The Secret to Becoming a Money Jedi and Unlocking Financial Independence

The Secret to Becoming a Money Jedi and Unlocking Financial Independence

May the Life Force be with You!

2. January 2023  Financial Imaginer

Do you want to be a Money Jedi? Of course you do! Who wouldn’t want to have the power to control their finances and achieve financial independence? In this blog post, we will discuss the secret to becoming a Money Jedi and unlocking your true financial potential. It all comes down to harnessing the life force!   Your focus determines your reality.  Qui-Gon Jinn

Ok, enough small talk, let’s dive right into it!

A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away stories were told about a group of people who managed to control their life force…

The Life Force

The life force is the “secret ingredient” to unlocking financial freedom. It’s an intangible energy that can be found in all things, including and especially in money.

In a way, money is your “lifetime” converted into some intangible and powerful thing at your disposal. Isn’t money some sort of “time pill”, compressed and ready to use whenever you need it?

If you are serious about becoming a money Jedi, you need to start recognizing the life force in anything around you!

Feel it.

It’s everywhere.

This isn’t just a lame portfolio of boring stocks, this is your freedom dividend fund.

This isn’t a Lamborghini, it’s half a lifetime of freedom being depreciated on the road.

This isn’t a relaxing five-star resort holiday, it’s one year less of work closer to retirement.

This isn’t a nice McMansion with 3,000 sqft, it’s two decades of unpleasant extra work – or if you rent it out it’s your fortress of freedom!

You see, young Padawan, one got to gain complete control over your life force!

You got to learn how to control and make use of it.

Do or do not. There is no try.   Master Yoda

By harnessing this power, you can gain complete control over your money and use it for your highest good: Time!

Becoming a Money Jedi requires dedication and practice but with the right guidance, anyone can do it!

Financial Independence is just 2 Parsecs Away!

 To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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