The Dollar Will Spike First, Then Collapse

The Dollar will Spike First, then Collapse

Heresy financial:  4-15-2023

Right now. Are you concerned about the stability of our banking and our financial system, or are you concerned about runaway inflation?

Now, most people would simply answer both, but these things are at odds with each other. The reason is that today we have a global financial system that is built on top of a giant foundation of hundreds of trillions of dollars in IOUs.

This is a chain of dollar IOUs where you have $1 that has been lent out over and repeatedly from one financial institution to the next.

And if one link in this chain breaks, the entire system fails.

And in this situation, that would mean the dollar could strengthen extremely quickly and significantly versus other assets, other currencies, and against goods and services.


0:00 Introduction

0:25 The Danger of a Broken Chain in the Financial System

1:13 Possible Scenarios if the Financial System Fails

2:05 The US Bank Situation

3:21 The Credit Drying Up and Commercial Real Estate Crisis

 5:28 The Risk Beyond US Banks

6:35 The Role of the Federal Reserve in Creating New Dollars

10:00 The Federal Reserve's Greatest Fear


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