Rich People Do These 4 Things to Stay Wealthy (& So Can You)

Rich People Do These 4 Things to Stay Wealthy (& So Can You)

Wola Odeniran, CEPF® Thu, August 3, 2023

Advisors often work with high-net-worth clients and are able to understand the expectations wealthy clients have about managing their finances. The good news is that some of those takeaways can be applied to clients who are not high-net-worth individuals.

Read on to understand four lessons advisors can take from high-net-worth clients – and how they can be applied to any client.

Almost Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

Estate-planning practices apply to every client, no matter their tax bracket, says Renee Fry, co-founder and CEO of Gentreo, a company that provides estate-planning document services.

“Financial advisors should take the example of their high-net-worth clients and apply estate-planning principles to all their customers, regardless of income bracket,” Fry says. “Every person has an estate, regardless of their income level, and thus, everyone should have a plan in place to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.”

Proper planning can help advisors build a bigger client base. “By doing so, advisors can help ensure their client’s financial security, build long-term trust and differentiate themselves from their competitors,” Fry says.

Outside Advice Is Valuable, Even When Clients Are Knowledgeable

Some clients may be titans of business or professional heavyweights, which has helped them benefit financially. “But that doesn’t mean that they know how to budget, how much insurance to have, how to invest or what to do with their wealth in terms of estate and charitable giving,” says Amy Jo Lauber, a certified financial planner and founder of Lauber Financial Planning.

Lauber also says that non-high-net-worth clients, especially those looking to improve their financial situation, often have more financial awareness than those who are wealthy.

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