Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Saturday PM 11-28-20

Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Saturday PM 11-28-20

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here.

Xyz   11-28-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...currency auctions are going to stop soon and they are going to issue the newer notes for lower denominations in Iraq. They are more than ready. I have talked to my CBI contact this week and I was told they will have the “green light” very soon. They are making their last preparations.

Zig   xyz : Wow...Fantastic news...Thanks for bringing that in here!...The goat has always been a great source...never knew the goat had a CBI contact....

Dave   Iraq is preparing a plan to join the World Trade Organization in early 2021

Dave   Mubasher: The Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced today, Friday, the preparation of a plan to join the World Trade Organization, stressing that the accession will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities.

The ministry told the Iraqi News Agency, “INA”, today, that it has prepared a plan to join the World Trade Organization, which is represented by the restructuring of the National Committee on accession, as well as the sub-committees emanating from it, to complete the accession files, as well as to expedite the legislation of laws, and prepare draft laws related to the organization’s agreements. .

She explained that the draft laws such as the National Product Protection Law, the Consumer Protection Law, the Competition and Monopoly Prevention Law, and the Customs Tariff Law.

She added that joining the organization has positive repercussions in the long run, as Iraq may not directly reap its fruits, but there will be a strong, integrated Iraqi economy capable of competing with the economies of the member states of the organization in general, and the economies of neighboring countries in particular.

She added that accession would allow Iraq to enter into fair competition for goods and services with other member states.

She emphasized that this measure will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities for the unemployed, and thus there will be a noticeable increase in per capita income and total output.

She indicated that the Ministry is coordinating with all ministries and private sector entities to complete the files of accession, represented by the completion of the legislative implementation plan, which includes Iraqi laws and draft laws that affect directly and indirectly in economic activities, and a preliminary draft of this plan has been completed. .


Dave   Always thought WTO required a globally traded currency....IMF accession "full"status without being under UN Ch7 sanctions.....?

Zig   Gonna be rich soon @Dr. Dave

Dave   Dave works.....

Dave   luv WTO Chatter......https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/    good news source...*

Professor Dinard   Any good news on the Zimbabwe currency yet?

Professor Dinard   https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-tests-cases-deaths-per-million?tab=chart&stackMode=absolute&time=2020-03-14..latest&country=~USA&region=World

xyz   Parliamentary Finance issues a package of reforms that includes imposing a value-added tax and reviewing the dollar exchange rate https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=22907

The Parliamentary Finance Committee issued proposals to address the financial crisis in Iraq, which included reviewing the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, establishing a national telecommunications company, and imposing a value-added tax.

Butterfly  Jupiter and Saturn Will Form a Rare “Double Planet” in the Sky Before Christmas  Here’s how to see an incredible spectacle that hasn’t happened in 800 years

Butterfly   https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a34798909/jupiter-saturn-double-planet-december-21-christmas-star-how-to-see-it/?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr

Zig: Refferals Will now be the only way we acquire new members...Only registered members who have been "activated" will have access and be able to post...If you would like to refer someone simply ask him/her to register, and make sure you know the username being registered...

Then simply address me in chat, writing that you have a referral, but please don't post the username...Once I see that someone new has registered I will ask you if that is your referral, then will activate them, etc....If you know someone here and wish to be an active member, I suggest that you contact him/her and ask to be referred...... :coffee: ......All Referrals are thoroughly vetted

Zig   The Chat Room will remain this way....I will no longer unlock it from time to time so anyone may post as a guest, etc....This way works best for me for various reasons...I do hope our current members refer others....if you would like to be a member here and recognize someone here, just contact them for a referral...

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"Sunday News" Posted by Samson 11-29-2020


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