Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Wednesday 12-30-20
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Wednesday 12-30-20
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here.
Zig In case new members and some readers don't know: @NORV is @Kaperoni You can access a recording of his 12/27 conference call with @Enorrste at https://dinaralert.webs.com/conferencecalls.htm
Dave Zig yeah and Kap refuses all Q and A FROM ME.....
Zig Dave : Oh will you give that a rest already.... :Hair:
Dave ch 7???
Dave Zig NO MORE WHEELBARROWS...DUMP trucks now!
Sparky Dave ...maybe have to take a step back, in order to move forward ..
Dave Zig Gosh thought we all be here because of the CBI Delete 3 ZERO program.. at least i did....
Sparky Dave ...delete 3 zeros is a lop my friend ...
Sparky ... sorry to break it down to you ...
Dave i too bequeath you a dumptruck
Sparky Dave ... go digital ...
Sparky ... electronic banking will be a thing ... :Crystal ball:
Dave LDS /FILS.....?????
Sparky Dave ...where are they ?
Dave make change please fer my 25k note
Dave Sparky question fer CBI
Dave not sure
Sparky ...most of mine have Shab's signature on the front ...
Dave and?
Dave saddam no good
Sparky ... and...we wait ...
Dave familiar what it costs to print a note?
Sparky Dave ... I'm guessing less than what I paid for it ...
Dave close......6-8 cents....fils more
Sparky Dave ..watching real good movie... "Draft Day " ...
Dave Sparky dont like where i am leading you?
Sparky Dave ...you are leading me to the dancing donkey professor ...
Sparky Dave ...listen dude ... the only way they help their accounting folks, is to delete three zeros off the notes...and equate them to 1's, 5,s , 10's ...
Dave Sparky seems you come by that naturally if you be a lopster
Sparky ...same value...less zeros ...
Dave no rate change 1000 ld notes fer that bottle of water........at 8 cents each to mint/print
Dave expensive bottle of water
Sparky Dave ...have you evidence of lower denoms ? do tell ...
Dave Sparky JUST WHAT CBI has mentioned
Sparky Dave ... hope your right buddy ...
Sparky ...I'd be rich !!!
Dave iqdteam.com......had plenty of articles on that
Dave Sparky YES i have hope what CBI has said numerous times will one day come to fruition.....one day
Dave Sparky even Kap would agree CBI had mentioned lds/fils numerous times
Professor Dinard Lower denoms introduced gradually as currency value rises imo
Professor Dinard Only denims I like lowering are daisy dukes lol
Sparky Professor Dinard ...lol ...
Dave Professor Dinard so 1000 ld notes to purchase the bottte of water to start with?
Professor Dinard Dave no. As it reaches a point where high denominations are making cash purchases difficult they will introduce more and more lower denomination notes into the currency series
Dave make change?
Professor Dinard Dave would be hard to do with an overnight RV right? That's why I think it will float
Dave so no delete 3 zeros then
Professor Dinard Eventually
Professor Dinard Itll get there
Dave Professor Dinard CBI no where near where they hoped trs ago....wrong direction in fact
Dave yrs ago
Professor Dinard Dave yea. Itll probably only be 20 years until they get down to 3 zeroes deleted
Dave Professor Dinard or get their stuff together....
Professor Dinard Dave middle east countries hardly like to have their **** together. It seems like they enjoy volatility and chaos lol
Dave still dont have a port.....
Dave UAE Bahrain, Kuwait ?
Professor Dinard Dave are they landlocked?
Dave Bahrain maybe
Professor Dinard Dave those countries do fine cause they like stability
Professor Dinard Dave no is iraq landlocked?
Dave No...lousy little ports FAW/ceylon
Sparky Professor Dinard ... have to ship past Iran through the Gulf ...
Sparky ... and they mined the waters years ago ...
Sparky .. straight of Hormuz comes to mind ...
Dave a lil port
Dave this has been in the news many times...posted by xyz
Sparky ... the off shore oil storage and distribution platforms are now controlled by Iran ...
Professor Dinard Sparky Iran's mega gay
Sparky Professor Dinard ... think so ?
Professor Dinard Sparky yea. They are pretty ****. And did you see what they did in the south china sea!
Sparky Professor Dinard ...encrouchment by China ...
Tebow Antifa must rebuild the damage they did on our cities.
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Xyz 12-30-2020 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST CALLS FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE THREE ZEROS FROM THE DINAR TO STRENGTHEN THE LOCAL CURRENCY" So we have been waiting for articles like this. Notice we have not see any “direct” article talking about this subject of “deleting the zeros” for a long time. Now they finally are telling us this may be a solution to getting out of the mess they are in.
Xyz Guru Bruce called it
xyz Guru @Kaperoni doubts his floating theorem after recent 22% drastic RV
xyz It takes time to come around :Banana:
Professor Dinard xyz delete 3 zeroes is a LOP
Sheila Professor Dinard do not want a LOP. outright revaluation.
Professor Dinard sheila I fear if they do that it will be with a new currency series. That's why i think it's going to be a gradual increase in currency value
xyz Professor Dinard deleting 3 zeros doesn't mean using scissors to cut remove 3 zeros aka lop
Professor Dinard xyz hopefully it means they will increase value gradually to get there as opposed to introducing new currency series
Professor Dinard xyz some would call that a "float"
xyz Professor Dinard 22% was not gradual aka @Kaperoni definition of float. It's an RV but in the wrong direction.
Professor Dinard xyz 22% increments to me are gradual if they are spaced out far enough
Professor Dinard Arguing perspective at this point
Professor Dinard xyz maybe we have different definitions? Let's call mine a volatile gradual reflection of iraq GDP. That's my guru call lol
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