Zig’s Place Chat Room Sunday 8-9-20

 Zig’s Place Chat Room Sunday 8-9-20

Xyz  Al-Kazemi intends to launch a major campaign to rebuild the capital

Baghdad / Iraq News Network - The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, announced yesterday, Saturday, his intention to launch a major campaign to rebuild the capital, Baghdad. The Information Office of Al-Kazemi said in a statement, “The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received a delegation representing a number of notables in the city of Adhamiya.”

Al-Kazemi listened to “an explanation of the city’s reality, the problems it suffers and its most important needs, especially at this stage in which Iraq is facing the challenges of the Corona pandemic, and its repercussions on the economic reality.” He stressed that “Al-Adhamiya represents a city for the values of coexistence, and was able to preserve its national identity, Despite the conditions that it faced like all other Iraqi cities and regions, but Al-Adhamiya formed distinction in its cultural and heritage diversity, and with Kadhimiya constituted the wealth of the capital, Baghdad and Iraq in general. ”He added,“ When I remember Al-Adhamiya, I feel a lot of happiness.

Through history anyone can distinguish between them. ” And the Prime Minister continued: “I tell you honestly that I am not satisfied with the reality of Baghdad, and I am watching the stab wards this city suffered, and today we have to return Baghdad to its glory and glory, and I am determined to launch a major campaign to rebuild Baghdad.”

Addressing the dignitaries of the city of Adhamiya, saying: “Your role as dignitaries is to participate in making hope with a good word. We want to see our youth work and produce, and we want to be busy building and rebuilding our cities, and we do not want to continue the war series.” "We want to send hope, and I want Iraqis to feel that the roads are still open towards the future," he said, adding that "the most dangerous thing facing any people is the loss of hope, and our youth must be directed to work, production and contribute to buildin

xyz  production and contribute to building and reconstruction, and that the page of wars will be folded forever, and no We only think of a better future for our youth. http://rssiraq.com/news/الكاظمي-يعتزم-إطلاق-حملة-كبرى-لاعمار-ا/

xyz  Parliamentary Finance supports a "deal" to return 90% of the stolen money and the rest is Halal Zulal

Baghdad / Iraq News Network - A member of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Jamal Cougar, confirmed, on Sunday, that he supports a deal with the robbers of public money by dropping all the lawsuits against them in exchange for a refund of 80-90% of the money that they stole.

A press interview, "The return of the stolen money is a correct path that we support, in the event that there are serious steps taken by the government regarding this file, provided that it carries an actual confirmation by those accused of stealing public money by returning 80-90% of the money in their possession to the state treasury." http://rssiraq.com/news/المالية-النيابية-تدعم-صفقةبإعادة-90/

Xyz  The Central Bank of Iraq establishes a banking relationship with Euroclear Bank


The Central Bank of Iraq announced today, Sunday, the establishment of a banking relationship with Euroclear Bank to simulate global practices in the field of reserves.

"The procedures for establishing a banking relationship with Euroclear Bank have been completed," the bank said in a statement, noting that the latter is one of the internationally known institutions in the field of securities preservation and investment, and manages central bank bonds estimated at 15 trillion US dollars.

The bank added that "this achievement will contribute to strengthening the international relations of the Central Bank of Iraq and simulating global practices in the field of reserves management

Butterfly  I know someone who will pay you 6M for a box of dinar. Now you have to understand what "box" means and you go wooooooooooow.

xyz  butterfly what's the size of the box? Larger than a truck size box?

sheila  what time frame is "around the block"?

butterfly  LOL xyz paper work to match your dinar.

Tebow  how big is the block?

xyz  The experience of the central bank and the economic reform law


Information and media statements indicate that the Iraqi parliament is still insisting that the government present its plan for comprehensive economic reform for the next stage in the form of a law for economic reform to be submitted to the council within 60 days, more than half of which have passed.

The information also indicates that the financial reform cell formed in the Council of Ministers has been working for two months on developing plans and studies and discussing the main foundations and observations to overcome the economic crisis and preparing the 2021 budget and is trying to draw its plan for economic reform in implementation of the request of the House of Representatives.

I believe that for the government to form a cell for economic reform with the aim of presenting, discussing and studying Iraq's economic problems and finding solutions and successful remedies for radical and comprehensive reform, the experience of the Central Bank of Iraq during the post-2015 economic and security shocks has proven its success in supporting the national economy and its attribution in overcoming the crisis of falling prices Global oil, and ISIS’s occupation of a third of Iraq after mid-2014.

The Central Bank of Iraq continues its approach to stimulating the national economy during the years 2016-2020 in accordance with its strategy, building capabilities and developing the banking sector in order to move to the developmental role and contribute to financing investment and reconstruction projects and to continue to maintain the stability of the exchange rate as the main achievement of policy implementation Cash is one of its important goals, which has positive implications for revitalizing the economy and achieving stability in the monetary system and the financial system, based on working on the government's call to diversify sources of

xyz  sheila ASN per deep connected and popular guru

sheila  sure hope that prominent guru is correct this day, this wonderful day.

butterfly  NO.....understand one thing if not anything else..........NO ONE KNOWS IF AND WHEN.........NO ONE.

xyz  butterfly says who?

sheila  So is this RV launch based on a mathematical algorithm being in charge?

butterfly  Let me tell ya this little story that was told to me many years ago. I finally got ahold of a gentleman that sells dinar. We talked and he said DO NOT listen to the garbage, gurus, etc out there cause NO ONE knows IF or WHEN the dinar will change to benefit those that have bought the dinar.

So far, he has been correct in those simple words. So when I saw what I saw about the 6M, ya right came across my mind. I will hang onto my dinar and if I pass it will go to my grandchildren and their children........BUT I STILL HOLD WITH ............. NO ONE KNOWS

butterfly  He said that if and when.................the world will know at the same time........no one will know ahead of anyone else.

sheila  Just like when Kuwait revalued their currency.

butterfly  That is why I tell people to continue paying those monthly fees to have someone give you hope...do it....but not me.

xyz  butterfly no one will know ahead of anyone else is misleading as the trigger person will know ... Is the button pusher not a person?

butterfly  Silly XYZ.....thanks for the laugh. Ya BUT the dinar gurus won't know before you will know. LOL

Sheila  @ Scrappy -- just read this posting. Did you see it yet? https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2020/08/08/parliament-reveals-the-draft-budget-for-2021-will-be-ready-this-month/

sheila  August - this month? Might this be signalling rate change?

Xyz  Iraq pays Kuwait 210 million dollars in compensation for the invasion


Kuwaiti newspaper An-Nahar revealed that Iraq had paid 210 million dollars to the Kuwaiti Compensation Fund at the end of last month.

The journalist said in a news briefed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "Iraq paid on July 28 to the Kuwaiti compensation fund 210 million dollars, leaving about 2.6 billion dollars of the total compensation owed by Iraq

xyz  Bill Gates: Corona tests in America are rubbish and the biggest obstacle is stupidity http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=97834

butterfly  How many years has it been that Iraq is paying off Kuwait and Kurdistan. They need to be paid in full before things start to happen.

Scrappy  Sheila see if you can name everything happening this quarter.

sheila  Kurds & Bagdad have to agree. HCL. Semi-annual budget in September (latest). Can't approve Budget without new rate change. Depeg from USD. -- these may be out of sequence.

Scrappy  PM to Washington to discuss (Money) Business / Economic Relations........Iraq stops borrowing money, for an approved budget 10/1.......US Dollar becomes asset backed........Iraq's parliament approves white paper reforms

Scrappy  keynote: US Dollar becoming asset backed is TIMED with the rate change. Because the dinar is one of the assets backing the USD (THAT'S HUGE).

Scrappy  @nd half of Iraq's fiscal year start's 10/1...... US's fiscal year starts 10/1........Iraq can only change their rate at the begging of a new fiscal period.......That's why the (White Paper) reforms are linked to a budget (require funding)

Scrappy  The HCL is a REFORM (oil payments to citizens) that requires budget funding.

Scrappy  If Iraq doesn't Change their rate in September, then were waiting until March of next year. Faith tells me its this year (Kim Clement) DOW reaches 20,000 points (March 17th) do not look to wall street.

Zig  TWW : Hi there...hope you invite your friend from Taiwan....and anyone else....and let me know if it's okay to post your Kuwait experience.

TWW  Zig I spoke with Mr Lin today. He spoke abt several things abt Taiwan & mainland china, new stuff...he also said they'd monitor ur new chat rm & would let me know  Kuwait?? Do u want to repost it??

Zig  TWW : Up to you....

TWW  As u kno I have many international connections

TWW  Zig Do u still hav the utube link??

sheila  Would very much appreciate your sharing your Kuwait experience today.

Zig  TWW : Link? To what?

TWW  My storty was placed on utube, thought it was u posted it

Zig  TWW : No, I only have the written version....but post any link here that you have....

TWW  Zig If u have the written version, go ahead & post it here...I am so busy still empten out our burned house, itz tuff

TWW  Our home burned downed down but still personal stuff that is still some what good.

Zig  TWW's Kuwaiti Dinar Experience:... "I was learning trading currencies in the 70's...I was working in Riyadh in 1989 for a developer, & Amed, my boss, was telling me of a 'rumor' that Kuwait was planning to 'adjust' their currency... Remember, Iraq was attaching Kuwait's oil wells...

Well with the help of USA & international assistance, adjustments were about to take place... I never heard the RV by name, just an 'adjustment'... Their currency at that time was .05... While there I bought quite a bit of their currency, quite a bit in Riyadh... I was back in Honolulu around March when my currency broker from the past, called me at home and mentioned that Kuwait's currency adjusted to a higher value, 3.47usd...

I call my bank, Bank of Hawaii, and they confirmed... So I went in with my bills and cashed them in... I had to show my passport with the date when I was in Egypt... it was my former boss in SA that called about their "RI/adjustment" then I went thru his broker...It went from 0.05 to 3.47usd...It was just an exchange, no tax..

There is more to the story but this should give u enough to share at this point... It did happen no matter what the so-called gurus are telling you."

TWW  Thanx Zig I should add, I worked in Riyadh. He wad a developer, resorts etc. My bonuses were in Kuwait Dinars & Saudi currencies & USD. In his chopper we'd fly over Adudaib, Dubai Bahrain,& Egypt often. So my rewards & salary was working for Ahmad.

Sheila  so much happened this weekend

sheila   The Economic File will be the largest file PM Al-Kadhimi discusses with Pres. Trump in Washington on August 20. The Iraqi news is saying they are hoping great successes from the meeting in Washington.

Thousands of protestors have blocked all entrances to the green zone and demanding their rights. They are now saying that Al-Kadhimi needs to do the economic reforms now!

Scrappy  Iraq's current constitution only goes to article 139, they have to ammend the constitution and add both HCL & ARTICLE 140 to it.

Scrappy  Both 140 & HCL have been approved since 2005 and cant be implemented until the rate changes.

Scrappy  Those are some of the WHITE PAPER REFORMS waiting on the rate change budget approval for the 2nd half of their year

Zig   Welcome to ZIG'S PLACE! This Chat Room will have NO MODS and nobody will ever get BANNED...This is a two month experiment  I invite everyone in the Dinar Community to participate...Post news articles, rumors, etc...You may advertise other chats and forums here freely including links...Will I delete any posts??...

Well I do not like racist remarks, ethnic slurs nor death threats...also, please do not criticize another person's English...Hopefully we will have people here from other countries/cultures whose first language is not English...

I want everyone to feel comfortable being here so would appreciate that...I do not mind a little trouble as many of you know...lol...we in the US have an election approaching so I hope we have some lively debates and hope we have a balance between Trump and Biden supporters...On October 1st I will decide if I will keep this room open or close it...What will factor into that decision??...many things which I will not get into at this time...

However, I will never add MODS nor ever BAN anyone...I do not like MODS, having been one...lol...IMO MODS kill chat rooms...they are control freaks that can't leave their biases out of their decisions....okay, I hope you like the room and please invite others and spread the word....love to have some people in here from Iraq...so if you know anyone please invite them....or if you see anyone on Twitter from Iraq give them the link....okay, that's all for now.

Zig  This will take a long time to become very active...I will not be here much at the beginning as I have promoting to do, etc...I have a lot of experience doing this and know that patience is needed....Have a great day and please spread the word about this chat room....Emphasize NO MODS and NO BANNING....Thanks.....

Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   you can make the box much bigger by clicking this link https://www6.cbox.ws/box/?boxid=847094&boxtag=txEEap


Iraqi News and Highlights Sunday PM 8-9-20


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