"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 8-9-2023


Tishwash:  The tripartite budget enters into force.. Calls to monitor the exchange doors and prevent their electoral exploitation

After the tripartite budget enters into force, the parliamentary circles stress the need to intensify governmental and parliamentary efforts at the gates of its disbursement to preserve its huge funds.

After a long-awaited period, the tripartite budget enters into force after its instructions were published in the Official Gazette.. with an unprecedentedly huge financial ceiling, which made the parliamentary circles warn against exploiting their funds, especially with the approaching local elections.

Parliament's role in monitoring the expenditures will begin after the end of the task of legislating the budget law. Representatives also refuse to allow budget funds to be subject to partisan division.  link

CandyKisses:  Political analyst: The oil and gas law is a game between Baghdad and Erbil to pass agreements

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Dr. Qahtan Al-Khafaji, Vice Chairman of the Political Science Committee at the Iraqi Forum for Elites and Competencies, stressed that the proposed mechanisms for managing oil and gas, whether by Baghdad or Erbil after 2003, are different and contrary to the rules of the systems adopted in the international systems.

A press interview said that "after 2003, the situation on the ground changed, and mechanisms were proposed by Baghdad and other Kurdish to manage the oil of Iraq and the region, and all of these proposals are basically different and contrary to the rules of the systems adopted in the global systems."

He added: "In all countries of the world, we always find natural and financial resources, the army, borders and foreign affairs are the business of the federal and central government, and this is applied in America, Switzerland and Brazil, which are federal countries, but the situation of Iraq is completely different, what has been going on for years is the process of dividing and sharing imports between political blocs, and these political blocs are basically not independent of themselves, but linked to an external force."

The deputy chairman of the Political Science Committee pointed out that what is happening today about the Iraqi government's preparation of a new oil and gas law in the country is mainly a process of procrastination, dilution and distribution of the collective effectiveness of the various Iraqi capabilities.

"The issue of oil and gas is a thorny, long and complex issue, even in light of a political-trade process, and I think it will take a long time, because there are many opinions within the political process that do not see the new proposals as a sound way to serve Iraq, in addition to the effective popular rejection," al-Khafaji said.

The deputy head of the Political Science Committee pointed out that "talking about a new oil law is a government game for the purpose of escaping responsibility, because decisions within the corridors of parliament often take long, thorny and complex procedures, in addition to the fact that moving in this direction is a process of escaping forward and leaving the matter, and this move is no more than a political maneuver by the official authorities in the state."

Al-Khafaji concluded by saying: "The legislation of a new gas and oil law that disperses the central administration of oil and gas or any Iraqi natural resources is outside logic and outside all the functions of the adopted fundamentalist state, whether in central states or federal states."


Tishwash:  The dollar burdens the concerns of the Iraqis.. The continuation of the American economy conspiracy

Dollar prices recorded a record high after a modest decline under US pressure on Iraqi banks and the government, which turned the currency crisis into a nightmare haunting the Iraqis.

According to the local stock exchange, the category of one hundred dollars exceeded 155 thousand Iraqi dinars, with the difference between buying and selling.

For her part, Ibtisam al-Hilali, a member of the Fatah Alliance, accused the American side of provoking international and domestic crises for the Iraqi government.

Al-Hilali said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, "The United States of America insists on pursuing an aggressive policy towards Baghdad because of its rapprochement with all neighboring countries and its playing the most prominent role in the region."

She added, "Provoking the border crisis with Kuwait, playing on the electricity crisis, and fueling the street against the government of Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, in conjunction with the escalation and imposing a blockade on Iraqi banks, are all evidence of America's involvement in internal affairs."

 Sterile Iraqi measures

In addition, a member of the House of Representatives, Kazem Al-Toki, considered that the measures taken by the Central Bank did not withstand the decisions of the US Treasury regarding the dollar, while stressing that Washington imposed many financial policies on the Central Bank.

Al-Touki said, in an interview with the information agency, that "the widening of the dollar exchange rate gap between the parallel and official rate is greater than the central bank's measures," adding that "the sanctions that the US Treasury continues to impose will not allow the dollar's exchange rates to stabilize in the local markets."

And he continued, "The Central Bank did not succeed in limiting the rise in dollar prices in the local markets compared to the official price that it adopts," noting that "the United States of America imposed many financial policies on the Central Bank."

Reasons for the rise of the green currency

 In addition, the economic expert, Saleh Al-Hashemi, attributed the continued rise in the exchange rates of the dollar in the local markets to the increasing demand for the dollar, while stressing that the central bank had not succeeded in controlling the dollar crisis despite the many measures it had taken.

Al-Hashemi said, in an interview with the information agency, that "there are major violations in government and private banks and exchange offices in supplying dollars to citizens," noting that "the central bank must circulate outlets selling dollars in all branches of its government banks to weaken the strength of demand in the markets." 

And he continued, "The high wages that the citizen pays to government banks as a result of completing the transfers is one of the main reasons that contributed to his orientation to the informal private money exchange," pointing out that "the huge monthly transfers made by officials outside Iraq exacerbated the current dollar crisis."

Regarding the reasons for the continuation of the exchange rate crisis, Al-Hashemi explains, "The Central Bank did not succeed in controlling the crisis of the widening gap between the parallel rate and the official rate, despite the many measures it took as a result of the lack of transparency in the administrative and financial work mechanism." link

Mot: .... Happy International Cat Day!

Mot . but who is acounting!!??? 


What Is the Banking Crisis of 2023? Is It Over?


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 8-9-2023