Why The Dollar is Now Backed by "Faith" - Lynette Zang and Taylor Kenny
Why The Dollar is Now Backed by "Faith" - Lynette Introduces Taylor Kenney to ITM!
Lynette Zang: 7-8-2023
Have a very special announcement. We have Taylor Kenny here with us today. She's our new addition and she we're super excited. I am so excited. Taylor really brings another, I think, layer and other elements that are going to be beneficial for all of our viewers.
Once I started digging into the history of gold, the U.S. dollar today, then I started seeing central banking, digital currency, everything that's coming.
It just made me realize the lack of faith that I have in the U.S. dollar. And that is what really stood out to me and how people need to be aware.
You just gave me chills because is it because that's true? And when I get the chills. Yeah.