Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Moss and Sean Foo Wednesday 8-16-2023

Is this the end of fiat currency? - Robert Kiyosaki and Mark Moss


In this episode, Robert Kiyosaki and his guest, Mark Moss, delve into the importance of understanding history to predict the future.

They discuss the Medici family's role in creating the modern monetary system, the significance of sound money like the gold coin called the florin, and the current state of the global economy.

Both Robert and Mark express concerns about the US dollar, rising national debt, inflation, and the potential collapse of the dollar.

They touch on topics such as capital controls, and the rise of central bank digital currencies.

Moss emphasizes the importance of understanding different asset categories and the role of Bitcoin in a changing financial landscape.

India Just BURIED The Dollar, Saudi Arabia Is Next

Sean Foo:  8-16-2023

India is starting to de-dollarize and they are burying the Petrodollar.

In a big move, they have bought 10 million barrels of oil from the UAE priced in the Rupee, not the US dollar.

This opens up the way for even more OPEC countries, including Saudi Arabia to set alight the fires of de-dollarization even further.

Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 India Dumps Dollars For Oil

2:11 The India UAE Deal

4:40 BRICS De-Dollarization Nightmare

 7:30 Saudi Arabia Next In Line

9:50 The Dollar's True Weakness

12:02 The Global Shift Is Here


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