you are looking at that situation – and you know what I said as far as your so called 80-90 yr generation and then of course what you’re going to do is to let them know even if you don’t have  a successor – trustees – beneficiaries  of your trust picked out  yet – you’ll get them – you will get somebody that can take over for you in 20-30 years – or whenever – depending on your age – so be aware of that –

The other thing that I think is sort of interesting – I’ve told you this for years – I told you that God Fund – is the term I used for the Mother Lode Account – there is no more 80/20 or 70/30 stuff – It’s gone it’s dead  - that was a cabal tactic – none of that exists for us –

That means you have full access to your funds – obviously your currencies from day 1 and then if you have a structured pay out what you need to do if you are a Zim holder is calculate how much money do you need for the first 90 days until your first interest payment comes in – approximately 90 days let’s say 92-93 days – whatever it takes to save up right –

When it comes to setting up that plan – I told you I am going to use a mother lode account as my main account that will earn that interest and pay that interest into a spill over account at the same bank – at least initially – and then into a new account – so I’ve got a brand new mother lode account  which is where the bulk  of the exchange of the Zim goes in and then when that creates interest – in 90 days that will spill over and pay into a secondary account –

I’m doing that – notice – I’m not touching the principal – I’m not touching the mother lode account  - now maybe initially to handle for the first 90 days maybe I’ll figure out I need some and I will take a little out -  I’ll take a little out to cover any needs for my projects for  the first 90 days – ok -  but after that the mother lode account is basically safe and intact and keeps me happy and the bank happy – this is what I am going to try to do -  the spill over account will be where I’m drawing funds to do the project –

Every quarter I’ll have a number that I’m expecting to receive and I’m doing my very best as a humanitarian to plow that interest into my projects and humanitarian needs – not only US but globally - that’s our job and I think that’s what’s going to be so much fun – to try to invest into people’s lives – spend it for useful services and so on

I’ll probably use the currency exchange funds for personal – that is a plan I’ve had in my mind for probably 5-6 years – so that is going to allow us to do that and to be successful by managing it – you do not have to do it that way - it just seems to make sense to me to do it that way – for what my desires and goals are for these assets – this blessing – and I am not going to try to compound the mother lode – I don’t want to compound it – it’s going to be big enough as it is –

The spill over account though – could compound – it doesn’t need to but it is earning  at somewhere in the 6.75% all the way up to 9.45% range which turns into real money real fast

I told you last week that if you’re a Zim holder and if you have a lot you’re going to need between 45 -90 mins to get your appointment done and you need to let them know that so they can schedule that and other people around you – that’s important –

Everything we’re hearing is pointing towards middle of the week we’ll see whether it is that way or whether something else comes up – I don’t think there is anything else that’s going to come up – and I believe the time frame we’ve got is pretty good – it has been relatively quiet – there’s been some information that’s come through and I’m glad it does – so we’ll just see how it goes – I want everybody to be prepared as much as they can – get ready – rehearse a little bit – stay fit – have a beautiful week – let’s see what happens – I’m pretty excited about the possibilities -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 43:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-11-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-11-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 11th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s see where we are and what is going on – I know that there are things out there on the blogs I get calls about every now and then – even though I do not go and read the blogs – I hear what’s out there and I have a pretty good idea what’s going on most of the time – I have some information tonight that varies from that – I will try to describe that as I go –

First of all – one thing regarding the redemption of Zim – I have a reminder to everybody – if you have just a few notes – it’s not going to take very long to redeem your Zim – But if you have more – quite a bit – then you’re going to request when you set your appointment and they ask you if you have Zim – you’re not going to tell them how much – just say – well I believe I’m going to need 45 mins and 90 minutes – to do my exchanging and redemption of Zim –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-11-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 11th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s  see where we are and what is going on – I know that there are things out there on the blogs  I get calls about every now and then – even though I do not go and read the blogs – I hear what’s out there and I have a pretty good idea what’s going on most of the time – I have some information tonight that varies from that – I will try to describe that as I go –

First of all – one thing regarding the redemption of Zim – I have a reminder to everybody – if you have just a few notes – it’s not going to take very long to redeem  your Zim – But if you have more – quite a bit – then you’re going to request when you set your appointment and they ask you if you have Zim – you’re not going to tell them how much – just say – well I believe I’m going to need 45 mins and 90 minutes – to do my exchanging and redemption of Zim –

Just let them know that you might need a longer time if you are a serious Zim holder – Just say it – cause you will do it at your first appointment and  you will come up with a rate for your currencies including the Zim at the first appointment – you will finish it and put that all together and  your follow up appointment  with your private banker – wealth management – Abbott Downing – will include meetings with possibly you might have an attorney – if you do not already have one – having trust stuff done –

Or you might also need to get in touch with CPA firm – someone that will be handling the accounting for you – all of those things – including your family office getting that together – should you qualify  for a family office – that is something that you would do at  your second appointment - it’s a “follow-up” appointment – not an automatic thing – it is something that you set up to come back to – after your exchange is done –

There may be several follow-up appointments – and that is going to be regarding to the areas I was just referring to –

Let’s talk a little bit about what has happened that I don’t think has been reported – my intel comes from a number of different sources – some I have funneled through some individuals and then I try to get the truth out of it – just like you guys do when you hear something –

First of all we were looking for a release of a large tranche of funds that were coming from the global collateral accounts – we understand that had been held up but understand that last night overnight the release of at least 3 tranches – each tranche in the neighborhood of 1 septillion dollars – s – e – p – t  - like September – being the seventh month of the year ((( ????? 7th?? ))))))) – as in 7 – you know – you’ve got -  million – billion – trillion – quadrillion  - quintillion – sextillion – septillion – right – so septillion 1 followed by 21 zeros – pretty nice piece of change – right?

So septillion – I understand 3 tranches of a septillion each so that would be approximately let’s call it 3 septillion dollars was released and we think this was from – primarily from the Rodriquez Trust – based in the Philippines – this is the so called bottomless trust that just continues to flow and have plenty of money in it – but it’s that way because that trust earns a rate of interest at 3.92% per year -

Now you think 3.92 that’s nothing -  yes it is – it’s a lot of money when  you deal with a large number as a principal number that it is adding interest to – so the same way we come out and we’re negotiating our interest rates I think we will be held to a rate – I heard could be up to 3.65%

Now is that the same as 3.92%?  No but I think it gives us an idea of roughly where we might negotiate – Realize it’s a lot different if you’re putting an interest rate on a couple thousand dollars but if you’re putting an interest rate on billions or trillions or more of dollars – and getting it every quarter – in other words you’re getting a pay out in interest  in a structured pay out then you’re asking to be paid quarterly – you don’t get 3.65% every quarter – let’s say divided by 4  is going to be a little less than 1% - per quarter

That is still an incredible amount of money when you multiply by millions – trillions – or more – of dollars – so keep that in mind – if you can request a time period of 45 minutes to 90 minutes if you have a sufficient amount of Zim – If you just have a few notes under 5-10 notes you’re probably not going to need anywhere near that much time –

Now let’s see what else is going on out there – In terms of what has happened – I mentioned these tranches -  that was something we were requiring and also the Chinese Elders have been requiring and going back and forth to our Treasury and President Trump on a certain amount of things that needed to be done –

What I understood was and it was about one today – got the information that was at 11:11 am Eastern time this morning – Thursday – that a soft announcement of a kind was made – Now this announcement was about the USN – about our gold backed / asset backed currencies but it was made – as I mentioned – not for the people not made for us – this was made for those in the financial community – stock brokers – bankers – hedge fund managers – and the like –

So that I believe took care of it – in terms of getting everything started like we need it – Now – it was also a large list of people and it was over 3,000 that are considered high value individuals that their status was  like – let’s talk about clean up on aisle 3 - in addition to that there’s more information I believe that was presented to the Chinese about the draining of the swamp – let’s just say it that way –

Now did that suffice? – to get this released? Did this satisfy? What my understanding is that it did - We shall see – Is there a deadline of sorts of midnight  the 15th  - I don’t think there’s anything that has to be done by midnight tomorrow night that I am aware of – because the announcement was made this morning –

Now – as far as additional information what I’m getting is that it looks as though from my information -  from my sources – this is not coming from the internet – not online – it’s not coming from anybody else that’s putting information out – but this is coming from MY sources that seem to say that the 15th /16th  which is Mon/Tues – is the timeframe that been noted for this to be released to tier 4B – US the internet group – but again – I hate to say it – it’s Mon/Tues –

Now in addition to that there is information talking to us and you guys have seen some stuff on the news about a possible additional stimulus and even Larry on Barney this morning was asked whether or not what form that stimulus might take – and Larry hemmed and hauled and said they were working on a number of things to get a release of funds from the Treasury blah blah blah --- and he basically side stepped the question –

What was interesting to me was  at the same time he was saying that I was getting information about what it is the people of the United States would be seeing and what they are going to be seeing in my opinion looks like this – I think it will end up being a second round of stimulus checks  or direct deposits or possibly debit card payments – and we think there are 2 schools of thought – one school is it will be the same $1200 type deal we had first time around and the second opinion was it could be more than that into thousands and thousands of dollars –

My personal belief so far is that it will be the former – the $1200 stimulus and it’s going to come out from my sources that I’m getting – it should start coming out Tues/Wed – I don’t know how many are going to come out by debit card – direct deposit or static check – I know people that have received all 3 ways -  meaning the first time around – we know that the debit cards were a test of a little under 4 million people and I believe it was a test to see how efficient it would be for universal basic income to come out in that format – and I believe that’s what they tested – I understand that the test came back in success of 60 ? % which sounds maybe good – maybe not that good?

It appears that those funds are going to come out in a time frame that’s not but a day or so behind maybe when we go with our exchanges – My point is it’s a slight smoke screen for people to receive that second round of stimulus at about the same time that tier 4B is in the redemption centers getting their currency exchanged and Zim redeemed - Ok that’s MY opinion on that timing – But that looks like what it’s going to achieve for us – somewhat of a smoke screen –

The stimulus – they call it different things – but they use the term stimulus – I believe those are coming from our TDA accounts Treasury Direct Accounts -  which those are achieved by seeing what amount of money in the way of interest we have paid over our life as a result of  using our Social Security Number in the midst of getting a loan for whether it’s a credit card – buying a car – boat -  buying a house – all that interest that was paid using your name / your social security number – that is going to be refunded under NESARA –

I believe that is coming from a Treasury Direct Account based on that – I believe it’s going to be given out in steps to us at least initially as I mentioned about a month ago with that $1200 stimulus – we will see – maybe it will be greater – but I have a feeling the Government wants to be consistent on that and bring that out over a period of time – and more less time released those TDA to us

Now that is something that we are not really going to care so much about after the toll free numbers come out – some people are looking for this -- and listen – on Tuesday’s call I was hoping we would be there by today – but I knew there were some things on yesterday – on Wednesday – that I learned had not been achieved and then  yet today – I learned the same thing – but today we believe that things are at the point where we thinks it’s about to go –

Now – I’m talking about Mon/Tues – I’m sorry – I’m talking 15th/16th – and other people are thinking it could go tomorrow – and you know what?  I hope I’m wrong - I hope they are right – I hope we go sooner rather than later – because now when we thought the Zim all had to be in by midnight on the 15th I think we are looking at another extension –

I don’t have this as official yet – this is only my opinion – but I have a feeling that tier 4B will have till the end of June to exchange – I just have a feeling we’re going all the way to the last day of June –

So – I think with us starting theoretically at this point the 15th/16th that would make sense –

Now redemption center staff are off they are not even at the centers – they are on call – that means they could go in within an hour of notice – they could go in and be in their desk ready to go  - and they are on the call all the way through the next several days – now if they get something over the weekend with a schedule that would be different – but they do not have a schedule yet – other than to be on call –

Remember this guys – we’ve got 13,810 independent treasury approved /vetted redemption centers for Zim That does not include the redemption centers that are attached to or inside tier 1or tier 2 banks – that is an additional number – that is in the thousands –

So we have plenty of places we are going to be able to redeem our Zim and exchange our currency – so don’t worry about that – what I’m saying is what they were determining yesterday was how many hours in a day could they use a redemption center – the old thought was they go between 18 and 22 hours a day –

I think the new thinking is they will probably go from daylight hours to either just before or just after sunset – ok – they probably won’t be going into curfew hours which is usually around 8 pm – they could go a little bit beyond – in some areas – but it’s going to be determined based on how homeland security sees the various redemptions centers located – so on and so on –

I think that what we’re witnessing now is going to be some amazing information coming out but I don’t think we’re going to know anything specific on certain individuals as far as clean up on aisle 3 for a little while yet – but we could be surprised about that too –

I think what we’re looking at on the 15th is the start of NESARA here in the U S and GESARA – globally -  I heard accounts of mortgages were forgiven already taking place in Australia  and this is something that was seen and had evidence to back that up –

So – how soon will that appear here?  That type of thing?  I think that our start date is probably going to be the 15th  and we’ll see what that looks like for us here in this country – but we know that there’s a lot to that and we’re going to get the first fruits of it I believe starting on Monday the 15th –

So – we will see if that coincides and it might make sense to coincide with our release of the toll free numbers – the release of the Wells Fargo 527,000+ emails from their servers and we’ll just have it all come together for us beautifully –

That is the best information I had so far – pointing to early next week – 15th/16th is what I’ve got for tier 4B and we’ve got the stimulus money coming for the rest of the country on the 16th/17th  Tues/Wed – starting the middle of the week we should see

So with that said – I’m going to ask everybody to keep this release continually on your lips in terms of your prayers – and being thankful in advance for its coming  -- and thanks everybody for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:11:11

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-9-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-9-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok so I’ll tell you what let’s do – let’s talk a little bit about what is happening in the way of intel – and you guys know that our last call on Thursday we had some pretty good stuff and we had some information that was pointing for earlier this week –

We did not get anything on a Monday or Tuesday - we had the impression that we could get something either Mon/Tues or Wed – so far Wednesday is definitely in play – and what I’m getting first of all – somebody put something out that I might be under NDA – No – I am not under NDA –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-9-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok  so I’ll tell you what let’s do – let’s talk a little bit about what is happening in the way of intel – and you guys know that our last call on Thursday we had some pretty good stuff and we had some information that was pointing for earlier this week –

We did not get anything on a Monday or Tuesday - we had the impression that we could get something either Mon/Tues or Wed – so far Wednesday is definitely in play – and what I’m getting first of all – somebody put something out that I might be under NDA – No – I am not under NDA –

But I will say this – the sources – several of our sources have been told – these are people that no one else has – I have to tell you that – these sources have been told to stay on the down low – and to keep everything super quiet – sort of “hush” –

I think though that even if we love to hear the intel and love to hear that something is moving – I’m going to give you some of that in a minute - but what we get a lot of time is the quiet – the calm before the storm -  that is sort of where I believe we are now –

We have had some sources tell us that they’ve been told to shut up – keep it quiet – to put the hush on it – and when they’re told to keep it quiet it’s because things are happening – things are happening behind the scenes – some of which we just can’t put a finger on exactly

We told you Thursday we were expecting intermediate groups to go next and we did get word yesterday of several packets that had been delivered to CMKX in Maryland – Virginia – Georgia – Florida – Texas and so on – there might have been more but that is what we had confirmed – and this is a good spattering of people that have received checks from CMKX –

Now – the other adjudicated settlements – fines & penalties – and so on are also supposed to be going and I don’t have any information about any other groups – there was something said about church groups – maybe some of the larger church groups may have already started moving forward as well –

I can tell you that we’re hearing things that are going out in the biggest little city in the West and it has to do with a lot of traffic that started coming in a couple nights ago and that was continuing on for 12 – 14 hours – 40 – 42 flights – there’s quite a bit of activity in that airport –

Now I can’t tell you expressly who is flying in exactly – we just don’t know – but we know it’s got to be either principles in one of the groups maybe tier 3 possibly it’s lose currency exchanges taking place – it’s hard to say – we just don’t have that specifically –

It really doesn’t matter as long as we know that the activity is going and ongoing – On the other side of things we know that the pick-up and drop off – or clean up on aisle 3 is continuing with significant players and that is a very good sign as well – and of course when all of that becomes public it will be an amazing thing – but it’s not ready yet – it might be a little more time before any of that really comes out – so don’t be worrying about that –

The other thing is that we have heard from the Far East that this morning at 7:30 in the morning Hong Kong time things started to come out because we had the green light – We had a green light and that means that things should be releasing – and in a very real sense – we were get today – they were calling it a National Liquidity Day in the United States

Now it has not met liquidity for tier 4B – but it has met for CMKX and maybe some of the other intermediate groups – so we are in a position to where we believe that things have started paying out - and now it’s a matter of when are they going to get around to the tier 4 which would be 4A – the large groups that we know of – based out west and then 4B of course which is the internet group - “US”

So we still think it might be a shotgun start exactly where 4A and 4B go together – it could be that 4A precedes 4B by a some period of time – we’ve heard time frames for the possibility of the release of toll free numbers which would be by the Wells Fargo emails in 4 batches and also by direct to me and maybe one or two others that are on line and we’ll see how that comes together –

Other than that because it’s quiet we know that Iraq’s rates were to be on the screens yesterday morning – we could not confirm they were on our bank screens but we know that they had done everything that the IMF had requested of Iraq and that the United Nations had requested of Iraq regarding Chapter 7 – excuse me – going from Chapter 7 to Chapter 8 - which was their position of sovereignty as a Nation –

And we know they’ve received some congratulatory phone calls from other leaders around the world for the fact that they’ve put their parliament back together and so on and so forth –

It’s like everything is prepared for this time – we told you Thursday we had the 16th as the last day the redemption centers would be able to do exchanges – that is always changeable – but as of right now we believe that should be the start for John Q Public - the tier 5  -

Believe it or not – with the remaining time of this week and into the weekend and Monday – if everything goes and released we will have more than adequate time to get our exchanges done – with over 13,810 redemption centers in the United States – that are not even connected to tier 1 or tier 2 banks –

That means that 13,810 stand-alone – Zim approved – redemption centers – plus those that are connected with the tier 1 and tier 2 banks – of which there are many – that’s plenty of accessibility - even if – instead of an 18 hr day because of curfews and things that have happened in the night they may take us and put us in a 12 hour day - but that’s okay – we still have time to get the Zim redeemed and our currencies exchanged –

Now I know that is important and it’s very important for us to stay in touch and find out what is happening but it’s almost just as important to realize that a lot is happening  that they don’t want us to know about that is behind the scenes –

Thanks everyone for listening – it was a short intel segment but when you get down to where we are right now there is not a whole lot else we can bring out – Stay tuned and have a great night’s sleep tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:03:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-4-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-4-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We’re going to have a great call tonight – I’m very excited about it – hope you enjoy it – Let’s go and talk about where we are with the intel for our currency holders

We’ll start out with money movement – this is something that has been talked about for quite a while – but we haven’t seen money moving quite to where we are yet – that’s for sure – but we did hear that early this morning in the 4:00 – 4:30 range – we had word that 70 sextillion dollars was moving into place – from the global collateral accounts – and that was moving into whatever central banks needed to be handled to be fulfilled – but it is a good sign –

It’s a good sign when that much money is moving into place - because we are looking for the tiers 1 2 and 3 which includes SKR’s and so on – to be made liquid - that was supposed to have occurred during the day – today – and to the point where the Core Group and some of the other intermediate groups would be handled tonight and all the way into Saturday –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 6-4-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We’re going to have a great call tonight – I’m very excited about it – hope you enjoy it – Let’s go and talk about where we are with the intel for our currency holders

We’ll start out with money movement – this is something that has been talked about for quite a while – but we haven’t seen money moving quite to where we are  yet – that’s for sure – but we did hear that early this morning in the 4:00 – 4:30 range – we had word that 70 sextillion dollars was moving into place – from the global collateral  accounts – and that was moving into whatever central banks needed to be handled to be fulfilled – but it is a good sign –

It’s a good sign when that much money is moving  into place - because we are looking for the tiers 1 2 and 3 which includes SKR’s  and so on – to be made liquid - that was supposed to have occurred during the day – today – and to the point where the Core Group and some of the other intermediate groups would be handled tonight and all the way into Saturday –

So this is a time when we’re looking for these groups to be paid out – where as we’ve been told that they are ready to go – they have not gone - Not yet – not in any meaningful way – So we are looking for those to start – we are looking for the groups to get paid – and for us to get moving probably – I am going to say – by Tuesday lunch time – We have been delayed by the activity going on throughout the country – it has definitely held us back – at least several days – maybe a full week –

But we know that there is a plan to take all of our redemption centers – which have not been affected by any of this – there are 13,810 independent  Zim redemption centers – bonafide Treasury allocated centers throughout the United States – without talking about tier 1 and tier 2 bank connections at all – these would be independent of those banks –

When I say independent I mean not connected to – physically connected to those bank structures – those redemption centers are all set and ready to go and I think they have increased the number almost double as a result of the fact that we’ve got a certain timeline trying to get done –

We know that the Zim value will be dramatically reduced to 497 dollars per 100 T note starting after the redemption centers close on the 15thv at midnight – After that time the Zim will no longer carry the value as it does now – The value it carries right now is quite substantial – absolutely tremendous –

What I’m saying by that is – let’s say we do get started somewhere around the evening of the 8th or 9th – if we get started we are going gangbusters through the close of redemption business on the 15th – you can do the math and see how many days that is -  

What else is going to happen on the 15th ?  At midnight you have operational rates changing – so that will be a time that we also believe we could hear some NESARA / GESARA announcements taking place –

It’s hard to say – whenever I’m told announcements are expected or due on such and such date – of course I roll my eyes a bit like you guys do - but we know we have some announcement coming on Saturday at around noon  - but this is  going to be more related to the arrest situation – and to about 3,000 people that have been contributing to some of these domestic terrorists organizations – and a lot of these people we’re supposed to know who they are –

Let’s just see how the list is brought out – deciding early  this afternoon what media to choose to bring that information on -  We are not sure how that is going to be brought up – it is supposed to show up around noon on Saturday - We’ll see

Further – we know that Iraq is going to have their new rate – on their Dinar – official – as of Saturday – but we in the US won’t see it until Monday - I think most of us won’t see it until we get to a redemption center – if we have Dinar –

Now – we will be using the redemption centers like I said – with the toll free number which will come in those 527,000 + Wells Fargo emails from their servers – and will also get an 800 number - should be the same one that I get to put out to everybody that doesn’t have email - we will also do an email blast with the number in the email after we get it –

Now – beyond that – we’re going to look at other things that have been happening to move this along – I have told you that a lot of things are going to happen between today and the weekend – we know that we are looking at the release of the toll free number p probably it will be the morning of the 9th but could be as early at the afternoon of the 8th which is Monday - I know the Chinese love the number 8 but they really do want this to go ASAP –

When it comes to security – we have a go ahead – from everyone - ATF was called in you guys know – probably by now – because of the dynamiting that was taking place in ATM machines throughout various banks of the country - and various places that were not banks also - but that is something that they are very intent on obviously and the currency section of the Secret Service was also brought in to check that situation –

ATF also kina yielded to DEA – Drug Enforcement Administration - and basically all of those are aware and trying to monitor the activity – ongoing and overall – most of the violence has calmed down quite a bit – and I think I was correct when I said when we do go in for our exchanges more than likely it will be primarily during daylight hours – out of there before dark - that should be the situation that we’re in –

Overall I can just tell you that everything seems to be moving finally in the direction that we want it to - we have been delayed - we have lost a few battles – but when I said that this is the last stand for the cabal – this is their last stand – that was true –

The only other thing that points to that is that as of this afternoon there were 9 countries still on the Swift System – Those countries need to be off of the Swift completely  and on to the Quantum Financial System – that is expected to occur between now and Saturday

Who are these countries? I can list some of them - North Korea – Iran – Cuba – Venezuela – Argentina – Ecuador - and 2-3 others – that are not quite lined up and that is why – when you come right down to it – that is why we have not gone – because the cabal uses the Swift System – to move money around – and after that goes away  - they will not have access to it – or to the funds – that is a very positive thing – that is being handled now –

There is still continuing clean up coming in especially with Sun trust Bank  - and I have some specifics on that I won’t bring – but there is going to be a plan for BB&T who is merging with Sun Trust – the announcement should take place – I believe on the 15th – so we will look for that –

Otherwise – our Gold backed dollar the USN – should also – I don’t know how much it is going to be public until we get new currency and start but I would think that – what is happening is  the Chinese Renimbi – which is the trading currency for China and the Chinese Yuan  - which is the common version of that currency  - that is going to be announced as asset backed – we believe on the 15th of June – and we believe at the same time on the same day – our USN should also be made known

Whether we get a big announcement to the public – I am not sure – it could be just the financial community - it could just be to traders – hedge fund operators – obviously the banking system – everybody in the financial community should know about our USN on the 15th because we are not going to be outdone by China regarding a gold backed currency

We should be at that point basically DONE with our exchanges – Tier 5 will start on the 16th the so called Joe Public – those not paying attention – doing what we’re doing - paying attention to these updates

So I think that is basically everything I wanted to bring out tonight – the main thing is that we stay positive because we do think that this is finally it – we have a few days till Mon / Tues – Have a great weekend -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:07:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-2-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-2-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about intel tonight – We don’t have a whole lot new – so I don’t think this is going to go on for too long - But I will say this – Even back on last Wednesday – the day between the two calls – I was getting information about our start that was going to put us in to this morning –

Now – it didn’t happen for us – but we pretty much know why it didn’t – Even though it’s close and we should be there either Wednesday / Thursday option right now – here’s the thing – we know that the Homeland Security signed off and gave their approval for this to go – that was last Friday – also the Department of Justice gave their green light to go ahead – and we had one more agency we were waiting to get clearance from and that was Alcohol / Tobacco / Firearms - ATF –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 6-2-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about intel tonight – We don’t have a whole lot new – so I don’t think this is going to go on for too long - But I will say this – Even back on last Wednesday – the day between the two calls – I was getting information about our start that was going to put us in to this morning –

Now – it didn’t happen for us – but we pretty much know why it didn’t – Even though it’s close and we should be there either Wednesday / Thursday option right now – here’s the thing – we know that the Homeland Security signed off and gave their approval for this to go – that was last Friday – also the Department of Justice gave their green light to go ahead – and we had one more agency we were waiting to get clearance from and that was Alcohol / Tobacco / Firearms  - ATF –

We have never really talked about ATF before – but where they enter in is with all of the violence that’s coming in these cities from outside of those individual states and cities – that runs into difficulty with groups like  ANTIFA – and other groups that are just causing issue – as you guys know if you have been paying attention – you know that the peaceful demonstrators in these cities are doing just that – keeping it real – getting their message out – protesting peacefully – which you know even the police are in favor of – because it’s a First Amendment Right

Everyone recognizes that this is cool – but when that goes awry is when groups – and these are NOT the peaceful demonstrators that we can see – but when outside groups come in and cause trouble that is where we have issues – and we have problems –

And we have problems because now we are looking for ATF and one more agency beyond that to weigh in on giving the green light to go –

Yesterday we had the green light from the IMF at noon Monday - then at 2 PM yesterday we had word that 26 sextillion dollars had been moved into place and that at 0400 (4 am in the morning – this morning – Tuesday) we had word that the adjudicated settlements – CMKX – and whatever else – Fines & Penalties – all of those intermediate groups were supposed to have started being paid out today – and they had the go ahead at 4 am eastern to do that –

This is something we have been looking for many days now – we haven’t had any proof of that being started but finally we did get the virtual go ahead to begin with the intermediates – which would translate to the Core Group then to various 120 paymasters groups – and then to us – as tier 4B –

Now – where we stood today – we have redemption centers that are free standing – Bonafide US Treasury Zim Redemption Centers – that are not connected to a bank or a tier 1 banks or tier 2 banks – Those redemption centers had to weigh in today - that they were safe – up and running – able to go – and they ALL with no exceptions – nation wide – gave the green light to go ahead

Then we had the tier 1 and tier 2 banks that had redemption centers for Zim and other currencies -  either inside those banks or connected to those banks to weigh in next - and that is the report we are looking to get now – it was supposed to come in an hour before this call – it did not – at least not to me – and we believe that if that report came in or comes in positive with a green light – then we think we would be able to move forward – which would bring tomorrow in to play –

It is still very much in play – but some of this is going to depend on the peacefulness that we all believe for and hoping for that would take place tonight –

Now – if we get that so called green light – from that final agency – then we should be good to go – either tomorrow or Thursday – Obviously the best day that we could go would be on a Wednesday – that is the day Kuwait revalued – back in the 90’s – and we think that would be the best and I think the Iraqi’s would like to see it happen on Wednesday as well –

Things did not go smoothly last night over this country – and my own personal opinion is that if we do get the go ahead to start tomorrow – or Thursday – that we may very well be doing exchanges during the day – prior to the sun going down and prior to curfews kicking in various cities – some cities may go earlier than others but I think as a general rule – for security purposes – safety – they may decide to let us exchange during daylight hours at least for the first few days - This is only my opinion – I do not have that from any agency – that’s strictly a common sense idea that may come true for us – we don’t know –

Really – right now – as far as I can tell – as far as I’ve been told – there’s nothing else other than confidence in the security that we have as a result of police forces in preparation in terms of the National Guard being available which the Governors have the responsibility to call those out – that is something that each individual state has a responsibility to bring –

Where are the hot spots for the most part are in states where there are Democratic Governors – and cities with Democratic Mayors – that for some reason are hesitant to call up the Guard to help protect businesses – people – even peaceful demonstrations in the cities – but if they don’t and if President Trump sees the need for protection He is prepared and our Military is prepared to go in to calm the seas so to speak –

So – we will see what happens tonight – we will see what happens tomorrow – we should have some form of answer for our go sometime  tomorrow – don’t know when – could be a late morning thing – who knows – we just don’t have that – not yet –

So – I have said before we don’t have a lot of time left – and yet here we are – we don’t have a start time on it – we have a “tentative” start time over the next couple of days – depending upon the full blown release of security to begin

We’ve gotten some good answers back – IMF is ready to go – other institutions ready -  we are now on as of yesterday – 1st of June  completely on the Quantum financial system - away from the Swift System – it’s all good – and this is probably – let’s hope for this – this is the cabal’s last stand – because that is what’s holding us up – hopefully – Lord willing – this will go away – and we will be able to go forward  with our exchanges in due season – hopefully as early as tomorrow or Thursday

 Now – other than that – there’s nothing much that I can share other than I want and would like for everyone to be prepared as much as they can for this upcoming event – I want to thank everybody on my team  - those behind the scenes - and listeners


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 55:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-28-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-28-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into what’s happening in the way of intel – I’m going to try to bring several things together and clarify some things that I know you are curious about because of different things that have been written or are out there –

I think I have some clarity that I can bring to a few situations - First of all – some of you may have known about some bonds that were recently negotiated – like yesterday – it ends up that these bonds that were found in the basement of the St Louis Federal Bank building were United States Infrastructure Bonds –

These bonds were 1903 / 1907 / and 1913 Railroad and Water Infrastructure Bonds – that were gold backed - These bonds that were found have been able to be – let’s put it this way – they have put a value on this – Steven Mnuchin and Judy Shelton and 2 others – they had a heated discussion for over 2 ½ hours yesterday - where they assessed the value – which is tied to gold – between – supposed to be 1 cent higher – 2 cents higher or 3 cents higher - they settled after much discussion at 2 cents higher –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-28-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into what’s happening in the way of intel – I’m going to try to bring several things together and clarify some things that I know you are curious about because of different things that have been written or are out there –

I think I have some clarity that I can bring to a few situations  - First of all – some of you may have known about some bonds that were recently negotiated – like yesterday – it ends up that these bonds that were found in the basement of the St Louis Federal Bank building  were United States Infrastructure Bonds –

These bonds were 1903 / 1907 / and 1913 Railroad and Water Infrastructure Bonds – that were gold backed -  These bonds that were found have been able to be – let’s put it this way – they have put a value on this – Steven Mnuchin and Judy Shelton and 2 others – they had a heated discussion for over 2 ½ hours yesterday -  where they assessed the value – which is tied to gold – between – supposed to be 1 cent higher – 2 cents higher or 3 cents higher  - they settled after much discussion at 2 cents higher –

What this means is – they were able to put a value on these bonds such that the debt of the United States could be completely paid off – debt from China could be paid off – China’s debt of at least 7-8 countries could be paid off – and I believe 2 African countries – so 7-8 South Asian countries and 2 African countries could all be paid off –

That essentially is the start of our Debt Jubilee - and that works out really well – that was accomplished yesterday – those have been handled – we thought on Tuesday’s call that they would be handled Thursday and Friday – they were done late yesterday afternoon – this is a really positive step in the right direction –

It was so much in terms of value in gold that those bonds were worth 175 Thousand Metric Tons of Gold – That’s a lot!! That’s a bunch!! My understanding is it could have been worth as much 7 Trillion Dollars – more or less – That’s a huge chunk that came together yesterday and remember these were infrastructure bonds for Railroad and water – Water could be  used to handle 2-3 different things back in 1903 / 1907 / and 1913 – a real positive move

Let’s see where else we want to go now – we’ve talked about different ways to be notified with the 800 numbers – there was something put out over the last day or so that talked about 4 different possible options - I noticed the second option was verbatim on what I said on my call Tuesday night –

Our belief is that is the go to option  - as I mentioned on Tuesdays call the idea of getting the toll free number included in the 527,000 + emails they are not coming from HSBC – these are coming from Wells Fargo servers – and with those emails will be a general 800 number to call as well as a personalized ID number -  Don’t confuse these two – everyone will get the 800 number – but the personalized ID number will be just for you - and you are to print it out and take with you to your appointment –

If you do not get an email you will find the 800 number through alternant means  like going to our website – Big Call – or other websites – We will be doing a mass emailing with the number to those registered –

I am supposed to get the number at approximately the same time – maybe before or during the time the emails go out – I understand there are 4 batches - with a half hour in between the mailings – totaling about 2 hour timeframe –

That is as far as I know “The Way” that we will be notified – if you do not have an email or you are not using the one you used years ago – as in my case – then you will get it from the website or the mass emailing that we do –

Now – beyond that – let’s clarify something that was confused a little bit – There are debit cards going out – NOT with any 800 number – what it is  - these are a test run of just under 4 million debit cards – 3.9 something million debit cards going out as a test run – for the accounts tied to your social security number and name - these accounts – these cards are supposed to come out with between $5,000 and $30,000 on them – they are NOT going to discriminately  currency holders – Zim holders or any one like that –

There appears to be no rhyme or reason as to who the test mailings are going out to – I heard in one situation where one person knew of 6 people have already received these cards – and another situation where 11 people have received these cards –

These cards started going out a few days ago – actually started being received Monday and Tuesday of this week - today is Thursday – so they’ve just started being received – Remember – this IS A TEST –

This account is called a Treasury Direct Account – TDA – we believe it is a part of what each of us have in our TDA – they are coming out as a debit card from the US Treasury with amounts for the most part – not every card is this high – one I know of has been much lower than $5,000 - but 5-30,000 initially is what I was told –

Again – these are discriminately going out – with no rhyme or reason – they are NOT targeting or going to currency holders and they have no 800 numbers tied to them for setting an appointment

Whether there is something to be said about a LINK – I can see possibilities with it  - but I can also see security issues with it – I am not sure that will be the case – The one case that we know they are going with is the one I mentioned – the same thing I said on Tuesday night call –

Now let’s see what else we can do to clear the air a little bit on what might be out there – Where are we in the mix right now? Where do we stand?

Here’s where we are – You have heard me talk about tier 3’s / tier 4’s  - tier 3 SKR’s are supposed to have been started to be paid out as of 2:30 in the morning Eastern TODAY – Thursday –

Beyond the tier 3 SKR’s who’s next? How about the intermediates? Yes – those have not been paid out yet - This is the Fines & Penalties – adjudicated  settlements – CMKX is one of them – also the Indian claims – Farm claims – all of those large group pay outs that are considered intermediates  - why are they intermediates? – Because they fall between tier 3 and tier 4 – Those are to start paying out tonight and should take from now till Sunday afternoon / evening to complete –

Where does the Core 30 fall? Why is it called Core 30? This Core group has 30 paymasters – 6 top paymasters and each has 5 sub paymasters below them – and then there is a total number underneath this 30 paymaster labyrinth of about 500 individuals –

It’s not a big group and the entire group is dinar only holders for the purpose of the Core – those individuals I believe are linked and connected directly to the intermediates - In other words they may not be a part of tier 4A - They may be paid along with the intermediates which should be paid by Sunday -  

That’s the information we have so far on those - Now – who’s left? Tier 4A and Tier 4B – we are tier 4B – the internet group – Tier 4A is the remaining paymasters over the groups under the so called Admiral’s Group

Those groups we  understand are to go either right before tier 4B or possibly at the same time as we get our notification and start to set our appointments – Alright now we are looking at when?  We’ve got everything so far – through Sunday afternoon – Are we looking at Monday? Tuesday?  I believe we are – Tier 4A and 4B Monday or Monday/Tuesday – That should do it -

Tuesday is the 2nd of June – and we know that we expect to be able to exchange and redeem Zim at the bonafide redemption centers – that would be through and including the 18th of June – Theoretical time frame of 16 days – Plenty of time

I cannot say absolutely – but I do have very good sources and very good information that is looking for a start around that Monday/Tuesday start time –

We know the redemption centers staff were off yesterday - off today – they have a conference call tomorrow afternoon – and they are supposed to get a new schedule by email on Saturday –

So that is what we are pretty much looking at from that perspective – you know the timeframe that we are looking at – and I think realistically - as much as I would love to have this thing right this minute – NOW – today / tomorrow – I can’t say that – because the information I have is very strong and is pointing to the time frame I just laid out –

So – with that said – I think what’s going to happen with Iraq – they will not actually be turned on so their rate would be seen until we give them that green light –

Our Treasury actually through Pompeo  - Secretary of State – will be the one to communicate that with Iraq – They are ready to go – believe me – They have been ready – I know they’ve been ready -  just like we’ve been ready – you and I – we’ve been ready –

Now – let’s talk about one other thing – let me finish up on Iraq – Iraq should have their rate up and running in new form or fashion on Sunday – either Saturday or Sunday – and as you know – first business day in Iraq is Sunday - So we will see how that looks -  and comes together –

The 1st of June is a big deal - What about a gold announcement?  We should have some form of a USN asset backed currency announcement for the financial industry ONLY on the 1st - which is Monday – That means you and I might not be in that industry – whether we are stock traders - hedge fund operators – you know what I’m saying – bankers – those people in the financial industry are the ones that will get the USN / USTN heads up –

Which is it? USN or USTN? United States Note / United States “Treasury” Note – is what will be written on our actual money – our NEW money – I don’t know when it’s coming out – My personal feeling is it may not come out until after the 1st maybe even around the 15th - It may not come out until the so called “public” the tier 5 – which are not too many people - bring it out –

In other words where that new money is actually out – and we’re going to have about 90 days to get rid of any fiat money that we may have in hand – either by spending  - which is the best way to do it – or by exchanging it at the bank when the new ---- not now ----- when the NEW USTN’s are out –

I am sure you will get a heads up as to when that is or they will just plain have them at the bank without an announcement and people will see it –

So – you’ve got the update of the bonds – our bonds – historical infrastructure bonds – and they had a total value of approximately 175 thousand Metric Tons – that’s clarification there on that story –

You got a clarification on the emailing – and the 800 number – and there is another aspect – and you know I call it clean up on aisle 3 – there has been another round of clean up I n our tier 1 banks as recently as yesterday and today – over the last 72 hours maybe 96 hours – we’ve had some clean up with our banking institutions –

I think it’s important for us to feel confident when we go in and establish a relationship with our banks – especially our tier 1 banks because when we go back for a follow up appointment with our wealth managers  - with our private office personnel – with a possible personal accountant group – or CPA group and of course the possibility of legal attorneys to fine tune and create your trust documents – or any other structures you want to use – LLC’s and so on - this is something you would go back to your private banker to put that all together –

Now it doesn’t mean you’re going back and recalculate a rate on your Zim – that is supposed to be completed at your first meeting – period – that is why they are allocating 35 – 90 mins for Zim holders to get it all done at the first appointment – You will have other things to follow up on like I just mentioned – with your wealth management group – advisor – Abbott Downing rep – whoever it is – based on the bank you choose –

I really believe that finally this is it – this may very well be our last call – this could be it – based on the information I just gave you -

That’s it for tonight – you’ve got the gist of it – everything is good – we do have a supposedly start time for June 1st  - I think we are in a great place – I’m excited and ready to go as you are – Thanks everyone for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:07:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-26-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-26-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 26th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about what the intel is for tonight – Now we thought last Thursday - we pretty much had the information as you guys remember – that the earliest we would go was going to be today - remember that? I think I said that on Thursday’s call –

Now – we didn’t go today – we did not get the toll free numbers to start today – but there were things going on today that I found out about – I want to give you guys an idea of what those things are and were since Thursday – I also want to give you an idea of where we stand with respect to the rest of the meat for the week –

So here we go – You guys have heard me use the term “clean up on aisle 3” – I think you all know that means arrests – pick ups - indictments served – it could mean a variety of those things – that is continuing – it has not stopped – I know some of the specifics but don’t think it’s wise to put that out – but will tell you in general that there is still clean up at our tier 1 banks – I’m sorry but it’s happening - and it’s been happening over the last 3-4 days –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-26-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 26th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about what the intel is for tonight – Now we thought last Thursday - we pretty much had the information as you guys remember – that the earliest we would go was going to be today - remember that? I think I said that on Thursday’s call –

Now – we didn’t go today – we did not get the toll free numbers to start today – but there were things going on today that I found out about – I want to give you guys an idea of what those things are and were since Thursday – I also want to give you an idea of where we stand with respect to the rest of the meat of the week –

So here we go – You guys have heard me use the term “clean up on aisle 3” – I think you all know that means arrests – pick ups - indictments served – it could mean a variety of those things – that is continuing – it has not stopped – I know some of the specifics  but don’t think it’s wise to put that out – but will tell you in general that there is still clean up at our tier 1 banks – I’m sorry but it’s happening  - and it’s been happening over the last 3-4 days –

I am not going to dwell on that – just wanted to tell you that there are 3 announcements – and don’t roll your eyes when I say “announcements” – these are announcements you’re not going to hear – neither am I – I might not even find out what they are – one this evening before this call – one after midnight tonight – and one about after 9:30 in the morning –

Don’t know who’s going to make them or what they are – I have an idea what one might be – and I’ll tell  you about that – it’s just my projection of what I think it might be about – I told you about the clean up – and there is some additional clean up going on – however – my understanding is – that by 9:30 Eastern time - in the morning – the banks are supposed to be completely purged of anything considered harmful to us in terms of personnel –

In other words – they should be completely cleansed – I believe was the word – now if you are talking about people moving – being removed – from their position – you know what I am talking about – So – if that’s supposed to happen by 9:30 in the morning you think that 3rd and final announcement might have to do with that – since it’s coming after 9:30 – just a guess – just a guess –

We’ll see if it’s an educated guess or not – so what else is happening? – What else is going on? The people that were supposed to have been paid – we talked Thursday about who was coming up for the weekend - whether it was the completion of the intermediates – or the start of the Cores – and so on –

We understand that as far as we can tell none of that happened – in the last 5 days – it is disconcerting to me - to be honest with you of course – but I’m not quite sure other than clean up – what has exactly been going on – specifically – with those groups –

I know that certain tier 3 participants that are involved in a lot of projects not tier 4B like us - these are people that have gone to various cities – like Zurich and Hong Kong – Miami – and worked with Bonds and boxes of bonds – all of that – historic gold bonds – etc - those have been transacted – and paid out where there is liquidity – and that was happening last Wednesday and Thursday –

I believe those are complete to the point where a lot of the major funders like Landa China Global and others have liquidity and either have access or about to have access to those funds – so there is movement – it’s just not quite to the point where we are –

The other thing that is important is – the tier 4A and 4B - my recent understanding in the last few days is that we will have a shotgun start after all – so we’re back in to the likelihood that we will go with the Admirals groups – the Cores might go first but then the remaining groups would go in conjunction with tier 4B – that’s us – the internet group –

It doesn’t matter to me if they go first but I do believe we are all going together – I believe most of the funding that goes to the SKR’s for tier 2 and 3 will also go with us at the same time – instead of progressively through some sequence of events – I believe we’re going to end up all basically on a shotgun start – all going at about the same time –

There are a few other things that I have learned that have been out there that we had correct information about – one thing – was the idea of the 800 number – we know there are 527,000 + emails coming out from Wells Fargo Server with an 800 number to call and also with an ID number – that is personalized to the person who is receiving the email –

The 800 number that people get in those emails is the same email to call into the redemption centers – and here’s how it’s going to work –

Let’s say  you get the email from Wells Fargo and  you got your toll free number there – When you call to set  your appointment – you will talk to someone and when they ask what currencies you have – if you are a  Zim holder – the first word out of your mouth will be ZIM - because by acknowledging you are a Zim holder you get diverted with another number – ideally you are connected and don’t have to dial it – in some cases you might have to redial a new 800 number that they give you –

Let’s say that you get connected through and you’re going to give them – this is your choice – you are going to give them a zip code of either - where you live or work – or the one you want to use because of where it’s located – close to you - in town out of town - whatever – you might have a specific zip code you would give them over the phone that would be routing you to a legitimate redemption center for Zim exchange or Zim conversion – Zim redemption – That is the process

Now let’s say you don’t have an email or they don’t have your email - which is going to be true for about 20-24% of the people  in our group  - emails changed – it happened to me – what you are going to get now is instead  the toll free number that I get passed on – appearing on the website and we’re going to do an email / mass mailing  to those who have signed on and registered for our call ( 30,000 – 33,000 +)  we will send an email blast out to everyone with the 800 number in the body of the email –

I am supposed to receive the toll free number the same time I believe the first emails from Wells Fargo goes out – they are going out in 4 batches – each batch taking approximately  30 minutes to complete – you are looking at about a two hour span – for the 527,000 + emails from Wells Fargo to go out –

Will my number come at the same time? Before? Later?  I don’t know yet – I am trying to find that out – but be aware there’s no such thing as an individual 800 number – that is NOT happening – there is an 800 number that everyone will get to call the call center and then get routed like I said to a Zim redemption center if you are a Zim holder –

There is an individual ID number in the email from Wells Fargo – you should take that email – print it out – and bring to exchange with you – If you do not have an email and you call to set y our appointment – let them know – they may do 2 things – they may give it to you over the phone or they may email to you –

Let’s correct something else that is out there – there was wording out there that said if this did not go today that DOD would take over and get this out for us to start – That is not what will really happen –

DOD is not taking this over – they are the qualified agent that gives the green light to the treasury so the treasury tells Wells Fargo when to release those servers with the emails –

Is DOD involved? Yes - they will still give the treasury the green light to release everything to us - they are not - quote unquote taking over – they are still working hand in hand with the treasury

Does that mean that tomorrow is in play? It could be – I am not going to call it – you know I have come close to calling it in the past and have been off because we haven’t got it there yet -  

Here’s another expression that is no longer allowed – and if someone comes out with a T-shirt - with all of the expressions that are d-qued – due to getting disqualified – such as “This is the week” – am I hearing that? Yes – I don’t like the expression though because we’ve used it before and it hasn’t been “the week” –

I hope this is our week – I really do – things look like it could be – it could be the next couple of days – and we understand that these 3 announcements need to be made –

We know that on going clean up is just that – continuing – but we also understand that the banks are supposed to be cleansed – if you will – by 9:30 am tomorrow – let’s hope that is true –

Let’s expect that the bank screens are going to reflect the accurate rates – and we’re not going to talk about rates – I wasn’t even thinking about that – I was just thinking that Sunday night when the Forex comes back  up and the trading begins – everything is set and ready to go from that point of view –

We are on the QFS – and that is really good – we should be in really good shape – I can’t think of anything else that is relevant to this tonight that I didn’t bring  up – you guys get the understanding of how to create an appointment and go - you know there’s one Zim appointment – that’s the first initial appointment –

Now – will you go back to a tier 1 bank or a wealth management office – or an Abbott Downing office for a follow up appointment?  - YES  YES  - it will be about something legal - it might be about setting up your structure or Trust if you don’t have those set up – It could be about getting with your accounting firm – your CPA firm – it could be related to a family office that you want to have – it could be about perks with the bank – you have options you want to choose – All of these things could be in a follow up appointment

The Zim rate will be set at your first appointment – so you will do your presentation at your first appointment – and if you are a Zim holder you will have from 35 minutes to 90 minutes if needed –

If you are not a Zim holder but have dinar / dong – they are expecting you to be done in 25 – 35 minutes – you have no structured pay out – if you are just a simple currency holder and there is just a lot less stuff – you still have an NDA but it’s not going to be quite the same I believe as the Zim holder will have –

Certain things are negotiable - you will learn what those are – I’m excited – I can’t wait to get this party over – and get going and hopefully we are almost to that point now –

I’m going to call it a night – this is pretty much everything we wanted to bring out tonight – I hope everybody had an enjoyable and memorable Memorial Day yesterday – and getting outside as much as you’re able -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel begins at 1:09:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-21-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-21-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok here’s where we’re going in terms of our intel for tonight – you know Tuesday night I was getting things even after the call – which I always do - I was getting information that was making it look absolutely like this thing was going to go yesterday – or maybe today –

Well – what I ended up getting yesterday – last night – changed all of that - it changed the perspective – usually I have a perception of this could go on any given day based on the information – some days it looks like it’s a couple days away or it’s this or that – and then recently like Tuesday – it looked like we were going to get started on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday – and I know I am not the only one who thought that – and then we’ve had people to say – no it looks like we’ve got it extended a few more days – Friday / Saturday –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-21-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok here’s where we’re going in terms of our intel for tonight – you know Tuesday night I was getting things even after the call – which I always do - I was getting information that was making it look absolutely like this thing was going to go yesterday – or maybe today –

Well – what I ended up getting yesterday – last night – changed all of that - it changed the perspective – usually I have a perception of this could go on any given day based on the information – some days it looks like it’s a couple days away or it’s this or that – and then recently like Tuesday – it looked like we were going to get started on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday – and I know I am not the only one who thought that – and then we’ve had people to say – no it looks like we’ve got it extended a few more days – Friday / Saturday –

Well I don’t have that  and I will tell  you why – When  you get information that extends the timing – it’s not that much fun – but I have to tell you the truth – I have to tell you what it is that I’m getting and let you guys decide how you feel about it

So – one piece of information that I got last night said that the public – instead of starting on the second of June - was looking to start on the 15th – that’s the “public” NOT us – I call the public Tier 5 – there are not that many people in the public that are not paying attention to the Big Call or the notes that are brought out from the call – at least that is what I’ve been told – The public is not that large of a group anymore –

So – if the public is set now to start on June 15th – of course what am I thinking - what does that do for Tier 4B?  What does that say for the internet group? When would we start? And the answer is ……. The earliest that we’re hearing – based on a call I will go in detail on -  that I got last night – looks like the earliest date would be Tuesday  AFTER Memorial Day – May 26th –

We got some information that was on a call last night with some very top notch people that are in control of this – people like Steven Mnuchin – The World Bank President – IMF representative – Finance Ministers of 8 different countries – Judy Shelton – It was quite a great group

Now what came out of that call – my understanding is – the question was post to Judy Shelton – “I thought you wanted this to go before……???? The end of the month? And she said…. We Do –

So I think we do expect this to go before the end of the month – as early as Tuesday for us – our country – other countries – they start up on Monday – we have Memorial Day – because it is only separated here  - that gives us the 3-day weekend and we’re set to go – we HOPE as early as Tuesday – the day AFTER Memorial Day –

Now what is it that brought this about when we felt pretty confident about this going in the middle of this week like yesterday? Or today?  Or even maybe by the end of this week for us? Well some things have happened with about 8 leaders of the Democratic Party in trying to delay this for us – by finding 6 states with Democratic Governors and Democratic strong holds in some counties that insisted that the redemption centers be redesigned and in some cases reconstructed so that the theoretical threat from COVID would not interfere with exchanges –

The six states we are referring to – the number 1 that offers the most resistance – is Michigan – the next and not in any particular order – Oregon – California – Connecticut – and New York (Bruce only listed 5 )

Those states are in a process now of redesigning / reconstructing the private offices that we’re going to use for our redemption – This is occurring in Michigan in 30 different redemption centers –

What we are seeing is a delay that for the moment this week is working  because this needs to be complete and the other side of it is  beyond that is that the other groups – since we are no longer under a true shotgun start – the other groups will go before us – That means the intermediate groups are supposed to be completed and believe it or not there’s quite a bit of activity out West – but I think the majority of that activity is probably the paying out or making the liquidity of SKR’s from Tier 3 –

I know that starting at 11:00 am Eastern this morning the groups were supposed to get underway – and when I say that – I am referring to the Core 30 and the other 120 paymasters for the Admirals groups are supposed to be starting to go today – tomorrow – Saturday – maybe all through the weekend - it could take those groups all the way through – all the way to Monday –

We know that if everything goes according to plan –Sunday that would usually mean rates on the screens before trading globally – at 8:30 pm Eastern when China/ Hong Kong start trading currencies our USN by the way – when that happens – then we should be on for Monday afternoon everywhere but here in the US – and so therefore 24 hrs later – Tuesday afternoon – would be our start time – That is the information we have today and last night on what the planning and execution of the plans are for us –

So everything is connected – 3 countries came in and connected to the QFS – all the Tier 4 and Tier 3 banks are connected now to the QFS and to having the USN on their screens - these little things that had to be done and we got waylaid – we got delayed this week –

I am not somebody who has really been political on this call and I don’t mean to be – but that is what the evidence is and you guys know if you’ve listened to news conferences and you’ve heard things where the resistance is coming from – so this is nothing new for you – if you are paying attention to the news – or some of the news – not all of the news – I know –

I believe everything is moving along but at a slower pace than we thought and now that we’ve had this hiccup that pushes us to Tuesday at the earliest – that is more than we would normally expect –

I know this much – this group of Big Call listeners are resilient  - we are a people of faith – I know that we are able to take things in stride as we move forward – and I know this gives us adequate time to get prepared

I want everyone to have a great Memorial weekend – Grill & Chill – and enjoy the time with family and friends – practicing safe distancing –

I am encouraged but at the same time this was tough news to bring to everybody on the call tonight because it comes from the very top and I just have a feeling that these delays are not going to last – but this one worked – Be of good cheer -


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Replay LINK  Intel begins  1:12:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-19-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-19-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 19th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I want everybody to be prepared for what is about to come to us and here’s pretty much what’s happening – this being a Tuesday night and our last call was last Thursday – we get information throughout that period – that 5 day period – some of it 4-5 days ago and is not as crucial as the latest information that we got today –

I try to give you an idea of where we have come and where we’re going based on this span of time – I would say one of the main things we can talk about tonight is the fact that we have a Judy Shelton who is appointed as a special administrator to the Federal Reserve – which remember now is being rolled into our US Treasury – as well as the IRS is being rolled into our Treasury - so that’s a little different animal –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-19-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 19th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I want everybody to be prepared for what is about to come to us and here’s pretty much what’s happening – this being a Tuesday night and our last call was last Thursday – we get information throughout that period – that 5 day period – some of it 4-5 days ago and is not as crucial as the latest information that we got today –

I try to give you an idea of where we have come and where we’re going based on this span of time – I would say one of the main things we can talk about tonight is the fact that we have a Judy Shelton who is appointed as a special administrator to the Federal Reserve – which remember now is being rolled into our US Treasury – as well as the IRS is being rolled into our Treasury - so that’s a little different animal –

She was appointed initially by the President to take charge of the transition that we were making from the US dollar to the new dollar the USN – asset backed dollar – which I have called for years the USTN - the reason it is the USTN is because the US Treasury Note will be on our new money – where as our fiat currency which is only backed by the full faith and credit of the US government – that fiat money has Federal Reserve Note printed on it -

The Federal Reserve Notes are going away and the USN – meaning United States Note – is coming in to play – and we have the USN on the screens now which are at the bank and also on Forex –

So what Judy has been doing is helping to make the transition from US dollar to USN – and she’s completed that – if I remember correctly – last Thursday afternoon around 4:30 – however – she did such a good job of that – she was not put in charge of getting all of the countries on board with our USN by pegging their currencies to the new US dollar – the USN

So she has been in charge of that and also coordinating the release by the Treasury to our group participants – such as the intermediate groups – (fines & penalties – adjudicated settlements – farm claims – Indian claims – and so on) – they are between Tier 3 and Tier 4A –

Those intermediate groups were given today the green light to begin the release from Treasury to those groups – We had the understanding that we would have those groups paid this past weekend - It didn’t happen –

We also had the understanding that the Core 30 paymasters would begin their payout Saturday - this past Saturday – That did not happen – and we also understood that the remaining groups that fall under Tier 4A which we affectionately call the Admirals Groups – those too were to have been paid out by yesterday – Monday by 11:05 AM – That did not happen either –

So we had some things that slowed the process down – over the last 3-4 days – I believe what’s happening now is they are catching up - but in my opinion it is running a little behind – doesn’t mean they won’t catch up to what the President wants – which is the paying out of these groups to start on “Today” - May 19th

So the opinion that I will share is that those groups are being paid; admittedly  in a slightly limited fashion – but they are being paid out on time by today  the 19th  - so in a very real way we are satisfied by the request of President Trump to get this party started –

Now – there’s been a pretty cool little timeline – that started today at 11:05AM with a very important conference call not sure if video or just audio – that was to be made this morning from 11:05 to 1:15 PM between all of the big Tier 1 bank-heads – Tier 2 bank-heads and Tier 3 & Tier 4 banks –

The call started at 11:05 and went  until the time when  the Tier 3 and Tier 4 Banks were supposed to login by 12:30 and shortly in that time frame they realized they were not getting the logins they expected so the call was stopped –

The good news is that Tier 1 & 2 Banks and the redemption center did receive the information they needed and were expected to have on that call – and the primary information is that by 10:30 PM tonight (Tuesday) Eastern – which we are past that now – the workers at the Tier 1 & 2 Banks and the redemption centers  would receive schedules for the upcoming number of days – with those schedules was the possibility of the 527,000+ emails from the Wells Fargo servers going out sometime after the 10:30 PM eastern time –

We can’t say whether those have gone – or will go yet - but they could go – overnight tonight – and that would be for Tier 4B – the internet group - that’s us –

So let’s go back for a minute on this conference call today – the tier 3&4 banks did not show up for the party – they will be primarily utilized for the public start – not at all for Zim – and they won’t be doing very much in the way of currency except – they do have – they don’t have the Delarue machines that Tier 1 & 2 banks have – but they will have a black light and scanner to check the regular currencies like Dinar – Dong – Rupiah – for exchange – but primarily  I believe for the public exchanges –

When will the pubic start you ask?  It is slated now for Tuesday June 2nd  - what’s really interesting to me about what’s happening – part of the reason this seems to be slightly delayed is there are 3 additional countries that are coming in for this first basket of currencies – and those 3 countries were pinging as they were pegging to the US dollar and also so they could ping and be part of the QFS – that took a little extra time these 3 countries were admitted to the party –

The total number of countries right now in the first real offering – is 25 or 26 – and what will be very good for us is to understand that these countries – this is the most amazing thing to me – that gives us a time over the next day or two to start with our redemption of Zim and exchanges all the way through and probably including June 1st

What’s really cool to me is even though we’ve got currencies like dinar – dong – rupiah – rial and a few others that are going to be higher in value that our new USN currency – what I understand is supposed to happen is when June 2nd rolls around those values of those rates for those currencies will drop like a brick to become on par with the USN dollar -

Now the USTN is asset backed – all countries around the globe will be asset backed to some degree gold backed - precious metals – oil – other assets to back the value of their currency as we go to this new standard globally – that is what the Global Currency Reset is all about –

Now what’s interesting is - make sure everybody understands what “on par” means when it comes to currencies – it means that the currencies being on par with each other means having the same value – this is not now – this is starting June 2nd  if everything holds to the current pace –

The Iraqi Dinar would have the value of $1.00 – 1 dinar = 1 dollar – that means that the range of currencies differences would be within 10% either above or below the value of the new USN or USTN – why? Because we are trading partners – if they are going to be trading partners that 10% above or below needs to be there

Iraq and Iran will be within that margin and probably they will be the same - 1 Iranian rial will be the same as 1 Iraqi dinar - they will be on par – to me that is fascinating – because this gives us under Tier 4B – the internet group an ability to exchange these currencies at a much higher rate than we will get on our front screens – when we go in to exchange our currencies and redeem our Zim

Let’s clarify something that has been out there that even I on the Big Call had incorrect from some sources – We got this verified and confirmed from yesterday from 2 of our lead banks from very high up sources –

Everybody – brace yourself – Zim holders – there is NO SECOND APPOINTMENT - or second meeting – Zim holders will be treated a little differently and will get their rate and redemption at the first appointment - This is how it’s going to work – the toll free number that comes out on the Wells Fargo emails will be used by everybody to call and set their appointments

The 800 # that I get will also be used for everybody to call and set their appointments - so when we use that toll free number and get the call center the first thing you let them know is if you have Zim – then you let them know if you have additional currency –

What will happen then is the operator will direct you if you are a Zim holder with a separate 800# - it will either be a direct connection – stay on the line – or you will be given another number to call the redemption center in your zip code – either from your residence – work – or where you want to do the exchange – you choose which zip code to give them based on where you want to exchange –

Now here’s why we’re going to be able to redeem Zim and other currencies if we have them at the first and only exchange appointment – because the time for people who do not have Zim for them their appointment will last between 20-25 minutes –

If you have Zim the time for your appointment will last from 35 – 90 minutes - Ideally they would like it to last from 35 -75 mins but obviously if they need they will give the additional time to complete  your appointment – Repeat – there is NO SECOND APPOINTMENT for Zim – I am glad we had a call tonight where I could share that -  

Now – where we believe we are is – like I said tonight at 10:30 the banks would be sending their schedules out to the redemption center staff and other tier 1 banks for the remaining essentially I think for the remaining days of this month to the first of June

That allows for the emails from Wells Fargo to go out any time after that time – will it be overnight? I don’t know – it could be tonight maybe - we do not have that as absolute though

Regarding the Cores though – they were given the green light for their paymasters to begin sending out their notifications to their members to the beneficiaries of the Core

We believe that the remaining Admirals Groups will go out possibly overnight – maybe almost in conjunction with Tier 4B notifications but we don’t have that – we have the fact that the shotgun start will probably not be the case - whereas we may follow Tier 4A - which is perfectly ok for tier 4B to follow –

We know that transactions have taken place for some of the larger bond holders overseas – primarily Zurich  - Asia and other areas – and that there is liquidity available in those accounts that have transacted these assets - historic bonds –

We are ready to begin – we think our part of it should come this week – and though I believe we are slightly behind the original schedule – I believe that Judy Shelton is doing a marvelous job of getting everything done and bringing in the remaining countries pinging to the QFS - etc etc - I think it is wonderful that she is working in conjunction with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin – to put all of this together under the President’s timeline – which appears to be adhered to right now

I am going to suggest to everybody – just take a deep breath – relax – know that we are in the right moment – have a good evening and stay safe -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel begins at 49:50 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-14-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok we’ve got a little bit of intel to go over tonight – You know as we do intel Tuesday and Thursdays nights – if you remember Tuesday’s intel was sort of packed with some good stuff – let’s take off from there and see if we can get any clearer picture of where we are – and that is the key – is to get a clear picture of where we are in this process

On Tuesdays call we had the mention of Judy Shelton- she is the special appointee as administrator over the transition of USD to USN – the US fiat dollar to the United States Treasury Note that we are going to –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok we’ve got a little bit of intel to go over tonight – You know as we do intel Tuesday and Thursdays nights – if you remember Tuesday’s intel was sort of packed with some good stuff – let’s take off from there and see if we can get any clearer picture of where we are – and that is the key – is to get a clear picture of where we are in this process

On Tuesdays call we had the mention of Judy Shelton- she is the special appointee as administrator over the transition of USD to USN – the US fiat dollar to the United States Treasury Note that we are going to –

She is in charge of that transition – she is the one who worked in the Federal Reserve to make all of this happen and she is still – in my opinion – still working to continue to make sure that all the t’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted for this purpose

Now – what is interesting is – we have meetings that have been going on one of which in the White House to get this USN in place – and we had a meeting yesterday – to say it was heated – would be a massive understatement – we know that there was discussion and heated discussion with the Chinese Treasury representatives – Chinese Elders – our US Treasury Representative – other people that were in the White House for this meeting including the President trying to get these things ironed out –

Now – my understanding is that it was heated – there were words – some  yelling – yes I know there is a lot of stuff happening - but my understanding is that at 9:30 pm – last night – Wednesday night – they reached some consensus – they reached a point of agreement –

I believe they are still having meetings today - at least one – maybe more – could have been in the same room – and with same people - that we don’t know – but we know they are continuing to iron out and create opportunity for us before this goes –

Now- beyond that – we also know that today we learned that the group director for the groups based out west – was given a period of time to change the designation for all the groups from USD to USN – and had a period of time of a couple hours or so to do that - 

The word that we got from that area- let’s call it – this exchange – was that everything was good and we’re good to go – that tells us that at some point we are actually ready to begin the payout to the remaining intermediate group – that is to come out – it did not go last night as we thought - but I do believe they were waiting for everything to be aligned before that could go – and our feeling is that could start tonight with those intermediate groups

We know those need to be paid and we also believe we no longer are going to be under the shotgun start – that we had intended to be under or thought we were to be under for Tier 4A and B – going together – apparently we will NOT go exactly with tier 4A – which is the Core and Admirals groups – but rather they will go ahead of us –

What I believe is going to happen -  is the Core groups and Admirals groups will be paid out in USN which was in their contracts for that to happen – that is not a new thing contractually – and I believe that will happen – quite possibly – Friday – Saturday – through the weekend –

Regarding to the meetings I referred to yesterday – in the White House – we know that China has been looking for movement – serious movement on the pickup & drop off for clean up on aisle 3 – as I call it – and my understanding is they were provided lists of those individuals which satisfied what they were looking for - so that has been produced for the Elders so they can say – ok that part is complete or abut to be completed

Now the other thing that the Chinese Elders wanted – and was something concrete about the USN – we got that Tuesday afternoon about 4:45 – the completion of the USN in the position on screen – certain screens - back screens where the USD was previously –

Now – realize this – the countries round the globe that wanted to be pegged to the US dollar  are now in a process of being re-pegged to the USN – our NEW US dollar – and they need to get that done so they can be pegged to our currency – whether it’s on par –  which means the same value - $1 equals $1 whatever the currency is – that is possible - but the main thing is they’re pegged and they need to be pegged to our dollar before it goes into trade with other currencies – Sunday night starting at 8 PM Eastern Daylight Savings time –

We know the Forex opens earlier than that like in the 4:30-5:00 range on Sunday – but Sunday night we know the big traders in the Far East are going to be jumping in at about 8:30 and that’s when everything should be kicking off –

The fact that these other countries – they know – even in the midst of financial difficulties right now as a result of the CCP Virus – even as a result of that we still have a strong dollar – and countries are going to invest with us and with our strong USN dollar – imagine if they are invested in a dollar that is based on the faith and credit of the US government verses investing in a USN dollar that is backed by precious metals – like gold – silver – other beneficial assets for an asset backed dollar –

That is going to show up on the screen on Sunday and of course it will be there Monday at the bank screens – at 9 am –

So – this is an important time for the world – I think when we got that USN on the screen – when we got that – we basically had the official start- if you will – of the GCR – and that is really an important time for us - Big Time!!  Very important aspect of this whole currency revaluation –

So – we have countries – as I mentioned to you that have rates on the screen as I talked to you last time on Tuesday – more that placeholder rates that will start going up in value starting Sunday for sure

Now – we know that the timing is going to be based on a few things – and I mean the timing for Tier 4B – the internet group – us - It is dependent on the intermediates being paid out – the rest of the SKR’s being paid out in USN - the Admiral’s group and the Core group being paid out in USN and then – it’s our turn –

Now – I have a time and a day that I’ve been given that I expect to receive the toll free numbers – it’s early next week - this is coming from the highest authority within one of major Tier 1 banks - and it was confirmed by another one –

So I believe we are all set for that to happen and obviously guys we have been very close several times – many times – I’ve been told I was going to get the numbers and blah blah blah – I’ve had that to happen  I don’t know how many times – and its hurts when it doesn’t come true –

I’ve told everybody for months – we’ve got to stay with our Plan A - we have to believe for Plan B to come through – but until it does we’ve got to stick with – and dance with the one who brought it –

We’ve got to work Plan A continually – continue to stay with it – and many of you have done that – I hope all of you have some form of employment that you can still do and not put all of your eggs in one basket – which I know some people have done – they have put everything on it – it’s like roulette – you know – you put everything on 32 black - and you know – it’s just not a smart bet –

The real bet is to stay with your Plan A - keep paying attention to the Big Call – be careful what you read - there is a lot of stuff that is misinformation that’s out there – some stuff is good – some stuff is accurate – but by in large – we have to be as patient as we’ve been – used the faith that we have to believe for this because it is coming –

We are finally I believe at the point – where we are not turning back - We really are going to move forward -this is the time that we should see something happening

Now- are we going to find out early before next week that things have been paid?  I don’t know  - maybe I will – but I don’t know that it’s going to be accurate  to report it – I’m going to suggest that this be similar to a pre celebration call - because I believe that the information I have –

I believe I will not be doing a call Tuesday night - and it may be that we are not able to have a celebration call - because of the NDA – they may not allow me to do another public call  - I appreciate the fact that you are still with us –

I feel as though everything is finally coming around together – did they complete everything that they wanted to talk about in that second or third meeting today in the White House – but I believe they’ve got everything moving in the right direction - 

Let’s see where this goes between now and early next week – stay with your Plan A – watch your mail box  for your stimulus check  and lets just pray this call in together                                                                                                                                                             

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:00:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-12-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-12-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s cut to the intel segment tonight – I do have some information to bring to you tonight that I think is really really good - and let’s answer the question that Bob brought from a listener regarding the 250 projects that the banks will have at the redemption center or at our second meeting possibly -

We don’t know which - that have been sort of approved and given to the banks as projects to use for us – if we don’t have any of our own - That was sort of a supplementary thing where the bank would be involved directly with you on the formulation of these 250 projects –

I am going to say those are probably generic projects – there might be something you can do that is unique or different and they do exist - #1 there is no way to find out about these projects as of yet -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-12-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s cut to the intel segment tonight – I do have some information to bring to you tonight that I think is really really good - and let’s answer the question that Bob brought from a listener regarding the 250 projects that the banks will have at the redemption center or at our second meeting possibly  - 

We don’t know which  - that have been sort of approved and given to the banks as projects to use for us – if we don’t have any of our own - That was sort of a supplementary thing where the bank would be involved directly with you on the formulation of these 250 projects –

I am going to say those are probably generic projects – there might be something you can do that is unique or different and they do exist - #1 there is no way to find out about these projects as of yet - 

If so I would already have that – that is something that is reserved for the banks to talk about at the redemption center for people that have no project or they do not have a clue about their project - that is when they would be introduced to someone with Zim more than likely – I don’t think it’s going to affect the other currency holder - per say –

When it comes to where we are and what we have – Let’s go to Iraq – and find out what has been happening there because it is very significant - The Iraqi Dinar has revalued and we brought that up to you last week – We do have a rate that has come out – that we talked about on the qi card - (pronounced “key” card) – that was nearing $10 over a week ago –

What is happening now – we have had a new Prime Minister elected in Iraq about a week ago that we were given the name of who he was - that news was brought to us last Friday – which was “after” Thursday’s Big Call – and the name of that individual is Mustafa Al-Kazemi - he is the new Prime Minister  of Iraq – and we have a new director of the CBI – a woman – she is very pro RV and very much going to be an asset for the CBI – and I understand the new Prime Minister is a very pro – let’s say a President Trump type leader –

I think we are going to have some very good things coming out of Iraq – and we understand yesterday that the World Bank and the IMF and our Secretary of State and a few others were in Iraq yesterday – 

I am going to call it crossing the t’s and dotting the I’s - on the new Iraqi dinar currency – what the rates are going to be – and so on – they were over there working with them –

I am sure they were meeting with both the CBI director as well as the Prime Minister and others - that is a very positive move coming from that angle –

We have – but not sure – our rates – which could be placeholder rates or they could be actual rates – it’s not clear yet – but we do have that on the screens from Iraq – from their trading neighbor Iran – for the Vietnamese Dong – The Rial – and also on the Venezuela - and also Afghanistan currency - 

There may be others but those five  have been – I don’t know if they are there exactly right now but have been - at a very similar rate – which could be a placeholder – it’s possible – I find that interesting – that they’re there at the same rate - maybe not exactly right now -  but were yesterday –

We know that these rates can change and will change for us before we start – whether it’s in the morning on the bank screens or whether it’s over night in the forex updates (around 2:30 am) - they could do one or both –

Generally speaking the rates populate over night as a result of trading – 8:30-9:00 PM eastern range - when Chinese markets open up – and that can affect the rate as well –

The forex itself that tracks these things generally update around 2:30 am and then trades up and down through out the trading –

Here we are on the 12th of May – We had some word yesterday that the so called value date was made to be yesterday – for the GCR Global Currency Reset – the value date I believe was a direct reflection of the new currency that we will have known as the USTN or short version USN

We have a USN designation which means United States Note – you put the “T” in there Treasury – United States Treasury Note is what is going to be written on our money – where we now have Federal Reserve Note - That is going to go away - and the USTN is going to supplant it –

The USN – being the 3 letter designation for our dollar was changed over and took over the spot USD which was our previous dollar – which is fiat backed meaning backed by full faith and credit of the United States – The USN is an asset backed dollar that is backed by gold – silver – other precious metals – oil – natural gas – etc – and that’s why we call it “asset backed” – it might be gold backed 40-50% maybe a little higher now but I believe we use the term asset backed to describe a lot of the currencies that are around the globe

The transition from USD to the USN – my understanding is it is a 6 step process – it started yesterday with the designation on the screen at approximately 4:30 pm eastern daylight time – to me that gave value to the USN and that made it a “value date”

That to me was a start – and how many starts have we had????? -  a lot – but I think that is a measurable beginning to the Global Currency Reset – at least as far as our country is concerned – with our new dollar

Now – that 6 step procedure we heard – was possibly the same thing as a 24 hour hold today – because we had information saying that we would begin the payout process with the groups – starting at 12:01 AM this morning – one minute after midnight – last night

Now – my belief – and only my belief – is that things are positioned to be paid but cannot be moving forward until that USN received its completion – in that 6 step process – which was supposed to end between 2 and 6:30 pm today – eastern daylight time – Let’s say that since the start of the Big Call - it's 9 pm Eastern – we believe that process has been completed - that would make sense to me as to the definition of the 24 hour quote unquote hold – until that USN had reached the maturity of the 6 step process

Further to that we have a new person directly involved with our Federal Reserve - whether she is replacing or not – I don’t know exactly – but we know that her name Judy Shelton is someone that we have watched and we know that she was in fact put in position with the Fed to oversee this transition from USD - dollar -to USN – note – we know that she was put in position to do that beginning at 12:01 this morning – or again one minute after midnight –

So the oversight of that is complete – with what I’ve said that positions us in my opinion to be ready for the groups to be paid tonight or overnight tonight – We believe there is nothing else holding that up -  Even though in my opinion – the USN needed to transition all the way to 6:30 PM today before those groups could be paid –

My understanding is that paymasters accounts have been liquid and all they needed was the green light to begin with new access codes to pay out the participants in the groups – this was also to pay out SKR’s – the rest of the intermediate groups as well as all of the Core and the remaining Admiral’s group –

The only other thing I can add to that is the information that we received right before the call was pointing to the fact that everything is done and I hate that d word (done) but I believe in this case – it’s pointing towards completion and I’m excited because I believe everything we think has been done is ready to move forward for us –

Also I understand that the schedule for notification and subsequent beginning of exchanges or the setting of appointments – for exchanges was to have occurred by around this evening – could be the 6:30 or a little later on - in other words the schedule for Tier 4 – that is including the Admiral’s groups – (Tier 4A) and the internet group which is Tier 4B (ourselves)  -

That means that we know that the 527,000 + emails that Wells Fargo has on their servers are ready to be released at the same time IMO – that the toll free number would be coming to me to disseminate

So would they happen at night or overnight – my belief is that it will happen in the day time – could be in the morning and - does our gold backed dollar – our USN – does it need to be announced before we start?

Some people are thinking it does – I believe it’s been announced to the proper people – just not to us – obviously you’re hearing it because I found out about it and I’m telling you on the Big Call –

Over all is it going to be made public yet – my answer is – probably not – Is it enough to satisfy the Chinese Elders to let the paymasters begin – I believe it will be – or IS –

What about those that are being picked up and delivered or as I call it clean up on aisle 3? It is ongoing – it’s continuing – we’re in the midst of it – it’s all good- are we going to announce something about that? Right smack dab in the midst of it?

I don’t think so – certain things may leak out in the press – certain things may happen – but I don’t see that as something that is going to be released at this time –

I know that some things are happening now – this week - over the weekend – and it’s quite a large number this week – incredible number of clean up but that is underway – and well underway –

I believe we are exactly where we need to be at the right time – waiting for this to come to fruition – and I believe that we have everything moving in that direction – I don’t know if we’re going to go in the next day or so – but it looks like we are –

Will it happen by the 15th which is Friday?  I hope so - but we again don’t KNOW it - cannot say absolutely – yet – and they don’t want us to know – this is nothing new  -

I am going to say that we have the information that we have its very positive – I think we are moving forward at a good speed and I would say to stay patient and keep your faith for this to come to fruition

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 55:50

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