"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 4-27-2023


Tishwash:  Next week .. the launch of a new experience in the world of government and private banking

Next week, financial inclusion activities will start under the auspices of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks.

The banking sector is preparing to participate in the activities of the Financial Inclusion Week, to be launched next week, under the auspices of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks.

Many governmental and private banks participate in the events, which showcase banking services to customers, the use of electronic payment tools, pos devices, and the culture of electronic payment, which the government seeks to generalize the experience to all private and public sector institutions.   link

CandyKisses:  Iraq disrupts official working hours on Monday on Labor Day

Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani directed to disrupt official working hours on the first Monday of next May in conjunction with International Labor Day.

This came in a brief statement issued by his media office and received to Shafaq News.

May 1 marks International Workers’ Day, an occasion that the world’s workers celebrate and demand their rights.

The story of International Labor Day began in Australia, where workers began to go out in demonstrations on April 21, 1856 to demand that 8 hours a day be set for work, followed by demonstrations every year of that day in order to fulfill their demand.

On May 1, 1886, more than 340,000 Americans announced the departure of work and the strike, and workers' protests came under the attack of police forces on May 4 in the city of Haymarket, resulting in the loss of many workers' lives.

In 1889, the World Workers' Congress was held, 400 delegates attended this conference, and a decision was made to set 8 hours a day to work.

The conference approved the proposal of the representative of the workers of the French city of Bordeaux La Vigne to designate May 1 as International Workers' Day, and the celebration of this day began from 1890 to the present day.

This day has become part of the culture of all countries of the world.


CandyKisses:  Al-Alaq and the Minister of Finance put Al-Sudani in the latest developments in the file "digitization of salaries and government spending"

Baghdad - Iraq today:

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani chaired a meeting of the Committee for the Localization of Salaries and the Unified Treasury Account, in the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister's advisers, the general directors of Al-Rafidain, Al-Rasheed and Iraqi Trade Banks, and a representative of the Federal Financial Supervision Office.

During the meeting, according to a statement by his media office, Al-Sudani listened to "a briefing by the Minister of Finance on the ministry's procedures regarding the unified public treasury system, the progress of the process of localizing the salaries of state employees, and the procedures related to the application of the electronic payment points system (POS)."

"The delay in implementing the unified treasury account over the past years has caused many cases of corruption and abuse of public funds, the latest of which was the crime of stealing tax guarantee funds (theft of the century)," al-Sudani said.

He stressed "the need to address the matter by applying the unified treasury system to reduce corruption, pointing out that the continuation of the current situation makes the state unaware of the amount of its balances and accounts or the number of its employees."

The prime minister stressed that "anyone who works to obstruct this project is a contributor to covering up corruption."

Al-Sudani directed "to speed up the preparation of new standards, including the largest number of electronic payment companies, which number about 16 companies, and to contract with companies that provide better services at a lower cost."

He also directed "the formation of a committee of representatives of ministries, governorates and government banks to install electronic payment points (POS) in all institutions, and to use international experiences and foreign expertise to support the project and encourage citizens to adopt it and deal financially through it."


Tishwash:  The workers of the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors announce a strike for three demands

"Tansueh Irani" newspaper shed light on the coordinated protests and strikes carried out by workers in the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors in Iran, and said that given the conditions and problems that these workers were suffering from, the occurrence of these strikes was expected.  

 The newspaper interviewed the representative of the workers in the Supreme Council of Labor, Ali Kadkhadai, who criticized the government's policies towards the segment of workers who endure harsh conditions to continue working, and are deprived of many benefits and rights due to the intransigence of officials in changing their working conditions and promoting them from temporary workers and short contracts. Term to permanent and official workers.  

"The recent strikes in the gas, oil and petrochemical sector are the result of Al-Awja's policies by the government," Kadkhadai added.  

Regarding the workers' basic demands, Kadkhadai said that the workers' demands are summarized in 3 main axes: job security, livelihood, and allowing the formation of trade unions and federations that demand their rights and make their voices heard.   link

Mot:  ..... Ya ba dab ba doooooo 

Mot:  .... Hurry! -- the 2023 Models have Arrived!!


What Happens To Your 401(k) When You Get Laid Off?


Judy, MilitiaMan and more......Thursday AM 4-27-2023