Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sept. 8, 2019

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 8 2019

Compiled 8 Sept. 2019 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do your own research and decide whether or not it was valid. This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Judy Note: There has been no new intel since Friday Sept. 6. The Powers That Be have said that we could expect liquidity on Mon. Sept. 9. MarkZ’s Reno contacts felt that the 800#s could come out at any time and we would be able to exchange/redeem no later than Tues. Sept. 10, or Wed. Sept. 11. Others claimed sooner.

The beginning of Declass occurred when a report on former FBI Director James Comey was released 29 Aug. 2019. The FISA report would be released probably by mid-September.

A Sept. 30 deadline loomed for US Inc. to settle their international debts, the fiat US Dollar was then likely to crash, forcing a return to the Gold Standard, while the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service would close the door on their private ownership by the Queen’s Bank of London, Vatican Bank and Central Banks across the globe.

The Military was on High Alert with expected major political and economic changes, disclosures on and arrests of major figures, plus mass arrests, trials and tribunals worldwide through Dec. 2019.

B. Rumored Events:

Thurs. Aug. 29 2019: A report on former FBI Director James Comey was released – the beginning of Declass.

Fri. Aug. 30 2019: From Camp David Trump issued an Executive Order that established a National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee.

Sept. 2019: Market participants were betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system during the month of Sept, after which the IMF would announce a Global Gold Treaty calling on all countries to use the Gold Standard. The Military would on High Alert with expected major political and economic changes, disclosures on and arrests of major figures, plus mass arrests, trials and tribunals worldwide through Dec. 2019.

Wed. evening Sept. 4 2019: the RV became a go, again, after multiple boxes of counterfeit Zim Bonds used for international trading (not the bonds we held) were discovered in Asia, Europe and the Americas. As a result, hundreds of perpetrators were arrested from Sun. Sept. 1 through Fri. Sept. 6.

Mon. Sept. 9 2019: We would all go at once and could expect liquidity on Mon. Sept. 9.

Wed. Sept. 11 2019: was the Back Wall to set appointments for Zim redemption and completion of Private Currency Exchanges, while the general public could likely begin exchanging on that same date. All larger notes of revamping currencies were due off the street. Wed. Sept. 11 was also a possible deadline to announce the Restored Republic.

Sun. Sept. 15 2019: Anticipated that the FISA report would be released “probably by mid-September.”

Sat. Sept. 30 2019: End of the fiscal year. For some time US Taxpayer monies had been sent to the new US Treasury in Reno, though 30 Sept. officially ended the IRS. A U.S. corporate government’s international payments deadline loomed on 30 Sept. With a fiat Federal Reserve dollar and funding yet to be secured, bankruptcy was a likely event for the Federal Reserve.

Tues. Oct. 1 2019: General Dunford would step down after the Army Generals had secured the Republic. Zim Bond payouts would begin on Oct. 1.

Jan. 1 2020: A National Retail Sales Tax Code would become effective, replacing the bankrupt Federal Reserve and IRS tax system. A 17% tax was expected to be levied on new items only, with no tax on earnings, food or medicine. On July 3 President Trump had signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until Jan. 1 2020. Jan. 1 2020 was also the date for a reset of a Second Basket of foreign currencies.


C. WARNING on 800#s: When you call an 800# DO NOT give out the serial numbers of your currency or bonds, nor how much you had. The only thing the person or computer on the other end of the line would need to know was the zip code where you wanted to redeem/exchange and what you had (Zim, Dinar, Dong, etc.) so you could be directed to a Redemption Center in the proper area.


D. Release of 800#s: So we could have a firm grip on our appointment strategy prior to going in, important information on how to exchange and redeem for participants worldwide would be made available on certain websites authorized to publish the 800#s.

If you obtained your appointment through an 800# to exchange at a certified Redemption Center you would automatically receive the Contract Rates (with the exception of Zim holders, whose bonds were worth so much that Contract Rates were saved for others).

The 800# appointments for special Contract Rates would only be available for a short period of time. After that you would need to exchange at a regular bank at a rate appearing on the Forex at the time.

Private Exchanges for Contract Rates and Zim Redemption Center appointments would only be available until Wed. Sept. 11. After that the gold backed Zim Bond would still be as valuable, though you would need to make arrangements to redeem it.

Make sure any 800# you received through phone, email or otherwise was also present on these approved websites:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Calls:
MarkZ website:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday PM 9-8-19


"Sunday News" from Samson at KTFA 9-8-19