Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Bank Runs: The ECB’s Ridiculous Blame on Social Media : Awake-In-3D

Bank Runs: The ECB’s Ridiculous Blame on Social Media

On January 24, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

Overlooking the Real Issue

The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently shifted its focus to monitoring social media, blaming it for triggering bank runs.

This perspective is a clear misdirection. It overlooks the underlying instability of the global fiat financial system, the true root cause of potential bank runs.

Bank Runs: The ECB’s Ridiculous Blame on Social Media

On January 24, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

Overlooking the Real Issue

The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently shifted its focus to monitoring social media, blaming it for triggering bank runs.

This perspective is a clear misdirection. It overlooks the underlying instability of the global fiat financial system, the true root cause of potential bank runs.

Social Media as a Scapegoat

By focusing on social media as the cause of bank runs, the ECB is ignoring the larger issue.

The real problem lies in the inherent weaknesses of the fiat financial system. This system is burdened by unsustainable debt, leading to a lack of confidence among depositors.

The 2023 Bank Runs: A Deeper Look

Consider the bank runs of 2023. The ECB’s narrative blames social media for spreading panic, leading to massive withdrawals from banks like Credit Suisse.

However, this simplistic view fails to acknowledge the underlying financial instability and lack of trust in the financial system.

Questioning ECB’s Liquidity Measures

The ECB’s response includes increasing surveillance of social media and adjusting liquidity measures like the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR).

Yet, these actions seem superficial. They do not address the deeper issues plaguing the financial system, such as the reliance on debt and the devaluation of fiat currencies.

Global Reaction: The ECB Makes No Sense

Globally, financial regulators are debating the resilience of banks under current regulations. Yet, there’s a stark contrast in perspectives.

While the ECB focuses on social media, other regulators are examining the fundamental flaws in the financial system.

Ignoring the Elephant in the Room

The ECB’s stance is akin to ignoring the elephant in the room. By blaming social media for financial instability, they’re diverting attention from the more significant issue – the fragility of the global fiat financial system.

The Need for a Systemic Overhaul

What’s needed is not just better social media monitoring or tweaked liquidity ratios. It’s a systemic overhaul of the financial system. The shift should be towards a system based on tangible assets, moving away from the fiat currency model.

My Thoughts: The True Path to Financial Stability

As the ECB continues to blame external factors like social media, it becomes increasingly clear that a more profound change is necessary.

The path to true financial stability lies in acknowledging the inherent weaknesses of the current fiat financial system and returning to an asset-backed, sound money policy.

Stay tuned to GCR Real-Time News for insightful analysis on these crucial economic developments.

Supporting article: Reuters – ECB asks some lenders to monitor social media for early signs of bank runs -sources

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Breaking the Chains! Our Coming GCR Transition to Asset-based Prosperity – To Hell with the Bankster ‘Reset’

Breaking the Chains! Our Coming GCR Transition to Asset-based Prosperity – To Hell with the Bankster ‘Reset’

On January 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Uncategorized

Are we on the brink of a global financial revolution? There’s an imminent shift before us leading from a debt-ridden economy to an empowering, asset-backed financial system.

This isn’t just about numbers and policies; it’s about a transformative, pinnacle event unleashing economic sovereignty and individual freedom.

This monumental asset-backed reset can redefine our financial landscape, liberate us from cycles of debt, and herald a future of financial stability and empowerment.

Breaking the Chains! Our Coming GCR Transition to Asset-based Prosperity – To Hell with the Bankster ‘Reset’

On January 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Uncategorized

Are we on the brink of a global financial revolution? There’s an imminent shift before us leading from a debt-ridden economy to an empowering, asset-backed financial system.

This isn’t just about numbers and policies; it’s about a transformative, pinnacle event unleashing economic sovereignty and individual freedom.

This monumental asset-backed reset can redefine our financial landscape, liberate us from cycles of debt, and herald a future of financial stability and empowerment.

We all understand the corrupt nature of our current financial system, with its relentless buildup of debt and its cyclical crises, there’s an undeniable sense that we’re approaching a monumental shift – a global financial reset to asset-backed currencies.

This isn’t just about the numbers on our bank statements; it’s about a fundamental change in how our world views and handles money.

Think about it – for too long, we’ve been trapped in a financial system that seems to operate on an endless loop of debt accumulation and economic downturns. It’s been a system where debt grows faster than our ability to pay it back, leading to economic slowdowns that impact each of us personally.

Our hard-earned money has been funneled (via endlessly increasing taxation and regulation) into servicing the debts of the fiat financial system, leaving less for the real economy and for our own pockets.

Governments have often responded to these crises with short-term solutions that only serve to kick the can down the road.

These solutions, such as creating more credit to inflate the economy, typically end up benefiting big lenders at the expense of the average person.

It’s a system that has consistently favored the financial elite, while everyday people are left to bear the consequences of policies that don’t prioritize their well-being.

The 2008 financial crisis was a glaring example of this flawed system.

Banks extended loans to increasingly risky markets, leading to a housing market crash and widespread economic turmoil. This wasn’t just an abstract financial event; it had real, tangible impacts on people – from losing homes to job losses and beyond.

The government’s response, though aimed at stabilizing the economy, often ended up benefiting those at the top, leaving the broader population to grapple with the fallout.

However, amid these challenges, there’s a growing sense of optimism about the future of our financial system.

We’re on the cusp of transitioning to a system backed by real, tangible assets, moving away from the unstable foundation of our current fiat financial system.

This shift promises to bring about a financial environment that respects individual financial freedoms and sovereignty, rather than one that feels invasive and controlling.

This global financial reset isn’t just about changing the way money is made or managed; it’s about transforming the very principles that underpin our financial world. It’s about creating a system that values transparency, trust, and the empowerment of individuals.

We’re looking at a future where our financial system supports and uplifts us, rather than constraining us within cycles of debt and instability.

So, while the current financial landscape might seem hopeless, there’s a wave of positive change on the horizon.

This asset-backed reset is a chance for us to build a financial system that truly works for everyone, one that brings stability, respect for privacy, and a renewed sense of control over our individual and collective economic destinies.

Let’s welcome this new era with open arms, ready to embrace a future where our financial system is a source of strength and empowerment – not chains and servitude.

© GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories : Awake-In-3D

Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories

On January 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR, Random Thoughts

I have been a card-carrying member of GCR Land for 13 years as of last month when I purchased my first IQD.

I started out as an avid follower and consumer of the Guru News Network (GNN). Over time, I listened to every RV/GCR conference call, read every internet news site, and joined every online chatroom I could find.

Soon, I found myself realizing that I was a fully addicted GCR Hopium junkie.

Tales from an RV/GCR Road Warrior: My Personal ‘Exchange’ Stories

On January 12, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR, Random Thoughts

I have been a card-carrying member of GCR Land for 13 years as of last month when I purchased my first IQD.

I started out as an avid follower and consumer of the Guru News Network (GNN). Over time, I listened to every RV/GCR conference call, read every internet news site, and joined every online chatroom I could find.

Soon, I found myself realizing that I was a fully addicted GCR Hopium junkie.

The Genesis of an RV/GCR Road Warrior

After a cacophony of daily “It’s happening” and “It’s done” GNN reports peaked around 2013, I took my first steps from being only an RV/GCR observer to becoming a more proactive GCR Land participant.

I started asking a lot of questions.

Believing that asking rational and logical questions (my nature being an experienced Engineer and Entrepreneur) would lead me to meaningful answers about the constant delays of my RV/GCR exchange/redemption, I was deeply disappointed.

Instead of getting answers, I was quickly the subject of ridicule and disdain within the GNN landscape of the time. I was labeled a cabal shill, CIA infiltrator, and worse. Soon I was an outcast and banned from nearly every online community of the day.

Then I found a few private member chat rooms where my probing questions were accepted by like-minded folks who were also questioning the GNN narratives. Yet still no answers came forth.

So, I began to faithfully dig and research all things relevant to how currency exchange rates are determined, the global financial system infrastructure, and fundamental economic principles and my eyes were opened.

Then I started to write about what I was learning under the pseudonym of Awake-In-3D.

As my posts began finding their way into mainstream GCR Land news outlets, people more deeply involved in behind-the-scenes RV/GCR took notice and began to contact me privately and I started getting plausible and realistic answers to many of my initial questions.

And this led to even more questions – so I kept on digging and writing.

Eventually, I found myself invited to private exchanges and redemption opportunities for my growing collection of currencies and bonds. I thought I finally made a breakthrough, but little did I realize at the time that I was only just beginning my RV/GCR journey.

Exchange Stories: Brokers and Bankers and Lawyers Oh My!

I tend to write long-form articles, but I’ll keep this short.

My first exchange scenarios began with different lawyers with “top level connections” to currency and bond (assets) Buyers. Centered in Reno, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City, I was instructed to send my assets to them under a contract to transact.

The contracts were all in the usual legal language I recognized from my professional business experience even offering insured/bonded transport of my assets. I actually considered doing this. Afterall, everything looked totally legit.

It was only after I offered to personally transport my assets, and meet the parties involved directly, did I run into doubt.

The Reno and Salt Lake City lawyers suddenly had excuses for why my request was not possible. Hmmmm…

But the LA lawyer was open to a private meet so I packed up my car and drove cross-country from Chicago to LA. This was showing progress!

The next day, being only 3 hours from LA, the private meet-and-greet with the Buyer started getting delayed. Hmmmm…

The meeting never took place and it was a wasted trip. I was told the Buyer had to catch a last-minute flight to Hong Kong, but the attorney said I could leave my assets in their office and the transaction would be executed when the Buyer returned. Hmmmm…

No thanks!

Some months later, I was contacted by a broker representing one of the Asian Elder Families and I was invited to participate in and asset exchange to take place in Singapore as part of the initial liquidity injection into the broader GCR funding infrastructure.

Contracts were offered containing terms and asset pricing. Also included were Humanitarian and Economic Project participation stipulations. Now we’re talking! Only this time, I wasn’t going to fly all the way to Singapore just to face another wasted trip.

So, I offered to have a 3rd-party, legal fiduciary, approved my both myself and the Buyer act as a Guarantor and transporter of the assets (similar to an Escrow facility) once the funds for the transaction were verified (proof of funds/POF) by the Fiduciary.

This was deemed acceptable and the process began. I generated a list of serial numbers and Proof of Life (POL) photos of my assets while I was awaiting Proof of Funds documentation from the Buyer and HSBC Bank.

I withheld providing my serial numbers, etc. until I had POF letter from the bank. Day after day went by without the POF letter but was told it would be forthcoming.

Becoming impatient, I informed the broker that I was going to withdraw from the deal if the POF was not provided within the next 5 business days.

Near the end of the 5-day period, I was offered a different contract and a sum of $10,000 cash up front to remain in the deal – since the Buyer needed more time. I said no because I would have lost the Right of Refusal with the Buyer if I signed the new Agreement.

It turned out that the broker was structuring a Flipper Deal on behalf of the Buyer. The Buyer was under the impression that a private RV/GCR exchange would occur on his side within 30 days under which he was waiting for POF from his Buyer’s bank.

The broker never made clear to me up front that this was an asset Flip deal.

I have several additional such stories over the early years, but I need not elaborate further. Suffice it to say, none of them have come to fruition as of today.

All around these transactions, there were bankers involved in deals. Legitimate folks with positions and names I could verify. While a few of the lawyer deals smelled of deception, most were put forth with good faith under lawful circumstances.

Bankers are just the guys in the middle of all of this. Some are very aware of the state-of-play in Our GCR (not the bad guy reset). They want the business.

After all, they’re bankers. Many get excited and tend to get overzealous in their predictions over what is going on in the bigger picture.

Most times, I wish they would just admit that they don’t know as much as they think they do.

I have also come across my share of pure criminals and con artists in my GCR Road Warrior journey thus far. Whenever there’s a lot of cash involved, there are always sharks in the water.

For the bulk of those early experiences, I fully believe the RV/GCR is real, and since those days, I have come to learn a much more and forge a greater sphere of connections in the process – further strengthening my support for the RV/GCR event forthcoming.

I also know that the Bad Guy Reset plan is real.

Additionally, I am highly aware that quite a few of the scenarios, accepted as truths, surrounding Our RV/GCR are exaggerated at best and pure myth in the worst cases.

But this is also to be expected in such a transformational, epic financial event.

Yet the greatest thing I have learned so far is, no one knows when the RV/GCR will actually occur or exactly how it will unfold.

Anyone claiming to know, certainly does not know.

© GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Vn Dong Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Vn Dong Dinar Recaps 20

Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) Will Likely RV First : Awake-In-3D

Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) Will Likely RV First

On January 13, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


It’s no secret that the now, 10-nation BRICS Alliance will formally take serious measures to create and launch a gold-backed trade currency this year. As of this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin assumed leadership of the BRICS Alliance for one year.

Putin and the Russian Finance Ministry prepared and submitted proposals for a gold-backed trade currency ahead of the BRICS annual summit in 2023.

However, India was formally opposed consideration and China was reluctant as well. As such, the gold currency proposal was not officially included on the BRICS summit agenda for formal discussions.

Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) Will Likely RV First

On January 13, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


It’s no secret that the now, 10-nation BRICS Alliance will formally take serious measures to create and launch a gold-backed trade currency this year. As of this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin assumed leadership of the BRICS Alliance for one year.

Putin and the Russian Finance Ministry prepared and submitted proposals for a gold-backed trade currency ahead of the BRICS annual summit in 2023.

However, India was formally opposed consideration and China was reluctant as well. As such, the gold currency proposal was not officially included on the BRICS summit agenda for formal discussions.

Why the VND? Unless some major existential event occurs on a massive geopolitical scale, I see no realistic scenario for 180 nations to unanimously adopt a worldwide gold-backed currency system in the near future.

Now that Russia’s Putin is leading BRICS events and strategic initiatives in 2024, the gold trade currency will most certainly be taken up for Member consideration and debate this year.

Vietnam Applies for BRICS Membership

In 2023, Vietnam, along with fourteen other nations, formally applied for BRICS membership and their application has been officially accepted for consideration.

As far as our RV/GCR is concerned, the single most plausible scenario for the initiation of RV exchanges will begin with BRICS.


Because unless some major existential event occurs on a massive geopolitical scale, I see no realistic scenario for all 180 nations on the planet to unanimously adopt a worldwide gold/asset-backed currency system in the near future.

As much as I’d like to believe in the mythical NESARA/GESARA tenants being adopted worldwide, much less by the United States, there are serious questions as to the validity, or even the existence of the fabled NESARA program.

How a VND Exchange/RV Would Work for Us

Given that the most plausible and logical way for a country like Vietnam (or Iraq for that matter), to be able to pay for our exchanges at a significantly higher rate than today’s 24,000 VND to $1.00 USD rate, is for the current USD to be significantly devalued against the VND.

Think about it, if foreigners outside of Vietnam are holding many trillions of VND, at a new rate of say 1.00 VND = $0.10 USD (10 US cents), Vietnam would have to come up with literally trillions of US dollars to buy our VND at the new rate.

This is simply economically impossible given Vietnam’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) today is likely around $450 billion.

However, if the VND became directly convertible into a gold-backed global currency, the US dollar, along with all other fiat currencies would be extremely weak by comparison.

This is where the BRICS gold-backed common trade currency comes into play.

If Vietnam becomes a member of the BRICS Alliance, the VND would be directly convertible into the new, BRICS gold-backed trade currency and thus, by extension, the VND we all hold would be directly exchanged into the golden trade currency.

Furthermore, since the USD, Euro, etc., would be near worthless against the BRICS gold currency, we would have tremendous purchasing power in our home countries.

How much purchasing power?

That would depend on the ultimate structure of how BRICS would manage each of its member’s native currency to the new, gold-backed, common trade currency. Consequently, it’s not realistically possible to determine what our VND exchange value would ultimately be at this time.

What About the IQD?

The reason I speculate that the VND would RV before the IQD is simply because there have been no official announcements about Iraq applying to join the BRICS Alliance. I cannot simply state that Iraq has applied without direct evidence.

That said, in a recent BRICS press conference, Vladimir Putin stated that approximately 30 countries are in discussions to seek membership.

Certainly, it is highly probable that Iraq is one of those 30 countries. It is also understandable that Iraq (and BRICS) would want to keep Iraq’s application confidential for now given the tenuous, but ongoing relationship between the United States and Iraq.

Also, there is no hard rule that a country must wait for the annual BRICS Summit before it can participate within the BRICS Alliance, and/or utilize its forthcoming gold-backed currency.

I will be watching all this closely.

Discover More:

The Rising Energy, Gold and Trade Power of the BRICS Alliance

© GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

One of the Largest US Public Pension Plans Needs $30 Billion Amid CRE Crisis and Growing Financial System Meltdown

One of the Largest US Public Pension Plans Needs $30 Billion Amid CRE Crisis and Growing Financial System Meltdown

On January 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

In the backdrop of an increasingly unstable global fiat currency debt system, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS), one of the largest public pension plans in the US, is making a forced decision.

Faced with the dual challenges of CRE market turmoil and the logical conclusion of the great global fiat currency debt system, CalSTRS plans to borrow $30 billion, representing about 10% of its $318 billion portfolio. This move is aimed at maintaining liquidity without resorting to a fire-sale of its assets.

One of the Largest US Public Pension Plans Needs $30 Billion Amid CRE Crisis and Growing Financial System Meltdown

On January 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

In the backdrop of an increasingly unstable global fiat currency debt system, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS), one of the largest public pension plans in the US, is making a forced decision.

Faced with the dual challenges of CRE market turmoil and the logical conclusion of the great global fiat currency debt system, CalSTRS plans to borrow $30 billion, representing about 10% of its $318 billion portfolio. This move is aimed at maintaining liquidity without resorting to a fire-sale of its assets.

Strategic Leverage amidst Fiat Instability

The decision to leverage funds is a strategic response not just to the real estate downturn, but also to the broader concerns regarding the sustainability of the global fiat debt currency system. CalSTRS’ board is set to review this policy, which, if approved, will see the leverage used temporarily to meet cash flow needs in unfavorable asset selling conditions.

Current Leverage and Portfolio Management

Currently, CalSTRS uses leverage amounting to about 4% of its portfolio, as indicated by Meketa Investment Group, its consultant. The proposed increase is not for a new asset allocation but to smooth cash flows and as a tool to navigate portfolio management amidst market and currency volatility.

Impact of CRE Downfall and Fiat Concerns on CalSTRS

The Financial Times’ report last April highlighted CalSTRS’ intention to write down its $52 billion commercial real estate portfolio, exacerbated by rising interest rates and destabilized fiat currencies.

Related article:

From Bad to Worse – Commercial Real Estate Meltdown Unfolding

According to CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Christopher Ailman, office real estate values have declined significantly, a situation aggravated by the uncertainty in the fiat currency system. Previously, CRE was a top-performing asset class for CalSTRS, delivering robust returns over a decade.

Real Estate in CalSTRS’ Portfolio

Real estate makes up roughly 17% of CalSTRS’ total assets. The CRE downturn, coupled with the implications of a faltering global fiat currency system, has put substantial pressure on pension plans like CalSTRS.

Regional banks with high CRE exposure are also at risk in this volatile economic environment.

Contributing article:

© GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power : Awake-In-3D

New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power

On January 9, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The BRICS alliance is spearheading an ambitious campaign to reshape the global financial landscape.

Central to their strategy is reducing the longstanding dominance of the U.S. dollar.

The significance of this shift cannot be overstated, as it represents a potential seismic rift in international economic power balances.

New BRICS PAY System: How BRICS Will Reset Global Currency Power

On January 9, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The BRICS alliance is spearheading an ambitious campaign to reshape the global financial landscape.

Central to their strategy is reducing the longstanding dominance of the U.S. dollar.

The significance of this shift cannot be overstated, as it represents a potential seismic rift in international economic power balances.

De-Dollarization Drive Gains Momentum

After expanding to include ten nations in August 2023, the BRICS alliance has accelerated its efforts to move away from the U.S. dollar.

This involves two key strategies: first, promoting trade in local currencies amongst themselves, thus bypassing the need for dollar-based transactions; second, the development of a BRICS-specific currency, envisioned to directly compete with the U.S. dollar on a global scale.

Founding members Russia and China have been particularly proactive, entering into agreements to conduct bilateral trade in their local currencies.

This strategy is aimed at undermining the U.S. dollar’s role as the primary reserve currency and its dominance in international trade.

The Uphill Battle Against the Dollar’s Dominance

Despite these efforts, the dollar maintains a dominant role in global finance. Its widespread use in international trade, investment, and reserves reinforces its position.

The BRICS’ challenge is formidable; shifting away from a currency that is deeply embedded in global financial systems requires not just creating alternatives, but also convincing global actors to adopt these alternatives, which could be more costly and less efficient.

Limited Financial Influence Due to Western Institutions

Though the BRICS countries collectively account for a significant portion of the world’s production and consumption in various sectors, their influence in global finance remains limited.

This discrepancy is largely due to the control the U.S. and its allies hold over key financial instruments and institutions.

For example, the U.S. dollar continues to play a major role in global currency and credit markets, international trade invoicing, and forming official foreign exchange reserves.

Moreover, the U.S. retains considerable influence in major global financial institutions, like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.

BRICS PAY: Revamping the International Payment Infrastructure

The BRICS nations are not just looking to create an alternative currency but also to overhaul the international payment infrastructure.

The proposed BRICS PAY system aims to integrate traditional payment systems with innovative financial technologies, including central bank digital currencies and decentralized finance.

This system’s goal is to facilitate direct exchanges between national currencies of member states, eliminating the need for intermediary conversion into U.S. dollars.

This would reduce transaction costs and processing times, making trade within the BRICS bloc more efficient.

Read:  What is the BRICS Pay initiative?

Currency Fairness for Global Financial Equity

The BRICS nations are also focused on creating a fairer global financial system. Their objective is to develop a framework for mutual settlements in their own currencies, which would help redistribute international financial flows more equitably.

This approach aims to correct structural imbalances in the global economy, where the current system disproportionately benefits developed nations at the expense of emerging markets.

By enabling settlements in their own currencies, BRICS nations hope to channel financial resources into priority industries and reduce their economic dependence on the dollar.

Bottom Line

The BRICS countries’ concerted push towards a de-dollarized world represents a bold attempt to redefine the global financial order.

This initiative, while fraught with challenges, has the potential to significantly alter the landscape of international finance, marking a shift from a U.S.-centric system to a more multipolar financial world.

Supporting articles:

  1. BRICS to Eliminate US Dollar Financial System in 2024 – Watcher Guru

  2. The Difficult Realities of the BRICS’ Dedollarization Efforts – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  3. Can BRICS De-dollarize the Global Financial System? – Cambridge

  4. Visualizing the BRICS Expansion in 4 Charts – Visual Capitalist

  5. BRICS in Global Financial System: The Need to Level the Playing Field – Modern Diplomacy

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:
Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here: GCR_RealTimeNews
Follow me on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS Expansion: 30 New Member Nations Says Vladimir Putin : Awake-In-3D

BRICS Expansion: 30 New Member Nations Says Vladimir Putin

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap Events, RV/GCR, Fiat Debt System Collapse

The BRICS bloc, powered by Russia, is making significant strides in 2024, spearheading BRICS Expansion with the inclusion of five new full members.

President Vladimir Putin announced the induction of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, marking a powerful shift in the association’s standing in international affairs.

BRICS Expansion: 30 New Member Nations Says Vladimir Putin

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap Events, RV/GCR, Fiat Debt System Collapse

The BRICS bloc, powered by Russia, is making significant strides in 2024, spearheading BRICS Expansion with the inclusion of five new full members.

President Vladimir Putin announced the induction of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, marking a powerful shift in the association’s standing in international affairs.

Growing Authority and Support

Putin emphasized the growing authority of BRICS, stating that the inclusion of new members signals the association’s increasing influence in the ongoing BRICS Expansion.

He highlighted the principles shared by member nations, such as sovereign equality, openness, consensus, and a commitment to forming a fair global financial and trading system.

Rapid Expansion and Future Prospects

With the recent additions, BRICS now stands as a 10-nation body, showcasing its appeal to countries sharing its principles in the midst of BRICS Expansion.

Putin mentioned that approximately 30 more countries are prepared to join the multi-dimensional agenda of BRICS, prompting discussions on a new category of BRICS partner countries.

Russian Presidency Priorities

Under Russia’s 2024 BRICS chairmanship, the focus will be on strengthening the role of BRICS in the international monetary system.

Putin outlined key areas of concentration, including expanding inter-bank cooperation and increasing the use of national currencies in mutual trade, aligning with the theme of BRICS Expansion.

Towards Equitable Global Development

Putin’s vision for the Russian presidency revolves around strengthening multi-lateralism for equitable global development and security during this era of BRICS Expansion.

The priorities include enhancing foreign policy coordination among member countries, addressing challenges to international and regional security, and fostering cooperation in science, technology, healthcare, environmental protection, culture, and sports.

Roadmap for Collaboration

Putin affirmed Russia’s commitment to promoting all aspects of BRICS partnership in politics and security, economy and finance, and cultural and humanitarian contacts amid the ongoing BRICS Expansion.

Over 200 events across various levels and types are planned, culminating in the BRICS Summit in Kazan in October.

Strategic Economic Goals

The Russian presidency will actively contribute to the practical implementation of the strategy for BRICS economic partnership 2025 and the action plan for innovation cooperation 2021-2024, with a specific focus on ensuring energy and food security within the context of BRICS Expansion.

In a rapidly changing global landscape, BRICS is positioning itself as a formidable force for positive and constructive cooperation, embracing new members, and pursuing a vision of a fair and sustainable global financial system amid the ongoing BRICS Expansion.

Supporting article:

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here:
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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS Initiates Chinese Yuan’s Rise: JP Morgan Says Potential End for the US Dollar

BRICS Initiates Chinese Yuan’s Rise: JP Morgan Says Potential End for the US Dollar

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The BRICS alliance continues making financial waves as JP Morgan hints at a significant geopolitical currency shift. The Chinese Yuan’s rise, gaining momentum, emerges as a plausible alternative to the once-dominant US Dollar.

BRICS De-Dollarization Plans Has Potential

In a steady turn of events throughout 2023, BRICS has strategically revealed its de-dollarization plans, openly aiming to diminish the U.S. dollar’s hegemony.

The alliance’s commitment to promoting local currencies has set the stage for a profound transformation in the global financial landscape.

BRICS Initiates Chinese Yuan’s Rise: JP Morgan Says Potential End for the US Dollar

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D


The BRICS alliance continues making financial waves as JP Morgan hints at a significant geopolitical currency shift. The Chinese Yuan’s rise, gaining momentum, emerges as a plausible alternative to the once-dominant US Dollar.

BRICS De-Dollarization Plans Has Potential

In a steady turn of events throughout 2023, BRICS has strategically revealed its de-dollarization plans, openly aiming to diminish the U.S. dollar’s hegemony.

The alliance’s commitment to promoting local currencies has set the stage for a profound transformation in the global financial landscape.

JP Morgan Analysts: Yuan’s Rise as a Game-Changer

JP Morgan, a financial services Goliath, has weighed in on the matter, highlighting China’s Yuan as a potential game-changer in the quest to dethrone the US Dollar.

Alexander Wise, a strategic researcher at JP Morgan, emphasized the Chinese Yuan’s rise taking a central role in the global economic shift.

Wise elaborated, stating, “With China’s growth centrality in global commerce, one might naturally expect the renminbi to assume a greater role in the global economy over time.”

To solidify its position, China is strategically implementing measures such as relaxing capital controls, opening markets, and promoting market liquidity.

BRICS’ Decisive Moves: Data Speaks Louder than Words

The BRICS alliance has not merely expressed intentions but has taken tangible steps towards reducing the US dollar’s significance.

Noteworthy data reveals that 25% of Russia’s non-China trade was settled in the Yuan, showcasing a tangible shift in trade dynamics.

Additionally, a colossal $7 billion currency swap agreement between China and Saudi Arabia amplifies the potential acceleration of the Yuan’s ascent.

Implications for the Dollar’s Future

As the Yuan gains traction, the US Dollar faces the prospect of a gradual decline in its international standing.

The combination of BRICS’ strategic initiatives and JP Morgan’s analysis positions the Yuan as a formidable contender, challenging the once-unquestioned dominance of the US Dollar.

In a landscape marked by continuous financial transformations, the rise of the Yuan signifies a potential turning point in the Great Global Fiat Debt Currency System, aligning with the ongoing narrative of a global financial reset.

The question now lingers: Can the Yuan truly emerge as the harbinger of change, signaling the logical conclusion of the existing fiat currency order?

Contributing article:

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

When Will U.S. Federal Debt Collapse into Bankruptcy? Awake-In-3D

When Will U.S. Federal Debt Collapse into Bankruptcy?

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

In the reality of the relentless ascent of U.S. federal debt, a tipping point threatens to push the government into financial insolvency.

Given the complex nature of this impending crisis within the context of a Global Financial Reset (GFR) and Global Currency Reset (GCR), is it possible to determine exactly when the U.S. federal government debt becomes undeniably unsustainable?

When Will U.S. Federal Debt Collapse into Bankruptcy?

On January 7, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

In the reality of the relentless ascent of U.S. federal debt, a tipping point threatens to push the government into financial insolvency.

Given the complex nature of this impending crisis within the context of a Global Financial Reset (GFR) and Global Currency Reset (GCR), is it possible to determine exactly when the U.S. federal government debt becomes undeniably unsustainable?

Factors Driving the Surge of U.S. Federal Debt

The debt-GDP ratio has been steadily rising since the late 2000s, fueled by major policy shifts responding to events like the Great Recession, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, and the recent Covid-19 stimulus.

These factors contribute to a financial landscape echoing a global economic reset and currency shift—a narrative central to the GFR/GCR scenario.

Essentially, as the government borrows more money, it must pay higher interest rates to lenders. This dynamic creates a risky situation.

If markets foresee continuous debt growth, they demand even higher interest rates, setting off a dangerous cycle that can threaten the government’s ability to borrow and spend.

This echoes the challenges foreseen in the GFR/GCR thesis.

Challenges in Predicting a U.S. Federal Debt Crisis

Predicting when the crisis will hit is no easy feat.

Financial models face challenges due to their complexity and the unpredictability of future events—complexities akin to the uncertainties surrounding the fate of the current financial system.

Attempts to forecast when the debt will bankrupt the U.S. Federal Government involve wandering through a maze of intricate financial variables within the GFR/GCR framework.

The answer is, it’s nearly impossible to forecast a time-frame for a debt collapse. If anyone says they have a date, they certainly don’t know.

What to Watch For

As the debt relentlessly climbs higher, keep an eye on key indicators.

The debt-GDP ratio reaching critical levels around 130% or more, continuous policy changes to manage the increasing debt, and rising interest rates demanded by financial markets (to manage the debt default risk) are critical signs to watch for.

These indicators provide insights into the evolving financial landscape and potential shifts in the global economic order, aligning with the prophesied changes in the GFR/GCR narrative.

The Bottom Line

Federal Debt is different than total Public Debt (which is over $34 Trillion as of today).

As of September 30, 2023, the federal debt stood at a staggering $26.3 trillion, nearly 98 percent of projected GDP.

The United States stands on a cliff, looking over the edge into the peril of escalating federal debt within the context of a shifting financial and geopolitical (BRICS) landscape.

Understanding the complexities of when federal debt becomes unsustainable requires discerning observation of policy shifts, market dynamics, and the nuances of economic forecasting—a journey poised on the brink of an uncertain fiscal future within the narrative of the GFR/GCR.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

The Global Financial Reset and America’s Debt Insolvency: Awake-In-3D

The Global Financial Reset and America’s Debt Insolvency

On January 6, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR, Fiat Debt System Collapse

In the unfolding tragedy of America’s debt-based financial turmoil, the escalating national debt, surpassing $34 trillion on December 29th (2023), serves as a compelling precursor to the imminent Global Financial Reset (GFR).

As the U.S. hurtles towards insolvency, the RV/GCR thesis gains further validation, emphasizing the necessity of a new financial system grounded in tangible assets like gold, oil, and energy.

The real issue lies in a government spending problem, not a revenue shortfall. This echoes the core argument of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) thesis — the need for a fundamental reset of financial structures.

Alarming Debt Trends and the Global Financial Reset

The current national debt, soaring to nearly 100% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), echoes the key tenets of the Great Global Fiat Debt Currency System Experiment reaching its logical conclusion.

The trajectory projecting a staggering 125%% debt-to-GDP ratio by 2030 reinforces the urgency for a paradigm shift, aligning with the principles of the impending Global Financial Reset.

Unprecedented government spending increased the national Debt to GDP ratio to surpass the record level seen during WW2. Source: Statista

Autopilot to a Financial Shift

The autopilot nature of the U.S. government’s spending trajectory, particularly the surge in mandatory spending to 71% of federal outlays, underscores the inherent flaws of the fiat financial system.

In the context of the RV/GCR narrative, this dysfunctional trajectory reinforces the need for a reset anchored in hard assets, disentangling from the unsustainable debt load inherent in the current fiat system.

Government Spending Problem: A Catalyst for a Global Financial Reset

While Washington grapples with the consequences of skyrocketing deficits, the real issue lies in a spending problem, not a revenue shortfall. This echoes the core argument of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) thesis — the need for a fundamental reset of financial structures.

The distraction caused by out-of-control discretionary spending veils the imperative to address mandatory spending reduction and align the nation’s fiscal policies with the “sound money” principles of the impending GFR.

Tackling the Third Rail with Global Implications

Confronting the sacred cows of American politics, namely Social Security and Medicare, is not just a domestic policy challenge but a global economic necessity.

The accusations of economic catastrophe from many lawmakers reflect the entrenched resistance to systemic spending change, hindering the transition towards our envisioned global financial and currency reset infrastructure.

The Global Time Bomb

As the U.S. approaches fiscal calamity, the imperative for the Global Financial Reset becomes clearer.

Social Security and Medicare’s trust funds on borrowed time serve as a global time bomb, demanding urgent intervention not just for America but for the health and prosperity of the international financial system itself.

The deafening political posturing obscures the fact that the impending explosion of this global time bomb could be the catalyst for the transformative shift envisioned in our RV/GCR outlook.

The clock is ticking, and the urgency for a Global Financial Reset has never been more evident.

© GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Housing Market Entering Crash Cycle: What You Need to Know: Awake-In-3D

Housing Market Entering Crash Cycle: What You Need to Know

On January 4, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

The U.S. residential real estate market is now facing a significant downturn, and here’s why you should pay attention. This is in addition to the ongoing scenario playing out in commercial real estate crisis.

Recent data reveals a sudden increase in the number of new homes for sale, and home builders are selling off their inventory, raising concerns about a possible crash.

This means that the ‘active inventory’ of homes on the market is spiking upwards.

Housing Market Entering Crash Cycle: What You Need to Know

On January 4, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

The U.S. residential real estate market is now facing a significant downturn, and here’s why you should pay attention. This is in addition to the ongoing scenario playing out in commercial real estate crisis.

Recent data reveals a sudden increase in the number of new homes for sale, and home builders are selling off their inventory, raising concerns about a possible crash.

This means that the ‘active inventory’ of homes on the market is spiking upwards.

More Homes on the Market – What Does It Mean?

In November 2023, around 590,000 new homes were sold, but that’s a 12.2% drop from October. The price of these homes fell to $434,000, which is 12.5% less than what it was a year ago.

Now, at the end of November, there were 451,000 new homes up for sale – that’s a lot! In fact, it’s enough to meet the demand for about 9.2 months, which is a big deal and signals huge problems developing in the residential real estate market.

Builders are Selling More – Is That a Problem?

Yes, it is.

Home builders, who usually build and sell houses, have suddenly started selling more houses than before. This wasn’t expected, and it could be a sign that they are worried about the market.

They used to keep some houses to control prices, but now they’re liquidating them quickly, and that’s not normal.

History Tells Us This is a Big Problem

Whenever we’ve seen lots of new homes in the market like this in the past, it often coincided with significant economic troubles. So, this history lesson tells us that we might be in for a tough time in the housing market.

Why Prices are Dropping and Where

The price of these new homes has fallen, especially in places like California. In some areas, prices have dropped by 15% or more! This is happening because there are too many homes available compared to people who are looking to buy a home.

What About Mortgage Rates?

Mortgage rates, or how much it costs to borrow money to buy a home, are also important.

Right now, rates are at 6.5%, which is not too high, but it’s not too low either. In the meantime, new mortgage applications are at record lows not seen in decades.

This means that home sellers will begin dropping prices like never before. It tends to happen slowly at first, then all of a sudden as sellers capitulate and become desperate to sell their homes.

What Does This Mean for You?

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, this situation could impact you. Prices might continue to drop, and it might be harder to sell a house.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to buy, it could be a good time to find a more affordable home.

The real estate market is going through some big changes, and it’s essential to be aware of them. Keep an eye on the news and any updates about the housing market in your area. If you’re planning to make a move in the real estate world, understanding these changes can help you make smarter decisions.

Supporting Data

Historical Context

  • Historical patterns show that elevated levels of new homes in the market, as seen in November, tend to coincide with severe recessions.

National Level

  • Active listings reached a three-year high at 752,000 in November 2023.

  • New single-family home sales in November were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 590,000.

U.S. Census Bureau’s November 2023 Data

  • Median sales price for the 590,000 new homes sold was $434,000.

  • Number of new houses for sale at the end of November was 451,000, indicating a 9.2 months supply.


  • Statewide, a spike in new homes hit the market in November.

  • Prices in various counties, including San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Butte, Contra Costa, experienced significant drops, contributing to six of the largest price drops in the state.

  • The entire state of California has a lack of active listings, contributing to the broader issue of an active listing shortage nationwide.


  • Active listings in Texas surpassed 2019 levels, with Austin having 5,800 active listings as of the end of November.

  • Williamson County, Texas, experienced a peak-to-trough price drop of 16%, putting it in the crash territory.

New York

  • New York County, New York, saw the largest peak-to-trough price drop at 22%.


  • Cambria County, Pennsylvania, witnessed a peak-to-trough price drop of 14%.

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