Thoughts From DJ: "Conspiracy Theories" 4-15-2024

DJ:  DID YOU KNOW? Conspiracy Theories

Is the whole enigma of the GCR/RV/Historical Asset Redemption nothing more than a conspiracy theory? If so, to what end is it being spread?

Conspiracy theories can work both ways. It can be a theory of good things to come or a theory of nefarious plotting. At least I get the nefarious plotting concepts. It’s easy to see the end goal of spreading a conspiracy to maneuver people to your way of thinking, whatever that agenda may be. But conspiracy theories of “good things to come” appear to have no agenda other than benefits for all.

 Is it to keep the masses dwelling on the hope of a better future in order to distract us from the nefarious activities secretly manipulating our lives? Is there such a thing as a conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory?

The world hates the truth and all that share it, to the point that if you share truth you will eventually be hated by the world, if you’re not already. The small-minded and insecure of the world will always find somebody to hate. And with some equally dumb reason to hate them.

These are the people who treat confirmation bias as confirmation, rumor as research, and innuendo as proof. They falsely label ideas and behaviors unconnected to reality as a heroic search for truth while vilifying those who actually search for truth.

More information means less ignorance and a greater chance of rational and better decisions and not those based on illusion, hope, preconceived notions or perceptions. I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating. We want to love the idea that people are secretly working together to control and organize the world. It’s a “good” conspiracy theory. Or is it because we don’t like to face the fact that our world runs on a combination of chaos, incompetence and confusion? We would rather accept a conspiracy theory as fact rather than be vilified for seeking the truth.

The GCR/RV has a logical purpose. All you have to do is do the math. It’s not a want, it is a necessity. The structure and efficiency of the current global financial system no longer works. Everyone knows it. The GCR/RV is only one of many mechanisms formulated to fix it.

 What those other mechanisms are, who really knows. One can only speculate. But the fact is, it is the natural evolution of the ever growing financial needs of an ever growing world. Seek the truth, disregard conspiracy theories that have no rationale and try listening to people who’s biggest aspirations in life was to make it out of high school after two senior years.



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