The Organic U.S. Constitution must be Revived in the Approaching Financial Reset (GCR): Awake-In-3D

The Organic U.S. Constitution must be Revived in the Approaching Financial Reset (GCR)

On December 2, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

 In Random Thoughts

Our debt and fiscal manipulation under the current fiat currency system is beyond fixing. The only way out is through a total financial system reset and replacement – and a revival of the organic U.S. Constitution.

I hope the reset brings back the monetary and fiscal responsibility as set out in the organic U.S. Constitution.

The wisdom of its framework are more financially relevant today than ever before.

The U.S. Constitution emphasizes the critical role of the citizenry – We the People – in valuing, accepting, upholding, and defending the Constitution’s sovereign, fiscal framework and rules.

The organic U.S. Constitution was meticulously crafted to safeguard against the abuse of government overspending that could lead the United States into financial bankruptcy.

Its design aimed to establish a fiscally responsible government with limited powers and prevent the erosion of individual liberties.

By enumerating a specific set of functions for the federal government to perform, the Constitution set clear boundaries.

It did not provide explicit authorization for the government to interfere in areas such as agriculture, housing, healthcare, energy, education, transportation, or retirement.

The framers of the Constitution never envisioned an expansive federal government involved in citizens’ economic affairs. They understood that a government’s powers must be confined to those specifically described in the Constitution itself.

They recognized that exceeding these boundaries would be an arbitrary stride towards out-of-control government.

They emphasized the importance of adhering strictly to the Constitution’s provisions and respecting its limitations.

It emphasizes the critical role of the citizenry – We the People – in valuing, accepting, upholding, and defending the Constitution’s monetary authority and rules.

To prevent government abuse of overspending and the resulting financial bankruptcy, we need to revive our moral, fiscal compass and embrace the principles of limited government enshrined in the Constitution.

We must recognize the inherent dangers of excessive debt and elect leaders who will dismantle unsustainable wealth-transfer programs.

Only through a Constitutional revival can we restore the vision of our founders and live as free individuals under a federal government that is solely focused on defending our lives, liberty, and property.

In essence, the U.S. Constitution serves as a framework for preventing government overspending and financial bankruptcy.

A framework that has been ignored and discarded for far too long.

It establishes clear limits on federal powers, emphasizes the importance of individual liberties, and relies on the moral commitment of the people to uphold its sovereign, fiscal principles.

By adhering to its provisions we can ensure a fiscally responsible government that safeguards our nation’s financial stability and secures our individual freedoms.

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