"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 8-10-2023


CandyKisses:  Dozens Of Iraqi Airways Pilots Go On Strike

A concerned source reported on Thursday the strike of dozens of pilots in the Iraqi Airways Company.

The source said in a statement to the agency "Earth News", that "dozens of Iraqi Airways pilots went on strike, to demand an increase in financial dues, which caused the suspension of the cancellation of a number of domestic flights."

CandyKisses:  US refuses to exempt Iraq from sanctions restrictions on Russia

Economy News _ Baghdad

The head of the State Department's press service, Matthew Miller, said that the United States will continue to implement sanctions against Russia, and there are no changes in this policy.

Miller answered in the negative to a question about exempting Iraq from the restrictions imposed so that it can make payments due to Russian companies within the framework of the existing cooperation between the two sides.

"We continue to apply all sanctions against Russia, and there are no changes in policy related to Iraq and Russia," he said. "We will continue to impose restrictions on Russia to reduce its revenues from the oil and gas sector."

In addition, Miller attributed to Russia allegations of "exploiting other countries' dependence on Russian energy to exert their influence," and then added, "No, we will not change our sanctions."

Asked if Washington intended to impose restrictions on Iraq for its cooperation with Russian companies, Miller noted that "the United States will continue to implement all sanctions. But I won't talk about any specific action here


CandyKisses:  Government directive to speed up procedures for obtaining approvals for investment projects

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Today, Thursday (August 10, 2023), the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Haider Muhammad Makiya, discussed the procedures for activating the powers of representatives of the single window departments and departments and investor services in ministries and government institutions.

And the authority's media stated in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "the president of the national commission stressed, during his presidency of the meeting, in the presence of the Director General of the Single Window and Investor Services Department in the commission, Zuhair Shaker, and the participation of representatives and authorized persons of the sectoral authorities in the investment and window departments in ministries and other institutions, the need to speed up procedures related to obtaining approvals for investment projects and simplifying them in front of companies and investors and in accordance with the governing laws.

According to the statement, the Chairman of the Authority explained, "The mechanisms to address the challenges and problems facing the investment sector, especially those related to granting approvals from the sectoral bodies that own the land, including adherence to the legal paragraphs and materials that control the administrative path and the fundamentalist contexts for obtaining approvals within the specified time periods and as stated in Article (20). Secondly, a) of Investment Law No. (13) of 2006, as amended.

And he indicated, "Article (20) is clear and stipulates that the National Investment Commission, through the single window, shall approach the sectoral authorities through their authorized representatives regarding obtaining their approval on the investment project, and those authorities must issue their decision of approval or rejection or a request for amendment within a period of (15) fifteen years. days from the date of its notification, and the representative of the government agencies is obligated to obtain the answer within that period, and the failure to respond from the authority from which the opinion is requested during the above period is considered approval, and in the event of refusal, it must be reasoned.

The Chairman of the Commission continued, "Investment is a vital tributary for financing the budgets of developed countries, and we are working to establish the elements of an attractive and ideal environment for investment in Iraq through facilitated procedures in accordance with modern and automated systems and initiating strategic steps towards vital projects in various sectors at the level of the capital, Baghdad, and all governorates."

For his part, the Director General of the Window and Investor Services Department, Zuhair Shaker, confirmed that "his department is keen on continuous communication with the authorized persons in the various sectoral authorities to discuss the challenges and problems facing the procedures within the limits of observing the legal period, non-delay, and the nature of the problem that prevents the approval or response of the sectoral authority."

Mot:  ... HUH!! -- No Idea What YOu Mean?? Noooooopppers.. Not me

Mot:  .. did You Lose ur Cat!!!??? -- Found um I dids!! ~~~~


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