Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Thursday 12-10-20
Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Thursday 12-10-20
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here.
Xyz Parliamentary Finance calls on the government to finalize the amendments to the budget and send it to Parliament
Magda Al-Tamimi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, called on the Council of Ministers to intensify its sessions to end the amendments to the budget for next year and send it to the House of Representatives.
Al-Tamimi confirmed in press statements that there are many applications for appointment from graduates, and that creating job opportunities requires a review of the next year's budget by including the reform packages proposed by Parliament and the government that would enhance the ability to create job opportunities and revitalize the economy, indicating that the House of Representatives He closely monitors the outcome of the meetings, with the aim of gaining time and sending the budget to vote before the end of the year. LINK
Professor Dinard xyz my favorite conspiracy theory is that the CBI will delete 3 zeros and make everyone rich. But that's just iraQanon nonsense
Sheila Professor Dinard maybe between Dec 14 thru Dec 21?
Professor Dinard sheila are you talking about the RV?
Professor Dinard Ahh I kind of agree with kap so no comment. I'm already attacked for my views enough as it is
Zig Professor Dinard : You seem to have thick skin and are not rattled easily...
Professor Dinard Zig its cause idgaf and I'm chill cause of that sweet savory flavortown oregano : Bong:
Clydesdale Zig, I've seen you question how long people have been in this if they did not know XXXXX. Twice recently on recaps I have seen you make a reference to Mountain Goat and you not knowing she had a CBI contact. (no idea why you would raise that issue again since you should have learned it last week when you also commented about it and it was posted on recaps). Don't know if you were being condescending or attempting to be funny about a "trustworthy goat" but either way, she has been referencing a CBI contact for years so hopefully you are in the know now :) Personally I think she has been pretty faithful all these years and her info has been free, unlike most of the other gurus
Dave My CBI contact states otherwise.......
Dave Kap,,,,,,where are you?
EYEGUY Dave really RV soooooon
Dave Wonder if CBI realizes that they have had a Mole for yrs announcing a RV?
Dave EYEGUY every yr for over a decade.......at the end of each fiscal yr......same announcement...RV soon......
Clydesdale First word in Okies vocabulary........soon
Dave Clydesdale Iraq cant pay salaries has yet no reliable electricity .still under Ch7 sanctions has no private banking laws to protect foreign investments....No cash from from that Kuwati Donors conference.....fewer than 30% of Iraqis have bank accounts......RV soooon......
Clydesdale Dave I don't know why you directed that at me, I never have called anything much less indicated "soon" so you can take me off your radar. I'll only believe it when I see it.
Dave hehe......I AGREE!!!
Dave Gurus are for people that require to be led?
Clydesdale Dave Exactly, not too many people left in this country.... or yours, much less in dinarland that don't need to be spoonfed. LOL
Dave about 12 yrs now.......hopium fun......hope i am wrong!!!!!
Clydesdale 11 for me
Dave recent chatter has been encouraging
Dave Iraq needs to walk the talk already........getting older by the second
Dave have alot of seconds behind me
Clydesdale Dave It has been but........ believe it when you see it. :Popcorn: We have certainly been down this road before as you eluded to earlier. I agree this is more of a fever pitch than ever before but may just be gurus trying to play their year end sales pitch.
Dave I here we are getting a huge sun flare today....could affect power and internet Northern lights to be spectacular..
NORV There is no RV. All nonsense. :Pool: FLOAT
Zig NORV : @Kap I'm gonna change your name to KILLJOY
Clydesdale Why does NORV spend so much time on something he does not believe in? That would be like me going to church every Sunday and then ranting day in and day out that I don't believe in God.
NORV Change it to fact!
NORV Iraq will never significantly RV the dinar. It goes against all principals of monetary policy not to mention they could never afford it.
NORV Iraq has over 40 trillion dinar outside the banking system in Iraq. A RV at 1 to $1 for example would put Iraq's debt at over 40 trillion dollars. lol That is over 2x the entire wealth of Iraq including oil and minerals in the ground.
NORV Iraq's total wealth is 16 trillion dollars.
NORV Iraq needs to create a private sector/market economy to support the economy. Without it they will go broke. As stated by the IMF several years ago..the plan is to float the dinar to counter inflation created by significant investment. Until that happens the dinar will remain the same
NORV Zig floating the dinar is probably a year or two away
NORV they need to pass laws to create a suitable investment climate for investors
NORV until that happens, nobody is coming to Iraq and they will continue to struggle.
Zig I hate to admit it but @NORV does make sense.....lol
NORV And with the new CBI governor letting the spread fall to over 6% they are not in compliance with the IMF 2% or less spread. requirement
Xyz NORV then take 2 yrs vacation and leaves us the naive alone GO RV
NORV Of course it makes sense. Because this is how it works.
Clydesdale So all the articles that the gubooers are showing are just bunk?
NORV Clydesdale what articles?
Zig I can wait...what the heck...I can bug @Z for 2 more years easily.....LOL
NORV I have offered for years to give anyone who can show me how they can RV a free pizza. Nobody does lol
Clydesdale Not a day goes by that there are not articles linked on the dinar websites indicating the Iragis are ready to take action on the rate.....are they all just made up?
NORV Clydesdale lol they want to devalue!
Zig Two more years and we will be rich :Happier:
NORV devalue will save the Iraqi government millions of dollars
Clydesdale NORV Maybe ones that could show you think it's worth more than a pizza. LOL
NORV Let me ask you this... If you were broke. had no money. could you go buy a new house?
NORV Of course you couldn’t same for Iraq...they are broke. No money. They can never RV
Clydesdale Yes, because loans are given to people who can qualify for a discover card nowadays.......that's what happened to the economy in 2008 and getting ready to happen again once all this forbearance runs out.
NORV what is amazing to me is why so many want me to defend the fact there is no RV. Yet let the guru BSer's off the hook believing that nonsense.
NORV Clydesdale Iraq is out of loans
Dave NORV I agree with most you state,,,,,,save FLOAT.....Wheel barrows instead of wallets post delete 3 zeros and Lds......?Can you answer that?
NORV with over 40 trillion dinar in mattresses, they could never afford it
NORV Dave Dave i would answer if you ever made sense
Clydesdale I don't let a single one off the hook. I don't believe one of them....they are making money by spreading sunshine and playing those that are hooked on hopium
Dave 1000 fils for a coke?
NORV Some officials want to LOP the dinar. which is a neutral event. I do not believe they could ever get permission to do that.
Professor Dinard Rv would have to reflect buying power of dinar and there is little buying power with dinar
NORV A LOP would require parliament approval and I do not see parliament approving such
Dave Professor Dinard CBi states INCREASE PURCHASING POWER!
NORV Professor Dinard You cannot RV with 40 trillion dinar outside of the banking system in Iraq. What part of that do you not understand? Who would pay for that?
Dave DELETE 3 Zeros......LDs ....even fils......
Professor Dinard Dave gotta destroy dinars for that and improve infrastructure
NORV Dave delete zeros is a LOP
NORV you do not want to see them delete zeros
Professor Dinard NORV cause they'd use another currency series right?
NORV Dave it could happen if they float and let it rise gradually over time
Dave currency auctions raked in truck loads of dinar
Dave CBI cash could be sitting in limbo
NORV Professor Dinard If they float, they could reduce the money supply over time which would make it possible
NORV Dave They are not reducing the dinar
NORV the currency auction does not reduce the money supply
Dave :Spray:
Professor Dinard Would be cooler if they did
NORV currency auctions are a balance between dinar and dollars. the balance is what maintains the market rate.
NORV why do they sell dollars at auctions?
Dave NORV take in dinar for USD.......
NORV does anyone understand why?
Clydesdale But MarkZ says his connections all over the world say otherwise.......I'm betting he does not even have the phone number to 911. LOL
Dave CBI gets to keep 2%
NORV it is for 2 reasons... 1. to provide dollars for imports
Professor Dinard Baseline for value?
Dave Spread
NORV and 2.. to maintain the exchange rate in iraq
NORV maintaining the rate is accomplished by keeping an equal supply of dollars to dinars in the market
NORV equal!
NORV that means you cannot reduce the money supply
NORV doing so would mess up the market rate. And in fact, because so many are taking dollars out of Iraq right now, the CBI cannot keep up with the demand..hence the 6% spread today
Dave so we wait 90 days,,,,,,
NORV and this is depleting the reserves.
Dave DANG mattresss stuffers?????
Dave cough it up already.....
NORV Iraq has so much work to do
NORV If they ever want to use the dinar in global transactions they need to accept IMF Article VIII. That cannot happen until they are in IMF compliance. Compliance comes from reducing the spread to 2% or less and maintaining it for at least 90 days. So they are months away from that.
Dave i replace my mattress every 6=8 yrs
Floating can happen anytime that is up to the CBI..but without investment, the dinar will tank
Dave That Dinar Mattress stuffing must be getting really woen out
NORV They need to create a suitable investment climate… NORV lure billions of dollars into Iraq to invest.
NORV that is why you see so many articles about investing
Dave worn....
Clydesdale Investments won't come without a currency with value so it's a catch 22..
NORV Clydesdale sure it will
Dave Kuwaiti Donors conference....Iraq got SQUAT
NORV investors dont care about the exchange rate they just want to be able to get profits out.
Dave Clydesdale No WTO either at .00086
NORV Clydesdale look at all the foreign countries with low exchange rates. investors participate in those countries. It is all about creating a suitable climate with laws to protect them
NORV Dave Iraq has nothing to export, there will be no WTO
Dave BUY ZIM!!!!!!!!
Clydesdale Dave And that number is where some of the gurus are saying the 3 zeros will be deleted..... making it .86.
NORV You have to prioritize what Iraq needs to do.
Dave Clydesdale Bingo......
NORV 1 step, pass laws
Dave how about exiting ch 7
NORV create a environment for investors to want to come to Iraq
Dave bring those wheelbarrows
Dave with no increase in purchasing power
NORV Dave you seem to love wheelborrows. what are you talking about?
Dave 1000 fils fer that coke....?
NORV Dave Iraq uses no more paper than we do
NORV they just have 3 zeros on it
Dave delete 3 zeros then what
Dave lds and wheel barrows
Dave 1000 fils for that coke
NORV what is the difference if you go to the store and take a 1000 dinar note to buy a coke or take a $1 bill and buy a coke. same thing
Dave coke 1000 dinar now
Dave so 1000 fils then
NORV Dave i think you are confused. using dinar in iraq is just like using dollars.
NORV only difference is they printed zeros on the notes
NORV there are no wheelbarrows
NORV no boxes
Dave yeah MCP....here we go again....round and round and around some more
NORV no shopping carts
Dave :Spray:
NORV no trunkloads
Dave CBI...Restore the Purchasing Power of the IQD
NORV Dave tell that to the crooked iraqi's in the government
Dave Called the delete 3 Zero program
NORV you want a LOP?
Dave NORV you do.....
NORV nope
Dave loperonie
NORV you need to understand that some iraqi's want to get rid of the zeros and they dont want to earn it. so they want to LOP (delete zeros) so they are on par with the world. But that wont happen
Clydesdale Dave Or pepper
NORV typical iraqi's take the easy way
Dave PIP PIP fer you dont forget your wheel barrow when those Lds come out
NORV lol
NORV Luckily for us, the CBI is following the IMF and trying to create a strong dinar. and suitable investment climate so the economy grows
NORV but for that to work, the GOI needs to pass laws and get private investors to come
NORV then and only then will they get off the peg and float
NORV allowing the dinar to gradually rise as a result of investors/investment
NORV ok. gotta go. have fun.
xyz sheila What happened? Is it not yet 3pm est?
9 Dec 20, 09:09 PM @sheila Waiting for Supreme Court ruling at 3pm Eastern on Thursday.
Zig No Name-Calling during any @NORV visit is a minor miracle :Thud::clap:
xyz A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed the government's intention to raise the exchange rate of the Dollar.
The owners of banking offices attributed the recent rise in the Dollar's exchange rate to the increase in demand for it by citizens, after rumors of the government's intention to raise its price.
MP Jamal Kocher said in an interview with Shafaq News agency, "I think that there is a government tendency to create an atmosphere for raising the dollar exchange rate more than it was in previous budgets, to reach approximately 130 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars," indicating that this step will affect the citizens and their salaries.
Kocher added, "The government's approach to reducing the deficit within the budget for next year boils down to four main steps, the first is to raise the exchange rate of the Dollar against the dinar, raise the price of the oil barrel to more than $ 42, which was previously announced by the Minister of Oil, implementing the reform paper into texts within the budget law, and finally, pressure expenditures and go to major expenditures only.
"The government must take these steps. Otherwise, there will be a huge deficit," he said. https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2020/12/08/iraqi-mp-says-govt-to-devalue-dinar/
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