Tracking the Global Shift of Gold as the East Prepares for a Global Currency Reset (GCR): Awake-In-3D

Tracking the Global Shift of Gold as the East Prepares for a Global Currency Reset (GCR)

On October 16, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR, Fiat Debt System Collapse

A Golden Eastern Shift is Hitting the Fan of the West

Throughout the on-goings of global finance and geopolitics, a tectonic shift is quietly unfolding. As the global shift of gold continues moving from West to East, it becomes obvious that the world’s economic order is also shifting in preparation for an impending financial system reset.

At its core, this narrative focuses on the discerning movements within the international monetary landscape, hinting at the logical conclusion of the global fiat currency debt system.

“This transference of gold holdings and trade practices is a direct consequence of an inescapable truth: the global fiat currency debt system, which has underpinned the financial structure for decades, is nearing the point of a credit market freeze and collapse.”

Regions and countries outside the Western-allied nations are keenly aware that the 50-year-old, but increasingly fragile, global fiat currency experiment is teetering on the brink of a debt-fueled implosion.

This shift underscores a remarkable global preparation for an impending global currency reset (GCR), poised to realign the very fundamentals of the current global financial structure.

The Global Shift of Gold: Key Facts and Figures

  • Central banks bought a record-breaking 1,136 tons of gold in 2022, the highest in over 70 years.

  • In the first half of 2023, central banks increased their gold reserves by 378 tons, surpassing the previous half-year record from 2019.

  • China was the leading purchaser of gold, followed by Singapore, Poland, India, and the Czech Republic.

  • Central banks outside Western nations significantly contributed to the growing trend of gold purchases.

  • Gold prices surged in various non-Western currencies in 2023, including a 14.6% increase in Indian rupees, 18.0% in Chinese renminbi, 34.3% in Russian rubles, 22.1% in South African rand, and 114.0% in Turkish lira.

  • The BRICS nations have been reducing their holdings of soaring US government debt, with the BRICS’ share declining from 10.4% to 4.1% since January 2012.

  • The East, notably China, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia, is expanding its gold trading infrastructure to create alternatives to Western-dominated gold trading centers.

  • Countries like China and Russia have positioned themselves as top gold producers, ranking among the world’s top three for years.

  • Russian gold exports to China have surged significantly since mid-2022, indicating a structural shortage of gold in the Chinese market.

  • Chinese refineries on the LBMA’s Good Delivery List have increased from six to thirteen since 2009.

  • The number of regular (full) members of the LBMA from China has grown from one to seven in just 15 years.

  • India has established a trading infrastructure for gold futures contracts on the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX) and the India International Bullion Exchange (IIBX) for trading spot gold contracts.

  • Moscow is developing a new infrastructure for precious metals trading, independent of Western institutions, to establish a Moscow World Standard (MWS) for precious metals trading, a Moscow International Precious Metals Exchange, and a new gold price fixing system.

Shifting Balances: The Old and New World Order

The Western nations have long held the reins of global economic influence, effectively commanding international monetary policies and dominating currency markets.

However, the discernible global shift of gold from West to East is more than just the physical transfer of a precious metal—it signifies a profound global realignment.

Purchases of gold moving through the SCO now dominate Western markets. Source: World Gold Council, Incrementum AG

This transference of gold holdings and trade practices is a direct consequence of an inescapable truth: the global fiat currency debt system, which has underpinned the financial structure for decades, is nearing the point of a credit market freeze and collapse.

In 2022, central banks around the world, especially in non-Western countries, bought a remarkable 1,136 tons of gold—the largest recorded gold purchases by central banks in over 70 years.

This trend in the global shift of gold is not slowing down; during the first half of 2023, central banks increased their gold reserves by a staggering 378 tons. What’s even more striking is that the majority of these purchases came from countries in the East.

China led the way, followed by Singapore, Poland, India, and the Czech Republic. This move is significant, as it marks a shift in the center of gravity of gold ownership and underscores the East’s deepening interest in the precious metal.

“The evidence for a financial system transformation is rapidly taking shape, poised to transition from fiat currencies to an alternative financial system backed by tangible assets.”

With the formal introduction of these regions and alliances, and their resolute stance to safeguard their wealth and economic interests, the stage is set for a monumental transformation of the global financial system. This paradigm shift, underscored by the shifting sands of gold ownership, serves as a tangible harbinger of a new era—ushering in a post-fiat, asset-backed financial world.

What This Global Shift of Gold Means

As gold flows to regions outside the Western-allied nations, the world witnesses a tangible shift in the global economic order.

The evidence for a financial system transformation is rapidly taking shape, poised to transition from fiat currencies to an alternative financial system backed by tangible assets.

The proactive steps taken by Eastern nations and alliances are a reflection of their profound awareness that the financial landscape is teetering on the brink of a substantial reset, rendering the ongoing paradigm obsolete.

The East, both resolute and informed, appears to be standing at the leading edge of this transformative process, heralding a global currency reset (GCR) that not only promises a more robust and resilient financial future, but also signifies the logical conclusion of the fading fiat currency experiment.

The age-old verity that “a global shift of gold moving from the West to the East” encapsulates a world in flux, cognizant of the imminent financial reset, and earnestly preparing for the world beyond the fiat debt system.

The new financial system will pivot on tangible assets like gold as an integral component of a post-global fiat currency debt structure.

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