Sierra (NZ) "Goosebumps and Tears" 12-5-19

"Goosebumps and Tears" by Sierra (NZ) - 12.5.19

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:56 PM EST on December 5, 2019

This video is the most profound heart-wrenching video I have watched in all my time of Q researching. It is also packed full of information about the Alliance Plan - all in a compact 5' 55" package. Note the time 5' 55".

It is such an important video, I have analyzed it in detail. I strongly urge you to watch it multiple times. And I defy you to get through it without weeping at some point...

The video opens with the sound of rain and a picture of President Trump under an umbrella. Was it raining on the day of JFK Senior's funeral? This image is followed by photos of JFK Senior's funeral, showing a nation in shock and deep mourning. There is the famous heart-breaking image of little JFK Junior saluting his father's coffin.

50": We see film footage of a happy relaxed JFK Senior playing with his family - nearly all water scenes, interestingly. Q has always said to watch the water.

1': There is a meme of JFK Sr shaking hands with President Trump, as if handing the mantle of responsibility to him. The meme features the words of the JFK Sr prayer that is spoken every morning in the Oval Room.

This image is immediately followed by a still photo of adult JFK Jr, solemnly looking down. Then we see black and white images of the Twin Towers on 9/11, ash everywhere, traumatized rescue workers.

This is followed by a picture of Donald Trump standing on a NYC street after 9/11. While this image is on the screen, the lyrics from the backing song rise to a crescendo...'I will send out an army, to find you in the middle of the darkness...' Goose bumps and tears. This moment in the video encapsulates the Alliance battle and the extraordinary bravery of one man.

1' 55": We see a photo of President Trump emerging from Air Force One at night, the light behind him. It's a powerful beautiful image.

3' 05" : Jerry Nadler during the scam impeachment says, 'The storm in which we find ourselves today was set in motion by President Trump.'

3' 11": There is the well-known video of President Trump and Melania in the Oval Room, surrounded by top US military, facing the press. POTUS says, 'Do you know what this represents? The calm before the storm.' A reporter asks, 'What storm, Mr President?' He responds, 'You'll find out'. Cue further goose bumps.

3' 42": We hear Gerald Butler's voice from the 'Law-Abiding Citizen' movie trailer - 'I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole f-ing diseased corrupt temple down on your head. It's going to be biblical.' This is followed by an image of President Trump with Jesus standing behind him, beautiful and profound.

4' 44": We see a Q drop that features a question from an Anon - 'When will we have the MOAB?' Those words flash on the screen four times. The words are immediately followed by a photo of Melania walking past the White House Christmas trees. Clear message? The MOAB will happen BEFORE Christmas. HOOAH!

There is a close-up of a White House Christmas tree, showing playing cards. The last card is blurred - the Trump card??

Then we see Melania in front of the model of the White House, opening the windows as if in an advent calendar. We see the numbers 23 and 45 circled in red. The number 23 represents 'PAIN IS COMING for the Deep State', and 45 represents POTUS. That meaning is crystal clear.

The next picture is poignant - it shows two White House Christmas trees, both decorated identically. The dates on the photos? 1961 and 2019. I believe this symbolizes Donald Trump finishing the job that JFK Sr was so tragically denied from doing - liberating humanity.

There are two final scenes in the video. One shows the White House model again, zooming in on what appears to be a model of the Golden Gate bridge. The phrase 'Red Bridge' has appeared several times in Q drops.

And the last scene is a meme of Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom, with California fires burning behind them.

It's also worth reading the comments below the video. There is a consensus that we may have the Big Reveal of JFK Jr before Christmas. He certainly features prominently throughout the video.

It is said that he appeared on a Christmas float last year in Dallas, heavily disguised as Santa Claus with his wife playing Mother Claus beside him. And last year there was a picture in Trump Tower of Santa with a hammer. Message? The hammer falls at Christmas. Not Christmas 2018 as many Anons believed - but Christmas 2019. Q often telegraphs one year ahead. Future proves the past.

Phew! So much information in such a short video. It's a powerhouse of intel. That's why I recommend that you watch it many times to get the full impact of the information.

The Alliance Victory show is now unfolding in spectacular real time for all to see. And let us hold the vision that JFK Jr is alive and will stand beside his good friend Donald Trump as we celebrate victory together.

As Q says, 'Enjoy the show'!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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