Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Friday PM 11-27-20

Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Friday PM 11-27-20

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here.

Clydesdale   Don't get too excited when you see this on Dinar Guru. Same guy who said all he was waiting on was "Give Me Mosul" and that was literally years ago. Also the same guy who gave us the Boston Marathon analogy of just before breaking the ribbon at the finish line and that was months ago. Also the guy that never gives a date but he has certainly alluded to it over the years. 11-27-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 I'm happy. I'm excited...I know I know we've been patient for years but when you see the shore line what's the sense of jumping out of the boat and swimming? Why didn't you jump out of the boat when we were in the middle of the ocean and swim to shore? Be patient. We can see the shoreline. We're about to dock...Iraq is about to enter the international world...

Xyz   Headed by the Minister of Finance, the Association of Private Banks organizes a meeting for the banking sector

Economy News _ Baghdad   The Iraqi Private Banks Association, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, held a meeting that includes all banks operating in Iraq to discuss the mechanisms for developing the banking sector according to the white paper.

The Minister of Finance, Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, said during the meeting, I thank the Iraqi Private Banks Association for this invitation, because the banking sector is the most important economic sector, and the state is working to support it in order to move the economy, stressing that the current economic reform movement is the most serious and will continue to governments Coming.

He added that the Ministry of Finance is working to strengthen the infrastructure for the advancement of all economic sectors, especially the banking sector, in order to support investment projects in Iraq, explaining that the Ministry of Finance does not see any alternative but to strengthen the banking sector and push it forward by removing obstacles in front of it.

He noted that the Ministry of Finance is seeking to offer bonds worth 3-5 billion dollars to citizens in the two currencies, the dinar and the dollar, and we expect private and government banks to buy them.

He pointed out that the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar will be fixed when bonds are issued, in order to avoid any losses in bond purchases by banks and citizens.

He stressed that the Ministry of Finance, through the White Paper, will reform the financial policy, monitor the economy, and change it to keep pace with the global economy, explaining that the political decisions that were taken in the past have affected the economy.

On the other hand, the head of the Iraqi Private Banking Association, Wadih Al-Handal, thanked the Minister of Finance for meeting the invitation, stressing

xyz   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=22898

Zig   Thanks, Dinar Recaps https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/zigs-place-chat-room-discussion-and-news-thursday-pm-11-26-20

Professor Dinard   In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings. Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla items, which were being held in custody. After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands.

In 1952, following pressure from Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanović, Tesla's entire estate was shipped to Belgrade in 60 trunks marked N.T. In 1957, Kosanović's secretary Charlotte Muzar transported Tesla's ashes from the United States to Belgrade. The ashes are displayed in a gold-plated sphere on a marble pedestal in the Nikola Tesla Museum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump?wprov=sfla1

Professor Dinard   Fun fact of the day. Did you guys know trump's uncle was a top physicist? Pretty cool. Not saying its linked to anything but it's still pretty cool

Dave  Zig Iraq is preparing a plan to join the World Trade Organization in early 2021

Dave  WTO   27 November 2020 08:33 PM  Mubasher: The Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced today, Friday, the preparation of a plan to join the World Trade Organization, stressing that the accession will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities.

The ministry told the Iraqi News Agency, “INA”, today, that it has prepared a plan to join the World Trade Organization, which is represented by the restructuring of the National Committee on accession, as well as the sub-committees emanating from it, to complete the accession files, as well as to expedite the legislation of laws, and prepare draft laws related to the organization’s agreements. .

She explained that the draft laws such as the National Product Protection Law, the Consumer Protection Law, the Competition and Monopoly Prevention Law, and the Customs Tariff Law.

She added that joining the organization has positive repercussions in the long run, as Iraq may not directly reap its fruits, but there will be a strong, integrated Iraqi economy capable of competing with the economies of the member states of the organization in general, and the economies of neighboring countries in particular.

She added that accession would allow Iraq to enter into fair competition for goods and services with other member states.

She emphasized that this measure will contribute to increasing national production and providing job opportunities for the unemployed, and thus there will be a noticeable increase in per capita income and total output.

She indicated that the Ministry is coordinating with all ministries and private sector entities to complete the files of accession, represented by the completion of the legislative implementation plan, which includes Iraqi laws and draft laws that affect directly and indirectly in economic activities, and a preliminary draft of this plan has been completed. .


Dave   WTO.....need a Globally traded currency for that?????

NORV   Planning and doing are two separate things. Iraq has nothing to export. Until they have a private sector the WTO is meaningless.

Dave  pretty much!

NORV   :Pool:float

Dave   NOT happening until private sector opens up........imo

Dave   Govt can say as they wish......up to CBI

Dave   UNAMI sure spending alot of time on Iraq

Dave   art 140 still a no go........nor has has Iraqs debit to Kuwait been paid yet

Dave   RV tomorrow :Happier:

Zig   Dave : Thanks, Dave...we'll soon be filthy rich.... :Yes:

Dave   SOON!

Zig  I think so...

Dave  Art 140 HCL private banking laws, Federal court laws Kuwait getting 2,4 billion usd.....ASN!!!

Zig  I think they want to do it by Christmas to boost the economy....as Gurus have been saying....

Dave  Merry Xmas......

Zig   Trump will take credit for it as he prepares for a 2024 run....

Zig  Dave : Hasn't @NORV AKA @Kaperoni been a perfect gentleman here lately??....Kind of shocking!

Dave   agree with much of what he states........Iraq has accomplished SQUAT.....

Dave  Trudeau...getting the gears for most likely not being to roll out the vaccine until March/Aprilish.... a cornucopia of 5-6 different ones..... Ironically know nobody that chooses to be the first in line for that?

Zig   @TWW Tell us what you know...your inside secrets....we have ways to make you talk....lol....

TWW   Zig shishhhhh, nobody kno's but the shadow...im out of town with sealed lips for a bit, dinner break is abt over

Zig   TWW :  :Think: You must be some kind of secret agent...on a secret mission..

Zig    sheila : How come you stopped posting @Jeff video links?.....Just curious.....

sheila   Zig    posted to introduce people to his viewpoint. if they wanted more, they can search youtube themselves.

Zig   sheila : Okay...up to you...

Zig   I do not like mentioning something and then not tell you what I am referencing...Jeff was here for a while by another name....you may know him as Dinar Investor...If you have interest in taking a look at his videos regarding his thoughts about this investment go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_hv6JGHCdoh6Z-mN2-Nvw/videos

Zig   Remember that anyone may post videos so you will find all kinds of opinions out there regarding this investment, etc....IMO nobody knows what will happen in the future with this.....

Zig ...I do ! We'll wait...

Zig:  Refferals Will now be the only way we acquire new members...Only registered members who have been "activated" will have access and be able to post...If you would like to refer someone simply ask him/her to register, and make sure you know the username being registered...then simply address me in chat, writing that you have a referral, but please don't post the username...Once I see that someone new has registered I will ask you if that is your referral, then will activate them, etc....If you know someone here and wish to be an active member, I suggest that you contact him/her and ask to be referred...... :coffee: ......All Referrals are thoroughly vetted

Zig   The Chat Room will remain this way....I will no longer unlock it from time to time so anyone may post as a guest, etc....This way works best for me for various reasons...I do hope our current members refer others....if you would like to be a member here and recognize someone here, just contact them for a referral...

Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday Morning 11-28-2020


More Iraqi News Friday PM 11-27-20