Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 10-28-2021

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 10/28/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: I will tell you what I can tonight……Bond redemptions are taking longer than expected. Expect them to go on for another day or two. They had expected to wind up late tonight/early tomorrow. I am hearing that more days will be required.

MZ: Don’t know if there was a hiccup or a hitch…..but things still seem to be well underway. This juggernaut is rolling down the hill and rolling our way.

MZ: I have reached out to contacts in Iraq today to find out if contractors were able to free up dollars…but unfortunantly it was too late in the day…I did not get an answer yet. I hope to have an answer to you by tomorrow morning.

MZ: Nothing negative today except bonds will be taking a few days longer than expected.

MZ: I don’t see any movement in tier 3 yet. I did reach out to some Indian Nation contacts. They have not received any dollars yet. We didn’t really expect them to until hours before tier 4 goes. This is 4a SKR’s and our numbers or emails to make exchange appointments.

MZ: So that is your RV/GCR news for tonight.  I will keep sharing what I can until I am under a formal NDA. There are some things I won’t share because of the verbal NDAs or warnings.

Member:  mark - can you confirm on what Isaac said this afternoon- that everyone done until next Tuesday at the earliest now. if so what went wrong

Member:  Always Tuesday we hear this week and then Thursday oops sorry not till next week. So weary of the waiting.

Member:  I heard the biggest hold up has been the 3.5 Trillion dollar bill. The main problem has been that they are trying to tax an event that is non-taxable.

Member:  I heard tomorrow. Evergrande crashes and kicks it all off

Member:  Evergrande's next bond payment deadline is tomorrow. They owe $45 million.

Member:  Ed suggesting we still are on track before nov 1st and within 72 hrs window

Member:   Checking every Dinar Recaps emails with fingers crossed hoping to see the link for those 800's numbers

Member: Simon Parkes has said twice that they are paying $8000 per million dinar . What say yoou Mark??

MZ: I have no doubts that some are paying that…We have seen this…..taking advantage of desperate people who really need the money. They know they will get a lot more than that soon. Someone is taking advantage of some who are hurting, desperate or just want to get out of it all.

MZ: When we hear they are doing clean ups in Reno ect…….they are trying to catch those doing this. I do not believe this is the rates we will get when we cross that finish line.

MZ: Reno is very quiet. They are all waiting on enough bonds to be done so they can start tier 3

Member: Are we looking at another few weeks then?

MZ: I do not think we are looking at another few weeks . The goal is to start unleashing Nesara on the 3rd or 4th of Nov.

MZ: I am also hearing we should see a tremendous amount of disclosure starting in November.

Member: Disclosure without justice means nothing.

Member: 98% of ALLL government in America will be gone due to treason & other crimes. Once NESARA is announced in 120 days we have new elections

Member: Really looking forward to that.

Member:  Thanks Mark for sharing what you can….we appreciate you.

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est……..



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