Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Jan. 23, 2020

Thank you Judy

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 23 2020

Compiled 23 Jan. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Q tweeted on Sun. 19 Jan, “The Shot Heard Around the World: The Great Awakening – A Week to Remember.”

MarkZ’s contacts in Zurich were looking for their accounts to be liquid late this evening Wed. 22 Jan, while he said that Paymasters in Hong Kong were not expecting liquidity until the next day on Thurs. 23 Jan. Redemption Center Staff remained on High Alert and expecting to work a long weekend.

Release of the 800#s for the Internet Tier4b Group (us) to set appointments was expected sometime between late Wed. 22 Jan. to Fri. Jan. 24 when the International Monetary Fund meetings in Davos, Switzerland adjourned, perhaps with announcement about 209 nations reverting to the Gold Standard.

IMF Manager Christine Legarde had previously expressed a need for the European Union to switch to a digital gold/ asset-backed system.

Sam Oliver just reported that right now in Davos IMF committees were developing new guidelines for global monetary policy that included digital and gold-backed currency.

 With the US Inc. scheduled for bankruptcy on 31 Jan. (that would likely lead to a Stock Market Crash in Feb.) sometime this week Legarde could announce that the IMF was returning to a gold/ asset-backed standard.

We were told that just an hour or so prior to liquidity release Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would be sending out over 400,000 emails to currency and bond holders, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem. That information would also be available on certain websites as named at the bottom of this Update.

Redemption Center Staff were told that upon liquidity release, they would be working 7 am to 11 pm for about 10-12 days. The Tier4b Internet Group (us) would have those 10-12 days to exchange at the higher Contract Rates, after which the General Public could exchange at regular banks, receiving the new, but lower, International Rates of exchange.

According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/ GESARA-required arrests would take place. Those political elites charged with Treason had to be arrested in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset. Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments -- Sorcha Faal


A. Jan. 22 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. Contacts in Hong Kong were expecting liquidity on Thurs. 23 Jan.

2. Contacts in Zurich Switzerland were expecting liquidity late evening today Wed. 22 Jan.

3. Redemption Center Staff have remained on call and were expecting to work a long weekend.

4. Sam Oliver: Committees at the IMF meetings in Davos were developing new guidelines for global monetary policy that included digital and gold-backed currency.


B. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Oregon Protective Services-Planned Parenthood Link to Court Ordered Abortions: Heather Hobbs, an advocate for parental rights, who exposed child human trafficking and a pro-life speaker, has uncovered a link between Oregon CPS and Planned Parenthood. The agencies appeared to be working together to take away children and then obtain court orders that forced their mothers to abort unborn babies in order to get their children back. (It’s a financial thing for Planned Parenthood. The US Taxpayer funded agency has been known to sell fetus body parts and even supply Satanic Covens with live fetuses and babies).

Nov. 18 2016 The Shocking Truth of Child Sex Trafficking, Huffington Post:

Pa. Women Drugged, Sex Trafficked:

D. Recent Global Currency Reset History:

Mon. 6 Jan: The Global Currency Reset formerly began with a test run of CMKX packages according to “Source,” an attorney, federal agent, Director of North American Treasury redemption and representative of the 27 Royal Chinese families who gave the Use Order of Funds and paid redemption to the American Indians, Royalty, purchase foundations platforms, beneficiaries, etc.

Sat. 18 Jan: The Sovereign Committee “Team of Twenty” returned home after funding 27 mega Paymaster accounts and setting a Value Day for release.

Tues. 21 Jan: Value Day – meaning liquidity to accounts could happen and notices to redeemers could be sent out at any moment.

As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed in Federal courts across the nation, most of which contained charges of pedophilia and Child Exploitation. It was said that 80% of the Democratic Congress (plus some Republicans) had been charged, some with major offenses such as Treason.

In Jan. 2019 secret trials and tribunals began and presently were ongoing at GITMO and in federal courts across the nation. With so many cases pending it was assumed that it would take at least two years or more to complete litigation. Of those 144,844 indictments, 16,818 were now unsealed (meaning indictments had been served, arrests made), with 1,843 served/ arrested during these past holidays.


E. 800#s – GCR Web Link Release:

Judy Note: It was my understanding that if you had Zim Bonds and a humanitarian project, your Zim rate would be determined on your costs of your project. It would be wise to type up a short outline of that project including your goals. Have an estimate of monies needed to accomplish those goals, the years you wished in your long term payout and your interim financial needs until your first quarterly payout was received.

If you did not have a specific humanitarian project you would be given a certain set rate on your Zim and opportunities to invest redemption monies in international humanitarian projects. Either way you could determine the amount of years you wished for your long term payout and be paid interest on the monies left at the bank during that payout.

At your exchange you could watch a 15 min. CD that would explain the exchange/redemption process before you began. If you held Zim expect to sign a 4 ½ page Non Disclosure Agreement. If you held both currencies and Zim expect that NDA to be 5 ½ pages. If you held currencies and no Zim, that NDA was expected to be around 1 ½ pages.

The rollout was said to be going West to East, starting in North America and then to Hong Kong, Zurich, Europe, etc. Each country had their own 800# or website code for use of currency exchangers/ bond redeemers that would be sent out by email, or found on certain websites below. Clicking on that web link on your computer or phone, would create your own unique signature to receive an exchange/ redemption appointment, along with exchange/ redemption information.

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:

F. Judy Note: I do not, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having opportunities to research and expose the truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse and pedophilia that was rampant in our international society and thereby contribute to efforts in Saving the Children.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown, to Brad who did great research and Ken who uncovered almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles


.“Now We See The Violence Inherent In The System”


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 1-23-2020