Thoughts From Fleming Monday PM 3-28-2022

Fleming Monday Update

April 1st is the culminating point for every trade deal around the world, when all will be trading with new asset-backed currency under a new QFS.

China is taking five days to allow the System to Shift everywhere to new currencies. This is what “platforms” all over the world wait on, true asset-backed currency, with a solid value determined by the gold that backs it, not some fake paper created by fake governments run by duplicitous, self-serving politicians, proven to be guilty of corrupt and violent, criminal acts by every standard, all over the world. 

The term “platform” is used for everyone of the master trusts, streaming money downline – for every Prosperity Package, Farm Claims, CMKX, etc., and for all SKR – safe keeping receipts, assigned for any asset that has been traded.

All government bonds that were traded have been traded on a “platform” which for purposes of this discussion hold the infrastructure and guarantees to make this paper valuable. These guarantees have always been gold.

This is also why the “gold-backed-currency” is so important.

The Agreement provided by this guarantee on every trade, required repayment for their lien of asset, to always and only be with GOLD. This is what has held up the world.

This little fact is the reason no money has been released anywhere. The fiat dollar – the Euro, both had to go and legitimate, irrevocable, verified hard assets, had to be delivered in kind or no proceeds released anywhere. 

 With the full release of USN, these “Accounts on Hold” and “Assets on Account,” that number in the tens of thousands, are finally able to be released and spendable.

The distribution and notifications going out to all of the named principals (in Fines and Penalties), to any that participated in lawsuits brought against the US Treasury and other Tier 1 banks involved in withholding lawfully earned “money,” will begin in earnest. 

Contact for F&P will not be sent by email. Notifications for Fines and Penalties will be delivered by Special Courier. Although these deliveries started this weekend no money has been released – not until Tier 4 notifications start.

 It’s reasonable then, to believe that by Thursday, 3/31, everything has to be done. 

Email notifications with invitations to exchange/redeem are expected by Wednesday. 

The Fear Porn is predicting if it’s not war, it’s a cyber-attack that ends it all.... That’s just porn, and unsavory in any form. Best to recognize the demon-attack for exactly what it is, Fake News and nobody's buying it.

The last few days of this week are the last few days for markets everywhere to reallocate real money to the fiat - to prop up US Dollars to be able to exchange 1-1 USD-USN.

Recaps Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.


Early Tuesday AM Iraq News 3-29-22


Monday Evening Update With MarkZ 3-28-2022