Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Secret Bankers’ Club: The Untold Story of America’s Powerful Shadow Rulers : Awake-In-3D

Secret Bankers’ Club: The Untold Story of America’s Powerful Shadow Rulers

On March 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Economic Power Shifts

How a clandestine group of financial titans has reshaped democracy and public interest for their own gain

In the hidden reality where financial power meets public policy, a groundbreaking book sheds light on the shadowy Bankers’ Club network that dictates more of our lives than we might understand, or care to admit.

Secret Bankers’ Club: The Untold Story of America’s Powerful Shadow Rulers

On March 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Economic Power Shifts

How a clandestine group of financial titans has reshaped democracy and public interest for their own gain

In the hidden reality where financial power meets public policy, a groundbreaking book sheds light on the shadowy Bankers’ Club network that dictates more of our lives than we might understand, or care to admit.

Key Facts

  1. The Federal Reserve is identified as the Chairman of the Bankers’ Club.

  2. Alan Greenspan served as Fed Chair for an unprecedented 19 years.

  3. During the 2007-2009 financial crisis, the Fed, under Ben Bernanke, funneled $29 trillion to prop up financial structures.

  4. The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 was intended to address financial abuses but was significantly weakened by entities like Citigroup.

  5. H. Rodgin Cohen, Senior Chair of Sullivan & Cromwell, played a key role in promoting financial deregulation.

  6. The Glass-Steagall Act, repealed in 1999, previously prevented commercial banks from engaging in investment banking.

  7. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010 significantly increased corporate money’s influence on U.S. elections.

Gerald Epstein’s Fascinating Book

Busting the Bankers’ Club: Finance for the Rest of Us,” authored by Gerald Epstein, a distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, dives deep into the heart of a banking cartel that has, over decades, intertwined itself with the very fabric of American democracy.

Gerald Epstein is not your average academic. With years of research and a keen eye for the intricacies of economic systems, he stands as a beacon of truth in an often opaque financial world.

His latest work is the culmination of a decade-long journey to unveil how democracy in the U.S. has been hijacked by what he terms the “Bankers’ Club.”

The Bankers’ Club Revealed

At the core of Epstein’s revelations is the “Bankers’ Club,” with the Federal Reserve acting as its chairman.

This isn’t just any club; it’s a conglomerate of financial powerhouses and regulatory bodies that have the unique ability to create money out of thin air.

This power has been wielded to funnel trillions in loans to large banks, away from the public eye, essentially acting as a safety net for the financial elite at the expense of ordinary citizens.

Legislative Loopholes and Financial Deregulation

The Dodd-Frank Act, established in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, was supposed to be a legislative tool to curb financial abuses.

However, Epstein uncovers how this act was systematically weakened by those it sought to regulate, particularly through the efforts of Citigroup and other members of the Bankers’ Club.

Even more striking is the role of individuals like H. Rodgin Cohen, a key figure in promoting financial deregulation, highlighting the depth of the club’s influence.

The Extensive Network of Bankster Influence

Epstein does not stop at financial institutions; his investigation reveals a vast network of politicians, regulators, lawyers, lobbyists, and even economists who have sold out the public interest for a seat at the table of the Bankers’ Club.

This collusion has far-reaching effects, from skewing legislation to promoting policies that favor Wall Street over Main Street.

The Opposition: “Club Busters”

Despite the daunting power of the Bankers’ Club, Epstein shines a light on the “Club Busters,” a group of nonprofit watchdogs, advocacy groups, and individuals determined to counteract the influence of the banking cartel.

Yet, these heroes face significant challenges, notably the fallout from the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which have both played pivotal roles in expanding the power of financial institutions and allowing corporate money to flood the political system.

Critical Impediments to Change

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and the Citizens United decision stand as colossal barriers to reforming Wall Street and reclaiming democracy from corporate interests.

These legal changes have not only enabled the misuse of average Americans’ savings but have also handed unprecedented control of the electoral process to the highest bidder.

Gerald Epstein’s “Busting the Bankers’ Club” is more than just a book; it’s a powerful call for Americans to awaken to the realities of financial influence on democratic processes.

It implores us to recognize the urgent need for reform — to restore safeguards like the Glass-Steagall Act and to overturn decisions like Citizens United that have handed our democracy over to the highest bidder.

Glossary of Terms Used:

  • Federal Reserve: The central banking system of the United States.

  • Dodd-Frank Act: A comprehensive set of financial regulations passed in 2010 in response to the financial crisis of 2008.

  • Glass-Steagall Act: A piece of legislation enacted in 1933 to separate commercial and investment banking, repealed in 1999.

  • Citizens United decision: A 2010 Supreme Court ruling that allowed unlimited corporate spending on political campaigns.

In simple terms, the battle lines are drawn not just in the halls of Congress or the trading floors of Wall Street but in the everyday lives of Americans.

The choices we make, the policies we support, and the voices we amplify can help untangle the Bankster web of financial influence that seeks to control the future of democracy in the United States.

It’s a fight not just for the soul of a nation, but for the very essence of freedom and equality.

More resources: Americans for Financial Reform


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How BRICS Will Launch their New GOLD-BACKED Currency System: Awake-In-3D

How BRICS Will Launch their New GOLD-BACKED Currency System

On March 3, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

The BRICS Alliance is spearheading a transformative agenda aimed at recalibrating the world’s financial system.

This movement seeks to shift away from the prevailing dominance of Western fiat currencies, notably the US dollar, towards a more equitable system underpinned by tangible assets such as gold and commodities.

The reasons driving this shift are many, encompassing a desire for financial stability, equitable global development, and resilience against unilateral sanctions and economic policies perceived as unsustainable.

How BRICS Will Launch their New GOLD-BACKED Currency System

On March 3, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

The BRICS Alliance is spearheading a transformative agenda aimed at recalibrating the world’s financial system.

This movement seeks to shift away from the prevailing dominance of Western fiat currencies, notably the US dollar, towards a more equitable system underpinned by tangible assets such as gold and commodities.

The reasons driving this shift are many, encompassing a desire for financial stability, equitable global development, and resilience against unilateral sanctions and economic policies perceived as unsustainable.

Foundation of the BRICS Asset-Backed Financial Vision

At the heart of the BRICS strategy is the development of a new financial and currency system that diverges from the fiat currency model, which is primarily based on government credit and often subject to inflationary pressures.

Instead, BRICS proposes a system grounded in tangible assets.

This initiative is not merely a response to the economic imbalances and vulnerabilities inherent in the fiat system but also a strategic move to reassert sovereignty over national financial affairs and reduce dependency on Western financial institutions.

The proposed BRICS currency would be dual-backed: by the national currencies of the member states and by a basket of commodities, including gold.

This approach aims to provide a stable and reliable means of exchange that reflects the real economic output and reserves of the participating nations.

The introduction of such a currency is predicated on international law and mutual agreements among the interested countries, ensuring a foundation of legitimacy and mutual benefit.

How Would this New Financial and Currency System Roll Out?

The implementation of this new financial system involves several key steps. Initially, the system will focus on the BRICS nations and potentially include members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

The infrastructure is already partially in place, with mechanisms such as Russia’s SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) serving as alternatives to Western systems like SWIFT.

The digital form of the new currency is crucial for reducing transaction costs and enhancing accessibility outside the conventional banking system.

Central to the system’s success will be the establishment of a stable exchange mechanism, supported by a mathematical model to ensure its sustainability.

This requires the collaboration of central banks within the BRICS nations to approve and adopt the currency for international trade, along with the creation of digital national currencies that can be used seamlessly in cross-border transactions.

What are the Challenges in Launching the New Currency System?

However, the realization of this ambitious plan faces several challenges. First and foremost is the need for a political consensus within and between the BRICS countries and their partners.

The reluctance of some central banks and government officials, still aligned with the traditional IMF paradigm, poses a significant hurdle.

Furthermore, the task of establishing a new pricing mechanism for commodities, free from Western speculation, requires extensive coordination and the creation of new international legal frameworks.

Another critical challenge is the reformation of existing financial institutions like the New Development Bank (NDB) to support the new currency system.

This involves a shift in operational structures away from dollar-centric fiat models towards those that can accommodate and foster the growth of the new BRICS currency.

Will this New BRICS Financial System Trigger a GCR?

Should the BRICS nations overcome these obstacles and successfully implement their plan, the impact on the global financial system could be profound.

A stable, asset-backed currency system would provide a viable alternative to the fiat currency model, potentially leading to a “Global Currency Reset.”

This reset would challenge the current dominance of Western currencies and financial institutions, offering countries around the world a more stable and equitable means of conducting international trade and finance.

Such a shift could herald the return of a sound global financial system, less susceptible to manipulation by central bank policies and more reflective of the actual economic values of nations.

It would also establish a level playing field for global purchasing power, fostering a more balanced and fair international economic order.

In conclusion, the BRICS initiative to develop a new financial and currency system represents a bold step towards reshaping the global economic landscape.

The System Rollout Plan: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Agreement and Legal Framework

The process begins with an agreement among interested countries, underpinned by international law, to create a new currency. This foundational step ensures the legitimacy of the currency from the outset.

Initially, not all countries would be included. A focus on BRICS nations, possibly expanded to include members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), would suffice.

Step 2: Infrastructure Development

The development of necessary financial infrastructure is crucial. For Russia, for instance, this includes their own SWIFT-like payment system (SPFS), currency exchange mechanisms, and established correspondent relations between banks.

Step 3: Currency Composition

The new currency would be based on a dual-basket system. One basket would contain the national currencies of all participating countries, similar to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) but with more transparent criteria. The second basket would comprise commodities.

The new currency would function as an index of commodities and national currencies, backed by a mechanism for reserves to ensure stability and convenience.

Step 4: Digital Currency Implementation

The currency should be introduced in digital form to facilitate transactions outside the traditional banking system, significantly reducing transaction costs.

Approval from all Central Banks involved is necessary for the currency to be used as a transaction instrument.

Step 5: Price Mechanism and Stability

A new mechanism for price formation that eschews Western commodity exchanges is essential. This would involve a return to a system of long-term agreements and stable price formulas based on supply and demand, similar to practices during the Soviet Union era.

Legislation to make commodity trading through exchanges mandatory for transparency and to counter speculative price manipulation.

Step 6: Political and Financial Institution Support

The proposal for the new currency and financial system needs to be formally included in the agenda of BRICS summits, requiring political will and support.

The New Development Bank (NDB) could play a pivotal role in organizing international conferences and drafting international treaties to support the currency’s introduction, pending an internal reorganization to align with this new mandate.

Supporting reference:–1117034183.html

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Chats and Rumors, Economics, Awake-In-3D Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics, Awake-In-3D Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday AM 2-27-2024

Awake-in-3D: GCR Purchasing Power vs. Fiat Exchange Rates

Everyone in GCR Land hates the fiat currency system and all it stands for. 

Yet, everyone in GCR Land wants to know what their currencies and bonds are going to be worth in fiat currency (RV Exchange rates).

In what universe does that make sense?

We need to start thinking in terms of the “purchasing power” of a tangible asset, instead of prices in fiat currencies. 

“Rates” for IQD, VND, ZIM bonds, etc. are an illusion of the fiat currency system we all grew up in. 

Ask yourself, exactly what is a “rate” anyway. A rate of what vs. what? 

Awake-in-3D: GCR Purchasing Power vs. Fiat Exchange Rates

Everyone in GCR Land hates the fiat currency system and all it stands for. 

Yet, everyone in GCR Land wants to know what their currencies and bonds are going to be worth in fiat currency (RV Exchange rates).

In what universe does that make sense?

We need to start thinking in terms of the “purchasing power” of a tangible asset, instead of prices in fiat currencies. 

“Rates” for IQD, VND, ZIM bonds, etc. are an illusion of the fiat currency system we all grew up in. 

Ask yourself, exactly what is a “rate” anyway. A rate of what vs. what? 

We must think outside of the box and the construct of a “fiat” currency to understand what real asset-backed value and purchasing power establishes in order to grasp what our GCR benefit is all about. 

The reality of the purchasing power between one store of value vs. another store of value is the key to understanding the GCR. 

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 27 Feb. 2024

Compiled Tues. 27 Feb. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset(RUMORS)

Judy Note: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicated that the Cabal capitulated Thurs. 22 Feb. On Sat. 24 Feb. Iraq (allegedly)  joined the World Trade Organization which required their Dinar to have a market rate. If things went as expected we could have a three day celebration beginning around Thurs. 29 Feb. RV rates have been (allegedly)  agreed upon with a goal for the RV to happen by the end of Feb. It remained my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification for our redemption and exchange appointments right before, during, or directly after the Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure – which appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March through Wed. 13 March 2024.”

Mon. 26 Feb. Hernán Robert Hbravo: “There is radio and TV communication, the latter being more limited about the possible revaluation of our DINAR currency between Thursday, February 29 and Friday March 1, 2024. It is speculative but the media Baghdad Communication is reporting it.”

Sat. 24 MarkZ: “There are a lot of rumors that everything implodes next week. Redemption Center Staff were being told to prepare for a possibly very busy week this week. There were tons of rumors that things have started processing on the group side but I don’t have any group leaders willing to confirm, or deny that.

Sat. 24 Feb. Wolverine: “According to all sources coming in, we are to get ready. People are giving dates, but I am saying it must happen before the end of the month.”

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Paulette that the Federal Court ruled, the Oil and Gas Law is no longer needed.The court wrote the entire Oil and Gas Law in one decision.  All government employee salaries are paid through Baghdad and all oil and non oil revenues of Kurdistan go to the Federal government.  Nothing more to say or agree to.  "Binding and Compelling".

Militia Man  Article: "The Central Banks show that the amount of printed currency decreased by 1trillion between November and December 2023"  They've been reducing their money supply for 20 years... They're telling you specifically they have been, in the trillions...  Less supply means more value...They've been doing what we said they were doing.  They've reduced the note count.  We're going to see what the accurate numbers are and we're probably gong to see that in valuation of the Iraqi dinar.


Lena Petrova:  2-26-2024

What's Really Going On With The Stock Market? 5 Minute Sharable Videos Ep. 2

Lynette Zang:  2-26-2024

Lynette Zang has been studying currency lifecycles since 1987 and discovered similar social, economic, and financial patterns that occur throughout the stages of a currency’s lifetime. She believes that recognizing these patterns enables people to see what’s coming and make well-informed choices that put their best interest first.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Billionaire Warns of BRICS Threat to Dollar Dominance: UST Yellen Says Everything is Fine

Billionaire Warns of BRICS Threat to Dollar Dominance: UST Yellen Says Everything is Fine

On February 19, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

Fred Smith, the founder and executive chairman of FedEx, has voiced serious concerns over the United States’ surging public debt, highlighting its potential to precipitate a catastrophic fiscal crisis.

Smith underscored the alarming projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which forecasts the U.S. federal debt held by the public to escalate from 99 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 to a record 116 percent by 2034, and further exceed 170 percent by mid-century.

Smith also highlighted the risk posed by the BRICS alliance to the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s primary reserve currency.

Billionaire Warns of BRICS Threat to Dollar Dominance: UST Yellen Says Everything is Fine

On February 19, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

Fred Smith, the founder and executive chairman of FedEx, has voiced serious concerns over the United States’ surging public debt, highlighting its potential to precipitate a catastrophic fiscal crisis.

Smith underscored the alarming projections from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which forecasts the U.S. federal debt held by the public to escalate from 99 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2024 to a record 116 percent by 2034, and further exceed 170 percent by mid-century.

Smith also highlighted the risk posed by the BRICS alliance to the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s primary reserve currency.

Smith emphasized, “This is unsustainable,” adding to a growing chorus of warnings about the nation’s fiscal health.

Echoing Smith’s concerns, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, recently cautioned that unchecked government spending could lead to a default, potentially sparking a “rebellion.”

Similarly, billionaire investor Ken Griffin warned against printing more dollars to avert default, predicting it would plunge the financial system into a “deep tailspin.”

The national debt has significantly increased under recent administrations, jumping by more than $6.3 trillion during President Joe Biden’s tenure and $7.8 trillion under President Donald Trump.

He warned that efforts by these nations to dethrone the dollar could prevent the U.S. from selling its bonds, dramatically affecting living standards.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, however, has taken a different stance, arguing against the need for the federal government to balance the budget for fiscal sustainability.

Despite a 16 percent increase in the budget deficit, pushing it to $532 billion in the fiscal year’s first four months, Yellen remains optimistic about President Biden’s deficit-reduction policies.

Annual interest payments on the public debt now exceed $1 trillion as the national debt passed the $34 trillion-mark last month.

Supporting article: Epoch Times The founder of FedEx has added his voice to the chorus of views expressing concern about out-of-control spending in Washington

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

De-Dollarization: Will the QFS Replace the All-Powerful Eurodollar System? Awake-In-3D

De-Dollarization: Will the QFS Replace the All-Powerful Eurodollar System?

On February 19, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


GCR-Land discussions often circle around de-dollarization and the fall of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

However, a closer examination reveals a more complex and deeply entrenched structure at the heart of global finance: the Eurodollar Shadow Banking System.

This system, often overlooked in Global Currency Reset (GCR) narratives, holds the true reins of financial power and influence, operating behind a veil of secrecy and complexity.

The U.S. dollar is merely an instrument within the global financial system, while the offshore Eurodollar market is the actual financial system itself.

De-Dollarization: Will the QFS Replace the All-Powerful Eurodollar System?

On February 19, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


GCR-Land discussions often circle around de-dollarization and the fall of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

However, a closer examination reveals a more complex and deeply entrenched structure at the heart of global finance: the Eurodollar Shadow Banking System.

This system, often overlooked in Global Currency Reset (GCR) narratives, holds the true reins of financial power and influence, operating behind a veil of secrecy and complexity.

The U.S. dollar is merely an instrument within the global financial system, while the offshore Eurodollar market is the actual financial system itself.

What is the Eurodollar System?

The Eurodollar system, fundamentally different from the U.S. dollar, represents dollar-denominated claims outside the United States. It is the backbone of the global financial system, transcending national currencies, borders, and regulatory jurisdictions.

Dollar-denominated claims in global finance refer to financial assets or liabilities that are denominated in U.S. dollars, regardless of the country in which the transaction takes place. These can include bonds, loans, or other financial instruments that are valued in U.S. dollars.

The Eurodollar’s capital structure is broad, deep and larger than the entire GDP of the United States.

The true power of the Eurodollar lies not in its visibility but in its pervasive and hidden influence over global financial operations.

The focus on de-dollarization and the replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is, in many ways, a distraction from the deeper issue.

The U.S. dollar is merely an instrument within the global financial system, while the secretive Eurodollar Market is the actual financial system itself.

This distinction is crucial in understanding why simply replacing the dollar with another currency does not support a Global Currency Reset (GCR) because it fails to address the inherent problems of the current system.

The Chinese Yuan is Not the Answer

Remember when alternatives such as the Chinese Yuan and the PetroYuan were proclaimed as successors to the dollar’s hegemony? Yet, these much-exaggerated claims fall apart under closer scrutiny.

China’s current economic challenges and the inherent limitations of the Yuan in global trade render it an unlikely candidate for replacing the dollar. Their collapsing stock markets and the ongoing real estate crisis (Evergrande, etc.) present serious obstacles.

The emergence of decentralized crypto currencies offers promise but also faces hurdles in achieving the level of acceptance and proficiency currently held by the supreme Eurodollar system.

The challenge lies in building a new system that can match, or surpass, the Eurodollar system’s capabilities.

A true transformational alternative lies in a global trade currency backed by gold.

This golden medium of exchange would offer stability, efficiency, and equity in foreign exchange rate management and global trade facilitation.

Such a currency, especially in the form of a global digital stablecoin, could provide the necessary attributes to challenge the Eurodollar system’s supremacy.

It would offer a transparent and reliable reserve currency alternative, free from the current manipulation of fractional reserve lending and fiat currency rehypothecation.

This transition, however, is not without its challenges.

The entrenched interests behind the Eurodollar system, with their vast wealth and influence, are unlikely to embrace a shift that threatens their current control over the global fiat currency and financial system.

The bankster cabal won’t simply embrace a digital gold-backed trade currency within the Eurodollar system. The Eurodollar system must be rendered obsolete by an alternative system.

What About the QFS (Quantum Financial System)?

Perhaps the enigmatic and much over-exaggerated Quantum Financial System (QFS) is the alternative that will dethrone the Eurodollar System. It makes far more sense to me that replacing the Eurodollar System is the true purpose and function of the QFS.

`The quest for an alternative is more than just a search for a new currency; it is a quest for a new financial command and control center for global foreign exchange, banking operations, and global commerce.

The potential of a gold-backed common currency, especially in digital form, and combined with a QFS infrastructure offers a view into what such an alternative might look like to challenge the very foundations of the Eurodollar system.

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The Role of GCR Elders and Their Humanitarian Cause – Including BRICS : Awake-In-3D

The Role of GCR Elders and Their Humanitarian Cause – Including BRICS

On February 18, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


At the core of the Global Currency Reset initiative is a group unlike any other in the financial world: the Elders and strategic allies forming within BRICS.

The Elders, stewarding vast gold reserves intended for the betterment of humanity, represent a stark departure from the typical players in global finance.

Their approach is not driven by profit or power but by a commitment to humanitarian benefit and the spiritual legacies of their families and peoples.

Their plan to use gold reserves for backing currencies and supporting global economic and humanitarian initiatives is underpinned by a philosophy of stewardship rather than financial domination.

The Role of GCR Elders and Their Humanitarian Cause – Including BRICS

On February 18, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


At the core of the Global Currency Reset initiative is a group unlike any other in the financial world: the Elders and strategic allies forming within BRICS.

The Elders, stewarding vast gold reserves intended for the betterment of humanity, represent a stark departure from the typical players in global finance.

Their approach is not driven by profit or power but by a commitment to humanitarian benefit and the spiritual legacies of their families and peoples.

Their plan to use gold reserves for backing currencies and supporting global economic and humanitarian initiatives is underpinned by a philosophy of stewardship rather than financial domination.

The Elders’ vision transcends mere economic reform. It is imbued with a spiritual dimension, reflecting a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the responsibility that comes with great wealth.

Their plan to use gold reserves for backing currencies and supporting global economic and humanitarian initiatives is underpinned by a philosophy of stewardship rather than financial domination. This philosophy acknowledges the historical accumulation of wealth through centuries of conflict and aims to rectify past injustices by redistributing this wealth for the public good.

The Elders’ approach challenges the prevailing economic orthodoxy, advocating for a system that values integrity, transparency, and the welfare of all beings.

This shift represents a significant turning point in human history, offering a path away from greed-driven economics towards a model that honors our collective heritage and responsibility to future generations.

However, the successful implementation of their vision requires vigilance. All of us must endeavor to ensure that the transition to an asset-backed financial system does not replace one form of domination with another.

The Elders’ commitment to using their wealth for humanitarian purposes must be carefully monitored to prevent the emergence of new hierarchies or forms of exploitation.

In embracing the Elders’ proposal, we are not just agreeing to a financial reset; we are endorsing a fundamentally different way of relating to wealth, power, and each other.

This path invites us to imagine a world where financial systems serve the highest good, reflecting the spiritual and ethical values that many of us aspire to live by.

Global Impact, BRICS and What Lies Ahead

The global impact of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) spearheaded by the Elders and their allies is monumental. It signals a shift from a world financial economy dominated by debt and speculative finance (the casino banking structure) to one grounded in real assets and equitable distribution of wealth.

The BRICS alliance represents a significant move towards this new financial paradigm.

This transition is not just about changing the way money is created and valued; it’s about redefining the principles that underpin our global economy.

The BRICS alliance represents a significant move towards this new financial paradigm.

By challenging the dominance of Western financial institutions and proposing alternatives like the New Development Bank, a new cross-border payment system (BRICS PAY), the Shanghai Gold Exchange, non-dollar oil and gas trade, and possibly creating their own common trade currency, the BRICS alliance underscores the growing dissatisfaction with the dominant Western financial system and the desire for economic independence.

Also see: New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power

Moreover, the existence of the Asian gold troves, long sought after and contested by various Western powers, adds a tangible dimension to the GCR.

These gold reserves, real and substantial, offer a stark contrast to the non-tangible nature of fiat currency, illustrating the possibility of a more stable and sustainable economic foundation.

Also see: GCR Origins (Part 2): Project Hammer’s Secret Trading Platforms for WW2 Off-Ledger Gold

However, the transition to a new financial system is fraught with uncertainties. The timing and specifics of such a monumental shift are inherently unpredictable.

The role of individuals and communities in this financial transition cannot be overstated. The ultimate success of the GCR will depend on the engagement and vigilance of the global citizenry.

Yet, the undeniable fact remains that the global fiat currency debt system will collapse with mathematical certainty.

The question to ask is, “what will replace the current system once it reaches its logical conclusion (crash)?”

Also see: The Connection Between Inflation, Financial Collapse and Our GCR

Key developments, such as the introduction of US Treasury gold-backed dollar and the restructuring of banking practices remain in flux. The introduction of Our GCR remains dependent on a complex interplay of geopolitical, economic, and social factors ongoing to this day.

Despite these uncertainties, there is a palpable sense of momentum towards change.

The anecdotal evidence and investigative information that have come to light recently lend credibility to the notion that a global financial reorganization is underway.

Also see: Europe’s Gold Agreement and Plans for a Gold Standard Currency (Part 1)

This reorganization aims to restore balance and integrity to a system long plagued by exploitation and inequality.

The role of individuals and communities in this process cannot be overstated. The ultimate success of the GCR will depend on the engagement and vigilance of the global citizenry.

It is up to us to stay informed, to question the status quo, and to advocate for a financial system that serves the many rather than the few.

The challenges are significant, but so are the opportunities.

To be concluded in Part 4: Final Thoughts on the GCR Today

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:
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This is the fourth segment of the GCR Origins article series. Previous segments can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

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An Objective Look at Potential Release Scenarios for a GCR : Awake-In-3D

An Objective Look at Potential Release Scenarios for a GCR

On February 17, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The possible scenarios that unfold from the Global Currency Reset (GCR) proposition by the Elder/Royal Trusts (Global Collateral Gold Accounts) and their allies are stark in contrast and critical in their implications for the future.

This is the third installment of the GCR Origins and Grand Plan for Humanity series.

First and foremost, a Global Financial and Currency Reset cannot simply be forced onto the world. Coercion of such a monumental change would very likely foment suspicion, distrust, and civil unrest over such a sudden departure from a financial system that humanity has lived under for generations.

Imagine the reaction of most people and businesses suddenly exposed to strange new currency notes coming out of ATMs and emergency broadcasts telling them that the old banking and monetary systems are gone.

An Objective Look at Potential Release Scenarios for a GCR

On February 17, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The possible scenarios that unfold from the Global Currency Reset (GCR) proposition by the Elder/Royal Trusts (Global Collateral Gold Accounts) and their allies are stark in contrast and critical in their implications for the future.

This is the third installment of the GCR Origins and Grand Plan for Humanity series.

First and foremost, a Global Financial and Currency Reset cannot simply be forced onto the world. Coercion of such a monumental change would very likely foment suspicion, distrust, and civil unrest over such a sudden departure from a financial system that humanity has lived under for generations.

Imagine the reaction of most people and businesses suddenly exposed to strange new currency notes coming out of ATMs and emergency broadcasts telling them that the old banking and monetary systems are gone.

The most beneficial and peaceful way to introduce Our GCR would be to offer the new asset-backed financial system as a significantly superior alternative over the current fiat currency system.

What about stock markets, investment, and retirement accounts? Not to mention the catastrophic impact that such an unforeseen and sudden monetary change would have on local and global trade.

There is simply no rational or plausible way to publicly implement a sweeping financial system change, over a short period of time without serious unintended consequences.

The most beneficial and peaceful way to introduce Our GCR would be to offer the new asset-backed financial system as a significantly superior alternative over the current fiat currency system.

Once the alternative currency system is offered and explained, two scenarios could likely play out.

Scenario 1: Acceptance of the Plan for Cooperative GCR Reform and Stability

In what I hope to be the more likely scenario, the Western banking cabal, albeit reluctantly, accepts the Elders’ and their Allies’ gold collateral GCR offer. Of course, the primary focus would be on the globally ubiquitous US Dollar.

This acceptance paves the way for the release of historic funds, earmarked for asset-backed currencies, debt relief, and extensive humanitarian projects.

The transition would most certainly lead to the significant devaluation of the US dollar (hence the RV of currencies), but this step is seen as a necessary adjustment towards establishing a stable, equitable global monetary system.

The shift involves transitioning from Fiat Federal Reserve Notes, which are essentially debt instruments, to a gold-backed dollar monetary policy. The new Dollar (call it a USTN, USN, TRN or whatever you like). The new Dollar would be both digital and printed notes.

How this new Dollar would connect out to a global gold-backed ‘unit of value’, and/or a global gold ‘stablecoin’ within foreign exchange and trade is beyond the scope of this article.

Acceptance and cooperation in Our GCR would facilitate a peaceful and successful shift towards prosperity grounded in tangible value, marking the end of an era dominated by fiat “fake money” and the Global Domination Agenda.

Certainly, this scenario’s optimistic pathway will not be without its challenges. The interconnected reality of global finance and trade is complex. Additionally, the Western bankster cabal’s cooperation (standing aside) is a major variable and likely why it’s taken so long for Our GCR to manifest.

Scenario 2: A Descent into Chaos

Conversely, Scenario 2 outlines a more challenging future where the U.S. and the banking cabal resist the Elder Alliance’s GCR vision.

By rejecting the shift to an asset-backed system and economic/humanitarian initiatives, the U.S. risks isolation as the rest of the world moves forward.

This scenario forebodes attempts by entrenched powers to maintain control through imperialistic maneuvers and false-flag events, potentially spiraling into global financial and economic conflict.

This could aptly be described as ‘The Bad Guy Reset’ Plan for humanity and introduced during the current financial system’s accelerating downfall and collapse.

The refusal to accept Scenario 1 would likely precipitate the collapse of the dollar, leading to a comprehensive social and economic breakdown within the U.S., and setting the stage for elements like programmed CBDCs, bank bail-ins and the mass confiscation of securitized assets worldwide.

Also see: How the Global Banking Cabal Plans to Take Everything in Their Great Financial Reset and How the DTCC-Cede & Co. Seek to Own Everything in the Next Financial Super Crisis

This worst-case outlook paints a bleak picture of desperation and decay, driven by a refusal to abandon a fundamentally flawed financial model.

In both scenarios, the fundamental choices made by the banking cabal and Humanity (We the People) will dictate the course of history.

Scenario 1 offers a roadmap to a reformed, stable and revitalized global economy, while Scenario 2 serves as a dystopian ‘reset’ extension of the fiat currency debt system reborn.

To be clear, both scenarios lead to Our GCR, I am personally convinced of this.

Scenario 2 would serve to awaken a far greater portion of humanity to the weaponization, loss of freedoms, and the financial slavery of any form of fiat monetary system.

Yet, obviously, the first scenario is preferable for obvious reasons. Given the growing chaos and divisions ongoing in today’s world, it’s simply impossible to predict the path ahead.

The stakes could not be higher, nor could the importance of our participation in standing up for Scenario 1 and resisting Scenario 2 into oblivion.

To be continued in Part 4: The Elder Plan and the BRICS Alliance as a catalyst for Scenario 1

© GCR Real-Time News

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Also see: Part 1: The Grand Financial Plan and the Elder Guardians of Historical Wealth and Part 2: Heroes, Banking Cabals and the GCR Revolutionary War

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The 28 Enlightening Ways to Stay or Become Poor : Awake-In-3D

The 28 Enlightening Ways to Stay or Become Poor

On February 17, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Random Thoughts

We all desire success and prosperity along with the ability to sustain or maintain our achievements.

Yet few are able to actually realize their ultimate goals in the process.

Learning from mistakes, both personal and observed, provides valuable insight into the obstacles to avoid along the path to achievement.

To be successful and become one of the few who has weathered the storms of failure, harnessed the power of resilience, and embraced the spirit of continuous improvement, identifying these obstacles creates a roadmap to success.

The 28 Enlightening Ways to Stay or Become Poor

On February 17, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Random Thoughts

We all desire success and prosperity along with the ability to sustain or maintain our achievements.

Yet few are able to actually realize their ultimate goals in the process.

Learning from mistakes, both personal and observed, provides valuable insight into the obstacles to avoid along the path to achievement.

To be successful and become one of the few who has weathered the storms of failure, harnessed the power of resilience, and embraced the spirit of continuous improvement, identifying these obstacles creates a roadmap to success.

The 28 ways to stay poor serve as a reverse guide, highlighting common behaviors and mindsets that can block progress, limit potential, and perpetuate (or create) a cycle of poverty.

They are also a guide for what not to do to maintain success and prosperity.

Each point encapsulates a critical mistake to be avoided, a mindset to be shifted, or a behavior to be corrected.

Understanding and internalizing these points allows us to steer clear of self-sabotage, progress towards growth and success, and ultimately build a foundation for lasting prosperity.

1. Start Tomorrow: Delaying action on your goals leads to missed opportunities and perpetual stagnation. Procrastination creates a cycle where tomorrow never comes, resulting in unfulfilled dreams and regrets.

2. Read Books. Do Nothing: While reading is valuable, knowledge without application is futile. Taking no action based on what you learn prevents growth and improvement in your life and endeavors.

3. Take advice from poor people on how to be rich: Seeking financial guidance from those who haven’t achieved success in that area leads you astray, as their advice may not be based on experience or expertise.

4. Be in a relationship that makes you feel guilty about working: A partner who discourages your ambitions or makes you feel bad about pursuing your goals hinders your progress and limit your success.

5. Fail once, quit forever: Viewing failure as a permanent setback rather than a learning opportunity prevents you from trying again and ultimately achieving success.

6. Think the world is fair: Expecting fairness in all aspects of life leads to a sense of entitlement and disillusionment when things don’t go your way, hindering your ability to adapt and overcome challenges.

7. Blame your circumstances: Constantly attributing your lack of progress or success to external factors removes your sense of agency and control over your life, preventing personal growth and improvement.

8. Complain: Focusing on problems without actively seeking solutions wastes time and energy that would be better spent on productive actions towards your goals.

9. Expect the government to save you: Relying solely on external sources, such as government assistance, for financial security limits your independence and personal responsibility in building wealth and stability.

10. Value the opinion of others over your own: Prioritizing external validation and approval over your own beliefs and instincts leads to poor decision-making and a lack of confidence in your own abilities.

11. Avoid Discomfort: Shying away from discomfort and challenges prevents personal growth and development. Growth often occurs outside of your comfort zone, so avoiding discomfort restrains your progress.

12. Tolerate Mediocrity: Settling for average or mediocre results instead of striving for excellence limits your potential and prevent you from standing out in your field.

13. Make promises. Break promises: Being inconsistent and unreliable in keeping your commitments damages trust and relationships, hindering your ability to succeed in various aspects of life.

14. Wait for perfect conditions: Waiting for ideal circumstances before taking action leads to missed opportunities and perpetual inaction, as perfect conditions rarely exist.

15. Prioritize looking rich over being rich: Focusing on appearances and material possessions rather than building genuine wealth and financial stability leads to a cycle of debt and insecurity.

16. Avoid working on what matters most: Engaging in tasks that don’t align with your long-term goals and priorities lead to wasted time and energy on activities that don’t contribute to your success.

17. Say you’re going to do something. Don’t do it: Failing to follow through on your intentions and commitments can damage your credibility and trustworthiness, reducing your relationships and opportunities for growth.

18. Do what everyone else is doing: Following the crowd without critical thinking or independent decision-making leads to mediocrity and missed opportunities for innovation and success.

19. Do “your best” not what it takes: Settling for subpar effort and performance, rather than pushing yourself to excel and go above and beyond, limits your achievements and potential for success.

20. Talk more. Do less: Engaging in empty conversations without taking meaningful action leads to a lack of progress and results in your endeavors.

21. Start something new today. Start something new tomorrow. Repeat: Lack of consistency and focus in pursuing your goals perpetuates scattered efforts and a lack of progress towards achieving success.

22. Believe what other people think of you, more than what you think of you: Prioritizing external opinions and judgments over your own self-awareness and self-belief creates self-doubt and a lack of confidence in your abilities.

23. Make mistake. Repeat mistake: Failing to learn from your mistakes and repeating them extinguishes growth and improvement, leading to recurring setbacks and obstacles in your journey.

24. Be replaceable: Failing to invest in developing unique skills and qualities that set you apart makes you easily replaceable in various aspects of your life, limiting your value and opportunities for success.

25. Find something that works. Stop doing it: Abandoning successful strategies and methods prematurely diverts your progress and prevents you from maximizing your potential and achievements.

26. Hang around dumb people: Surrounding yourself with individuals who don’t challenge or inspire you impedes your personal and professional growth, hindering your ability to innovate and succeed.

27. Assume you’re always right: Failing to consider feedback, alternative perspectives, and opportunities for growth stimulates arrogance and closed-mindedness, blocking your ability to learn and improve.

28. Make money. Spend more than what you made: Living beyond your means and failing to save or invest wisely creates a state of financial instability and a cycle of debt, preventing long-term wealth accumulation and security.

I’ve found these insights personally invaluable.

Alex Hormozi, the author of these 28 points, has faced and overcome each point on his personal path to success.

Want to learn more? Watch Alex personally explain each point here in under 22 minutes:

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Putin Talks U.S. Financial Suicide, De-Dollarization and the Rise of BRICS : Awake-In-3D

Putin Talks U.S. Financial Suicide, De-Dollarization and the Rise of BRICS

On February 13, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Economic Power Shifts

Last week, in a revealing 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson in Moscow, the subject of geoeconomic shifts was raised. It was a small segment of the interview, yet I was able to read the transcript and summarize the key points of the segment.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who currently leads the BRICS Alliance, shared his observations on the United States’ current economic and financial strategies, suggesting that America is on the path to self-destruction on the global stage.

Putin noted a shift in global trade practices, with countries increasingly questioning the necessity of using the dollar for transactions. This move, according to him, could lead to a drastic reduction in the use of the dollar, undermining the U.S.’s economic dominance and potentially leading to severe internal financial crises.

Putin Talks U.S. Financial Suicide, De-Dollarization and the Rise of BRICS

On February 13, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Economic Power Shifts

Last week, in a revealing 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson in Moscow, the subject of geoeconomic shifts was raised. It was a small segment of the interview, yet I was able to read the transcript and summarize the key points of the segment.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who currently leads the BRICS Alliance, shared his observations on the United States’ current economic and financial strategies, suggesting that America is on the path to self-destruction on the global stage.

Putin noted a shift in global trade practices, with countries increasingly questioning the necessity of using the dollar for transactions. This move, according to him, could lead to a drastic reduction in the use of the dollar, undermining the U.S.’s economic dominance and potentially leading to severe internal financial crises.

Putin portrayed a scenario where the U.S. is unwittingly undermining its own power, particularly through its handling of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The conversation, which began with a question about BRICS quickly expanded to encompass broader issues of global economic stability and the strategic missteps of the United States.

Putin argued that America’s internal policies, especially its weaponization of the dollar, are precipitating its downfall.

The Dollar’s Dominance and Its Self-Destruction

The Russian leader highlighted the dollar’s pivotal role in establishing the United States as a global superpower post-World War II. He pointed out that the U.S.’s control over the world reserve currency has afforded it considerable leverage and political strength, allowing for unprecedented levels of spending and accumulation of over 34 trillion dollars in debt without triggering domestic economic collapse.

Also see: Checkmate (Part 2) – A Global US Dollar Divorce and Re-Monetizing Gold to Support Our RV/GCR

However, Putin warned of the inherent risks in the U.S.’s current approach, particularly its reliance on the dollar for global trade. He criticized the U.S. leadership for using the dollar as a tool in foreign policy, which he views as a strategic error that has started to alienate both allies and adversaries, potentially threatening the dollar’s global status.

The Global Shift Away from the Dollar

Significantly, Putin noted a shift in global trade practices, with countries increasingly questioning the necessity of using the dollar for transactions. This move, according to him, could lead to a drastic reduction in the use of the dollar, undermining the U.S.’s economic dominance and potentially leading to severe internal financial crises.

Also see: The Global Financial/Economic Landscape Transforming for a RESET – Here’s Why

The Russian president also touched upon the response from other nations to the U.S.’s sanctions and restrictive measures, such as asset freezes, which have spurred a reevaluation of the dollar’s indispensability in international trade.

He highlighted Russia’s own shift from dollar and euro transactions to rubles and yuan, portraying it as a defensive measure against U.S. policies.

Global Repercussions: The Rise of BRICS Alternative

Putin’s insights reveal a broader concern about the future of international economic relations and a significant shift in global power dynamics. He implicitly suggested that the U.S.’s actions could pave the way for other currencies and economic blocs, such as the BRICS Alliance, to assume more central roles in global trade and finance.

Also see: New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power

The geoeconomic segment of the interview concluded with Putin reflecting on the consequences of the U.S.’s economic strategies, not just for America but for the global community.

He questioned whether U.S. policymakers fully grasp the long-term implications of their actions, which he believes could lead to diminishing U.S. influence and the emergence of new global powers.

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For full article and to watch this Putin interview go here:

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Part 2: Heroes, Banking Cabals and the GCR Revolutionary War : Awake-In-3D

Part 2: Heroes, Banking Cabals and the GCR Revolutionary War

On February 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


As revealed in Part 1 of this article series, a vast amount of historical wealth is prepared to underpin and transform the current global fiat currency debt system into a gold-backed monetary system – a grand plan undertaken and guided by an alliance of guardian Elder/Royal bloodlines spanning centuries.

The Elders’ plan is nothing short of revolutionary. They propose using their immense gold reserves to back currencies, thereby introducing a stable foundation for a new, global monetary system.

The plan garners support from unexpected quarters. Within the armed services and intelligence agencies, individuals dismayed by prevailing financial system practices have established a Resistance, refusing to back further banking cabal agendas.

Part 2: Heroes, Banking Cabals and the GCR Revolutionary War

On February 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


As revealed in Part 1 of this article series, a vast amount of historical wealth is prepared to underpin and transform the current global fiat currency debt system into a gold-backed monetary system – a grand plan undertaken and guided by an alliance of guardian Elder/Royal bloodlines spanning centuries.

The Elders’ plan is nothing short of revolutionary. They propose using their immense gold reserves to back currencies, thereby introducing a stable foundation for a new, global monetary system.

The plan garners support from unexpected quarters. Within the armed services and intelligence agencies, individuals dismayed by prevailing financial system practices have established a Resistance, refusing to back further banking cabal agendas.

See also: Part 1: The Grand Financial Plan and the Elder Guardians of Historical Wealth

This initiative extends beyond mere financial restructuring; it encompasses debt relief and the funding of humanitarian projects worldwide. Such a shift would mark a radical departure from the prevalent system of fiat money, where currency value hinges on government decree rather than tangible assets.

The urgency for this transformation stems from the systemic flaws of the current financial model. This model has enabled the creation of money out of thin air, leading to cycles of debt, inflation, and economic crises.

The Elders’ vision counters this by advocating for a transparent, asset-backed system.

Their plan challenges the Western banking cabal’s dominance, which has long relied on fiat currency to exert global financial power and influence.

The Hero Resistance Alliance

Resistance to this monumental financial shift is anticipated, particularly from those who benefit most from the current system.

Yet, the plan garners support from unexpected quarters. Within the armed services and intelligence agencies, individuals dismayed by the prevailing financial practices are voicing their dissent. They refuse to back further banking cabal agendas.

These factions are not just passive critics; they are actively seeking to realign the U.S.’s financial policies with principles of integrity and transparency aligning with the original, organic Constitution of the United States of America – not the usurped constitution of the United States (a corporate entity in the District of Columbia).

See also: A Lost Republic: The Strategic Overthrow of American Sovereignty (Part 1)

This coalition between the Elders and reform-minded individuals within the U.S., and around the world, signifies a potent alliance and force for change. Together, they aspire to dismantle the existing system’s exploitative mechanisms and lay the groundwork for a more equitable financial future.

This would include Allies positioned within the US Treasury, the IMF, the BIS and other agencies worldwide. Yet the battle of resistance is not one of kinetic violence, but of infiltration and forced attrition within the banking cabal ranks. Victory does not come overnight.

This alliance’s efforts underscore a critical message: the path to global financial stability requires unwavering commitment to asset-backed currencies, the eradication of fiat money’s dominance, and the removal of the banking cabal influence.

The Banking Cabal: Power, Greed and Resistance

The roots of today’s financial system reach deep into history, intertwining with tales of power, greed, and resistance.

At the heart of this revolutionary battle is the banking cabal, a network of financial institutions and families that have shaped the global economy for centuries.

Their methods, often controversial, hinge on the creation of fiat currency, money that derives its value not from physical commodities but from government decree.

This backdrop of historical deceit and manipulation sets the stage for the Elders’ intervention, offering a stark contrast between the principles of asset-backed stability and the wealth transfer scam of fiat currencies.

This system traces back to the establishment of the Bank of England and the spread of the Rothschild family’s banking empire across Europe.

In the United States, figures like President Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln clashed with the burgeoning financial powers over the control of money creation. Jackson survived assassination attempts for his efforts, while Lincoln’s attempts to circumvent fiat money led to his demise.

See Also: A Lost Republic: The Role of International Bankers in Establishing the ‘United States’ Financial Corporation (Part 2)

The pivotal year of 1913 saw the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, fundamentally altering the U.S. financial landscape.

This marked the beginning of a century-long devaluation of the dollar, a trend exacerbated by the 1933 gold confiscation by President Roosevelt to repay secret debts to European bankers.

The assassination of President Kennedy, shortly after he sought to issue gold-backed currency outside of the Federal Reserve system using Asian (Indonesian) gold, underscores the peril faced by those challenging the fiat system.

Secret deal to back the USD currency with gold? JFK with Indonesian President Sukarno in 1961. The Grasberg Block Cave Mine (Indonesia) is one of the largest gold resources in the world.

Nixon’s detachment of the dollar from gold in 1971 removed the last vestiges of asset backing, unleashing an era of unrestricted money printing that has led to over $34 trillion in U.S. debt today.

The banking cabal’s influence extends beyond mere financial manipulation. The refusal to audit USA gold reserves, the covert bailout of banks post-2008 financial collapse, and the ongoing practice of quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking and collateral rehypothecation, highlight a system teetering on the brink of moral and economic bankruptcy.

This backdrop of historical deceit and manipulation sets the stage for the Elders’ intervention, offering a stark contrast between the principles of asset-backed stability and the volatility of fiat currency.

To be continued in Part 3: The Strategic Outcomes and Scenarios of Our GCR

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:
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Part 1: The Grand Financial Plan and the Elder Guardians of Historical Wealth : Awake-In-3D

Part 1: The Grand Financial Plan and the Elder Guardians of Historical Wealth

On February 11, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


What you are about to read is, by far, not a comprehensive account of the complete RV/GCR

Nor is it intended to be.

While we are accustomed to using the acronym RV/GCR (Revaluations/Global Currency Reset), the acronym is actually backwards. It would be more accurate to type GCR/RV since the revaluations of currencies are a sub-function of the Global Currency Reset itself.

Taken even further, the GCR is a sub-function of a Global Financial Reset (GFR).

The article series to follow is focused on the GFR/GCR and not the Revaluation of Currencies (RV), yet they go hand in hand.

Part 1: The Grand Financial Plan and the Elder Guardians of Historical Wealth

On February 11, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


What you are about to read is, by far, not a comprehensive account of the complete RV/GCR

Nor is it intended to be.

While we are accustomed to using the acronym RV/GCR (Revaluations/Global Currency Reset), the acronym is actually backwards. It would be more accurate to type GCR/RV since the revaluations of currencies are a sub-function of the Global Currency Reset itself.

Taken even further, the GCR is a sub-function of a Global Financial Reset (GFR).

The article series to follow is focused on the GFR/GCR and not the Revaluation of Currencies (RV), yet they go hand in hand.

The origins of Our GCR have an interesting, if not compelling story to tell regarding its overall purpose and foundational structure.

At the heart of this epic plan stand the Dynastic Dragon Families, a coalition of Bloodline Principals and Trustees from across Asia. They represent China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

While it may come off reading like a creative fiction worthy of an epic, big-budget movie, it also remains logically plausible given the mission, resources, and achievability within today’s financially interconnected world.

Besides, how could the plan and components for a complete makeover of the failing Fiat Currency Debt System not be made of the stuff that stirs our hearts and souls.

So, let’s begin…

The Royal/Dragon Families: Guardians of the World’s Wealth

The revelation of a Global Currency Reset (GCR) emerged at a pivotal time in our financial history.

Across the globe, nations grapple with unprecedented economic challenges. These range from ballooning debts to the instability of fiat currencies, which lack tangible backing.

In response, a transformative proposal surfaces, promising a radical overhaul of the global financial system. This plan, rooted in the wealth of a secretive alliance known as the “Elder/Royal Families,” aims to reset the monetary landscape.

This is a key element of the GCR, setting the stage for an exploration of humanity’s shift towards a more stable and equitable economic framework.

At the heart of this epic plan stand the Dynastic Dragon Families, a coalition of Bloodline Principals and Trustees from across Asia. They represent China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

These stewards hold the keys to the largest gold reserves not listed in any public record. Known as “Off-Ledger Gold,” this treasure is more than a myth; it’s a vast repository of wealth, shrouded in secrecy and history.

See also: GCR Origins (Part 2): Project Hammer’s Secret Trading Platforms for WW2 Off-Ledger Gold

It is reported that the foundation of the Elders traces back to The Kong Family Bloodline, and the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius (Kongzi), born in 551 B.C.

Confucius laid the philosophical foundations for what would become a system of thought and ethics that has profoundly shaped Chinese society and beyond for over two and a half millennia.

Confucius, the progenitor of the Kong family, represents a lineage that has continued unbroken to the present day and recognized as the longest family tree in history.

The King David Trust is said to represent an amalgamation of European Royal Bloodlines (but not all of them) who support the deployment of their inherited wealth for the benefit of humanity and economic prosperity.

On the Royal Families side, the Lurie family, distinguished by its claim to one of the oldest bloodlines in the world, traces its origins back to the biblical King David, who is said to have united the tribes of Israel and ruled in the 10th century BCE.

The Lurie bloodline originated in the ancient Levant area, historically, the region along the eastern Mediterranean shores, roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and certain adjacent areas.

The Lurie family’s lineage is well-documented from the 13th century in France, where they emerged as a prominent Ashkenazi Jewish family. The name “Lurie” itself is believed to derive from the town of Loire, situated along the Rhone River, indicating a geographical origin of the family’s prominence.

The King David Trust is said to represent an amalgamation of European Royal Bloodlines (but not all of them) who support the deployment of their inherited wealth for the benefit of humanity and economic prosperity.

The significance of these gold troves cannot be overstated. They embody not just material wealth but a legacy spanning centuries.

The Elder/Royal Families have amassed this gold over generations, with the intent of using it for the greater good. Their proposition?

To back currencies, relieve debt, and fund humanitarian projects on a global scale.

Their role challenges the current financial paradigm, pushing against the tide of fiat money—a system where currency’s value is not backed by physical commodities but rather the government’s declaration. In advocating for a return to asset-backed currencies, the Elder/Royal Families aim to restore stability and trust in global economics.

This bold vision sets the stage for a confrontation with the entrenched interests of the Western banking cabal, marking a crucial juncture in the quest for financial reform.

To be continued in Part 2: The Foundation for Global Financial Reform and the GCR

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